Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jul 1910, p. 3

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L~A/,5E.L~Uii554~~4.$ a, ~ - f - ~.,a-. c __________________________________________________________________________ I .ako, mL Cournty. n, Annie Martoila, Vs. Etta Nloran. Mtran, iConell, i ',lgan, S rencu 4i North est quar- (3) rode ght (28) 1. Range d Prinei- SIllîttois. i thtat Dy entered -at the reof, the nvery of c (lMt dey. c Loiur n'A i of said n of lte aukegan ili auc- 'I flder t,, wit ho Northt tat thre 3North, he Thîrd nlilonile ARKE. 'bwrery. 1'2 -4 '.r paine o! woujcf, bond pain@, or any pain stop1ied lu 20 minutes sure, wth Dr. Shoope Pink Pain Tablets. Sec ifull formtula ou '25v' box. Sold hly ALL DEALERS Those who liec ou the rural routes van soeurs the Lake County INDEeENDiEt'T * and thle Daily Inter Ocean for f4 00 a y car and the Weekte Iuter Oceari and '4 DittPENDtENT for $1.k a Year- IN YE GOODE OLDE ASLK DEATM T F. J. DRU~CE. Edtor Phone No. 11 YOU WILL FIND Ordors Taken for Job Work Advertitmtg Rate$ On Application 'I' boe aet ndî At ll irtut,, aI ni Socva Fountutu teher. yuîu ilgtl lm le undt port-st lue ('rt-attari,1i-truul inuit, j YOU WILL FINOLim. f.M. Fitch wam a Cbtmagu ehemior lts iloMllr n!ljeffa. A new atttn i-u ul lafc titi- of i-lun tir Luida Mit,,] ee rîty lions and Potal Ntarin riay YOUWIL FII)fr. W. S. Cark etîMouday t tn- - L re. 1-Lebdell vitilui t t1usakei VOU WiLL iND ~ .. h is fa il t Gard Oljiio. i- eMi-i.- 1 Siti uitavj Prof essional Cards DR. 0, F. BLTrTERFIELD. VETEILINARY SURGIEON. &55I5TANT @TATE VETCREICAEIU. Libertyvillls. Ilinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN AT'TORNEY AT LAW. Ibertyvillîs.Ilinloi DR, C, R. GALLOWAY. OrTIeg OVEB LOVILL'à 0800 STOBZE MiR-trO 1 VO 8&and 6 tO 8 P.'im LibertYrilie. Illnois- A. K. STEARNS LÂWYER 'hone 274;1 DR. GOLDING Botire M t', 12 aujIl-1 t, 5 p.. .1. Eh Trigg.t Bundiug wth Pr .1 1. ï)L' 1,r-lPh ,o119 Iih.rtvvjtle. Illinois DR, E. H. SMLTH. DENTIST. t i (i )jiTY XuTjjj %1- BANK- OumA-M ftC .ô ani. and I to 5 P. M. iJAILI. LbetYville 11IL0.o8 DR, 1. L TAYLOR. OFFICE OVj.R Jtil Tt. m c m-7 t,11 iii '-) t, 4 .T,îd Il t, lte~1c. , jlI -jji aj ,11,ittePark. MARTIN C. DECKER -ý ' i [ it. i-j- ,' W. H. STUDER PLIBERYVI1 E,1, ,1 D)R. !D)W. V. SMITHI Gene rai Practice Hw,,r.,t) i1 .2 t,, 4 and 7 th,' , SpI..UlAi'. ATTENII,)N iVNti' V LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS lkenry Sine's Sale Barn tjei ,,î .s 01 jlji-,n. and ,u gie, j M 1,,, tî,Fn-inajjuICI 'Il11- i AUCTIONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES f. BAIRSTOW .MANUFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemetcry Work of Every Description Correspondence sol icited 126 Genesee St Waukegau Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opolite st. Pul trcigliDepôt :1 Libertyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPIAIR WORK AUTOMOBI LE WORK A SPECIALTY Enginem Overhauled. A Fu Line of Stindries. 