Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Aug 1910, p. 9

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UUNT INDPEN DENT. WAUKEGAN tW-EEKLY SUN .Y, AL~GU8T 26, 1910. F0172 PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANME~ -Rodcrick Anus, Son of Pioncer School Teacba - r and, Fariner,'wbo Livet at R»sccraM, ;Re- nîglit ttore Justice Dunca» Doweli. hUDLAU YAK ~ flIMIta.ii '1 s Iuion admltted tbat It was ah* nilIVIPRI DN BOUIVV88 'who did the ahooting, but Howard de. lnand,.d ,a trial to clar himselif. He IIUIAC was asaiy diacharged, and neia. MAN. WINESS CAS DEVLO? i 'yaw.. o"ta warrant'agala«tthé À TO ÀA MIRDERI; NEW FEATVRESjeTorteflosaesl ohs pi.ain.w and excltlng evelop.- ________________________________ torian Ives of North Shore Howard Disoharged. Swears t rial i1es calied tomorrow night at elght.- oves Mysterlous I Out Warrant for Elght Zion 1t he e e triailasi n itieare. INCD.NY CôWS OC ÀIalauShtBoys forTra ments. one of the lawyera et one timne T~'IiIt.reatenlng ta dlean Out the entire pa- INCOJTY CR ID LOK tL ire.force and- the olauine. ~FNTY VÉFkDS: 1 Ta bà ('I( IroD Wd e*kre jI!tuàe.l. a g et - C5*y SOLI aa a atil%4i*A V "Ui-JWLOV I K tou r* IfIvlll noir U5IwaEMK I tdMnnïàPobbyDatnDs-Scelle of New*Mystery poredIsin~adoba!ycai'P~ IED ON MONOAYI COUNTY RALLIES raed patch From Coeur d'A1enc District 'rgd ry Promnent and Forcelu Nom- The a erisdnputla ey Wedties- te SUN thispattls nt ar pokaneetufeet t. J>tiveatia frnatogh!Mrs. MaryBrooks of Barrlgsg.The (Prm Ws eputes ay SUnes Apca dsacesta poaetSu^a 0u aioa otet iogteday mrnt.g tud three mure wit. theSU ths ornngaret oierierwheb ou th gh ton Came ta County at bers pt Lake County Bar. neases te, the crIme, W. G. Ives, ÂhtRbrc mes, the smn of Rad. what la descrlbed on main suras the o lvnI oamno nilrra alv stikAmes of Rosecraus, Lake- coun. largest -body of standing white pin Age ofAddressesn nanIneura cr lv la i a foreet tire vlctm t f ig Creek tîmber th JlîeUd bd ateag," there la,_____________~ ing ai Highland Park, Chicago; Rob- ln the Coeur dAisne distict. . a continuons re«?rem Pluminer tn, aieiLsapsslgr cr Immedtately on receljt of the Art point lu Montana.,.1ftl. fiaah the SUN dlapatcbed telegris The United States, la the larght inlradM tere I ep0o5tacna aLa l the engineer oftheb. power house et to ls correspondent at Spokane for leuer snd next lu Importance are tlte sers; Death Causes Keen ZuihEtulsi vr Croiilaw anataadp confirmation and to the trlckeff bases suftaîneti by the Chicago, %i], uih n11isicOe track, break a aOtgun, laU IX, and man's relatives at Rosetrans te akeadPgtBut ralîroai,. Mourning amag shoot the. MaalThe nitan then fûraeti break tle pews to tîteni. iwltlc bas sultered destruction <of!c) andrau t 1oward teb aoîh terth Il la Jotprobable that they havebridges, buildings and tinter lands' rr- gmt wyÎ UD) a),t fo'eln,wlsthe a a heatrd the *ad tidingsauaswhen Henry ,for foty miles. (From Wedueady'aSUN.) tioIldedas u.) aaU.. tl ci.