-lu .0 si 0;PirdenOe, p- Lous rMo. Negw Origans, IL dmi e Ambtle, Detroit, Mici. lONies velaad,Oio. &0 Cuba, UsitMere, Md. Wt, wIusiuften, N. C. da, Ndvberm. N. . x, i'oedo, 0h1o. #A qj4to. New York ct. r, Bunie, N. Y. resu aRÂt 1L ouis. Mter, Baomiyn, N. Y. ëe, Duluti, Mina. Se lone. Nov Orleans, Le. lais. Nv Havon, Cean. ,vol%, Chicago, In. 9e, woohingtoà, 1. C. . W.alalugten, D.C. Moutb, Hoboken, N. J. am5 »Otton, Mau. vai, Rechester, N. Y. i.1, Hoboene, N. J. 1. Gandn. N. J. i, ev Yenkcllt. 0, Uacoec.Inch. Oseg te h. Ont Ot randeur. s navs atl ltià fleet. on te Lkés alo» e i.mebgited hora tue ethut naval miatta veslsj a records yil have hein sut-i *bd viien stt.erecail ihtalu' àCosagrsuiuaa Fesa vini invite ut 'Aft, cabinet p9cerssand abassaderu tote opeanng et Ji Iliaitte beat ail f««48d et the tâte. WluaC Peo u 1s. FOaU OU a eeft Yit eta, 4b1 .City uion &bout bis pas 4rte.op")"g ef Eetore thie la-ontcourt rocS Ii Cthe h. acool. Wisp &*M aboutithe* Lake coinit>' co!ihou" t. readfo r MuIA "let h.0000114 l* iw, h. OctOW pjUM t ourt mnther are but "I~d Mniain usaasoeWe0omj' »Mre tuvstuihici changes Ce ho nade »nt qopeut vii be thu bigoat And SeMau siO l nlimprovementa te L *Vet, Over hella htiI.seat&" ho saifi. hoe gtàWale. - "Nothing -iitkebImever beu e ld Tu hle jttcablu pante. etgisa. hum reand t» O4Psing ofa *11001dit- that attoa-neys cilaed creatf s f~erucsItemuYthl.g eoelte thevorifi 01usti lY etctu te laumacoutin- viiila. c lebqalai - ace- have bin t meeovd train., e mSouth aide ofet .builing sud tue W~~ibei 1~ tslh e rn certectefi te nOr- mal Fore orteea feet beuchon of Thu loal option leaitue of Wauie- tatere lin heiretee.. LTii>'viii gastewuip, Wileii vas rganiffltu apri*Io t* prjffsafwoIv mbethe MMnoisle,s spca- voshn qie tou IoCimýte-aor ifflee bohreat«e. Th@ aM tkt U edYto doeffuectve lenchea are tec hecit te moe. T~he 'wOk êt the Pia-Y vidha 0te bu nid Cime oaa trn dh"ri m iseiuoS béid Bepluaiber 15. A tivé; er Ch. vet- the deud i.e. cre Of Wauiigan towrhIP t.la ntue.* posesionftih. longue end te.600 Fhange. of Plan. canddate taie. tovax-d ceunti op- Thu bort'a part- oft he romla tien tauthe uprins at in h. haud$s et iarger han It han ever heen nov sud te ergmaltatlon 551 vti tiiesulista the beach hIoOn the South aide fading the tangue puepciee te. do persenai von sund @end literature întermîag aorth. There t. an elevatedod tu4 hoinWo vIevi stand -foi the county for vltnesussud rlgbt ln front of it option lM sud urge tii.. te support t, he short-baud reporters' fiai. he candidates vbe vill vote for sucb The JudWebcamber lu at he South a measairil. A meeting va. heid Monda> eve easotlnsteud oethe South vesC cernur nlng at 8 ocioci tn the Tempprsuce oft heo rôinand teo. 4 ufges chaun- Temple. ber in teo e aa Ing D9Plae for at- The Candidates runnlng for the log- oret., reportersuMd citente.. 