Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jul 1910, p. 7

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FOR 1. !,46THAN- SfFOR SALE-I bave a bran4 ne,- crea5, I seMParator for saienMer beesu us, __________Ilcported faonGgramuyj. Tii. bot ou ma&de called théi "Titaula." $kîans6(j KBiOcw per hour. Cout 1121.50 &ad dutI bse@ldfor tersae charges "d dt.Thie lea aesap fora&" ope l e~~~.,.@P ofksa, i.d a N. 1«t-am recarator> it to. a . TKLOTIZ 1 cile - 118-1 BId.-CiiegoDl -~ 48-2 FOR *AL*.ýOCWEA5PVOlI isatb fip FOR--Bffl-o-syuln et sve -Woom b 41* saly nDmscolSre*iltoal. EL W. Feishi a p i rubbosu' ue 11* Sambope. lxvime Sra raLbrpl.,.-8t F" 4M*-À listAnt upbolstored top %*dSu 250 ggMioscebaov bet = msIjpvppiy to equasa. til e U=nesa Ii.I anal un excelenî coddulbon D~Ysa.afLltartyvll.,foà-se -e84a!bro&or et vaihousUes P-42-2 AI£drmesP. O. Box 8,fllblsIMW-pur, 0 - IO-- . - e4,44 . FO AL.Ul,~~Icss t1fM Oiýt SALE,-4Uats, î190. ballethis ~se. Clis f Ihen aSonc. laquits Jet $AsWs0ysJe E>uksaug. .40-ti FOR SAI-New, sodwa s V.S bdogé ud bath, ocaleuh ishOt fiee esn ootr. audw-oc foot roniiot. la Ravinasilops enbivlien B.L.Tiare, Rotketellor, FOR 8^1»E-16 p4asnger bu, Inquire 0f J. E. Roso, [Ubertvtillo, hI. Phone 064. e-85-tf fi .1 f4 sw mmI~e FOR ftENT-Vnuebw eir. otoml.a 10-111" dal oes ôogesà Il;.. rparkPlae ui ds# ott --- el 1- bMat wp0dnii ela oues and MUat b Iisalbufur- aieedro,, wth stmanibzt, wltbor 40-tf FOR SALE-Acre lots ou Ilvmomdle WANTEowoou der.g irl for genersi subdivision, CO*@e tow0,n sd elmi-rieboumwuerk. luquuire aibiso flice. cars. Prloe$0.00.' DyMoilI k AUr-n c4 40-tf -4 FOR ALE16 pmagr bu. 1'""WANTED-Oood soülititors. male and OR SALE-16 passlÀ engiler Ill. euquinre fesals sairY And commission. Foe- cf . . forn.Ubetyile. ii c83-tf fntberIformatOn ralil on or aaidrees FOR SALE-Lots lu the Dyuiud J.. Ggui. Libartyville. c4o-tf Austin «ubd5avaio9, 50z140; $100.ach WANTED.-Ture good diieherw 10 dig Are-ram pe. 40-tf suIM ND ad lay 12 li-b tii. 100 rode; 5 t6 9 t. _______________________ deesud 50 rods, 3 int 4 ft. deep, Wni. LOTS FOR SALE9-In the B. J. O ih u.C-36-tt ali-division <of LibertyviJIe. isouila oft sisetrie-road on Miliwbkee avenjue. B. MWONEY TO LOAN J. Gumens owner. le, t FOR SPALE--ChboWe lots in C. Fr aok MONET TO LOAN-Om limprove Wright'îaddition. SOxISO. for 0200<10 larma St 5 per cent. Dvaoyn & ttf.TIN #250.60andBOO.00. J.huoyaa,&Ars-ru 40-tE FARMS-We'bave a large flot of Lais1 MISCELLAN!OUS bonaty larme tesel, aSIO boum ansd lots' L #» villagle. Dvuo & Are-a-.. 40-tfl OI-n cc udwlsHlîî bifer.Pleam notif, Oe. Meyer. Ba1r0u e FOR SALE OR RENT-modern boupe, ton, R. R.2. Be 48n-1 aIl iuProvsumute. t>antraly lueated. C. c____4____-1___ . oeLiberty ville. 111. .e.2-tfLOS- rpcaellbjesr n FOR SALE-H1ouseou Firet and l urf. baby tieshols, betwe e gelnrY sudE burtsConr ri e e.. l n»V. siule(mmeCores, Sundav svenlu a&bout 115ht, as urser, êdl7 water. bua 9-8. la. <il> tu p2 -2m Br Appir sm lMcoek. Ubrtville.' Ufti rhber. aP42rtrte 1 a.2Be FOR SALE-A 7 rom boum ou M& FOUND-A red helfer witb svblts tar. Klan d gStewart Ave. luquire of R.L(>wler eou buve sine by paying for this r P. Soeuazmi,. Lbertyrille. III. c-32-ui ad and piture. ,a#&M Rettks. p-42.8 i FOR SAL-fia.. ix-boruelpover port- SPE64L FENCE-oreati, sdu Zrll aqIe ein a ilier. la Ba conition, Priem, 12 lins wireoe. tiff steel, stav 12 t The own.r bas no ne. for il. laquirs at luces apart, hog tigbe, bl'ýgb elu 115 tirand ave. Wnkega,111. 