Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Sep 1910, p. 5

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ÂY, STJMR ,1910 LIBERTYVILLE BRI EFSI E- LOC0AI. ANDO PeRSONAL. MENTION I o lhs.,.' publieationIn thé Indopen- dent, coft muet ba ln the office no later titan Tueaday of eacit week. Advor- tisera.epeClally. are asked f6 takre pasticular notice te titis efeot. Oz"forefom 00to 400llCspe(ini Mena and Boys') Shoes &cm 00t4S69 25 and 50cents Ratb (Mes) '.)100eiieOO4lMe 'Psants 125 to 5 00 Hot sow<.vefvo lO00to 21it M" 1 00 lO to 300 A nice lot of the itest thinga in NECKWEAR just in. W. have tem in Oour-ln- oncle, Stoc>s antd Bowa. alto Tecks snd Shields. If you need s go"d Nugilgee Shirt come ne a nd see ours. ln fact w. have 1'Ev*rything for Mon" et pricea which are right..quality considr.d J. B. MORSE- & CO. SEverytlulng for tIen LIBERTY VILLE, ILL Great Western And 2Oth, Century Manure Spreader Trhe (i eatest Labor Saver On a Farm SÊÉE US ABOUT 111EN ScNU MIlS. - ...-. amoloobhwbom - - M rasin JftWy A arry. MWle-S6uw e Sile. Sôme in golc-Some golci Broo<ul *Fbe . t. Cuiraims, Wa"cCha..Sur# PION., COuljksLadies' Coul,' Ne Plus And ase on ad seon. Ifs realy impotaible to inmagne a Jewelry needtl this"store c annot supply. Remnember our repsir departmnent. Libertyvitlue I. 0 0 o 0-4 ý I o o o o o -i o o o o o o o O 't' i o MIs& Grant Myrick, of Milvaukee, le vl.ltlng ber sunt and tincie, Mr. and Mfr@ John Oleason. Manager >Murray. of the Oas Company hmauîrrcbe.ued a Brusb car from Oscar Wood, the l"ca agent. MIelgMe Bennett, ai Barringtou, ia a nev acqulltion Wu the telephont offce ln tht napacity of a "hbello girl.' lira. t. E. Bull amd littie danghter, Evelfu, and Mies M Iabti ilodolph viited relatives. aIlRockefeller on Bnnday. Uncle Sem i. klnd lu granting Clarence Bond, one of aur rural delivery men, a vacation of fitn days und fais pap goesu Robert F,,ulds. manager oi tht Fouldsu Mllimg Company, le ot Cincinnati, -Ohio, ou busjiness conuectea with tht local plant. ,q>) frelgbt depat of tht Milwaukee dbplt Was a llveip place Monday, bp tht Ulodlog of cars ai boises and poltry, for tht fair. Tht lutenior of the ('ozy Baniýer Bhop bas been decorated, and atber*is im- proved lu oppearance. wbich riihtfullp entitien ilt tutht naine of Cozy." A correspandent nes anxioualy wby an -aY weddings luJoue? ueuse in tblas eason the cotractlng partieseare mat san likely tu have cold feet Thetoiquet ver tb. remains of joseph Racek wbo wa. klilld Wedneuday eveu- ing while croeslng the Mlwaukee track at Rondant, vas held Tuesday a!ternoan The ev yten of lghting the tete vent lin vogue Baturday eveniDg. Tht Illmnation vas sncb that it vas coni- pllmented for fs hrllliaucy, aud admired by many. Tht "lferry-0o-Round" bas moved fhum the vacant lot on Milwvauket avenue tu the fair grounds, the ladsun mm si., iienjoy thtir tete-a- tete@ s nnsia. Arthur A. Frudeufeld bas purchausd tht Barrison Theatre at Wtukegaei Mfr. Frudeufeld bas been manager of the thare for some lime aud&bas mak4tht "Barrison" a houeIald an Ir 'The Wlaconsfu Condensed Mlut Con. deuned Mut GO., wblcbboas a plant at Burligtou, vill pay i.55 pur humdred for four pur cent uulk durimg the month of Beptember. This prie laesad t. lb. hlgbest ever pald for Septémber Mutk lu the state., Express Agent Cale, of t htWlis Fargo COonY, Ilu lnrectlpt ai an article h.aded tht "Milolading Statistil,'il referenice ta lb. exoescharges modt hi ths -exproescompanîte. patrons af expresscompamitu are requested tacuat and road samne, ns if ia fao lengfby for publication. Roert J. Proctor, Whoa vas tht boue- fil«ay meutioned ln the pollnp es.ued by tue Myetic Workera, reeelved 02.000 ns etated in said