Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jul 1910, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPNDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 44 TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE ('<UNTY, ILLINOIS, FRII)AY, JULY 2q, 1910-16j Pairs PART ONE *1. 5h PER VEARU U'IADVANCE. WAIJKEGAN MAS WORST FIRE Of YEARS. $250.000 1055 Disastrous fire Ihât had lta origiun naoulh end et building Tuesday mmorninq wiped out of existence the Thromas Brasa & rmn Company snd the Du rand Steel Locker Company plana on tire Waukegan lake front t tire foot of Madson street and caused a tos esimated at $250000. Proporty tirreatened by the ftie, tire alarmn for whici carnein at a tene minutes ater 1 o'clock th&& mornrng, included thre Cyclone Fence Comepany, thre Waukegan water worke, tire goverumeut ightkeeper's residence, thre D. T. Webb materiai yards, thre Elgin, Joiet & Easlerui depot and buildings, tire Serwell caitf meal factory, tire Northern Brasa Company, and the plant of thre Nortir Shore Consotîdated Gag Company, hirchi supplies gas te-thn-. entire nortir shore. FACTORIES TOTAL RUINS. Tire tire departurent, by dînt of gruelling work, succeedled in coninlnq the tire le tire Thromas buildings and toundry. Tire buildings togetirer witir macinery, equîpment, offices, stock and materai are a totalloue8. Tire Tirontas Brss & ieon Company buildings were tire main factory building on Madison treet, tiret &tory brick and second trame, tire boier irouse eat of tire main factory and tire foundry on tire lake front. Tire Duraud Steet Locker Company occuird tire lomer floor of tire main buiid' lng. Tuesdsy mornrzrg nothing but srmnkînv ruina are left. Thre tire depsit- ment ofirally pruvounced tire tire ouat 6:30 ater having worked in in- tense ieat and rvany dangers sînce t o'ciock, Only tire brick pilars, tire tait srnoke stacks. part ufthtie office hi ck, aud a mass uftwtisted irua are l tftire main building. 0f lirehoter house ouiy tire mails stanoi. 0f tire ftuudry tirehrck and ion tramework are lf. Tire Dnravd cempany pruperty sa a totl loss. CAUSE 0F FIRE UNKNOWN. The cause ni the tire sanltknown detinitely. Watchmvav Sarvuci Nîieson of tire Thoumas plant drscovered tire tire miren he came tucrards the main building ater an inspection of tire tosndry. He triel sam tire flames at tire soulh end ofthtie building in tire japan- mnvg departivent. Then as ire rushed lowards the mater wocks 10 gise tire alarm lie 55w mirat appeared lu be a direct of tiane spout trom the soutn te the riarth end ave iv amotlrer instant tire entîre building was a matssout ames. WORKED HEROICALLY. Wstcin Nielsen gave in thre alaîn, aitire matci woiks. TireirEt art t ofFirenan John SAmons crac te get up stean,. HerorIcaiiy En gineer Allen and his aides laboec.and succeeded speedîyin rurarsrn hg tire water pres6ure trom 75 peundi te 100 pcunds, trie pressure. At lire &rme ime tire alan cvrt lto hir re statirîri y telepirov. av tire whte avd brase iremen lumhied out of bed trom ctieftot tire igirter Ou baIlle wtir une of tire otesl tires the culy ia& eser irad, avd oeof tire mosI dsastrous. ý By tire time tire fuie depaienrent arrraed thtire e ari spread 1tir te su- persîructure ufthlie building and lire upper or second stsîy of trame prcced as dry as trnder and hurmcd as rapidiy Tire tactory buidings8 mccc a roarîng turnace tirat sent coliuna ut croie aud cparks seventy or eiîirty tes imo te ar. SPRINKLERS WORKED. Tire plant hirunstalled a sprrnkliivg