Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Sep 1910, p. 1

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LIBE3R T YVIL L SI3PT3MBl3R 6, 7,8 and 90 L s" (C~~JNTY Mi' I NDE PNDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKI±YSUN- VOL XVIIW NO. 49 LIBETYVuiLL, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS,,WBIDAY, SEPTEMBIR 2, 1910- 12 Pagfes si.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA1qOB. methtRe sur .vivor ln j *t debato if INUIUMAN miOthIR ho shauld exist.",DES T q1 recollect the letter signed by 1E tlSB B ,Horatto,' @&id MIr. Engeibard at nlgbt, ekn grwo,-iiWrnai '.s d w n d e e d i t e t n i e W h o W a a o r E l g t e e n t h t r e e t , W i t t e t h e r v a - the uriter under that alia. men and sanne children. vas golng q1 vas net the author, bad ne bau througb the grave at Elghteentb near In ta composition and do flt knowj Commonwealth Ffl4 y wben tie pRia vrote It." - walilof an infant as beard rm the * En0hard Mita S940k. The humhes were parted and there, Mir. Engebard imsued a tatement unsb.itered from the veather and un- att.nded ince brtb. NB>' a distresed Ilut nlht denying tlit he WU th littie mite af humanity eV.idently nov- uthor af the, circuler quoted by %Ir. iy, born. Tii. baby girl vas alive and Fos. "Miy oui>' itoviedge of tRie cil.ja lusty. gcod looking Infant. cular.' Re @aId, 11vas trom lis puble. Dr. Hageman vas cailed. He found tieat the cblld was about tva heure cation lent week in thei vanston n- aId and ater minlsteriug ltolit pro- dex. t vazsi.gued 'Horatio.' For Foi, uounced It a fine little. bahe. The ta une the circuler aud acolguit t e e Werenaskls took charge af It and ater le a Osece of unpardonable mendaclty. the mattëè was reerred to Superviser C'onrad, vltb the 'result tent lhode- For hlmi ta resort ta sncle specles af creed th e Infant should go te the tem- mlsrepr esentatlan showa the dire porary custody aof Offier Lux of North straights ho in put ta divert attention Cicago. attention fgim the Issue, vhich le Ail Wish Uaby. reprseutd te peitieor feantln)e a young Pellide man just whether be rpeetï h ePeo about te lie married asked permission (annanlsrn andth te interemts. lie ihan taadopt the halle and others put in added ta the crime of recreancy ta a ,Ialmi, whiRe ther wa also tatllaiof high trust a record of rant tear- ituttîng it Intu the -Lakte Bluff orithan-, dice. agThe chanes are tRhe iurant willot Baye the Lakte Forester. lue ilaced lu the orphanage. Hon. George Edntund Fûtsa is beiîug Oui>' Clue Wisp of Cloth. The only chue 10 the ldentlty or the strougi>' oipaaed lei teseaîpaign ta finfants. inoher was a wisp of mtotth be returnod ta congresas ram tii, the"round nearby tlle hapless baby. tub district. Foosa bas <oue gond work ,__ for teis district but tbis lesîuîarntly The- nottuer of the lite baby flourd fargotten naw and vampers that have inutit woods au lii;lbeeath street Fri- beretafore înot been able ta say <ay night bas iteen discovereut. and enougb lu bts avor. are oeut strang for weli. ifs a case for pity iustesdf Lt UP ON MSS TRe Chîcago nevSPapers appear ta bave adoptai a more moderato caur"e -tow rds cougrenomaai-George Edmuud Fois but are takiug s great iutenet 19 the cangressalous figt ai tRie dis- Thie Evanston Prese su d ue; ap- psr ta RhsforiPosean sd tRieLake For- 'ater ase aýppeartu tand ion blm. The o ioiig Ia & revev ai tRio congresanal figRt as l appealS In otier pipera lu the district:- Chieso. Paper. Cougessmnan