document vithin twetf daya iter the deatb o! bi@ -vufe. This shows that Ibis order la prompt in pap-' log ifs death daims and spaks well ai tb. beelts dtrivtd. J. T. Robertson & Ca., vii, on sept. 15, at the raquent ai thtlr many friends, ftproduce the wovlng picluros 0f Un" Tom'@ Cahin. Tht publie, to a unit, are ealhuslasîi aven Chie production. and onot beiag uatisfitd vith theb.tiret prue. balon, ltpet Ma rffetSion. Mmr. C. D. Gaminr is seriously iii at ber home on Fi'slt tret. -?aph Ey, of West Cbia«o, la vlitimg hie a1,1er,XM Issbce Ely. George.E." !?tb"s moved Into blé ew home n ark avenue. UMssle O11 rlsvold and Hazel Flagg vers Chicago vîsîtors Friday. Wmn. Bailly Ia nov asitant clerk lu the oId depot, durlug the fair. fayot ot .1101. finit tach more Sit fayot or wlI be- I;ek et, o Inerfor inior rmen v.uI et PM"0 ýer Worth :t wfiI b. lepending, h et thls the cov os. vaI itted elt handilua tt guar. )er cepsi. t on. s by attending the sale. Amomg tht display of hanses Ibis year, anoell Insulil ont oftbe leadinglanciers o! horst liesh ou tht nortb *bore, ha. tvo importtd horsts from Franmd Englaud on exhibition, wbich have a1 thorougbbred reputatian, and a&» Mole' of admirer@ of barse flesh, oue o! vhich a Buffoîtr Punch bas tate sUVe"a pre. almeusat the Royal Homge show st London, England. WIII be atended by Mani People vite, dgring Itr absence from home, wo.ald talke additional coinfort In knewio thâer valuahie papera are uafe from theive, trempsansd fine. Thege people would be intèraetet i. see oui PRIVATE STEEL SAFE DEPOSIT BOXESi, for just tiIs purpoe. We welcome inquiriesanmd invité your inspection of our vaults. Ibo lirst Matieaal bdakof Liboryville P&ul Macuffinthas returned frai» a ubusiness trip talneapolis. C. H. Smuith bas returned from Joueét,. where be, 11ke ather offlielais of the far,. vfisite that place lu advertlsing th. annual muet 0f lb. Lake Conntr Fair. He infarmed this paper that bundre bave volced their Intention ta t. vitit Wlth n. also "ht a number of gond borse from Chat place wiii enter fot' races. .By the crowing of roosters, cackllnq, àof heus, quaclklng oi ducks, gabbing of gobelers, and other ,open air concerts- ai the Pultry famlly, tbt visîtor to th. fair la rumlndsd of the tact thatt lhlae. partmnt bus ou.of the beot dlsplays 0ft thorougbbred poultry ever seen 3n tht groundi. ,Müd that competition for roy- alty lsaeei. Prof. DeLano, of Chicago. wbo it la said le the et piano player in thia country, cau t. famnd ln the space oci. piud by Lynch Bras.,, wbere bu ia put-* farming on piano. for whieb Lyneh eBrou., are agnte. Theprofesoonltablng llatsed ilta, mot ouiyby musical critc%~ but bY bundredu, who aen mysti lied ai bie vodurM exeutions ou his favorabia: instrument, Che piano. New lýas buen reivsd tbat Gm. Ichulta sud Mise Mimd.., welI knowa Young People of .Lit.rtyvlle, yen., married lu Michigan about two veemis &go. Mfr. Sichultz Ia lu the employ of D. A. Young, the painter, and i. an exempiary young man, wiii make a gaod buthand, wbite the bride la one of Libertyville's falrpet daughter, wha vili make a wise and prudent beipmate for' ber husbaud. The mev couple wiii make this city tbeir homne. E. Taylor, of Colon, Micb., le vlsiting his usert, M ru. Spim. Wbilhle proper. A mili by a dam ite, or a dam. by miliii lte'? Gene Bay has returned frorn a six weeko' huelistrip ta Parie. B. IL ElIuwortb and famiy were guesto of relatives u.t Gienco. Sunday. ile .ouepblme Davies, of Chicago, la the geset of thes prng family. Moant ToFrd, of Wancnnda, bas pur. ebeued the Cliboure liery "thbl. J. B. Hyatt boa returmed from Vermont wb.eeb.ospent a six weeks vacation. Peus. O'FaJleu and Mdouutsey, of Waukegau, were