hW *b 01e, f Iag vttiiJ rk.uhot for a m*thO iWO Mb -. Mif. Jloba Orgard, i iaet l~tsUS lin J. L. (hbsubeslatibu beevt ltgber $jeter, mm . 4WeVr*th i MXa r. Th Tbattend- e t sAliew u os Lut'@ was a reord biil! bii« Ibe H.C. Ps» vwas a Chicgo -viultor Tudsy M liHelU. thi. barom es.mer, bai imoyed bie famiiy to Rociefelle, Thure- day. A Chicago party iiubers tvo aue laat viii looklng fora paéta purebais Mi a home. Grame Dolph @peut laut week witt Be«. Zegler'i famfly ati suMdtge. Adam i Ttu bas purchield a lot lu Lubrty ville sud lt the. cotrait for a boume and barnmtlobe ermted lisilil. Tiie Mystie Workert- vil i ie.a damc la Woodmen- ball Tbnrsday cvcntng, Septembe? Iliti. Ail corn. Alpha Portland CerenIýtuic boitlthbe worid for ,idewalks. 'Horne Lumbbr Co. ILD.Hghe te rellevlua rural mail .« ,Book, for tvo wvoeu. Ur lietealf returneti home frorn Tei lamt esi sud reprt tieropm theresai belg lagond abeille. 1Howard Flool vas home the tirt of tMeweek. Ilc baimbben worhtug on the Poiiai TuaoPh line nesyral wvii.. Mise >Ruth Cme, of Lîbertylile, èeut s«veMI date ber. lait veek vith lre Youg vs a rayalake vte4ior lm tW&umday. Ii» Ceus wuv »arved Wednesday evem- tua u08i RMlieBat@v&U byoneof the 8»uda, Sebool clames. À unube of hanter e.out iarly Pd"lY. tih entagaIU fthc duck sianos. ProiP$cti for Omahoeaepour on a001toma f tihe 10v ater là the. ilver. MM .Dors Smith siel cbldr.n vstaid frisaàIsD a£Wgu ad Batavia lait veck, returulmg saturday eresniug. tir. sud Mr@.. MzmetFarreil, who1 ver, rnarried a few wvis .ago, retamnul Flrdu y eaemnx rom e trip hrougu tii. orthwettru tates Ruth and Grame Austin returnel 10 tWbeome la Wankegau SalrIai alter a ten dayia iâ it lthinonda br.. su:W& d lauxhter viettel rela. tie uegante tii f the b.eek. The iuà.r0,l ima Mary Sc]]ll, sPd 57 iae, vai bell Thurehsp at the rail denc #-- IL . L iSymour from the ëf-*.fthe b.bet sMl a troke of para- Tii. LaI'Aid Society met. wttb ura Tho&. NcCllough Thaljafy ferno. Offiffe M-lote for mcxl year ver. Idr. P. Meealf, Pres. Mmr..Leach, Sec., Mr&s Thomu, Ireu.. Mir. ual lire. Basuad Warren LuI "Mec" ticohabf ear sout ho t.thern Fridmu. Wmky ' al hi aut, Mima liecistal, have heem out aili.viii imanramris tel a fcw days ltct uni vWUsbr unle Bflir Snoer.1 WUlrl Peanreof hoUt lt'raited te Aues oi onday sud ionulay. Austin Boà, Who bai bien employel «estilUssus tar o Marly' ayea, r. tapai $a bihk ome lu GueagoBalurdamu1 Ar,uni Mm .Barri s udIfaaly i. ~Imbds a renaion of Ibe mm" aofmliy at l~~hé' a Lhhrtglll,Bud. ýXX& nssuce enteItlee a nuniber1 e.6et k%& Itsbcoetstin19M Tue.Iay lu1 - ~ ~ lIf mprovO u hv ropsrtiy utlelaie long the bisanmer boute. - ,m m 4 q ns msu Fniday at P UiseMu, attending - ~ Ioday.septeni. *go oi on Cty, mi ~# lie Sciro.Iere~ ij'tbo latter vi ~ I .,0f Quloe<,add aflu'j~Us.aMia4 mmeoi-8etuid~j i ,-*wsa sd ifefetfroa Ciilcagi J. Sauil Progm Durng Fair. WEiqEsuty. SEPT. 7. Mamch-80oier'i Chorn-Fait. ..................... .... goumod Wàltb-m amis .................'