Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jul 1910, p. 5

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LAKE COUYNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY, JIJLY 29, 1910 iPILLSBURY'S THE NO EXPERIMENT t FLOUR . FOR SALIE BY * J. ELI TRIGGS * Phone 25 Phone 3 MEN'S OXFORDS TO CLOSE AT BIG REDUCTION OXFORDS MATS One hundred pairs of Ox" Corme in and see oueline of fords in Tan, Gun Metal and hata, sîraw felî, mena and boys, Patent Leather. Sizes 6 to 10, Cool underwear for hot weath- while they last. er in fuit andi union. Neglig Our $4.00 Oxforda now $300 ýhirta with or wiîhout collara Our $3,50 Oxfords now $2,50 75c to $3,00 Kahaki panta andi shirts. Fine Our $300 Oxfords now $200 ilfne of sumnier Ucse for men. J. B. MORSE & CO. 1 ything for tien MOWERS LIBERTYVILLE L IIAYING MACIIINERY DIEERING RAKIES SIDE DIELIVERY RAKES TEDDIERS DAIN AND ROCK ISLAND LOADIERS SECTIONSi 011, REPAIRS, IETC MIAY FORKS, ROPE, MIAY CARRIERS AND TARCK1 SCHANUK bRose ---- ---- Cut Glass is Peerless , I,'ry te thlîk of somethiug more desirable for a gift occasion. Try te think of 8omething mor-e tstefiîl, more iritable, more giveable or likeable. You cani't L'ut Glass is withuîut a peer as we toit yîîu in tie hesding. "lis true somne of the articles rua up iniut some tny- btnt ee what you are buying. Cut Glass such as we sellisleCrit Glass jndeed. t sparkles like myriade of diamoads. Ih faste forevier, and isj a neyer endiag source of delight to ite owaer. 'Te emaller articles cat from $1 50. Every piece of t'ut Glass that we show, at %a batever pnioe, te guaraiteed te be the real thing. A. HUSS THE JEWELER Libertyville, Ill. Eu w il m a ig-il 4--oio LIBERTYViLLE BRJEFS LOOAL AND PER SONAL MENTrION To insure publication in the Indepen- dent, copy must be in the office no later than Tueaday of each week. Adcer- tiser, sspecially. are asked ta take lparticular notice ta thias efect. How many lie@ have ywi iI Iîileî Bephold the ive imar in ail bis gi,îry, Mo re ,',,- ..edust. Rtght you are. Sutt Haveti wam a Miwautee visiun- Monday. 0. C. Grîdley wa. a ('i,,.ago ,î itîr Miesý Ada Sî,riîîg vstlLi-n Park Suaîlay. MIies Hel Iýn aw-tt ý ai an liai, Park visitor Sunday. i Mi.s liertrule Warn-ýr ws ia (Iicg îvieitor Tueeîlayý NIr red J- liî.î lia'r.,-, . r a r-ent «i' k ,,. !slrc Pr'--at-'I Nîri' S[.ttig w%-r' clieair, i -it.,rs Vri tla. Nl- I L I Cnt(liard ilii- r,-ttir, .rî, îa vîýt to I.,-a .Ke I'rî,ir,.r Sinîtlî tîadi' a tI ttîý t r i, to W@ believe there are lesit flues thîs suarmer tlana let. ot f.,ii -ut' 'em lIt aîghttte Weil itee1 ) iii swattîng and play sale. Mr and Mes.llrti, N--m h ii ave re- tura,,d freti a two lja.v. îuuiag at ttcntîun Harbor, Michigat. Tlie3 marie tt, trip by boat, Mrm. T. J. 1tu@ett)iiti 1i daughttr, l'rancs, also s4on, 6tie-,if Elgin, acre ruyaiiv entertaiteii t,!IlMnandINlrm. Fred rojkîr Suaday Nrs E. E. Elswori ier i Ncl rs. Dr. Sîatir aand Mise irlaui fW iiitttt and Mrs. H.R. Nortbauitii lI e,,. ture , r-part vof the wetk T t ir ,tfLake.