Gearge Ed muaS Fais eonda>' ausvered tRe challenge ai Gerge P. Engeihard ai Evauston. oe a iebisoppanotiSunthe lriri>'battie ian tine epubican coiîgreasional nom- insilan. b>' critîising tRio challenge sont hlmn. TRe congreesman points out that tino chllenge nogected ta la- clude Fredenicit (,. eiang. sioan asplirnt ion tbe nominatian. and eSIY ihat lu au>' joint Sehato even>' can- diate eboulS ho elîeseflied. says tRie C7hicagaSuda>' Tribune. The congregasusalSO'o lis tten- iaa la tRie tact tRai SurIng the agit- atilonion a direct pniman>' lsv lin. Engeibard vas agansi the measune. Ho laya that luasmucin as lin. Eugei- hanS punsued tits caurse ho dan bard- ly claIm ta ho a progrossive epul- casansd t>ton the surface le Boeoms tnalt the thrd candiate. DeLAng la theo mosl pncgnoslsve of tin tov. their c-s>'do lne*tiis conuectian the conareas- LeU.a srfo M.Fus h oas letten a&Ys: luj my judgmenu theioardeni>' course Cangresmanl George Ediintinil Fas u Iata l t ak n 'atuenofa ejoint debato vocuid ho an ingrate dîi hoienot mcog-ai of ibis chaacter. vinere ané procltra nîco uliat :n hatug gvon hlm thie ti tloiftanh.a progreasive sud the chaimmanpsii aofte great bouse colta cuibr am Insurgent, vouiti h orfanM. mitiee <n naval affaire. uSpe.ker Cao- Deshsanganti you ta enter Imb a jaint lion iuruiebeul hitm tRie oaîtrunlttt an ,leagiun s la Who la the more pro- Wn tRie u isont le ce bar c ari al, gnelve sud Who the more Insur- u In a' îlareotilfhuor. iiaylvine Evan. geai. Thiea 1 vaulti ho glaS ta enter tan Press. enflbaiall'. PC lte a joint debste vitRi tRe survivan For bie -veugr*saas front --ibis, T ai sço<b discussion. if Re ibauld extat. Tenth cong-t-sionnal districttIoliste " Ju iRe meutitie velonie you bth ialeisiiliraR tueuoatcor Iu theRi Io a carefiilandt uhrough Investiga-.luice th inoTin.u'. of Ile itupiu iug nr tions oimy avu record." agaliestU Fue'-.e 4n tien tioal Proud o 819 Novy. bouse auof ,r-srsivu oud ige Ilia. Fous sts forth sons ai the been liaS mt 0cu s ay ttoast j, Iings ho bas accosupiabed for bis whateven nulgit Iatt -eicou l ualtu>y ciistiuents, sud the great auvance as a polisi performance. th tRal bas been maSe In the stengtb afInlunot Salua sa Riee au oui> arcte ýva line navy ince be bas beid the reius decoiut lavard tin olaI man. 1ai aven tRe Houee commtteo on naval But in. Foi s bas h t itne nov ta r afairen.SBoaioftRie ibinge vhlchbchoexplaîn tla Ria erstuahîRe chierthat pt- r t4os fantin as baiaaccamplished are: auna!i Idehtednio'- for ISsu las ors b "A public buidng ion Evastan. rau flot excuse hinuitaingé-r frouîu ar. "A publie building ion Waukegau. qiescence Iu tRie vishes ofilbis con-,t 'HarRon luuipmveentg for Watake- etitunts-to c-humn. ertaîtly Re aI-o Fi gan cotina noari>'yuS.00. 1 oves samethltîa-uhe Ôerwheluuiiiug 'Extensive mprvements ta tRie majarit>' oi e-oni, ho muusc itnav. sue U'nied States 'Marie Hoptal, Laitkoe PSClan (ainueil atud ta thie polît-15 Vilew. iralidiSas for ehicb Uauultni"in ibas "Co-oationalin itb my colleagues In Riconue a sytuonymt. aiR reoderai mattors tan the good oai TIlislaîie for Mn. Fo se Tu- leclaro VIlcaga. fon tbe insuiitoecr>' hich wvu- ho-n "A naval training station, tRe fluesi lieve Re rt-aly endansos, or to Say-, sce lu the vanid. at"',orlR Chicago. novplilulemt vo abal!l kiiow %%uRar Rie neani>' comploteS. caiting 1350000(). imenas. fiet Re doos not eîîdou-ae n. "Furntiere."' asys theo ielter, 'I Cougnesonian Fous,saSys the Evan- I Invite yaun attention toansd crliciamn stan Inîdex in a nova article, jes ntak- J of my record ids chalrnsn aifithedam-Ing e tour ai the district. startina it w mittee au naval affaira fan tRi e sat ibis voek lunlLake cauîîty. tybere lie k ton yeare la uy efforts ta huilditupgreeted bis aIS iriendsansd suporut tine Americauf'ttav>. Duina m>'mem-. rs. TRie tact tRaln.