Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jul 1910, p. 5

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"Ryn l'OR SAz BY J. ELI TRIGGS Phone .25 Phone 3 i laver of obolbe OroS. %Wbt moes cosIt laver or wmt b. a. gfart of bu laiser 115!n Wilb perpouii fth of "bi le tbe cow >Ans. palle. Inesdflno$ f Iseudfu 1 lise Ouas'- ove? Sepsi oietone » MOWERS IIAYING MACtIINERY DrtRIf4G RAKeS TrSDfRS SIDE DELIVERY RAKES DAINM AMD ROCK ISIAND LOADIMS S~TIMS. OIL, REPAIRS, ÇTC -H WPJ(5 MROP!. IIAY -CARMRSR5ANDW TARCK-~ ~iÀM3K 1, b R o s e Cut Glass is Peerless Try to thiut of Éomcelhing more deirable for a gift Tryte îlink of something i: ore tasteful, tmoret..uitaIsi, More giveable or likcable. You aan't ('ut (Iass is vithout a puer au etalt yuu iiitise headiug., 'Ti@ trua soma. of the articles ru up imb somentuy but seeéwhat yen ae buying. Cul Gase snoeus we Belole sCnt Glass imdcci! suIt epankie like nyiiade of diamouds. It lasts forever, anei a neyer ending source of delight to ite owuer.- The stualler articles caat front 61 (o. Every piece of, Ci-Glas juat ucshov, at whatever prioc, *is guaranteci! ta bc the escl :hia9. THU %WlsR LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS LOOAL. ANDO PERSONAI. .ICNTION To linure publcation in the Indepen- o Idont, eopy muet be in the office, no later hok tItan TuedWo f each week. Adver- 13,1 (bsers, eâp.eIblly, aure ssked 10 tek* A zBe i I 1~ I I Itre. R. H. Cote and son, "aph, have returuei! trom Rlii!geway. Wle., vhere theyv vi@itei! lre. Cole'@ parents. tîissem Neltis Urtevoli! and! Mary Mettoy vere gnets ut icilenry (rieui!s (roi Saturday te Suuday eveuiug. Mr. and! Mrs L. H. Bryant returued last Thursday atter visitinae-eral days vith relatives in Michigan Cty, li!d. (1. F. Wright bas returuci! front Se. Louis, vhere be-vtiti!hie eau. vbo le lu the bFnkiug business at that place., The W. C. Hit Manuutaeuring Ca.. resumei! operuttons Mondey, afttse a iva weeks vacatio'g fer aIUconcerne. Gearge Bond bais reoved bis boue. Ad goode fron th~e Knîght hloèk le hid )w home luate 11 TrIage subdivision. A tree year o014 son of lir. ani tre. erian Albsct dlid Bt the huome ai Mparents M au eMDajy, Monday esun. A herse betonglg te C. Gottil& Ca.. diedI o nday poMmoofparalyosinluthe head. Tbe.aqtmal vas valued at about The flambIons 09 thfie place.,fani! tb Ramblere of Kenasha, took a" Ranible" Sunday. the latter chalî*renlug the local tent. The Suudayi'SolClase oflt. Joseph'@ Chureli gave a pbonir et Lake Bluff last Wedneeda.y. A xood lime was bai! by everybody. & friend tn compaUY vitb Mies àMary1 LeMgton, ha. goue te Grand Rapde, Mtch.. vbere Uier vitI visit frieuds (Pi' the time bein«. --Rea i lanW" as ai!vertieed tîy N. R Norton, 116 Uneola Ave., Waukeaan, is a paying lavesutt Drop hlm a crd and b. vili cail.-1 If tbey insiet ou confiseatlusa j-e creant coues the imalboy und! couic ht g eue too, vili h. robhed ot eue et their ment palatable enjoyment@. more boys than girls wer.' beru lu Lake Connty> lest menth. The Iewe lias notyest been tirekeui le Ihose suif ra. gettesint tsemotet rare. Oeo. Mcdepnald made 1 lyiit itp to totes.eet ot thecity Tne.%day. ahi! eecisred eeverai orders for the S8mith & ItrDonald tamoue rigars. A large number e1 yuîsurz people attended the "final metinig"ot tbe Chlistian Endeuler confvention at Waukeff,Bdnday uight. Mir. snd lire. E. L. He a ni! children visitai! Lincoln Park, Suuday. Frot vhat they say efthIis rftort, it excels anythîng oftIhe kini! tbey ever vieited. W. C. Trigge and Wm. Laveck are %I Minoque, Wis., u a fiehing expeditlon andi la 15 ope! they viii have more Iba. "lislsermen's tuek" te reportunupen theuri returu. "SItub" Melloy, the lte caver ef Uhe Itmblere, bas returassd trons Wisronslns vbo viii restitue bis former position as third base.aid fromnovoun the Raaiblerd wiii mure te the fore at a rapid pace. J. L.