. Brook$ liii Daue-Lalqdis Noche-....Able O*erture-ArncsPatrol ...If emab geketo-DBohcmtan Girl...... Tobam lIarcb-GQarhe du Corps ........ Hal Soestton-Hoi»yrnon Trail..Howard ofertue-*mlna.................. Uncee Oretur-Ligbt Cavolry ...Von Sappe star spiel Bsuur...i............ Key Tuumsn&r, SKIPv. 8. Na*rch.-LcePetta Pernote;.... os....B Wat-Doathe Croie............. Zoer Overn-Poet sud Pwasat.. Von suppe liarb-Pord tIatPortiaul. Bond Wata--Weddlugoftbe Wtndi.. 1. T. Hall 8axttt--F'rom LisW........Doniael Grnul gdeton-Fsue ........Gounod Star Spàogiel anner ............l Funai, Sm-r. 9. uMerchiuborns tate. .......corda. Wslta-WommanDlrlnme.........l obea Ovrtmr.-Vm. 711 e............. Rcein Uarc-SBtsnasd Stripes........Bou»a Sehtion-Godd.e of Lbrty... Daibel Ton. Poen-AppIé Bléolqoe... tbert. Orerture-Chlmmof Noruaudy.-...... star BpalelD amner ...............]Key Noticetela bx 'gives to iha Mbbau'i, ralîoadi, f srtu sud lot. of Canad thatiehor, lbey go to mml ai~ 1 sha" me.ihat thii.lau te flil oburel AU compalat. boné iimetUdinot 50 tis. cormiulonu egviug description of property, sud ustore locaiel. IDaurNa tliiaar, Tituete Coitaheonen of tise Toua of Libertyvills. I. '49.bf Engelhhrd Mot Affer Foss. [Prom lSalurday'i SUN.] That Congremîmu George 2.«F «lana ualtfacc Ma constituent fa lie open" vwu tué chargi mad bu' Ge& P. Inefbrd, -Insurgea ntdilate tfo, th. republicmnnomination la lie hintu district, lut nightlà uan akire. la su open air meeting la tbc Tviniu'sili yard, Chicago. lir. ZUdageliplu aI lto li. Poie for bis falurmtede clame Iimmeit ou the cannows m ejIe aansâ&y oe oui im lutspéàk. vcui-o ead ho lotengllu, seif "sunmymotahe "a.,"-rafu. "lit.pou a .f? talaitead. Irisea auiauw4n.sailt.' uelir& -aï edm te a h .. for, Maotatf ta 4i1msi i ata. - H.<r io.uaeblmweil vIsaI b.has luos reimo. to do. "Ho l la e.buiug tea u the osa limante s h of bs *tuagtà4 a ualimut tonul ont viieir4ftisa la pOilu a candidae, bho w tugrhi*s or ont. y from h m i tee Pm or, vil osto lu clii foud nes v Amais. R* atpaper usu and aais WrMo rais liou a lm ltonlal W 'Wkt*f I I.' It'a s race belveenRUatheli. ftite of mnodén ra aportailo.me Is nv"ki by Marsball Pull sud Company' lu their efforts la mate **Ir liée fa> tory ai ZMou Cty thc langa in the vworli. sud liei'ui el state gvera ment vits itt nev tariff on laex ma- chlnery. The chance are liait tbè ucAmer- fcn Ilnatni. vlci basic ta bli Plant in Zion Cty ircu nDov, wulfWin out. Dut>' ln Eiect Oea.. A yism go the. Marsasl l oadu Compnsy lace vorim management ordcred 111cm or twenly lace m&a chiai over lu Uýnglanl. Tiiay aie for Uic purpose of tlnrng ont lace curtainisud oth~lacin"praducts thé hick of vbtcb t1e local plant ha. net