Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jul 1910, p. 2

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NO H.CM gmu *s f the ua 8 molt a .nd delate? ' I Sot'sEw usion I PAL-ATINE Born. tri ir. and Mms. Louis lieuse, TuWeay. Juty 12, a son. Congratula- tions i stended. Mis. Anderaun aie Cra Jubingi visited triendo bers user Sunday. Mmr. Jeunette Johnson lafiiinî friende barestaIpresent. Mr. and Mm- Babcock w ill eoin iakf apiesaurs trip tui Manitoba. Judge C. S. Cutting and wife alled o friand@ bers recetly. Mm. C. 0. Tayloir is e rtruering nire]! from ber rsx'entaidn Mie@ Clara 'bies alwrd un rienda lierf racantty. Mr. and Miss P. ellrg ,'niértaiW. relatives triin C(biragittiver Sinitav. Ried ('ornbPouiltix alizesB, i,t foit for cicl.exo , x t lii l1,11,1 Lt ixîl it.u to WADSWRH A tant!,v reunlunsas tîclîl ai tntt homîîe ot i). Hageri,. Sundav A large t rtîs gatberedt tu >artaki (if therfine tinter whbflilî as seret axnl cxervnmiste ilS one ilf;leasruccaîîîdcoînîeîîlt. Tbe cru wd t vl svisin the tt rii îîghùopirm that ient yr a ii i ,ilgailî4c iiithe sanie place. The TriSte il t4inHuc tîrld a atlt i meeting mtact;.%xurdaiy. Quits a niunilrtatendeil the I ail gaile at Rontoul iast Sunday. Martin Lux mac a lVaubegan aller ou@e taythe past m xeek. 6. Lux antdt.u'î Lui îîîaîte a busieiss trilit triLake Foresat erp-i)t. 1ev. L Ftley lia. hait bis lboiuse rernodsleuiand bhm a itisresîlsnî'e nows itny tssd you want lu bîîy for tatI faeding se ne nosand getlattrdeliveiy. LIBESTYVILLE LutinEs Co. 40 tt 1 IVANHOE James Van Pieur. of Weatou. visitait relatives in this vivinits recently. The Fremont Toîwnsbip S. S. Conven- tion sili e held at this churchi uext Bnnday afternitin. tn the evenfing Misa Finger .111 go-e a Ntisiîîary address. We wiab tor a large atteudtnce at butb services. Miss (lna Ilerier, out Ixanaton, la viiting triande bers. (randma Newton and Mca, Les Ward and cildren are uisiing at ljreeuwood, it la reportedtihat Adamn Titus bas eoiti bis plamtu riJohn Wagner.' A large number ot the yiung peogle from bers attended the State C. E. Con- vention in Waukagan tact week. Fran.k Smith and tamîly base been aporidinir a taw days witb Waukegan - Tisit Notice Paeople o Ela township are notified tisat tisis tisslea muet be eut bators SJnIy 20. Heanry Weber, Thîstis, Coin- miusinster. .' N9t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IWAUCONDA DEPARTMENT j Correspondent and Agent, IM. E. MAIMAN Mr. aiid ire@.Walter Ex'arusonianîd furee 6datersanaid twu brothers and M ien s .,iîo tatueuin, of McHt(enry, vi-eloî'ated near ttluHncy. Stînin atter bs iccî a iiiiîhîtats ndi ssunited linimarriage tri Henry 1'. 3.Murray, oftbiago. vas a Lourtney niaking their honms on the Wsauî'îîida vusîtor 'lcietieday. hbinistead oni the lti wlere apent lier Mrs.W. ). l'etworh, f Mlleryeutîre lite. Ten citdren bltessed tbstr Mccie.tiVî-nthe omeiluhMrHtny, union, sigbt of wboiii grew to manbood Fulie isngateliîetf c Hiyand womanbood, iso boys baa'ing died O sue thîsweek.n their youtb. J Mca. tee Gilbert, of LLîberty ille. viîsted The dereased was a tauncb Romuan Waurýonda trienda aspt Friday. Cathotîr and brought ber suture famiuty *Auguat Hapke, Jr.,ut Waulasgaîîi. lenp in th>e taitb. She waa quite a rugged apending a tsw day in iîîr village- witii ioman despits hsr yearsunutit a tew a Mr. and 'srg. Geurge flapke. yeara ago when ber bealti began ru tait Mr. and Mis. Bert l)leiidurf aud soin, and the grini reaper raltsd lier tOi ber g ýidCiicagu, are s[endîug a Itowiîske eternat borne. vacatioin at tbebomue tif Mr. andt lr@. The tuneral sas hbel, troni the Trans- C. E. Jenks.1 figuration Cathulis rburcb on Suuiiay, Obituarv. july 10 ait 10 octork. Rev. Father Mnr. Elles Couîrtney. nof u Ucpii.iier BPirk.