îe , a la doueî aicas aitt i itc cîitilir, rtai .nul s tnyîag tthenpelit nei -d t- iails a itlî grati.iig resuit-. The t ilird jactalI iîi-i i ' ici !- u tr net nprirîthing earrîvcd Stlire u \> tairdi (,i m at rur Miiholl and g, t r - NItailuayiun spîinlntag everailtri-,i Nil . and Sir. ra'u uc t, ine Mlalbel .eeter anti Haîrr î ai1- esi a gamneofehliaa tiJi,- ai ,itweeti thi- tubs atdî l"u l tetr, iiiitl,.at Lake llit iriinl~eriti Mli-. sut 'Itfi, l stt l it%% tttiThr'1ie animal repoti .,tar.i rîf bern-. Mi ir, tChart1.lis li nstate sItua thiat ziI- itiuto,,ic i.1 I unl4 t a. i le . ' jt 'I l lu.. acre itv,'isî*it inili, . -.t,-l t i t- I r ttu i uf Ii î ,î ,, lti li, 1. 19io. I Nxitlt l,-,it uu %I. lI- iua,îIî le.,cta'te j at l-'i ialnes ii- r,.,,tl p I hita- tth-i 1- ni,, Ituri N rtt Suture Ele, ttri r-ut -iî.i 'lii i. îît î in l ,P tînrýtotuttîegrandii,-î - - t udî 1u~~1 'rui l e-at rtîui c i .,l.~l w,ltit ai -t d tîî tilth, tl u W I111, 11, t m, 1t1 m, le uui.u uti i p -,-~ ..t'-l'îît1-s TIfi ut rsd a3- i- i itrti g a.n p,- f .ui i ia tht- ai-i-k ~~~~ralîtul iarinîr, thi,-t, uî-î1uî. cti 'lttnai,-nllurir~i- t ii t,, luttiier giît for tite,eiitui,. I. t,,.ti iil. 'aiiiî.tut cisitir brue.. n l bI, ktu rc uît ni tue H,)ils 'lutiidaN- Commtutniontiat true St li, tua t, .Mtssionti at 7.30tu euiiiaytiirtig uiler I, lii il l1 ran k Re-difilitgatd,-r, c 'n.\t'ai aukgiii, a iiibcnu eri i-e., t ltitue rst Suna eieit Sunfilay a iti'Mr. and,1 M Louis day in Sclteiuer. t' rI t ic.lrnmbohr ý,aaddtr Nf r.raNI 'lr. ,,H fini, noutW teston - von trait fuor tiel'lir brt.i dge ur the sjet Sliiii-v%%iIl r. ad M.. aurtuan itaiVernon, M tut t clatislituffalu Mw-Ia, llnftC reet Ttcre acre bu e is iii ailtîir e l-ertta Jtivilieitii tlas rtunui t roim ea îoIw-t,î en l I hi, agit nhene ste a- lthegui-t tf NIica 'stuc 1. i-Meredith, i-ilotstue et Anana Rit tuer aifli t t wai tIi rlîaat.isiniot'ilule imeut. gaet of hli. Iritter. R Il (,(,;o. iCteti ,Al- tte Mredt cliireîîare reî lier- days amittîcet 1iag iromua i.ege of a'luping I ungh. Mi-NIMar Niail .O r iai i tueaaina li, Ri utk i'Iel er andRitaiiier- t'l, onut iatioruitt tilîtrurude t.ham iu 'aundteat tur lieu r sulireluai yli all t, issers lilwiuktcr 'lisiliat tireir'luuîr riuiîs next Suldtvu Thlite Mi' IR H. ('ule au cuia-u.liai-ea-ii luiaciiedguuae ti,' r,-ateiîtt retumred ruu Ridgc a ai il i a itieuibauot i-t ta gaule tIis s ecaculu ic t t,-r thev vnsiît.d relaticc. attenud. Miss lirai-e ( rîer waa- otu..tuuli re,trt)-I an fitrn.s. iof Ilil-avor im'tdaiod Party tN at atiead,,d the lu, uid lau IutLn ernt a t t luhrlîeKaiser, a lutiNlui, d hcrild at Rattita Park, I,ndav.'aetttvii nie 'ears agi, these5 gentlemen-r hi-orge iietin te buîlling a i1 -,\2 1ut trteti tigi-tîer in atactor vat Long brî,t kadd itin tohitrieîtd ingrrgtuuSpniguel,e icand un,-I ranirutagtre t te Mreareal Street. It a:I be moderniIluile t urolud.n davs aseesutnui iiti'rcst- Li,ein.tîrati e return eh,,-thatui)re et, (dcc tate place on TucedaN tait 'thuredaN thari u aotter dais. Juta Pester tas goune t' Foi Lake, wtcre tebais etablrshed a blacksmitt @hoîp. Ersfrrenils waret t utuecse. 