bitherlo mannfsatured -sol marietel. Lace maous..s are coitly, avirag-I lng betveen $75400sud *10.M0 escIs, no any savlng that cm en hmade on li.m lu vonili vile. Rowcvcr liai taie lime te bulîland* ui t athUi tii. the mcv machinas vere orlered tic ncu tariff lav vie pausaI bu' cou- Ve. Tie ncv lau carried s dutu' of elxty pet cent. on Iace macinery litougiil lot tltecountry'. Mine the race. -The. agreemnt, il isn uderstood. tg tu lie iffeott laI hlea..machinen muest b. lelirerel tauicheport of 1Xcv Teck sud on Amreican oilbeooe tihe duby becomee effective ln orler W b. acceptel by tlb.onZicuCty psut. ,Rlse Nw On. Mie dutyby ocmi effective nmie lime betuen the Ora- LuI the Ilteenli of tditemoui. Tise hlace a cbinery maicni ihave baie slralmng aven mulemAnd nare thogel lié ma- chines doue. SaeefoUichemachin.. ordeel have beau dliverel sol are, set upe vile Obteo are on the vay sud ivin bave a tigit $«U«»meOf il for &sh m eid t sev Xeck *Whout lie hbansd il. moat Prohibitive datvurdunicea a*e ails erM att hau t statontimua WniI4w Umlte About t. A S1UN reportermade inulrlsp At Zigu City $sterlay ta a$b lthé,lafis of thtttàà buta.eêa 1. il la bis I us~ tat amati. un Ire dclii _11i ~raroao utc ai111rehon Th w uptogrcs gvcry vaplI. l' »wv. Wbb nié arlty -et the lm, prodftlat* ffl behoa luh Uic fthc trut ebsov e. L. a<bspIrie Tum Table. A riat 1 t Se iêot operamScs la won w'vend vile. -le.c011 rogne. bouellee" nov belng de---'iie te amaie vcy for tU it Mg ucuOie itlii e ulg p rapl.Tcnu oimabmoui et.. huck uhere the lietboma la sud the b t clgl fot cltrié tam table uwii a bout1 lu front of wbere lbu presenul bons LOT-bI.Angora cae. Notily' wrwI#l$aboge. Phione 2718. 0 TUÂT MmT NEcW 00" May ha the aloiet t Lcioimc oait ieom.a tu nt urne have aver oVne-it Mo9 derot. t lube imas to rcadltisa store t ada tmore ion decl. eupoztii. mtéÈals ta lie mmcl. Thos uho lire on thei rural route. cm.1 esum ilthe LLakeCovaty lsnxuziimuu i aMd $i 41yInter Ocean for $400 a yms éamitiint Weshir Inter Oema snd IElnPfiiuT fer $sîM a yiar. The ïcfa faahioned mcd celar rail lima..,« tudle Tennessee nov fur. Miusle vorfl. main aapply f celar peicolia. eurding te informnation ne- elvrel lu a bfUe fraiuichebig peu- ,ai m*kermWhoi.havi mille la Tcnn.e. -Wiaft 4 bng 10afile. vay of amis. matir Mu ie saucumo of he au i bbbSme e 4slgmasieyafo . àgaue li .s a - muratnq "~mi0l. Tsciilmluses tuf bau e eitiOn lie spuredo yFm bave aiml slevar, deir "gli ~,. tiuiplace imita mi, uaemllflity. is at lie bMu.- AXes. If lu. ie borne beai alvsye «And vict yen the.provisIona et jour. uiele'e n'111T 1"luat Iaboitl bave ail hi loft aftit lie psyrnet c hWa just dcbts.'" "Very guod t fthe. id man. vaut fil Wiiat <1W b. lesreF' "Jas debu',."- The Piemed OU&e "Scrlbblu ewelu la» ue vry piealg 'Iaiil l'y* e er bosurdof lbt pliai. *'Uvldty lyaave naver obiervel Ibm ~enec Mrli. BcIW bi."