28tt tutu a&il indi et stock, 27e pered. I ___ U els givreuf@e.wlîb evmsro ll. Barb ZOR SAL -A nvi"i.No ces. tawire 82.60p 100 peunde. AmiECÂX owncet. Chu en u. Lbe2ville. P-42-1 Vins cFz2àg e. a4êtî FOR SALE-Or vIll trade for-i-ilgbt GOLO FIÎLLED SETCE-st de,DUsu250. r oid Vrk botmes, wolabaa-mMJ test inelnded for 81.00 sud np. t lng125. HJ.WuzELocK, Grayslake, B ave 7our Preut Immis ebasgd or eI. -88 bave user trames for yeur pregient imme. a rrneess that bold wltb eoiutort, trou, o !OR SALE-Ocaa earllng perecheron $100 snd no. Maekecsie's dtug store j 001t regi@e7eed. H. #. POLLETT, *apis ths e a39 Dun store, eea-er <bosses ï1pring For% Liberlyvol& . P-48-1 jet., afilMadeon Wauksgaa. 111. c29-î A aluly Mauery. j T-EEMVWD eismber the nid swimlng bois? John Robe r arris, Chicago ..21 Theesbbe, depreesinsJo!y deys revive M-Ilon Potei-e, Racine ......... 19 the picture.' AuVut Rulinke, Nil. Conter... 44 A eaguans Pool la a inuon$ crek- May. Gbea-vIfle, Miesa Center ... .37 th ouly wus ca ilà, arleh' ibe-; aleu IflewopasMaziiewskisxWaukegsn 830 baagde irs misédeadl the ysllowieb j finq irm.îktpni,Waukegan .. 24 fo wratar r, i tmy balwbieh ba! nne E rlstPtesn- bigo a vins. Doe'lt theima#f enebcl alvmaKa, liwod 1 à bare.foeted bey ounith fanim. you ______________ eoo .... 17ro bouton aet Is end of dey ai mh aowed If tha,-. la anythlaag useful that yon e precints 0f1iiie Pool. Perbagie @orn eau THACH, a vaut ad. vili find Ionà malboriug lads bave boaton Ion tb,,v, sorea Pa-vt6 pufila to auiaite your F, perbaias pou are Birut. But y700'iv not income. ell long abus. Over tlb.flide tbsj troo5i______ _Of tbrongli the. tublbiansd tiie corn flelds, un tboue cars la-se ctime of e Isondoor L)o't derna tbOO smboal, or stimniate h vorld. the. beart or Sdnff. 1r tba la vroug. It ad Thai vater vonld eearcsly bempt yen le the veak nerves tha: o*e erylng oont nov, tbe board of beltb vouli lie llkeip for help). VItales thèse wit insUse cou-to te eeudernu il. it w&@ flot elaetiy trolling nerve@ vltb Dr. Sbcop'e De-pa llnapld. 1Itllooked more 111. usai ravyi tOrative. and meebour quilly goed thanthe fini! vsunm ie dn PeOne- îhl llcoule te, gou &abai. Test i Wau bath tube In uses later days. Bt aud see. Sould y _ ri if pot tranparent, it; WUam t leatjALL OEALERS, In. lnlugm. , __W.____ Be offvihAths lothes audinu witha Senil ît t te icenuaor sUe-er etr aplasui Wbta commotion auong lb. Junk h.ap-AFTPE a aai, Sà& I" te ope frugal Wbat s dMesibane lulia eferi yen 4 l.tied te air subterramean woriM oi! eepp, eavling fini a mrket. -hi$ cesSuies voesù liabltaudltaile nvaded __chu___ vltb à faim bey'*. ls Drovu? Roi, <ondqen, seslng that Better getlal on out enedal pries on abi th ser vass hrdly more tb.. lii.. Indisua BockCai for yonr thrbtsbng.1 desp and the hbils ne moethon elght IdBERTMVLtL uMONElCo. 