ytemn. Tire systemn worked per- tectty, but proved inadecuate to cope wtir the tierce devuuing tiares, mîtir tire recuit tirat tire ater rairneu upon tirem ment up tiv stear and saper. FEAR FOR GAS TANKS. One ufthtie earlrest tears othtie people mas liratirhe gact tanks of tire North Sirore Company mould ire îgnited and brous up (rGuettesan Hotel Fridrcirsamong cIrer places, feared thrs and a general ext ts said 10 have eccurreul merle tire ire rageul. tâter ail returning. Fîre Ciief OFarreli asserts lirat tirere mas no reason for tsar ofthtie Cas tanks, as in ailtirhe tire hirslory of iis long career ireiras neyer seen or irourd o a gas tank as well prolected as tire local onet Thre lrgitkeepers of tire iarbor, ireaded b>. Keeper Larson, used tire irose ou tire governmeut irouseetatlie mater edge, and even irere lire heat was intense aud blstering. Harborraster Larsen sud iis crcw also turu- ed out sud used tire hose to pratecltirhe laie front properl>.. Tire Bar-meit, Bell Lire sud otirer forces mere aiso out tull sîrenglir lu protecltirheir Inter- esta. FIGHT FOR WATER WORKS. Fireman John Simone lu a blitering, broilrng ieat, kepl hose playîug on lire cty waler morks exterior. wirere tire bricks were aI une Orme hrot enougir te turu tire water inIa teamn almost, mhite Engineer Allen Inside tiré plant ireroically stuck 10 hiri post witire big nene mater moris pump aud kept tire tire pressure up to igit teltammes mincir raged wirh terrible majesly not more tran tweuty or luirt> test 10 lire cast sud coutir of him. Tire firemen worked under terrîit pressure alto. OVER TWO HUNDREO OUT 0F WORK. As as resuitotel ire 135 men employed b> tire Tiomas Company. and 100 by tire Drrand Company. araeout of mok. Tire Thromas Company se capitatiasd et 015«,000 sud il la saîd tire Io" wiii be $175000. Tire Duranul Company.ts captalized aI $100000 sund tire lots iii be about $125000 al bld. Tire former lurned ouI brass sundries sud tire latter made steel locers aud turnîture. Bth enjoyed a lremend. ous prosperit>. sud were getîug ready for expansion. Tire Durand Com- pany irad just iusa.lled a new sireet moel presa valued et $2,000 lu tarp doors tor Pullman palace cars. On tire srdnng mest ofthlie planlten box cars burued furîously sud wtir sucir huât lirat brasa sund iron wece tuscd. One car la salul 10 have been loaded ilir naval training scirool tockcis. Anotier had a load for New Yok. D. T. WEBB LOSS BV FIRE. David T. Web, ceai sud materral mau. test a sired and irad munir ma- teial ounirand damaged b>.tire tire, but tire osa la coveîcd b>. insurance. He irsd juast ccked up oni mavy malerrals mincir maies tire loue cosider- aile. Cars on tire sidlng met of tire plant ioaded withir lon sud bises wre 60 ireted lirat lire moeals tuced sud rau lu a lava 'ie streanm fromntirhe cars. Mayor Buck, Aderman Moîrow sud sou, Alderman Erskine, Con Horn, Guy Miltîimmre, Joe Cornisir, Rutsa Barber, and man>. otirers, wiro volun- teered in tire tire fighitng, did valiaut service in varjous capacities. Tire cit>. officiels turned tireir attention te pntetiug lire ctty mater works sud Aldermon Moîrow sud sou aud Freran John Smons especiatly dis- tluguisired tirselves foi tireir woîk. SHOWS NEED 0F ANOTHER DEPARTMENT. Tire firemen b>. tirir excellent work earned lire golden opinions ofthtie farter>. owners sud titizens geuerally sud are receivlng munir commenda- tion Ioda>.. Tire tire, homever, demonstnated again tire need ot a second tire depart. ment as ru case o a