'l'ires Re- paired. Wbhen in Trouble TELE PION E Lbertyviiio Excbange 661 or 1262 Clark waà caiied hy the senions, ittucs ot lier fileter, who le not oxpected tuofi%îj e lire§ Chas. Longaljauizh tes Pendtng a: lest days cvth relatives in Clttcag.o Miles Fuller. ot Waucouda, catteil nu relative@s au it ende ht-r,,Suiidaý - Mies Winitred týoomjb, ,o!f)ak Park, euet several daye wîth tirient,, Iner- the r4 o!flte weck. lire1fLt-o. Fredericke and tatuîl3 (if Lib.rtyville, are emiendig thý ew,.-k ail, fitude liere. E. F. Shanks trauai ,tel i l,, Chicagot, Monday. Mimm ,MabiciBonner. o! fllti ibI.-lieut Suniday wtth lilas Cralin- ker. Wwu. fhart, of Cîicagmi, ln ýrt 'inilay ai the,- Sitk Itomte. M.1su LiauiJe Turner eplCn ue at n l.îlier tjvlle. Mr8, ilsar Atudereon vcuti.l Ilfi- udn at t.ierlvvîtte, Tuesday. It. ien. ,aî-ksou, of a11--.4.- t- oniiid lrcier@ Tuesday. lirelJames, liai- s itit ti t îkcichiii' YOU WfLL FINO ir.act- no,.rtrtei eMiî,,e, The,. îîîmrfitigton nî iat in v tget I- i , i v a w goIi louldau tact Friday. a-ni-h- gniratiteil Thc e ttem rs ni Ibe M i ý i vI i FîNO ,ftd.tJMnie,,iSuit-%N hintehe'ai lient AànlI a .ttt-l the camrp meeting aii l'unic YOU WILL FCh uiragi i ililnifîîdv utatSuuilav )U ,,i ii lý r i iie 1,w r or Air*.itiI-ilStciti t ii iîg autltn,______________ ai, -it il, and ounI, Ifie 1,-,t f.. reauît ftain. ît i. a' st- .u p irie I1-c a:-i] b,,,.nleo ti triA filt ii, cekPublic Pier. a nîcjf re ir ,lilr..Nr, rn ,a snmin fla i, ,i îî,,uut of tîte '01- -i ilnn- YOU WILL FINO ý,athîler the landtug tii th.ib- t- n-un i' f11, imînit Iinces Lobijilt an,] iîNiti Icjiing alutît iut pîunf-t-, nin.t iOn the t MLtnuitîrt ni-W i ln jn f1,at iM re f tge att,] NlM r,,(esiten ai tcUlIcd au,] ne jttah tmgiLvery liarI i i c -i i i i ain a e to ,,re- Dr 1flot1tert,- e- .t,-ialit ajin ,iiiun, ta eut j -ars nu aii, theiiiti-nan il t fitg ati tePt,îi t ai t irne ueghlore asro,,, int lp ik- nfin cil Tettple. - Dn,'t t orget ihiit Mond~ma) I .'nittinian U r to Wn 10 traîle f1itit11-u fu,,rfln y IIV-11 11- jLi, , A n nî- NI no e i m eniiijg î u til te intizonteeseho hav iuîe thin i ue. YQU WILL FIND lvii-jtifrn.-d,, nil i>entl] it- iTle extcnttug ofnheutfc ijii-n, ietng juin,- iof l.,i i i o N j Nr.ivii li. N i Mics I-aik vjicuent- and-! naugînttn , ,f itvittuit u t dt u e - u : iiji ii! j cui iniinnif aurk idilitf -i i ing, - ndsltenei uiony mi! ieolt ai-roa,- i l, - I - iki nîtîl t sn-0itr, S rji,,.-ritii-a t( ii g- an ,uld soeni a 'n,r ftabt- i n i - ,fi YOU I]LFN nSni1feinvi i g t,ý et.