Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Aug 1910, p. 3

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D! . O. BF. EtTFIUW. VETERINART 813263011. PAUL MAC GUFFJH ATT~ORNEY AT 14W. lbertyvIlle, IlIlOl DR. CqIL GA=.Wà%y, or- , aiguLU!Uo m '5 *" IO gouu-frou t i 8d * Do8 P. UbwWrtilb.DMOIS. LAWYza 218 Walgton Stret 1W akgan 'Pho»o 2761 DR. GOLDING DENTIST Bour 8to 12a&M-to 5 p.m J. Pli Tr sBuilding vith Dr. j. .Tylor-Pboue 19 au.. Phono 1092 Ubevule, mI DRL It H. MH avna LtA SoouUTY SATOuAL DAM. orme-@ tc *12 a. in.sud i to a P.m.. DAILI. Libmvyvile. lUiol DR. 1. L. TAYLOR ormoFint 15J. EU. ?U!<105 DLVO. eouu:-7 t_, 10 a. um; 2 to 4 sud 6 to .8 p. n. eeteot .n Broad way. 1opposte Pa6rk. MARTIN C. DECKU Ijlice Opp. lstil St. Eloctrie station (I ica' Phone 5334 Ba. Phone 3608 e.tT CicA. ý0ILLINOIS1 W. IL STUDER SullXeYORc mubdlvidiig,Fi- W.-k aud Praiag LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. PRUNE 1094. DR. rDW. V. SMITHI Geoeral Prnce Hlourltol2. 2toiand7toep.m. Off« over Lynch Bro. &tome *SpECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISBASES OF I>1 THE XYE LUDBTYVILLE. ILLINOIS' .Henry Sine's Sale Barn1 21U4 ELIBHA AVIC., ZIONt CII, ILL. flesdo.e 2em S 5h.0eAve. 1 Ail Kinde o1 Nom".. ises.. Wa-om" su *s aie for Saoe or Ezcea t .au ime.9 AUCIOEEIN FR USC S"LE F., BAIRTOW *AN1uAokTuwgR o0F Meubie aid'Gre@nÎe Cmetery Work of Every COrr.spondenCe 5olildted 126 GenùSeeSt Waukegan Wm. LAYCOCK Co. op"" tyvPMeIllinois4m8 AUTOMOBI1LE WORiK A SPECINLTY Engilue vsbled A Plu Lino of Sundries.' Tir" R- paired. W h énalunTrouble TELEPKQNE 661 or 16 Y OU WIL. FiND Tb@ boot sud1 latest drinks st aur Soda lpountikin w"syoî vii get the bosi sud parosi les Creani and rumbed frut@. YOU WILL FINO & novanti lins af Souvmnlî Gootis and Postai Carde. . '(OU WILL FIND Your lavorite klnd o! andy. 'QuattY" le oui motto. Ths Quality fine of eandy eu leader. YOU WILL FIND Ail the latfet Magaines sud meny of the popler copyright book& YOU WILL F1140 An excellent linso!fTolet Gonds,.l'or. fumes sud pFceCreame for tlb.estamer chape as Weislb. somaumer girls. AI GRAYSLAKE P1tARMACY YOU WILL FIND Hesdquarlere for Spauldings SPortinir YOU WILL FiNOb The Burlingon Laundry Agmey. Alil vrok guarauteeti. YOU WfI.L FINO Oui telephono unuber 11. wvbe.Fou cauoeal up sud.order teobeel ls Cemn ils pais lesbug bave sarne douelvi et your homo. vholesaieresud retailei's. YOUJ WIL.L.FINO On the firet Mouday la euch matb et Grayalako store Or. Potier. my apott and optielano; ivelve yarituilaolc Temple. Don't fouge i fsut 1MondaY lu mach ,uonib. YOU WILL-FIND Officef ! LAKE (OU?! leaEiPE~Nl'.T wbsre yon e«apyupyonî subwerlption. leaco yonr job wvon sud etvo timing as veil as Devra. YOU WILL FIND Comuttion tickets ou botb railloads. 1 YOU WILL FIND Ageucy fui Kimbal Piano C~O. For sale or roui. YOU WILL FINI) Pare drugri, a s-quare e"iand (touiteous treatuieni ai oui .toresl. DRIJCE DRtJG CO. Greyslsk@, Rockefeller, Round Lako M. NEMM~RICM tR.Ph. IM A. WA13014.t. P, IL V. CIEV!AND. Rt A. NATUWS WRRNiNG I6 Lîbeityville POophe Must Recognize and Heeti IL. Kidnsy liscornequittly-mv@teiOUelY But nature aivys vains you. Notice the kidno neretions. Se if the col or is unbealtby- fi bere ar.etilinga anti sediment, Paseegesfrequeni, .csnty, painfui. I'@ tinte thon ta une Doan'e Kitiney Pille. Vo yard off Brght'& tileeses or dia- bts.. Doan's bave doegresi ork la ibis localitv. David Beekel, Ford St., Geneva, Ill., maye: -j sufiereti froin kldney trouble for igbi or ion Jeare. 