second alarm ot tire tire tity would have been merci- leulI> open to beiug wiped off tire map wtir not enough et a tire tlgitiug force 10 do anythinig but tope with tire Thomas menks ti. Thirteentir Fine of Vear. n bluteetftire Wauue-r sogar nefluet Tire flue mes tire tiirte-ntirofethtie seme five or six peurs ugo. year fer tire- cite ton nie benefit et Incunance Rau Out, tbtise mie attarir a egificamrce te Uts One of thceilueei tacts lu regard i anlucir> nuber. The lut gisat flue tire Tiromas fire la tliat Robrt i mas that mincir burned tic tiird liber Ereilus. tire- Insuranre- agent et Wsi eft lie Donge hbuiidng autGene-Se-e sud iesu cauîtsd a5 ite et $40,00 ineu Wasbiigten treetsaenni tire lIsgreat uncesou tire plant unili Jane- rthr mi taar> flmi mas tire miiton dolar. I expire-l nisd il la Said tirougi son di tecîreri er îed tatre of tire Chicago nilie ruas tnt ienewed. Tireintentiloti tl le sald mas le renew it.The trlait iairied airent $ 15.00 lrisrie all totd. The precionis ceai tile uithrie mater works seve-rul tirnes r argttfire atnd euty strenuota work sac eritire fueL There mas erre >ug heroun oi, rît tir.- mater nonks % beework lu kýeej Ing lire roof wet urdeîîiedty rtîd mîrch le suie thee e ty îrîîrîertr- Tire west waltecatum e m îo t oai rir m tue (bat tire etass ,uir, n Plant Seemed 111 Fated. f Tire buidng orrirlJeitI-v i> Themas sarIdinnrand icînnpanies bast always reerneu)IIifatcd. Began I§r-îhe lte ?Mtr. i ta I for ire inn ajecit( illtt Safe anît lxii nir urnnîrlnrîmar'r'.1ir ugo tlt rînn ir, it itorr> aurr , lot I culcii cd anid fini >eas ýtaod 4un i and uselecri a playgroucid for tucyr.l Then thrn ty inuglut il unid gaie Iut tn tire Tirurua crin oheifiil sud oferated tire Tins irks a unci leur or cru agir ruhr'cneas nre t amn qîu-f i rt ut unut tngair rç'aii> tir oirml lin ii, uir..t nlîudt a, hfuît in- innu thi ThomTas triant I ni rg a prn ria tari ofni canin il ih d lliaucanrcnullts, $2,11 tn., le liYi rti-i( kniraii t raire Star fli tue '-Innon uticle-igiatcrit a'.No. i. $nttai ï u,. h'r7.-o f FOWLER TO RUN Whitney Back SOUTII SEA DO Wl Ha subtil he aislwo ,'Sais Oider. FOWCNG ES 1hale i e turi iX rruc T a ZON^PTUr: r il.r 7Le 2 is (et Shg..îî Monday irrini (a o 1,, a E ai i i Il l e; sciad n nipanled by hir ta o riii i. St îcI peo rcTrh. i hr'T (I Conete snc a Frank T. Fowler vsteed XX ubegan ietadrohRyprourîc Anet1 eierae euaîr itttii.riHa bt ca an Saturdy aftemoon nd miin Eth and SIT Ra Mr. ýdoewbiOwYnT beicllea aiuselatn"11brut ther c asa Me Sauravateroo sd teninter, sti:l vrr>weak and irad aTi r I,:" iibe bail tnear ion t ttv rf jamea fhad !te rIIla-li ne athe', wer ne oo viewrI as to the truti of!th, report rc)rce an d aearlng jouit, 'ai i uc Aleander LtOwie, ho hasa Cone out il iltMmthvwrnogd that he will ire a càndidatP for ('on l'hlsof New Mxiaco arnd Ai]zura 'Le of an IslIand lu the Pa.ific Ocean tea' 0II III vrtigsuedy gress ram this district ir1ittrontioîî tirermeureter reerctering i', , iiî l 1ludamttbto tZicdent. i*iitiigiZon ityt ef Coligressinan F'oss tateil tirat he degrees mach etfbth reun e t ;Ii, li the hicepeati> flim"easer t Andt i lis eonsidering enteriug tire race cer- M r tulmnetsaie . teie vtirpa e anis brothe e onAisea. iel.'our n r cd< in 't . W iteyexers o e a 0 li fs hecoy boter(i JhnA x 'et ,"Iru lt T î in cre t ierîr-iy but bas not tutuirimadle rti islieri is office lu a tew a ,a , ir1iavd t-we i eecei rtr o limetd He statea ire 'te bilig urg rer-t as mucir as îj-aiw e ht irihr a ! Owe Irecasdse ol j *ne 1 a une th blitroth e fthe Pd tel enter the race by hi. rnany ereo!trecrmrr feito r. th Jaes texnde eZa reI kirg tei(' 1aî h-1r4, e br tbha Ortaye trienrmis 0 tireIsouttereftari rf thhren anie rurr 'l aIlre a p'es Alanderarrgayse iotrul t hiago aea' dasl unît su lwst Rserie district and wilI prebabi' arn<aindni e re aus ke courhirrrrt , i] I alun cl f 1 iiiI te as atir- Zi op nov iv,,1shils yi his candidacy tn ee dtire faci liai he e cll i if ri, InriLOf 2Ic i.