Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jul 1910, p. 4

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DENIT.,J 'I»4Y, lIT LAKE COLJNTY INDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY uce. Tlepiione NO. 1i.Ehto$es iudence Tctduuouc %JO. 1s1.i Utercyvilie Esrîuauge Euber6d st t.e PGsto5fce ai Liteecpuille Ii i Second CtutuMatter IMUD WUKLT . UVaRiiqINcu Usrý ADEsiKSiiuONus seri-Tilut BUBSCRIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE MAY PROVE SIERIOUS 1INJUIgY To Chicago Autoist, Who Met Wth an Accident Mondsv Morning Two Miles Northt of af Day. FRANK( . JUST ................................................................. Editor 1j Monday uîoruing Mareliall LimberrY WM. ARTZ.......................................... ............... ... City Edtor FRIDAY, JL 40 w Ï.- li p by ilions by,,a tuaissio gave is name ad MrI. 8, an, -o! ch-cg co dispateis a man to a.oit2mle nortb ot Hiall Day, to watcb is auto. s lie us met i an accident. t"ro.m thse tone NEWSPAPERS MUST COLLECT of is voies the Miarshlal bas reailon tod Noepaper pubishera In Illinois are beglnniflg 10 conformi with te rule blieve that Msr. Scaià had been injured,t of tihe potli department, which compel paid ln advance subscriptions, and and was in dimtress. fie tient as lit Mîay, witiiin the, next few weeks ait publcations ln this state, both daily and Ieputy Constable Ayers wa8 sent to look weekly, wiii be ptaced un this baslis. alter the auto ufltii he received fuitcher The. position of the nesspapers la abiy stated by te Btoomington Pan- orders. taqraph: Th" point in question, wfiere the 0Much Interest la feit among pub lishers over a nese rule of the goverl- ni dent baîîpened, i@i about sihere Mr. n-ent requiring newspaper subscribers who take Iheir papers by mail tn pay Liriberry reeiveil s,iîous il-lures moineF subscriptiona in advance. The rute e sbeing uniformly snfovced sitIt the iorths agu, whlen tile auto be was in cordial Indorsement of the press generalîf. tpromnises in tact to work lai, urned -turtie.-Thti tlorougblare ime substantial reforre ln 'the.newspaper interest, especially among lte provin-.sivoarrnirw tat ic e îimpossible tor two cial and amaler pubications. coveyati(Hse to lafts, witlîout there "The. Illinois Datty Press Association at ils recent meeting in Peoria being an ti u. gîn fti istrenclier unanimousty approved 1h. action of thei department and agreed tnObserve 011. Sio îîuvlî Ho Iliat a lide ii ble the. ru!. ln gond faith. Thins wlîl gise tinete 1 adjust business to the new to haiîpp,-ui ci eui a lijasma id beifng ordier. ut ttempt i-Iw hili îi-ds the attontiotn iof "The departiment sel flot Iesitate to deny tonanly publisher furher ad- tile c,îiîvue.belore n îlec or lires mjission of his publication aI the second class rates if Ite shows a disposition tircloct. Tlie supposnition l rontî oiders not to put lislilst into Iarmony wth the regulations uender the nese las. giveii t,, 1Mr iir, tat Mr. Si-nu lis But tihe advantages of the nese plan are so apparent that il cs not ta bc 5upi' injureil, as