1 bad Suvere pein lthe %mail o! my back anti vas &"e subWtactu, duhy beedacho.. The kldnoy oretions ver. flhlad vlth mcii. ment andi looketi unnatural. 1 foanti no relief untîl a fev vesis 69a vheu i hsarnot of Doon'@ Kdnev Pille aud proeureti a box. i have mprovsd tesdly siace taklng tbem. 1 bave but lttis pain, tbe kidney weretions are more regulisrn passage anti 1 fesi boter in evry wv. 1 amn very grateful for tb. benefit I derived lion>tIloan's Kîduey pille" For gelsby aIl tdealers. Prices50 isOle Fomter.Millbut Co.. Bufflo, New Yok, mole agents for the iUited States. Roeuthber the name-hoan'e-atid talco no other. 46.2j SUPERVI SOR.- TOWN BEMNt Cendidt*ieta CoUtTY CI-:tlrI ortLt êe Cou r SLAE DPAM E NT Ordero Taken fôr Job Work Advertlaing Rates On Application mies Rv*iflm. of l.trhe yero hosplial wae a guest ai Camp Soneet Friday and Saturday. The M. E. Susday achool held their annual pieule at Gaga. Laie. Thursday. Mfie. .111e.Tbéemioon vsurnsd Monday fot roâbr yviil vlihrelatives in Wiconsin. Tb* novw wll dlggerson lb.condenslng faetory voil are geting aloag oxceediàg- ly fias. McCorueek'a orcestre vili fuînloh the munsic for thé damil i tbeopera bouse for teo o eRunlon o~iTusa evnini. AuX. 25. ,,aTuea A muebuoesded raim reacbsd our village Monday evenluig, qulto a pleasaut sur.ý prise Party. For tboee grealls spots try the Elite Cloth Ceaulug Poil ouly 10c-at Uihe Gayalàke Pharmacy. UmssMargars & Caine rocetly fîom Celirnis vas a guest ai the homeo f W.. Bil and vifeseerai days rocsuily. A. Davy, 0f Sleepy Ev., MinnOesota, ;lsiisd bis ister. ise. Cittendon, Sun. day. birs. E. C. Ho ok and danghisî vlsited relatives et Libertyllle Tueday. Ed Rowliige. and family entertained friends'and relatives et thoir homne lest i'riday. àdajor Cleveland, o! Garneti, Kaon, le vsitiug relatives in rayalake and vliilty. Among the -lotus beds viitoîs let Friday were Mr. and Mr@. Lee William.. Mis. Willims vbile ioachlng to pick a lotus ot ber balance and lfi11tu the lite. 8h. rose to the top o!fte ater aeveral lest froni the boat and bof ors the boat eonld reacb ber @lie veut under the sscond Urne, and came up under the boat near snougb no that she vas rencued bv tbe frentie huaband. TIoY returned home andiMris. William. rocovereti the aecident vth noting more serions than a colti. - - - - - - - ÎMDIURN mabel sd ud Aesse rturned 10 their home lu Cicgo Lavu Thursday andi R. Pantail and Foin Miaccola- panied theni. ilov. A. W. Salord oRfclateil at the veddlug of Mis Tillotson sud Mr. Blsbop lest Tbursday. Ths litilo son of Mr. sud M'a. J. C. Chope lessiiousnti 1 ilh Dot much change ai pissent vitin,. Mis. IMis&ilbert, of Fort HllI, »Pet a vsek vitb Mise Agies Sonner a"d oibsr relatives. Um Iida Wohffabii, of Spummeidale, vas th@ get ot isueloen SaDford fuoni Friday unuiliMouday. Mr. and Mis. Frank Cieviord, 01 Rus- oel, spet Sunday aIt J. C. ChPoe.. Mre. (Guy Hughes sud chiltiren speut eerai days vitb relatives sud frinudo lu Kenosha, Wls. i Wnx. Meouire andtime Helen vlsited relative lu Wenkegati Friday and Bat- arday. A. Hl. Stewart rturneti borne fromi Lily Lake let Vueiday. Mr. anti Mr&.Joe MeCrombe, o! Wa- kegan, vil~lipte latter'@ brOther, John Chope Suud*'y. ,ai dais vlth ber doster, Mis. losler. 