î e aZio 1-tewtseChireura I Ysarnrndri t fraRome 9 week and tueetcheîe ot Sr jdaVattînt haie net Ur Fewler Raid: -ilanm i it iir rc rsrre r rrri Ie .iii î 1r!lftriirgi iacaii.liii H anc if pis 0 te' 1a hnige rah rae an wif ener tcire i iinsrnra ir gra daIMgeroiri.attack frIt"' i l'Ir Il" i le w ii îd $2(1,0000it. ()l tfirked Oeil My port. ruer'~in t( hm i y anni.i r î <-a,, mhi h masai cuiiii , 14 ; Il i l c the111ci g of aiioîiîîr trial lene "Do yeur r1V P s coincrde witir tiree rurgent lices. 1 ar n ih ai ît r e .iiîîriedb orbohr dure Roosevelt and his (r rcand __________1i'ii. 1 îb rea N- eldt, yuî rutrothreai lne arc ~ ~ ~ ESA E oFpee t ir AtIn aiTHE i.irii ir a"iti Atrer tire bishe11 irad asserted blts "ICAhave OM eside i iriai ni rintrcention et runnIng fer president en "'ui haegsidedcoiiiîriTrI 'n is ELGIN ASYLLJM l i la teri ieraîpaae 151thre Repubtican ticket. backed by bis tge , sionaio istict sr Ift 1 eldXXal-i n, i rre \Vi h flin in Uhe Oilchor ta. and sncb otirers as car- fil orls i Chiagof,, fi mooh.1"Il:,rd te vote fer hirn, the interview cles. tire ~ ~ ~ ~ J-p 1îjlto eallaiir' ubnr Ii, 1ofIntrerîirrtîr, de sud drtrtng that lm ant s i retree to iriati-ii r i i Triilii i eit 'If l-e et tanîrarîloret efictency r, t.î ni lait IA if iii. ii i . nu i Iý -rrr tt nii'ilniini R Y O E I mientttr a censideratuie à<re tif I a9, icIi hoiapgil. 'i i Xi'u-' Intel I rr îig ire~r iiaise AN OIER DON WE dfrine Ie hecome a riirt.'l.rir5 uani ir i ,if tF, I& t 'f: nI ie I h i, terhIr rtof -r ar ' bcalhîAN T h onW N ebnitit ire etecteri tbe (il i/r7 i ,, f t mLtaitkin i iiii, ;fI('ll (Ifii I l ir, Iîgi ile,', altîd ire t. cint maiitV tiy reatt assurreri iai i errA tiral ip a fiii r 'l. î-i ' . ..î !I, lîaîr.îîî.î virth F tigîir XX unh e 'bri r r cie ahrr anueunc ni rer frrget ttnivod fT-r r aTIl I ii aîrrîî e r ('l" d 'id l"" n r ,1 r e V i.1 cid n riuo e ex rT Ii (ai tain \\ airer of the Zion . ',, Ii, a o o ex o i(t 1I artrîrerît that tbey atieast Io eeryrhing In m1ev i rIli rtrtce id iaiiharifte i r 1tc,". bn elf tir'Ttthitii li ala it"ur es praying over the irtereestsetf Wau.c.i rît tire About te he Frecit. Bishep Does tire Talkinig. the tiraîyrOfthtie crîtored boy drowned r rirnty whener er irec Thei' i l, ua,î n f i !j, i 'b, . ilJ-n arrih îriii ra Ziriri (tY Triaday, aiotier minu Tbatthe ampagu arlite ia I a ur r inti , .îO ii i i.ri ii nidire a tred n il tue cimePr toîrini onthebeach in nearty i i i.n u.. ih ln-i 9n triO tîcaube ren e r- n ut ar 't tia -r' 1 - iardh- 4 i X 'r ai i a.î i i a d, t carr i t r i Till tae cire Ur lb an o s te oh ra d (ni il i r-m r iii le in-ilililifUT) 'ani btrtire standi . 'i is i. iilritti ii ýi r~ Ioii n - s' ii rr iiu-îe am un l . rî ii' tr-in . ruî ir tnunrgents. Tire Ipeople N.lIl ta, t1ire 1,ilugi l n , er un,'en id il 'T1 ,'Il ut grain iei n Ie itriolr' noue cf tintl 'ini re a' t d-r i(jat dni lni. u . n.urgents i l ii thirli figiri relin,'. ithe.'-u r inl i, ti - r.