0sciar idîrdrn. uif Waukcgan. ersitcd Louis Protine 'lotrday everng anid attcnuîcd the tneetiagii thtel)dd Felows. Misses l.Anna tdae Wyan and Rutt The,,buîd ,till itue an uopenlai r i ,tîîert1 at Lake ttiuffthie Friday cveuiag. TleYi ct,îaul lue ait,împanred by a large co- titigetit iil hîî i- opie, as tte boys have soune dttbi-ult te-e they wiIl rerinder, and as the v ar, trînsers of mtic . t ailI lic tiret vlas.. Ttcue ut nliasii--, î~and gore. Lau,- bcrt & Glineri producing '*Ttc Girl anmd the Stamiîete - oive satifai'tiicnandt Setffer o ..anto., we htti5 Ofiof ude trIende a liii,, ere. Stouid tliev Miss ;ior'n, l-.îeinrrTuedat' cveunîg iturn, tici amiiM ocegreeted w1ttlîas large Miec N eria latiery, otflanenviile, anl audieai ea.. sattrdav night. lb.. teat Wis . atMatîiîe 'itafl, f Milwaukee, ling çIaf-kt-il)it.ttc ntrance. 'Nsarcvi situaS theiirt,-tard lamiy. Thecfriierintr iar i-intaining irisli- Ttc rele,ti,îs of ttc burniig iram sable, guoi îîîîîarrites la ttcertî,rnîng, Worte at Waueiîgari early Tuesday insteait of tii- aiterncor. as tîeretofîire. mning acre tlainly ceea îîy lats way- This iakeea mure lonvetiient for the, tarers. nîcrehant as -,Il as to ttec oricutrer, as Ttc Ladies iit iiiiiiety iif ttcPrecby. ttc ilichats îiîîl ruit are more catisiai-to)ry terlati Ilîtri-li ili tie.t at ttc home eofthn tege in itovf these edliles. Mr.E. Wells. Tiîîrsday atternoiui, Sunda * y tax humner wilii tart fir Aurc. 'ieîiiiwetuuii. lart, wîîere he wîîî gaze tîpon the a îrk lit nature foir tuentext ircePresident Kceiy. iof ttc Milwaukee tw, - tks. His triende hopc. that he ro)alismakingaauiîberiimuroverîierits wilîîhave a giiîd tîmc. la tact they tnow in ttc way of buildings, on bis farta st te wii. as it isi a Close observer of th,, iof the City. tandy '.î ,rt iii nature, suct as geysers, Warren Heath bas rturncëd to St. boe eprin*gs.i, ided streame, etc. Maichilîgan, '.ître te ai resume takig Sunilav tueh,ît wather piayed tavoî- Smmd tatte, lunliopes of heing cured of witii auîtoobiies.There were iet leact Srteumatisai. twelve put it ifriommission by the Nfrs (0. E. Churchill, MNr.,Ailanuoa, tntense lieat. Ttc tires éeumbed, or NIrs. W. E. Davis lofti Tuesday mormng la otter wîîrds thcy were 'fiat." anîd f or îes Plaines wtere tbey will attend ttceîri'crs aee ioreed to watt tilI the Camp Meeting daring ttc remaînder of etineeplere iciatue renIer belon,, tey ~té, weke. uould priseed on theîr wey borne. A GOOD BANKER IS IS PATRONS' TRUEST FRIENO, And it îe a wise mari or wern, ln auy statioa ln lite, wto le the regniar patron uit a gonîdliank, OUR BANK gives carefal and imîirtlai attenututîn to the acede of arge anîd eniali depositore, alite. Ttc wante, of thre smallest Savinge lIcpuiitutr rei-utu eitur meet vari'tul attentivîn , or tte moaey leader we have thechuluuî est seevuritie. We invite new business. The First