1sîstairO vers ddiseud, a latter Tungiten ligbtae t pover are tCe ho frein h Anti-Saloon lecague în.Called, eveu the lover ier et iglatu read stnting'te.p9sltlOn vblch eaeh on ehe great. splendid central chande- candidate akes tovard couaC> o#. lier btgtre neCases Clen *ad It te probable hat nmrne vhi clu~tr feigbttCugensl candidateswvili hq iadorsed. Borne bt loesô lh;trgtn ; lecal option meetings viii b. planant ight t% test of h. ,reorn, oteti fer Sud Che von etf the canipaiga vtfl chaudeliere beug rernoved tothei bc outitned. -Judg'a chamber, te couaC>' court roin, the grand jury a-oer,ý and the Park Nouds lmprevlsg. Sinapsen romsInlath. bassienet ot A etty olii a sOgeut tat thie City the~ court bouse. ahbuId psy more attention te Itie amait The librar l18 C e rmain la the Pari@,naMeit Poveli Pari on Pari. Judges chamber sud he jufige la pro. avenue, wbich a foot bridge acroas vlded wltb a nev leather teppefi MaidienSt. abeutfi onnect viCI the deai. The vboie te-àrrangoeet ta buisinéess district, MA Park, te.toua- for cenventeace, speed, sad faclit>' tain la vhii la ioobing'rathet de-;addre,, and yes a marveous arp nsd ColverttPari at the beadl change over the elfi court reom. et tue Washington street culvint _______ croslng. Ail et tue iCle hreathing "Maffi vatur vont do Sot a mir- sPot. nem ontat liat tentOieiirtoi" sutbotter thon ptper oetaa mmm that the Streetmu amilitbu ho ttîtuef Icirculation vliiide for ava&nt u& M. t te> stv. jIn., . At tbe iilh iâtoo Thtarsduy -W'» beid mi eguuintn foi ail hose viho hii$sbud the -B.,luin lathe é4th w«de la 7nae sad vho. ratiiertuan saler'tie 1101 ichool la 5ebrait have etudh il htu u Muer mu la pafllng ýté, ait-ffl enter vl te r«rturclins bw mnth. Thosetak*ithe toit vote: io»ule ItH&üeln Rester R41es Mjdmd Cole Mary Kennedy 1 Davidi Hornaig Mary MM' il The nov bigh icheol vll be opea Septeuaber,,là. Altiiougl the builiding lu nett ooInptut It viii be la a condi- tton tor use on hthat date, andi aU de- partaienta vini opus te tthe pupils thon, The. deaçilis, oe %# te.plumhung, Or- tu$ the grSud. etc., vill- hi flluiiud as acon 84 etie. The ýeesas clama te enter tutu tiar vil ii umbea' 121, b> farthte larï- est ta the huston etf tiie scboe. The total enrolment vi i umber 324. Slck Horse sa Dsroeîd. A -herse boionglng te Che Waukegaz Cemmîesauon Consenty va.shebt Wod- nesdat about aine o'clock et Cthe cor- ner- of Utica sud layten strqets hi Dr. Smith. 1The herse vas -belag driven home when It bocanie gicla. It va. un- barnessed sud the ovnor started to iead It te eh. barn. It fe11 te the read tnat aC a.evidonti> taken vili crampe er a lit. It rolled areund the grounfi and I ilcedand greaned. A revolver vas secured sud tvo abt. vef, sontnt laCe h br.es ead. Gaseline Steve Causes Blaza. The heuse ewaed b> Mrs. Hoidea and eccuplefi by her daugiter and ber- celf.va. comhletely dl.treyed by alre Thuraday uorning. À gaselino steve vhlch oxploded caused tiie blaze, sud absenceofe sut- ficteat vator readoed he.lire depart- ment poverieus. Tiie bouse vas locatefi on Giibea avenue noar Salema B1vd., and carriefi oniy $250 iaauiane It la reported. NOPI4DE#ý-WWnt Ads' bro# riaitu. 