ý,t 1- ý IIIý[i fi[ U th r N r . f ic kt,îsitu lirexetivl ,idig i ,a- tii YOU WILL FIND3iajcjit Nlr Ei a d 11- ij %ýhi cietouiiragtg Iîir iiatrna&r n- n ý iui sil -ii. "Ilu-,' gnni- -if ir-. Itii ',-m -r 'l i-ai iui etoîîî iefiti aind ii-,nt i runt ake VOfi WILL FINO aftieiinun, anil ii,u il, a teIpt l,ni ilieu-e ',týr.- dç>g, a -i1niar al uî -a miin ie fli ni vureaiti ti, ai auk, a,.i tie,j,-] tît ut jul innluîîg moui tui ,iî iii i f n.-altiteut a ~ ~ .~i-ê ~ lasit intyccy# at t 1 _e- --Y _ _ _ _ _ _ YEOMAN Oco. Quentn Candiante for the.Republicani Nomination for County Treasurer of Lake County Pinmariesi Thursday, Septeinber 15, 1910 Your Voteand Support Appreciated. wiIl bel Obîfînary, 'i nUt mita-, t fini2,, mci fI, î til,- .on f) i,îji u aîajizjî %fb-, I.-, li vas,, i ar., ii)ldt,,- tantji k ajue ijjernî aand ,j,-î il icai Lonjg firo,.Ilit i, n - ý23i da yof Mari h iým altlie a auunifiin j,,lLy a,,dioj k tt I arii,uin(oiiI, r. î,tf ,rtt,,ito ,wnshtip. Tii tht,, juin a a,,lirtiî fiur vijitîreu Charle Fredec,k iiPrairie % tew, Ill. Magdlalena, %vtte of ('hart.', Tattfi-rot Ta,-. nia, faqhingtij La,,ra, j ie lof Cbalan,,,Huns, iolia township;, and John Frankliîn ,, oresuies ut h,,jne. i'trickeu witl, paralysim abount four veeks ago, i, ,, ioujdtju gradually go-w wor,,e, and ou the mtoruiug of July 21, 1910, te paeeed pcaj-etutty awiay. aged 69) ;,arm, 2 tuontteandt 2:; daye. Be ceaves to mo,,rtt buisleparutre bis eorrowiug ic riompanioît, hi,, four chlldreit andt six'graudi-hliren. aiso onte bri ther, Chirstitant rtal, toîf[ui-h irov,j, Itwa; and two ,,Ist.'rs,, re Elle,, Huu,,inger, of Atutin;,andil Nr,, Kate hitzter of iChiago: lieide,, iumeron,, other relative, au,] hiiets nif irendA,. Au a tîu,,at,îlandîtfat,-he iewtt. t,,, d aud lIuired and teeaitne deep, affcttoa GOOD NEWS Many Libertyville Readers Have Heard Il and P,-ofted Therehy. Grayslake, Rickefelior. Round Lake M. 1ENDENRICEK. R- Ph. M.A. WAM~N,R. Ph. .. . M. V. CLEVELAND, R- A. ~ I (N I THE JEWELER -1 .a d i .u.u i-, ta tid a - a ý ntlm Ln 'tei i v, laml lui l-ari,, that irjm~t t-,,! ,.aitli,,,, Iiý,ir renjili1 D.IAMOND LAK finilnoittnr,tliamki't-n mt,, nl-us %1,Lin nir,,. W. Whecer and faillintsv Put,, rii,,ariuîem t t,,,,,thlininiunleof f l.tbrtvcnt!t.eiitedNt Land in,. penniji.' are tilfnug tif,,- gin-i.1 tnt-tfihir jinite lnndayv es;,crteuce wuh te)l tint Quaker i Muet ier'. .tndres'anîl tin, iLaîke fient e an un t.ic sse wrtli re-ttin.fc luireet, ijetetlMr. and Mn,,. IL mînit- M rcm H, M Jeusei,, iofî,u i ni-i-i - If u,î,tto, k Ili i busaxmt I have 'lui cv Tfe ,,t imreait, soc-ai ai Toss irwnmisa,, wumndi, of1rase fur Ifoan'e Kinee Piffa w,1 attente,]. I a liase nee iiiatnd ta" e r,j-ciete,, Te ii. anauont L.ake leiten teryAmo, la tî n Ii,-l t tihut1 t imiden],r iilin,î uty t,, ionwtiif ,--t w ithLirs. H. itine, Aug. tw tellmt htr lueniit- nu! tIi,,rete I 14, vut 2.30i , , -veryboîty coulne. setedr i] %,tto ' enre fnrjn paiis i)i Y MrndatulMn, W A.