Iwii nîiilîuî ii î oritinuuicalte posaid thal any one siti fail 10 comne under is terms. w ih uni. thi,-ajites- i ig 102c t; ie-1, "The ldea of the governimrent is to put ail publication on a correct wutuker e.i-. lhiîvg, ci ler,- t is business bases, just as many of them are and have been for yearc. Whn- c ioiglt tilire i. a lîspittstAliit clit thînka of getting herc weekly or morithty magazine on credit? Or hic greah lî -hu1 --1ti llifolr c-,in metropolitan daily or weekly nesspaper? The pinciple that applies to these 70î2 î ,.St . lhit, gi), %n hi, Il iiil shouîd obtain through the sehole it, down to the neighberhood weekly. l f-r,,- wb pîî-jl. eilliiiiîv l' ' as correct business an~d sel be htter for te pulisher, better for the cub nu iatii:,-t1n.1a-r iî,îu , J ,,-iii l, scriber 'and licter for the postal department. The practîce ot lettîng cuba i ,.i-I . ~t-,,,iý I &lîtbers ruen up abcounts withpublishers trough the malse has led to endiesaso 1111 i- j ivi--lit wîcv iii,'., rj,-H msunderstanding and annoyance and has proved satifactory to no legitimate i îiî.a,1tiitiîiltti iiigii interest. wasns eiiiSlit îiuiietl. "The aim of the goserfimenit s to cut out a class of co-called "fly hy i l 1 iilu-i,,i thin liari unir lave fi. nightl' publications whîch are sent broadcast at a nominal suliscrîption price t!,. rail lin.-"i:t, aitnil s iH -iîg liiked soieiy for the advertisements. t le a move for legitimate publications uiîiin n , of ut ,igg,,vol, af îciîi.di agaînat the humbugo chat have inficted. themselves on the public unera n tust-- u,îii,î poi.,îinit. uiiilk faise narre. No move for long yearc Ias promisefi better for the provincial w u i-iii.- ius, ru i ,r, , fl "' 1t'-iiii press and setI one accord it should lie accepted as a gratefui relief front one o i onetpsar l lv cf the haraasing burdens ot publishers." i'.iiigiîl. t e -tii.hv iiii lu Fsrmn Hand Burglarizeti Home. J>ioneer Setler Dcad Robert 1,urîîhy lu a p1isnicer binhe Sunday au 2 atit lis hbote lui county maIl charge0 witb bas ing burt \\>iirvnton occurrv-ii tie death or Nim gtarlzed the- honte of bis employer PeinerI.. Bec,, oneofil Iheo tilrontl- August Soldan otf Lietyville town-1nit far-tut-s inth le coityt? le h-su shlp. 1,tNIiby a-as arreslcd Suday heen critlcally ick for over two by Sieriff Giffîn an he lau îiearetiii1),weel.cswilli ranci-r of Ile stoniatciia nd sleeping at the home ut a Nca-î,ort Iis death was flot u-texî,eted, His farmer where lie bail led ailer the1s uati-ntiac liten iitiîrsiuine laI 'Mainîl rolibery accondlng lu b-theolice. -u!id b,- foui-Oraî,idti. Tbe hunglary was conînitted lavu 'Mr. Bt-nz mas bum lunBtuffalo Guroive wee, F'nîday accordung lu cbargt-, lue Jbu Il ' lSSt;. andI ba~s lucun aroi ferred by Soldan sein claumo thaI NMur- it ol f,,-e (uit - cii-r sirce. tIl phy ecltered is honte anîdabstracted fi t tu-il / nituo ag icraIlitor-st \Vian- a suit of ciolies aud a match durung reno-tlctanîd was )o-ýt tast.týi I- ni- ton thse day tInte. Mturîiby was engaged i n sýi-ii l t -oic cutting hay Mr.Si-danus son A wI1ti