Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jul 1910, p. 2

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LAKES COUNTY INDEPENI)ENT, FRIDAY, JULY 291 1910 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WAUCONDA DEPAR Correspondent sud Agent,1 ZTMENT I. E. MAIMAN1 rom"& wOOi« and Wd 'Milieatranueactcd busines luChicago 31, 1833. and came toi Laite coont7ai Lsa up t60 struath, aad Wdueeday. ihe aeofo! ix years wiib hie parente and V k a w u à sW l l M i s N e ltie M u rray seitoa aC h ca g o ettled o u the io m est-ad sbic b a s v i n . *s i e r l ito uF r d a y . " eo un p ro m e th e g o c r uim e n t an d I 'iamar e pndn tc = ii shre ho made hie home Uttu e fewi Muh is e istGer 'MmeN ngiie y. yeaee go sehen his health liegen to e, l wit be site, ýr@.J.N. immr. and hoe asronipelled tu gf vo up eorit, Mise Lorita Welch, o! Vuukegan. renufIng bis f an andi longht the M. S. P AT Evisited] frends here Jast seeci. Bihl reeldeuce ou (hoeasmt'bent of Bangs %I. and Mys. H_ E. Mairnienacre Lung blie sbere be moved wiîb bis famlly MissMayme Williuamus, Hattîo Kueli-Govviinsucdy and bas mince made hi@ home. He seas fer, Margaret uditneeht, Lillian Thief, IRobert Oak@, o! Chicago, le spending une o! a fauiuly of nine cblîdren, only and the Misses Strattutan olfi spend tuse tho sees ithîtrelatives bes four uofsehoun reached nianhood and Bottw esis iii une o! lite cttages at Mn. anidtreMm.ilo Prit-e, of St. palil, wotnuood and oniy o! sehoni nose Laeui h weebor t! w . survive Mme. ArniMureay, seho rerides un Chitago. A brother, Michael Sinnott Mn. and Mrs. Cbas. Babcovit are epcnd- Mn.. George Sehuereteaun aid daugb- having died lu 1870 at the ame of thtrty- tng morne ime in Manitobha and ther ter, Elizabeth, ot Wauitegan, adMs ih er and Mmalea u le platsin Canada. John Weicb and daugbteouf igh woodsistnYeaod endber@home lu Chîcaugolest Tire Palatin, Bond o ilguve iheir are spending the seesitwith E, Maiman Janury eda iberaghom einghicgon yare annul pintc ug 2. an femly.Mm. Sinnot wes united lu marriage un lerried lu Arltgton Hcîghts at 4 Mm. -C. A. Hapite and chldrcni, Of Febnuamy 1871 to %Mise M. Hoseard, of otclock Sundey aternoun, MusesAuna Lilisrtyrille, visited frueuîdsn our sillage ClaYtouu, Wts., and tovo chiidren bliesed Blimee tu Hertuan Meyer, 1ev. Droegen- Saiurday cveuing. their union, Missesi Frances and Jeunie. miller officating. The couple seil reside L. C. Prive,. of Wautiegau. visite-lI wl Ivd et horne and seullie acum- ln Arlington Higbto. relaiescoesa couple o! deyo s e esk. 1fort ti teir mother nlutitis bereavonient. Misses Gainer loft t Wednesday for Obilnary. The fumierai seas held trotu the Trans- seyerai point.eiluthleacet and Canada. John iinnüton )ilor our pitînser figuration Cathulîr churcl intuthie village Th aaie ),ialNo14 O o(tok Cot resîdenueddiethi$boueenluour rvilage Wednesday, July 18 et 10 o t-ka. te Tise PealînersadFre Dl oi nMna onn, uyl; 90'a es. Father Durkes otlticaitgand tbefîr se ond ennunal pitut n 'teLers thue advanced age rtf sevenny-8even ieigafn ero u]o usýa picue- oundo, Plît i rove. Stnrday. Be had (ibueilun frtc a tio flo or the lîeycaved lateiy Tue July 31. Bussoes o Il cave itîhipliee veau-s lut for the last li otunthe lidremalue ac're lutre(nheael t Corner every hall houn anilacit ail lcu gýoseing gradnaliv osaker andf lu the Caîtt, run-eeterov. te exoeid trains. Cotes and lhave a goni1 lIme iually death t-alled him tisit reos ardOunr