[tMyattende,] ihe batl-k ant as ireitese -muni ut, ki],eYsuSnuday 'Si hlnu ici-je t Long fini,, andl viht-n 1lu ughi i nidmty ia, k h uneSunîtay. lame. Ht-atao beland] dizcî-v tpeimaie, lieo 1-,,1Liianmldaugliter. Ethel futhere,]nite an,]I 1 oult tî nloIt u-agu i.o are i ng trtcut,,and] wurk. i tiuully pro, nre,] Dîn,,stKîtey reuttves lîcre. IpiIe au,] Ihas- i,î.msc teaAivminiel,e Mm ora n hlrnaevgt otng teun Tht-pinin tue ina, hbas in,, Lob rmîan îl j-ltltmareeli di,,u1peur.1snd 1 uI I -.ii,-ti-r luievenc ngsii nadMs tsnn a as Mr.MnlantMn,- IL J. Kuimi unit amily F'nor sait- îy ail dulr,ic lrti-, inte 1 luelncte nifi, W' lii-l andi l-'mtcr-Mliiunm Cm iltN. est' I uni - iuînineel day. --- soit- aigeuitu mr itie 1Iitîet Sttes, SNIre. L.aarum-e atm1 sv-eraI tiende i-euitijtfmr tîn-h, ute u -,taid,] e1ut suiilday i fier i nttage ht-no take no, uter.4 2 Tfne'sutult bel,] élt FelTners wu@ t, i alitude'Imand eij, y luit, rt-pnta iiiu.c ftne. Ni luittn icliniii ,fttp,r i uda vi it nher Mr. I ic, R.tIci 111aimghter, Et bel r, jîrn, 'Ilimit,,- Tiienula'.alter.having ulw e-imuerai vieche isil, rlatjee lu-rt-, Litse, Peantra yi esîteil antirelatives tut fin-ýagi se-tai dla uLwpeck fi. W. FERRY SUPERVISOP, TOWN BENTON Candidate (or COU NTY CLERK of Lake Countyj Prîmaritea.Thursday, Sept. f5. 1910. GAGES LK Arn,.- ,Akii!tr, unf Literîtt vienîtent a 'iav mi tant 55,-euwiih Mie,,Jamtes. Edigar Wit if iiierlymic, viwan a ni,, tr aluiJotn i'ru h-ru St nîtai- afien HI 1i if cl ns il le ut thýint- fL'îi-iit tender wstche in hieim(rniauoellhlu stîfi (entrai jart.n ut hraytiak, i-t lb)IW 8 int se. wfiee long ,are ofi dols-aIe -anima,], , nis Frîtat andl Sattrday. hoalth wcrc bruglteued uY hte noutant Htd t-Park tii,- trst il tht- i ek. 11"ni,,faggme Jlncu sleut i-aurtay andu Sundat'v n fit,,agi Alfi htut ur-nn aet tht-M, Siudcr larrît, fin Stul,'r vi l tnovecto Lbh-eIR. Froin Secnai No. 2. _ Mn,, . awr-nu-.-aidi Limtecr Eran, and ithe L Isst-hi ,eneLaukegan vmenfore fIouday. fine Toitm-n- n u] -uirn tug atm,] irani-is,. n!f U in. wcre tqlntay visitons ut ttei ' nul,. nhomue. Mn, Hast Lin triýýi - nertuinuiinglin, iliutlier m,,, flu ag i c lyul i Ibah ifuîit tt e-k aithluhur naut, Ni-f,14fr, Tuesday aftcnin, nsinen fte ibreaucete tItPtupi-h ui i ,,n u01o!the seorkmt-u, bumrrt u, l'u- wut funnthes unît ieacn- ut-ar thc cugi- un it-e groice mî!young treen au,]il,-hfe i ifui, lx epreut alnîng tint granis, '-auiiuig i-n mn-fi humage tu, the Lrcc bt ftiii- n--------.v t--- - in i t ,,rttie Mn,. BHl,-finu ianion fluit ittage ' 8 ing thei,- tjest-o, entertaîunttober tinter. NLin,,,, ro,,dem, o!f -e a Iuit-uuttu utj n i-h Ru, cin'nwuiidLyonandnîMLinStrnrg,(jatte onttu tht-jr Mr.Lire Entmenu tecnt,-talinng ber s-iteerautti,,one vcuiinng mut wpek andetnoyct andjfininny. a mjut igît iil,ri f ight,@ (i ove. Tht elauotit utittumnt Lake unît Mn. ,>Slreî