%I. Engobhard ias t benablp un uilat commttee theo Ament- thalenged hlm ta a joint deinabe dace- cru nat'>'has been iubstintlsil>' al 001 botlenr ii, and hi e-l! attenid ta bilt, ,vth tue exception ofaiaisfv let yhen il le cauveitient. Ho e lu - siips, aud Surina my cbainmauablp clinedt laraiRlunvlth the suggestion, I hava carnlod tbraugin appropriations tiailMr. Engoîhard sinoulS irai Se-.b lu tbe Houge neani>' a billion dollars baite vith '.lin. DeLang andl gel a h ion the mantenaceanSdiceeae ai eputation. the navY>. DeLang TarceInto PFosa. 'I invite your attention to amy vile Fredenicit C. DeLang ai Gîeucoe, lu-I publiecrdn, upon vici R stand ho- songent Republcan candidate for Cati- fore tRie people ai the district ion ne- gres lutRie Tenlb district againsu namnatioan Inthe comirig primar>.'." Congrosman Foas, ]ast nîgbt lasued Hoatio'a ghast steS lto tlb.astatomet IlavilehomaSe a bitter! Teuib cangrossîoinal repubican igt attecit au Fills. 1 lest i ulhi.says tine Sucia>'Record 'Aiten vatching bis vont," saIS lin. Henald. DeLang, "1 bave corne ta tRie cou- "Thou art Horatla," said Cangress- clusian tinat the Caugneagman frontm min George EdmuttPos asta bis op- tbe Teuih distictt daee at earu bis potent ai tino pari>' primsles, George salan>' oi $7,000 a year. WRal ve eed P. Engelard oi Evanston. la S gaod business msu to nepreent *'Tis. fais," reoateS M. Engebhard. the district, sud 1 beloevo that George This Hortisi business, charge sud EdmunS Fons couiS hoe greati y 'Itunla'- courter tornus upan su attacit ou direct eS tîpon ase a busness proposition. primanios tRai vas pnifited, aven tRie "TRe ioSstrict vanta a busines man signature "gmorl" lu Chicago and ta nopreseol il lu the nexl sesion oai Evaustan ue*gbaperg foliavlng ia ap- Canaressud R offen m>' services. 1 pearsuce as a lealiet an the Sesit ai have voteS- fan George sud vanteS euitb memben af the legisîstune Jan. for hlm man>' tîrns-lot hlm give ms 18 Test. Ru auovering M. Engoibancia a vote nov, sud aitbIhierientds ta do challenge ta a joint debate Congrens.e-Tien t. Let lmnivltindrav tram thie man Pose Sdismaed bis oppouent vas content and induire Engloinard ta vitRi- tRe autnon ai tRie circuar, Seducod Sraw alm." tbenefram tRal Candidate Iurdrlck>C. DeLang vas-mare ofa aprogressive -INDEPENDENTi "Want Ad." lbriug tinan Mr. Engeihard sud .îuggested j resuila. 25 conta an Insertion sud tbat tRie tva figit aut. lMn. Posa te ah300naes fr canuiemustian. Insteail of aliait- onina tRie ialev, tRie poor dazed ma- tonr, aRiacent tbrough tRio orulcal oi iaternity ati alane l inohe ooda lite asage. vas lunstîch a montai candi- ion tRiatll~Re dii mouknowav cugh to te tie ntnant Thie suons la one- ta vrltg tbe beart and otuon tin o funta tuorsuise oa irl Cle,4îa-ark on tRie part oai (hfof o Police Conail>' andS Assistant CRilu' Tmou lresulteil Sonda> u inohedia- aovery that tRie mathcn of the aban-I douedil ;ab,-_pcetrdi.ig tîa a tatoment mallde I)i% er. is r. EmnultsE "aes. Wu$ Without MeauS. .ulus. Lans bas vonke uin Tamttut caies sud botela abatt the ruts a.t -aitroos and chambommaiti. She i-, ho vile ai tRiejunorn muiutr aithe vatudeville teai o Harrmsansd Evns. and il is uindersiood bail separtpil froui bier kusband, there lîciug ou.