40-hiow assoseThi.e mort vas sai, ou nud _lin_____ exbohiahng. sudi ne boy vbo caMe np "lnlnravnoad ei u aci te manbood vitiont itlelaquit. tui l an mrav yad ee&rdon edmacald a tovu," and lplace your vaut àdhon no,01 oure f wm'tQuie w us ubere OTHNR Opeiienced vont - bob. ,Ot il w fn. And bpy. tArive-vetsers place thoin. on em tof ethlaSInnocent kinai.ed Heu tAsse Juiy days brlng bath lh@ Buy eal 00mbthwineck feesaeves APn plelturel the____ m litue oranse. On bacnuam Hay Foirer and Aaihma sud lilban edi&s, ld ouivv ldLusv. M., 9 ring disuomfortasud anierv 16 many TIL ea, ~ o9 ommdeanqrut tus, uffeiin». n au fIdanBokCeio rCru< I8s rl0sýtbs congestion lu tihe gil zeee n *.. t nina sdl.I toesulaln0g mumn tl 'Il" lit. * gk ;k .. ati, Oct- clars B. Wlemm-, Vieni- M . Vie ad Johni Pie, JO"n Ope ding I Pop., D. aIor Com- ase, H. G. Mud Con , stale of ed, PO.«o t Trualse, Ne, 4755. t tise de- ms rsads l'tbhlerk >iy siven kelersn, liai lie eut houe- ait cm- the Cian- oummons Maid Co)urt efenaianta, 1the term es Counli, me lu Wau- on the D. . 1910, e-blcb suit r, CletI. ath, A. O mats sol. 42-4 for Kotau et oules. tg B. Allen a5 a I lau fti noti- "a Etrx of Mr or 10 14da or as ay~ b. tÉis ofuth duiea atnDow ab 'Il -, mibý%b mud» , . 1 lic L&PU~T~ ~ W~flÂYJULy 22, 19 O C, . enCONdVENTIgON Té I-be Yums people the worid look% IRvenly Pathet. 1Japlan.thie PhîPPînes, Ravail, the !Washingto t a te uwl,ê I(»XiNUt F»N PAG 1.) 10t'r on îcer nuity amOng the var. Out object le 10rbe. t show People hy ou. rncre- Who egtIaia FOd'ÂEi 1 s h ce.lItes wbat iw. are. Ai a elegaesa were uaeeted, ad iter thran thb*tof wauing B on muh o Prf. . 0.1 Te freW fild ivesus fie !i] avetha an s great ovation. So we I without Gedas elp I shaH iS a vhoi'~hnd ou mah 0 Prf. ex pe foreia flei gspusia forin ldings, timout aînlroad a9 ea i tcCrsinEnevrgrig*itb Qu'ai aidIcannirofla" Excel cf national lame. much Inspir- x pee ii niyn paI.frbiigs, fi n -aoai sn tat !on ln the the cworid. -At the report ef Lîncolu'. d ation le <f ven iy tue song service an there we fiui! Metiiodist, Corigr-egatlon. 'worid. Dr Clark liad a persoual interview.iN-,w York a rioto',. mob vae*a vilch ail unIteai. "The. Kng's, uart- aliet, Prebyterlan and flaltiets toge-i Hindus are your brothers anal sis. with thie cmpercr of Japan, wbo ex-' Y the malestic words ef nui e sceut lie a favorite. tier wltia othet dcnoinlnatîon8 hein,- itcru. î'aessed hie iighcct admiration for the f Cloudî. andl darkness round about. n Tii. Illinois lilale gong was sung '10.1 n hbeirU iting into 0e great i The-Hindue' dar comfýiexifon la due: tltd Statcsanad the Christian En- Goal oinniutioînî aeigneth audl the , witit eutbusisham te liae tans of "The ebl for Chislt. to the bot climats. Whe thie babies'd kavor j watJa a-n rnete :sigo hl Wa*y et the Crss'Lêads Home.- Rev. Obm ef Jerusalean issan Inter- are 21 days oh tithebiotbea-r stlaem wants, flot war. Everyone lied an The Hand Ihat gaaadeai lu tA ,d Miss Mahal Ruche andi Miss PannaUe lirgviller et the. convention.'Hi le wlt.h mustard 611 anal putetem in the American lag 10 wave at Japan aalud wiI a-ic eina th. future. "rth ggi4, id Par anaMd Mr. D. A. Jobnson, Chf- la Jewby iiirtb, an Aremrlan Chritian sun tu haltre, tiientbey wEl-alanal vIL. eChristian Endeavor :s strong. analcvc r ontheicaralloi, wrong forese- ID cao, arteM t he pianos; Ma. Co, d1- fi States at the tenseheat. somnetir-es there are thousanals Irn lb.thtc r-ne, but behlialGe kX1 te oru. -caîfictouiiuîa O ýMcCrmIcî fetWparY andi no,- a lisp- ludia la a fieldi et woa-k. Show them societities. ou the ratio generally ut watch