Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jul 1910, p. 14

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PMS six LAXE COtTNTY INT)EPENT)ENT. - WRTTIÂV JULY 22. 1Ç~lO. IN# FATE 0F ZION YOUTII YESTERJJAY iion City MuMician Déowns WhiIe Bathing. Nearly Drag- ging Rescuer Down Unable to Swim. Zion Youth Meets Watery Grave Was Member of Zion Band i* oi la \Vediesdaî s SUN î:lîîîeî liai tei l et îîiîg Zîî iuil the t cidîi if a ucoronier'-. it i l iu.d90- Wridht Presl4lng WhhtndepenIeilté Por»cêd to 'ACki' Judges Donnelly and Frost nowledg Dolait- but Loo 1 Snocks Out 'Plea - Attorney AdVites'Appea Important Decision Favors Vol-' European Investors Votes Net !vans But Indopendents Counted MII be Oasis of WiIl Fight on Leogal Flght (From Wdî-uiv'tSN Fî-om t>ednesdayýP Stin. YF.ieaîe-iav ai t elsidiere litdgem h nesd t rZo iyhl Wright.raosu.-i andît ost> -, decided Teiî .pndîi o i'riy et Zloi ttisîitî-iiiî sitt~thtiii îîî tti.IgalnI lit je Zî oi I -.1iieaid ,ti a tmias imeeting iast nigli for the itur- iiiii clli I hs dail i irte clîy ecoîtîtil tiuowaîrantu pro- lotte utfierfectinlî ans tri figiti the ri il(Wlïlg-inLaiMihianceedingis rîîîîîîg lit IîI oif Ato sa mle tif the asiate t Voliva and isiki t-aritietd taho w as abotîtîi gîtit-t-- George Filid w huit iteitturrer to the edtfaTleil>iecae Teauet ýear (i ag wa li bahingmiti I Ids. f eilliel or ireIndpenentla nom, initder corîsiteration lty ait ad. fCSi li ag vat ii iaihîtg55 iiia tteaof oiti ct îîu-lit lneînîîdîtv isoir ' î-îm itittea îonisting of iJuge îiuw utsîîiît fetots siitîîth h- 2 alermn vs sttutîlîedV.. v rmes, H. E. Rose.IH W. .tîdd,- w as ittabie t 5 i >tiltC itII tition aTheà three stdgesmast in band wlth i aftt li u-nlieu tiff att er teli Iicw ti-l ttidga Robert \V. Wiright preaading W.H it-1ht y antd oihera. ttat the taater w iii tt eîu ite. andtireileraiit tet-ý(isitîn whlch illwîî Attorney Alex Beaititin waa jpréenat we>ît iîitirthiýtiîniet- ietot e ittitit resuit In te oîîvîig of Aldermen J. and gave a restitu of the îirestenti sinking frnit iew. H. Sayres anti F E- Wettun ln case situation anti troligiy ativiiueti ai> Sp. Jaies Ta.tîîî saho atiiilulit iii the ittea laflot aineitii-t or an opi- ieal, The Iiidoentteits were foread restu it i ii w s driagged ttulerr ilat akeii. Eaî(t ot rite IIO défend.tu-taacknowtedgae Ir défera, butl have tetf foe nte I i e adth i i ,i -e , o il lîlt u nis w ere tt e iii feu nu ti a peai ne biais on w ii h they trotte Io av a i t î tî;g b ' ' , b d a i o d 8 f i x e d a i $ 2 u î l î ýa i t t tIeI g r a n t e d , ef tîntire Iuteaof ui lie.. oincs h iheI otainjd Ele onrieyiwoba en- by (filr li ati]a comdOr n apea II a udgnen ofIY rattirnetifront ait exied Eti Eîo- gd thH(ti te Ml s îhîîlîîg tOCnSr-. Lbor an appeatior të tatireeila jtfgMondu peutur(CftGrai ~îI ma oi tr hqd.bddatc-omft-tation for reprereiatîse ro Swl-ts invi--tars who iîîtd sticaktii'the cher lv repotrte(] Il, liai e heet ii uth ie Generai Asmbiy, Sth Seioriat district. Mr. Lynch ita aprominent I Is itot exîtectu-ul litai the intiepenil- nur îîîîîned suiti ili ai e uititeti u i leaFIademocrat and the aniy candidate from thiq county for the mînorîtylseait. H g alla wil give tit, iii.