Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Aug 1910, p. 5

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Phone 25 P'hone 3 MEN'S OXFORDS TO* CLOSE AT BIOý REDUCTION ont buo&daipairs of Oz- Iran. Gun fMetal Md Patent Lether, Sires 6 te 10 while they lut. Our $4M00Ofd. now S3o0o Our $3.50 Ofd. nov S$2.501 Our $3»O Ozfaril nv$2»00 1.MATS -- Cor n a md scecOur line oi bats& srav bit, mnena and boyb. cool undervear for bot veathe er in LUil md union, Neglig shirts wth or without collmr 75c te $300 Mahki pena »d shits.Fine Imef of mimmer hmue forMen. Il J. B*MORSE & Co. IEverythlng for tien LIBERTYVILLE, 14 2OthCentury Manuùre Spreader Thé Oreatest Labor Saver On a Farm SEE US ABOUT THEM SURANUK BRUS. ¶ -~ F mi 'Et~etwaras in Jiivetpy .A bewilderlng -array. Sone -in gold-Some gold P!@14 CU els.", dt~s' oidm et. la Pes And no on and so on. Ifs. reuy imposible to- imagine a jewelry need that this store'cannot supply. Remember our repuir depanrment. THE IEWELER .LI, RIEE-m-"S ~.~A1.AOplERMQfAÀISMENTION r f. ft*. epulbation ln the Ino4en- dent, ogpg mùet be ln the offic. no liter thml Tuasday of .ach weslc. Advsr- tisraogpelaly, ake ibt ttake or 09. Immo m, «Pa- )Ort DO mot Fali go aeu TPho Ba"halPlcnic I tuidren. Of CukUa. I@Pet atudoavend Bunday uili AMr. sud Mr@..Chua. P. Ung, 1 Thleabouée. ocpW d downed by Ars. globallë fbelm remodeled througbout. Wben oe~ui tOIIllbe modern ile very The s mut Metimi of thp. Tirla Chaptar of Westniilt« ulild will bu bald at the borne of Miss Tay Wells, Tueada y aven Ion of ccxt vaek. L C. Uncoîn bas made, arrangements Ée opena a fvig n md eare $hop in the buIlding azIte oPes4ter*., @hop e. 'MilvmA aea. Mi» . Mabsimgino, Robert M. Wrght au org tal wîll atarI fer Laie 1K0genaa, Wl.. here tbuy wili eejoy a tan day.eutilg. Meeday siglit #wo car loada, of rieurs arrivad from Chicago. unu under the màagemeet ef Ed Jones, the other Under C. WIllim'. vigilant eye. A opacial train of mieoa.'hes. wlSbh Kniglit Templairanmd wlv.... frein Mdadi- *on, Wl,., pkaed hhrougl. thuelty Tues. day momnlng. en roule t 1 Chicago. The lulvey Couiudy E'ru.pany will bu hure soon witb liew peuple. Alfrétd Sisters. iHarvey Reeae, Bih7 Roecl,1 Harry Austin and Plant tta Trio. Watch for data. Carl Hughes. whe has beau eeiploycd1 le the etererom eofthe Ntirtlî Shore1 Eletrie Company at Waukegan. bas1 been tranwferred frein that place te Libertyvilia..1 Corne te thu eu (' reaut Sc-Ial Friday eraclcg, Aug. 12. on ilce. I.. B. Hacby'o lave for tha bueât of the. Ladies' Aid1 Society. A prognarn will bu given. Ail1 are cerdlaljy lerlled. And cow coin. the pieu le to bu given by tha ladle. of St. Joaeph's churcli at ChrltlanBro.--Copelatid'a (irron Menday'of nuIt vaak. A gond lZme11 gearaeld te t"oasWho attend. Do'tfop te randu plenle givuei uy nlery"eaof Tigge grocary lit. Joaeph'a Cathelle Cburch Monday. s 1 i As i.rasigeed his posisien, pre- Àug. 15.paratery 10 renelg lus studios at then Aias (Grue Croker le ccjoylng ber Madison, Wisconsn, [cniverslty. ahI.n vacation with lier parente at lige. place la blng fille& br J. T. Robertson.b Corners.A large numbur atteeded the Knight H. Rl. Nortban, of Glaneolu, wia the Templare parade ln Chicago