anud loti childrn LlIllî:îî fin charge of a mowlîug machine whllc ?lbelle,. Ruas. uatd esbh tunu lie entered tie houa,- tin] and a liost of frinds ail oser the Murphy a-as botiiud oser 10 theOc- jon iin uwalit i c fauî ii n tiinnrn tober tenunofutIhe ciruit court to lhis aine.2ii awat thse action of grand jury lu bonds of $1.000 by Justice James G. Another Palace For Lake Forest Weicb Monday ntornlng. Ater cont- Aohrfn outynodnr h mlttlug thse ateged burglary lMurpthy lsaneerneatuLtreyFoesi, JnceJ.l saad to bave left tlie farm t once, Fîsce man aeostJment Mrtîby bad been emptoyed by Sold- Fshr aae o-h elett an ut wo aysbefre he urgarydeparcunent of Pabody, Houghtiing & was commtted. He bad been [n Lake Co,-vn lsdteprhs rn conny fr abut wo mnth accrd-Henry Z. Durand of lot 18, compmlvlng cntythlot- aot w moh a accord-abouttsix acres ln tbe. norti tend of tMg tayts testlmny Hewlh was glen mtiec wnon,- block fron t1h,-lai-e on Moary exminorn.B arlpena Odt-p ravne, for $13.000. The sale mary eaminalOn cwc. ,ci ciatdbv Jorhn, Griffith. SItla -- Obituary Chates Henry JIAIbreu-lit ranue tii Iriaditen thelhearîs and;thîe homte of hue,, paensit, Mr. anJd[r. Hertnan Allirevht IYOUR emr Piaie Vie, Ili..- 0lt. 22,uit907 ne was a chisld ofpai nuuîiuts týtitîtî bogies were entertaîned fuiî ut,.lie: wsoace heerial dispositlîuî nuit guîd' aIt-aed. Il was beautilul t,, at Ih liai is hisachitdisi se atv wimtIlt lis it tic ulster. Frances and ti,-chiiren ilft te- neigiboriood. He wam liii i-J li îu moiher wti a lice chat îiîru iýis iv l can give and sunali as lie vs ne icc as muc inb tie cotnpanlotiship of hie ftilen wiîc tooka loving fatherà pîleacuunî- and deigit n hlm. He tarrieul aitlî bis parents and others on eandi fir thti short space o! two yaars, iglt tuivntis and twenfy-six dave andibi .ui.v b., 1910, lotI ie abode auuog us for a home ini Heacen, wbeee be s turevir free lt-cm thse hodily pain o! Ibis ,atb, ts cas-e, ta uoy. A tuember o! the craille rail oi tihe Prairie Vie Sunda.nsrluiol. he> 5DOW in tise craille roll of Heaven vi iehaawaits lie coming of lis ieul case.Lke a fiower called tuS biutîî n u es-Il for a white he bas tben trauîu- plmuted to the flealuns abus-e tu hîli,iun Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrm.Barmnan Alic-it. uof Vsnis township, desire thef sutueriet abaaks b expremed toluail the kinil r~tv5i e@4 gisiorsandi lfriands mît,, stt gr&abDuIy a.lsted f hem durîng tîhe Ilas.., demIsanduri btlai o!fieuer darliuu @en, Chares E our. the intention of M. Fsciser to bofId et 1h15 place a bes utiful Co untry rt-ci dence, attougis no deflite plans bave as yet been m4.e. VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL L!W. A. tl!NDIE! CIDtOiATE FOR COUNTY CLERI< OF LAKE COUNTY tiuet tii te deilsîonsnIt te Reputti, as Pli .sares t.i le ied THURSOAY, SEPTEMBER fý, 1910. 8541-t -AÂ--a la gessrailLa hetter pleas- The fariner seho usas the olO faâsi- ed wheis ho bas gaI a gond dînnen iont-o cradie bn prefereîce to tie mod- tismu Iwbes bia wb.h talia Gteek. 