Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Sep 1910, p. 3

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LMIASs to C.LG$6 $aY 2138 &WUag t seu vitIs Deý. 4 'W-E.Ow1 DDNTIST. euue- tc 1e . s. ail to àP. 26 D&JLY. DY. 1. L TAYLOR, soyas-? to 10 a. nm 2 to 4 Md 6 te 8 p. n. tefe~~u OSrdvay. oppositaPai. L~illittevhs, alamel. ufike Opp. 151h dg. emrlc StatIon (Iflj.Piione5m84 u. Fiions 608 .)3ra CRICAGO, ILLINOIS IV . STUDI SUllVEVOR Sosuivding, Verni Wik a"d Praimsfl LIBERTTVILLE. ILL. P130NE 1094. DR. !DW. V. SMITB Gemerd PrnctIo RlourlOtol2. gto4sad7fOP-1W. Office eve Lynea Bro. Store liplCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISBASES OP THS EVE U8VVILLI. ILUMOS llenr Sine's Sait, Bam fmI ELi5IL( Son CM1. ILL. asddmSoe 2M M&Av*.e Au ia&Kldsof osi., Dmes, Womia-nug enjes o auior Ecnae ai a&l 71.« AUCMlNLhJfN FmR PVUC SMm MMareod Granite - m.UyWoýk et 3very CorrcspoDdSflce 5llcite 126 Genesee st Waukegan UneIuO VOI> WIti. F1540 i. boaI mnd latusîdrIuis at our&God Foutua ve.yoe viipt boul YOU WIU.. F1540 A msew ailup.Ie>detelim ci ofoueir Goods sud ocalCuda YOU WILL [ND4 TYourtavrttisil ulof i Qais te oirmotlo. Theii. oltlimeof candi 0551 leader. YOU WIi, ýF1140 AtIIs.latest Mgpdquendsudmi of lb. popolr»eopl Woos. -vol> WiLt. F1540 As euslea oi-s- ToIlaI Go«lsfer- ehaue WvAn icect oil t YOIJ WiLI. F154 RuL"dquailere for SploUdhM s Potlu Goud. YOU WIL.L f1540 The î.AI, TOU IL ()L F154 - Our telioua uspuIl Wb@*Ss YOU WIIL FP14D on h. OrsI Maondai la Wb muontb et Gimaylat store Dr. Putter, eYespelote aid opleima;tav yearVla 'Masonie Tempe. orgeli-st* trot Mouday lu e@Wb moahb.,-.1 YOU WILL FIND,, O0"c of L*KB IJuT IX I0ttENL>ENT' vrbsr. en eucmp *y pyour uberiptiofl. IM,. your " ivomt aud adveît iing au Weil m nhvi.w YOU WILL FIND Cymnmutation tickets on botii railroade. YOU WILL FINO Agerscy for Kimbal Piano Co. For sale or rent. YOU WILL FIND Pare drug'i, a square demi aud courtoup triatsnt at Our @tores. DRUCE DR1JG CO. Graysiake, Roske*.fel Round Lake IL IIEEN NRICMK. .Pb. IL. A. WAM3N. RI. pKi K. V. CteVoLAN. t A THROW OUIT Ftt LIUNE Clive Thom Hlp and M" wLI6.rtyvle Peuple Wwm bq iapplfr. "Yiwon jt lie tIf. Ln"- Tii. tldzsmu.d belp. Tbsp'ue verworted--euJat gel poison filtersd outIoaithlblood.' Tbey're gttlog vois. every mini, Wili yoo belp them? 1- Doam'@ Kduey Puilehave brou, ilsomade o tidney suffereis ,ck fic the verge of despai. WiII iii. *aiy faim ai kidu.y trouble W. P. Lýoonabuiy, mecbauic, Vaub street, Wood»lock, Ill., salys: -I" otisis iu recommending Doan's Kid Pillasud I have no helatioa n lut ual t no tlsey ai-e a reliabie un.m j snffersd froni imekache for a long ti Thea use ofa ev boxse af Daa'.Kidi Pilla removed the paiu lu my bacta ajeu î&nogthsued my tidusys. 