Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jul 1910, p. 6

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tro te above lent. nM&, *«d. -il la ii li ivIa c] Pwros iuk-t 0 vies etd fsitt a ' th le Telescope 4 won a dusament of tbe f0- bwe. n ~Ile fouaDg 0f the ,,Cbàg# ,peoplie late Dutsg We#d-Plfures. sy'mbole. "wlm e1iati pain tatemeuts lPptumw e ilieut Ibis focualug ~.mak* a ver, unsallafactory oadeeeript mnalter of the Gospel f.t eue bis-t la unsatisfactory 10 wdy. on. tuaI ltheuiirned ef 001 Ève repuditei ontireiy-au am- la ioiatian tliaIola asource et dm te millions ef God's couse- people. The dlfinity ta liaI Iperope vas tampered wvhh dur- e derk *des sud the proper te-. ,s .l0.1 S3nve tien Christian biave-r. S e-r eh readjust It. Tir>- alled lu18tle tact -thal lthey nmer i' lie forum. osever. liey rtlooked tie tact Ihal U *bufandeIl foi le. long ago iet themu.ailftetory view ve PètsIlale'hie resuf eft tila ai" 101 .eet of accoid viti the emi- whIî Vision Of Ccd'.Grâce, W* aid ircy sand love sud illd Powa er seMMs hie w li hdsA' Associa- neda' btmaa.ltsad lai sian takinspleaun ure lissesfethIe 4Met4 kg f fi. u9 tbe Msdo Rad le-lu te *mg*mga u t 1 bis note tbIt ac à Ogaa"s volave lien even- wMmotaoe*tet reapecesa .f 101fte clieb.but cbf1? ifuatrec- ow,*r mio lommor U(u ce. *0 %bouWemeub ave noied ~aeu*is ,W.Iuc nrh u ta ~ttIand mury othes pas- ý si~Wff siuld bavo d' *ra. "Te are a'à ý ivma m 1 am not et ima.W Vi *016 bave uma liaI Ovalloan sd puecllUIOfethe la la on hubag and tho salvaties smOai of tic e si0qi ~qa tiual,*xedl s md joint-belr- w» tiïrIs le museau lite, te s-a sartly inher#gtm, ta aM btla te 'ifienidod Rls. lisaie&oil. ooustoe iFesaate 0Asmis.d wisla a.t bu gImmenlout. obo0 @S et temtisa - OapetAn 0"f.are nmto e e ave& excpt -M O theFt.êh04o -Ued Sol flme te Oam , e"%emeaU' ue gives Wiealy RECONCILE.D !u ll bhifsgat o,*O*1 TO GOD 9. Mth.vasly= irspcista:110 Tesaas, à.d'usa 1pue1uh 'b"lthb« s te W05 lb* 8" a y___ >anS vaj' U od wyilIiWl5l Y«Mé iist-> ben alan'g obeeptloos. ....r.(Cdoo il 21). Notice lieutthe cotent. St. fftl1, ID * -. . 1îMer mnlnin.g Christ an the SBem 6 hnovedge of the Traistb tat t i f th&i 57. the. Ciurch. vW» te th Miy b. e V"tOOt*. the uet asi ru he If the. knowiedgo of Coda grecs bas ea, l ,0 1 jlltiwlm xho4tIbt.1baya proven t.alic a grad.,Ilorleus. Imapir- thPe pIfi e ' addsO5.