5says et-nsaîf-bisnder la on a par sth tisaI & Sgrmy sage- Tiere are ada. In cils merchant sebe dous@flot belles-e In ad- Imagap vh bear en the probleun cf a vertIaîng. 9M04 8lser-ad h07 ougbl to In-_______ tsi-at ovoi womesi who cas lalk The INDEMENDIENT and Weekly GrW _1-- - . Inter Ocean i1.5O à yeur. 111IE SIIE-LDON BUSINESS NORMAL Andl Summer School Hasut Students Fnom Canada,' Australia, Nicaragua, Gcnmany MeaicQ, Minnesota andl Many Other States. AR~$~SALL TfAMGrowih Necessitates Addition. The parlsb of Sr. Joseph& Chnrcb. D!!Li'TS WAUK!GAN Lîbertyville. is about to enter lntoanew epor. Ater che 1ic of August there will In a Score f0 the Tune of 14 la 9 in le two rIsses, ont at 745 a nm. and the Fsvor of te Former Team, Whlcis other aI 111*15 a.*un. The parioi bas, o! Has Nul Been Defeated This Season. lats years guown co sucb Importance tlîat for flic convenience of the people il The 4rea bal eal iti ult if t warun l ete.esffry t i nake this change. Tbe for tis White soxof iWukgonSunday. people, 00w, eau tnlle turne lu watcbing The bumlditjy ofthOe seatier did n01 the stock nnd stili b,- abIetogofochurch bar either nine to battle for tbir sncbi Sunday. Beretfoore inany gond snPrE'eaY inbase hall crle. The people coulîl îîîly go lo churci every Aren boys are playing guoil hall tlîis Ji<o seekâstw u-oltbe nacessity of year, ad thus far they bave Ost beau wsicnbhlni the stock. defeated, but it lotîtil as tiîougb when iSt. Josephet Parith ld to bei-grt- tbsy "clincb" wîîh the Ranibere 5,-it latcd silice Ibis nea mlove seull gise al Sundy, fiat sonetiing will be diîing, al an olportlinify co goîl c clîribos Sun- lu faviir Oifbe îîoîîîe tenui,. Foîî, low n a. aiîd help Father Kincella t,, work iî th.i score of iiiur1aý1 sgaulie. w ihietter efl-ît aîîîîîg bis epr-l-i. AIllA tisuie. 3 t SZitar.t t Houmf s.if t 1, iem u t cftrih utna Roc.i iOul, e. (' Sh las.e meting at 1)i 11n . sel .9Itel i3o2a2. 0s y Rer. J. B i Mnctiiîtiti At 1010 11tue 4 1i 5 t1 Sairainient tif thleLtîr,1 o S, tpi-ra-i li e it admiistered.~ -u -nvnteîe ible wîbîorîîînlgh, Î i w iluneef at 6:4-5 i,-ader. J. B Mi-- Ottin Preaniing 1)îy tie paetîîr, W 1, W At , t -, V,'ipp1il.fitl 7 l:30. ii ...ct l'lit Vlit %VAt K l, Npavdîîîîable Sili. K lA F. TIî regular muit fly Blet ir il ofthle iii Epwvîrth Lpague w!mil forî-thiîlelto t 1t uîem ,,uti i- bll nof the 1ai t i'ovn ~!Fritfdas euîpiug of h leweek. t i t i Mitk Supply Groses Less. 2 "lat thelonîîg ulîctIofii ilr a caher lias wnîî cgîtt iotisie rut le tI aiiiil t i tIllîiit plîstîtres and n oias ncîîa-iuele t t t i . < ' 4 sncîl t,e cutitl, tif ,îilki l ,, a tmi lk 11f, ta ia-el uil -l-ti.,-llu-aI li iI l Itint u u l ,t - o t u t . e lr i I l î tk - I l ei l t h, S e s o t l Ml r u i n g I luIui..liia , i ii- li l ii - , t lic N i ît îîîl Irelii-i ,,,ic i -ci, i H ffl 'a%,, ,it 1',.1O , IIkc.IIîî 215.', hai pittt i- I i, - I.' "-I 'l Ii it',Ii b t , g.ti ,i th r l d h ,, RI 1,o ' SIL iiu- fuiir la-n-dii luut- th i i- li t. i lîi, ltitil-are-iti us1 u ii-i- otIr,- L,itIitis.t ILuu,î- tiar louripi t1vi l\ iik g ,> ti T lîuiier. Iîîlîîî jt ,>î