octr hie owvn." The Quiet Heur Service. oî pastot of i b Preshyterian chuîrch l tàp vay. tIre. men 10 onc woman. Carl Leirans, Interntate secrets K At the quiet hotr al S a. u.setthIe Chicago. N. la tbe guest ot Mr. sud or > tY-geno snd the tHome." Haval vas mntsIcordial lu ils te- heIn a gi-neral confereuce o C. I si Pm-byUren cbuftc, led b; Dr. W. H, Nlra. (loualoy. -FranklZ., WIng, secretary of tlitin. Tii. peelleerofetIhe voilaiare methudat thSe lent "Endéavor und tfý le Buyls tue s oralng vas lhe place real- Th AMlinery Meeting. Chicago Tuberculeela nsttute leciut- coming closer aud cloner together, sali vas spiritedandsaimont profitable. 0 y te ciosinfacontact vii t tbe hart of The minglonary meeting at the Ar- ou «'HRgi.n. sud theHom." Tii. Dr. Clark. . Christian ulîy a te nelb.aeC.I àkds.vorleg, the Intensdevoîlon anad mc-y ant'1 p. nM. vas the sce ne ef Chaistan'a duîy ate uuplift thlbobeymark ofthle missionary Work ubrosi. E Rinercoduat. C. le met * cousecati of ethleyoug people. anucia enthUsiasa lu gong, prayor aud as von au tihe muni. At Agis. ubere a fiuai sourisesptay- E .Rmtcuula iimeig k, e auditorium vas crevded viîh pralie. C. 3. MeBurney, vice presi- Al lont the lins <Cîrlataus arc en.-o etitng vas beid Wm. Carey led, esli Acalcno ad.s -eugei-, quiet vetubipers aud theaspairit dent, p-Moti- aiglteuatar aa-s ilese.aoving lbe ga-sat love ofthlb.hueban Imitermediale society. The. I"od of t 'Christ fiedi tb. roomAn sncb songe Mattbeî S8: .17. 20: "Go ye tlie- gCneumptthon Is net gIneredie butfor thb.rflte.but lthe cross l h ie eym- muat hy i>mpathellc aud vineenij. voie Sung az "Oh love tit WiII Not tors and tenai ail nations"' vas lthe a tendency tevari the vhite plgn olai te divin. love of Goal. bv hmbHv nyuadgq ]Let Me GO." "O Happy Day," "Lord, 1 ke O te Meeithig. Seversi soos.a i eele Dr. Clark wsla gteatly appreelaledi yul belleve lu yenr 7Master. Tisa Hr of houera of Bîsange," *"Frous vers aun&, oeue luan Ataicandalîct Illustr-ations tsiiovlng the cause y lite great Christian Endaar cona- tbey viii sliek vh ayen. Nover »Cou1 Evory Stomy Wiui Ibat Bloiis' ussi la Weestera Afrîca, viacre'a Chi- an people ln the. varions stages, ot the veution.1 but toucE> hem ou theu benor anal ycix The quiet lime aof sentence prayers cago business M" 10lasupPorting is disesu..SUNDAY, JULY 17îuala temtisa you he boyhlm. Dsw. vas ruitas oSanay rqucta or baetAa- a mselp vrli Mr Dase Murbe eventlation, largetromomns,pieu- Belote 8 p. an. the Arnimryas fillei al ou religions t"goasalvays. Ciriot-Ilîlsliving. -A model i ubalary meletng vawu y t f-trosh air,,are heiptul toi the île- 10 overfiowhug-. An orcesetre. -suner Vr u nee aîgaru, "Ima. I Chita"Tvas uselocy DtBola e.mnstod lu fa-u hnts tmlieue, vbich la net Incurable uben sel- efficient leadersblp backq by a full Vmraithe -ais. bvng hyh D thIhit "wsu4b r ol.mntoe afls n1l bnid hirmd h atern.ý , (locale .blini o oeeeye; doWt "is lafieChitlivng"1au ctnlie th se e0161 ufilg$-Chia, daelMa I as a very profitable lecture anal Dr. Clark sud lb. nevly eiec ed eo--usa tonmuci, averleel lhic hsiort- r lvié ofHiachidre. 