h tndt Lit!s ay Sage were vicn'nîy are mahlug arrangements tu the gueutu uof Mie,, Wiuiimed Pratt Suni ha' e a basket pi-tic Aug 101h lu Hary day ut W'w numnrda lîmuui-,, groue. ou,, mile eoulh of Rocke- ft-uer armd une-hall mile north of Diamonît Mm.Sug'- lmegunre tii Wlmîngummt. L.ake.l-lerybmnty he orîiaîîy invite,]. Wîe --tonurt ît-ieriutoher, Mr. Brixe,,. Sec luthen 1rogram latt-rIltis Pauline lI( , hlerttourning the loise ofi ber gmay silv utforse. When Luking a "roull"t It-m14 ýnamorune-hrtken glass, iled C Poi nut trI' aH icic". ltcfomod m-uetng a ragges, umnntmuî. lInflammation for i hi, heu,,. tUtti] 1)3' ....i..i i t .i - t l att uinniti ite-v on n i ROCKEFELLER Sire. E. E. Eastiij, son and daughter, ol Doiwneru )iriîve, visited her brother, S. L. Tripp atndt antity over Suuday. Severat tro,,,livrc attettîlcîthetcannual Sunday se-ljtp,î ni, at Prairie Liew Tue@day. Mrs.J AynsteY and daughter, lire. Rouit, entertained about twenty ladies on their spaclount iawn last Thnrsday aiternoon. were inmit,-u. l,,- attnal i ntuld not hic sun-i n d îuia, i a 8f hut. Better gi-t ii n oint- e peeial prive un Indiana lm,, k niai for yonm threshlng. LitEn', ni ', i n 1I.ým s, )ul sCo. 4 (7t l" A tkhug ut tnt' iugh van bs uithîy t-osected vi mt Pl i Sluup'Cugh Rettît-my No opiuîm, nu cbi utînntîun, ,nothingunasale or har,,b. Suit,] liv ALL DEALERS. The INDEPENDENT ha& more ub- acnîbers sud la the best advcrtlaing medium ln Lakse county. itizer, ho waii hîghiy reepeý-ted. For nin,, 5.arse uc st-c otinî,siiouer unI Highways tfor tire îownsblp, Ht,, lu-1 dueîrv i., shjjjn 1)mvthe ihunit- au,]farrta lue leaves. Hts thriettucintues werc uuîauy andtin but ast duye nie bure teeîi- jtiony m(iffinît, bliîlehitîa living Go,], a toc îng Sunon tant a beautitul bîmpe o! Eleriat rostint,,Heacuen uhuje, Peave 10 hin aslmcs; m-onwoîlatiîmmmto hic ho, cmi nes ant indu. Funerat st-rvein-ta j re feint taturday atternour n ntint- uhady grO'O att 1 nenlenme, i-imttntcmlby th. lte . C I.,an usL.umute, mitine(ifithi- Prairie. VlestlIrae', - -bîn , , au.stt lubyt ii,,ltpve. G. LVitiEngeiter, f-N, rtlifield. aino efoin iini 1er uttîn. A largo- nti mmm n un i rient, cnt enoe i t rt ife-finaii ersviue. littî i emiintI i, -I umg in,,EI an>telu ai ietocirv. Card.of Trnefs. Lire. i'eshcniuk Stiatui i flildienutti-ce thinticmnt. nf! lbrikfug aliltlelknn filerul tanid -nigfmiunrt nef,, nu, houglit- ly1 asunuteui t fuimîtli i -iringtuumj tîneir htuef an,] and,] ttur, tînu luti,-Fredernu-k Stahl , minring flsit' i Itene.iuitl:and FORTHIL Jese lras',,, o! Lllmrtyviile, i-vl,,,] on A. H. Cotmbie Tueeday. mise [Ida lutte, n!of îag i nuvliting ber suteur, Lin,,Wtn. Vautenboom. I. . Hucou 4leità~Stinay wiîh bi@ eonut, uLtbertys il. t'. . Thom@oln au,]tarniy vieiued relatiees ut lirayelake Suntuy - Mite-iBarbara Atuanu, of Rokeeler, te ausn,,tug Mise Mary Stantord wIth Uni- bijîe-v mrk ut CluvenmiaILeFarm. Mre, Charte,, LLat tliiting etalles n Mu-itcny fiuntf INDEPENDENT 'Waut Ada' bring resufîs. 