iettere issrroatlts rî thre li.reascd He ets (tbom n nersey Cty, N J,. Jnlyiauily Red (onul Poutiry ail sures. Beef footd YI___________________________________________ for chictenm. sçld liy LilEii titi ___________________________________________ LuuiBERCO. rC-39 YORK HOUSE. Mines Estelia Baron attnded the prive. Content for draseîug et zion Cittv ast She lied thrée drasituge anti touittiret prive ou theni. M. and Mm. Gonli ront Nortli Prairie @peut Tbnreday sith theurRonu, Barry anti tout Mater Josephu.bhomte sîth tbem forea eet's visit. Mms. Cliarîey Wenvtm vîsàiteti ler parente, Mr. and Mro. E. P. Banchard one day lest seeit. The Ladies' Aid oves ententained lîy Mms. Neson Betamuneen un Mrs. Omar Carmansa lasen affomooun. Quito a nuniler fnom bore etteuded the hern raleing of James Laybe ladt Tuee- day, about 200 seere preseut. The Siver boys are building It. John MveGr8ey, of Gurnes, epent Btinday et (J. W. W elle. Mer. andi Mmc. Jerry Burrîs are enter- tatning Mrs. May Burrie and femiiy Ibis wesit. Mvie. J. G. Nlonsa nephese, Dr. J. 1). Leach andti l!s, o! Clicagu, are spending " ws ees it wtbber. Word h.. leen reSived froim enrl Neisonaud wi!e bat thsy are in Spokane, Wasb., having a fine tinte. On Bnnday morning et if oclocit, ttle Delmax Belghnold pasmed aseay et the Woutaids hoipital in Chiago. HishuIst l1bhm b e full o! suflering!erom nervous trouble. The faDerail sa beld Tuesday from uleir home. The mut sîncere aympathy i.a exteuded t. hebe lreased paret. Mm. EdWsard Stnong entertainsd ber brother, John Farrell anid tamily, of Kano@ha, andi e Iriend ront Chicago lait Sundey. Auoy tendiyou seant te bny ton (aIl f e.dlng se.un. Dose ant gsi laten delivsry. LeasTYVILîui Lustega Co 40-t! Thiatie Notice People o!1Eatuwnship are noifiet tisai ubein tbistles muet le eut befure Jnly 20. Henry Webier, T"utie Coni- msoner. -39-f b.C. Pries, candidate for Cuunty irreanurer called on frieude here Tuesday. Louis Geery madie a trip (o the Ci ty TueSdey. The eiectic reilrueti survevi vs put up thelr camp hers ibis weit. Thée rallroad meeting iaet Fidey oven- 149 W». well attendeti. L. Bl. Prebtu W.. elacotidinectur froni Eia township. Louis Seip muid lamly, o! Chîcago, vihed relatives bers Satumday aud The. danceslast Sturday uîght sea6 fIlvy wel atsended. "l Lifs Worth Sivingo" Mdes. Mli, cane y, Prentles, ms wvItetua tiaahe hati asevere dace o! kduq and blatider trouble, anti that four bft3mti.f Foleyts Kldney Remedy careber sound and woel. She closes ber eby »jing-:"I teartily rer- sufforer o! kldnydleas.. h aveti my P. B. LOTELI Cou l' asr. Notce. Toclthos who ai.holdlng plan bouts, tt we woud 1k. tbe estiurc o! themm@n,fil se "lt la cme, cuber partieu diiblag to look 04 e éworIk. iuEaTyvua LtieEu LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN IVANOE I MILLBURÎN fisses Harriet finainard andi Charlotte Mitu Jeu. Miler lie@ pucumoula litem Handrin are spending a ocee' vacatiun mdoter, Mrs. White, is sith lier. sitb the tormers parente. Mr@. Crist 'Van Paf feu lid a runaseay Mme. Wiliard Beach sease alicd mo Easl Saturda-v and iippcd over un the dit-h Chcago lit t eesittuosec lier sot, Fred. andi waoscmeiously hurt. sbo lias boen serliunly ill witb inflainu Mie Perin. of Kenosha. te vleiting mt Ony mtr "'.atusm, but is a lttle' Mr@. Jensen and Mme. Critiansen vieîmrd frieude et Bîncitley, 111., last wsok The S. S. Convention seas weUl attend- eti andi aIl report an unusuniiy iutereot- lng