11 a creldd Helser f Nnkig, hin, dte aýmany voeethe expressions of pralse Ilcers vere on the piatorin. Tie songe coming vitIa Christ,' safal Paul, 'yet not 1 lîve 25, 1910, soude gaweting ai ber Chii- coucetning it. sang ialudea ".More Like thc Master " ' mgo but Cbrtlilveth in me.' le the Idea. us.. iludenta sena tics. votais, "Tell QitHour hy Dr, Boyle.. ve1Bug"heK-gsBsh tIfo nut thoan iater 10 weep sud IChrist la the ouly siondaraiofutlruîb. tbsm vs are ttusling ln the. power oft A Quiwet og-.èedD.,, nBs""hm HvigNtee IOtiiphlosophera. Do malter hou the Cial-i aoddba.geta r oi ee Wo a.u o en pray vith yen. hlhh eî ae limbeai,Ilivenlup te Mies lFrances iB. Patterson, a mis-.e :0tismrIgfo h er 11 ev Tnohr f h e egeeos n emme htYQ Zbir l-ulfa, net even Plalo or Seaseca, eaiýni te China, gave a êtroug ail. "T hi h L vina-hgodan d .Hggnobmf teae egneesaa eome uIi but Christ dau. drffa ou '!The Awskenlug of Mbua." subject vas Ti vn odadb Vhnlsrieslleiliuita ruae doing Dow. vr bueta l "N ua cobaelii tc,,abu -h hsben uChn sne i!; -Living Wtnemssy The ,Glory Song.1h tient sltrulli. Christian fellovîhlp ai- t edo n 'ametnov.d a h 1sin without lu,- vies-s of Goal. Sin le China fies lae tevery tout pier- sang. le 1h. stronh n heaferoe lhe great problein of lite analJscousons lu. the. vorl. China Io thceuîny "Greca J tedctor, 'la the hu i tii.meetings. Anoîber truath l te tProf.hH.eS.lan chai-ci i 1eafocruM., can nswe It lone Bdfdha n onaofthe amiceut civîîîzatione Intact et vbicb glory is the full blouan rose. 1Crsisr vice in the be "ervice* ais a slraflg adaltosa ou "The Chr.- eauin ausve hi poloe. Bnila in joua. Mal yôoos oo.I aethe came ChfîJeanu tbn beettien Gentleman." trgth eosIntrllihi. epcnoilaflizest palay. aC hi ages alre m ot oIf ipsn et Jorhyu ess OO msHi "The Endeavorer snd His Hume Lite." -Viae fellovtng tesolution vas pré Item Jeus t-al, potoutln nalchanes re cmiu 11v. J. R. Niciols spolie ou "The En- e tem. fat. The fia-ml dslly Paper for Won lu aishlyr. .aKing 'Tb tramît o lauitlu ersnalj as Iluaguaated lu Teir. Tsin, China- In Christ by fait anal wit. .Chi-t 1Jdeavorer anal Ris Home Ufe,"' saiuga ela y r i lite le by enthi-onement of ta-utia. Moo uy eue lu the Unitedi States. for service . Self-eliminatiou l th The mission af the home 18 a place t0WoBS .bilv htrgt tiesno atiiMae ha raly oât 1lunma neleven years bave dei- fia-elessentillIf ve saoulailie living trihe bcomIug generallon for C WHhriS Pe epeio-eas> The C. E. ie auIllustration of christ velopeai te a vonderful exteut cItles i lues e liccuîia.ton cifllenhilpan usefuluese Ahi-a. WEES ateprec.a o ae-incarnate. cnnueted by the.saame anal reaiucîng ad n itcaal iee uta-oued. tmwatogett-Isp-eladlums, paupet Insitîîutions, hosyIeii "lauY wlll nul reai the Bible, but tsme of taavel froua six veeke to "To lie a ulîness for Christ .. leachet ln tie tome. Tis counitr-y ciminel and civil couts shovwiIthith theY will reai pou viho make protes-.- liase day,. BSanitathou aud gond muet lie separate froua woriaiy îhigs, vas toundeai upon the. Christian bomne, chiet agency vorklng againal aigit.- sion." rode are the. oraer toaiay. that tak-e us from Chist. K.atw the Pua-itaus otf New FglandI.ipe eousuess la the liquor la-rc; and. -Elgin Aftt Next Convencuî.on. Tu eses tiechcianges coming t rB nteqito b10u e; oel h laeo atn mrs IERATee enwLLp* Manager J. H. Shawu anal Drectot-.