Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Aug 1910, p. 4

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~a~W ai ~UhEg.DL, sa seondmI015.M attez owifOfto st.6*Ld PER V«AR 8TRIOTLy IN AOVANGE la.U i*hu6tr4shave boen the sehet .01~11- = 0 4 4~m0in(iSd, 111.). -me)4.11.1the Uthe>bave, #W ~h1*,qWthm oose s stch provslionfor thé tareofe ~gmst"ho mupu.#wlth a %1 m sud n many histasêseaud velUn*y flupoiih 0 le IId p'th WM*aer, ordlnu to ble-on =of agi mnoImçspaety iusd bd ehOwn wu ahWs limitations es te rosldenes a, heghansd 14»W wbki ln Nw Zeuland et Inte mLa sfrean187,te 198, won "*,Ua ifi an sd gtiu~olId esmuW. S*4tty4 la oemeInNw imWuàd, tte Io ue aoulai1. sdýpmîlah ftmro" enui and utlomil1y guetàiIiporioin puiie ar gant cec lg t. âge an amaunt e1 srmlum eninse ald4to *fit ever U-jusaru of aga-undei cotalu presoMlbed 'tions of Mnt ndLtlshbillty. ltaiy, FroCe. and Austri. art opertting systeme of annultles and pensions. go relief la reoegnlesd ln thoa. counitriés aé, an Institution of worth, and ýytém cannet fait te grow wlli h. advaeeof th 'Australie prehably presenta th*. besi Ovepi.e ofgrwth and moderniza- f tho. 01 go penionides. The. g.naralplan thers la &beut aetoilows: ever 66 shd wom.fn -ever 60 a" e pnWlod et the rate of 02.50and $2 a Uspo*tUValy. etfictloni pertainfiu t6 ineom4, readenes Andcharac- Aiffland the. applications of the. 18w utet efotvely. i aM ln rêcelpt of te freM the. American consul nt New0agtie, Nw Soeuth Wales, lu whicti ;;- i. f la the. giliral opinion thé them. pensions are à Vry gond thung balthffelaws ouare woalklii out satlstectiy.*n order tese. for mysef meple =evt thoIn pensions. i vues paerfnt the. flet ef'thîs montit and su. n 0ube e.m paldi They appeired te b. a mnt réspsctfui lot of aid oand A f6eiceortain the mouey aiewed. thein ach month by the. goveru- la oaicifoily expended'. . 'Ater >05v. t o onsderation Engiand adopted &Qold1 age pension law ln Uni. ifs provision* ail persan@ ever 70 yoari of age aire pensionable, >y mueteî. roquirementa as te Incomep habite and character. The. amounts fim en. 6eufts la$125 w..kly. 108uaompaaM u n annuity lmw lu 19M0 'Under It peuple bsyond the. ags ,y«reatsindraw thon$10 $ at snusti. Itilaa governmont ineurance teutton pur. and simple, and dop.u4out upon premiums, but as a stop, it mew*glmg te éver> bollewor In thse htmauto polio> et maklng provision for p au tof etgoi"rnentai reglatroe. Wè, oeuat ille ATuat Co., -Aq et TitW. lfles Goarateid mie TeMi iftSi~. WauiegOsn. Ili. * Louis J. Guafts, Secs.- lto ut Eizaitottu EWoodbrtdge. I.> te o oWeMbrldgo, Lut 20 .124, ts SI81mad là BIr.27 Wasit épi*. Q. C. mD.$1 0. Xvans sud vit. te L., Il. SLoI f44 sud Ni-2 Lot 4U Dii usibom Parç W. D. $1,400, et Lot 20 DBit. 6Higlilad Park, . Ji. si; 0. TitomupsStnd vite et al te xîutb, a lots Orays Laoke, W. D. 4,Âo st MIlaClancy <(demi> le a, . Oaey, Lot 14daMd Wlo t tgL BiSLake Bluz ,W. D. $1. i. »L amoot andImibau lte scui kUletopavrts lofts and bock Sty et lglad Patic, W. D., $3.