*Toc i leAff lng message ta he oanctilled tu, Christ the rta tb&fit 1 inta si ouid au fui- ïrass. the <uurcb of this Gospel As.. am d#ell,* and tint (after7 bavimg MnttUodthie isvenly palUing., niiDt ilade.pffet wioub the louaO dSb thie message of recoilatloq inthe e ro00 by him te. recoud.l ail thinga venld. la due time. liewise brng ho 'auto hi >Self-bu>thie finla eu srti the. world comfort, . ybreésing m pkad in Ap0stlel dlvtst*gtut the" shallhab. nvlted te lthe oartbly h pst>Iiçtsth ra portion-to fui] restitution to human scope . f -Chrsti von as it shahha0 perfection-to sait tatva. tot by tveiitually vies duiahmd. De la ai>' &dsse sud liai le a toa erecovéred ) 1potud tadfthe Father 10 sstabillsh peac 'lie sacrifce of 3Juam aNo oador the . 40d gHateoDaiiem hiogbmit tiec Val- mrlptures &au re us fia te li o e ugcfJIS. Buit lia atno: rot -aOe weeIsaln e merir eos0&udthe. ,.1nlilaedlo f M Ct 1 De- heuis nffyb# lutgof jcrea4tdawsipg NO von- hDe bulic d foçthee11e th.0~ der the Apotie declarea ualt -the jas Wvl> as for thbe Éaaof the Churtli. m-ol.e rcation grcauetb. and travaleisB;pt hoalbas otset offîred te Justice lu pain together." sud 1he1 tbey ara the satisfactionfor the vorld'a ai: "Walilg for the maulléesation of tiie He lirot appears before God as Çho sons Of GOd" <Ibm. lli. 22, 19).. grept Adrocate for the elect Cburcb, The w ork of titi Gospel Âge bas " 'clledl' of Ccd lu advaoce tû he "the been the calline. tie testing. the prov- Bride. the. Lmmb's Wlt. Note how lug, the Ofi-lg. the pellahlng of these the Apostie expresses Ibis tiought in sono -of Godfôr fhe glonlous bhnvenly .Our 1.11. verse 21. noste t heh tl iéh«bave been called., Th. Churoli Fiaet Re.noiled. T~he Apostie urges that however hum- "And 'u. liai were 1 soinetime bie the position of God'a saints lu the. slensted. aud enemira lu your mmtd Present lite. "W. knov thut vhen h. by wlcked works. yet nov bath ho- §hull nppear we shalli. 1k. lm, for l reeonciled lu the. body of tais fIeehi w. shall se. hlmas be la.' Wbon h.a'througi deatbt b reseut-youjxoly sud ebali appear Iluils glory vo aise shah unhîsmiable ani unreprovable 18 bis . PPear viti Win Whbe osa al ego (ti. a ather'sî aight. lIf ye continusel as the King à Mange amd Lord of the. faltb." etcP lorie. weu t10bhlm every knee shall. ,o béare these sud vby are they bus sud every longue contées. the reeunclled ln advynne of the renialuder eet .Cbnrch bis 1BrIde. viii be vitb 0f the ivOrld-brought lu adi-anc. 1810, hlm lu bis TLime. ainrera of bis glo&7 tllevshlp vltii the Fathor hy thoes-e and Participants in bis worl-tbe worts de...- *sa bis Bride? These vere by of biesalng andi uphftlug the wori- nature ..ehiidren ofrvrath aven as reoueilui tie world. jo Ccd. , thers" By nature they vers alleu- Calvin and lCn.x-WW*!y and Wht ated and oneraiesilu hbeir smtid -h ', . lie lkd mOrs. They vera moltlie tb@. Calviii. Knox and ethers etfthe r. Redeuinor. vbo WUs Lolyr, harmlosa forumra, v.may thon sme. ve. qut. andi tudfled and, sepraae fr-ou i$i- tigif la thoir iluulstqoo ta- nou.e Det 5.'Why them 616 d a grace lie prient timteara 18-a