i lýi t ut. TItistle Notice. Suti-e 1s hi-relus g IIt IligI vins ciiuumi8ssîcners îof thitcsh uiptof I ul- erlyvilie o lu, cian ni. ile t ltiuit biglwayai, railroale. fii-iandIi lts o Canada tîjisies hehure îleS g t ced as 1 chah see chat Ibis la, iuliy I 1 ervelI Al t ,îtîtulaintm shiuiil ir sent direct to TI eututitlitný u-, tdents are is w etn- iii.iis- hstr iiiiuu ofîtnieIî 11'id alit ll, leio utuurShit. T e uî iu-l ,l.I itit lîiîiiluîg ils -,,jojj. in tlhel,- duintra- cill bildiîîg il the t-iieldiin ucliol i ,Slieldiinlitirmt. Tiie.% lre blinîneanîd p roiesîiiial îmen-î tr,,, Ianada. A usI ma. N iraguîa, tiertIîaLIy, Nexivi..'Minnesuofa. Calilîiriilàa. I u an n il îdiaîn.Ail ot tli lrîîIir Iii ig tin Lierl vville. bliiinnig ini Variîous lioîîc-. Ili rA.t. 1- lul e preelîlent and ieadiîîg ,ntrîîîtî,r oîthtie scbîîîl. , eîng assieted îy tIr, Katherine hi.H. lack- iî,rd. M. D., Artinir 1G. Taylor, George 0, Lauis im Wilsoin, i'. H. Pattîs,,, anîd B. A. ltide. e .r-tmerscione lr,îruîail parte of the country, bcbng nîostly [lien ofi national repufatioul as experts in ttalesmanskihii, adverfîsing, muanageenent and other speial pliasce of buvinees. The class us beiug traiued forpo- lions as adiertiising lanaele, lsale uanng.-rs, priiprietocc nnd ditriet msanage-ros.ec4eral ot thes,- men are alrendv in linsinees iif ibeir oîwnuaaîd are tnking the, work witll a vîca cul greatair efficcncy anîd sucese, anîd moule are planningr tuttaki-s ii general ageaecies and district uiiunaicemuthi î,1h slieliiin Sbti Th 'ru iInsu lins rganit-ul as The Sheii-ilîo Nvormial latie ut 191(), lecteil o0fihu-ru and is plnning a ccrinu of aileirtastI si.uial e, ente. Sescio[us are lil every uloruinl anud nfttrnuouîe xcept Saturday. i()a J tih-27tii. tiiese tu-n wa-e n uted iii the, ose hîîîudî-d onrmorei umen auJ auîuîuen wluu liai e enolcd for tus two weets sessioti oIf'rie Sui-doti Stutuuiuer Scluool. Tluee ëw Ilteun campîçuat Sheldonluurt and w ill carry on their wuni,. under the saule inetmuîturs anîl tIi, principual leîtnncns o! tic Notunal St-boul. lîuriîîg tisse tsi, eselue, especlal attention seli ee n -vtu u gaines, sports and social affaire!. Theseidon Business Notrmal will reninnin sessionntif October let. S MueI Pay Box Rent in Ailvance. 'ustmaster Taylor bas recetved no- tibFiction fron tise depaîtéréenta ta tie renta o! aIl tise boxes et the local tiostoffice musc be çollected in ad- van-e - a -ue .n - a-pai aitue pusjtofline patrons ta comply seihtht. order on or before tise fit-st day o!fcaci quarter seul nat-esiatte tise poalmea- ter elvîing lie box sudl placing tise mailt ln tic general dlilvery. NIr. Taylor has in tise past been verY tentient lu regard tii chie niatter. but is tise fututre selîl 1ie coinpelied to enforme thue ruling andl patrons o? lie office sl conter a !avor by spesng chat their box r,-ntu ara paid lîy the tiret day o! @cd quarter. Belar servîeuset St. LasereoceNs! @ton Snnday alternoon et 2:30 o'clock Everybody seelcome. No Conraints >wardcd. Tlii- Buard ut(iti-oal iIuîpt),îîri utît mlet at te Towii Hait Tiiedan uveiîig. ns advertteeîl. tii asard lui,- nntra t Ivr bildiug n sewer IsystrutiTher sien,- na lange niinter pr-a--uc. slo n-en,- anxiluIs ti Io% I. tutch,- 1otiumte ioiltheluece tîn.g. Tiiere n-r,- fi i ic ds lrî,îîutise sart, luit- ite v sent-i ,- - a li- .lt h tfo r 1 ie ni-ced ulion liv fle board.