- -biS idof4 ocrs. Where tht- bus- hall(d 1, no ont- knovs. t The tmainflreasca elu>'she veut Rhrotigh lut-m ondeal --lonte andtil? thIe FlgRiteeutuh trept vooda vas tRial ab u-s wlhootu it-anqsers. -t 5 .-ma. Be- >ides thins se bail ta kecp i vark la supporit homneif. so she Rut uings go ul inii o t ai-tmuontent. rîtu-ère is noubung mono ua thie rase -sceît tRiaitRihewoîtao laan iniantu- lite îiesernof aptit>' sud belliit- , How Bine Worited Deal. The cwoutandetutueratel>' vont la tRie biucRtenth istrecu grave Fniday moro- uug. SRic aays iR ebtanS lienon whistle luava'nd that vas aIRaiae sîtows or mecalls inludouait. The chilS a-as fotuntd au abouit 4:tt.' The ittu- Lt-r wuas li>t)tu nhoue at 4 o'claci. - tPRie amapped tRie Infant iilit ant of bt- wn clouthiuu. bunt as neofaitRie naturel efforts aifinor pRiysical condi- ion aud theorodeai ucoma ta bave licn oucdaze od takie bbc chS ld l'i bier. ilHowver. laten she seems ta have awaitoned ta tReheienousueof aihem tieglec. hbuit meaulîme tRie hallebail 1tucen fouîud and aine as aimaid 10 dlaim L Pied ta Racine. Sa Saluimdayonn llseilied ta Ra- cine ta tRie home ai a siaten. Mieaniue the police haci-gotten thie description af the voman seon lu sud uesn tRie grave sud uy a pracess a!el. tmiîîatlau o psible suspecta bore anS tlthein description ciever>' an. riveS ait tRie eterminatian tinat tins Evans voinu as thie one vanteS. Thon tRie>' folutuS ts he baSl.been hoardlng at the Browun eoideuceona Marlon etreot, sud tnacod hon movo. Monts irom, tineme ta Racine. . They waeskd lu ou tin oraan and bier $Jeter yesterday antd piacod tbf Evans vomnan unden snreai. BSiecame b orne neadil> au tRie electiie Une and vaa at once placeS lu thie hospitat vhere it la saiS b>' a physicien tRia elle la lu goad bealtn anS vîli recoivet Battie Over Chiid. Meauttme rival claimnauts aro biu t)lng aven tin o pakssealn ai the chut One threateué;a a 1vsui ta oget il bu i ~ u,...~ ~ TRie exact cause o! the trouble b.- is onanuent vino las tuit nasseil f.i 1 cause be dalisis wvue fotnd tbe O % IC u< I3I1w%.~~twe slge adMyrl o tchild. Anothor in Just about ta le M MhoL N we Glahrad ee aDi marrled and vishez thie child. Au- NnwnHnd mnVAreDI bADT t ho ther Wlshes the chiRd ta adol t.IN C11ARIuVARI ART Ilete thiat there la sometbing more The"hil lanowet be omeof Mý tan the mere trouble ver thecai- The hll h ov t tRe bme ! Irivarle beblnd it., Officer Edvard Lux In North Chicago. WILLIAM GALLAGIIER YATrALl Sti~oT By MAT Il la evident from the tall it:o the The disposition ai the cblld wlll ho M!Y!RS AT m& h ft% o hema en wbem tbey came ta the farm tbst shettlad eide lthela ute pitle ma- AT WADSWORTII. Gallagher had braugbt Degin aient, tRer itla e tod.rt wlsavetitheaisible Monda>' t 3 oaclocit a coro- sud another siater. Mrs3. Mari! ta give 'MeYer alilcklng. bor ptiul5107vil tov te lf- ers£ jury began an lnqulry Into the 18cbultz, aud a frleud, Mrs. MiReai Oeaiti aa utrslg bite ar cors so that she viii ho told ta go ber cause ai tRie deatb. probabi>' front tbe Kns.lelthr. e er, rmOei of t eatmMo'v s t iaterai Hyekg WS*effectsai a gunabat vaund, af i WI-vas absent fram the hanse. The four vben ho tentifiod that vben Rhe caie - Tient Gallagher af Wadswortb. youug mon ssjd ta J>te, Heur>' Lx, I the bouse hoie av Meyer sud The tangRed alcains of tbe romance 1 lailagher dled et the Jette McAlls- Leute Ruf. Willle Gallagber and satigbor