r«om*id aldsy -OStéhOtilela C1Bo etus i eoDi'tiog> hoyau -Goïïexceiuth ~e cen. s- cf the Cliurch of Christ. "aceptedj polwtW ev eor race-tUic mt&lunthe. Delovod" one? Wbat M1. wu do Tien. fUIS k*ol iAInhorigt.oanes.or couldTe do tu ecoutrhbute te tIti tiirm f tm lshdeme i. ma fislor 0f Vcd betedesupouneu? Tie eiU»ecvtiou. Sad tu and tinçg ,be i.ApoWOiesauraunsturtber along tic, menit of ite 146oemer «»aneiccpt ", mm. tp. that the eleot Churcib b7 s, lil'ballU7 Tmembera et thé aee4t stureas mot superlor mthie woid, CLurci. If tttley viiibot",-m Whilh lvas aeleote& nfe de., tu the Crut resuri-octimu." congate dis c hars laIit cent5il as » mamy gput. tbhs Ciisrcihet gloy. ftho SMI4 theInot mins é«erRedo lnot DmnY nicl, bui rAmbswoW» i l 9ntoîj. 3ly the Pofr 0f i-ils wosid, icila SBroheras ieb,'Whl9ld sud .éb. toù et ofthemt isobhi as 're- tri ween iseo i iiir1MrIt.s »d natuel adrataasaet tl» Gd bre y.Tb*. differonce wboa iaCdas nU contet w"' M. ctug and trs tIM 41W '-' è 0k9lys afiutly hsndfqh.-iit aursiy Iovsd ~ ~ im 0i voe oiOs d' v oul sne h ai"ain estu hobae 'tii.Diviu n mi- ly gii-e te every member, 0f lie race a sage.. ememes tIlla iesimg Ur ftin lpportueity to coule tba mcvI - ca e te lsn hmbregirrow sad tnb- edge ef Christ,.sad te aee a eliar* l8u catioe,4lu th>el& wft*s3m sslîudbai-. thé -reit 0f bisgsacrificefor aime sud nwu5 tiy board thi. Mottera, valo., an opiiortunailyfer litevs at'ae "COMé uutp me..all le that labor lad 1Thom.. a rel reste ffad are .beavy-ladesud 1 viii give ye bb$tl7 vWili aCh Oier ovei flair dîNer- rest" (Msttiev9. I, 2. Tis'11isa011 Meste, -eonupboldlng thedoctrine bes me besme-ttsï W et 81-1"lo. ,je ais eouteadhug for MMO lr lr ltuateà isardlit th. dOctrise Of pFmn.Gramo.Nov va Bot. Bt satIli utier iaslng e 1stée ub .mrtgit! Nov vesa #> tbem a- tiey rasods sam dre tIfl -*J t. be lo sle ~te tblp CcGOWM 'DOta thle Lord hy fati agm J. A"o au te the Rush Cslllng totbo e Deerins tûecorm eas»M«s4"usMa« vine nsature atbtinà* te i mgo ~w' ,tiracytrove te put svay auIl 1iUlias 'At tii. Free Ceste lovantail ett)»04 hie 11051-4afla 14 le véry tois-tic race- et Adam yul . prevai.-MW v-bu* realilng tbt tlib e fld moi kiiovisdPe f Lord as-J> gthe dp0 M hIeov«. Thegi lv- "that", *yery ka" il« j »>>Vtbei.N*térIinfeemsd ticma of the.terme sud evr, iso101*conSens" Tiau thm "MU 5 vilet beY niilt Jota is Chute who, u»ergtaýl ea d *duWWiseemmo -"T~b* 1001 0f Christ vhlch la fhs uApu or cfi Wte 1".lo.'ti cineh." Tliq mueý.t»a #efu>n cassévlth lie D»140 fliet-Utbmhi00 ecdamd te Iiw. , be bleSsd vitit ftres-rlbeoinesevnunto deti. They en an~ C d otehm-usItf lthe muetisîd@ Ibis viti a frundorAtaudIna à i~pln-aPenadi rg«4 IJiat It voutd taie tblà o of t nci W~~the lntelllgoutly'peerou is. la- ý