1IbI otbei pmenutuis viiity -1r0o sgulg trout idu.y complant wvH ibisexmsient rsmedy." Formsae byaIl deulers-. Prile. Oce FoeSe-"Millburn Co.. Bufflo, Mev'( sis eagents fur tie CtTuJtuI tle. ISuesber the: name-DosoS--l tatduno oter. 50 lb. iut. igît om le- ,of 'LakeCâi par" 4vb el u , e tn,~aPt' DEI Osdr#Tai.f*r Job W.s Aerth rft.Aplictio mm s.Chas& imgmiisugile spendlug a ,Miss Louis. Plaons retunuudto fi« laye ta.O"RPag. Chicago. e. atsObat rwslgn.d bis pa4tor- A. K. StmmSarl lled on f rieuds here slp e Bt lb. omgr.tio# uacbrciiand Tbliide7 of 1*1*'est. HP deliveied a vil) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ms aeel~oiIsa naa i.speech hems To"slai .veung 10 a large obatafios. viiiremobaliql tovu for a tlm. audience. ises. hs.Isr&al hipi have reuted Tihe d6nc. LabPr night vas veil nous et lis., Vofer and viii do lupu attended smcd *0 ;poa t i n, lime. bou". voikSth* ievnIse. iss eis tMe. and Mi'.le* aa eon aud @on aid vIi stop vltbts bnela lutovu. Id. and Mis.94 B okand daughter WMM. isI, otrg0"alf iieud acros. thi. sPeut Suday MI the home of Eb Barris lIe lanucisi a 22 foot siduvait sali and tamily. b4es, Labor Dey! Mii jU»Mietoa ad niother, of Loan Mr, Dorat Mod ii.hlaunch b. emenit. Laie, sputIMMI rdur with Andieve lipsmeeiaidoutEau Thonisôn ho Chcago.White aud vif..- Modai. tr o akode" hbas Ri'bad Oum is faiuily wlào'have Mie. rocto, est ah inueota are he" very, poorly hmaireturued 10 bei sp.nding &a kv dlay ut their summer Chicago home. home Osl0&Gap e k. Di.â LPo!1Chicago, vas a got at UM . ML&ci*le htakiug a two Meeiietta<. Bnnday at Lakresids. wveek'sfin tri~p nMai woodîuff, WIi. ,TO"ême hmossi asisgnd is Position mis iqiUm Eulapton, ut Cicago;, at Rd Rook's. Caied on lu&uebure uday aid Mon- JesseLoUgabaugb tiaDUsated business der, Sb.hlauglpye by tiie Chicago lu Cicago Tuesday. -1Teispiiome Coaly and ih tuting a tvpu tir. and ise. Archi. Brev er, of Round 1 veeks Vacation. Lake. speut Sonday at lhe home of B. J. Lofluàsuad tamlly. Mis. Elizabeth Lvis, of Cblcago, trausacted butines. here Tuesday. Mis. Walter Codir @ peut Saturday and lluuday st Aioci vith br son, heflnald and otheir relatives. Mr. and Ni-s. -Dan BHoak'vlsted rela- tives ah Atioch, 8epdaY. B. J. LaItIns let Nonday toi a tnîp in Wisconsin bnying catlle. Mis. Hubbard and tamilv ho have been shopping ah tb. Waldmau home for sometîme recently moved tV Cbîrugo.: Major hankin and vile are movîng lto C. C. Norf' bome,. Chus. Toblas and family are movlng trom the Fian bnous, loto lb. bous. rec.ntly raeated by Major Rankin and vife. àlim Ineg Tonies, of Chcago. apent s.veral days at ber bomne ber. recetly. ihin Coombe and tamlly. spent several dais ah hbeu sommer home ut Gaas Lae rently. Mr. m"d Mm. Weudecati are àpendiug a couple pf oees r. sM r. W.ndulcan la msslting ahei. eriauti; & Forme>s A fou .supply 'of achoui tablets, lu", peneis, rolesa, compas. composition boots, crayons. books. etc ut the. Gimlate Pbarmacy. Me. ud Mr@. Mplellanl enterhainedl Mng. Mu.Cell"udesiaterand busbaid, of Cblmgo,fromBturdavutil Tueoday. Miss Baby Smth it Ilat a-et tfor a vigilt nOklahioma. Leonard Book a pradua:te f thethurd jear hlgh inbool sud cou.idened ou@ of lb. brigteet Papits OfLlisi ams. bas passed ail ezaunnaions lu enter Arnum e Jusîhfte viere lb. starled Ibis vet Tuesdai. tsting up a electrical enger coure, d e expect hlm ta mate good. ILeoard bau been a popularboy vlthhbig ohoolal.. aid baiu m nager of the. baËe hall teain Ibis sommer. He la a good player ýaid UIl ksep op thevoit and tiy and makie lb.ý&: la t tb. institute. LOU IBJ -YEOMAN, 3un -1~- jolis 7jhug lary Wighhiuau of1Gicuco.