ýilrtrr i oniiin t 1 rue l'a la( ei- fil ii 'nisted irtereste' ansi t ý ýIti ni i, b 2:h i nn ti flutin il (oit 'nitry ' i r' i' 11 ils.. hajeiti * asas tri-si-ut ladari Iiil tir' to î gntur c' i" asmePunirCitenIhr ongiesta n a 1il dutri i ir t e- tI .-irae ,te-rnicire rex iii Cfinr tlie ncrinrîb e cr ne vee i rne ninit, n, i i Ni t, $2,0UI, p ti can rvotera harVe rnerret an p.î iiie of 'nt niii l t neut î , tr i ii trriuî n atirrnsi ire amie iis I o ii - rs, r( nia nL.i I herei m-uisi' rgent <tub. A large-ciii tirar tire i inn hPl tt-al. toit]etitire ta'-r ai Islanîdse tA nNnrîhereste ru depotal un i;l'ii'-ue d Two Wume n nCar- iltir ii liaçific w here tIre rr-iabtitrrtî Tial.t r iii1ianînoiring tire location nt the- (lobs .\t -, a langeil-ni k Ite n 'g ir goInotr hn.ii h in breecir lentsc te hcarý ci 'r-t elun i i.l ii ;f f the iir tntuiqnrtnrs iras altractrît îlle rteu- ctiini ngir tuc ia Io'- rt11 rinth, e r'r frein th,-'k'iing' irof iet1 anA î.-n 'c 'ai>arcd linîonf Vnruiegan crrnii' rand il înhaiff,,lr cîiicîd ni,--t'r i Tti'-et rid, raid tire inurhet nu., ni tII ila x-lr. ir"il ni i oiu YougMen Open War un Fuse., criIii n i thte -in r i1 i an(]l ate ituited soCe.whe-necar-t .1ilus !,cilr uiL l r nile,'-ele]r flod in ii' Ther'ynng Nlenrs Poiiilal uren- as drni ie'uir hirUici 'le sar i trania unît have a ptrrarentt tra fi e vuas at!( errIl u i'ne t i (il' 'Il't aluono etir'Tenth cjre- iorril dia- ire rirîerruico let ic'ialui r. lla, il in lioc of 12unit r-nuis, asbite sud black. j.1at tihe n oft e t, il'.raae antnît i t e t rîllinirs, cliaiOinig a e iarter ftient ofuthe tirrrte ni 'a' e inntru tion Tire ikinrg bas hie owrc urcires tire le isarreni unr înberr-hiîî ni! tep oaud 'anulntimuteCLnuor ruas Fee.ted onn tueeraus -, tI 1and the- Islande are tic Inluminerais F aistoas & t'oi. ani aestte ire întiutrrsiIioe! t <lIO" hae elarted out a ni-iunçiOfethie-fiat i5rhs ai Ic lti1111earurlpreclons r-feues, diameedsansd tv"'r rt $4r.mnandi $500i aorth if granlitr, te cleatr up tire tandîratters in con-, t'le tiuiring cairuas '.ccn biiiutendigliietetîir ieel rs un ahc bîihad ni-ttisee-tu uuo5r]rrtfrei, tiregrecs rpuelils Oviuacceunit.uit t trace tire noundsle umru thluitittîe tri igirt car. durîxetrl t til ts ire'ittle sdirectrug Ila preseut cnergtes'.r inuIthenni returnied ru nhînuithIboir Secret et Elijah's Wealtir. t Tire granite and nionurrccttal urseant langîcasman Geerge Edmound 'n iv. drtr e l thtie chauffeur. Sirien "'Frein tirre-st sands mach efthleme 'sas cruree iy tirs lnter.e hi at unit Fin'.vand ns supportIug Richard J, aprinnear wiEre ('ennui was- eatr I ru aînth ira'irhe-tpEete0finance Zionr cruielVedisne riatk. it'rnegan. iis erircneuf. Tire Idea rtotu nthe girund wacrac ced nha dîni (r City mas srcured b> John Aexander tlire organlzation, as expresse'd lu au -tioipcd tire cr andi steppe-iloitut tire 1)orule.1-te ister gave irele-s i a RIJMORS Of PAY iaddreno te tire y>ung Men oft tirdmachine. ('entir t1iciey jcrped uni ta iis iroîher, sud ice-te-are age U'nitedlStates, i10teirisaitamay frein raulte emacinue sud ruca dri>ecrutCiiln Mirxica aise presented Zien Citya ROLL STUf FING tarîy ties sud te urge the ele-tion te ofthtie sontirh gate ut toit r-pr ell onuthr tr i hni.8 -cengresof meru mo ira itbe tics sourtirreail heledilfer SouthiElgigt fih s nu cnuir-îîreReuîIntention teb Readmster Danieli cCait> iras re- tîom obigation te any peliticat ergan- Traced le Soutlgi ton. isr-t Zuen titi Wir>lotir np s hoinetst ergned ie positiron mititire Chirage & Iztbis. 1 Tirecar ruas trane-iase far a' .