oe'w smO lhi1à spirit0f thie of detbeimg- everasmiy trtr wporld. vile bbmigWt ei lato cloSu n4 ve b*ausppoeed. viii, as the ໫>-relatlousl i vltb he Fatier aud vihi tle "Y$. be pulaici vltb everlstlng the. Sou. Tey vers aumed liai Il da*s l 1TbmesIlauti Il in. tbey thus proseted their util, OU' te I-liluuja, Wsi Saon" menlt, bis greet liodeemner voulil IFrein ibis i»vlpwpolntthe le senof Oui-rve tii.. as their Aivocte witb the. lioemrand the. glor>- cf Our i a S as aeranid Impute ta lb.Me sa - 17 Paier are mullplied a ramilin-ency of tli mrl oL bis sacIfce to timea. Our Redesiner nt oealy la te b. mie geo Ilaslbiiclencles et Ibeli the. Savior of 'theo 'httie dock." bis Ioe. .Thn* only coulil the Father se- Chumii, bis Bride. on'tii. suinti e ept theirsi-lice et fie eartbly ns, etgnbt adlllooslly IiOOug fha ture aMd *Il ofet ris lgMsad bot« agei~ycf is bliennal lugom. h l a lb 'bis io17 Sa"rt toe$.lu là a ete S aier of the orli. fies heirsisai> iii .er Raisemualu .isit Ii 'lastoi dui for 'eeery m, s 55he U a Scrlptwu ee clwansd. *4iey, es.,' Ondeveand ns me bi«" éZwrtm piose 11, "fi siathesec C fieutravailef $ e ee- i bis s*uo a"d b1-i * V (oonbaMlii'011"~ s vould b. stidgb v iti i-he riamit e.oS a hriai bi fu tie gai. bis labos if001ly «boutiseilaua iiiloiii, uLetint »Ot hé ~ u ab asméMbeMeOft iWs bSr relitb e soweata o&11t60 6'Il beli-~~5 Mgi $o r0iaêmoment ott eotel t x ~ h brotberJO"' ifte. te an" ,t twf - nain - 5m w- a.-. aues-nus. wu xff'l Il -~ "~ ~sao* aiqisve~emuai c b.iee a- la dos. ei--r- «oUr4>t Mmomt ta tbwe mure stateaideui O i f~ iht *r i. ai tic i#a t Ige 04 b as iede, k o b r il,0 lu bis ~fc~in(tclie .A&M *t n te tbc thiobeif Pomas tEr aiUls1 tflu' sSal, te 00 e y qbave Lad. vo idse, but asa p" omm te a om5o~ WW gla orance m o fflI ms-ni " Pdu-lsem te o reet n* 0'd4 le te Anhd is dliecnlY Ve iat b ddneC I~b e a tPest blesa- se, vhst-Is loy s0'118ItiIet Abdd ean nvla.but ai.. sbeil pau, toteBib>tleut, amir at tbe DB& MM., uoblu i~~al es b is el B AU1 vib muWtY geSfl S ee "s Do ntsa place et trme am r 0 osoons- aedWUcbw D~tenmeta li, but tic graveo. aq. ie *pir i. e,* ies "b. ble lato bubleu ',WI»& et cwwud OStieisaMM of Nie# 'ici'. of the Sesi Vos t la ut ui&Bd rIbt to paya tWi bute Of hoget anti-respecu *io abnobl* ,vomu Who h'me»Ont t îV. t'the, butf lBeh of- bar III. lu our iidsf t ~ubstkh. -Wbm wuvemai" tbo, *,otla ' Uhbptof bol@ and irl. aibal .srtld tl Ie, I.,vtba lxei pupo» lu vicwAte ' a i be.buallaie o e isço; eqUFppq4 iwitb ail th. e çeqryý ffl.. otsatboloilng themeittw cn.dW siii lu a bilislçsworld, ,u«ohdve bine Ide th le Vast &Mounu t ovewrtlie$ bua aicemul bed jmmd tb# geon Ob b rdos e4anY yeonagmn n sd wven today vho #oreypll ut Sluter Dilcl's look back *vihthe u