8i *Ut*anInsertIonan yeU rh' real O emders, ~ y~ts#A£ tdhab et te ord et taol Cure.ai ad onk4A irooors f hé Ren et. e puaehanttela th» béhuami a it a minber ecftthe oinB)s " b âtrataes ru ou-e. il,. aa ceuremala la S&Ptitt do»SUeniatos grglatledstit *09o m ubi-.M- At sIcL; sha la usne r. Ma. red*ker luà a m fetvide Mr. nes Auý siCtuttttth. publc. 1 bal e# thm theaffaiea"d te eût or W OoOlSl o. jy bis trIeumi. asole and Wbat d o WthIak tisr t thaît?0te.ia, u eoe ,tw h JuùIgliune thé.look et hor ron. m aPubié erant beho cou-people oualaceImo aplicitacauns.. the. cuenasce of one C. Vatrous, fusa e a 4 er dh.b*1 #ses te-______ P.MI tl ¶I 4 ~* t. Wsokêes <NiéA t ÇlMoake. 1r it. P. nal1aw4et BvJaa. Aua thoe uQos, Mr. FoM, Sii Many W *fln<ueWiduesday ut- otona he fi at ty to Ila Bpéton yen for Cth cai bebia y acn te place ia nationursthe ballot. uoio od, ia XFf hotendaituactlueB *ues al te anosha. Raier MU. 3bae docs net mntatt, nés mae e td fhU.Cno aa&a ose 19aelorPi t i 'nO« es iaae I you>doWt mci ttmpe, e thé nci cft- Wgutegan, Ad the matoe mit' et hoir caudidaci,> but tuat i. ail tbey do. Th.ma r" voo U epl n= b« Mu teetRtneIuFoMwoeUrs doseChiot tComofo sroo hoeffy thtl. ctity sudp, W do ut plsy the Samin the ana" If eris u « a vm ng-b t1,w Wchit s tii to taor ctie.and Wax. iThlusurper b Pa tuàd a chai- *4*to~tuoWl otllth, - tebIr nos tèýeb&». as "? .*h~o sueuts. Cotonul>,Vidard-bur 100 edMr. ose t éé penaours Ut, evawn-of Grhau14t%, vuela Chargeof' tuaS> a ]k teM r h *cee ope bs g t & ý! M , t he. clama ba k. an d 414 bim m eif prend. ditrt;ot tpies »oW spperanit -la >the. P.opiov m1bd, 'and our ova1Mr. pfl oucte . ave Auto patrei. 7b" bus &ouet 0t', ' X1r;?fhsrd ê4bua aq Ur a. iPma1BY a. uasInOtWvoeithi emea ln bvin ýfl er* bsé ÇMtan T. M.Id.0Pet fWBI..evuluq IleliteltheJoint trepoit et 1uidtlléa -M «lIlm]CM nifoiOl, 9uW4385 adidl44 fothé, *. mtti5s es, lam"uaMt 4Iro. ,IPXr"Mr. Iee de ut oi. Minois MOU4. et 2*pfogsàitalves,, lanoter AMadplice te purchsm a cei- Oi natrapero bah uis -misina ton ot th*. Rlfhth district lbtiton auatomoiqle Aua nce aud thé a QUUu-andue à« tahe sas i g clasedwt tevte .troltefr the Police departaiet a san, qouest- tio ya54- Uc al gtllgaqaltf vt hevtr. magasins et national Importac, sk- Ur. Hei'oer viii *penddfine days cent of MUSd te h. delvyered lu hl ed Mr. Nous that question, and Mi. at the Boone couat>' fair this week. 'COtt vithin siflt>' day.Som@e ot tàe Poms hefgefi AUddld net aSîver. Bsaya. the Bellde sRépulicain. 'I ldermoa-vsuted té kilow wvie.th. «That .question, "Are -yen tfro &!n M.H dok lon«Ivca- -y ih ieteprfrte non forBpeker" ia nov a national 1r.iedcelaoat e a.meyvtivbc tpafo fle queuionladeh. in ho ave oue-dlatoufertaelegislature. 'ouli two teflbinBtion, patrol sud ambulance. tb«Uo man ah men los vho av*issie MtO*vheri h omte.hes Stecoue frein, but vhinm Ad. ln h d congreas. tu the deld are Meurs. -Bburtlsff. lUtter anoved to adePt the report Ctho 1Fr. Nnuelhaa-d sea,.. "That il Mr. Vickias, tearean sd Jackson. 