-kîeda a a Ames, a brother. wus lu this CitysaBri- The tires along the Northern Paci* lrs. Mary O. Brooks, one ut the Large crowda attenî..,j thp .ralles'aiittieiid ter lu the week lce bld a SUN repornt- lic lu western Montana have dlmlnlah-, îlneers of t.aker couuty, havlng re- Leld lu bonor of Heu. C. T, HeydckLr Tebd !ancnwomyhv erta hais brothers cablu Lad hIlimi.The Peu dOrreille valiey, heavly Thedebodt oarrîntan for nearhave saSe. He diti net bave »uy dafinite 1l Lake County Mn Kiled. Years, dled et ber home in nortltern caddt1ort lgaitct.Wba enievitn !a ure a tug su no th brthe Isreprtei Flloingla patia Ilt o dei Cbatownship. Vonday, Auguat 22 lIn the leati, at Lake Zutrich and bVau- ~ ght ta Milwaukee Tuesday uight mlsslng sud probably deaI. Louis }ioimes, Spokane.a1:5. .aetSiersetda. a manufacturlug suburb near South Soncf Ponmr. . Toma Wjsh Sokae.Mrs. Brooks wss bot-n lu Hoppinton,! Tere were 400 at Lake ZZîrieît rally Milwaukee. The laie Rntierlck Âmes la the son' George Zeigler, Newport, Waab Ms. 89sdcm oliîoswt u 0 r8<0A h ac'cca The man lhadtdieti authe way te the of ltoderick Amen of RosicruIr@M. irnesît Denbardt, Newport. bier Parents, Mr. andi Sru. Winch. ig. .City. His boilv. abaout the breait, ploneer sud one of the very early George C. Camnpbell, Newport. wheu 14 years id. T bey settled i at Speakers at the meeti. c wr h,- was t-lddled wth &hot. Browe schol teachers. Thomas Carey, Newport. Waucoudsaud lu 1848 sibe married! following. lncluding tuantl). rott)inent Reputties front tLe sberlff's offie. He wet iront some years ugo wthli - Cstiy. Newport. Rev. John Lewis Brooks ot Botton.; meuribers ut the Lake coînt (bar: At- went to Carroilville to Doive tbe mys- hle brothers John, Clarence anti Philo - Davis, near Newport. They purchameti a farm a.. Plint cree.k torney C. T. Heydecker, Frcank Il. Juat. tery Of thae man's death, If Possible. andi ail oet tam are locateti at or near Henry Llerman. Darwood, Idaho. near Laugenhelin anti a few years Attorney James G. Welcch, Attorney No Powder Marks. Coeur d'Aene aiuslau uncle 9ljah V. Nicholson, Gem. Idaho. later hought the preseut home nearlIJohn Polte. Attorney Clair,. C. Eti. The bellet that b..lied been mur- Âmes. Lawrence Ruson, Wallace, Idiaho. Wauconda. Rev. J. L.. Brooks watt one' warda. Attoruey A. V. SnFi th. Attorney 'dlec waa, entertaineti. whicb la Clarence Âmes la the owner of a LeslIe Sellers, Gem, Idaho. - of the founders of the Wetern Whg'; Charles King. Attorney E . i c. at'etîgtheniec hy the tact that , the valabl tibe clini Rtieickevu S B.Atiin, Cîcao.the second paper lu tue city ot (hi- i er. Attorney Benjamin Partcalpe, At- , lotbiug hati net been marked, by, etabl timber daim. sud trm in r- S Adiao, Chliaeo. la. caga and fitst oboltion journal lu the, toruey William Wess, Attorneyv Pauîl îowder. ceatty openeti up landi. John ewus aj rat Kigin. Wallace, Idaho. west, anti for 50 years hie occupied a NlaGtjfln, Attorney Arthtur Bilkley. On a firkt trip te the acene It vlan large ares et farm sud timber land. William MeKey, Tsft, Mont. Baptist pulpit lu thîs county.He. ditor Frank Carr ot the Wactcontia learneti that the tiylng muan waa fotud lit la slnoerely boped by the Marty, RLoderick Âmnes, Btig Creek, Idaho. tiieti lu 1900 at the age of 83. Leader, Emil Fleke and thpubra. lvlng ln tbe rear of the second power. frinda0fthefamlytha Roetck oe Btcbap.BisCrakIdue. Rev. andi Mrs. Brooks were the par-* The nmeetings were boid] amidst the liouse Désir the raliroati tracks. Ârmd. or teirll . repoRte desuln. Joue lui -BigWlCee. Iah. enta of tAve chîltren, tbree of whern utmoat enthusiaasud are part Ot a Two nmen. who are slte tahave Amesn*ystmh Tbelrpele m livig. Jeph C.eue, P alace e. are living. Tbey are Bupervisor E. teatttre roi p lin which evry day béen