- a a> TheunsA. Resiver. hu Carl F. $9, lot I8lielock91, ZMon (City gi-1 as L,. Raymon d ci vt, to Chas. wt *Lu 014. Laie'Foret. B kh Forest Uiversity, te Fanuy LU a8ubkot4 oc f bin o! Lot 20,. Maof tClklilY J. Hamibleton te te or Cit&as. Deme.dqeîad, o0 h1e ntIs Alt !f te nortlivit tj o< hi* uoutIkwt tquarter et n 1.Douroutowtenship, D., $65.- *mrt 9. Gucoazni vit o Lulu N. ma. W. Poeues. lot 2$. 0. R. Lyo'a si"llvlaof etvair Ounds, Wan- 04 W. D.. $M0., "§i e. effldea aM4 vite teChu. hua BoIgs.lot 4 block 15, Wsah- I pringe Subdivisioun, W. D.. $400. ffl 1. l3ady (bamb.> te- Nadalino iiakeioe.lmonousolidera Street, or Vichtrr ueot. WutoganQ. C. MM& Ka . Dow (vlowe) te Louise mi. lot on corner et Washilngton et oU Edises Court, Watikegan, mie Boa t etLake rorest le C. hrals, Jr.. lotte SO.a. Bay mii lirrstW. D. 5. 1, -O. limais. snd vifo ta Chaites bbor, ou l wmc put l 10SBUL >~ ~ Suit Grays Lake. W. D "I Kuibter am idite ebaries! »».Il Italobiera Suit Grays e, l joàwnand vies le C. .1 kW &*4 Bireit gid Willam, ? N~ og . . W135 0 igiana leu= Hte'O m"nW.] aid Trust ..67 TItUBE MAY WIED. DOuulnlck LecontaRacine ....27 Jecule Roberts, Racine ......... 40 William H. Heorbert, Chicago ...37 Ecmma Piteruon. Chilcago ........ 37 Sylviater Pucek, Aurora, ....... 21 siue CsaIepl. i.Aurbia ....20 William J. cbvelsbelm, Milwaukee83 MOtmIe Iauth, i.lwankee ... 29 WMiliam Brou., Elhland Park ... .25 R leHfry HighladPark ...23 OrII& trOrd. FP. Sheridan ..22 Olive Davis, loneter, Manss ..18 John W. Hoonici. Chticago ....33 Qac* Armelrong...... ........ 37 YfedTiteel. Chicago .............25 SAuma Irtgaug................. 21 William Gsosskopf, Milwauee .... .37 MagdsleM. O0tlntock ...........28 Frsck Ogrlu. Wauiçegan ... ....... 27 MarysSok..........23 Aife raiEnotaoiii, aruete. Midi. -42 Carlic Lamo............... .35 Fred C. Ulrilci, Chticago ......... 24 b(nneP. Petelson .............25 gut . jue,.................29 Angila Vhitellc ................. 18 Pfrairick Normsn, Chicago ...24 Anule Beitrondt. ................ 20 enry Mayiiat MZon City ........ 27 Louis. Bans ................... 25 Willi=mJenson. Chilcago ..........21 Asdra As>'au ..e............ 18 IL . lcdl........ .......... 32 Ooorlao WhitsoChicago ..........82 IM"U Van Oyte .............. 20 C. J. Htlltbohtaun, Streator ....S vmtly Wllklu . .............. U 1ranisleM. Sammon, Waukega...21 Hllabeth Wagner ................ 18 Ueo. 19. Wallace, Jr., Evanston .... 28 Mao Harvsy .................. 19 Samuel Josephi Tairant. Chicago,..--29. Iatiiorlji.H. tteing .... :........22 Cslsbrated Hie 241h Birthdayl cu4Uiisfiu p, sud e*ngti ioSn.