-Dirmlngbarn AgeHraI.' Net lie Sel. me Waeted. Il e you ad"wvenlime a s ouiy," mil the.mai bo loofl as If lie bai smmasngfor m0"e "Ob. Y-," -id thé .b"reymin, stop. pfmg hi. von fer ' s nte teo0k sp "hut i vsut one viii tour lega."-D. ublange. A literai Fats. "what'a becnud ef JaIs.? .13es$ gonegail te pieds." «Ton do't MW' sit1Nervons pro.. $70.lu fe riy. wteckefr a gsa lkl itbila1 1.adl.-u~ àUr mrena. 104 Othe cob Wllmeui v t ~oh s« XK f Il va vvlm M catch asic mav<tbo dMse uebat £ tant g cose if W* cOfl pjrvo hW recot, On the &ao0f the trial, juat » *0 vain flog op tbu*fMMttwo or tirca 449t *lt#iiwt7 ppibd ad «Wui be& w~ iep aummomdol t srve. lne treudiliii. if b. muet auve% tu do 00 et onc e chic va axpectel to at- tend the fou"raIof a near relative vWtihbta a*b ou ts. Tbe judge, glal to, 0# ehca a mun on jury luty. Cloaud uaterip lir. Wortbingtn-tbat- vau the*Mbo. pnlenamre-bcbg the lat W. %»ev It lDsrb, bal servel ýa tues et thc peaetlrya"l tbat one 'cf thepbuatal bnchu*tnttle»n c* lii records VWas that bum grft »ame& «Aspue." 1dusbita tattoool ou hm nul forcarus.W. îrougbi or tars. or ta tt e itory «ai W boy ho bal heo bunkodý,bümt Darby. viio bad à Ify 0f cbaaugtu lits expression, cous- ftumed* bit lem. andl h. voulda't twver tht ho w vatihe racal. Bat If v. coIl prove thbir le min vii b.d avinUd ihm va. Darby 14i ve amr «Coictiton. Tbe imeteoer vau lnatractcd to take off h bts ca tonrolap bis sbe on bis rigbt ata, Ne dil no, and we vcrcdlappoiutcdait « selng a toi- ton. Pswatg vi bal ben miau-- formel ai" tint the. feters mnlebt h-e teo u i lie.Tu ft ion bal fofleu&la u eme vuy ho bal g« vil I the tattoo. 'The neat stop vas tg PMIeif pmh bl..t thesMu bl bisataltooel. A. udlo, lemf x- Der w»amcallel foi, ubo pplid zrà trtetlnhe b.primonr' atma. This bal lb. eteèl to briont hitle limes witb as mgt hdaustint, Tumai fine vie 1.1ettrsand ipeliel the. word Uaviug brongii tcrnstantlferi- 'douce, tboagb it vas ver«i, to provo that tbe prleonr uwe the man ubo bad l aflthle furmer. liii proof liaI ho va.su» ez-eonvitbMml.à camu »trong againut »arby 1h11 vIw dii not lonbt tuat 'Io voulgel nid of bis prania for at haustthteiperlaI of axother tem'm luaidate primon. Our ocly regret wuse liai vocoull't suld bis partser, WHIm.. cdli BuDt Wiliams bal givS nuthlb. slipun. tiiosgb ve cut for hlm evcrywbira vi coulut Sud hlm. Ton se". vi bal evilemos coonnectg Mmtb DeuytisaI vo ldneyer bal befora and, iiavftg tii.deadusood on anc 0f tbet. v. voul bave Do diMeuty of couvictlmg lie other.' The judge rlrtually gave th* JUrY Wlu1 atrutlos. 10 conviet Derby, sud *semal ef us expictol th"y voIl do Il uisb. outhleavlgthir seatu. Tiihe m a< bld a brlt conitatlon viii the otii er alevin befon.rulrelng. bat ther eeemed te lic opposition iomevber, among tiier-ve couldnÉt tellvbere-.