witrneses te the shootlng, were Spohan., alle A ug.2.ThéIrs iliam hearth r ugle. Brooks ot Waucounda, who ls pont! bas marked a deciietiprogres. tottud Ly the tieputies sud 'were mnteget ou 'Aeemtoa i.aster at that place sud presltient et b rotîgbîta the couuty pal anti belti, lu tat. re t oeud'ne nasudtional-osphSmthMaie, dao. the local batik; Mrs. William Paddock redptsthneugdtoC, formla re eyod cutro ai tiber Josph Sith Mulan Idho. who resîdes ou the old fhomeateati dL euisthnrt~e eCr worth-mlons ce dollars la hart- 'i'renchY" a famllar Spokane char- andi Mra, T. W. Willams of Dundee. HIEAVY SIORM AT BOYNE CITY roilvlle. N dniiain Thii res on the Coeur dÂIenè mIdin acier, kîlleti on Placer creek. Ms.Brokali,_asa___ Nsu'ot he Iderentificat he vmervation are heke&_ m are--those John Wlliamson.Poetono. Idaho. , Bru. erBroo s. also hBaoiser sur . dBosDw iiSÏcsad twsfudta lewset twlre works anti ls cousîdereti a ris-. h îea evie ilb et Destroys Windows aud ltr- . au effort was te itientîty the man, but YOUING -COIPLE jlug Young mai. Mis. Helen13 One et Wednesday ut 1:30 fromn the haue: - emrscfietfctinwr on aLe rettlest girls ot North Chicago, andi 2:30 et the Flin-t Baptlst ChurchLi Boyne City, Micb.. Aug. 24-Oui et Bave a letter writtfA inl Italien. M~~~RRIED T(>NI~~~~~~~~InI ~Ail wlauthen gond li ckaid constat acna(tnteihyRv .L. the wnrst wlnd. rainanti balîstot-ujTe oyws ae aknt ulate them. WBronfolutentwlby e lu Jau. ta a tuc hescIn l morgue.Il was founti there that the Broos).Intrmet wll b lnWau tht bs liruc thg sctin 1 euht-eeiront ofthlbe body waa riddled pmlsll Ü, d StdIMIa d ud .. couda cemetery. cameenu) suddeftclY sabtl>'alter i witb tlmalîl aot, mauy of whlch hati j e'Clock Ttîeaday niglht. pierced deepl>' enoîîgh to cause hl@~ - lN'o t MN"le .be Mre" AUTOMOBILE NUbLEO 75 FEETl -UIIP LAUE MEETING Severai mii[atacks were lown Ideath. Demolsbedby Folal Chtilcagoc.dowu - luniher tiew chrouth the air 1The village et Carrolîville la but a fi, n U ialong the lake front anti several plate grouft of laboret- cottages aroundtheii, (po mnei" U. ana Caca»., Seogt-burain ut r Dologaies of plfty CliésAme b Dis. glass nindoas acre blowu lu. The nucleus ot the big United States Glu. 'themartse ot issHeln Stlck Ieu»uLocal GovstnMOntà. çaie blew about turty miles an bout-Copany' plant. The througb truckse landt. dangte t .J.fitlni et Noilestrlle, Inti., Âug. 24-His ma- Iani destrûyed fritanastue trees~ hcg tteCiaosdNrh Netti Chcao. idHt- Bt-fs it u9t eet-iv etat e t. iPaul, Blun., Âug. 24.-The tour- lu tbis vidiiv-tThe storm.- oiiôwet Western rallread pa through telit. chinee ofWt.8rcl cneto ftele vlNiae and a amaîl station sud a et Wankegan wlll take place et 7:30 molishet i on truck by a .IMîdtiemnt n acnveuntionelat th e ma ver>' andat, auitrore ia".t pmu. m. Weduestiay, Âugust 24tb. The Ifrelght'traln t a cressing user et-eLeague et Amet-icn teNuncipal ithe ,potofc ntignrlsoecmlt cermfiony wiil taire place lu Chicago. Dr. 9. K. Wisbard. a promînent local gai lu Ut. Paul latemncplat ________ h on The bride andi groom willi take a two, physicien, formerly of Indianapolis, tot-tm. TeD sIat xod a~~Fit cles'k0< areeli eIn Contof au- gaes, w r eeaikTa e University- of Octot-ti bas the wala.. tr. ThMie u org it1Uta civtoly esa 1mw cu ad He e- 1 o wîîho tilîçdies uiia e- Why la the cenrer of at. Iea a cerkettheAlx HinCo. o Wa- clvd olya f oteanrbrise.t robemu muniipal y - dog'a tail? Beca use itl ntat I ý,m eututien of having beeu fbunded by keg. r.Mile l wrkig t heermet the bat-i ig Alfred la 872. c ..........m ..... lof ipterest aud--eve-n feelilng lu-n-Zioa -. 