- ut1rtaienterrtegt ed tu liulvuke rntoadsu muy umre Drartic resaettloris. have ireen adept-Ftl.hi c rrie rae f hebetter te ruait ourti lirhe>are' trezen areafiat hic ar tetheeffct ria cr bYtire orgaiatou ttaciing Cen- teen tounul. sud f i s hetueved by hatia bit, irieguisilties sud Ps> ro1Il-stuffing are geiry its crordnng t0 tie stats-lin eautiroîtties tir a rei fer Chit f Lihi*'sr bsln responsibte for tire resigatien, mrute ot Dar d 1).toairbur>., Wil ta rage ruas taie-n. Tire C(iiage pelice irerd.le grîrrued. The- in'did MeCaîty basanet ieen lu charge etfhîcKinle>, sud Juinan Bwn, e-aere notifie-ilasudaise tire-officiaisaet1ilinese iis office eruce Tiureday and Iit is re- bers etftirs executure cmîts the- E ' J & E. railrosd. 'Chicago de- - Pa p'eSansd documente et varloust perte-iltiratbils pisseurs le mach desir- Refering pat'ticriarly te thre TentbrtIcitiers sud Chie-t et Deteetes Philirînilutire iraudmriting of John ed aI 1-igivooni by tireofficiais ofthlie district, tire resotutiens ISYt:îî u îemcise aOb-nAeader Dorure-are lu tir- esea companry. A large arneunt et meuey Cele Fosa a Weakttng. nnabie ne secure a cieruase te tire itan If h Ie bretirer luniis Ilatnd home,t te sîite ire invoived lin tirs psy roll 'Wprnopose te replacesa laclcadais-,ing place tound tori'nori sud Ibese- ie miii serrure hefere tai-a psddiug. mhitoi ias met ieen iisrovsi- ia ogesems.n. asho, ln eider te ie'- Two assis ugo Canner ruas visited] tlg atîy te-gai action,"euntlnedtse cd.acerdnete eprt mur ireettan ovle ruma rte-5 niairman- «iirtnnuancter-inuchie-f. ". 5 clsx cri, acordin te reorts wich th Il. a sied cminitte. 1hy Ime v-amen et tire as>Iuni atnd they iinh'junyfoiteUie fiiale efthtie cempary refuse ta sub-1ahmp, rs ecaten înrn thre îand et tire are irsîlered te havure ue-ntre- sarn îcir orcy fe ir nt stale. ring tirat miles congres, a meaklingi true aie dd tire ne-aîlnînc <ar-ier1 States te resa-irtirekilngdom, sud hirE ,NI. rMeCttif mas cousîdered al mie, lu spite of an stmost universeil naling iis e-rcape. Tireasyltn inltende to go birscitiers at1f1ter vioitiug12 iret <tata raitroad man sud tire cern-i demsnd frein bis district that hoe Ilve iuntioritiesa belîe- liraI tire ecarrte ntire cpieg oethtie country."t îrsy eget trsneesît. oibu1 up ta a preisu decaratiOn for tariffrs îineda tr-tisrî hrser-t Sritaastierexdurce-ncetoftire- reeinatioo "The reportesie net vmeil 'rith o1eof' did tetraies hi oestluAttendnsts ai tireaseyium se-rrîred the I rtren re-i -- ?ra ser fotnde-d," Raidi Superiuteude-u iebuee epccttsmletire n irnirer of lire crias ut ahurie-il tci Sa i. aarneiltire nhop.' Hie Ibeis ee., ard rue regret tirat -Intameus Aldrci-Payne tariff mess- hireni Tic nurnier war - 2 hlm reesauir te a siradînofa ts irsper. mes s'sgaunirtciaoi h-juie mas under conisideration. except tHrdCrUel Hedrt ntahdy eku' maire t necessaiyt' e s>. auyîîîngn te repeat 'sys' sud 'no ufter tire mord Snperinîsndeut Dr S LD V. îis lé tel aiot iut etu heiligain.o ts suthorir, a profe-sîousî office cpoe "s(eaý fFaeTisaý'Ae foi tiraI mac Vottr-a. Wireuire hodrwose__te fel hata__rtymoining sud mes inîfernîed tiret the 1 s>r- tiratI Iteie- rner irad a brether macchine omes hlm a renominatien cri we yteCiaoNoo i os nwwa el akn Baiai ai Foc Lake sud ic-elecllon lu spite et iis flag- ('empan- haire utnre CI, crgc age-nssboot. Tire 1-ex Lake 'ounty Club miii rant luactueit> un ire-iait otbils con- 1rlr akr a lt.bettee "rd assntroeîtîed tethirs mati iere gve a baser on Jtniy 30 te raiBe stiturenta; a protesr-ionat office sesisi t iraI tireb car mas a Iran Irard and Ibat lnrain tire'iîrAtve usuo fuondr-ne he-tp defru tube- exPenees et iroe,iy bils claring for tire positiontbcCiaople l iel, oI,'bJhnAxndr 'ow sbs is ne brnme- Tiers witt ire seven et United States u asator latter tie rate i sud p tîriyloate-('ertier. 