LAKE OOUN~,Y ftm unfl~xow. - LAKE <JOUNTY I1{DEPV~DENT. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1910. j - Ail cars stop on Our 1.Corner, Corne and Mcd Yoi Friends Here Fair. Week is your busy week. It i the week you are out to sec thirsgs, 'nd we have arrangeda display worthy of not1ce.1 New ýarrivis -thatar watched 'for, bave oe bipney fast the.>e days aùd-ýyoet wibe gla jO e them. St'q pover ofie car, or -spend a minute fe 'on the corner. You'IIloyIt Ticketis wlththe heading "Fair Week" will mark al goods specially prlced 10c Fine Comb This Voni S madîe of the tinest india rubber. You wiII not liuid a conrib to eqtàal this one for 10e. (let one durirug Fair Week for. .. 5c Children's Things for School GMNHAMS StIOES To look over thé pretty pat- terns in the gingham depart- ment wilI help you in decid- ing what the little girl would liké" Dark or light plaids, small eheeks, and some strip- ed patternB in the prettiest and most durable colors. Al of thein are reliable, the best eloth for a school dresa. And the price is1 onIly a yard ....1 ISehool timne is here and the ehildren must be ready. 8hoes are very necessary and now is the best time to get them. H-ere is a good sehool shoe, high top, 14 button, of duli kid, a very durable mnake for a pair... Misses' black button shoes, dtill top and patent tip,, strong shoes for rough wear, a pair. .1UO65~ Tickets 5c iwk the~ -.igr, lieadl "J Ij ~ W14, mark i prflc Low Price on Caliko On' thiid floor yôu will find about 1500 yards of cal- ico. lu nearly every kind of patteru. for only a yard ................. Taicurn Powder Mennen 's aud iBab- coek's assortcd- od- ors, the reigular 15e talcum powders wilI be sold Fair 2 for 25c 25c Bab>g Brushes TIhese are the kiîud with whte, 1ifk or bine backs an d have always sold for 25c, during Fait %veek the price is loc Chlldren's Coats Thc Fali shipment of ehildren's coats came a few days ago and thev were just marked. Now is ,the tinue to see them and deeide on the one vou wilH want. Pretty little coats ini red, some muade of the imitation fur in black, an! a good assortinent of oth- cir colors. New Sweaters Everyone bas 'been on the lookout for a new and 8tytish sweater. The spe- cial shipment from New York gives us the best styles and the most com- fortable kinds t~ show vou., This year the sweater is more comfortable than er- rer and lots more stylieli. Toilet Soap ~pecIals 10e Palm -olive Soap, a 7c cake .....C 15 e 'Juvenie' Soap, now, a cake......S1 100 "4Jap Rose Soap, low 8 a cake oni,... Obgate's,-j.Tu 6 mdacae '0 471l", Glycerine_ 8 now, a cake. New Fail Draperies Fali hotise cleaning tim-e is nearly here. The house niust lic made rca(lv, nade enjoyable for the drearvY winter nuonths. Nothing mnakes a roonm more cheery than prettY curtains. This season's p)atternIs are veiy beautifiul in both design and eoloring. None of thein are more expensive than thev werc and soine of thenu are a bit ceiaper. Think of gétting prfetty serim for onily 15e a yard. The f an and( green grouinda with red, llue or brown designs go wili with. anv roomi and do more -than their cost indicates toward brightening the Home. Look olter the drapery departmnent when you are in the store. It's fîull of ideas. Yoit will not lie urged to hu. Hoslery and, Underwea r Children as well as grownups are anxious to get goo0d Fai stoekings and underwear-. Tbe cool days-and eventugi hae liegun and Fail weight underwear is nec esaary. Dîrlng Uar Week will be agood time to see these. They.are on firdt br. so it wili only take a mnute to see what we have lu ypur kind. Children Round Ticket stockinigs25 for school are a pair .......................... 8 j3rown-Durrell Underwear,~ ribbédand a good fal neight, vests witb high neck and long sleeves, and ankie2c length pants, for a garmient 50d and . .........2 c 190" SUMIRTIEM' Children 's heavy ail elastie hose ýsupporters, extra15 wide that have always sold for 25e now only a pair. ....5 50c PiUlow Top, 25c Astpd pillow top ready to be emriered, with the back included for only 25c. The most appreciated thing in the honse is a pillow. Get one for 25c Ail Week Begins Monday and Lasts Tbru The Fair Announcement Ev ery wonman is on the lookout for thenew Fal things. Tis 's the time sesnd odsaemstitr estyls nd e daaemstitr Our buyer of ladies' ready-to-wear, -Mrs. Martin, has just returned from a veryouccessfultripEast. Sheis full of the latest fashion news and anxious to tell every interested wonian ail of it shwe can. Tiien, too, you will be looking over fthe new arrivais. The dresses Mrs. Martin bought are going to be here on display for the Fail Op- ening, but theère are lots of them com- ing in now and you wil be repaid if you stop and look at them. The new silk waiàts that cme ini yesterday are exquisite. The trim- migad rake-up is so different and orgnlthat the most particular will find an ideal. Many new chldren's things are here ready for inspection so that even now all the second floor will be fresh with new tbilngs for Fail. Boys' Sallor Hats Thre 'are some left of these boys' sailor bats, which must go. At this sale price it will not pay to wait. Any one in the lot of 50e and 65c kinds for 19C Bi rdCages Here is anotlher announcernent of new arrivais. Our Fail stock of bizd cages are now in the basement sales room. Small omes, strongly &gobe&d~l can be had 8 for only ................. C There are mauy different styles, ýMqre of a choice than can bc found' else where iu Waulcegan. The prices, range from 98e upto the price d th. largeat in our stock at ......................W Seed cupesud bath tube, needed lu. the new cage or the one you 5c .jrady have, each ......5 irdseed in apound box for .. e Ail Week Monday sud Lests Tin The Fair 5,c Il. Hair Rlbbon for School Children Regular 25c -kind for 15c During this sale we hav e deeided to make it impossible for you to miss coming in. To do0 this the price of the most pop- ular ribbon among the sehool girls is marked down. Our regu- Ipr. 25c taffeta ribbon No. 150 in blaek, white and Mos,511ï, inches wide can-be bought for alafÉd..15 Be early and get .just the colors you want and as many yards as you can use. This chance will flot corne again. Better stop as you go by. Sheets and Piiiow-Cases SHEETS The New Seamn Sheet, practically as smooth as seaniless goods, for it is a zigzag stiteh whieh opens ulp flat. This sewing will not tear ont in the washing. 72 by 90 inchisheet, legu- ular 69e kind, for .....45 PILLOW.CASES These pillow cases are made with the same stitch as the sheets. They are nearly like those miade of. tubing, and will wear as long. 45 by 36 inch pillow cases, regular 15c, kind, for........ o LAKE COIJNTY INDee]_WDENT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1910. Mw»qMmep"ý