roateut grititude sud affetion tuober, Who a0 gently sud Ihviugly laierpai totaid lb. te, figbt lic grietbatile of .1, 'sad i-e lit ihomosiv for threii pou)- foum4ticy 5ev ioaqrahly boul amd thb$M icu* iicy bava ebapeil for trim-. OMale .du tte cunassmln 8ià Bot@ Danil. Wh @tieleépahle o! tm ngeoap bMnaub oflaaraicg ovili tbe proflcieno bo r 0faei'u.1'ie teaci r, ookke.pers typewnlhei-a, eteý, vWho bave carnei a independent lIvinug for yeare sud ver. lauil hiir pirotewson by h.r, sbiy and ally tèstity to this. iadoea bdig wouderfuhli- comp.etatober, bthh ot the gradea &#bd 81gb flcool, ab* Jla .. pt'i8lly gît ted aus Apuet. au artis ua e]ucutOuniet and a benutiful peumanZ Si. hab, au cicellenî kuowiedge of mugie &IM ber iterary poirers are veili buuitm thougi Site maies nu display viatever ufthlem. Trime, ah. bas contributel articles for eharitable magazine@, in- ti£1s8lY Petbetlror extremely vitly. 'os the ocsmion demauded, buthi-r rettilg nature vonlil net sow -ber te sluq ber mame, tbomg beici iticlea vere vottiy eft he appiosa.of fthe beeneat arille. Ber One ai.seemi e Wb. to elp mon- ain la luSuY vay aibposslbly ean, vill- ou% o.ver1-klng for recogition or i-. yard, o-t la iraeîerlaticetfber lunm&U ber deuiliffl vitii ber leilov-wn. Truil sheIs eOtanah baelverlu tic motte, 49u la more blem.d tu givo than recele,," f jr bar bauds are ever exismilcilt10acs" othoru. Asof-omdhied ho noverapp"ar la wîsi for anytig. weolh jeitikuova tront lic faelut si she nover pormitted bel' pupila b glve ber proseuts ounhb-r finI-daY unir ai Christinas ime. Mli. POMtiîvOly r6u md e acospt them un nnng the elght reub u s a lu3charg ofet S. 118 7,1, ee-tly givîma as ase lait tic 'ebildrec dild ut ou-n ticir ovn on.-y sud liai iboîn parente needei ai' ibey liait. Coutary fa the fltesefe ber baeai vould hb. iis volened pivaiS, for ieh@ la the Mosi unpreieuubon ef vomie, but Il vouid b.o unmraiui la u' taet1Bitter Daniel iai-e st, Msnj"s@ vhlbuontiuit» flove and ioyahiy, Mueb a0ve'.admlrsicr>imotbeatitnis 01 aiiaracs. KEvlwedg. sud pover UmmnUti>. vla uDot awouMe by lie., ve mev, but bOy tee' la oui-dey poaM thèie..lit I fietable boy .4 do- fie reua t gO 8arPunm doonet ovrerihrov tic gentler aid# Onle seiu- îtalI Causa lie lomlnsring aie- misa iu metrai- liaILbaut me vltb the beautifulai-scies tdaploisil'bers lii., rDena inus, aotmd enmtable **llPdnoi t ,sudaoilty asuai"Wva, vie. @ho timlity 100k ber .Place es Superlor of S. ay & Càd emy. lu ftct, tic reepoasible offie ",de ber-even mors endbr sa i obis, if fiai ver. esatWIossî adddb grisbi opporîuoitiia et LelpiagtRie.. MlaY &sie u shedoil Lthle Dawa of ici- Rot1 Zuturning 10 SL im7»k hy th le mothOfof lciltren vie bail aeiveil Onubeétaiaaiors et ber bande, whilh