National Bank of Libertyville Next Door ta lhe Post-Office Open Satui'day Nght of 4 to) 2, y ttc Pirates ofut Kriia, 8uaday. Thc vîtors are -Ifafled amnag tlîc ne inî.profceio nain, but wîtlîal tbat, tte Ramblers made a goîîd stiîowîng, becaîise ttey were bandicappcin severai waye, aud *bis In the reai carie- ut their faîlure to score more ruas ta tty did. Ayouug lady was l.eing critî,'îsed ti)r niarrylag a mani weillup îin ruiddle age iitead of a vouth. 'My ,uI@erration ha@ bea," said the wormau -that It le betier tii te hitched up wtt an îîld torse that knows tow to pull the load ratter thari with a fbol icoit that eant do any- thlag but prance and ktut and try tc L rua away. Sunday Lew Flagg, in v-impany with hie chilclren, visited Linl' ark, and if vou want totu a .-w hli theli.' ouag people enîoyed meeing tut in bears, and other intabitantm fioul a far off counttry, j ust &@k thenl I n fa- i& ttey w,,re su elated over th,'ir vilt tiîat tt.Žy waat tu Wg.,again W,, du Irî,t iiatue Mondav the dry grass fila bfili 1iei,îg. Iig to the iiuaty } ariîîî a..ii. o'.er.'d on tir, ,and liad it i t , li cu let ,x tiagiiiohà he f.ltampis, tii..r.-cîi t tght lia'.'reultel ianî1ut,'a i..-i t,, the i ,,tiit. It i., tnought tiat clark- ,fi a î,assirg -Mliwautkee trati, îi iii- the oii,f the ttblaize. Fariîierc tiirougI,,iiit tliei -un tri have l,,ct a grl'at Dnttinr vif lii.,a'tlii siiiiii..C as a recuit ofi iii-anuîi ii..liing ile wiu ir i iîent. Ail o l and th ne get tootthi r.iivx tutu then t ii.. dlrîk t,,,, iiii, i lii ca,% i if ihortse aren i.,uid ni ta hItti, ,tiîipalinii the. a ater ia drink ,,îîîîii roi% tikitu aînial in',tpai'i'lof -eil.a' a large lrut tofrinîiri w %ater le aur tt> l VIdi ni,, ciiil .îg iflait i..ktuier.. als L.k,- liiiitat, %% iivli aLuiuîrt-ttýtive,, ituiliiupartiipatil, tii l hititrfri Hlighl andî lark anld 1. ii-rti i ilý, The î'h1i' iîlîai. as îî eH a tii..evinîng. and tiie pleaeiirec iiti4»(t-tiw iitiithe even t are iniulnîral île i. t lie verdi,- t of tii,,.. aiiiattenlied Th iiiii,îrstnieiiiw fi-ast-a as noted l,rits -c ic, .,i he wa.ns lif te oiiîttiiiueitiem ifithe i if far,. Tlîtrsday ee.ciug of! a.,it-,'cttwo negrce ad aa%lilts mani v. re ceeu ln tlîevîiîtulty iof t'aricy tikiey's residoace, acar the rai-e trait, whome actionse i,,iked iîîî.piiiou. and c setagr,i,tinelia tii .repniîscoine of the iegrue raliid a windiw, and wa,, paritivay iathe- lions, a len he was disi-ovrcd bhoi,,ne of tIie fatilv. ,whi, lhoutitet w ini ad wittlîa dacli and *vil tebcvatttoied, I-oý i 'sv f,îloiviad by lits otpaniia. l-.tirt wer,, ruade t ioliate tiietu at a.lthev rP ee oit -na li on,, ottors t han tii, fatii i -,t iieY niade a stiii-esuful esi atie Thlue liinoie SI lte Amis,-iati,,n toir the Pr,,, entiori of Tuber, ulocis rcpîirt:i tliat tiie varions prteate Sanatorta lu Illinotis stand about nuîdw ay bctwc..n thc hart- est aad the low,,ct, as chuwri by the htudy o! the National Assciiiation. Ttc Edward Saaitorium. Saperville, 111., a departaient of