4% large crowd galhered to hear tIlt 1 andi la the on1e atbject of couvereation. trial of the man Howard, held lnu C0fl lia ouicome wlll he awaited with ln. nectioe wlth the Mion City ahooiing af, tereet. fair when bis trial vas callid last EXTRA SPECIAL EARIAIMS FOR SATUOIAT, AIl.2 If you are ont of those who. muut b. sbovzi befone you wilI belcive, corne hmr any'day and watç the crowds who throng the store frorn earl ni~gtoi~ closlng tins.? Surely tliey imuaI bc gettinCLbigt bar-' gains in table needs or t4iy would not corne to town ta buy. W. are posltlvçly the çl isrkfnWsu-. kregan selling'at prac*tlcly W= " u~Ultt 10 e. FOLLOWING PRICES $PEAK Loune TIAN WORO&S PrimeRb oat ind QMarter Lainb et ...................... 9c ae urerL leb1. ....... Breakfast Bacon ' Porterbouse Steak., at ........... i per lb......... ....... ISC Sugar Cured Ham eef Tenderloin a .... ...... .... SaIt.Pork B~ weet Plckled et.ý.................... CmdBe ....... I'ANCY ..E HîIt Quarter a Pote Quarter Lin...... ai ..................... ç a Booga FRÉSIH MAIE 8AtIq at .. ...............Il Frankfurta 9c Berlier at ... . . . .a.....................i9 D& Liver a edCes at .................... C at ....~.. . . Garlic luced, Spe.! .'.. . .. .. . .. . Ex'tra Fancy Nativt &C - c s ________________________________ ,,..,t. Sf e The Only Exclusive Shorthand a d. Typewritjung School in Lo Courý4t.To be Open in the* Murru, &1clt, WaU1kegan, Seýpt, 1 2' s.. I i i i BU YaeuIt~«~ Mr. H. W. Jiidd .................. Pes ident Office Practice. Mrs. léoretta Mac Jîîfd... .Propr. ai Prunev. Sherthanti, Engliash tisiccsaethotis andi Ethica. Mrs. Ida M. Biirîîett ............. Iistructoiî I'ypawriting, Penmauattip, sut Business Pet-ms. Mr. ýC. P. Van Ausdall.... Bsiness Manager-. Lectures. 'J Y IlS is. a Schooi of Excellence!1 We concen- F1 ail oui~ time, xnoney, and energy in do- iting one thing (training stenographers), and we do that one thing superbly well. This s au age for specializing. Mrs. Judd brings to this school fifteen -ears' experience. She has students holding re- munerative positions in ail parts of. the UJnited Sta tes, and their phenomnenal success testifles to the inerits of her instruction. Blie liasnover lie» able to supply the demand for lier stenegraphers. - NQ pains have been spared to make this sehool one of the best-equipped and best-mànaged schaols in the eotintrY. - o i e. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o -j I...., o.- i i i o o o o o i 1- *000 FIE Murray Bloek (diagonally across froin the F1Globe T)cpartment -Store) is without doubt the handsoniest office buildingi Wanke- Elgan, and oîwr rooms on the second floor have been speeially remodeled for us, Every modern convenienee is assured. We are not seeking a large enrolirnent for thiq sehool, bit wedo want an enrollînient ofquality. We want only those youing men and Yonng wpmen who wiIl refleet distinet credit upon thensselves and oir institution. MWe reserve the right, to I.init omir en- rolînient to stuch young people. Let ust seiîd you our illiustrated cataloguie andi tell yoti more about the Selool. b---Oqffl

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