#6C>uIna; bnought lu hy thie Chisltian Ptta rosli ul o eia lunm s fthefidnit canie fr u mîhr. gWeR AS heUr l nt te lU pr L. Rall ofthIe Elgin Chaulauqua Asso- clvilizfug Influenestlion aud coneceration. MedItation leaHoer hasiliedi l aet iuccfor os u.ofIlioi, ac- ete ut4gk cJatlon are ah Waukegsn today lu an Bock ef ail v. ses the baud ai Geal a lost a-I of the modern Cha-sian lt uldig.I l heucoeleslu- aîuo. lhbsdfior lsAupflth* effort te gel the state Christian Endea. Thia la Oua- dey cf orapoa-unity lu It la a good tîiî uo be lu a hia-v fluençes ofthte home tial are etrovg- nmnto nBpeba 5sd~ voir aoclely. nov meeting there, tu ChIna--commercIal, evsngelistic, cala- souns.Uines, but vilh Geai Isaisa Baye est. Tie gaeatest gift 10 a borne la a eDocintion eoen exI taîq loiguaialre. bol thirannelsesion i Elin caicatienal. ve s hritiaoip- Thuvcal usp hCirisrîhan rep-e sheait ae cmmite tasuperep The Idea le te combine tic Christian reseuhatlves te go in said seize the -:ueace, uhoce minai Iosased on tic. The.suapaeme tet rChristian char- centvbopareionnbil tatesillteeuol. Endeavot meeting vili the annauelipoa-îunlty. betasuse he trustecailan ee." acter l lichehome. o ou n ly i ton buce athe iiiunosiaê Chautauqua, auring beli permnan- Americaaeui-ucî tie excess Inalu- "iqitbu uîu Ie se- Wa le i lIiîet youa- by ho erlnataed I o lie tos-ted e-vm sucs sud a larger patronaqe,sys lb. nti ofthie Boxer upisleîg, siaovuug a senual te helug a Irue vItuess. Con- religion? zn erai assem lie thsace i Eluin Nea~. Cha-latin spîrit.centaX*inupon tleworvof etGea Iol TVe saddesl commenîar- 0f .a tati-la. Teenehoi *Accodlug tote i.cîsme, If t it s Toaay Chiua'e porte are belai hy fur- mosl osacutial for a sucesfleing1r Itl ubaeaeuay' avne tB LJDTa ie iuoaCi. thaougi. the Chrstian Endegveî mccl- cigu pover t10 the.disgrac eofthoue lite for- Christ." cenflaicues lu fatlica-'a protess n." IlaaBui*-ori-Uun'". iem -4 loge viliieb.bebai lu the moringanai forcigu Devers. Dr. Francia E. Clark, 0. 0, LL. or ndentoue ae omearecial, aou .o soaind, gfl a oy tiea u the reguiar Chantauqua progiams lu China tiinks mont of ecboiarshIp, D., deivered the closîug addroea la reuitcentas. a Bnofr oucai conveton sesilite Md, ugà tl wm the attea-noon and eveuîng. Vie fermer secouai. ana lail soldlers. The uft1h. faest cnvention. SubJecî lhrcrlc.Waîin etp-asnp u.. oVaaihregti meeting viii hoe callsai tic Christian Chines. do nul heleve ln var. Pe- "The Ta-ai lnlail th. World." Hie coine tram them? -ublon tho citisenaet the uYs$gor* ; Buaicavor Chaulaulua. baps saine day America and China lie- rema-ks vers mainiy of tse pCi-le- TVe essentieseof a honme o uiis isutoareuestve~~ *Y aesel ris-quent Iia. MaNbel Ilevia; lu lau pollcy villbrI hng about tian Endoavor woa-k. 1. Regard te tie eteinal vlrtea of niadWsehlail la sIni-a7 abulots 5i Rue esang5a itsp Mieionar* Commît- vorbi vide poace..bileailcan missosîca H-.e sid the Christian Endeavea- lite, I. e., fatlu la oi said Chi-lt. ho hlal ute anrtam&Coa el ts*O Ai' tee Conference tlis anornlug. arc dolug vouder-., savlng lhoosaiads va ouilfor ,000,000 new membere 2. Respiect for pers»ouue. Jeasa les lul -warfare ega inat ike , Vhs delegsh.e go te Fort Sher-idana for lie Moter-. lu the.ment two yeaaa; 80,000have ever tandalaithe ioera-ndidosa nol ie.eanl bsIlulyl mlsii tomera-ev mornlfng for- a vieit ho tue Sebools for girbs are beiug openeai. beau addsd durllg