îlOt ut the rs-uiaming four. Arthur Lanyitn, uot Wauikegan. wccaelh- wîëgt bldder. bot îuwiuîg tu seseral te-bniu-al pvoints it wns reuetd.This minsnehat anollier publtcatuusuîfor bide le necesarY aio that anuothen meeting for îipening lbhe marnie wilIlic hld. w hici is v)et for Tues@- daY evenisg. ug. u L. CG PRICE Candidate for the Republucan Nomina- tion for Counly Treasurer. Mr. Price seas elecied la ihis Office in 1902. Mis efficiency was such he _________has been retainefi from year 10 year Band Concert at Lake Bluff in a ciercai capaciiy andl the know- Tlue Cîtiuens Band arc engaged tii gis- edge ne has acquired fis hîm as is a i-tncrt at Lake Bluff Friday ereniin g' no other man, for lte office. Me is July 29. The iont-rt wilîl be gureul on tic inke fronît. (,-c ln lin,- and fvllow praciically indispesisible in the office. the band l-htiiuniuig progcauuîi i tIli e Honest f0 the last degree. ho makes u'RiiiAouan ideal'officiai. !.Ioczi1t - ta'PL ,tui A 1I.iio W't ,,,t n( ttic, ,, I( 1Mn. Price is receivieig fltlering uivc!rturr Ou-i andl i-aas' 5SFitN F1,'-triut,,, run - tteu i U-Cucuuti cipromises fspotfn om Repulilicans Atuiist ~ s -sus Uss P.sin alilsections of the counly, who - "a irî:i - - -- C' w uti-.ti:iv believe hic long a;rd faithfui service i,it Sicîlt, Scucets .tict' Gsrh Ss, 5,5 5,1,cc iociri I uco s desevving of recognition. i il. 8tin.,d t diu ocSu coroIa tor42-t! 201h. Celltlry Cash Store Our new Fail and Wiiiter Sample Book over 500> samples bas arrived and is ready for yotlr ilispection. Suits from $1'2-00 to $40'00 Summer and Fail uine 1910 bas been eut to the Quick. Now is the time to leave your Ineasure. E.-W. PARKHURST SCIIANCK'S BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. i - p. What we guarantee, by the proper use of our Sharpies Separator in your dairy, is as Iottows: litt 1csiîilred lsun otie sr i e ticrathte vaini iiy i-e 1,1ut1 Intier lu lsecr(Ili toce Shart,Surps- 8 r a hI i a st îiiitcteiitto ua, t-i ler cclitereisOu, ii iio1e ,xtt c..t il the scuaratur esch yesr siundtesis im ver îîîî,î ut,r etissators suit Uc isuni More 2d Ilfi o. ci the ciceiiî thig nue o,,- thAe ieàîi gavtti ic5o-stuiiirthes iiin lsor iiccidiii-yiîîîegain 1lu i-leiiifibttierliithee ii 1 the $Snsrilr, îoiiuicr Scusais, iili be- su elle. OfnitelPund.iilutoc cecy lîiîiirei ucuida irevooii iisl ,lIl toi,&lercxuIen , ci tetsgeravity creesier iiiiîtr tsv,rsl!iic csiilii. btritI- lacS ni iy Id icacer "-r t' --c o taisnai i, as elle-coilty j,>, v a n uIrtro crusîse O.r us. yîîîr ginili 'unda ilus,i tîî tî f l ttiy tîîî-110,rîtiibiiiou iii xie ter are. ad. 1011 tue Poinst o ult iy 0t -ccci or1btter It 1, moreisitliiit ili al- a5 eiltltt umiautI, aihardiyraalîY t--o iaîrymen usi e c sî, mîîîsf l ae bouiiitiîcr