1bohran lirllm laou hnreirs rcpresenting dffereut nations. memiers etfiis part> hart spoen isu5 Wîll Go Atten Connor. briit ait abolîtiis Island ikng- sud tire memen in caretftiem wl a regular primarv etectien lu tavor Tire efficeis or tire E_ .1 & F raildo' uppeun in (oeturne Tire articles soîd et anther man, tenteîed the filse- rosdt seseit tirert h. t rulI do e rer> 'Cood-b>. lîroîher. Feace ire te thee in ecrioft hieaf bootira aIlire surir gard et tire expressed part>. milI that tJgi hi oe olct onadteIr ls he-tebso co ughesavii e-y sd lucenansteginîsaroe eand that the> are un nurîs ne gelt hi . csted oint asetire awed vieller etumir- couitis wic thy rpeset. UD scnda fi Or sateleisltur." If jor-ephr Ceunor Ir- necaptnrreu leld dean rie nant tairwa> et.tire rer ailire rerve-d. Han>. Laie court-ire uilire îlarred urler a mary guard ltpe- iypaer t>. peoplte-are planning te attend, nWiethr teiite ecp pe i mlruteinlee-ilsirrti>. afler is Tie atsto tr nîdn e ~s Salutation te Courtir Court Jury. hnlatntrruîîîî te-ui i Thedats or he olingof erentel nti lie ireodischiriged. Ater had auneencei rs arralinu t'ticagrr Beventir national encsînpmient. Sp4i- "Peurs e otire-e- Wirdont >yenI iis diecharge ire awir e presecîted bviv lus sald tirat lu ansmer ta tire eum- tell War Venerune, have been risuged it? Cant tenu r-et peare te tires be eitiritlie runtnnnud clmpuir er tir.e- mous efthtre reporter, tire "iing' trorn Seplember 6. 7, 8. te Auguet 29, mutipIed? Say il. Sa>. t?" bnig'opn iDesbt rltvsstrode lu ta tire aaiting roem etomi>.. 30, 31, because Col. Tieodre Roose. Thismas tire tartliug manner lu maie good tire furît umouînt (iftirescirr lie la short sud eteckil>.ilît. His velt, fermer pre-ident e ttie United mmih tra. Annte Scebie et Zion Cil>. luge ine sRaint tong beard le black, streaieni mitir States atd a veteran efthtie Spantisi- addresed a Jury un tire reunt>. court gray, Ameriran mar. mttt vieitliDenver, Tirursda>. mornng ire. Scoblewason Wa ol ctogto n "n'es, t arn tire rroterioetJeohnAiex- mise- tirsccmpmi'ut la teireoheld trial forire-rRsiluntysd mas rommitted Wia 'ri e egr tamnandien Demie, sud rater o! tire Fiee Auganet 29 and 30 acd it la desireni te tire ElginoInsane asytînmb>. lie-de- ruho aeuid peg atrung e bot and duet>. land islacids lu tire Sentirse-," ire ie- -y tirut tiraencampmetît bire sd during rision etftirs jur- roani -foot haki' - hecire coudride gn ibohr aem l i Col, Roose-elt«s viit te Dtenver. A melt inowas dsrcîan miro cîser n a 40 berce-ptwe-r automobile sud pgoe tiy bher gvet imsme ai rI _________en le crme-foie tire- conrt roiailo le ,fns, -- adshelateyeers ugoluinrMexice Just nea I amn e "Once ire wan a Iammnei-uomire tire wrnan wacgtînvr a îamiring tali Hf, meulil he- nide-reil no more foot- traveling. lly elgil chut-cires in tire E. la saur-nil,--Pe-ople eay tua etf men aie i tAsr-stunt States Attorein saithan tiremac aie tries te t-un 24q Islands are lu god bandamhille nu mire are a tbttle "dean ou tireir Iuck,'" E. M. Ruritard. Tireasoman uotlcIng its ebisgue40aheutpoder attelugiren 1 arn ges" i. AIlttIe oethIfe right sert f etmut ad- tire kuomîug gianne- sud miukeaid tr i 0brepmratmiis