*thécaloDo f ie- is itaps, Wàto ai ci red- Mordbllet d >f tiy, *b, e o-os thur Vai' tetowu. j# apps&rsikt & m auto drîven by à local party, mn tluaei. onitorat boise ad buggy, alun reute in ltite 1 borse beee i igiteeed,.ltbe fanhiI ebadiY shakmc itp, to the vebicte cou- slderably suiag,, d it uvra iha pool heé ttaàt Ni. Mordiiorei vas enahiid l<X*ieck the»borna frote doing more dagmug t tomeef, tamily and buggy,-1. Neit *vas liaI ofaruntù" betwsen Robert Day and Joubuit Latbrop. 'Ibis excligg-episodw Surred aboutliai! a Mile mortt eoftlove. itio'Lstlrop 'vus itaaded le s southeriy course, Inleies bug$y asud e'omicg ente Day. Wlio vas ilving a fatborne. vic e t i figbât. throving.lMr. Lathrop ont, vimo was pic-led up by ceigiboru in B dazed condi- tion. Tii animial started hoineward at Ja rapid rate, tihe buggy iuceiritig trivial darnages. lac-k Vo» and Roy Ilurnett esc-bange courtises in ani accigient, thie buggy i- t-uffied b.v Yoe wus tùiu a cross bar, fwhîite that of Burnett resultedl in hmving the vuinlsh uand other contrapt ,tua f crateb»d. IIELD DAY IsOR CANDIDATES Will be-Hélld aI lthe Basket Picnic, lu Roua's Orove, Niar Oamond Lae On Friday, Atigust 12th. Thie viii be a great day. tnt oniy witli-tthe respective csndidstes for county Offices, but t[w. public at large, asgit vii ltemeans of brluguug the. profisaonal mda, but tbe fermeer as wel. 0 f course thure viliihb. "buttofi. bliicig"for votes,' asu kil su ansonneai lathborleg, as itle1maethea places viiere allare one comupon people. Agaîn It la for anotiier iteneit. 1h la for the, pur. pose ofsuslstug ltse Dlamoçd Laie eburcli, sud witi twIo objecte combined, lis grots aliould aarnâ ithi opie, doiug good, meeting traugers, and bave a good lime. Tiiere wiliite good apeukiug. beaides ienty of smusements. Thr. vIII aielu a gaina of base bail la the. aflernoon, sud. the. lovera of Ibis national giAme esln ot missIL. fise wiil eonvey p.tasecers Wu aud fro thlie picole «rounds for 10Oc a ride. Tek il ail la *Il, It viii bo thie greateut event of the. yeaî, soetliing tbat viii Dot transtpire again la yurife aud YOD should màaie no date for Anguet 12h, unie"s k lM foribtis piccit.. Remeiiber time place Quese'. (Irove. Obituarv. Alvin gümtson Waulkmer w«s.bora May 22, 1861leaAvon, La.eLCo. Re vathe. thiud son of Beury N., nov doCMsWad, udMary C. Falner. Ho was onitod le marria"go eSarahlnlidge FeIt. AD, 1888. 8ev.» cildip wvers bot. ho them; Chueter, John. duceaaed, Mi.l Floyd, Ume, Maijri nmd Evelyu. vito .vitibhis vif. are lits tumouru i. death Ro also leaves sa oged motter aud ifour brotliera.John sud Rimer, of Ruuli, Edward and Adshitert, of Wadsoîtli. Ris lit. vau speut In Lake Co'., up te March 4, 1910, vii.» ho maved with ils Ifamiy 10 Botinla, Texas. He died at Pucàliter Bompital, July 18, 1910, soeed III.leidom ual a hoeecelebrates bisî4 er 24tl'i iutiday, but Prince-, one of J. Ehl TrIigm'delilvry herses