meeting. ln tle evening, Miss Flugen gave a good accunt o!fibheovorit the Congregational Cburcb Building Society la doing andti he great ueed o! more effort alonu ibat lIno. The Junior C. E. Social et the parson. age sees weli attensàed by old and yonng andi nil sPenu e pleaant evsning. The ciidren cloared about eleven dollars. Huy lied Comb flue chicit feed, caves ni the lttleouns. Dont feod torn meal antilet themidie. Sold olyby LRTunr- VILLE LuMBES CDc.3 Arthur Fruit, o! Chcago, vWsted rela- tives in Volo a fese deys last wesk. Sumner Foi, o!fBelvidere, called en friend e besSnndey. MM..BeuRoeiing sasa rc-uMtfenry visiter. M. and Mr@. Paul Avery and Mn. andi Mrs. Allite Kapple, o! Laite Villa, uer.e visItons et the Paddock homo Snnday. M. and Mr@. Wini Richardeon and IaMily, o! Elgin, seere bore eyerai days lai eeki. BUY lied ComI flue vblck feed, Save@ al the his unes. Don't feed cormn meal end (et (hem dueBoldi olyly Lus ERTY- VILLE LtttSER O ((o-39) WARME The Warren Cemetery Assotiation w'll niso t ll Mm.. E. J. Drues Wednesday, Angi. 3. Frankt Peterson, o! Arkansas,. le viil- ing S. P. Bute-ison anid family. The Misses Ida and Amande Eneait, are teking an outiug et Pase Pes Laits, Micb. Miss JOsephlue Biedertetit, sehu bac tison employed lunfiranston the pasi lght montbs le bomne. The C. E. Socety heid a Itusinegs meet- ing Tueeday evening et the home of Mrs. F. H. Msysr. An Informei social seas lelti after the meetîngý Miss Charlotte Aid. fO!lhio.le ths gueuiofDrn. C. J. tuer ie S. P. Bthison and son, Boy, si leave Aug. 2 for e trip Ibrougu h. moth. e» states. ber cousina, Mis Hazel Thaîn. Ferdiuand and lisie Iruemptuer, et Chicago, are visiing Mrs. C. E. Deuman. C. E. TopiJuy3l,-My Moeilnteresu- ing -Misiou)arY Item." Ps. 44:14, acte 28: 23-30. Lucy 8tpafiord, leader. The mauv triende ot Mies Mary A nder- son, of lola, Kansas, seul li, giad te hear that sbe le lister. Mise Alice Jamieson), of Berwyn, li., visited ber parente Snnday. Mr. and Mme. W. B. Stewart returued troni ibsir western trip Monday. L- GURUER The Royal Neiabbons cleared about $20 serviug ice créam 4Sturday evenilng. Thte Medicne Show departed for Wads- worth Sunday morning. The prizs ring was awarded id Mi.. Cera Book. Fred Cerney, of Liliertyville, speut part of lait w.ek witb friend, ber.. Mm.. Cona Gray and daughker, of Wau- itegan. vlitsd relatives bore the finit of the week. Mr. DeL.oof bas movsd bis family in tbe Mcarvas nese building. Peter L. Bon£, o! Warrenten, ded Mondey noon ut cancer. Be bad been oicit about six months. A Rood slzOddtime was suarted Sunday by a locomotive and burned over alarge field belougng to C. M. Browen. Boni te Mn. and ?elre. flouseman Bat,- urday morning. Frankt Lui la spending seyeraI days lu Ullwaukee. Min Eita Fart, of Grayelake Je visit- lng ai G. Barleti's. Manries Lui Je baving a new hern erected. Si ver Bros. are doing the seont. Mdr. and Mrt. EB. Ranium, o!Mil.- waukee, spent SËnday boe. The Mulvsy Comedy shew le in Our village once airain. it Isinbrhe.ysane BiDe hey wsre boes A large crowd attends every oeniug. Mrs. 8. Tinlil and Mrm. Von Wsdle- staldi, of Cicago, are visiting Mrs. M. Doerit. Mme. P. Madden ln able boclie oui. Miss Amlla Doyle, of Weukegau, I. vi8itin« relatives auid frisude bere. J. Mecf'nmiek, of Lbertyville, was a taller Wsdne.deny. Tbe Wad.worth White Sox deieeied ths North Chicago Litleî Rock», Sunday bY aicore of 10 tu 3. 