1 J. C. Deumon, of wauksu, speut unday vitb is faiili ai the bomne o -mnoice. Mis. Jenette Msthews atteudedthé11 veddilug Ang. lo! ber asies, UmssTU- lotion, of pikovilis, Win.,.sud Mr. Bah- op, of KenomaWls. SE. G. Toan, 01 Rochester, Wls., @point Snnday sud Moudaa, in ibis vicinty sud lire. Wiu. Clevelandt visiteti lier chilti isaole Chicago. liue. Josephine Matheve s Iovhiting velative@ ln pontise for a few vesis. Ums elen Saurd attoudd ie v ed. dIg p! e frienduti iwbeatou Tbnuutiay- F. C. Huomptuor spent Sandaywvlth 0. E. Deumnnuantie isbltsn raturned bornse it bihm. C. F. topie Auq. 21: Dulyundir Dm01.- cailes 2 Vint. 2:1-81. -Vioo Streng,. Mayfrom i boi ru plannIng la t- *à& Ï)hlwhavsst picute as ikr Vs4auemp thlb. lth. frat lagu at l.MiIar ste eebo~ IglouShais a. pliue Act80. The funerai of M. Goodluw was bld Sunday. Ho met bis death finie a kick by & borses vhfie orklng for Stanley Field, of Lake Forei. lHe came wltb hie brother. frons Hngland a fow years ago and vas bui &'Young mian, Rie bvothsri.purebfud-to. J. Mores fan wbere tbsy nov rWede. Harry Howo.sud fsïiIy, o! Wauken @pent a portion of lest week witb thelr cousin, F. H. Ketbkoi and wlfe. Henry Kueblor vas kept fromI hie- busîoi..Tusoay &Ofmcuut o1s11 uee The Royal Noghbor*held their aunual picole st Battetoball'a grove; Gage@ Lake, Weduediyelid report a flue tmes. Everytbing is belng donc to make the Soldiers' and Salor' iteunion the be)t ever hld ibis ysar. Dooittilo & Whte viii entertamn the reunion peope, ani d dYoung at n fine dance Thurudai eveulug, Aug. 25. Soversl frout bprovleltsd the lotu-j bede st Orass Le*ko lust Buday. c. E. Rie. aud P. J. Fitzgerald, uf Chîcago, @ont Saturdar at the B. J. Lofin borne. MiS Cribbý- and Miss Hooper, of Antbocb, verè cJeles ers Fiday. Mi. Billsud MisUbear, of l'bicagm, sesulSunda" ai lb. (arwood home. TheY vois meomplet bouis by Mie. Biugg vho bas speut the Paut Ivo vooka bore. Wm..Raine and Mistirae Young, 0f Chcago, apeni Saturdoy and Sunday 9with 8. J. LaItue anti family. ýMies young viili remain foi a week. Mir, sud Mrs.-C. B. Hamilan, 01 Lake Villa aud jir. anti Ire. E. 1). Kaple &eut sunday et Wedowortb. àMie d Wagner' ontertained ber mother the lest a1 tho week. Moeurs. Fred Kuobkei Chas. Kuebsi andi. Eariy Hove pent Vhuroday -ai Wbuconda. John Lougabaugh transacteti business et Wsuhagau, odai. RUSSELL itRnember tb. townsbhp Snday debool convention Aug. 21.1 st Boe- E. J. Muurie la baviag bloevacation. Hie sub, i. L. Siver, ls carrier.* Mi. Wleb anti deughtere o! Wanks- gen speni<Onutey et E. P. Siver'.. * Claude Nellie anti Myrtie orrne bave istaruedt their dutles lu Konosha. The Miss e oesla and Bailo are inaklug tboir annual visit et A. C. ('anis. Mma Dixon anti Mis. Winter attentiet tb. society st Mie. Vaybor's ln Wanke- gau. Mr@. L. M. Banner vas a Konosha vistai W.tiuosday. J. A. Beeves, son anti mother vers Chicago visitore Sanday. Robert Quayle anti famlly o! Oak Park epeut lest Vbursday et A. C. oarnis. IThy inatie the trip ln their automobile. "A nuinher fron thIis placo 100k la tho elsFoocircue. The