celebrated thum sunivereary ln a novel mannor Wdces YOUk VOTE, AND' SUPPRT -WIU. day vtt Bert Johinson, as drive~r. Tii last mornieg deiivery vwas nmade Mta BE APPffCIATIED. bonsm on Nivberiy Avenue, and wvile Bert vas ungaged lu dolivering Iheordor la htto lady of lb. bouse, 'a ioney tee percbed îtaiîi on Princeenmd vue» intfrodmtlng Itseif ho pnncfuied Prince toi!deep, wvich oreed lii, lu g1bitut lanorder 10 swape bis 'I.os bîp" lu Iiearset, Primce rmuaround tire. boume, Imem lter. tue mother avenus mcd Ibeccromp. lb. damge tu lte waglon consisaidt ofb.lug mienus te troua whiss, Irons bout; dasit l10ard ste abaso8. la tac t va. put out et coimason t10 au uexieut lIta! Il vuasmcsery tu taie thei veblceetuoa mlop for repaira, Card of Thanks, R. J. Procler mnd ebildren desIre tbeir micceneotbfisut le b.exprsséed o ii lie Idnd citphbors end friendi vien gefiouPMlpàssisted tbin drlng tb. llnais. deatit and hurlaiof a wi!o and motter, Ms Lucy Proctor. c-45,1 A mu lan eralta -beter pes.- ed isa ho has Sel a good dinuer th«ban vte. is ite tslks Gret!' usy a crumpy mag. Thoream at@ie la titi, J"ssu. vb» lmr o« ltep » m' of eta affl Ili.y mht ho ln- taMea014à en u wbua v e usali 5sa11 hie aue vmr iomp jus Dow ah 'COUP4TV-CLEI< 0F L.AKKCL 0UfrY Suleento le u ec.o S of hiabllcan PUi TIIURSOAV. 8«RTEM8EWo lUtot Zone iiluiygfe flored bythie Ciii zens~ Ata Concort oiven ai Lake te Peiey Evenins of Lest à Proffmm of mps, ontd by a ploes- intlpie bmqs*04 r»Atre 4by i Ovules of 4I1 voit, k.-large éýowd ba satlonsd ee Ibe City part ovse- looktlug £akeAl'Mlbfgam, loup te thes bAnd bm aepp.arsd, Mcd lte vo. o.effl e othefivislîing OrgaýuIas. lion 1va. ~ere titan aoreiy frindly.. Hanh nuobi won mmked wt v osa Dédt, eppilWm. pots kiity tu boa sd <Ivenu 10 hioIthe heit band along tbi~ North Shore. Laki " et titsus vere mure ttaon piiauid vi the i goodmusie, auddud.rig, the. intlrplpiou, a -Air. Cook modee a loimisscgaditrousto, the.massliveeott and ..ked Ulat s god.ree-vII oItin« betaisti Up. Re &sle o.ubunh os fàtct al Lbertyvilie lied ,mcbto o proud et la sncb musical artiste, aMd liat Litks Bluff peopiew»ated lb. baud boc-k agsin. Clos to 840 wus taken In whiîh vs, plessingty presented 10 site baud by Mayvor Boyard, of Lake Bloff, wiose influence vu, brougbtita, îisscuring the Citizen'@ Band. Arrange- tuent» are belg mmd» ho oecure lti but fora acodcerl ever! two tieek@. AÀvmil. markiod femureduriung the. coucert vai tiie order malntalned, a nmatter tiat a tould Lx, looked ufter ut homne. Walch For Date. By jpe-lai releae. J. T. Rlobertson wiii te ensbled te pre@eat ini s hoit time, oDUe of lte greatest assmnblages of the» voridi celebrities lu ithe vmv of tnovlng pietures, sntit1ed " Ranch Life lu tie Great Sonthwe.t.'" It in a Pleture. the. praioesof vbieb wili.besungromu every cercer of lhe eaitb. matehieselu conception as'nd husorfrmily correct lu ev»ry detail. 