~NY, AUGMJ~%. I - k!~LJ ~Içýtbb lot you wilfAnd dhtten deu the most dependablé azxd i4the, newest col- ons. Save one-third on yOur diess, :Save 4ogtepay f& L.the ajn TIers are only a few pies iof ealkn. i the lotgo it wili.-be to yjour adlvaixtag e Arly. An1 the regular- Me~ke eg for ouly a yaT& Wones HosIeay' Our fainous No. 4712 fastblack sean-îles il< hose at, a pair ................ 1...... o Regular 35e lace ankle hose, black,wht or gray to go o a pair ...... ....-0 CMfldeW*s Undereear "Nazareth" union suits that aeil reguar(, for »Oc, on sale this week for ....... 3cV Sumer weight underwear for eilidren, vests and panta, many styles, for........................HifAL? PMR Boys'and girls' hose supporters, best heavy elas- tic, 25e kind, blac k or -5 white, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUl fans froxm $2.00 down to Se each 20 during this sale at a discount of... 5e hair pins, ail kinds, straight, crinkled or as- sorted packages, this 3 salé at only ........... ........3 Pins 10e cube of pins-, blaek, white or colora, 5 to go atthis-sale for only ....... 5 bot. cd vork um.d Tm Bib. »ud TI'n Mod i" rot! Bowîs to itc te set resize. 3 . inebea i r 5; nh ol4e and the-7 1j<,-,t ............. ere ths-woek To make o.m tWërl', a tpricë re-. from every deportmenit These thlngp ae Marked Unusually Lo w because we wwnt you to corne for -sure Suminer suits have 1ecî selling pretty- fast, but there are stili about one doze» suits left. The regular l)rices rang* from 3i 9 $00 pte *$16.50. Whiile thcy last buis0 week you eau have vour choice of. apny Mlin pleated skIrt end do" ble rted three-quarter Iength coat, ln tavernier, Wakis, or wbite. Couse cadv. 35 waista are marked se low that you cannot afford 'te mis them .Some are a littie counter soiled, but ail in per- fect condition' otheywise. Dutcb collar waietianad oth- er styles at only 29c Wash Jackets ~JThink of having to pay only 45e for a jacket. These are from broken s'its left froin carlier stcks. Linen coats of white, linien color, and rum- med with blue, for only 45c Chldredns Wear Specials Boy'S UitS Buster Blrown suits with bloomers in black and white checks, reguilar d $1.35 kind ýfor only ........ 8C '$1.25 Buster:Brown suits of ginghain, blue and white and gray and white 89C to go for only.... .... "BuuusIo's" Tri Suits Play suite and rompers cornbined, ages 2 to 6. These sold regularly for 65c, are made of gingham ini good style, but we eau not keep themn over, they niust go. 2)5C Take theni while they last for.....5 Sale of Làa4ks'xfords Ladies' Queen l itpwmpp of patent lea- ther, tan or diill f ý ini iigo 24 at this sale for only.;7. An extra lot of ladies-' tan ofords in thej - cettiest sye f this seasonï viii .4 e1hl t~hs only ......... .9 An odd lot of oxfords for làd$es and 1 mismes, values: te $4, at tIb salé onl) Be early for these lots WMn hot hast long at the8e mark dowBzi"ose ,w are aizes for À11 now, but it la b4t tel. first. choice. A# 74ext Week Ewoianinu ~qdy ChIldren's Schooi Dresses We have a complete -lime of these dresses, any desirable sîze, and a good variety of light or dark colora. Sec bhe window dis- play within the next two or three clays. Prices range from $3.98 '9d8c down ;t>r........ie.dresses.or.sc.oo. ar Sorne pet itedessfrsho-r rnarked down. Duriug this sale there'il be twvo lots specially priced. Lot 1-The regular $1.25 98C kinds for only.............. Lot 2-Any of our regular 75e 5f9 dresses wiflb only.......... JI Men's Oxford Sale In looking over the stock for some items to put ini this ad we found that nearly ail the merj's - oxfôrds -we had didn't make a com- lmne. Some sizes sold out i every kwod making the choice ef aizes ratiiet small inp any one style. Ail our oxfordIs put in one lot ive you a choice of your -ise 1m a good f Atthi sal an'ox Ail orNen it l b,ê haf he eglarprcé.C e ningso Monday Elng "Savlng" Speclis Pins Sc package of'English pins, assorted sizes, and one row of blacks in»ý package, for ....................... 3 Cli nton safety pins, nickie plated or black, ainy size desired for, dozen......5 Rlbbon Nuniber 150 ail silk taffeta ribbon, 5 inceewide is our regular 25e kind. Black, white and colora, your choiee of any in thc lot to go for, ayard............... *iL~ Coilar.supporters of ivire, îîot affeeted by wash- Ing or îronng. Ask for "Seprentine" for 5 they are very good. This sale, set.....1c 5c "Keystone" or "Reliajice" HFooks and eyCs, 2 dozen on a card for only...... C Silk finished crochiet cotton in ail color, regular 5c kind, at 3 for ....... "'Ail Over" Lace. Extra heavy kind, and 17 inches wide. Thie reuar $1.50 value wil beoly, ayard .................... The regular 75e value Ms only a yard 4 during this sâle................. ..35C< ilair Nets 5ê mair Nets 5c *The rnost complete line of hair goods in this city is now in.- Corne and see.ý liair Net, full 35 inceles long and the standard width, ail colors to choose 5 from at, ecd.......... ............. 5 15 Puff Knôt that bas been, selhing for $1.50 wilI be, while they last, à% o only.............. O H«»rnmocka420,0,%,off $4.45 kind, very finely W~nad good colore, at this sai-ý r.......* >ý $330 kind, and a very )ûge variety eof >~ patterna,-for this sae ..... ..2O $2.95 harnmocks, dural1Ïuiade and-of strongzniaterials, mar dwn 2M.. $1.95 hammock, mmrke4", no need m to without one et,.t al e p......... $lm2 kind that sold er irni the season for $1.50 wM bbeonly ... ............6019 Lawn- Swings'- The regular $6.W0 lami swing, double and, extra heavy tram H-J Mens' Furn lshlngs Reduced,! aeteSoft Shirts Theseate regular $1.00 kind, 79 extra full and, of, best niaterial, now..79 Qjiecn Quallty Home The regular 25e kind with split foot19 and reinforeed hee1t now at a pair....19 Ti"s Four-in-hand ties that bave been seil- 19c ing for 25e are to go this weel5 for... This pttru ale bught iii separtepiece or - w ailialayshae t. Get a pi:etatimeit isn 't bard. Plater, a large one, 16 inches îi diamê d% ter,eaunbe had for ouly ........... *Covered vegetable dish, as pretty for servn as any in the set, for......... 1025 Cups-aud saucerato ùmatchthe enji ha. ahIse» ful Mpe and, 18 very durable, gtlosen..........-2oS' sauce bowvLor ay dlah la 49c. ond the tray witlit f9eor'the set .... Plates, iirier ams, forx. . . . . .......u.. Bath TOWeiS M e n's llandker- fI1land Baga Fancy braid and Size 42 by 33 inch, chiefs, al Iineil Metal topsand coin embroidery gallons, y e r y heavy, the wvith a narrow hemn, ,purse included, thc white ol' colors, -for kind that sella for -regular 50e kini, v. regular $1.50 kind wash inaterials at a 22c, now 5 bitspiled,to 35 for -...90 " çliscount2 % w1 g fr ac.3 C Ol .....ZPC of ...20l These siùt mes jaold fox $1.49 hW month. 4t a sale they were miarked $1.29; now pnly .......