Sitting tagether on. thea af Mrs. Emma Evans, who gave blrtb trbahta ad> onlgS .Tmy u couch. and evidontly tslklng together ta ae baby girlnay ornlu tt6heomywaods nat orElgh-an ta ababygir In he wodset É jh-T ttere la a wouud lu bis neck ipe<-r the leit after failllîg ta aee hlm.. ail aigbt. taeetafretaia ar ofna graaln- c llar boue. Tbe larynx bas licou Returned St Night. Dr. Jamisou aifNllMburu and Doctor ravle t fam fbti a strpssngfourni Intact, vee as no Io(lAboutt 8:30 they gau rtne Foie>' were callled ta the stand aud hMona lte aneo tat '> potsoniug, it la sale evrhleh coming fram thienoartb. They aantostIlled tRiat cause of death vas lu- SieMaon he il ebofe onthat- idîed ai the effoctsofaitRie wound. asiiotifor Meyer antd aile aithem saidtertoai hemmora-bage caused b>', gun sane FankouiteKove idi Evnber bus- Meyers, vas marrîed sorme weeks ta teli hlm ta conte out. as; they vere 'abat vouud, and that the ballet lu bad ràttlnK.IKulf vas or1 ago. Hies ionda charivarled hMI atra hmat înlehmpsssing thraugh tho necit grazed a divorèe sud tinatan -agre-ement bad butinewasasteu sud rfusedatdgî-magrng vel been mado that ho should îay teebt-Rie s' nadrfsdt gv wlo i od."Tewmntl eu penses ai the suit. themy tehlm rfrsh ever'v1 ctbera bat be vas not hotne, hut De- aThebe littîluas located lu the right Tuedayit leylopd te wmntite kept after hi, it apl;ears. vey gin gat out or tbe ia, sud entered shoulder alter a Rng aoarch. Tiseagdy It taieytotetit- bhformotrchance.bonne. Ho carrled a abat gun 'Mat Meyer bas bnnarreted for laepugy aed. l et l e a to orainng .at Sattîrda>' or Suuday Galîaber wbicb ho Sait ho bad gat i )p the road tbe allegrd death oa iW ttR Gaiiagbe r. . kt asbla Renaa rllg Seclalmed ta have been lu a crowd fo a h ii ie thm h station who a Is ovottntofthuekeity', tîtriuydioetsdl ureIru tnwabSlrda l. tuhe charge beiug murder, sud iabeing antd who. Tt lo expectet,i. Iit holoyal that Tt la csimed he vas wour.ded. eiecel h cs eo t howbld merel>' su a formallt>' pouding t e h r w h n b c t e n n s t e t r t h . n S c o n d A ff r yt h a t t h e u b e n b a il S c e u t a g o oi i p a r t Rt h e a u t c o m e o fa i t h e l n q u e s t a n d h l s ta bertuwhe. iho arst iteant heluScodora>? ithe aitornoan etuThe Elbav" near heariug, wvblites place Thuruda>' artn fate.w lth fotuttean l. the Tb la, boy ver, a duRitas % aet selonteîet ne ndhd 1ulsyt1 ng ai anseultfortune.ltîtsere , O. O 4&o aeidnly on th rsttein. .au absd ,oee before Justice Welcb lu the tragedy af theo bîrti n ouElgteenth pGuoasr htGlnhrvs> vdni eudlku.W tzel building. stret ay erv taluTTin ultim lit.a crowd aifumen who annayod HU'r- The four thon drao-e away, but stretma sevetalit i'- vctSu a anSayles near Russel vitRh twro-, Galaher sud Deglnacon 0returi eu OnM T D ATI N a plane Reond ber dreauttIa ilIRturneSsuit that Sayles abat t tbem sud oe anc it anivaiteci otlt Meyer drîme oait.OR!S !IR ou s xuetsl as wouinded with a charge aifItîult abotut 9:30. The> at oine gatInlto a1 O E T FR Mer Terrible Ordeat. iot. t la ti(ieved that the dito scsinadte tgt i 0! Physiiens nd ltrine iiiite i gay-Incidnt. oweve. la he oe In hichdriveComeulirmath tan. Cifiratiodefat b d aih Roderer PIngcatIn e ian d imet ttjthe In ay- lcidont. b o tier.l uoan u b1h rvesulyek bui tAutsof aiTaylor Grave, Lake douat- Inatbs lagivng irt totRe bby allgbe va tvutuodRefusaidta Go With Then. îy. lu the forent tires nov raglng lu girl ail aloste la the owtds. leeng Gllagber la about 32. t la sald