imsChâe' tsrtaineti a party 01 Younug people af'8 flnday., i VRENO Ja& Calahan bas returnedt o bis home lu Chicago e!lter a visil vlth tb.Sb.ridan twely. Miss Peaul ioolittle a! Wenkegen spent Bunday vitb ber parente. James Ryau, Jr, le viiiag vlth rela. lie, la Chicago. Mm ,Carro)lsantidaughter, of Chicago, au. viuling relativee bere. Mr@. Fred Krnegsr le on tb. aloi list. Ur. Chambertin ankI ldY frindispeut SOudai vith J. Byen sud fsiely. Marchandise Business anti Résience For Sale &t'a Beigin. anuetablilbet ouccessfol business anti oeumplele stock ai Dry Ggo&.odàrmnrle. anti goueral mei'cbentile smuualy carristi lu a country store ta b. soli eepavt,,anrif desireti, vlIith dldmpg amd sue acres o! tnIsuiWOIl kobahon corner, In al village oun e uo mobile roati froin Chreco o= 0Mr, sud jox Laie;d6 mile, from hqg,2 mIlfflioaut alono oI .R Aaitheproprltor la oves Psaoo ophlr o i.eay.Alth Suries a&Doas, Real Reltoa gen'yts, Phoo342 Arington Rslghhs. Dl lIbuot adisrtleing mediumî. .Oeo. Q Uentin câaate f or tbeàRepublcau Ngluatlom for County Treasurer of Lake County Thursdy, Sopteber là, i~ Your Vote and Support. wiII b. JAppreCiated. Libertqville News Shs B. N. of A.w vii rervs ice creem ran di cake t tbe park Ang. 25. p 47.1 MissAuguetseiultz. of Racine, Wis., le speudhng a ew dave vliî Me o ia, rKnox. t Henryqeon faCoWad Mu DuqSeo, of Racne. W., anitd Mm*lt a thoir istRie W., Bnlklo and br aer, Jh lre.W.. uke ani. FrierifJon ease yfoce tbis in your opportuuity. iCali andi Inspect oui larigo stock andi 10v puce. fiad. AuERieAN WisE Frt,.cE (0o., Batils ulCreek. Tuesiayovening, Ivo mou vbo live north of lova enteusti halo a regalar f ldtiecfand oas o! the beligweneta ual blg sailaflet i th vbat ho b.d done, attaekodan uninorstei part.!, vho veutto libe &Id of bis frieuti. One of the uefendents bas a baileut aveu bis lo11 sys, vbile the othor bas au "oenlaigoti" ;av. Au arreet vas madie by Deputyr Shefl fLimberry. Tho tr il wl teks place Tuesday before Jutige Isovick. Presbyferian Church Services. Preach'muig et 10:80 a. mt. hi the pestor, Bey. J. Yen tde Erve. Sabject, %'luian» Science, An Appreciahlon, A ffl tieu. and a Leson." Preachlag et 7:80 p. m. b! tb. pestai. Subjeet, '.Darknes and Dnty, Ths Morniag sud Tbe Mater." M. E. Church Services. Cas, meeting et 10 o'clock, leader Bey. J. B. mcuflin. Pieacblng ah 10:80 by pastor, W. L. Wblpple;" sbh Jeet "Vhse Vains o! the Thorn."~ Bible school t 12, ubWet, 'Je.séNeeiing Jerusalein" *Epvortb .Loagust i6:45, leader,- Bey Mass, subject, "Gati'. teasogableExpetatlon." Preaciag t 7:30 by pestai, seoct, "Vhs Con. spiracy." Sti.Joseph& Picnle. dour gathertnge, sud the bappiest ane1 of the eason vas thai of the pinute1 giron by tbe ladies of 8.Josep' cbuuch1 lu Chritisu Brou. Grave, vbsn buatiretis1 essembledta10meet acquaintancee,!rientis1 andti lubave a goodt ime i nerai. Vhs program o! tb. day vas variedthelb eveti of vhieb ver.enjoyeti by the aeeembly. Evortblng as fer su enjoy. mnent vont vas satselctory,&uatil a rombline Ilutlb. skies varne thelb picaficeua thal a starut vas approwcbn, vblch vas a rua t m\doud trns, u relu lel la horuonte 4 alim, in tieprmvng on. antiail in-4eIr anticipe. lion of! edithe l. vening'uentis s ment10 the day'e outîng. But nover. thekmissvtb IMerelueshbng sauer. no complaint vas matis aveu theïu dis- appointment, as ail vois loklng dei.Y for th*t wvblb came ataI u nnspecti perioti-rein, vain, teantiful rein. For Baie. 500 husheis cornin fesa, 250 bumbels eset ry., 1909 crop, on pair youeg Percheron boues, 2 tilvng boe.s, 4 esive.. AleviN CLEIiENT, Britievater Farin, Llbertyvillis. 