-uftieiatng and deiveing a sermon asetilfers passed awav at ber bomîe aboiut fulut consoation toi the bsreaved tour ratle@s iiuib oft ur villagerifeur tFox tamily. Tbe remaina were laid tu reat 'y rier at :i î'clurk a, a). Frffta'v, Jui > vt-. i hbe tamîly lt in the Cattiolîr csmetery at the advant-ed age of sveoîty-ne! ieside her Iiuaband wbodied a tew years re ars, ten îîontbs and tbree days. agit She leaves tu moursi ber touas tbree Ellen Knox touctriet- ashum n insous and tour danghters and niany Kittsun rleland. Wbile a vuung girl otber reative@ tîtoni sme cxttnd our @be raine tri Anierica w th ber tatner, eympatby. LOUIS J. YEOMAN1 THE OPTICIAN * DEERFILD L GAGE'S LAME MIrs , Go. V tiier. 'îIft liiagîî rîiýt' t Mie = 11c.îliti îîcr ut W relatives@tîcre last st-ct. vîtrd Miss t la liaîple thetrto h Eliîccand triniii nte r"turniel frt,îii wcck, Suuth Dakuta Suudîît îîuî ii. g "'iiil ux t t of tiîncinnatii , Liii Mc. and Mca. H. S. Fritsîb, ut Billîn aarîîved lires Tîîrsdaiý tu Ppend the suîîî mont ., are iitinig s tlî A. B.Murbihe iîixxtiIercee.Ma arîr and Itamlv. NIc. and Mis. Harry Kappte, ot Altîîî- iueri1ur ttNexiMexico. lira. Chas. Kapple Mite Roth tRIiilult l is iiing in t'.giii of Ohio,,and Mic and Mca NI. A. Kappîs, lilas Franeso Biedectaitt spent arvecal ot LaLe Villia, pent Sunday witb Mr. days W itti ber àistef, Imahel, în Highîlandt and lire. (jeu. Kapte. Park. Mcc liayiie îe apendîng a couple ut Herbert Bnebrîg, ut St. Louis ei weeks w th relatives in Libertyvîlle, viating bis ister, Mca F. Bosuld. Ntissm May Clelaîîd and Matia Babb, À tawn social 'aill ie beld at the boris ot Chicagot, ai-cctîxer Suiday vuxîlucix o! Mr. Whitney Friday evsninig. Cake xitb trieud e bes and ire rream will bli ered. Al conis. Wl 'ellf o h ot en@ The isse IdasudMabs Segrt rt iay to lîcy cattie. The iess Ia ad MbelSegrt eft (ro. Kapple sas calîrudlt u glesîde Munday jur a trip 10 Iowa. Mîiuday and tu Wi eeling Tuesday to Mrs. Asenitb Parions s@sPPeuding a adînattice lusses lor Itîe Mllbucn tueur- week in Cicago wîth ber su) ri -cd. aîîd aise Co. tarnily. T'he W. L',nverse tacm lias bt-en soIt ru tbe cundsnsiing tactory ut Orayelake. AIt paint nia, ltook aubke on the teal- arem shelves, tînt thsy begin to looîk sud art ditisrsntty tîn the bouse. Bradley & Vcouîîan paint la a pure, full value. full measuce paint and i wll xutwear anyotîber. as wcîl asloxîk ni, er, Suld lu, F. B. LoxiELi CONIIuuA't GURNEE Miseft Melvîie and Chasne, o u i.all, visitat atDr. Young@ Tueeday. Tisa Mulvey umedicîne show s witb us thia week. A diamont ring sil lise given tu the moat ppuîrar young lady Saturday nigbt. Willii Chandier ipeut Suday with trienda *in Chiciago. Mr. and Mmc. r'ed Zai bIen, uf Wanke- gan. Wers raller@ in town Tueaday From Special No, 2. Mic Citultot a avatualîle Young xix uc itîrse last weeh. Ms. sutdtIra. Owuey Hulenlech and daugite.r, Shirley, (it Hickory, vîitet relatives bers