o.dobigUns.LÂIKE C0tT1TYT FRM.&Y, SEPTEMBER 9. 1910. A OV *]U Ài » dtes"loliain.L$LN u r S.S. STATION The police and Jîîdiclary commit.pooc ulig I ilb w tr The engineering dei*nmtMwe.. A T ARIS sctoot he rocesionformd ad th boy TA t!ttee will offer itit report on police jes 5lnibeittht with a water tower, doii- Insiitalitln cenneeto wt and girls proceeded te thir fine new (Firom Tuenday'a 1,ijyn > court methods. hie (-tranc-es for the tire teauls, rooim aveue pavinc a rculrie (Firont Tuesdey'asSun,) Scheel roons. With very little delay i rbbeta i h aîîî i uldn,%ic îlfot nfratukat4e aoacul ihe a tend re teetfrea fouta4 Tii nw îmmctalae îlncepton thy wer aasgned o ther proer -meetig tii evunug pans wil liToh-l buildre in.,wll fac Soîî.h afn-ont teaon , qurrerafor te mea a roiu wragonoerbcdoupleconof: 1*001 opened this moraint. At 8qatr.Tene aaeetetra ~ IN R IB M fered for tie proposcd new south aide and will beildes le but on NicAlliterforthe ctti.abatr oMaaraiin0Wfraontnila Ivery acapiciouaiy on, the scboo& yeari AD S F E 8 1 i n aoiepae The lot at the louaging roobu for the men and ail ts eieti mîoee a'cockt.ê pris clifre seam ir sttio, a clt810000approi.point la 70 by 204 feet by 223 '/ and modern con veriieiicia.ý Paal.d by their aster tmeera. pu* Sl uter Mary Thomasa, 0. .'n., super-- mately. was paid for, flot by the tax payers. The design for the fr-ont elevation 14 toi et the maas of the Holy Ghoit, for; Blter blary Carolus, 0. S . D. dI'fom Tuesdays Sun) The city counçpil wlli prohahly tale! but by thie 2 per cent first insurance a beauty. Itla graced by a founitaîn M. H. Salmon went to Kenosha celebl'ated by Rev. E. W. Gay. fifth and sixth grades; Siuter Mary, Har c.agd Poeaoa P the saine bond andl lire station or- 1tai, from Insurance corupanies. at the front. The grotinda are te bc day to t lng home bIe fine noir RU inth Cucl a teImaclaecheck forger and awlndler, yeaterda dinances that lt-lad under considera.' Architect, Ira Worefold bas complet, la.wned and parki!d. , Te building it- ble autnmobile whlch le recot At anausO.B. , tîr an fort eanei te ttieet amothat al.~t1,tat eetnged bos.tKul ostet .fplinsfor the g»« wyul be 28 by 711 feet. Purchased. Coietoi ttecoeo h esgrades; Bîster Mary Dynotiua, O. . 1orlnthvniedStts"4ur.b Coucptin. he loseet he aaaD., Iret sud second grades. Theernth Uned tas"wr.b tlq ators sitably anstructed asd ad. regieteýed attendance at 9 o'clock wa, pure, g tflot the gab he ea!rned hls modehed the seliso oh»"'o on thuir- M 0 pti.- releanç as a deserter and liy a lf Y__________________________________ i -heur eacaped the clutches of She-.r]iff,'l î- GrliIfn of Wasskegan and Sheril! A. -- J. Jolies of Gallia cnunty, Ohio, on a ! warrant for forgcry. ilocldentally lie las tarteil oue of the biggest aî-nly aléiepq tha t Fort [Slieridan and thîs upart of the cousntry Pellowing lis elenneand a remarit- - o p*s- a 4 a ir pbU au N nî atq i able lack of stated ressotfor it on S~~ --- tii. part of tlie army men Impllcated. ,, jSelfJones tift for Chicago m qui. 'c- H T YO ]R4i À IE .T JïE army lieadqnarters of tlie Department TH4 0of the Lakes, whee he wîl ay the matter of the release before the gen-t y i oralInb commanîd. Meantiiîe Coloriel Brown of Fort - m rq,&; p ý b r 5 1 1 -W. end the. worl' largoat man. Sheridan ali twenty mou and plji-'P r a ie 15 19 w tatecturer of high.grsde Pianos > officers before hlm atthie fort and will cive over e1700.00 Froc in put them through the thîrd ifegree in valluabie primea as an advertis.. - i regard to the wiiy lni whbl Gof ent. W. have just taen the. node away. Agoncy for several hiokgrad. AIl that any of titim i-an aay la inakes plunos and take this mathi- -lie taiked usnmbIng ettlng hlm go ed of advertising thom. 50 Iliat lie ceiîld catch an early train out of Chicage for the i-st.' CANTO SOJ i'T Wanted for Double Offense. - Golf was orilly arrested four mnonths agolunCaillaroliînty, 0h1io, ____ ____ ____ __ or forgery and turned over trithe - FREN:on condition that hie face trial f<îr for- 0 0 0 gery miter lie liad been gven the 000extreme srniy penialty cf dilshonorable duu-barge for di-sertion. 