47-1 Foley Kidney Pille Taule in quelity anti action, qui lu reauis. For backaeb., bsadaosl>s 41 nesa, nervoususes. ilnuy. 1tU~ls anti rb.nmalisrn. F. S. Lovant COUPANt;. k 321 k Aunual1 OF1 k LAKE( k SOLDIERS AP AUG. 24': At Knickerbocker G, O _ood Spoaklnga k Danci¶g et opera Hot CORN US STULL INIG Corn Largeut Ev..' Mnovn-Whnter Yild Second OnIy la thet Of 1900. 'Athougb the coin crop la thîs viciaty le gomag lu ,e. picallly ait, tb. crop as a vhole. according ta ibe AgrIeiiaral Departmeni aI Wasiagton, promises lab heb laigeot ovéi raied. Itlàl estirnatéti that h it iiequal aeaîly Ibis. billion bogei;l or mois Iban 18-mIllIon buehols more thau tho humper crop of 1906. Oato bave aiea di"etue4o-fl previons figures promigingi,022,000,OOO bashele, ogainet 1,009,8 5,000 butieeis ast ymp1, vbicb vas the firt timse the ont*top01 a! t e (ailti tate* rau into the billion-: bugeisl cass. Wlnter vbeai, lain s prellinary shovling, as givon lu figures hy b deparimoal la foi a ylold of 12,000,000 bushela laiger iben lest yeai, vhlcb maies ibis year'e crop second larget ln the country's hlstory, the crop o! 492,000,000 bushebe relsed la 1906 bslug tit. Athough the bhy crop bdasbeu gond la Ibis ilecibon, I i e omnevbat belov the averaes. Tht second, erop o! alfa"f Io pour, in moutntaucesd:the larmoe viii have trouble ln gettlng the thîrd trop, vwhtela Othe? y.srs they bavs u.ualil easiy secureti the fourtb eîop. Vhs AuguiIndication, as gtveip by'tho Aricullural Dopéit- ment, la for a total bai crop 0! about 54,000,000 tons, vbie compares vitb 70,088,00 tons la 1908, Whou tb. largest bey crop on record vas pro- duceti. The Immense shortaeolu bai, vb.n taken lu counection vlth the almosi univeisally short postures, vil! bae a most Important hssrlngt on lb. Wosiîug.stuatlon sud undoubtsdly viii bave much influence la dstserial prie ef the footing graine. Siml.- arly tho short crop,,of potatoueiia effet I @ornee stout the pries of vbset. The report ludicates thal potaitmeo or lme than ae iheee.ourthe crop. The outlook te botter lien-mMy local people b.d lhought, hovover. ,IAnyai ey cen $dit have 1jonuiek and coin.moal.mush lu soiensoetions ar thé. country, Uive ea h ave it hors. Ralway- Mail Clubk Wanteu., The Goverument pays Rallway Mili Ceiks *800 tn S1200, and tiahar employeeo un in 02500 annually. CUcle Sam i vii holti eprilg exami-1 lions tbraugboul tb. country fouraFil vay Mail Cisîke, Custou Houes Cisus,1 SIenognapheis, Bookkeepeie, Depaut- meniai Cle anti othor Goveinlut Po- sitions. Thoumanda o! appolatmnete vil he xhae. Any man or vomsa oveî 18, lu City ai country am get Instruetion anti Ires Information by vnitlng et once tebth Bureau o! Instrucion, 459C Hem iu Building, Rochester. N. Y. Do you knov that IV'@easy 10 hum soit "oa, (if it'. gondi coal), vithout the aunyanceoaIsont1 madamoke. huai give tii. ois a ieuy lutil, air en top. Doalcheck lhe stoyt pipe deniper to0 elosely. Use Pyvolile Washed Nut. Von eu gel It lrom