tic vork il viioer klo,. AaDO vat êaii v yaoy thle imoret of aluer Danlelig girla. vio ver. Imrnedaiyi uundr ber cars as hoarders et S&. Maryts Ou"e»Peuding lire or six.vearsu tioe guldeil and directed by ber, cilOsO ifyen viii, visa ueefflary, for $ic vas an Oeellent dieihlnraa, but ber rupicole vers elwaYa temPeraI v35b binduese ad Il vua smoalprz>vcrbW l iitic girls " lu iter Dentaienl l sotiêste 'kt nlgbt If i-hors vss saèy troublé ilel mmsd. up iies ierh" ai md ber g"i. Sicn loas s iotbert'heiand a uMo",» love for uiossi auç%# tu 'b«e'soars. 1Sbe vs. noDver euuailth*%fithie ellie omumttid $t a Mr11.911e. wucr. 4vo f rom M"lueand .oter,1' 'and fVory girl appreclatem, fic.Wu& 35 4i tbot1elitof Ihat v91eb ) ayob,-ro, lisietoer lipe e 04 Mat De.ibt a" d- ber erl"1unp pieliof e i> 10011 he witb eb oe of vé, lia k tfi' tic amils.m e~aaaeI :014ue thiaW efe *P>wrfl , >OieUy hippy? rie *,ý 1 "Sod iigi' *b - le' fribr!ee i POMSa ait , m t,0fot li Sflewý lu ,bmon. M«ia sda? o'aelli. bu " sIb t biai »v« aevrmd Toer itise t* a cssu »M oîà labunI vai w lii »V~e ut "UM6-uom ut hsca d " n a Abd dave bar toes .cmssSbd it" eNo motter boy overviilsa*e'ti ve* .for bers vas st besy lê,*tu wu ve bibte, ea, al. 94 iou 0W1 "li i,heur. Rir iafiio The auction 2 M UUV'UU . - - - -. - - uew~wvvv~vv~. l ite opent lu Mmd tor lie service. ofotiensE vîie neo tigi et fsait. Ceuld any grander enk« y ho rihi-en tan 10 de- clare liaI ber voie vas never ralsin 1t dictatorial toms, lbough veeted i ii ontiAe authoriy? Ber endors vers gives ln4ncb a polte, goutte massier, lia ai ver. reedy te, reapoudi îstantiy. Suffite 1h- te sey, mot oniy vas she.Ived andI reveredi ly lia Sit codenu.s;ber, sho ver. trequeutir beard extoliung hirt beaul-itul traits, but lic ihulle ues. Witt lic -Liitio Oue'* of t. Mary. c@ver fur- gsrdlter Danil? 'Tbey vbo bepi Ihei re baby eye-lIde opmn sn long as tbey coutl as niait. walinlg tor lb. eothoniy t¶ liai iber wrvorsurs volilbeond ilo snd limprisI s 1"90od Pighi" bisa tor1 ther abs n ma tn.e e trelo Do maifer boy viary ah ithopt vÏ@Iitingtic Litle One'@ Dormltory. fi e ai bruI li 111e onez amId1>0v 1 lime a vsu e er trust &Bd a martyr8 te ber. duiy. Il vas onletrlaie, vien ber beatb wvasevkhindtl-atins, ieu. ah. ecet '\c ' ewsp lut anetber apartàuieni th Wif vitl luderuese abe mliMltere oilt b sici. Mb coml dolti-eau un"esa@hé. vas vii ubemi »biad dayeeaiw. Nov amnlably ais arène, as ulabtu sny bour te Mslai lem. Maay vborend tiI vill sicail ber great micrla. Olîl- uen do Det roalisi vbat Il Cesta huina nature, bul matura yearu isechtlic leeson aud. ve tisa appreelats lbtheldie- cuit liluga ve sw dons viub-h cheer- Munase ob.marvelil 51à. Ber pion. antrY sand lis besu seanetfwit andil hmmor thst are, part