Snntay. H, J. Wrght waa tise gos-cl of Mt. and Mre. Keller, Tuestay. IcI. aut Mcc. Kalîcen. of Cirago, epent liast wesih at Citas. Wrugit's and Mi@. Triechel and Miss Buse rame out Satrcay ex enîng. al ratrcing Snnday avaning. Mreé. Ameeandutl.uiie and Pbla epent Tuaaday vîti Mrs. Taylor lu Waukagan. Ms. and Mms. Coker vase tisa guasis of relatives ln Libertyvilla, Suuday. Th'e Hawtsocu anti Wiii Styder familles @peout Sunday ai Walter Dunlapes. Miss Maggte James had a runjaway LibertqjviIIe News Ç( C. C. Bulkiey mas a 'Cîicago i isit )r M onda.y. Mca. Warren îî li il t'hiiagu cteiîur Wednestay. CitY ('teck (uirlttt *'as a C'hicagu viaitor Tiîesday. Miss Rosie Ki.urics xithlb tntnde anîd relatives in Mil sa,3k,,,. F'. P. Locke and ClareSmtîiart tranaact- ed business lu Chicaigo Tusday. Mise Kolb, ut Cii ago, sas a dinuer gust at F. P. Lunke'a Saturday. EIais Trsptow bas csturnsd trom Chicago, wbers she 'riaited ber eioter. Baturday heing esuhow day, itle expert- et that candidates wilI be bars in fuît torce. L.*J. Yeoman, Wsaukegan tester, optirlan and piano mai), sas bers Wed- nesday. Ex-Alderman tiochani, ut Waiikegan, sas bers Wedueaday, on bis way tri the Annuat Appropriatiorn Ordinance Nu. 206.. Anu rdînuiîie apctîpriattng ciii h cuin otr aunmeof utnonsdecuied nsî'eseary t'y the Presjident atI Board uit lrîîtees ot tbc Village ut Lilterixvi cuIr.tu defcaY ;1It nere@sary expeMnscanduitlia)ilitiec Ofthte tiait village ut Lil,ýtrnîxiille toc aid turing tbs flscal 'trac eitîng Apiîl :ltt 1911. Be itutdaiuet hiy thes iet tanîd Board ut Trusefuthtîe viillage (ul SECtlTION 1. Thtat toi the ns..aasary exPenes and liablîltiea uit. the village tut Liirtvll liostor and duiing tue lieaIyea edig Aprît 3Oth,l 111there as herelit appropruatet the- several autos o! roioney bereino nien tionet and apeciti- cally set forth that le tri say For the purpuse of aîding lu paying Oie nscessary contingent expenoes for the aturemaid viillage. thte aun ut ($370011 tisirtyv-sevsn buudced dollarq, tise sait appropriation ut tirty-aevien isuntreit dollars tri lie derived troin saloon and otiser ireuses,Ilicensea tram tilliard tables, pool tables, bowling alleys arîd othar licenses, the egtimateil amount ut receipta tro u crbsources beilîg as Froin sijoon licences, estimated *42tti Froi btllard tables, pool tables, laine reglun. ........ .................... T. El. Lindsay, une ut Chcago tfoire- Making a total ot ..................... $4400t rrttmalesaaIsmen, sas ltsre Tuesday, Tbirty-seven hundretdîtollarasiof sait on business. sum is hereby apprupriatet ftc the L. C Prcecanidat fo contypurpose of Raid contingent tond, Isaviiigs L. t Pit cadidtetocroutya balance ot seven udret dollars, treamures, sas becs V. eneettsy lu the estimateut tarivet trou sait lieenees co t interestetut bhie candidat.y. be appropriatet as hereinatter iicuvided. wt Tii hpe fWsmnme ulto-wit' of Tira Captr u WsatiniterGuid, Four' hundret dollars to the ttrset sutl meet witis Florence Siarman, Tues- igisring fond aul ibres buntretdollars1. day ersning o! next week. to pay the 'Ifrqt instalîment uteesr warran't Nu. 3 wîth intereet. A new steest is Lting outted. t hli-g Ont of saitdî'ontingent tîîîît, su shirt- tbe continuation ot Park Flair, trouinpriateut, uhallhie [taidt-tuevmt"aary Btroadway t t rliacd 'trest. exPenffs ofut lertiOns. '11 tic salixllage, salariesm, utlie lcsîofteî aîîtHuard u returned lu Irvinxg Park Saturttyal tetrPescretacy ot tue Boardct tutILocai Ia,- cpending twiî wt-ck suti F.P. Locrke. proveins-uts, cilarY oftif i 'liige trensuorer, xalary ouithle village t -lrh, Jay Morse and Harr3 liavi w itnscxmed f.