25 cents an Inimertion snd you reaifi 3000 readers. Blg;eutiipmum-'ni nowns uai nalitsite, drami n ie LIIEiTYf ti[,î Lt-tînt.,, fi t-31 The Cornt Crop of 1910. Ral y Mal Ce s The properi ty iof the -n tire IUitedR il a M i C it Stat.e ucur year nl.peuii" very targety a t . on tite mtagnitud e au, uii aty ofthte. iorn i ropot1 0>iiIfli'I lî, magnitutde au,] quatîtj ni! ait . rops de1.pi-tînte@pei iaIlY i The Goei-uenit pays Railway Mai ou thr,-,' îinig., I te 1,tyi-at ioni- Cienkit $800 10 $1200, and other tit ni!fthe n,,il, thle teiiperatu rc and the rulnfitul fluer imtportant iteltis! eti-pttytos un $2500 annually. enter in, tiër u,îît. the iuality 1of tint seed, wf,î il.-çi,-ud', urgcty un the tlrcc Vt i i1- 'lau, twit huit epring siami- &lovc ijwi,-nitîi(rjij itlitîiin-, ofithe,-t-tioi,,,, tlrii,the f, untury for "il1 before wyLii f1-r, iutîo Bouse t'ierke, The- tandji tl,î ian iilcjitent nStngr tîe- , Iiokeert, Dcp&rt- the threc gr-at irrn tate,-,Ioîwa, 1titi mentatlt-erh,, an,]other (tiecrnîn,,fi Po- unote j( att i -umii -mfan,j ,si t ofi -tio ns. Theii ianiie i(il appitien te wil theeta tte- ,ae lilitt,-m jn)lptlt. , butade.-An ' mitnjjor a oujan oi-tr l&. a i t aîu tciiîyjrt 1,,r- i,or iiiuntry i att gelintructionl s3tand le latrie gui il Thje ie ut wa,, attdlfree- itti rnalou hy writing at once uevcr iu 1bu-t tr pinli ai oifiliti jnîtto t li e ii -au ri )t r,, o,,4 HfBam- There has, lîen an abuttîlai ofi-titat. Il,, Bildttingi i t-niter. N. 'i. Tije only tiîng ta,-kit is i-i tturc. Tiis,, ai-k of mîttteuri fiae nîtî iecu 1), i,11 iî, kî iat itu eacj to hum îýIt uli t, ,th. prcuent tlîhie uli, tiui ut1.a otthe tnunple reason ltaI ,orn j, ilIithriî ,,p anniitiiyaiii-ii u iii tii ijie Junet tu amtijn tio wth emsmoiturigijc tl tiri-r, lit,-airrait top. tftau aujtber criji,,aîîd tîr ta i re- Don tî i ,iL- fi- - n- i i-uainper ton ,îîtîueù. istat the nunuther oi pouu ioim-i j t niePiru ,!iînt1,%alied N it. You of dlry itatt.-r ler a,-re lu the niaitiatg-tisr; h. iiî iju,- o, up fi, tiat titupie ele.., than In1,5 in jaun'v t , , - 'l ' î,-j-i hui fighily, andi inter, r t~ iiit fîcol, reuou eaci ,, iii ,)iir - a, ,n th e tire 10 tfat teLue-miivamtioniofthe or,,,, n furu ailt ticga-.e tia 'c%,,ll,] ith-rwe iýv.ii ri t-t,,1:iofî t 1,,f-u lrjijeil anl i ehoji.ilie ,ti rîig sa rin1ofj(! miini)î1,HeIp ProhienrtAgnie. t, ih hctiti,-- iifla > ing iii ath si arn cty i th I,- tari--,inz iaau n ,-iniugou amuy'rvîtajnut tii. r, .i'ltuer.