-erslittIr»aaChicago visitor Wanten Wells s»d fazntly are bore front VBinl. Fr.ank O'L.ary wai a Diamond Lake vistor moflday. Mir. and lire. Peter Bockleman spent Suuadal at Area. John Tuuek visitai! vith bis mether in Obeaao Suuday. moedainieBrown and HEelpin, ot Fox Lake, wvesbore Suaday. MLieMary Wynn, eoflvanston, le îvlittng Mise Rutb Evilsîzor. -Mr. and lire, 0. E. Lester entertained frletidB froiii Chirao. 8unday.- Wby sbould a fellow vbo eau tive un à dollar a week want to fight" Postmaster Tayler bas returued trous B bri but deligfitful vacation. The 8Sprtng sitere bave retur ned frem Racine, alter vlsting their uneie. Chas. Forbricb bas returned freuîî à two veeke vacation at Lake Marie. Mis Helen Sharp, ot Racine, id the VueestfEdylle and! Eailîel Epring. (lbas. (iîwold bias moved te the. Paul Marliuttin tarin, aertbi.ast ot the City. Harveet thse thiâte ur the thielle (eimesee ili reals a lirveettfyou Mire. Dr, Wagece. of chkago, s being entertained by MIr. and tIr.. S. D.'iein. it sornetimup« happens that mimie en Rantements take the agpet of real. war- lare. Mir. and Mes. John Croker, ot Gagea Lake, Sundaved with relatives in the rity. Warren Ellis la at Grand liapie., Mitchigan, vbere he le atteudlng the races. Mrs. M. J. flatter bas returned home alter a menthex visit witb ter brother lu Chicago. Mise Besuàe Butler ha gone to New York etate -on an exteuded viejt vith relatives. Miss Norma Lee Peck, ot Ottavwa, Kansas, le viaiting ber @ister, lire. Paul Marisifin. Of every million peuple 800 are blini!, and! the other 099,200 caunet ece their oevu (altI. Mir. and tIre. John Chambar, ut Elgin, visitd Fred Croker and fanilîx unday MY@êe Blanche Trigge returnàed Tuetsday ater a veek'e viit vitis trieude iu t>eranîl, Win. Mr. and Mlre. V. Scbroder and! son. ut Çicago. vere guests ot Mr. and! Mre. Stevene Sundal. <Fred Kick@ and famlly bave gone to linglani!, vher. tbey viii visît relatives .for several mouthe.1 MisefflFlora Staptes, Effileansd Mande Butterlteli!, vstoi Milwaukee andi Waukeeba, W is., Sunday. Miée Mabel iludolph bas returusi! (rom an extended viai vîlh triende lu Eîmburst and Rivervtev. Mise Marie Kuchuer, of Fort Wayne, (ad., bas amrpted a position wltb ber munt. Mm e i!latbm. Mire. John ticAtte returuci! te ber home in San Benitu, Texas,. alter severai vweeke' visit with relatives. E. W. Cunvers. of Abernathy, Texas, W eil kuovu in Ibis connt. .'was bers Monday trausacting bueinese. Mire. Della 1Shape bas retuned to IRacine, Wî., alter visitiug lier brothere, R. W. tinlkley and! John Gleasop. Rendont tans aid hîsuoreto themeelves Sunday, iu a "double header'" gaieaof hall. ln the meruing tbey "warped" the Wai!ewortls cotingent et fane, and! lu the aftteruoon ths' Lake Bleut aspirants for victory m(et thetr tate lu the came manuel., muets te their eori*sv. Thons whe ws'ut un an excursion (reiu bers lu LieligaanCity, Iuidana, ver.: Mir. and! trs. ohersois, Mr'. and lire. D. A. Young, %Mrsi4mn Davis, and daughter Doratby, Mmre.Fultt, Pcvcy FallaIt, Mîmes Aile Fuller, Ella Parker, Stella Herbant, MçLy Iutterflid. Lana HavI, Relen Clark. >rmilda Bromis aiào Phîl Protine. They rport a I'amooth sea" gaina erer, but the retum ttip. v"a rough paesage, mauy harlug Isadache »n4other Incidentate experlqnoS. A 0000 BANKI£R 1M MM1PATRONS' TRUEST FRIEND, ilAd it l a ivise nian er vaoman, lu auiv station lu ltét, vbo lelb. reglar ipatron 'lfnairevi! bank. OUR BANK givre caretul suni luit' irtial attention te the needi' of I Tise waut% o e mt t e ulet RvopInas iSe tx)r r&'eive ou, niait careful attention ;-t.,r the mauey tender vo bave tbe choicest serurities. g We invite nev busînos. The Rrstfa, umgo " ubd ofLibortyil - - W4a kw e-'m A w -. - , To Bave 01.00 îE'ch et our Roduction Sale of W. L.' Douglass. Shoot. The best $hou, in the worid at the money. 1h.'.....50.......................5 6 $ 3.00 5h............................52,25 $es 2.50 ...........................5$2.25 Me's 53.50 0 . ...........................$2,00 Me«'$ $3.0 Oxfrdu. ;........................ 