-eu ton theattoiciiempliiitteit .uvilg lie gaie ut bahilctlxet n ftle tuba business. legal sutnminusa u îîunaîtuon and the ijruukJ3Dn iaijiiauit t liiigt, xx'th ltîgatîtu in wliivi the %xillage iay Vs tuloe8aa). tira party. ealaryf tîu le ViiuissVicre t(uiipauii3 peu iits aullitiý,naum ies fic Lýe s anna, a gradiîuuue uitlilauk- ire prutenltin ant iicsalacu anul ttliu-r stiuei, lias i h(Ib i t'. I rie.-lai un hitsprovîctuunsea. lt fictcutetîuîn aguccega- way tu l'ox Laks. s lcite Letrarîî''uj1îng a tîlal if -. -$1 2o()î tiXi l'ocrtheituîrpliser tftieliiiriiig ltgaI busineute. ixi iliit ii lith ii iti i l',t Murray, bl.trcc liitmils tue ttufloti f cliý' xits ILi 'toitxiii -stam hoelmij iLralrod (,rllage the rutitititeil t otf "ai tburont, Pl anun iemalcuîil uieS stik in rîtaicuit sîaîl luitit arrvx' toînSI ao Tier a attet 'Dau îg idewaîke nuit t ,cci 7î. tt ahîc of itseveral monithtic, t uiIlis (u rpuîs iti ci ai ring Tthe Royal NeiglIbui, atuil tleîrc tht aîuîrebuiluluiiur iliagt.I t ra sutbulu a uuL.î.tt. s.......u.- - - .. tlu " t satVsenesuiayýJo . 27. V. ili leave lin the 10:37 tar, W'al]ter A. (tiam'.if t tut sgt curgiiual engineer ut otîr watit -rut nim asberis Wctnt-sday, a'b(ý sacmtîlcaceutotu tacî that the 'cyxtcnî lias gucrn the toFt ut sot istartion. isonge Waabîngtîuî s tals testI i l be exbîbîtsd at tht- tntt's rufixetitu ltsnvcc fei n oulu This sas the ony lit thatthie tather ut bis counlty üee tout for. Neit tbîng on tht- prograni wililie Ibat Noaba wîg sItlu eihibie st thecrarnîval in 'taukegau, exat ieac. The ctnltract for the building tut a con crets aut steel bridge over tlue Flint ereek near Kicchers tari was let llouday co the LuntinnaîBridge rom- pany for f 1,375. The Illinois hBrigeCo. bit $1,57-3 ant Chastes Albrngbt $1,412 on the wurh. It ns expectý'd liseix'urk sîti be rompîstet by Septeaoi4r 1i Barcnngton Rieiew. Tises wtt hie 'omathing toing ' lu Liberty ville Satucday avsning. Lambecrt & (aImas Bg Company vîi lprotuce "The Girl ant the Stampede" noter a mam moth waterproot canDvase. on tise svanlng ot that day. "The Girl aud the tiapete bhas beau protuet lu al tise laading cties thronghont tise Unitedi States and Canada and la entdorset by Critie, Press and Public. Sot an i morai word or action tu be heardur- seau turing tise entîrs perormance. Wedneetay morning as W. C. HuIt Wae counie >fromtisa west o! town,%e diaroveredthti treatîs of the Milwauakee ruat, near Lie Davis tarin on ics and the Hlamaci beîug farinat by a mtiti tapasmage and approviat shall be and the manîsis tg rehy ilelared to blinluluit force and ettert tan daym airer its publiea- tion aec ordirig tii law. Pagmad l ui19, 19101. Apçiruvd .iuly19.t1i10, Pulîlii4 l i22,I t910 H. B. t"f t t Icelii t B' tard. Atteat EÂiii H.l îi iIillage ilerk. N.iiddy watel son't lo for a mir- iýr aîîy bettler titan palier of a saat iliciilatloiî sfil dio for a salit ad. med- iunI AdIjudication Notice. 'eriiîxr ix et it- r fthe i îl e s,. ,f he t uc a i li ,ixcnii tits iî,uiîity ioîri i4iLake r itîi iu teriii Ihereof tz lu tinoldetilai the Uttun ous.