Mawleamnumc ila Idaha reahed the SUN by direct the rit>' ta Racine vithoitu medîral 1 that s brotber, Jactglathe Yotung man Mlan.wio asmanc aet hovWilliarotlm ,okn crrs attention. comng bock ta tis rity invotveul lu the fanins Doyle sbooting a V podet les t weeit. aferara ui wtbutaTeuanP.affray near Wadswortb lu vblch Lor- u iol eat Boudes being anit nstance af SUN sud tindergoîng crass e tninion and tta Dole and Rer ecoon vore ireS afei \veer. came slertg and vatched onterprlse ln gettlug the uevs tRie uuaking confestion, the msonan bas1 St from'the ltissoinO t tior ay homoeithe figbt fronmthe- roadaude, The eon- MeSsage accula ta reovesu>' danbt Ing Ir, reparued Ta bave been ratiner that tRie sou ai tRie LAite couuîy sboya unususi mettie and endurance. front a dance. atdSctins vngirws iOt lnraSodtiesbltahe I-ard warklng but driven te des- hadlv. dark. sud it visc ovidentl>' bard ta laiamatr aodtie ieceSintes that pe to.ahe may Jet redeemn berseli -dîstinguilah etICitoy far avay. baie avept tRieveat. Tt la tbaught and tRie disposition is ta; Tie nnuest ln conuection Myrrfs - rv nwih Soae ah ul 4 giveberevey ciWý thee l. wth he eathfro a un oun ofGallaginer and Dogin, sud etaut suput, Speclal te The Delyai l titN-r- git la be e er>' ch at s e ti tr . v t > eat n rata gu v ua i s o s . Tn h a r h h l l A nd revr G oldon, stffl o r aapo ss It a blivedtht ae IteSeStaWilliam Galagher o a sdsvOrtb Put bis ho re atlu onthe haretv.iopte et, just ieturned front Wailaem. get a divorce ln ardor ta remarry the II nrt ta a crornera8 Jury as ta vhether latd irt>'a tio tetaIS. daho, cosnfirme sthe. dso e Roi- man ai ber second chire vhen cruea] rutta rcnmnd ti ra posite the bouise. As ho roturned tae eicit Ames, hamat".ai in th. fortune fiauteci ber vîtb Ro nienfor-ude iMat Meyers, allegedth oda.hergmnge tentI eocmn h rilwad Ii othekres n stf tinidentbeolu thur vooda. tRihe sy t ino mein st p eyrev en. tn*tflCieit foratla. Thor-oar eth aeith odto have doue the shootina. te vame lgcadysyr ov. ho dii fnet hear anything Xadsvartb sud vicloit>' are aRl tari Hie tva isters. Margaret and âMus. about Philo;' Clarence or John Uniue athd a Cnslnctng eo i ~~tave tie tiar sd RievilagelaMary Schultz, came ta hie aid. 'Mus. Amas. Unq e icthodofC Ratrncd. New lit inetha aItrampth vag50 tatSchultz vas kaackodd libv, but Meyer Wholue oge osfaiLite. Eletri Ralrod. pli ino to btte capsno batThe vbolesale jReof i lte lu Idaho TReie ucet reonaritalle electrir rail-1 everv oee ho cau la aide stepping vas et ]est eusbled ta get ta bis tee,. occurroul Saturda>' alternoon aud theisse ud ottalklng about tRie Aliment Immediel>' ho vont ta the, niginu. Wben great bodies ai mon ver. mlati t-er Riiîlît liu Lakte count>' or lI h su u o bouse sud returned witRi bis reolcver. tiqrivlng ta check the Idames. t- tUnitedl Sutes utRiohebranch 0f thte' ma tera . I 0hoStrucit Galaginer. Tonmsa a> itn edvi Indigni tes Heaped U nHlm. nover ho knovît. Theo rangers em- Waukegan. Rori.ttrd Sud Elgin li'ne Upo At tiisftrme Degin evidentl>' made played jgîtinoe ablebodiOd mon vhom tRa isno ue iintg constructed Re- lu la saiS that tRio cnovd thatbas bs"e--a* n alge nite ol rs notesrie tweeci Palatuine antI Wsncondia anti leico n tRie habit ai hazua MyesMeyer resunied their argumment. Fln- WbII.en the grutus af lire iabuera vero Ibat eve.nttilv cuil hocoistruicT.etl heaped Indîgnuttes nopen hlm. one time al(Mee dewawyfrntGnuthr vrwbheimed. thbecampsa vero alec Se- loi WaukegautseTu osos-ni:îluglng