thc Chicago. Tubereulo si@ Inetîtate, reports tor thc last 2i, years, an average1.ilut per patient of $9.87,per wmet. or $141 ler day. TteChcrage- Winltcld Sanatorum repvorte that for the elghtt airtte betaceti Octiîber jet 19W) anid Jure lot 1910, ttc cotqt of nrainterianl-e tac bea $85.19 per weetk or $1.17 per patient. The,, Lake I'iîtn [Tuber-ulurele lstîtute at Waukegau tas Ian equally favorable pet tapita vvet. Abouît ltty membfrm of thc Alpîha Club siijouraed tiu ttc beac-l at L.ake Blunff Tue8day eveiîîig, a ler.. they hida "Bea-hiParty" ii ii ver cerse iif the, word Th..y acre afi jvva -a: , u ,)rs, xi liiiwelt tii tiis tavorite report, and uifte ci,,, iii the votriuiotrary dejiartuiont wa8 a l-riterii)t as tîî the auuouat of tîleasurc '.î liii t -Prtainly was rie one iiiîd tiliî Inulitwittilthe iiuting. Thc arontuiiioftiihe-li',guodies anid other ediiîioc aire a teaîîtatiori bard tu, o' cr tie tii iii iii ri thle Quartermaster, at the time bciag, but wteni word wam pacceil aong the lîne ttiat 'suuiper was ready, there was a rush for thce uliaary departaîcat, anid thc ruerrimt eti xîeiseîldurtng the repalit wasl par excellent. BIG REDUCTION IN M ILLINERY TRIMMED lMATS AT IIAIF TIiEIIR VALUE sec eur fine of ShIrts Waletn sand Wash 5eods. Remember We Seli The PARSIANA CORSETS MRS. M. A. PROTINE, THE MILLINER 1 WRITPi I NSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE. RENEWALS PROMPTLY ATTENOEO TO, CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SELECTION 0F DESIRABLE LIFE POLICIES. (G. C. URIDLEY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK. LIB1IRTYF LLR. I LL. $2-50 RUO.S WiII be sold at only 99 cts. Ask for a Ticket A few more Men's and Ladies' Oxfords at greatly reduced Prices. Good Droptediead Sewing Machine only $14.e50 THE GOOD OLO QUAKER once saidt t his boyî 'Nathan. il is net what thee reads that makes thee smastîi i is mot what thee eas that "aet thec fatt nor what thee earns that makes thee rich. but wbat thee SAVES. This savinghabit may bc acquireti through the stedy use of a savings account in or bank. Cak £OUWflakua Bank Capital $50, 000.00 Surpltus and Profits 30,000..00 Stockholder 's Liability 50,000.00 Total VaIcation $130,000.00 Tnp Bargains! To help the sales along during my absence 1 have made the following Special Prices! Blet tast i olIored Calicoes tn lengihe of 2 te 10 yards, wortts 7SC ai yard, al colore and the newst Fait 1910 desigino, par yard ............... ...................................... 5 ilces Sîmpous 21; Inch[Arien Novelties. tan groand with black and browa dote, etripes aridrings, alwayes 81c, for 2 weeks only, a yard ..............................................Sc 5 qt Heavy Granite Kettîe, 25e value for ........................... oc Remns,Çts Sale of Embroidaries, Laces, Ribbona and Summere Oreas Gondiset about HALF PRICE. THE FAR Libertyvill, 111. 10*0 o o o o o o k o o o o * o O o O O I@00 R tar, de. est food l'YVILLE e-39 OMO

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