gueets ai Libertyvilie frmeds un fnday. Frank AppieY bas nefnrned from a re 1.cent huolieus trip Wtu beao Mise Reus Crosby, of Evanston. le th, fneet of 1fr. and lire. Daniel Lee. Wbou ardening hobhle ekirsu specifj whetber the, are ta force a trot or pane The annual eletlon of offi..ers of tb, Amici Club willte bield lu tht Ga@ office Thuradayseveniag. MMru Duces McFriand and twocbld ren. Of Devas, Ils., a re vislting fr and Mmn. R. C. Hlgglue. Mfr. aned ira. R. H. Pritchbard bave re. turned from Chicago, 'shere tbey vere 1tht gueste o!f hiends and relat ives. lira. Jelty, ubho lives uortb of towm bad the mîsiartune to bavo a valuable barse dle a tew days ugo of heart failure. Owlng ta tht scarcity uof .heep pelte."1 tbe Boit Bras. duster fai.t' rY vas com. pelled ta close down, for on'c day-last Saturday. 1fr. and Mir@. E. P. I>emniuig bave re. turned tu their borne t lu ailiiiod, Imd. alter heing entertained by M4r. and Mr@. Ed Blsbop. Thtre wull t. service. in St. Lawrence Mîsulon everY Bumday. until furtber notice, the- bour being 2:,30 p. nu. Every. body wecome. Thtre wilI1 bc au imitation of1 tht John- son-Jeffries prime fight an the ground, tbe contestants wearing the regulation four ounce gioveu. 0Owlug to the auliclpated ruseh lu the s alroad busines, thtre wiii te two ei- tr, men emplored at tbe mev and aId depots durlng the fair. W. E. Miller vras a Chicago vlsitorgat- urday, lu the Ipterest af tbe fair, tb. succeu 01 which lie la douhlY iutereeted. "Rlght pou are, Bborty.", lins. Frânk Johnson and Mrs. E.F. p Knight bave returued fromntlamoud Lake, alter uPendlng un enjoyable vaca- tion with relativues a that plate. The Cit, Councli met lu regular sesson vhetn s guet body transacted ils monthly routine of business, the procod-l inge o aicb viiiappear in this paper neit week. Mis, Eva DuBois hbas aamed ber doties lu the Lake Caunty National Bank, alter a tvao week@ vacation wlth friende lu Waukegau and ather north short towns. C. F. Wright returned fromn Edgerton and Lake Kegonoa, Wl,. SMr. Wrigbt transacted business at the former place, at and tht latter hcenejoyed a gond time la flsblng, boatlng, etc. lu order ta give hie emplayee uan op- r iunty Wo attend tht fair, lev Fiagg. ý'~Oz Corner Barber Bbop, viii clos@ bis place of business from 1 ta 5:30 O'nloek an Wednesday, Tbursday and I'rlday. Wm. lteillp bas finished traasplanting 500 addttlonal carnations in the lMera- dltb gietbaue. lu a short.Cime a tblrly¶eorseowr heating plant wiii b. instailed. Meredith will bave ont of the bst greenhoutws on the north @bore, and itlaehoped thteiprediction vilI prove true. Among tht sale of onclalmed pareelu àdvertioed by tbe Wells Farga Express, Company, whieb will bc htld la Mil- waukee, Oct. 22, 1910, theie lu a parcel addresued ta Wflliam Walker, Liberty- vl#14 111. Nov If William bas neyer recelved the aforesald parcel, and if this notice sbould meet bis tpe, b. ean get il Mr.U.t Jd' coVUSJf t O dUUBooth Fair Grounds. 501 Foloy's Hopey and Tar lo a saf. and effeztive medicine for ebldren as It doue Dot contain oplaties or harmful drugu., Ge nytegenuine Foiey's Honsy and4 Tariln the yeilow pakae Ge nyteF. e.* lOVUL CaMPANY. BIG RHDICTION IN MILUNERY TRIMAED tIATS AT IIALF TIIEIR, VALUE Suce«r Illselt aWuhtW"iliàahg« Reene .Sdii h PARSIANA COR,$E MRS. M. A. PROTINI TiHE MILUNER G4obams, die 70dnd. 1w Sc Pr,. isosas.dSe 12 1-2c klauS w LOWIM. dSe 15C klauS, m.0Oc Lowns. the 12Ç iod. uow 8c CoU. on bdes,6c AJI 45c od50eil 51ke, now 35c *Ladles'Vet,, toe 5C kimi, aow I17c Vais este. dMe 1 Sc kin& , .w 1«O Ladis'UMM .Sals, di. 50C kind, m.w 35c taL&es' $300 &W $.50 Wwfqde, aw $2.00~ CIS*eô OkhxWpte 045. asw 75c "Me*a'$ Babrlqaa UmWe« eo ds25e. lse 1 Mes' Bulbiga Iumdrwear. dis 50e kimil. 