Tuesday, guesl t f r. acd Ars. E. E. Ellsworth, and frein Ihose who vitceaeed It amye Tuesday.that il waa une of the graudest dlsplays ltalpb AliGuffln, of Cincienti, Oiol, of ireaoery tbat they ever looked upon. le tiiting bis parente, Re. ceddlMes. A boy swimmieg and'digging elamv Macouffini. ie lhe Fox River at F.lgefeuncd a lunch ilie Ituti Wells bas returu..d te box eoulainicg $400 vortb ef vatch0 Waukegac alter belng unturlained by making tools which bad been stol-en MAmy Schah,. frein tÙe Juzuk jawelry store lu Ihat eîty I J. Bd. Pubien &id daughtem Pripeila, of On J1113 2. t Wuocda, viited hie moîher. AMrs, C. At a meeting Of tha cib3 ceuncil et Ai. Fualler, tlunday. Lake tFret huld recently, an ordinance s Ed Joues, au expert herseshoer framc wua paaed prohibiting wagon. car-n Chcago, le now in the cmploy cf Wm. iage,automnobilesero&lar conveyaSo Pester, tha blakemblli., standing on îny struet a parkwayinl Miae Helen Wright mnd Airs, Ruth the city longer than hall An heur. Zimmerman are aI Lake Kegonsa. Wl.., Aftér a forty-ight heur raie, vith for a Swe weeks onîlag. mcd frein six to tenlecboi deep, lt laa Henry LicltMeli md, taculy rlaltsd plasaure te wa)k dOwn ltmllmad Avenus Licclon Park Sunday. 'Ple trip ,wm e.peciaily tht part which wua lest and made vill ieI new4mto. iltarvard@ found rovered ýup withU JeaneRay and J. S. Hiatt loft Tussday Libunrlîe aeYrhfbeNy morng on'a surveylcg trip. 'Pbey viliLetEr b. absent &beut ton dayo.. Froin a ltter recei vad from Prof. Pugli Theinfnt augterofMr.andune 'h h h o , ben speuding bie vacation At Chare Seler filena pererions condi- WuheNrhCrlnl altre tion from spinal troubles. th-at hao iill ure to Lberty'ville About August 2 -b.lui ordur to est ready for Albert LiehtfuWd has purcbeed an extra tliee pennxet thu fait mnd vieter tarin fine Irish -terrier, wbich bas asi9'ootr publie sebool. qualitles se bis Brueh auto.1 Wedneday L. Kielma and Leeaî TPhe suem of 1505 u@iras ee aia ltîtke vere married ln Waukegan by camelval hcld aI Harvard recently le the the Rcr. Burling, eft5he M. E. churci.9 ilerese ofetIhe public librarir;'Th.e ewly ara cul1iI iena Thle Rclimond baiebail teanm idWla. bertvville, farmieg bice tlieir lîreli. banded Owleg te a lack et patronage en bond. Congratulations 'Irem Ibeir1 lthe part et the people et tht toue, friands are nov in erder. Frank Appley and Mise Winifrad Young The. Inter Cieuuf t BturdkaY 'aid thal were Wautegac risîtors Sueday, belcg atlreiy tee mac> Chicago mllllonaîra the. guOBteo!fAr. mcd AMrs Frsd Bery. maire their hominl Lak*County bocauia Aura policemen are to war on of thse busy Chicago &»Muosrs mcd the vaads. Bra'@e' bre Shey xnay svipg a bigli taxes mnd tbis marnr.u Mho a club villi perfect abandon. Catch on?' stralght suggetioe oth ate L .Cnunîyq Air. Vîcpatten, et Antioci. vis lier. .s oros le gel busy. Monday. vlslllng he soc, wboeo pesne Ars. Bert Betor and ehlîdran apsnt Icg bis vacation vith relative. lu lb. lait veek vl.lticg Librlyrlu. relatives City. UmesLeela will romain fuelb.ufmJr. CARVlNG AFORTUra ,,M equires caretelthouglit mnd cntant iedustry. Tb.a bbite vOill regular saving at litorein l Our Bank, are dally *"slting atomes of people to Indepue4snca. '.tour