18 sees a good gae and verp easlly weon. Tii. pItchen and catcher doing nom@ good work. A large crowd wtneuid tbegaune Libertqville /News' City ('lent Corîcît ws a eChicao vîsitor Tuesday. Mises-Mary MeGrwo Eaiittn, te viiting relatives 4ir,. Mm. Mary A. lirri lie, of Chitaio, Is visitiug Mme§. P. H. tilcietein. Mie. Phillups, iofrlteicen), 8Bctland, seas the guestof Mislrebueriabt seet. A new phonoe(tas been iuetailed lu Jotis confectionery. Tuieiiiiiem s 71.- W. H. Nead, ott lîiorado Spriuge, Colorado, spent Suntday setît Mr. and MrM A. P. Wheeler. Mlise Ruth WeliI, o!fVianhegan. ie viiiing et the houte of ber sister. Mtre. Fred 8cblicher. Urs. E. E. Ea@tou, Floyd and Hazel,1 of Downers Grove are visitlng F. R. Tripp and other relatives is week. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Cburch will meet ai the home o!Mrs. Fike, on Lincoln Ave. Tuesday alter- I Doon, Aug. 2. E. W. Colby bas sold to S. E. Wberrtt of Chicago, eighî acres wiii, flou"e etc. ot the Daniel Lee Farte west of the village. Mir. Wberritt wil iniproo e and beautify samne adding oue more to our aiready long liet o! iovely country places The prive ls said to lie a fautfy one. Fiftt Royal Neighbrrs and children picuioed ai Lake Bluff Weriuesday. From the itiea8aut countenancem tliey btore NN hile onu their wai homîte, waoe iiltttlent ev iente that tie da y Oas an eiiîiyabie orne. ali troui the "einjitr4 tudition of tutir lunch baskets orrolbtrateg ibis etateiitent (ilitheii uiies@-of ut i r oting. Fulli'V four ttoneandi peopleie -re outt ast Thureday evening to enltoi the conc ert giveu ttY the Citizen' Rand. Qute a crttwd front Lake Firemt, %Viau- kegan and uther neightttrtog titwns were preseur and eujoyed the ejilouditl tousi. The Rltt iNeighittre eerved ice creatît and cake. *fbe nouai ttoncert o il ttc rerîdcred Thtrutia,- eN'nng. lt.p)utv Sherti i Llit Item a rot îtt iuttî edtitcrtax îttrnittg o ure he eerved a warrant un Tueu. iuelii. a o wa@etharged with diettrdeitl utiiit, hîo wîte tieiug the îtîtîtlaiuvt.lewas talien lu Wiukegar, wo ý itea(e leareti 4fetire Jnetitc V'i cli, Oc bu i oeil int $100.00, aud lteilitg tnalle tu jat the t, he (s tîow itgutehniiiite i otrty laiu. Tnesda v afttrtoit an uukuown coupie, whu were here in au auto.,tmade themeeve-s disagreeabie and tiiegusting orbîle piaving the part otf sethoarte itu Milwaukee avenues.Of il ahthe potý namee. îbey calied oue anottier antd the Patting ut cheeks lu expreug their iikiug betweeti themoeives, teere euttugh to cause a huzzard to -cough np' a square meai Tbey fialy tuok their departure uorth. Tnesday atterucion Lee Smir@k.y bap- pened to be In the viiuity ut the post- office, when F. E. Marsh, proprietor of the Gratton Stock Fanm alighted (rom bis car, to cail for m"i. At the @ame tme two check@ fell romt hie pochet, whlch were picked up by Mr. Smirsky, one calling for $500, payable tu F. S. Gordon, and signed by Mr. Marsh, alo another for $25 payable to and igued hy himsell. Leo sotight Marebal Lim. berry tW wbom be handed the checks, wbo in tmm gave tbem to Mdr. Marsh upon hie returu fromt Chicago in the evening. Sparkè fromt a îwitcb engins of tbe Mdilwaukee road set fire te a lunch of dry gras@ at of the Macaroni lactory, Wednssday, wbich made such rapld beadway towards the. factory, that il wu neiu.ary to taM out ithe lire dspart- ment, or Lîbertyvilîs night bave had a conflagration of no gaeil proportions. In connection witb the above, parties knowu te huild bon Oiro@ in burning rnbtiisb, neyer thînking that the con- tinued dry weaîber bas caused building. as weli a@ grass to be iu the rlght otage to tart a lire wltbout any trouble, whatever, as reporte sîmilar f0 tbe above have tomte to thie office to that eflect. MOx LAKE C. M. Sprîng transacted business ai Ltbertyvîiie, Friday and Saturday. JOB. Milser irausacted business in Chicago, Friday. Mrs. Jas. Baipin a.nd daughter were Chicago paasenger Friday. John Pester "pnt Sunday witb bis famliy et Libertyvill. The bail game wit.b the Fox Laike vs Jobnsburg wae won by the former ini a score of 11 tu 1. Mr&. M. W. Smith and son, Floyd, left Sunday evsning (or Chicago where tbey wil speul a fsw wesks. Dr. 0. W. Hennesaler and wifs, of Chicago. are spsnding a few dayst witb iriends et Ingleuide. Mimes Florence Oerretasn auad frisnd, tif Waukegau, @pent Sunday wiîb ber parent@ flbe. Jas. Neisb, of Libertyville, was lu ont town Saturday. 1Pbiiip Reshier and a parcy ut youug ladies spent Bunday with Irlenda Ibere elso made a trip to tiie Lotos lieds. A. F. Singer, of Chicago,,spent Satur. day and Sunday wtth b h~sildren at their Ruminer home on Pistakes Bay. The moving pictursu given on- the lawn et the Ried Top Inn lflturday and Sunday evenings makes quite a pisasani Pasu tims. Jpbn TunSk, of Libertyvifle, called uný jrlsnds bereS uuday. 1- PAUJL MAC <UN-lys, Attereey nt0 i. Countv of Lalçee inubeCGonnîy Court of said CoUnty. Augusi Pro6aie Terni, A. 1). 1910. In the matter of tbe final settîsment o! the estats ot Margaretha Aibri.cbt, deceaeed. To Em ma MOille Sophia Krcip. Mary Cruikshank, John Aibrechu, Clierles AI- 'recht, and Berutan Abrcht only belrs at lawand legato.. of Mdergareiba AI. brechi, deecsasd. Take notice ibai on thte 29tb day of Augusi, A. D., 1910, et ton o'clock a. Mi. or eU oon ibereafuer sas the maiter tanulie heard, dis undersigned wi refantu10aad Court au iii. room omlyoeupieds the Lonniy Court Room lu the Court Bonne in the. City of Wankegan. Lake County. Illinois, ber final account and report as execurrix of tbe lait will and testament of Mai. garetha Aibrecht, deeaaed and ask that ibe came be approved and that said estate h. declared netied and the under- sirned diocbarged (rom ber said office, ai wbich tilue and Place you are notilied tu lie present if you su desirs. Libertyvîlle, Illinois, July 25, A. D, 1910. EmmA M. MiLLe, Executrix of tbe (ast will and testament uf Margaretha Aibrecht, deceased. 4.43 PAUL MACOUFFIN. Atnortstt L.w. Notice of Probat, of Will by Publication. State of 1 ]linos, s Countyut Lake.1 Iu the Counuy Court ut Lakte County, Illinois. lu the iuaiter of the prolate of the last will and testaiment ofMaryt. Fenersein, deceased. Publie notice le berely given tbat a petîtion bas been filed] lu the Couuty Court o!Laie ConîyIllinois eoowingz that Mary U. Feueretjof tbte County o! Lakte dsparted ibis hif. leaving an instrument purporting to bo a last wili and tptameni. That said deceased left ber eurviving Henry Fenerstsin as ber busbaud, and beir ai law and Henry E. Feuerstein, Lillian Wlskopf. Katharine Feuerstein, Maniette Munzsr, Eva Cifford, Mabel Marks, Pearl Webster, Elvis Feueretein, (Use Fouersisin, Florence Feuirotein and Adolpb Wolff as ber oniy béire ai lase and ihai ths following namod pereons seere named as legaee. and deviffeesin said instrument; Henry Feuerstein, Henry E. Feusystein. Liliien A. Welskopf, Katharine Feneretein and Mrlette M unzer. Notice