01 U~*i rioMépw. wwa keep »oi li'eabsr oedllee, hav" bis e filin aeorkes of the ~dry eamomilau year put*, »ad te taikiag.along Ibli line li.eho &W bu ofne fti v -eaêra itesi 11ma lvmsty.t vo-e*s * go tue su..,. thé. souios as a korioïr for fai* o! ipohi titre. Fie. oas pha.ig ItIiti à» au$ s , Wisea.Dot a rainatmm of a.y ~ ow ild us ri vsbs bdit aad- ern - vas stuonted aud, of l1111e rowt. Ti@tirs " rata e bnues toit ou Amuuab. TuaI tu goimi<»m5 lpt & 4rtlpatî agd coopWlss ith Vie Prestetono about mss bot.blast fnrnmeo wotd :ô* telow omudi. Candidate for thei Republicani Nomina- lion for Counfy Treasurir. Mr. Price vat letefid tle lisioffice lu 1902. Hiaeafficiency vas auch hoi ho% boon .ilained from ysar fa yaar In s chsuical cepmcity snd lthe kuov- lsdga ne hasa aetuired fila hum asa l i ýThisfi. Notice. - - - - Y*Notice la h.reby given toighway ne othir mon, for t he offied. Mlei 9eommiiionrs 0oflthe.township o! Liii- practlcallIs ndiapensibie ln fthi office. .ertyvilie to edemn np heur districts, ilonst toe a . mai degros. h. makeq 1bigitvays, raiIroads, ferme and lotsof eCanada huIlesu belore tliey go tý sudeu, an idsai officiai. 1~ s hall me thal Ibis law l@ fuliy obaerv»d Mr. Price la r.csling fiai tsnlng .Ail compiaints ebouid hI sscIdirect to D b. coinmisaloner. giviug description of1 promisoi of support from Rspublicani property, and vitere icated. DICxM9 in &Hl sellions of the. count>, vWho LibiBrity, Thalete Commisaloner of the. b.ii..v hia long aud falthful service 1Town of Libertyville. ]ILi. .-39-ti ; a d.ssrving of recognition. Subectie foi theii. [acWgoag. 42-t! ROCICtSU*R ACCUDEMV - Bge its 44ih jour TwmWdg. $eptember 6. It opffs Wlib 8#*Sq" Ru bç&IDo tbau4eor a douai aautagss. 'Effpeusow. RoomaWd boad Fo*R CTALDo Alo iNFORMATOA-i DoRiEss PiiN. F. o. tOAN. ROI*S*tgR. WliSCONtIN. 49-"t This la ho announce tisaiw. are ne. augag.d ln tise r REAL ESTATEINSURGNE, AND LENERAL DUREAU Buoinses, saud'afe fuuly prepared to tmogotiée tiie porcbmaansd saie o! reai estslau ad business opportunitleq Do mantter iocated. Oui businâeslI.condutted onua basia <if squsrenemansd 'roliibiity wvilck viii t menit your patronage In ail dealluge you msy liste ln oui lieo, Oive ni&a cau, sndiss le ait ittais. SCIINAEBELE &WIIEELER Phone 1978 LISERTYVILi.E, iLI. 2OtI G~erycashStr Oui new FaIl and Whstter Sample Bock over; 500 samplm,- basartlved and Is ready for your iiispiictlio. Suit. from $1,1-0 to $4000(> Sumiw &umd al Une. 1910 bus beon cu& to the >Quiok. Now -la the time to leave yoflr measure. III IfCQpored vwu -Mr1h5mmi. et 15ni ";&W. th. gain Iinld of bet er in laver of eis Ob-" suosuecet, viiha ai fosig aglises vl,10 7 Dpsertuam bd~ «" Obu viiela Ores mm et th tIi brair Gb lest, IMilaMe sain ovine# soi tef aparaters viit, o ucs mors IlAv on us eV tevi