The "king' declared l iîesitfalt- mu vertieiug iii mange peu iracin again "Dont yen miii iere. Stop tirat. etneaspeper îrîbttcity 1la a rs entered misa told bie leeuie ni a.yeaua 1te frein tire- auil ne tire-iammner Thins le tirsecourt etfan>. Qd.' manni, yeuugeî tise the lats piopiret ot Zion. t h. i ai0.e for lite eic t!i (t rî1tîni ite Homer C. \Vargi r nul brrrdeathi, i.mnade ail the lucre iii adfui frio1 he tact that ire ùaeus ea, wite snd r-eeu eciidreu to moiîrîri f(r i unrn thitirlte faim ire lad' juanlirrciser The wiree lmil> were uîrendiug thre et ron rea t tire lake front and after the cilad irîistîr d tudr stîtrper on the hle' abou.tiîi 4 tir tire Mniatdectded te t1aIn'a n ire Tirere mas euty oe ire1, ir ire aer ut the lime, a young art nnicd 01lir ('tiiren. t it orn wa- on a rsft snchored a iii le iraii iiehore ru about seven frit uf raier. irrcorditng ta bis story Virgh nîtemîîited te reaci the raft, w ading eort as fai as peaible sud then attenpting te rrim. He etnly sar about filtteen stroltes and thon wiren mithiti abottfour 1-set-Mof @4!àtý ire ment demu mitieut a cry, neyer raeing te tire surface. Tire teitu tad ou tire raft atternpted ta react i m and ut once began to cry eut ta tire peeple on the shore sud lm- uiedlateiy a crorid came out ln row bfiesand swirnring, but the body was net recovered for nearly hait1 an bour, sud atter werkiug over It for usarly an heur bope of restoriug hlm wus sbandoned. The w'ifle and childîsu mers on the, shore ail the time and watclred the iushsnd and tatier drown, tee atunned te even cry eut. Deputy Cerenor Conrad ield the In- que-st Thursday, a verdict of dsath by accidentaI drowuing ieiug returued by thre jury. Tbe buriat efthti colored boy was helli Ttursday atterneon, atter three "faithtui' had apeot s good part of Weduesday lu s vain endea-ror to restore the dead body to lite.' The tact that the body b hmbc embstmed did net eem ro daonpenk tbeliraider sud for twelve heurs straigbt the thieees at y the deail body singlng snd prsylng confident à aigu mould ire ahewn ail Ziosi by the raising oftis body. Buot lu vain were their efforts sud In epite et their protesta the body wus at tact taken trom them sud they wore ltt with their "taltb" stili unahaken te look for a sigu f rom soins other source. Sunday H-ottest Day. Via u ay net have ueticed It but Sunîday mas tire hotteet day ot the art rmer. The westber mn, alwaya conserv- ative, re¶rerted tireinercury clmbing as iigh as 97 degrees betweeui 3 and 4 e'cteck. This was four degre4s botter tian on July 4, mhic, tromn eil4a& cerits, mas bot eneugir to suit even thire smon. Fultiermore, it was the hetteat day lu nearly tee years for Chicago. Oni July 21, 1901. tie tierinemeter regla- tered 102, micir mas the record for mny yssrs priai te that turne. Beversi thermometers downtown ahowed the mercur7 St 1012 sud even higher, but the official figures mers 97. Had thre heat coins on any other day sxcept Suniday the sufferit tireugirout thée city would have.ffla Intense. As It mas, nearly everybody wss able te get Into a comparatIVsly. comfortahle spot before, the heat reachsd Its maximum. "Waste oetlimel Is ineot extrava- gant and cestly et ail expeDa55." And neglect te read lthe ada. betore "Soi«g ashopping" le oes my et wuftg t1m 3-ud Ila sluxury minch no (e e]ROM eafford. 'Muddy maler woxn't do for a nttr- roir» any better tItan paper et a S"" acirculation wili do for a want s ma&4 1. ttm.

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