hlm bearirst jietoa tank a il'Of e, re va'irm .a rstroyecI. th4, cloibes vere hurneS of TRie fi'loavuug aeteresn ater and holding hlmu there. aud t sud tarted sbaating. dlring evitientl y tRie bodies ai tRie nen sud tbe bodies 1-Tno armrs n eths- uthr tmesIt a hareS akig btaabouit three abats. Margaret vent ai otf tRie deuil vore aiten aa charriai 1-itlc tnai theyare o atnthuir tRiervîfimsit ai utaredsoaiIndghit-auceta vinore Gallagher stood sud that alopped au them. teamic thatue re dat therjuion.theegdhlmta goof lionne. Ho 511 uiit-tinnklng tRie> vere pleces ai burned . _ beged bna t go ome.He d m tloirs. The ire obltorated the tCalla titsm an tmeto heprjec ls-reply sud teyer ireSaab. sanditRie-bumneal country' la diffiuit ta takiog hlfcash and balf stock in expianation t tl a said hy Wads- Jlutvas evîientîy one o! tRie lart guithraugb because ai falencirseos for their efforts. wouth people that Moeyers once be ho tRiai truck Galîaber. 2-Mare than ~:got longeS ta the saine arou: sud chariv ultyr1arOfo-; ouetaget SIOT MACHINES thne lune asserts hk road arleil éthers but aRien h got marrieS e od asn odawoSEEWýM U I answera *his pra>'erson i lfty 'huisaeli vauld not treat thie baya ettuaiedt tl i n idca h velcame thinn ta bis homo. tis oso iusdure htti yeana. aliair baS génie fanretuough. Jordlan "As for thne gambling &lot mas. 3-lt s perinapsItIse- only coatiWilhoArrctdinto n ut ta ahero Gallaghern tas chine@," Say.s an excinange In the onvhkh thin rvesto#s are.doing Tt la certain that tRie vanrant la oir Stjl sadn y Magrt e c ourse of an article on alotmas- ot c he actandoinaig td- IRIRie ervS o MeraanStha hochine deiiies," thne mrne moral mon oftheactal orkof uil- wll e srvel o lieyes ad tat ieGallagher bail bis baud tW is nocit ave thiaï: sgcauaing the brevi-s ing and construction. viii have ta stand a grand jury lii sud aaked Jordan lut a loy voice ta anddisatiler@ s great deal of trou- TRie staru au constructIon IL beiuug vestîgation aud trial, but itIle bellot'- go sud get Dr. Jamison. bia tri moat communitias has don. nuae tîîuu 'saTite.Th nlbta acdial athe viiieacapelgbtR', ase fev Woulî ien Doctor. similsa- service l in he.liminati.n bas heenu tar] itroesud undor- mon vouîd stand the egit menthe a orantuset aff Savn the rond tu eafrtilathertua e, inlijackspo- liuîh andttuweuty-five teamiisuad annayane anS allegod persecutiOn titcher farnîhouse we te o r mdatins sueth ngokcr t ot fif>' or sixty ntien are grading. The>' that be la said ta bave stood vithout vas teloptoueti. are liaiS $4.50) a day for tennis naît $2 resistonce, althaugh bisMens, sîs>-'-%Ir. Hoydoclter. vin keeps a geîa. lu ather varda vRile atber commun- a day liertmatn. Ina la open ta question Tt le maintai-' eral store al Wadsvanth vas ou isthen have awakene.ul th Re facl ltat cd srong>'.va>'ta palt>'ai ln. 'iar'e. theo lot machine la the vorst formi TRie stcan shovel la heing seri dsonl.aytply et r.rp ks.Whoi of gambling sud bave refuaed ta per* au tRie spott to do tRie vani but go . At the Inquest. i Re reached tRio faruibouse viner Jlon- cmitt hé stotlîmachine kinde ta rl ile muclu labor is lieiuîg offened If oui>' tRio TRie iîquest over the romains ai' dan baS teloî>aod. tRie vaman there 111 gallon maney. Lakte county et4il rondi la liuîtt sud tRiefermersa re Wl'lliani Galiagher vas bolS Manda>' asked hlmi ta hum>' ta the Part>' andi Stands fan tRie Machines, vhich are vonking tîteinselve o arsd tRiaI Tt auLanean anS Canratis undertaking get nomue nen sud see wba a atva otin bickcalutRe airosanhot tgo la a question whietbor or not the establshment. trouble ,at Moyen's. Another man vîthouit Riittuag a place that sheters stoam sh<vel la ncessar>'., The e-haie tony oi tRio case vas de- Idriviag ulu, tRie tva St onde veutta ail 1tRie vay front one ta ton or Onders are seen ta ho fileS an are veloped lu tine testimmn>' of tRie vit- Moyen's. Gina l'ietht Re yard, Mna. tvelv,.