ý to bringlug lu a verdict tbai vay, and thcy got up and Sied out ofthie couWl coM.. l vated arouanlfor hall an boer te~ mais unr. tut vad got tir.'De51 uhere use vsutedliii. lbut lbthe > lMn't cotue bock. Tlieu I vflo «teb« f bo«r. feelng Certain IthA wouidn't require Morcthan a-iie tein rov»the heof mm su arra te« salUe liitce e «Cfan iant uat but siaty inutaI lllnt erve - r e Ifeu t.e t.tnu. Af et dUMoue. ltlon il ucuefl tâ obtata machcondtion sudto prott t t. Bah snd tbe Sabe. There va. macha crowd'ila attend. suCe froni Wadewortli sud viotity lu attendance et th*. *M.v.tbesrig be. fore-Jus. W.eb TinaIs? a nconne. tion wiltheicdcclii of Willisa ilae giier tit ubaice Welsli adjournse the court bt theîuperveoeu' roornof the ort bouse sud cvi. et liaI ru at.uai cd to Bad Uhc needed oaaity, as tb. peoi»e Ilocced and crowded avery av- alable Saab of upace. TSkO U M VTEAuti 1p9ORT WILL BE AppagmITES. jotn a ppoi fa the ese blackmith$bop. 7,4mdryAg.iey R*sgim omedJ ERNEST E. GRAUXA AGENT FOR For Lake Comtny Bulmanus Unes ZO~ity, II. Write end &&k for de monstraifon. aite" of Lîllomu V oiu0f Lakj' lu liseX icuItCort 0ofealO Coantu' October Titi. A. D, 1910. liarganet Sialta Sauboru va Chanle -C.Mmsbore.lCacrOn.487 Satiafatony illvit thât upon 1ce iuqulnu7lthe "l lifadant Chanr@C. B&Amab ie nota eimlu u Sitei 11= 1 s ,,titproomsa hrem àcannut lie .1eu ra ubm. snd glylog hie plaa- oi viogbee cle latbeoffice lo fis Cbe otbau lCourt. Notice la t&iisfre bonîhy giran t ih ealM neC . Saborn.tisa; the ettoe oasedcomplalumant BSed ber Mil of compWla isam ourt on lb.ebanieru' »Wadae eof, euh lita a ioon Umtnepo. Imelout of RasiCourt egaluet)tbo bov, mmmcd defeudant noermbli ou lia Brut dey of tii. terra 0f1liii Circut Court of si Lake Countu' tabe boltbe Cort Bis thelnbe ty of Vaheganta ti.»MilCouatpof Laie on tbe .lfret Wodoal f October, A.- D. 1910, min bpaI&W requinal q%4 whlclt sut ezw is . wmwàr, Ci. IIIe»,l., Augait 26. 1910.-1 LEW. A. t fPoEC Pari, uàffltrmrn.Complalusta sondetor. 484 COINTY CIERI( -------Par 0F LAKE COUNTY Oub»eci tate dectulon of the BePublcammPi. manlett e M 'TIURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1910, Divielti ertions et 680 sere ____________________ anI eublurlhed isto 20ari tracta RUSSELL blimber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL Mu' pries. are righi aud grade# gool. Wbother uon mu' on Dot-pbMu'MY- u9es. W4 bos t. lu Mr idon for CeunI>' Traasurer< ___________ Mr.Pnl* uas lst gl.ofMefice r te tie l lit - mPie e1fi~cia"waa bot ia J Mt ut wo ubs han retalneâ *rom posr tae Y« lût *'tpollu lenloa c upaCiy end th* e iw- . 1 Wd tb lelgie o h» l. il b al ', no tjhe'On, fur lth*office. Me la Map Jcslày td jipeelits lntis* office-. toe ui5~ol »* a da flil pro*s wliaue!muIt *m rRq.blisus in air,' sope.cw the. omty, ieWho lsdoe kI frteêl ges nWtnlldalPV. bu. mortd bel br mlin Lovuaêoo W ves-