4 Came Here to Get iai. O E Z JO Lest week Sheriff Jones of ý(liaW county waa notiied that Goff would 0 0 bc dlscliarged diahonorably yesterday near eleven sud that lie wouid blie lu b mIutil the aberiff rame to get hlm. 0 0 0 Armed wti lhe needed vtîiera tie i ent fcamp her Sunday asud NMon- Take any nunber fram oe to !day. yeaterday. moruiug et aies- féiarteon inclusive. Do net use unir thirty waa on biand toectaim bis mlan. -.mber mors than îwîce. Place lie Was thon informed liai. hait ffl numbor ln each of thue îght an heur hifore that 'at seven the t iÏ60455or ballon..and ee, lni.con. Lad'@ atth. Mesemorning. Goff hit Iakeed hum- " sr w4e s ltI owy art 20-poar g ete - at free. lie hadl toM ite guard uand pei porpoeuîarîy or horizon- ioicersiliat as bis tinme W"u complet. the total wiii magia 27. For éE E d and he bldobtalnd bis discliarge ' 41 oe oct nv~ W .v iil -ttey m'94 sas well let hlm go, as ho - 4lue.aisoluttjy Iree.-the foliowing - wlsied tii c9teh au early train for 'lie ,* inlaorder of morit.Ail prilelaa luOWb wselllie notifiai by mail, cahe lthmg ept rms and aot prizssmuet b. cllai for fuylth goesteairme wlitkin ton day. front cloing of bytolegrani te hold hlm unil Il. e - *60010Grand lJpright Piano. -0year guaranteed Lady'. Gold Watch. 20-year gurantéed Gentemns, Gl Watch. Ont complet.stt f 1847 Rogers' fruit Knivec. One large Morris Chair with cliahion., Ont pair Oold Cufi Buttons. On@ Laçiy'abeautiful mouid golci Genleman'sedWth owooci. 20.yeargarnod -W SonY Books ;with word. and Music. 10 copies of SOc end 6ft Sheet mhusic. Over 6SM inlacash velue checks ra'nging-from $25 ta $150. Amy ans 01*ick sel l e gond oniy on any .'§W piano carried by our house. j>eckas wil le sent direct ta the gltestante by lhe piano manufac- hiWer'. advertlsing department,- e.payable te Louis J. Yeoman. Ladies' Bauid Gald Brooch.- >irmany yenra l hua. been a que.. ______________î___ winshere advertlsing money couli & pont se that lhe greatsst re.-M ls T a e taeould ielusreccved, sud ine tplace large advertitiqlg con- Candidate for tfor tha year. This hA meRt t4y berna a problem lihat has con- o n v lr fad the piano dealers but theii. Jy Clrl 4nufaoturers agi veil end oniy otf of Lake County enry.ayhue our manufacturera 0 Subjsct ta the . Nopuican -Prîmarlas *und out lieseti best rçouts ta be heldButembur 15, liggtp. 1 > b ouanu o h 05 Mr. Lemey i.ant prtaent Mao'r îouft f meaoy uxpuned. W. of BRmington and pulllheof e 1va a spscli - arrangement with tcBrigo elw -.la -manufacturera toa pend ovuraevdevaltrsasamm ~75000 a an aderalaln wa *0ber of the Lake caunty board, « ldlOwa l fithr of orafour otter a --supervisera, representtng Cuis lnuîî bs possible in wayhontownship and seas ciairman etthu li- psibe nany otiier - bard one term. t".ame number of years. Sanie M a ahe fteBri Uu atm rs prufor spendina Itoe akcash1e02oandie9W.ris ffmounits ln Maazlne adver' lan d catr.puodicals.Oth. eprec nbsns ae g eoy the. sorde gretest an- wl ttdfrheoicwih te mho thay puy large urvis ThiisChair seti largo cushions. Je seeking. 1«.féey. Thlak op the. largo a-îeunt Pad.row.ki ls pai e!hon b-a o employod te traviloler the Dam - untry and domonstrat. panoa. Rg sh Vobu smnufacturers trom selom w. ýL n e l a r9 1su s11111n1y d1r e11t eV