1Mr. aldermen whe vire expected te op- pFosba shevaw an intereut la sinco h.e bas beau la ceagresuhas been a Heydocker beleags te ne factionlaPoie. the Purchase, votcid fer the adop- 3 lne et. gloveo sud laoery"-ln tiiat the Party sud vili net permit bin. tIen oetthe. report-RaeIne News. Mfr. Muhs, lI.but bmai. _But, Mr. s@if te become lnvolved la a faction- 3 dns oehar a isetalaon Ci e a ai'fght. e l .a acandidate on hi. ExcursionSBason Ens.' 1miestat.aauua goainchal l ot ova nmorits and se naklng a vigoreus The .Pare Maiquiette ended la- 9Whoun the L.. J. & B.RaIiroud and camiiiTn. lauLaie county, the birtii. annual goseauaoe daliy excursion ria C h Aineican Steel and Wre CO., place.of Mr. Heyddcker sud vblch te Waukegan Mofiday, Liber Dau3 secured ferWaukea Ita barber dld aa been bh eeover mine, a large! but viii resume itu season tii.3 not Mr. Fois go te the trouble et )ilammng a speech by lisart, and huant aumber of rei>ubicau voter. are next yoA, uaeuual. The bitboat car lie dellverod hat speech once a test aupperting bis candiday. riefi acarit one third more people iis for fourteen tiars ln Laie ceuty? Mr. ifeydecker ha. beeu Identi.' tsar tan laat yeax and at mucia Wall 1 shouid suickor, and vhon Oed vltii the 'actîvities tor ukgabhgher rates ot transportation, bring. Graeme Stewart and the Cana~ 1Cemmercfal Asuociation et C.hîcao for many reman d h asaie bonor- tng a hiitter coae of people te Che city. bougbt-rtii site and gave t te -thée ai on variens occasions hi Ch. vot- geverament for 'the Naval Tralnlag ers ef i home couutY. He bau serv- Pat Crea Undsr Ar-usaI. seheel, dldn't 'Mr. Poeoliste that edina CltY Attorney et Waukegan On.etoftbe meut important ai, .vritten loCe Che speech sud dldn't hoe mmoreise that sud-tel l ae couaa. and sa.States Ateraiy fer hrei reste made by the local police de-_ ty ail about boy ho getfit for Wauke. Cernms or tvelve yeiru, belag nemi-I Pertinent ln sein. turne vas record- gan? (Couatleus salckera.) Nov for natefi tvice b> acclamation, la sec- id Chis iftrnoon. viien Pat Crove. ge0defnS tusali.hat more "cnm voiretseeletis Mr. ifeidecker bas bien the netorloua character vhe vas ask of a cong-eseman? a gr est «"iner" and a premnineat the mont conspicuous figure in the k Thoro 'ls one tblng 1 dualike about 1Ciii. man Engoîbard: He bas dar e nlber et al t.adiag orders. Hie eebhWted Cudshy kidaspina -case te remIafi us efth tact that we, Lake belons te the. lasns Odd Fellevi, ln Kanuas City a tev tie aieg. couaty, first caused' the nomination Knlgbtu of Pythies, Modern Wood- vas arrested ia anuDBut avenue sa- of Mr. Engelhard. We kaby II, Mr. men; Royal Areanum, Mystlc Work- loon, ciiarged vith drunliennesosud Enàgehiiord. and If you vii li indly, step gelng about the district tellng on un erusud Maccabéeusud habeen disorderît eceduct-Kankakeo sRE- Ivo vii show yen we have refornaed, Crough the chairs et aIl of theuu publican. t - MOUeS, Uabufad.d4pg bsUgullsms, limiers, LWyUouSN mplq ilhir offiS Met ssy schooi cas teacli you hoekke.plng, sliorthand send ttpewrit ln fn air shape. SButle tthat ALL yeu nesd? 