- fileS for tune steel rails snd wooi umesescalled. Sciultz anS ',Ina. Milleor vere met, "Ie &sathoillearai nsthe machines, tien fan tIne linosud tRie peaple are Mathev Moyen vas itarried on.Ap- both imait lua îrenz>' froin ibeli an thepalmy diraid botie ais irautic ta sec tRie irat spîkes diven. riu 12 ta Mary Haggsrt>'. sud that ove- excteuteni. Gina an utébIth bouse ave saici ta ho gurpased nov. e Daniel Grady ofi tis cil>' vent aven niog vas charîvarled lu>' îîany ni the .Gaflagben aud 'Meyenrvo-e foundi gt- Thie lot machines ai Lske costt Sthe line yeatrdsy aud vtevs ai thne yaungor ipeople ai tRie nelghbhood. tlug ont tin o ueh tagethen. As Ho>'- c55 fare Sa gam rldevies arde«con riaht oi vay aretouS ndtin tais ssue Moyen reiused ta anavor tine seronad- Seciter entenoci the>' bath tried ta ex- trol"ed are in an eedosud cou oi tire SUN. era, sud as a reauit t la saiS tbat bis plsa, huit bho ld tbem ta keep gtilil ct«Ofl*d b>' an mas re sta ma-Ou chines ai Wu h efare takofene0m" n C. Pattoîn, uiliofalre by reasan ai gardien vas trempeled aven sud "ev-as e hodIS not visin ta gel mixeS u li vet la s talu Ie o rai s air osemlt. n iecemrcauntry' banit. aud aI- erythina abouit the place' dsotrayed. thioîntroubles.'b Reatailaa at ou~ alav iide eamer>', reietof Aanontengh fJly4Myrdo not aee tRie "vave" comlng aud sett- alf mii livetotuta ispreldet a Aaluan Rienîgil ! Jl>'4 boye Mydcker Bsndages Wouud. te cieau aut the al machines la ails theoraid and le ludefaiable vRile vas vlaiteil b>'a cnavd of menuand.- Gallagher at onde aaked wvin Of aitboae deeP oédi]mysteriO sa - J. K. Orvis ai Waukegan vbo le tRie agalu charîvafled ionfonr or ivo Deglu vas, snd toid Heydecker that Pig#tu tofaI vbcinthe people aboutit fscal agent, cautld ho crowueti czar iaurs, and asin, Tt ls clameS. a gneat hi vas abat, Hyeciter did ulnets ________ ai tine district thraughin *iih the dent of damage vas doue, tRie vaund in big necit until hoe pint- xIthie camera begIns ta "gSelta oasd travelo tamrrav 1If Re ville. Trîiedi In uiAftemnoon. eS il out sud trled ta calta hlm b>' vs>'lu tRie baugee., oeillt--Ou Lt Onvis, tradition otnt thene rune, neyer Oi1thtRe aiternoan ai the sbootlng telîna hlm tRal ho voulci be ail rlghL.chane It for sometbing havluga - -este, leepa, resta, stops aSibonth la Auguet 20th. about 1:30, four yauug Margaret Meyer came lu at this lime Md freah Internet. A dao la a> l amovomntt on foot ta incarporato bis mun drovo up ta the Moyen homo andi sud bratigfft'Heydecito ciotins and vay, "salabbm.' ontergiesasa"lit tRie case of Jahu Hlayes saked fr inRim. He lives thore vllb vater. sud tRie vaund vas bandageS._________ Hammaud ai Novw'Yank, anS puah hlmieI sisten, Margaret Meyer, bisvtfe anS Galaboer vas taiten home. Hie IDPNFT"atA as thie ariginal îerptual mat!ou ma- and s uloce. i vii. sud bis niece baS littie ta sa>'on the ie va>', excep Dnt snt AM I e- chine. vr a>,hi tib=tnMrartls bn ogn ~rala 5 et nlW*p lwer awy, ut he istr Mrgaet a ak wereDegn ws. yeu rach 3000 -eiders.

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