-ln Vaukegaàn ii i]- jCocy "lthe 5tirettîîordar, i setsuî.ten' e x i 'lii uite. al"Iti s tir .ai p-0-ris Sile tt1,-ii saî.nssi xxii xa. ar- allifd hîl tir uiixdlsilxî .iiilix iiifort Il i 5..îîiî, Dricniitilt lacsic i lie, ix iîii i 1,;i miiiiiiiii li ii il' FuIltrulct ttiitirpf cuttigii, plge pt-litn f tut il f lor tI l ,urp..e lt iîaýý In gt ! '~ satarv o tetreet tonirii ea nrc M ahi îgtotal 'oui tngenîtt initi , ;t 7î i tit F'or Ithe pncpotof pt a.viior tu tenair. îuaîtenaus'e. îîttaru ruî t(tIonit- ELM ER J.G E 1 situutîîîsof treet., ails Vs.tutlgiaisJ (R EI a1u avetnes if aunmu n ii village uf Lubrtyvîlle, inlut itt 1 1 îutuîtt atrstiatrînîg off.,c tihîsuugli i Cniai sde RrPultiit sunvi uit$29i t il, Ieraisdnta lxa-NOM-rn f.tx , i-or tiht purçîtar utf l'ay itg t lie ex pt-ns of lighiîg ithe d pubti, pltsC5'-lýHi l cuf tie villaiautflibvttil le. th uttua7 oftwenty (wo i bîju ed tullars, lf ~1111 II II wbric fon smaour îtnstd olinixi, l-erxi :.%4ji tic csîtinatt-d auîîuuît o ittsili lireus us etinialet nt * 1400,.Ti j hela Il, ( ll l ut sait aînsitu!otfi-rit, lix, bunitr-i )Jh t dullara lo-w'il ligiteesu btnntrsd utullaceS l u shaîl be ratmeet [ taxation For te pur ut-fPa3 lus thiesixntli Insalaietivater, xiwarrantîIN . and intaretast heltt&urdtnet t ~ T .,i S~ sewer apsemeinlwarrant Nou 2, andl .îî..uses ..ursday, Sep ntereat, asot1 iîIlir8at In$talînnent uo, tember 1-5. 1910. cewer warrant Nu. :I and intereat, tibe sUDof il tuxUîndret tdiflar@, out xx un sun tirec bu dret dollars i.tu l, i derivet troin ireuses a@ isersuaboîve providet aut th e balance tiserexît ut tires htintretddollana ae ho lie raiëe-tly La Belle Park For lise purpose rit payîsg tIvo esec bonds o! sait village tise somut tis Mvcolony. bundrait dollans saci, No. 3 anti 4, ________ togetber wlti interesat on $3500iuou sewer boni's tut aIt village, tihe us. ut Dîsltdd t tcione utf Gt0lacres eleven huntret seventy.tisve dollars i. tu ant sobtîvîdet ntît 20 acre traiýta lie raisai by taxation as tollos Arnount rit twri bonda, No. 3l eLnd41; ..........---...........---$10000OU Scuthem La* d Investmeaî , terss»ner bondstorILs pnonipal scof t$M5t00 forcCiP nune yean .. .............. .. ..... 175.00 -1 _ DYMONO & AUSTIN, Agents, - . l 5~$117.00 i ... i afternocri.beee at thceturne, lie met out pus nas Fuir tise purpose ut payîng toc rman- - untay evaningz. Furtunaiaty nu uns vîtis bis car lu nuty tise Milwaukee telaane and operaîlun utfaut repaire tri Mdr. Appeyart ctertaînet an uile was bunt but the buggy wac badly peuple ut t, wbr reeprindtoluhis the village watar systan i nrljudîng tise YORKHOUS. toin t Luia act as-k deolussitrport, ant oundt tat ie damage 55e construction o! eresary ork ouiitse Wilbur Sautera and son. Clacur lerit reraî vas servet on Mc. Spîouen- lu a letiar trom Slaé Wrighit vs are sui"asto tstay the train boes t 1-2 10village lot. viarein pumping station is eu" locatet, the suiniut une thousant Chicago, visilait at J.( e- burga lavu Saturtay eveniug tor lia toidtchat tise cropein tisat part of Nortis tilt 12:5. 