menef le Our 5Bk imater j thaji la your pures. mda acon- etn ecreasing atlnt«eaeat.I. or Mure opens an account. Wa ........le*sl- Inite eew business. flu lra F tlalad" Onk ofLibertytille NexI Boom 10 lth* Pott-Offico Opn ataa lt rOu'log teecontinued dry westher and the *Slvlng u fîrls" ,thea clyla awarmed ultii 4apllaaont for air service«. Aiao ovick tu the sCarcitý of loburlng mmn, itl eimposuible for Street Commission«, Youag to ruelheb. vrk Mooday, mor alng a carload of race hreau rlv.d fhum Laven worti, Km., luader th cmr of Dr, Stevens. Te«a ."Dec" ÎMdlipare theum for ceînn race. oMl, turf. Tby vere a clos looe,.buebeaofateede and :vill make good'undor bis tntormhie. 'A yeara contreat dacleg frerli Aug. 1 aIr elgn.d lait Thuraday between tb. Eletctl Ry., Ounipmcay managemfe mcdý h loraay ieotormen sud ceiduet..ý ors. Thle road roalîze. ttlbatit 'lb. bièt force o ns nearth and tbora noeer vae any real doubt but tbiS the ?contract vould b. ulgneJ. àFrOm those who attended the dram.' tisation cit Riavatha, rendersd by aUmâmer etudea# Ares Monday aveu. ilg, Itla I.aid tbat it va. one of the base Productions of its kind they ever vit- camai. ThPlie eul ffecta vere raallstlc, 40tu »Pe and miithe randition of the partS aoeo vrsquat to hbat cd profeslocala. John Kouer. formcriy vlth the. Daily duc, but nov a trWvellg saleeaman for Swift & Ce.. of Chicago, va. bars Aiond&Y, It belng li itai trip and fron what cae be leaà'ed John "made god" ln hio new Vocation, the. @amas he did on theDally$lIn. Ha is acongeniea md affable person te maret. and viilrank aeieng the foreiiie..î cleaîn of 'bis wNc' aoi é fiteui leste jobs. are bound go be dry» Rarly Lainar wax a Chcago visiter l" Iraa eail ln viiiîug frienda ln Zhor. Wls.. lMr. Paree. of Randoîpb, i. l.. le viol t- mng hilamily boe.. Miles Nella Gfrlewold lo entertaicleg frienda frors Chicago. Do yen tblnk the Ieathermn la playlon te the gallerles? Sora goair. sud AMra. Jas. Laycock, iUmlbrdfay, Aug. 6, a son. Rd Bali .hipped a carload of mia cors.te Peorla Tuesday, ?,eaevblle. remembar liatI hhere la alvays soeabotcter place. James Cronin, of Foi Lake, was a -Lîbartyville visiter Tuensy. ebrie arstt.osatoaver.vquetIon- for ade mcd h.vregsde flyou or four fied bae bat a bucci et keys, mec Marshnl Lieîherry. Do not argue witik the contagion- spreadlcg bous. liy.. swat hlm!i lirs. J. T. Roborteon and childre are vislîing rlatives in Mormo, led. Dont forget thaeue@Cream Social Ibis Friday enlng on Hacby'o lawn. 'Doing nothlng" bas beec dellord te bu a looker-on il a gaule of eheckerf. Blanchie Darles ba@ retumned trom a riait witb relatives near Colon. ichigan. Anna Alkofer ehaperoued a numbr of friends Saturday afternoon le. Wauka- Merrill Acers lias rturnentte Antiocli after visltlng bis mother and friands hors. Ars. McFaddec and sec hav" reterneri from Chicago, viiera tbey vlsited rela-, tives. i NUaNCE FLE1 TOND.LF. CAREFUL A 1\ýjTION24Q O IEOIN OFORSiam t.PFEPOLUCIES. G. C. ORIIILEY, PIRST NATIONAL IBAÀNK s*.0,RU(O6 WiIlibe sold at only 99cts Ask for a Ticket A few more Men's and Ladiom Oxfords at greatly reduced PrIce.