ie ibereforp bereby given to the alcive named persona, and ail sehot It May eoncern, that @aid' Instrument sl le offered fur probate and a bearlug bad -on said petition by sald county court, in the rouu ually occupied by eid Court ln the Court B ou.. lu the City o! Waukegen, Lakte County, Illinois, on ths 22nd day of Auguiat A. D. 1910, at the. Prirnaries Thursdaqj, Sep. tember 15, 1910. La Belle Park Coloy 1 Divided mIe s ections of 630 oacres 1 sd subdivided ittu 20 acre tract@ Ir Southrn Lai&Md a vestnient f Compauy DYMOND & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. C. T. MIMGD~KER àh 3014,Atty's te, EsIte. Adjudication Notice. tPublic Notice IR heteby gives iltat the Suit qcriber Adminitatttix oflthe estate of John R0. oLae in deceased,.11 attend the County Court the CouutY. St a teristiiereof to be hodei t the test MWondaY of Seutenuber next, 1010. iien and where ail1itemns ttavlng eOiOns sanst said Estate bre uotttied and requesfted tuitresent the saine t. said Court lor adJudication. LAURA W KORBELîN. of Est.teksn11 uyi.9o J. M. Graves AUCT IONEER Sec M. BeloteMaidng Vouîr Date Satisfaction Ouaranteed Office 2MN . Oeeme St.' itegidence Phone 4o82 Res. 144 Elinwod Ave. WAUKEOANI ILL. W. Hl. APPLEY Auctloneer FARti SALES ONE PER CENT Lîbertyville, 111. PHONIE 1431. Ob Prillhiug DqI »Ior the IlaIr UR VEGOR An rleait Dressing Makes Milr Ggow Sodium Chîlid, Capilcum, Sage, Alcobol. Sopinion of! mdi a bain preparation. UR VIIGOR »Ior the I1.r m ewwwqr4ffl-, e at This 'Olfice., I F V e.sei D:ic Proposai for Local Improvemnents. Office o! the Bard of Local Improve» o .. mneute, Liberiyvilie, Ill., July 261, 1910. W --o tC o iSeiled proposais oili ha reî-sived by tne Huard ofLbocal lImproveniouut fthe A E ' t vilage of Libertyville, Lakte Cojunty, stope rashlng flair Illinois, outil 7 o' uon 'Auguot D.t ysD n rf I, 1910, et the village hall in maid village of Litierty ville, (or the cvtinemrue- Composed of Suiphur, Glycerin, Quinîn, So tion of the toloiiîg lmprocelueuî, as a Water, Peufume. Ask your doctor bis oltole, to-seit: i A coinuected osyote no! seers oiibA rRI A luehos, mauholes and bouses cnnection Y R lI Counsy, Illinois, as !oiitîws; Frot and C eoniieeulng sîth a mauhois tu lie builli o s nç o liy tbe village o! Lberiyviile out o! lanide provlded for thet purpuseotuber îbaîî liy peciai assesmsnt the t-enter boni ef ton itî'ceit civ as «nonfi uf said inaubole being locatu-d ai a thereafrer as tue matter eau fie board, Point in e percel o! land acquired by et whlcb tiue and place yon are berelîy eald village o! Libertyville hy deed dated notified tui li present if you su deîire. à Septeniber 22, 19015, fron John Wool- f)ated Wanlkegeu, lîlluols, Juty 27ihb,à ridge aud Celli Wottiridge, bis ale, f 1910.1 @ aili village o! Libertyville, wincîîh point ALBERiT L. HENIbRE. Clerit of theE inl 22-a lest easterly [rota, alung the Connmy Court o! Lakte Coînncy, lilini)os north lino of Noth Avenue protlnted, 44-3 the southeasi corner o! lot la. blo Ci 1, ___________ Woolrldge's Addition tu Lihertyville, oao.rpsSal sehicli aîd addition ia rectirded liiite PtteGo sSa Rlecorders@ Office o! LakeCu;unty, lilîiint. Thte generai report troîîî raisere tif a- Book G o! plate page (;0, ftuiiipotte e that thte preseut (tropsel nutt hich point said seser shah mn Onseter- ly 121 lest tu a point in lte conter uine lie tîtoîs iluan a hlI! ropt shen .oui- tufNorth Avenue and lu the followîug çtared setit