1 uhoing theattip one outhticdollars to hie raiset by inrome luohie CeDtly. iensfi rit tise Ladies' Aid Soiciety. Djakota are a comploe failurs-Owun)g tri tires oftheb car sautlodet. derîsat trou vater service turnisheit tr A nuniler trou ibore altete thIe jois Auatîn and famîly wece oiut Sui- tiselong tronti. usater conîniners.tise estimnatet amounul fussai ut AI Faulneuatt Gnruee. Hieday svaDnig. The Gagamars Club are vsry hxnsy Notice.ethnaad ollrs rybui Ntie For tisa porpuse otfcuunsructîng a odnsgliors vers very carry 10 bear ot Mra harali Yttung wavantoluNebrasha entertaluing many auto parties aris day. Tu Contractura and(Buittera.saioean ee anetn i bis tests andthlie tamily bave lie syni- last veek shere abs siti @pend tise cecI The Oliver Book tari in t.his vliniîy Note fis hceby gîven tisat tiseboard Wmàrtb leeanes ysote i dIstr ict wthe ofb u il thtieommer. bs e odt h oissuaiet Canning rit Lireclursaransnov rsadt u roceisa aepti t tak, tise sun tof venyfi ve Mdiss BnnîsifMiller. ut Denver, called H. ulbiideprtonalethnerieda ac ee sutoti tsedollars ant for tisa ppous o! maittain- SBloNeprcleonfinsCri. making tarm No. 9. bt onti e ersiinrt n tory two iug and keepioz lis esantasv aewer on Mss%. Eliot Baron Saturday. boe Suntay ant Montay. rooni brick veneeret grisool hounes a systesu in tise village ut LibertyvIlle in Tb is MlsaIda and Dorotisy Gldît Mr8. Boy Brarber la ipeuting a tesIL MR . ZTJBRudJaeI].GorHI îwitrc N enarttiv rdollrssaitonesurn ti e are viitinz their grautiparenu ai Sortis daye at Neiitsviiie, Wi.. witb frients. ttrty four (44), towniship orty-àve (45twen darive dolla er sevice.umo censs Praiie bisvea At tise bal game bars Sunitay ons ot A tance wsut ha givan at Sbanuinglo The sniool boue i@tri he isuilit ou heretritorsgrantet oc tut licgraniet lir. Etwart Stroug'm tieeandtauil3 tise Waukegan players br'uke bis log Pavtllnon usaI Saturtay. 'selsutet site litginuing aI a point on tise turing lise coming MoeraI vean. am vWtin bore. M. Callabn took bs autombile to si à risrliscmeutngxie al] Bsectione of, toseciip 20, kwnshitisein agtreag aîegteoms ot f ieven arevlatig bre.Mr Calaianîrik bs ntoobte cu at ritrat acingla ae for next 45 oth range 10 eaet othird principal th usant tour hunret seveiy-ve Fred Higbwoita brotiser. Chacles, Dr. Young, bus be aasout orit own antdiriday evaning for lise purposut aent- tuilars, ut wiiuitiftly-augbîiuîntrei anti tmihy o! Ciago, viitet bim oî'ecDr. Gonrlay, ai Waukegan, vas rhac n ieco o rwabtp. iwsrituan. Sait bits touhie racae so O eveut-iedlasnsl i astb Sunday. nti runovaititsecplaysfor Elbrimewnshipmanbelote the laI dos rit Auguat 1910. taxation. Bunay.andremvedtheplaer u bs bnnein flraBtter hst a valuabîs boise Directors eserve rigbt torieet any or Each ot sait suis o!fuinsy andthtie .On Tuesday ufthIia steak tise Ladies Wauksga in an ambulance. Tisainjury ast week viie scraping bis artîticial al bita.Ti rinrc ovsnLs aggregate tuereont are deemet nsu-eceary &temroos. Club gave Mre. Etwart ta situho ie a bat rime and wililtay tise laka,. Tecolu o o hmth tise Board rit Tructees rit the sait Blancard averypleasnt srpris, th MaD P themet f thesu amer. aonkaetavyardet shbal turnisis bouta village ho tstray1 lise nsu-ecary ex pen@e Biatubad vrypiasntsuprse Le anuti is rSt! it smmr.Wm. Tank and Mcc. B. L. Praism sahroc l bar riirechors. and liaiultlas rithlie atriruait village oacas"o beng bar birtbtav. Ice i(rmain Tisetrame vorh utMr. Bennett@ nes vasa Chicago visitore Montay. Plans aut apeciistiuns rau lie recelved turing tise fiscal ysan snting April 30, and a danty lunchi vas servet Tise bouse is up andtihie building vilii soo Emit Franîk transactet business in at 1911, (or tie rAspe ýtive purposýes abrive Onis presented ber witi a beaututul be rompiehet. Wîll Bai.stablas nDev Chicago TneJay. Gis e utit WHtIT Round Lake,1, I Se.r"rnoN2. Tiattlie varion@s uits etý baud palneotpiste, bouse is also nescrly tiniised. Thé Sherifi o! Waukegau mate a rate BEO. tios.