'Nt b> as> mesa. Net oesyeung permon n a hitndred rualir knows what gPm te aimks uàhusnsuaceur"i Of grutee val» tton; as fow use carseand Judgment ln choslngtbeir future tralaers, 11.0w wlit ycu vunt; lsnd whau-e It: s; thon get It. The naest expansive part cf cenductln e tilve businessa schoolelp set ln hlring mes te do the toachini, but ln mcuring And thie lu the thing ht moas s ui business course. usrh meu a euthon hat et any ethel scol. ys uit m.OusC get your buiness courue; you niait' uit -,1Aud lmteo Cilspin-w, show You how and whore te us it. Wudo suitluave yeu te your oaci oxperlonce; but give yen ait ths aid Yeu n« efit.secure your lu-t poutien. 1'lregboetsell Your sMay wtu u% youIl sethois littie Chlge 40 tbe rsyou difinite kiofflo ge e Cia vutaof ha mosma. b*resk the icisea-yen lMd hbock pou up n ~urhy et euil lUpeienai untlU Yeu boe slntl tedU he e oowrtu rierd e Ie* tudent. Wo learn mfsmitea&,notiefthéé%»wkoti»ti ta Wr ~ brd theulion baeose l th te My «»MM ha0lla.the@ nS sti: g oIat end Mu Utmeh MM mankiàd us for à girl NM,~ W. aslid hlm Wff ie hpwwegMy ancd ie e iorrisii 0" l ch ducen «es ruuuh aé asy tesiad.>' is esnmd hlm an> kind ofà i rt Geai w@s et mli Ye.r good pintsthut Weaid Malte teulit tisl fiord te ulula ttesdlng uherq y"n de netkhe t'ut ailt our bruie., an-a11 leur apomti ahilît> U*btrui dnduie Var.y HI0g1 Iaab w, deUa y ~4»0100&al ad Raae AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO. Te Ch.eFaiblie. NORTH SHORE CONS. GOSC Wauisgaa, Ill.. *Jiily lsth, 1910. For the pasC several yeRrs 1 have Waualegaii, Ill., Jul>' l2Ch, 1910 Mfr. B. A. Muasen, Principal WauI!e. beea acquaitnted witi Prof. B. A. Main. Mr. B. A. Mlunson, Pres't., Wauies gan Business College, Wauklegan, 111. son, Principal and Preaident efth Business Colege,- City.- Dear Sr: - waukegaa Business Cliege mmUd aise Dear BSl?:-We Ake -Plle n beta During h.Isat seven mebtis vs bts assistant teachere, and the yen îIng hat Che studeats troaelwur aclý have employed elght et yeur atudeats. et the Institution. I taie gisat pIes-t- nov ta our emplot have preved In Soins of Chere have completed hir are ln aYing Ce the genural public capable and coasclentious veriers course, ad gei.are stili studying aithat ClieY are earbore vhose chataç- W. teel hat Waukegan la s tnt iglit. WiCii but ene exception vo Crs are Irreprosebable; viiose lInteg* la havîag a schooi hat -net ot have founfi hoie elght imployeeà rlty cannot bu quostioned, and tuatruc. rains for business lite, but aime rlght up te the standard requtted la tors vili vhom tathors sud mothers deveioaae character as veil. We bu their opecial ines et vonk. can a sfely trust their beys adgtrlis vatched vlth great Inerst yc ThreseoftiChus, are stenographere Ce b. educated. efforts bere and are pleased at yc aud Olve oaci clorlia. It la the vrit- Their eaching abity; h spirit et successo Years trul>', sr'a understmndlng- hat the one excep- iiumtling, coupled vith their Christian NORTH SHORCE CONS. OAS CO. tien apoien et dîi aoC complote h charactere, have von for thein the By H. T. Crawford, Dstrict Mgr businss collage course. confidence and good wishes et ail - VnSe % 5Deablete em orie Of YOut pUPlis frenmC.ti e tirnme._ Yeuro trial>, C. S. CAWTHORNE, Chiot Cleri. NATIONAL ENVELOPPE Co. Waukegaa, hi.