thi. ean«ysar. cue uvMru n nitto. i. M ey cf tie enniteo. ce amy Pont *liere. The roffai trip la Clrailans are ranltlng ilgiaet lu tuis T he home building fuaed le ma-ev- 3. Cluaractea-muetaieb.taainsi; relIa- ra' iuexMdullsitFbuk B ouly tvontY.five. ?Otits.Sueclalcars lune andithb. gevea-umeul et Chiala lu lui etnou.l>'. The. utlcok for sue ucllnot etyil o- is. teloving: seeîg te îaaî otlis iaicle- cfthe Christian Endeavor va» novr 4 bsîî lcei>l u-ae TeElmis hiehvy iditheac Christian&. Reathsu temples ha-huiler. -itosi ish.s -The loocaCmilllse.' TA. Epitheconvientincheryq,» of tarc helng inrneai over te the Chrisian u Da- Clark'î inurusi atound lie vorla Along tiselunes tise Christian En- Thse local mahuil Parlai Hon ait aI sy Umendna-ng lie milon0aies. vas mont enoouraging. Bien hi-cc icaver Ila.te vei oeu t îes rsslhome The voinen for food. convention. .Miss Pattea-son vas ioeslvsd mont sud one-b ait houa-aa uev aechcty utflnes, iotu;evretro.efuos ~LV *. stilatics ]. aly Chri-tian Bndeavot lI o e. Iu lie TTestyEpaesorSti'dy t. SATUROAY. L 0 h apitRly* Afi-can M. B. ciirci lier. ane, ý0Q VTe uominating comaittse, B. IL Re T- e s'nboard aocietlesanad lboy aie out for 100,000 met chairnuan, roppi-t d ie adicnoboUm- Scierai hnadreoft he dlegales 10 AI lic Fia-eh Baptiul chuieh 11ev. nvmuii uAaIa nations eve.made utUilSalra-aea. VsNrAOie icnoCspa 111C11aiu BdoavOa- cnvention Gea. McGinnis paesideai. Frayer vas On lie Maderla Islandi, Afa-ica, yoa St Officer for 1910. vent tue e NoonNtliveatsrn train offered hyte Res-. Mn. R-IdlngOfthle fini C. B. aocltleUIss Next ve go teu Preadet-C. W. Dyca-, Decalur. T he edli. for lie puruqi. et velcomîna 1Rev. Rassian Bapîlst chuici, Chicago. Gibralar, anal ve fid a fins C. E. Vite Presient-J. U. Daviséon, Bon. Vie gSpeakers. Francia E. Cle'ie' fcnndseofthe êSeisi-al churcies luli te aats veto socelî luansu esuhichai-ci. Aise ton.--IL un»ile ai guueiffl iff l edilety. wvi lUi rèlie ai esvssal neiiesonted sud an Inteaestsg ument- teh Pa-es»-chuai; thonasola SecondVice Prul at-PW. i"Wlm«teIMM*alsu a sspvf. diN«L. lmpcutant meetistoday nd ltoio- iug vas helald . scsiaogteBaih~tChicago. 0 rou. VieBudeaveters sang senap Vie Bapîlat Ctautapqua Ilg. ls Serta,-P .- osd 1,, At- naelonsa-r. Clark allendeai a cou- 8csa--.-.L cPheters, Chaus 1 i uesasxmehetBr se thie> archeai up Madisoneniti eld at BloomlInglon .rüly 5-16.** ag.»TrtlofW" ndM By « trm the depot. -Bpit tn o vention of Spsulsh. Christian Illi- alu - Tn-oitbuildin an d Mv. DyÇa w.e Bapist stnd or oulfredom - rera froua ail parts oet bedlgbted Treasua-r-E. UI. %einou-. Dr lInoshl, Mr hais loied - iit - Ao t0etBbrinthe mlg ou ien vth paMr. . - - else temetigSeain, attëed alai1,500 ailegates. Staîiticai Socretaay--J«e oWeslerst tlak. t. Ta-ti sigsi. the -t lceh-tclIn. Vi ciolugmeetngaDon Birino Otuni turneal troan Ca- cf Alteusu. C . Clrk. tA. eunieascfwhie aa-sa latrc conv. eenti iii etue gs JD Dr. Clarke MHors. tholicisan te Proecstaistli sud la a Saturday Mgit at Arm.ry. . B.ulvib asnv .01 ni~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~r lie otfi tItr tsy a-Clarke, the fonnder oethle Cis- sciolar anal a ga-at C. E. vea-ker. A rouslug sang service vas litby Ou hla 1k.front a a-usina open air rhlch have beau ield. Juige Carter'stien Endeavor. sail 1arrive Balnraiay