- Sght andi thea1 f erabuddilosn shai rcevesuong support arnd wîth the.ivoie aptît between 'wo andîae eoîcatiedo her atrasiottars wera îlt heard front ln lime ltrelue the îotiiig litait (.11tit 1i)i iîîî teoe cutîî s hîs chances ci sijccess are ~. lticg atg Ohv lei oe oî ted ii udgel Youngs . . _____________________________________________a___carriedtu thfle SpptteîSteorotor sOmeTila4IeOt Thisu t sconeMaret by- YouîgHataietiwa aimendîier tif li îtnutîttitt i tth, î'l.,cotinuti1 ui- ther tagai action talîich sit iee(i the thé epitendent la be amplte gruina the Ziait tandi lnwhicti <ilganilation CENSIJS 1IKERS ht i îîîtitil- iiieainir isefor au aîptpai fronî t Judge Lundîisîle., ha was a clarlîtet titaýer. Ha estlîulNO P ID YE iiii liliti atîneofiythethour.h n*peiidents n fic.ehl tri oisti the i-niI e litse Il là; ai 300--- iiboa avenuIe. tieitfcor ni titi iimilicil mei' are wîîrki5ig this Atruaya tenouk- tixtte onanti o.iasserteul ttînit thleswilî voi>-teiitiust 0urEdoail Conrîad tittitir ta»thitn li car. ai coiliiîg laIo ca l etanwend then ipicslit)tecampuuay othe tlie 5te, E. BaînandlIheinopteaactingcaseil la de- foeiru ftest 13iittnsiutt iii nSomne of the Lake County Cen- scent ; o isiîîîwa- iFicernei tile tu-i cid aot tota lka an apijiai the iii__________ foramaît of fine 4nrysus Enumrerators Have Not Il', of 11 i('ftu'lte eititttieiauitrt. tultudaendeuts vi 1fi ,llihase a mnajor- Aotiowe.aotm ot ReceIved Pay Checks Whliiituiittl i iattil w aile ttiiéliteiy In tIc I ciandth11e nexi -itit-Agout juw rider»s aho rtont uNrln TE MYWD ladoilue -,iills litretîi tsii ha aî ateniri 10 htti THS A E.Others are Pald ml earatnp c odaI h tr orn ____________etrion. Thia mn-ta on the part of théth îe courlir roke îiown aitithe sillagel Volvafacio wiltt(f Routitt.ii littie eari y ho ars of .4s. MrDoniad, Highilandi Partk .......ucityi Vlia acio w l ie strentiouatv -i i \'(neayFSun.) Biter. ,-.lite itrn. iîîqitiring where thay, Hannah .tîîargemreyer .............. i W 'ili- .iîîi liof i X.titWlkgii -11 standinîg l'itre tentince if a targefougît so that the presenti tentponrs- uti.onlil gel a htîre toconvey iheto1t Erwin C. (Klina, Wtest Allia, W ta ....t a ils latîci s hart--iieltht-tu u'as feattle li it tuiti ta utt Itasgow lire Vtctoc1 Y wtti rtcI s belin e rotin d liita NrhCiao ia iree lae .Csie......... fotb o.llll uitltge ittgs survet-ittof grau- hotlconteste,] legs! baille. Nnh(iao ia trceite .lre aeCiego................ f2q ttli 1tse Iii foi tr i he wiit ilev-Ail Kogli Ibmtîiii gui it'y ln ata M r. Carl Heck's place. Securing the liiehetc , rnrnd nri lieshursa t h evtot havin g niuch time toi Mames Baker,înei ititi 7thes"ietuoîtîtkiliuglittlie itutithtive Isome The local motor cycliste have tmw reach work they drove the horse lin- MaryMcinry-------------------ttl llaili îtiliatipnis itîfo thI- bilg jfunmih tise Setcisitdriver, organtzad andihava réeleived thir F.ltihcaeetauidatidoe Phlii Brandl, Jr.. Watkegan -i... 4 aitoola of gitierninentietulatete 0uc 1w uDJci nou ce .A«M araan! lriea edin thcameroa Si andha trotigli CharlsAt. ty --i>*inwtît ttiicStHitgrhuluittto tîigdoga? aunow enter any race bld rundr-0rcvriaaoit raucl lr han E. Hfrlca..H.g..a.d.Park.... lie soittetlities l a itIte tardy. Wh enreser ihey battk, ir" was the tle F. A. M. utes. Roy Yoem r h tdaj ec or the e ali0fl an b-se. MayE .bk--------2i The uts rchec-ksare routinge in a) dfratgttc