- ,Round Lk.11 ot bv oh amdb aain Ciaries Edwasts, ut Rousell, vas bers on several nisce boreat Frit&y raptur- JriSE141M DRLtuiuR~, ainauvitîs.111 Ite aggregaît-aniount oh vicb la "leLifs Worth Savinegw' Monday atternioonlg v htmcievscsvestknBir i Ie-re. $1871 are approipriaucut as proportion- __________acin@,________ enBordofDiecor. ate tractionsoft aald ttilI@uri'ut $5875 Mnr. IMollie M!cBaaev, Prentibs, Mise to Wauke>gau for repaire. Juasta M. Duîîucî.Ea, (iet. Clerk , antdii case uit tailuse tri rective or 'allerS wrIte. that aise baW àasevers rase o r ndM@ tus ay oka Hainieaville, III. 43-1 sait sggrsgatte sun uit$3873, tise kidney ant bisitter trouble, andthtsi ' I 5.F N 7"1 Mrsi Ma ous(iaytohatrip uîetureîîry sîsliîe teiuctet luro rata four botltsaof Foley'a KItney Reuety;i W Barringtrin Montay. Notice. ftrîî salut sarions sumos. sinreti ber sousit and weli. (ha chuse TIe Vernon Ladiest Ceery Associa- For a ins ceresbing gîaasfscota, rajil Tri tisoa vit are holdting plan book@, SECiuTîIl .AIriercpntsapt- We ltter sy s7i uni11beartiiy recru- AIohe e mwaaitoloa"sKemey Ramsy uan ion vuit meet wvhs Mr. L. fiKruger, ah Emut Fran3kas. vs oulut hîke tise returu ut tise cma uftions autcash balances@o'tsafsa not TI, - Year eutiug Apcut 3(1. 1910t, acet-oun- au5mrrof kidney tisass. 1 sva TUr8day atternoon. Juiv 28. Ail Our*batela sers haxet tri MI capacitîy nt sne, othar parties tieiring tri otritnust forctise oncpse toc wburb tiev F.h ojprq. membera resiosutet tois essent,--- at Satnrtay ant Sunnay. aI Lhe work. LiIsEjanVILLE Lu»PER vare aîproricaîte. F. LVE.L IOPAY.Co. C81 Saccroti4. Tisai tue ortînaurealster I IBE F5 VILLE, ILLS. 1 C. T. IIEYDECKE> a SON. ASiC'. o., Essaus. Adjudication Notice. puubic Nonice ix heitby gît-en titallthe tub, rciter Aiimtnlstralrix xOflthe .tta, of J.iotR. tKxuebeitu dscessedelil attsud ttec Ceuniecourt t ofLake Conulyai a temexuriteet l u e houles at ils Court HOU"e lu Wakiteg. nlu aiCouatyon lhit t oxday f ept etatusexa.tlisitwen Ssid Witere ail)ierions hitviadaIms againux sai Eit&te zes notttiisudndctiasset te uecueni lthe-sa-et.u laid Court f-,adla dicalon LAtRA W.itriuuiLIts AiiMIt.tirsli. c Estatc . xii12 titi. 42.4 J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER Se Me Before Making Vosir Date Satsfaction (Juaraneed office 208 N Genesea st, Rexitienre Pitons 4M2 tis- lU44El.-xiOd Are. WALJKEOAN,! ILL. W. H. APPLEY A uct ionee r FARIl SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyville, mI. PHONE 1431. 