- called on 1ev. H. S. FritIn relurned ho hls sdy. friande ber. dis Aret 01 lb. vut. bome. lu BIlliugs. &font., Weduesday. lue. Misse Auna Comipton la vistlag rIta- Mi. aud ie. C. B. Rashon oaial home luey tives ah Grand Rapidea, NichWm. agWait ale peudiup a couple aI veets of aid miss 0liv. Wilson of Clcago in *pend- lu thse Wineta Heatb lissait. bOP tll; a lev d*yo vîtirelatives la and M.AsntPnoslvltngu 11 e ar round Vol. ChiSg a. ,11 Uidames Sabels aid Wagner vere Graae caher hst Thunaday ait«.r'1Mis Ruth Ieichelt @pent sevural days unIs Doon. donina ith e t lu inChcago vlsîtlngF Di m Beasaeng le dbing mason voit ah Cod -and Clinton, Missouri. Slis v.. - R. L. Baatin, uf thfuson, spot Sun- L- 0-2 Rmrrs7 ictllein lvislhlug rnlahlve lu aday lunh)ueeleld. - uicago for n ev dois. On Tuusday eveiug MIsJeJol Wood. Mss. 4*t'Frfl ad, son NIqkiitedamuagave a china choyer for NIM-Josa- the latteris son, wvia lattending school pulueBiedrstadt. tragiceaad ake ut ahseivhilie, Sonda. ver.e.ereed. ies B"mdrsadt recelveil Miss lhibue Roedetscbei ai Wauconda Eiauy beauhilul china gihe.l wa vunl tovuFilday of lat veek. On Friday evniug a lineu aboyer vall Mi. and Mns. P. S. Shup1Aýld enter- glveu ho Mises JOos.phuO e Bld.r&L&da haln.d a prty of Chicago relatives ovr Misae Bazot Vaut by lb. C. B. Society of Sutoday. the Pieshyterian Church. It vas heM .Meidans. Krvan andUnneilI ii ah Tii.anse.'* Allr arions conteste at lb. Coeman boni. ah Round Lats, a dalnly lunch vaes ssvvd aid boti Pthday. . recsived mauy piege.te. Ba&rry Lust of Giyiae *pent part oi lait veet viii relatives here. Un.. Fiait Zueladoit aid ciiudr.u,PA 1M of CfcHsury, vegpuet t teBa3ry7Tii. place formeily ovsud hy Mr. Niciiola home luti vout. Wblpple la nov occopsil by W. M. Mis. Jolniscardsou entsidlal Aler.efl iii-l. U Iativ rni Cbicsgo par o ls.01 IbrI o Mnhclo ~ Ms. redCovers orWsl smo~ Mes. Andrev Fostet who vIiatd an itreu. Bd Lut ver. Mcery l. tve ue i.paî-ve stre ~ ~ , boue Monday. - Pts rac au chldi,, ud rtOtto Scbradsî le suisdnthua vaation ur Pt Ce Frostanî d oil. tsi andstrihi. parenti hene. lie 5 ov am noes, ar-e vihiitg athe i.Ja.ckFroot-pnfIi halaUl31'iPat in Nhouel oo. -- ieiMni ukovstyentertalusd M& Will NMontsaei-.lofiiCs.go apber fitiI. ' iyJeussi, of Naple- ritiul Yls alki.1-*ood,,ovrn day. - --Tii. dianund rinig#tiventuthe luuel Mis 1). Couper made a eatoitonfialnds ppubr >ouiigladi y heiMuliei o>M- hue rewenitlyr. Mly Coupay du*lag lirs 8105'ihum ,Th ii. Mise. ra Wmsad Alo Wt -* wvon bY Mli60 SesleW ihs. $ vii offn a millner store * be briick Qmupmy movel Snnday sIo Cary, viere b lockhgober Je. *ley vifistay duringIbi eit. Mis. Clar a VaRm oai mllor »akermc 'W. have the, exclusive auncy foi thebld, I-,meetisW ia"h. Whteo cile INIL Soly Cote. Jut us. tui for ftaruso.ltn mtNew Yor daugil a vo vl molCOOt toves for qudltti d Set.10 lMu.Grecs ba ionjo er u Lumber Co. 00 i se INDPENONT Wnt A." ~ H.BC Rofilusen ad taully leil bers Pd te l es NIa. S oI[T "A ais dsIlisbd âWarday evein< fer Alubsa viier >" t*ih SM0 redetu.aleyviii matee hheir uf o te.e Danim'as Attentimn. J. C. J&msa,6at Autlach, Lake Co., la a candidats for r.preusmativ., Demo- cralic pars, Elglth District. He la of the. Jefferbons.