35c Meu'saâd8o'sCaps$,a&H 23Ç B3ARGAI NS IN SCHOQL SUITS. FOR BOYS 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE DROP HIEAD SEWING MACHIINES $1450 d. The business operations of their lnstitu- tion embrace everythlng properly ln the lune of banklng and wlth ample capital and experlence management, Î6, Lake Cou gty National Bank must commend Itseit to aIl who have need of the services of a bank. LMw~ Du. f. Capital $509000.00 Surplus and Profits 30,000.00 Stockholder's Iàability 60.000.o0 Total $130,000.00 il Sohool lu oommenciug egalu eMd your boy viii need0 stroug, servicable suit, an odd ceai or an extra paircd Pante; you vil vent theni to be agst ar vear-proof&a tear-proof nm possible, vithqut paylag auexoosuire priea We feel uîiufled that t#e cms Mil yevantse aT. Wi don't akyou to oome and boy; but we do ék youteo a end inveetigate oui offenangs, cOupe our primes&W qualilles vlth those of other 1oosi or Wauegas or Chloq stores. W. blle,, iu the square deai IVe ar eloslng ont a lot1of ail bol K»a ut t rer Worth 02-5 0 83.00, but vo bave oalp jase 3, 4and '00 5 in then bit, fon ............----- OddCOuate, uervlceblearmeut., 5e. CoiteS1froi. ...-L 1 Odd bol veste, sanl an ................ . ........ 50 " $l Thome Who deligbt lu "trippiug tbe light fautastin tas" dorlng the fair, sbould make a nqte. af tb. fant that the Citizen', Band bave made arrangements to bold dane@ luthe Town Hall an the evenîngs af Thorsday and Friday of this, week. Ta make the pastime a piesoant one, Rapte'. orchestra ba« been secured ta furnlab tht musîn. and with bis name attacbed ta that of the Ctizen's Baud, large audiences sbouid greet tbem on tbm.. eveinga. About ten days mgo Oea. Quentin Ohserved a small pimple on tht mlddle lunger of bis left baud and mat tbimklng serions resmite woold arise lram lie presece, he apened it witb monl. i ingermais 'seilug Ihatlifs peence vas dons avay wlth, and vas aItie,, but Tburaday of ilet veet hg experiemced a etinglug sensation on the @&me spot, wblnh causal hlm comelderable u4mei- ms, an mncb a0 that Ibla member bad a uvohlen appearance, alto the back of Ie baud, whlcb prompted hlm ta cou- suit a physiclan and Weili hat h. dld, s hotwnsadvieed ta bave ll lanced Whlcb b. dld, Mmd hy proper attention the dlaabled baud la ou a fair wap ta renovery. Take It ail lu ail Mfr. Quemtin blas he quit. a sufféer, pet la able ta, cirelate amang bis frlends luintht county. Oeath of&a Weil Kuowu Lake County Soldier. Dled et bis reeldence, 800 Adeibent Bt., Clllnvood, Ohio, Audreas Greve, lot Lieut. Comfeny F37 IIl.Vol., aged Te Years, 7 mounhe.Re vas harnlu Man- Ilorin, iGenmao., Nov. 14, 1833, mmd cama tu Amaet Itb.e Pof 15 and ,ettled lu Cleveland, Ohio. Re served la lot ul. B. lui. 5 yeams At irst mli for Iroopu ln the Civil War, h.enullald lit 12t111. Vol for 3 mouthueas Sergt. vas mustsred ont Ang. 19, '61 lu Ca. Y. 8Ttb 111. and mals lit Lieut. lie reslgnd at thtemgo ar 62, for mare th"n 40 ruan Ina empioy of the Lake Shore B. R., aI Colllnwoad. He Isaves a vldow, tour joue, lire daugbtens and Iveive grand. cbildreu. Tht above veteran emliited tibeLtrty. vile, mmd vas veli knownibtý-rougbout the cauntp, at the samue lime was credit. eti ta Lake Caunt'.§ quota for furnisb- lug troopu. Blactboar&. demonstratlng of rapld i5bartband vrlting by,Fred H. Gurtier, baldsn oi International Cbampplabip, FOR SALI! eV J. ELI TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 tIERE ARE A FEW PRICES 'FOR FAIR W131K ==1 *0* e e e e e e e e i i I h.. Mmm«wmmmwmý , 111 momplumi 'Il 1 amm, NOXt D@Or tO tht P«t-Offi48 Op= Saturday Bvtaùt E , é 1

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