à Ooocl Drop Hiead Sçwinl Machine only'e 11E OOI LBQUAKER OnceM o idse yo "NZL5, It b àvS@wtbw<ts& that mhste dmm ki(tst D ws ira tw bu t u lots mûr what ite earms thamsâ »thet ÏMI16but -ial ame SAVE%. This uvingababt may b. acqulWdtM the *u.y uno of a mavinge accomat la cS ba"h rat.u Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Profita - 80,QOO.00 Stookholder's Llabillty 60,000. 0 Total $180,000.00 Frein a post cîrd recueve frein IMax Kolbfier, cy au employeo, Moï has the lollewing te smy ieeneerning Yehove-toee Park; "~Swan Lake Camp, Yellowstone Park, Aug. 3. Wondarland lae ic ed proper came for tIse Park. Atu supper fur thrue lant nigbt and breakfast fer fUnrtliieorning. We had abard troot acd itlecoideeoughfor car mufle. But mach air." A peular vagur vas made by a yoceg mac, le wbich b. made the but thât boecoijld devour tve loarsof uread, Swe pounde ut butter, le b. wasbud doue by oca quart of vater. «I to bucicompiahed lau hirty minuts Ph. «*yoeeg min" voe ont.,»& sbortly aller th. lamer gavo hlma a quartý of Icecrsam,vwhicbh.oputlneoldsuor&age, besides iccrsssing bis «oxaiquer. For the poëttwove vkaAMarshall Llmberry bmd more or lam troubla le remindlng i driver of a car tliat ho vs col OEnî vlolatlng the speed ordinae, but displtiYd n fce ae a igu on bis car. Every lime the marobai attumpted tu .'fiag" him, he paid ne att*ntion te thie officiai. 'Pbur8day Ibis sanie "drivsr" va ln the. ciy, but did net thlck Ibil Marshalil lmburry va. ln aiglit. but h. was ra.gblt nappieg, vh.n the marehal reminded hlm et past crante. vhe t040 hlm lu charge, It appears tsat th. owncr of the car is a re*ldeet et Michigan, and neglectsd to gsi .th cacessary "elge," beutviien turther ln- terrogaled, le regard Su tbe matter the driver producad aa reeaftîfer biselicens and va. looklng for hise "aigu" bafore rotcmning te hie catire at. M. E. Church Services. clame meeting aI 10 o'ciock a. M: leader Ber. J.OB. MacBfflei. Pra"Ihi ait 10:30 by 1h. pister. W. -L. WhippW, aubject *'Tlis Need o et b.Bima n eb Divine Plan." Bible fichool ast oun, subject *Laborers le lhs Vinoyard." Epverth Loague at 6:45, leader Mies Este Ilà Maxim. Prenchijng il 7:80 by the Pister, snbject, "Ph. Viliain oftShe Drîma." 'Ph. Epvorth Langue will piccie on tis Lake Shore Frlday erenicg, Aug. ». Ail leemburs of lhe Longue vil ii, laI boped, ha le alleedacce tSe etjoy the mooeiight arceing by tha inter. The Feurti Quarterly Conferencelwili meet le the parlerseoft he cburcb on 'Phursday crenlng, Aug. 18 il 8 p. m. Dist. Superletendent. Rer. W. O.Bbsop- ard D. D. wii bu preseet and preàlde. iNDEPENDENT "Wnt Ad" bris resulte. 25 conts an Ineartion n >ycu remoh 8SM rendors, UD~EUCTI0N IN TRIMMED MATS AT I1ALF TIERVALUE Su sur lbn et Shirts a f" d Wash eeu leunemberWC sa Tht PARSIANA ÇCQR$M- ARS. M. A.PROTINE THB MILLINER ring iby But laut celoNd Caumic> f hi,*« rard, ailcolore md l. 1910 d*u*, yard....... ..........a ...... . ....... ... 5 places Bufeima26 Wah LlaW Jowisu, tes pou.w black md broum dots, slripe!Md tp, lwOe ,b 2W.ske ouly; ar... Rermnnts 11la. of a "rolrlogLaff, MIlts m W Srose «QOda« b0t eton 1~' :~ -~- RTYVIkLE FOR SALE 5V J. -ELI TRIGGS To heip Ihave made $i o, s.. .11 E tc p p Pl 11,fû a] si yg ti bi w mi T si

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