lsrici r uiethée lame qitts0n1 "stte r -tutthinirxlsgc ltcliîg casai a- îcle,- tîsi ic uc-1 il ymoict fint auIlouise tîl u tliiiiiality ilh. hstter, is-t ni tîrce ici, i ni ýe lil i uteuse uoîîo bî ttelisent Our scucîslel. wilcthc aversge- etCx 5ltdairynnii W îlIi e- -t'thercuU ir , rlelP uentcult. tsi, ucc cciii.m0i,,-tilu oltIîîîîîitih 1,1il of t, lltiitsr Separ.W10 Thlis ,v i i tm . b iîlcwariO andui te-ii cii elotii iî,îrî- t*ip clu. I ir tok luu i t iwilii i,u larr i 3otu hii c i- iiitht c Iî I tIi%,I, I i , i,-d S 1. "k nul itiklxc wrth tî Stlt ii I tit ii ui aio 111lit x,.,ieW s- t ttîr itil 5,11 Icighrîgit ii l,.tsrn i l ,- ii. , ia,,-c i, ti iin i ilk li, tiai. , liii tc 1' 5u. Iiii a t i c r -n .,IIIcail] iiiiiiîit Iiii ei, ii ci ii'n i -s. ii ecil uit t.,- -tiiuctedîi s il t,19ifi, thiety a tiiiii iàttici - d t i ai t ie tic (.Kat,. xS. u, i, ,, i .111 5 a i,io,-of i f cl t i..1 , mand th, iîî - 'u t u fmi - 11tt 1,19 i a t ii,, . i -ca i n ii ai i i li tII, . uil-in- ia b, r i, ,, ut,, iiii.- i ii ,i Iti li l ii , - t ri i i an, i ti1th, ,I II.n, t ii îe itit I I lo 10 b, i, 'niiIc-. I oI I, . Il ii th Soby H. B. EGER, Uibertyville IIARVEST lIME COMING FIX Up YOUR GRAIN BINS, MIAY StIEDS, BARN ROOF AND GJIT YOUR MJGIITY (iOOD TIME TO BUY NOW POULTRY !OOD JUSI PRICE RIGIIT WE ARI! DELIVERING SOME CLIEA/YlIARD COAL Libertyille Lamfber Co. PHlONIE 47 ë Oood Coffee Won't Hurt You. II of,- -mcvoi u liarui, t4eW., i îîs,-tnd mit w1at it Ma. Ie îtis no t properlY na, * %Iaybeit wasn*t rîgbt l'off,-- tii start wîth. O itei was 100 chsaýap-nd to clîcap (i I,î 4 l,, ii-d,-ar,-st drink O any pen.i n ver drank. Buot don't llmîe ALL t('off-e We have several if t'baw e& Sanlîorîî s hîýiel rv,-1,ne Pi-'oe frorn 201 to 40 (cents pet l).* * Gltid to have you test it. Corlett & UrederickS LIBERTYVILLEILL IIEGNMNGA NEW YEAR We are just commencing our new Business Year, better equipped than ever before to handie your trade. We are receivîng New Goods daîly. Wîde Halr Rîbbon No. 15O lu ail ebades, eps, îally ried, per yd ....1c Boys Kbakt Knickerbockers, aizes T tc L2, Pair .................SOC Ladies' fine Wthtte Lndersktrts both Lace and } înbroilery trirnitoci a $1.00 vain e for .........t,......... ..................85C A fine assortuient of Torchon LacesID iiinanY patterns and wtdths. a wouderful bargalu at per Yard ...........................5c A Dow lot of ao tocýh Shirt Walot Parc aies, prived now per yard ......1c Ladies' Black Lace Bt.ckings worth 2--w. reduoe-d to l.Sc or 12 for.. 13c GROCERLES it Large flat can Yacht Club SaInion........................................ 20C Kingatfords Sulver Glose Starch, (; ibo box for.. ..................43C Monarch Pure Baking Poieder lb .................. ......... 35 FRUIT JARS. JELLY GLASSES, ETC. W. W. Carroll & Son The INDEPENDENT ha* niors suis -Red Comb Poultry ailiges. BetI oo>d scribers and lae ibeet edvertlaing for cbickens. Sold byWEtl' sYVîLL2 medium ln Lake county. 1 LuMBER Co. e-39 LAKE (30t 1910 Wn 1 ' - 1 1

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