& Brysa type, torty-seven yeare old bom u ad ralSed lu Lake ô0001v. uLmu ,Undrtaker end lRéai Eetats nait tweuty Jiars; inember of 14. W. ot ., &id delogate Of.sanze ho lit. Paul RosI Camp 1901, Patt Master of Nasoule and Fait N. Grand I. 0. O. F. lodges, candidats Democrahlc ticket, tuis cout! for Coucty Judge four years 090. n. coniders lb. Paramount issues tua year e:Tii. Initiative & Refui- andum,. Wectlon of U. S.8e untors by dre vote ni the. people, putting Shahs empilysau.der civil .s,'vie, better protection of the. dary and agricultural intérois. llmtbg a candidate'. sîpensi lu msklng offe.. and makis« hlm show for what purposos apeut and py viion contrlbîitsd more adequa;e prlmary law, removlog the maximum llabllity of soulleis -corporations and lettlng a jury of twelve inudecîde the. issue, protection of fraternal i leII.surance Co'.. againet Old Liners. deep water way only onde? Gov.. supervision and a bond tosu int Iis state only totth. amont or bomefia d.rived, Arbîtratlon of difflculteu belveen employer and emuplois., etaploint of conviet labor lu public Improvement, but neyer lu conlict wth free labor, curtailment -or state expounes, ai the. couuty ila ti unit and ba hae-lbexpense 01 criminals, car. of the. poor and Insane. I belleve tbat Counhy Option ihe mo.not fleaible plan for the. control of the liquor question as I believe ln uei good oid American princIpal "No taxation witbout repre- presenation."ý No more jackPots or Lorimer Deai. such as was pulled off at lte lait legilature, wbich was au everlasting dlsgzace to the. state of Illinois and thi e îîîocratjc Party 'lu partlcular. Voter@ juet remember tis, "The Legeslature Mates ltieLava" tii.couuly officers only execute them, therefore ox weil lu the men yon send to the Leghlatore. C49-2 J MULBURLN Nias arie. Bater aid mother opent lut Weuesday vith Mis. L. W. Wake- field ah' Ournue. Mia. Austin, of Denver, and dauphte,, Mn@. Smith, of Pincehon, Ili., vlsited their siaher, lir. Miler, hut veek. i.r. C. E. Deumai eulerhalned tîlends f rom Chicago, tram Satoiday untîl Non- day.- Mr. and Isr. Peter MceDouald, 01 Eraiston. vited Bunday and Nonday vlthiMr. and is. Young. MIise C. E. Batr speut Saluida util Mouday lu Eranston. J. A. Tiola l enturtainlng Mn. and Mis. John Pertios and family, ut Keuo- The C. E. business lueeting viii b, held ai the. home of Mimse Clara and Alicu Neson ah Loua Latre Fnlday eveung, C. E. Topit Sept. 1l,'Proud f Wiat?" [r. 9:23,24 1 Cor. 1:18-31 Romn. 12:3. Bertha White, leader. The. Dodge. Boctaday sud Grubb Shoole open Sept. 12. Mr. aid Mjs. Padgos and daughler. If Charleston, Ill., Mr. aid Mn@. Robert anison, of Detioit, MIch., Ni. Roberts, of Ciiefcag, are vlsltlng Ibei parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieon. Bran, Gluten, Mldlngs aidlBed Dog ilour, alwmys on baud. Borne Lumber CO. e-50-4 CamiMat tes ere* ~~~~U 5~f 555 5 ~VY~ IIt la laid the ew Ila couSu, a mom dl141n Miru. Fred Croker fs i h guesl of rela- tives lu Chicago. Mr@.. Fred Croker atteuded a'famlly rsunion aI Wauconda lait v..k. (Iboter Croker. of Gags.".k., la yis- .ing biés ister, Mie@ GraceCroker., .Mr. sud Mms Frank Johutan speul 13undaywlhtheir paruet hDamend Lake. B. P'. Grldley aud family of Chicago, are spending lthe veek with Mis. Bar- rett Grldlsy. William Qould. ol