lu Italy ve .fBad thi.'Waldensieu, Po.M1l vh i oeprtc fameeting vas-balai conuctni b> Mr-, idîes tlii vsnIn iug yl i au.s,-auaII ii i sthe.atternoon rably Bat- vio glace lie ysaa- 1100 have slood largo choir said s mil houge.. Soge xu. A laa-gse adisnce vas secla- ne udli.adrea e Dc. r. is-lenaday. Be sua-e 1o hear Dr. Clark, lu agait priesly corruption. Here, tee, vers "Hebp Bomeboiy Toiiy," said liereai a. thebaby organ, llayd ig omorrev viii aie iae gu-stedi ,, a ailbl hisaddresses. for lhe la a sta-oug lie fini lie C. E: itrong. ovuiug îe"WyShnali li 81"Miss Cara-to L.Barr- rang ont Mdat- iacked bouec.M.". ovu building. 11ev. Glentr-y led lie devellonal ici- en,, expresica appreciatiln of lie Oecmuhinl cfe~ue. Sundaa nigbt Dr. Clark. vhli lie the lu Baypt vo ses lia. magulficeut vine, quetiug ta-cl. from Malhiev n ou dvort VienPrnitoeas sais -ouîu saeaersudIlîomhgee.toe b.hie vork ofthle Unied Preshîterlan stevaadI-daiap. 'asaes ao iut evsa hnItga - lly atIvilci Mr. Beul, edit0r of là,e gresattaidrese of the centuion. churcl i vili40 C. B. cocleties lu thean Mr. Lebinan, interatate eecretaa-y. deflgts liaI reglterei ,s5ltqtb, ate-lr, ilago vs ie peksu. jDr. Clark. viii give auetia'lug ad- delug a uouaioaful vorl. paeentei the n.sofe liies *~~l suaeila ~~Ss V. Da-er presidd. Ma-.Be»lniamod. a , 4renis t5turday ight e etu- n. Next<v&ecomes te Iails. Bomsbay 1p voil sud vas vea-y salCmafial luni-ate- tIseofefour bunia-si Maoil-, o 0re tong piea fer Cietis unuiti and nce ivor tc, vhlch salare lnvtei. Do sadiyviaich bai a C. E. union et man'> lug $400 for tie saine. lot blhUolng lie I" a1or uoftby ieration. "H. liaI saveth ie îîahotamne is . soclelies. Agi-a, India, la 1he placeet Judge Carter'e Lecture. Chaist«Mu onaoe-ea-. veu-St»&uu. bal louess ît, sud viooeevr *- coM T he ietc out at 8:15 as . an. the lis lislte veli-vIde C. M. convention. Justice O. N. Carlti-ofthle auprome irei casse op froni Cbiwt Je t6uo, ae liteoual Bave ]V' us truCet s, aProsyterisu chua-ci siouli net ho ets uin obe iallof h heienian vscourt spoke on "Chistian Stalommen JIUt foi- tiday, snd htbiatontvoely - burc as u laividWsud neomiso i the pirltmaIfuaaiot:o ound 100 delnates froi Ainea-Ia lu Ameraa- Hsoy. Bon Franklin trai MOCiago MMO tgaiâe - id uglorlfy i Hm, Houces Jty B' C. Bounsa-lu, Calcft,lindus, for inivlduale. 'The ga-saltomple of Dents congrosastiat lis> siiouli use un W*U»u a n sd 4 baS Ig but donoiluaion la et ou' lan à a avtr su llnti-sled lecture on IRînia. *vilçmarIe touera et 150 faet, ili trayer lu the opeuiug ef aIl B55oun. tobasIvtafu s lls clou- ~ ~ ~ ~ ou luulubiu toatt ig alulaid vlti precleus aloues, CColug Rlgbteousnuaaoc ne e xalt a uni; ve ae churci unMesaMd Re tbld wviilb.becaune a Cie*a-l . S20,000.000. Dslsgatesa fa-m ail thenation," sali PalrickHeur. areu oyl.Hiduisunt ome lbous 1 oinolt by voilai camne hosor asiy round tlis 'Washington spenî iosonieludali> THESE NMAV WUD. Tise loyaclu. u g>cy n theinruiors. Bugliai peopleo eo e ,lecros ofJeas. Atthie <fvIna tmeeting pa-sysa at Vailey Forge. AaarevUuw lW RdsChicago ... E l n a F l e v i i,". a .b inu e l l ~ us u d l v e m t e l u o n d âf a a r e l u f o - C - . P . u s v u v i .u i l i i r e u l e m e l n i . 0 l l s h c a a - - - - -O

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