52.0W Aroduction of 50c par pair wîli b. made on Ladies' Oxfords' durlng this sale. ONE- On Bo 's Wool Su is, Men's WooI Ponts and-' Men's IMats and Caps fine Drop Ilead Sewing Machine only $1 4.50. Sale commences Saturdayu r. Judly i6 th, continuing two Weeks. O= uaito bishbor NNawia'i a m wW sag that mal.. th« u t mIt l1.a sM wW t th 4gIath. main bg Mi cSr vat d&ete f .that M"huedieua"dbut wh. tb.. SAVE&S. Thl isvng.ha mt asb. acqýW tsd thoh be Slsy use ofm Vuvlog scount làe Our b" rate comw Capital Surplusanad PiolIts Stockholder's Llability 50,000.00 Total $180,000.0 INSU PiRE1 lTOM - Ei4EWALs P8@Mo CAREPUL ATTENTION 'OIVER FIwN &A Regular servicesb t .Lawrener. BIl ehptat nsov: la &Ht aiu drain tlWBTyvLL ca.. Subseaibe for t*6rumsul Fles are undoubtedly tormeator,,sas welt as havlag other mtagtvlag. Au tormentor., they voie the cause of aj tyamn ot boises belonglng to Bort John- son, ta rua as far nortb asuicheaMoro"d track, vtsere the tcam v ase topped by Irving Erlty. The above bappened bts Friday. No damée vs donc lu auy respect, vbatever. Alttough It le déplorable Ibhat the detunet pickie taetory vas flot'burat ta the grouad Mouday, there vas consldes'. able merrmment saeudvlched ln.u. eciy vhen the firemnen ver. comnlng front Ita lnterloir to throw a stroant of vater on the .outh, ide ot the roof. la dolag soa the spectators la the vay ai the water scampered, sud during their escapade eorne vere '"vet dova," but flot euffi- rient to b. drencbed tri the skia. Ther were spatting of bauds, durlng the, [ptigbt, ard lbhe Wrter hersai r 1celv é i fu lt shar. o ft ét tream , w lh a receirci! vith jeste, the mairie as othere. oh! it vas fun, espeûially fer the cblîdren Thistîs. Notice. Notice ie hereby given t tu ighvay rensmiseleners et the township of Lib- ertyvitle to edean up their district&, higbwaye, raitroede, farmne sud lots of Canada thîsties belore tbey go to eedi as 1 shall sec that Ibis lav in folty obserysi! AIl complainte shouldI t sent direct ta. the cemmiosliser. giviuz description oi property, and! vbere loeated. Daseis Liituyetî, Thisîle Conîmutsioner et the Town ut Libertyvilte. [l. ,r.81-t 816 IIEUCTIOII IN MILLNERY M= TRIMMED IMATS AT lIAIF TNEUR VALIJg SO les c M li s iiits W"sdiuls i S "l s PARSIANA ÇOmES ARS. M. Ai PftOTINEt THE MILUNUR Kvd Be aso thJ e OP« âaeMs " ... ..eJ -- - Bank Examiner Bubblal vas here for severati!aye Ibis veek, adiig, asultt- pîjing, eubtracting ani! dîviding the différent fand, of aur beule, vbich li jouui! te "*chek" lu every instance. Thats us. John Woolridgp, vhose riglît idd vas menthe ago, te etowty recoveriug. se murli @ethat be le able to vait vitht the aid et a ranle, tromu bis bed to1thlb oitting room.t Jerry Fisber, Eiley Hardýe, and Arthur Oflare arcompaesi irenda as ti as Wyaukegan, utheir vay bomue 1 li- yankee, Sunday eveulug, or lu other vends. t vas a sortable I'joy ride" lu au automobile. Diamond Lake bas etectrir ligt on a sntalt orale, but Iater ou the tova proper viii be illuininated. Saturday nlght Ray,s Botel, ire crream parlor and tboat bouse ver. res@piendeut vitb the uew acquisîtion, and a geed, jovial tInte vas had over the event, Tihe Pirates, et Kenaeba, yl v&Mtte tbeir vigwans Sunday marntua, vhep Ibey '*Ilr prive beie luauspir lime tu eroes hate tith thse tamblers, but with "BStub" belloy, holding dovn thiri! hase ofet tise1oali m, .thse Viellais are iikeiy to loue their se&[ ps- we hope so. MEN'S oxlioRDsl r TO CLOSE AT* BIGReÉDUCTION OX0 RDMIATS Orne hunddPesasOf Oz'x . i.i sd see oui lUne el f" a d aTamt.Gmt 4W M tsdhot&.strav feu, mens Md boys. Patet Lethe,. Simes 6 ta 110, Cool underwear for hm weath- whethey luti et ini full ud union. Neg4ie OuS 54S00Oxfors Uww $3.00 d" "s lth or wkdlo't colLais Our $350 Oxfords now $250 75e ta $300 OurS3.0 Ofors aw SOOKabali put.sud shirts. Fine Our 3.00Oxbds lw $ .00 omf smmu houe &orm 3. B. MORSE* CO. Everythlng for rlen LIBERTYVILLEILL I 0. i*ee. us! 3 3 nul i I i.. I .lac .7c .... ec ..T.. 7 .2sc #50,0o 0.00 801000.00 mit food ED Nà OF DKIUA la . 1 M..& I-L- f. th. P-4-twfii. on..i saimtimw vidhf

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