Wieconslun, la nov li e mploi 0f W. Walrond, vice Chas. Fry, r.sllgud. Mism ses ade and Blanche Whitney §peutOsarday lu Chicago with theu sOnt. Umss Nbel Whtney. Tiie Ladies Aid Society of E. cburch ii iims at tii. home of Mis. Trlpp on Branard Court alter- nuon, Sepember lath. CbarlW Pri, vho bas bee4 a saleeman for Wslrond. tii. grreer-. ai re.leped i. poition, and la nkov a mtent at lhe Waukegan BubineesClea, _ Th triw a l vicb J. Frudy la plintiff aMd Prtank Ctor defmdasl be en Pootpon.d outil Wedneedsy, .S.ptember 14,,whb Jndge Be.wiek on the. la order ho avoid another defeat, ths Fox Laks bail team, scheduJed to crose bats vith the. B& bl.e onSonday, failed ho put inu an uiaobot thé Rasbleis bad a gond practide punie, juât tiie ame. Gleorge P. Engehhard, republcan can- didate for congrese,viii spsak at Lake Foreet, ighland Park aud ighwood, Wedneday uvenlng. Giayslake, Lak, Villa, and Autioch Saturday evenlng AMo speai at ltheFair Tàursday. TI SOCIAL EVENI OiTIE MSASON WasThsl of the Farewell Asceplion Tsendoed ta MiseFloence.Sheeler Sy Her ParentÏ Mondmy Atternoon aud Evening. At lb. home ai- Mi. and Mr&. Barry SbeeIer Mouday atternoon and-evenlng, oeeurred au oyant vhich ItleI. ald vas one oiflb.enmait elaborate social sventa that hba e given lau Uberêvile or lu the cotinty ths e eeon. Il vws the tarevel roeton tedsrd Ibehr Ifh.ans year old daugbtar Florence, vho vill go ho Lyons. la, viiere ah.oviiiattend tbe senary ai liaI place. Tii. affairvasso hhorough lu ar- rangement. Ibat nothlng' occurred ho mai the. succee of th. occasion, aid the iuvlled guestoe ee ulu theirexpu... Mlons liat the Sheeler famhly bave no peers au enturtaluers.. Ou the lavutheu vwaq a dance plat- foru SOX85 lest, upon vbicii lb. gueste tn.v no boude lu tis respectthe muait being luhilshedhi, thé Peck & Malilen orchestra of Chiempo, aid boe e h be oSabilty aid fi.mdship yenl ah beighth.- The. repuet vas squat ho, IiolaiY hotu on lhe Nor-lb Shore, the caterere bétail 6perttsin thlr vacation, About 100 ver. s.atsd aht a hable foMey l long, vblcbvas doeoorated in pluît ani vbite. It ï6s a dieu sff51, tlie beîug torhy couple trois Chicago, aid tan couple trou Libeityville. lu the. vay of sntsihalnnut, there vasu nu qud ho, 1h, and vlth Mis e cisl and MisQuinn. us vociallsisaoJames "WlI. consils, Aideronai W11son, ai the. 27h Ward and Thon. Undervood, vocallat, ail of Chicago, ai0aMis. Dy. doeliagti roni Irving Park, Alter, lb. above' hâd r.udred theh undîlous amîd mppllause aid laughtei .Ie. Shoer entest Ineil h,î guesce bi ssveral readînge, vblob spot. volumeu Of bier ablhty as a reader, so0niucii o -MIlat the recogniaed s.vesa encanstrl tèeprsseul. Tii. houteand dalle, paiforut decoratlous yerenkutan' -vitle, aid wlhh shoctrie illumilnation On, asremindid of a tairlaad. Tho$ abroad vere Mr. aid Mis. Peak. c ulo, Canada, vho made a 8vec10 1l.orthe.occasion, the.recognition c mseeting tavor trom oseand a1 &bout 10 o'Clacttho., trou Chlemt acoeffl s pbsisicar b h i.esel bIu, &aiehchtu tb.y reltuiit thor hocm, an id e ougralatlos for ie.ulieslr'asussasais ess Mmd the enterlâaimut .;t..dsd bY i amd Mes. Sheele, Vuis MOO. Tbk4 edsd, la lesald hy *osé vboOMs one ofls cm$stelaborale. sOmW 98q dlm ka