ftced raII . - tha localo club.hof isbgrp. Ifot$ dô18 à~dho s IfItdôslot piease, you can - kêp I; tdirop us a fine andw wisend youback the price. cou 75ÇExtra Expres cha çes prepald' on 5 gallûnsm--can extra. UT CAN WBEIIAD 17OM PKEHNM'S STORE- DAUM BRO;S. SAULK B 15QS,- WILLIAMS' STORE E. F. FERRY'S FEED, BRACHER - . - Lake Zurich *Wauconda - Long Grove * - Antloch STORE, Zion City * Gurnee MacKenzio's Drug Store Wa.k.gan :- M -: Illinois M a- it-~- --s (-------------------------------. --s ~'---- i -- **~~-L.'-7 s. -Ï Iia l t4 vtu ' i uti lît u'ha -fîIt uif Siîrîiiit4 (tlttlis an4 Oxfuîrtim r vi <ither eas-t-', lu-a'tî lgîuîîî k ii 1ýbIinvtèWl 11(li. %tnif 'but îvh1f sou ,Itatd t! i :ii,'%)1%( ,t ;111 ft. 4'fuiatheanti slîuem .%yuîu want iblt-teîî-tflini4 agaitî, Pî-uuti'if f< atý,el- ( tii jjj-t-(-ý ~ <~~ I fît gutitis ltît îîu ice> vi l lttifsv- ittuîru-inti ig lijla ; 'it î- ifuiîtt avitte yuîi tii juaku' il ;rai-ti<-e (4 f itiillg su lte asiti' pi. tt>u. itii-e fîrf u ~t011I iîî * -1 t- Men*'SuitS - 4 4~iî ~S.444I t> ivii Y2.4I fmn. 4)iî20t 6. 75 l . i14.75 iiiq u iîlia t ' f 4 l ..îi it liî n l îl >i $1S.0 Su I i tt i-Iii i>' i i iiuf Marxli il il Wvl'. i ol>11 T \ v lî s. .i ii l ie ili um- -ql Xi it t 14 S 1 i 1 l thfr1.(-i t 1is f>i il 1ail 1Y, i 1 iln w T i ......... 14,75 ii.ku-ilts f tctffitti al 6.75J $18.00 .... Siui13.75 $1 .f)Sit I Knee Pant Suits 1 1 1 1 .0t- ' l u i s î l l t i l i i. t i - t . ii t i u f - t -t1 - i t I i - i t t titi-) S Iýur $7.00 $uitî, - fljjllKî,.Uil IJiI Si -t. Mlu a ........ t9 5 ........ 3.95 O>ur$4.00 S$îitfu - i- ...... . 2. 5.. ......3.00U B " 0i mm ( -I it ine s 1 i 1 F,î t 1tc . Il ii m54 tt tîI$34 .,go tîur.. .. . 95 i i n Wtn.îai> Vuenm Oxfuord in th e>ta>îis qýiIll fui -itin r i riu.tir u1».at iinitr lhis rf> i bi àti! oui. wefl kuîtwn toakes, aa I iii g-t li iutii itivinglprives. [lîîata, 'eî<nt, î ;i>NjliqtL ianud 'Tan(>fi-f, lliîjijs, Palte-nts andulIin f-a ftiis *4.44ft-af ii-s, go il t... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .44.5 .3.e25 .35 'n'i]1kN îutl' a t0-uIt s ai;Ii ùlilî MJelta 1 (lx fi w(ls, $3.0 atle', -2 .9 35-«e gou lt ...................................... 1.... Rrik-n lotstiof f ille'lTan 4 xfoiîils, Hîuîwî> 4 )'otti-uf, ,ltn litbliaîti ler fîuîtfs n 31eli (lx fuit-s, wvoî-îf $3.504ani $4.004, goi for.......... .................................. Oxfords= =Ladies ()lut Lolis i'Oxford# liies hùiý 41 reputtoia ille îî iifr-it alil wta g..Ing, eh'im nt lit , fr l -s and il i I f i y il lit IlieY qilg p if -.F O>ur xfîîrîlsiii bhick or tan fi-ai> -urs>4 î>k tu ~tan d-sfotrmerî.- ricu--i$4.004 nl d$.1.501.2 9 1 Ouîr Pinigru-v 4PMoîrdst, fainus fotr- fit, fî>uks, iafnd formrîîr ives>t.$3.544 adi$34444, -0 t.......... I'i-îreu- 'rlnMordstin ;ov7ulsrvi 2 3 W oI L3 0 , g i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al,1 tif ouiîîî$2.540Oxfuîrdi la ck îfî-k, fîî-îtiti, ani (tuut tiple-tiuli liit $2.50, 1guiiat .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . LLiJ Ste -c» COL ME Hui Mai Ne& btookst ping h If ha Plse-. Qe-orga rîgl d or WOi seinei t0 lau àf mal ("(-or wheîî teol loi be ait daysaa other i Tt) 1 Bath ileces .Hot followg The- bealth Tytit 'tir -j ý)ýAIR, COUNTY JUJLY' 22-1010. mon" .1 .; **Ww

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