- vis t, fatjer. totnttliia llity fit,Ii ttem, s,,liijteut îllo intîIen r' thkiiat jjhjo i tI setlce,, u p azai uci it'again ti,,,year tn ias a,,î1atel the î,attcr oj! c,,ring ecnm[itnt lurent The c, ru tahiout n large au iptial hi-tp Si-veral ltjrejl tmentarc e edied riglt lb-it ui tiii v i thicdat ,,'1,*îui ) ri it i iii I ji ppli, cîîît ,d înuîr If iii, rvncn rjii ,cr,-iiifui't )%i-r the iitc i u e a targi.-ri , (l iiniI, l1fî-kcf for, I) linun i i tii.- t,-inficatin- t fi gin fîttti i ni -t mii inu tlgii Nti 1tii- unI, 1 fiel1,inth l-fiav auj! graj in t.-,a-, wci au ai iiiher a nrk iiiu the farim - i loy nint, t ,,gcniiu' iii'hii-awo Itavce hecîttnicî iij iocal-aihrt, crin tu cecruf inutanees. butn i a-ii pi ,)n recuIt,,. foir mutlofthe mie tonmlt rîjin fie-eplusce are nto .îon,, r-cant wtt, arit, wîirk anîd tîny ort cl-n aric- mr n tchef,,auv thai th1e mai ci me ni tn-, t. î Il auj -gic .. s i- l oIl . . .i ,l et un i i ue i-inn, ni) finili ,-ar) a -L i fis-,oi)tetng n cre in an lit i is ar, ii ic -cnetctimttitalion iii reai Cffe, \tY tilsonetiingmort thn te nri ii-i -t. î,, ad] e i1fr, Sloop'e Hoalth nunilai ti.-e v ininiiii a inlilr iroe. (uli-, t,, flue ut îtav,r-aud lemniade jij t , kinw ns-lai Ifhe-raifiltf iltI lic~~~~~~~~ ~ vii-nttkni uianltc a jstionue minute. Ni, ledinjus 20 or 30 be e (an akent)bad ad fletea mnutes boiliig, Stade troni pure parcheti ,ýumtjjj, B t, fuurefainig (I.rt-grant-, niait. ittts. etc. Sau.pie free. tio l CORLETT & FREDERICKS. wcather nrn i iltt te a atitermchot ii conijltiuej as tiry as itlitas bt-en einé W'ebacc ail eizes of drain tile lu stock thé tiret of Mane-it, the i rtp a-iiehoRght plinte.i<,u ,a't mimes n. Ie. vcry nijderate, but iof gondoquuiity. ' t TrYNI ÀNIB t. Er Co i. c-31 The -nin,tuihsarc nOSe iMPIY wait- iug for mî,îeture fronti bciow or iroti,We are makiug attue attractive prie above wîth clth to 10carry ,out th,r o ltniralettg mm TVL prograimi The mjan Who bias ]and in Lus, itFi t, Cm. 40-tf good heant, las preparcd a goiii secît be-. litas eultiealeîi tiioriiughiy, th tue i-juersiug mtttumtrtwsill get a !utiy They Dasseuît Trust Her. good crup ci-en in dry weuttîer. Tht- Tiistory gonig te round that a man W ho lias tatîcît tu do theme titinge tcw tiays ago a lack ot confidence itot with dry weatlter sel i]n, hie crrp applicable 10 the fair sex o! Lake Counîy yetmrt, imib ) is veryetintsTt, i afire i8 the, etory.« 'A young njan-who lices lre-was mitering with his girl. came 10 a Sireai, undt bath got out Vo 'Foioy Kiduey Pulis fliste ured Me.' gatîtr iiower@. PreftntIy a emuil boy The alîovete a quotaton Iront a letterc., p.Ilmandsi,,i o written h H. M. Wiukier, Ei-aneiie cm î i f an nisi n o Imd. 