the sicît tif lest ear. The sireete, avenues llnd courts ur parts saris iroiîp e lreadv lesit éeviug, as the tnereol in said village o! Libertyville:vines are dvinig anîd riiuit otId le rtf North Aunune, MiII Court, Fitet Street, îît uit-i Second Street, Sprague Street, Neseberry liti eei. The tttalt-il are fiese Avenue, Rilev Street, High Street, sîieali 'lite laie crîîp oî l le greatly Milweaukee Avenue, Laite Street and lienebred îîv raîn tand tartiiece stalttaât Braiuerd Court, teithin said village of a gtttd saigu t1hmtm o Lilieriyville, Laite Connly, Illinois, mure. lnlly deecribed in an oydluan.e îiassed ""iteOatituti i îid if laie putatesý and approsed liy the Board of Trustee@ s. i - t-ttthe lit e te- itatoe of the village out bletville, aloreeuotd oii le t itii, lerait ut t î-c i te ttîî t ug on Fehruary llith, A. 1). VlOt, a cent i- fulafitnati et, r' lac r f.l1i. lied cîîpy o! w hich te attaciîed tu thle petition ofi the euîd oilage if i.rt- ville to levy an asseesiiiî,nttfor sait] liraiti tefir, e r na , tltitu. tt t t 1inîpr.vueit, leu ini teoftice tif thteLiaijrtii t ii, i tii1 ,ent oftifeIbe iity ~Court y4 Laite Cttu v, Ilîlinois, 'oprîl 2.,tîii IlÏt; antd docketed in catiid Courtasit trvo ic Special Assemientl Niuther :I. aSatd orol f seere ,tite ltîrîisel aL4pu JIU ti (orlitng t Ilans aid otteti ncatitins nuitoa titile lathe b Itsof the tîresiden ttif t.littard tif Lt iii 4lupi)veennttu ofu saii village of7 iLiliertyvilie. ii the Eger lilltg., o Miloaukes, Avenue lu the village u Lu ierty ville att trecoud, anîd viujtiee thet à sani evan u tbati.d ni'tun aplica tî t to tue soird lrevîten t oi i liItiari l t i , * Putl ac itittto)rnel, tit" yit Nattolial iaitu lildg., Litîcty tille. ila Propotrsaleisnet le îmade ount ujîtri itlanle turuiielet cîther fthfle aitov nanuedi lioes anti lie flletrtu ithte preside t itf thte littarti ttî LieaIlitri vr, intîtto ted saiti svilage, cntf t t rord I Poseais for v'eweer Sysreiit,- und bi aîcttutpaued lv cttit îr Iv a t trtulît- 1.i1t k payable lutiith' rder (Athei preouden t uf t he oardttorf ttLoc talI pruveittîos ortie respoittrileItouk ftr an autout juel fton eur euttf the aggmegate- pytîpo@sal.-______ Bide seul le itîtened t he ii.liiî%ri îof rL.ocal lipruvsnîenls iii ipeit sesesit aa 97 otilovitp. ut , Angutet l 9,11,ii adEL E J RE tjvillagce hallni utthfiead vîilge 1 LvifJî RE f Liiiertyt. tue.Laite) tîuuty tllinis. Contracture el (te jpoud n onduîs addtfo18Rîuii rdrawîug intere4t at tic, rate utflivejir C niati on htRplfo ,cent penteunn Nmnain o The Boardl ut Lital inleorivemeijt bide as the Board ouay ele- t. ~ i 1 l h Couupanies or tirins biddîng seil give .iri i II the individuel nainue ufthe ineuier"s hJ i',.1 0 il Lake ronîposînig the cu.îupaic tir fin oithi theur respective addressee as seelI as the fnoms and addyeess tf the tiyni. HENRV B. EtiEs, Prtesîdent uf tlîe Board o! local I aprovenient. 44 _2 O ll Wl Li à state ofIllinois, County of Lake, ML In the Circuit Court of Lake County. William Moyen, John Moran, Annie Morau, Elizabeth Motru. Marcelia Morau and Jîîseih'lbne suîîlr. vs Etta IL. ive@s, LoweIi l 0. gJames tMoirse, Frank Smuîith. Klizalelh Morari, Lawrence O'Connei, Jamtes 0'Co'uueii, G~eorge Morait. ýIiin Nora, D >enesl Hairgerty. Sr., Edward il. inigan, Thiiîas W. Seuritt, Sannîi Synu and the uuknîîwn îîwner. ot th. North west quarter of the North west quar- ter (except the east tbree (3) rode thereof) of section