ina*lu lS huitane 446- Whanvioue Imes.dpi. MeM img carpet wllj mut bu la 1qt New and Borel d.slgsas,&M style. They viii sport be t and mer be vhat la tirulli im Some of us remeabe wbm ver, lhe regulation thîngin lhe viien v. ver. boys mmd gi, for sleeping rooms. Tâsy ver, the. thiug toi the i. siomromU parlor wvilc ver. grand viti a carpet of deigus thal wonid look wliat peeuliar nov, but they vere &W theu. But in the sleeping rooni uhere 30l"4 Blept like the. proverbial log afler a 4Ar$> uf bard otrenous play or bard voikthe.~ rag carpet added digully to the. fura".k luge. You knew boy tiie mater »iv"&, the. rage and afterardi employsil b vuxuan to c om. ho the, bous. alm mol pulate tii, loom up lu the open cbambst. You used to vatch tiie neaver seabo. tbrev the. ehultie haet and forth and, poésibisyoyu would hep the chance to lake a thîow at it youîself. SAnd viien îthe -arper was voveu, -ssved and tacked to the flour Il vas.- a thhng of beanty and a iuy loi m»>y y.ais. 1t beal Josei1,be ruas Ivo lu ou., foi Its colore were mnuifold. &u 10e vilti semuon l va. aviiole lot botter to stsrp on thau lhe baie huair, and you fel a certain pideinluthe tact that youî room vas provided viti & beaul' of a carpet and it looked as good tu you as lhe lneit of veaver', art. Chicten leed wheat. and likiusoua!» besi mixture for lasing hpe. For sale by Home Lumber Co. C-50-2 Low Colonista FarMto Californie via, The Chcago, Milwaukees & St. Paul Rsilway. laly trom Auoeus@t 25tb to l:eptember lUth, and from Utotper lot to Otber' 151h, 1910, loy one-vaycoloniate. e lu effert to San P'ranclsco, Los Auffoles, San Dliego and many other poits in railfornia. Arizona and evad* vie, the. Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul RaLoay andconnections. Fur .xatlartes, routes and train ,ervice, inquire ut local c. -M & 8t. P. lty. agent, or a rite F., -. MILL.. ienraiPasfeenger Agnt Chicago. 48"t Quaker Ndoises Dalry Feed, 16 pet cent, protin#, garanteed. The. dairyTmue b.ed for talit. Sec large posters. floais Lumberî4.o. .4 - Railway Mail CIerks Wantect. The Gov.rnm.nt pays Railway MOl Clarki S800 ta *1200, and tlur. empicy"s aun to $2600 annually. Uncle Sam wiii bold sprlng ezain- tions thiongiiout tor B.ïf vay ma iCeike, Custoni Boume Ciefe. 8t.aographurs, Bookkeepeus, Dsart. mentl Cleika and stber Govrnmsat jo- algons. Thousande of appointmets vi b. ma&. Âny man or voman over 18, la clly or country cau get Instruction and fris Information by vrltlng at Oum to tb. Bureau ot lnotrîîtio*, 459CfRam- lu Building, ilociestur. X. Y. Do you know that lt's eiy ho mba soit c"alV(Ifi's good cou), wvishont the. a ofync s ot sud...Ire. luet give tt. ire a very litile air bn top. closely. UsePyrolite Washed Mut. YGnteokbeti iedmotu c ge ast ifrontii. eHome Lumber (Joat& *pany.- It bedse cosely', but Ilightly, MdAil iwql iiigb air epaée lu thi e nsl burà &ail lb gases that would othervis. rmake soot and âmoké. 16-tf Car of International Stock on tract. tfoms Lumber Co. o5- Cowity Trauw rero j Lai k. Cowi(y r-ia ~~ua'.mw i meWifl bu ou exhibition in the YourVoteand SuppoiW ilbinte Prinimeleh :CCo. I' ý P .li il, ý Depf. 1 - 1 ý BeDt. 9. :. t'.

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