10ob Priniug Doil 111 e This -Ollice. LAKE COUNTY INDEP.ENI)ENT, FRfl)AY. JULY 22, 1910 Ayerl's lair Vlgor Iflie dints:S G.rnQan.w AAnyth!ing injurious here? Ask your doctor. Anything of merit here? Ask your doctor. WiII it stop falling hair? Akyu otr Wîil it destroy dandruif? Ask your dodtor. Does not Color the flair IN YI si Foiltainî atît lîtrex A ics' ail t tiwr taxi îîîîr Ileî Ail tîte la Ailî exIcelle 1 u [lies and chape s- t AT GR Ht'aliquai tait til i laitai w,! tl. tiiîl i ra3 'iak, i" ,It xx lii, t t n, 1,i State of Ilinois, County of Lake, sa. In the Circuit Court of Lake County. William Moran, John Mocan, Aiînie Muran, ElizabetliMîîîaîî, tarcelles Morau and Joaepliie Siiitti vm Etta R. lysa, Lowelt i),I ses Jaisie, %loran, Frank linitli. ttlîalîetî Muran, Las cence 0touùinill, janîca t'Coinnel], <Gexorgelitoran, tliM ilrail t filc htagtrety. te . Rilard l 1)Ixilgan, Thlîas W. Setînitt, tSaniusl (trensto anîttheuinitniwn iiwnerm oft hi. Nort.h weat quartec of the North West quar- ter texcept the eaat (hiee (3) rodia thereof) uf section twenty-etght (28) Township forty-atx (46) North, Range Eleven (i1) East outhetsThird Princi- pal Merldlan, ln L.ake County, Illinois. Gen. No. 4589. Publtc notice la berpby gîven tfîa.ny vîrtue uofian ucter aund terres enteceti lu the al}nve enîlîla-i cause at the Mfarch Terni, A. D. 1910 tirerot, the iîîeidgned, Mastec lui Chanrery of saidut irt s'ilI, îoîî Tiiestas*, t lie (ilttbhidav of >tspteriîiec A. 1t ltili.atit hé bour t o Ont- o'cliick ln the atternoon of salt tai' ai tire Eagt front door of the tour tîomme in tie (îityof Waukegan Li salit L.ake Coiinty, selI rt publie aur- lion te tht- htgheitt and litst bldîls for v.h thi- filtos iîg dexctlbed ]anti anîd Ifi-lt-clati'oiIt iî;tediin tht- otoiîi ot lýke and futa:e oiif Iltinis, triawit, iTho Nurthi Seat quartercofthel tNorih se iurt-r t rxrrjt toli, -aët th ce," (jrodsol'rî'of tif ectiolltailu Pîglit 'rwis liii i -sx ix i 4i iNorth,. tOtoi. Eteei ii luEamî of the- Third t'lrriiat \turîdiau. oitiatt-din tIbo o i(f Lake- anîd iat- ut ltt1iuî,h 1111% ti A Il 1't 1 12 1 The Coz¶j Corner BARBER SIIOP Lew Fagg Prop etuo . t USti t!, lit -liii ilg îot- pi t. ti, txi. LiBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cîgatrs acd Tleco Lauctdry Agericy Razors Hnned to iin et- à cen"Isur otl iillt saune Amd 1mSn lb nsu eshaja 0Sf Hoialth .'d r,,ruts .e r-ti ýis ttu A s odiY -r u-nf i ê lei ,ii. - i, tt tii.'Ol e s tocý,ý ey bei.g9te. Lt.hiealh agais Fbtitistol ail. tie ricadinocirtabett no ise! i-k sriaieyer r eykuî - iiat soiex ttlh taits Ici retrtceult Shotun wiil hitousil gadly puy thie isut tttc tit tesit ud ortxiîxtesut àa LIIiiuiday ueaI- Ment la 1eeslî actîeul Bot srielleie tOrt or uean ne Thià il siies dalac and disaapniiuutmeu Al d.raiot, seDr Shoopt s tocasa sed i ait sestnOt ru M R g 80e li11- 1 nseo1 .eapoisx. hanp no DYi m e se as t h book cot rin h1ie ouka ble u.willfnaelyopen uDne. sud pin tistetitoas Who ana .rei u dsMA,iifPu- t' iy l to uat ebu . e Irnlcts suidtl.b ook wo aa Toue-sd wihkut îcont. psrhDanas Wror d , n fruteme iii ste. bemaeserliaailiment. have h.1ail=% ioua ye1 liaousnids k, my elete poritlion or weh ou auinspi el. Slitees.là wfl cocm. Dr uri flou oit12 tseUaie. WIa. ,iishs«kSenS 1 I ia4 Y.? No. 1 On Dympepsias No. 4 Fe Wouiu No.~ ~~~~o ô OsFitoertNa 7Mon pe. tey NuaOsRheunimtma SEE RUJSSELL Lumber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My pices are ctgbr and grade@ icuid. Whetber yoo bny or nul get: my figures. PREPARED WIHITEWASH F. S. II1mD, Prop. INDEF resulte. ,~ yu ceaGi tPai-t pt.iu tt.1 tirut, 111lia n Wm Op, Lib AL. w0 Engi Line paire 1 1 itr' 'lu titit DR W A. Hundret. Keo. % Thii'kuli lacn- luimr1 tIa-at- f, gm% I. S 1 Uiso a g, Itil ei- l'o.r sal tevs awtii aur'-tut ait Indi

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