I t V4%t;77- I I 1 e 14or- niff*in for ofLaieCotrnty I t, i PPJ$AIK1L, ~nmmher '9.. r Op4e~g~~rom 64~ ~ to 5 P. ~(S I t. IT. Aa@Mg E809Mi ,the present County Su- NILp.i1tuidp4ot, 04o.1s and a candidate for the- Re- pii1~aaaql~4.IB orthe. amem o. eat the Pep- tWB miripv la1es a gative of Lais. Forest; when f T l ~êw~ayoung1hi& >YOfÜ4 rovedto Bouon which ~< bniq or tifrt-tbre par. 1Mr. atl.d oiutipb.1adgrtaq from the Wauke- *4001 i -ooll teo~oflie,, hé. has attendd the summer $Q>IO04 It 8Iýé, ê-S êuq**.1 ýof *&âcationaÏ~Chicago Uni- N. tiugt iwàacks*om8fo 8pst, at CGuru..for W84 Principal Of, the.South Bohool, rhOcgfor $%,Y" spreviona tà-tï ie 0 muuwi feIMdémy four pear ago. Kis dmlutnto f Urne o" u made him many friends. * '*#U~ ~tf~# r