twenty-elgbt (28) Township forty-six (46) North, Range Eleven (11) East of the Third PrInc- Wa Merîdian, lu Lake County, Illinois. Gem. No. 4689. Pablic notice in bereby given tiiatby virtue of an order ano decree entered lu the. ahove eutitled cause at thie .Match Term, A. D. 1910 thereof, the undersigued, Master lu (haxicery of maid Coturtf nil, ion Tislav, tie (th day of etiîie A. 1 1 101. et the Ittur 'f Onue ç>ciot'k lu the afternoon of sald diiv at the East front dOor of the Courtflotîse in the <lty of Waukegan fl said l îke lout, . -IIat puhblic euc- dion to the .highesot and lt-t bidîler rir ravît th(- foo lg rdco riltetl land ali elea elttîiatetI 1n)the l'otity of L.ake and Brate oft llinoig, to-wlt Thte North went quarte r uf the North Oiest quatr! Ite eî,t t he e-ast thiree (3)l rods there-oft of vtctlou twenl>- elght Townvh1jFort, uit i(46) North, Rialigi' I'..leie(11) East ut the Third PrIncîpal 'tlt-rîdIan. vlttîated lulnthe (',îîurt, of Lake anti Stare oflllonle. MNaotr InluChwrnery. 1'2 i The Cozy Corner BARBER SIIOP Lew Flagg, Poprieto, luot or >ut [n!rth ro'gne ~trt r t iPl i LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS Cîgars and Tobacco Laundry Agency Razors Honed IF SICK--WHY PAY Unleu Beaith FiratRetuna Hecels sehat and can On dont No. yo. .-nI e. 11 ]y tlu 7 syforftod eins fit t invesIto ritamlnetial mutî.tth! 1j.sliveiy kiuonug relt tir .ititoot ils. oto05tive cRn do forthlie slct. 1i , fU Il , ,, 5ý tay uoe. health test ceturo.. Arnd 1i ion t ito tiivwitu a .svsnd aud scld Mau dey-N2o h-11). Nu us,' Contrit. iftiltl Ieu o lite st eveittia lp free qfil fa ils'". t.*otites do 1h. saie- tir rIllmp e f-si ip crsrliots iby. f ion ,esa'y More .1 r1most auo~, 8 wrce., thon test De Phnoupe ltesrore. 1 . tOnr dose lteSitoouacitnu or uultetbe Ileartor }Ltd- nes. fo tiat tu wcona. Yers uc I raaf.Iray i tat miniken idsa tu medicine. The houka ein. .111 best teOeil ion ho. tam sueeeedlng. Omoi use.. Do b ta h ian -111k .tihr 7d.7 WUI how ltai feuve.unutîl Il tlt.ser lue. Ioth liRer Iils voowee ol. Its. O uvsc-dina 1%Ii... ouka.11open 'nu e u uilu hdsoicsho are nos neli.Thsy Oil s hav.telieslde' or Pou... es-v.. fler tel how te BeMoteal, "17 M= Ioall isa e u ansd rsvialistha WU5 or flunzznide neIrS. Al o!flte*es. at hs là wama1 @&y e. lfwftsh tt"dlc<ne Ilwoo tanker dare not back iU J" as 1Jida by <Ait remarkabl. off er". go wsStsz» todal for ft.e de. 1 bave apeointsd honIst and rspDnoeslt mu Dgea1n eve- Onmnty o u l M B=t Wittesme int for ltse der. Ail d -tsa si D.Souis %ltlrv@ but sul arenl nitcse ugive thte80(daitet 1o dr-optue aafins lee-and tint.mve iiputuenî Su d"lYs. Teli me also wiie bo Bo eed. A temi tall 11do. Bsess. on ame fres Out.onenil Maeas Suhd Tourhme hyuaIn. ISeI- ansad Ibe buok bl.. eyusad . t itOtL s Peb4sswocd or IWuluO nu mMe .11 d"T Dip onaluent. I have ielw ttosando ubon titouande by prZivaispeCptgj uesonal advloe pa. Myh3 fat stIr1 Wort Tour stmple refust. Bo write nu.w hilI ron have Il fresu lu mmnd. for tomormrose s. Dr. Ohootu. Box 12 ' Tlci. Wia wIli..k- ihaui1I imi Test ~ u1 O tisueala No. 4 For Wosnes Onli2' ('mu-tNo. ôFor mon 0.3 Oiý t. Kdus Mo. aSOn Ritoaeli RUSSEL Lumber Yard For Figures ou BUILDING MATERIAL Idy prices are rlgbi and grade@ 9ood. WbOtber you buy or Dlot get My figures. PREPARED WHITEWASH: F. S. IEAD, Prop. P li.e ' PHl DR tifl LI Iknr rl14 AUCTIC Mai Cemt Corrt IL :1 --f

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