ibef arUemAitit vi u.d.favorable Gonditons. liai I tg. to vNiaidgas. t li.yooir "Wlnviiib. se xaes et wouy pommd. If pon tas anuhelue ««»? o »» 5 ret altgal iinn -frota ivt-ive s i ftIpomwmas uteun-W! tileriiiez, t ams. n. <l i O lhmt@" Ni~ eeni Iuitem5.n dos«# t tma»bde sdtleguitiiiI. as hatili a"y Olue da U»ym n leeaMu. ad onn tumbea ir 4 a0formalte ti.eam» &P s ImPqovsnWM is euait? ai tiré ballet .oWUtul tim eo es eba O>te g et 515per pou" lié a9M et on, -p--ie. vUs e i . 1010jue reju ,d"daM» ia snorueta botter vorti frouIS11 Pet eOintle 1M1 oes smots fenevitinni lie aid of thfTabula, Seprsio. .The skio-ui'k. bbos varie sud tiai. vii ints Ih oe isluabi. Ss 9ferot iU ii>0 vet traie twenly-ive oents te touty-lIve taule psr bmndrsd poonde for uiock I.sdtng. dep"idtnE 1550.11 an the sgo th tS to h t. vl e. gaut. cemi auolai Iabuiou-fir lth citba 49L. The s atin l aduhis of lbe agit ey boithe titim sagoaderdenti baside lte cov sable, sMd th.eaklî-mllk lsd duhitl.uientocvwigtgIlIo wvine avlw n 1 e m ou. paila., if.., S"d the.vasé*idea uariastfor sa... sdd as iuuu D4 ed cioger 111e savins. Md nos ha ssilmaisd, aiiulb y ramoeaItaoa Umila ue stgals". - 'Unit. Tbére Wini tesa is 01 tuf l i # beaey ud ha aiotIme"sud ee, or lumllu It ig BmYOUaty$0 on a nMal P MO guaruiai efflgtovs.u th yld el boter Sudthes anse amied Imleemen tleuulilY tua ensle Yen tu ses bmw abaaluil semta r seresar- ter tu & datr7tnau sud basunder fn creubustaw., eau ie h. an luceesatil Sodby IMeB. EGER, ýLibertyvifle IIARVEST TIME COMING FIX Up YOUR GD-AIN BINS, IAY' SIIEDS, BARN 1(0f: AND GET- YOUR INDIANA DLOCK CoAL MIUIiTY UOOD TME TO BUY NOW POULTSY roOD, iSI FPRjCE RUIT Wr. AI& Euv!mNG%$Mt Ci-tu AN fD Côm~ Libedyville Lililbe'r Coi PliQui47 * Oood CoffeeWOn't Hurt You.' * Il Coffée dom. you harai, tbore'a a cause-flnd out what If le. ils.vbo k id not properly made. Naybe it wus fou, chep-andtoo chuap Coi!.. i4 tihe deareat drink &oy porion evir drant.- But dôn't blamne A LL Coise. W. have sororal o! Cliss & Sanhorn'a hight grade blende. 5 Giad te have you fei.- L rie LL E. 8L L. We are pffering thifs week mreunusual bargains -in LAd Waista. Net very inany of them. 8 sme *%d.. htp L.awn Waiste, a wonderful gplering of Waiste, msny of thern worth Up to -44.00. * Colored ShitWàiesin many pat nt.ui .11 wîth de" "ha ewhite collis. They were at $1.OObut wifl dose th=mout ut i...75C e ha" juat received alo4t of new Dr... Gingharns iré handsonîé Fal patt«rn*,aglo a 6ne anortrnent of, arci wide ShiW Waiet Percales, per yard .. 0 inmch Dark Percales, wortli 1Oc per yard, now -lot of wide Torchon Lces speca, at par yd .... !Sc hikdre's VWhite Cross Ba, Haztdkerchiefs, 3c «sch .. .. ... .. ..... ..., ..... 1 ..... irýoni ser ue te ue sea modk lum bl4e oemsy. jLu»»maCe. Iot E.W~PARKIIURST affl

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