and parcel of b.u rnabe-up. el6lie ber actions viih a Uumilauce eoess«Mal &gracm te b. enviol Wttli tbehocilidno ýaie vas a child sud bar ahPlieiyend"erilber tà liibose et ail. Il smiet a reai pwasar te ber te loil tice Omoamusemensa, soMes étêt, cf ibm illOns.danti oblng w uao simple for ber te do, te usnoble tic play- ôet ltic 1e une &Bd te mmli. lic. 4»pY. Viti al berbinilic, 4bl ea *verth ti rotaid oes ubiillpit goagpî lath flm e u' ooupablà0n. T suter y'eu ece» on aIt berslblmgI theÇ.o Noe ar eid et. MsrSlk gov' lima iicolwo. f lb. e d4 oit 1.>ton belp eue eda m es ielgiisoman:a St. VMaty'L cdbisai ber. liale of ineis, CoeunI 0f Leke. aM. J laeIS0. EOCMCAY, clerbL circuit court of aie Couuty, colo- Waukogs, hilBInol, Juhy lt.A ber Term. A. D. 1010. Iole. Arthur W. Wilon va, Roua B. WiI- Claire C. Rilvards. Compla"lpa ton, la Cbaucsry. No. 4749. Behicitor. il 4 Batlsaatory affinavit fiat tho de- tendant, RamaB. Wiltmos-cane be lStateo0fIhDuois, Coutîof ULab e, fuaitsud tel uom diligMt lunWrY Circuit Court of Lske Counîr, Octo- vhleh bas boon ms-de foi- i-LaI prpos. ber Terni. A. D. 1910. isr place of resideace canuot be as- Laursa J. Perrin vs. William Bouder- certinedoc 50liaIpi-ces. eM« ol am, Iatiiertue Honderson, clars B. seri-cOtumon ber, iavUg rbêeM lin Wlamcrs.. Herbertil . Wlmmr, lhas clice cf hie Cirk of as-d Court. Willam Wiemers. John Wleub- Notice la tàiëieoe raby gives ftecrs. Edvin Ausil, gnadlan of the sa-d Rama ILWllten. dofendantthie Mesaof snid Hm-bort M. WWe as aloremaîl liaIt t.e aiovs namsed mors, Wiliam Wicmers, s-nd John cotup4glut bieoforo Blled bis -1bil1 Wigmoes.minora. Borner Cqke.3c" of oomplalul Mni court, onUc D. pope, sud William H. Pope domsg bsairsde- thereot. sud liseata uotes,,aul1Cok Ppe ad po, . aummoishemaipoii la5Dd ont cf nid P. Ohean, George Tuekrer. F'rank coutaga&sMinet the ve mana d- lhesrom, Amer1cmi,,Reaiahr Coni- feSi.returnable on Uic Bust dar cf peur (Incorpioraion), .James Bandes, tic tersa ef the Circuit Court of Lais Louia Moir, George Y Wlerera, . l. O Ceuulî, lu b. bohd et lie Court HOMieJobnuso, trading ais70 isn sadmIer- Wil Waukegau 1n sald L1ie Canuty, puni, James U Svs-ier. Adrilatr en tieFilr tMonday f et Ctoer, A. D. villahie viliannèeaitof thc estate cf 19»0 m la by 18v reQulrod. sud wvielaWilliam IW. Wlemora. doetesed,Foi-ai suit la amlhipouding. Hunf, fleWitt U Joete,sasTrostes, LWIMS O. BROCKWAY. Clark. Lamhle P. Baaas mTmMate, s-sdElls- Wamiessm, hIlos, Jmly lili, A.1). abota Quarta. Iu Ciancery. Ne. 4755. 1915. -sfatery Aidavlt fiat the de- MlsmU, la Isre, QompîsinsuaMoe- tondant Kmtienluc Rendorme.saies liter. 