'I1 cutra-tet a éetore iasteOf c-oit-Si "le ti,.t your girl!' Ilgus it1 kiiduey troule. MN' vback gave iout and is- wad the, unewer, --Weil, sid the painod me.,1iofeotoed tu have ioet ail boy, "telher to go home" "What for?" sîrengîli and ambtition; was bothercî 'fusos ebjy att ol wmig1 with di'zy speils, mY head would ewlni tswn ag nsimn. andt epeike aloat bt-fore îny cye, Tht- youug man "tatoît the ctse Vo the took Fuit-y Kidncy Pilini re6ularl3' and girl, Who replied. -I Muet pick a hoquet au, nmnw 1ttn1t-tiy w.11 antdfleIlîke a tiret, teli the boy, but 1 wo't iook., î,ow man. Foley Ktducy Pille bav,, The girls emssagewa delivereti, antd rieme- F. Il. [.tELL C,, suANY' alter a long9 ,-ongultation aMong the boys, the messenger retnrneuj and salî: Fole m idn y R med wil ( rp ny Theffl tiler, gay e thty da seenîtrust masmît(Yikdey unît blutîder trotule not htr," -litauntoigse beeond the reacît o! au-divine. No mcdi- Fiecn omr. H. 10 E - 'ijjj, Preventives-Liiose Caitdy Colît Cure TatiIotas ili @sLe.yanît nuickîy cheec, ail jotît anti the grip. Try theut oncean Auyy t-tnivyoniwant tb boy tr tai 1 215c. So by 4 ,ecding sec@ms uow and1 oct att-r delivery. 8,4 1LiBETtutVIttLt jt BUtt Cit. 40-tI ALL DEALERS C 0k nYou no longer need wear your- Cornotn.muca ok mor. is conccntrated at the burnems An intense bluee lame (hotter tban cither white or red) ia thrown upwarda but flot around. AU the heat is utilized in cooking - none in outaide heating. entirely removes the discomfort of caoking. Apply a match end immediately the etove is ready. Instantly aq intense heat in pro- jected upwards against the pt pan, kette or,boiler, and yet thmo in DO surrouadlng lbat Doo meU'- no so»ke. Wby? BecaumoThetgNow Pufoction 011 Cook-Stove ia aciontLficaiy a"d patclyperfect. You cannotné ue to@ ichwck - t la autommatlcaliy controfled. Toi tthei iim boumlat --no moke. The humner istimlOntO wlpé wth a Cioth ciomna jl-Oouio- queniythere ih no emmcii TheNcw Perfecton 0O1 Cook-8tov te wonderful for year-tound néeo. but eqeeina -c- mume.Ita liaI ope- mIes upWard to pan, pot, or khoUle, but mot beyond os *routnd. hIlanuaoiaoW En hoating a roomm. Il boa a Cabinet Top wlth aolS M n looping plates and fond bot. il baa long turquoise-blue ooa o chlmnoy». The nickel finiah, wtb the Ight bine of the. chimnoys,maf ti. tove ormnmental an" attractli. Mdc with 1, 2 and 3 burnerel ils à Csuoi Role:B'e. Samaand 3-burner etoves can bc.liad WMt j iRt " W'- * or witbout Cabinet. s ,ed <Wp«j6ct"I' teenumi*etseL t St&« 1 You r ta,-vo rite k iii ,of (anit1y -Qtaiîl y " le tutr jjn,îîijThee jlitv il e Ae 4-ande jur letinLer. YOU WILL FIND Ail file- atet Magazinue and Itaux te i-plarct my right !booiks. YOU WILL FINO rnci tjeti t lue j! Tn,î t join,d iter- ftiijîes au a , c i rearitefor t1l, m tîner i hap,.aa-cel a,,tt e uninuer grle. AT GRASYSLAKE PI-ARMACY YOU WILL FINO 11,adi ni ritr,, fi- r ~ aiiiigs fi)rIti in,odîe e Honed PAY dn,' OI t 1 ,-ul 1 t- mli J day -No Lb. "mm- tottmmc Kd smgo heIn. 7t.7 mtty ffIre vene-mtis if fi iii 1 tacS on a mi bock il 6 qfer. 1t (167 te" Kio wich Pýý 1 Il 1 " %&tf %OP m *i-J U a

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