lis Home Luinher Con- puny. Il b.d. ciosely, but llghtly, and mayasenugb air spaeslunt'b. r. 10 bure SUl u, ganses that wvoltotheivis. mais soot and miae.16! Iluntireds Visîl Lotus Sode. lb. lotus lowera fve nov lu ful bloom aiQuisLake sud bundresiofa peuple viit thie lai, dally 10 vlew thb. bwb ansd gallier the beautifu 11111«.1 Tb* lotus hide, irbea la ful bloomt as1 tb.y nov are, rover su aise of about1 900 acres mantiasfer asélb.eoen sud large white anti yelav love.. Tbey are ths lotus o! the NDe vus,, Cegpt, anti are sid tagiov lua ne vo1 otbsi place. lu tho United f9laWtl Vexas ml la lie, sauwi river.I ýNO Reunion ,rue COUNTY kND SAILORS T Irovo. (on the Lake) md of Chicagok anti s GoodTi Tmek kkkkhrda ve' Ca<dte t'à,r<lus R. mmm a.Nummu" for Countù Treessue." Primarles leptçnbr là, i9êlO-« Soutiens Pay Mot For MUi. The Dordtn CondeauotUn1k Oompa&y bma nnouucsd that lily wvllpsg * lamers 01.45 foi Asam .1. Tb* continit Prims fol ibis month vas Si.8O but stortege of tb. mlklippiydue to tho dry wsatbei, sud tii lacst tahe dalryiaeu have boss coimpeihdoti a#We t1.1v eatile for oaendveekeseuseti lb. Company to volnntarlly pe murs, for tb. product ncisas. '.11bp Most vehme otheiii. fesnet, Iisi lime, for the .11k uppir bas lies de oldedly lowthibs smuu »d liesqeu of listng hmbaseon giat. Tii. .Sl- oompaaybasdono*very eomsdable thlie l h insuthe b.produsseMufre fotér uit t1khanth" ey ave eebsdn tu do undpr tisir contruet Obituary Willam JamesCaMnewuasbua nF51. 9, 1lus aiFoP«Lake (uoaaVilane Mdlii onuday forblugç -ng. ', 1910. e He iivod ail Mes ohon the sus era', meking *ange pouly vben b. nield hotusviofbée sd ud v hihblà btilt on a paroth olbd fr.. . swiiu andt io danglters mouru tbe loés of a kinti and avlag huebantianti father, One deugbisr 41.4 tu tlfny. A bhtb.wand grand.dengbter eam amoug otborrelattves vbo survive hi.. AUilng ouiy a liv tlays sud confinstot bis b.d only a ev hou". bis datb vwu a arest @bock to bis faonly ud fuied.. lis vaeu a m kluidly disposition, va- doublistifutegrity and honest mohes and viii b. sadly mlssed lu lb. homo, vhsro it vus bis deliht lo be. f1e9vas a mmemnliofa Lake Camp M. W. A. Tb@ fumrse a sbeld Tueeday sitsrioou Md the burWelwva in tbe Fox Leks ese-f tory. ueIgl#boltsthe sinrus andt lb.ble Wowimecfor lb. r lis demb!b e huilai1 Our de"s hum*"a an, fIs. Musi. MAcy A. CAMNE mmeDFàAUMv. Tb. bi torin of "b.Northesu1l13aIs Statu Normai Sebool, DeXalb, .1il off foplomben12, H any of oui edsgu tbiaUs of golng aver ho ebool bl MDi 'bey shoudnît sulla b.he oueN Tbàwlbituition f. supporoei by 'b. s o t b lb stction o! theb. pb ëe f lg» Blae., b. ti"oa I.»fendamthe oeil Charge leas amia mmIsumes esat- ing 84 but sIx dollare for lb. year. ?ç anWcatalogué f.a abook a0s1 suý.d fl!iy pag -es coli tI4 into»uantlon reopscltin b mtt«Utq. l i l a vaulehis he4ook u«eoru.Itl U l ied iot it ei toa y mana bo wil îfor it. fuIv l Msti Mdie.. aon a po"oilal Ù4S liiisS.ii p Airilgà ds 0"b a "Inter 47-d e Sub. id. wll 7. Obi a, Mte are &mer t. utor. 47-8 Lb. bob tend M0e i aviffl id and Putor bae LOUIS-J, YEOMAN TI4E JEWELERlo82 mentUs, hes Ain., oS a" lu 20 minent" osv Ufo Pink PâaeTabielle*o a o0alao 25e box. SbIh bY ALL DEALERS .1. lot ý làbertyviiie. C47-lt

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