42-4 jout thleS0a".of minit. s,ethal pro. 1 s bê n Uvea br- AV by ie lug beon led lu the o tub cft! ielok of laid Court. Notice 18te erefore barebi given to the. sald Katiirnoedetren, defendaut. sasaforsald. tiltt he above mamed Complaunant hors- tofore Bhlled ber Bill of Coin- plaint ln sald Court, on the Chan. ceiy aide tiiereof, aud that a omrmons therouon lssued out of snid Court agaimat the.abovo mned jiefendants, returnable on the Biret day 0f the terni of the. Circuit Court of Lako County, to, b. beld ah tii. Court Wau- kegan l8n sid lAMe lout,on the Plrat Monday of Octobor, A. D. 1910, as la by 18w requlred. and wblcb suit la ai Pouding. LEW!e O. BROCKWAY. Clerk. Wsulcegan, Illinois, July lâth, A. a. 1910. Elm . lîrrbo, ComplainansalaSoi. icitor. 424 0. T. 14.ydeekr & Son Atty. for ERoute state of Illnos~ Lake Cmety. latii Cn C ouri .1 niMd oupty. la the mttu'r of the aais*, of Louise Als lia, m S. Allsn aTon eta4wM Wpoâlbib i lae saodswt'*en these &Wst or- apeber lo0oabcflis hmou 0f 10 Q'elock là thile too f01 Mdaors, sOn om ite »- "MW ab. bossU pmosolitt'ô Cwiy ourf sMd 0946,,ber &W, 1mmassOna f - ls." a.k teuars met aPprevu the Mmi tnlir ulie ma At wblcb imand place you Mai- h. piusIi o e i o dé. aiîL. tdWyOM Xtms or the0 '5 *nmidUl;;;;=bt 09siialli ~scbeiaed.48-1 bho v, eh*iep lutl nov ai ~s lAssasVo. 6-S89 r. 'là lots or séparately'ail of the gêneral Meca- dise vuvw on band ln hie store. SALE-EGINS And, every alternoon and evenlng durIng, the week, or until ail goods are sold. rYVitLLE. 10etc lit. FOR subis M. Fai aubdir FOR à Aet J. sub-dis' Jf J. E. FOR à Austi e2=0do l". BOPi FOR si Wurt Co FORvila. FOR si drv. Boi FOR aS tIMin.Y the owi 115 ira div.Dg <oremt Opelmi I poebn, Tat il owr fi l" baie. ifapt, i aproclnc irogh isb. as vor la Thai 1818 athi iflï Dtati emtursa State. et Illnois. Couaty et Labo. M. 'Circuit Court of Lake County, Octl> ber Term,.A. D. 1910.. N>ola . X.-onlsen vs. the unknown blmis deviees exactttorI, administra- tors sud assigna'of Mattbew Roe do- Ceased. the unkuoWn boira. devise«,, executors, udmlnistratorsandudasigna. of Noah Greenwood. docaMud.the. ou- buïown beira, devise«,, oxecutors. ad. mlnlstrators and assigna of William iteetor, deceasd, the. uuknown boirs. devise«, executora. admlnlatratoré and assigna of Cornelius ilolmes, de- ciesd, snd the unkuowu owners of the. ruai estate ln the Bill 'f Com- Plin»t doscribe. lu Cbancery. No. 4747. Batisfs.ctory aMdavlt that the un- kuown-hels, devises, axecutors. ad-. mlilatratorsaDO ssam 0futMattbew x6%~ deceaud, itie uubuowaboira. de- vbssai, exeeultora. adolai@Pgm; anad sUiMu. 0ftJical. reçuwood. deuOe, the, . belei*. 1oeviaecs. ebace t ads MtunIiatr dAssiga0 f Willam E Reo ir, .csa . i n- be Lirsd*visais.eecutors. Ad- rs -sm-o ucm sof cémoie1us *2saeda4 them unuo

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