> Ju9W 14Ch, 1910. B. A. lMuses.Pa-sadnt, Waniegau Busnesu Celloge. Wauiegag, Ii. Demirt- Amveag tour fayot et July slii la relatien te tbe sevéra*Peple *e have la cgr emapie>' Md4 lo ie tetd t'le bu.au idWadtloust te. Wa heanButaaeas obae% ve aiepletà- id te advise Chat Chu>' are ail delag very sUatictoi-y von la tueur vuTi" pace.. hrom Cie ciaracter oethCe vor aheviabythu gradutis ef tout Ccl- Iqe eare meat I"Mralt tlia usue it tsiChd aSt uctlcss, WWith Soem Ce bue ver>' Ciorub hsud lI-to dat. - Wlhing yonen onaed sucosu At .Your vont, vo are, Troursver>'ttan, NATIONAL ENVULOPU CO.. A. a. BGBRWiuL w*t wom uS *VSbave asU5Ufl5S. I cau, theretore, vîthout réserve, recomlmenfi hem n sd h. uchoel vhtcii the> represenC, te ail vhbo de- sire an up-C-date business éducation bau.d upon moaf ieraoi pttaolples. Respecttàlly, T. ARTHU*t SIMPSON, Ceunt> supertatendent 0 oraheoe. BLATCHMFOiye QALI' MEAL FAÇTORlT. Wankegaia, IlL.- ,uby21, 1»10. Un. B. A. kinson:- DeugSr:-We tube ulaum ila gmd- vlsing - yeu Chat te. teum-ph.ru vhtcii have been f umisb4. usais b>tue WiukeganBua»usées es(o' liav been ver>' satigfacCory4 eis uh' NAVAL TRAINING SCHOOL, North Chicago, 111. Mfr. B. A. MIasson, The Wauki Business Collage, Waukogan, lu., 1fy= DeiProfesser Muun:- On tve ocmsuion. 1 have avalled selt f etour ucheel te #scure an vanoed knoviedge or stenegraplt, à in heth lItances dSftved the na substantia bonefit trou theoiv dose under tour dtrection sud nul vision. It affords me nauch plemieuru teo c a0na te prospective students ceurge et. Instructioni effered b>' t Chat the studeat vie conscltation appleié imt cfor heraelfte course et stufi>' puraned nder' vil acquIt. a business ed4catJ wlhi ii lagune pîdjatanad munerative .mproyiaaut 1 bon: asse pou thaï; tour selo ra grebi a-tefflir apprec id m t Ilatn tmeIadY a veIr antaqisiriés rlitima tue unnis etpur excellent seheol. Vory ilaceely tours.- HKUM IW Fpuma = i hop a Il GulqoCivil Service -And ail ChUs cure and watching for yeur int.reste tukes time, patience and mone>. CO.' Il But whon w. set our atudents st.sdlly working peut the 10 otherm, it unake u glud; and, surol>', lt' worth the Candis. gan This Institution hia sot a single student eut et ompioy. men4 thut la quatlled. Lvery etudent thut ha flnshod hi& Ceat-, or lier wou-l thlu yesr hus ohtelned a position. ThinU< et what aeol thîs sieuns: Mli these ycung mes and yeusg women fralned i ie . weill and sarted rîglit DurIng the yeur ws have h.d $5 3. moescelle fer Stenogrupher. and leokisepers than wu wero note ahi. te OiU. - ate 0f *il Cliseestudants w. have located mot a aingle one àave *scuped th. cureful ssachisg fer Chair business tulents. Four And ncw we suy ta ycu thst thîs le but à part ef what wd have te oUi rte yeu. r. Thlnk et whet t i ens te you to attend -.hool piscod In the heurt cf a crut vanufucturlng distýricmenwhlch Ch. boit pestions are resdlly reached b>, 'phone and ralircad. A aclicel whosé owner Io known ta the employment mens- egan gos.of the hast firm. in Cthe bout cîties. A acheel, thut sot eni> trains you aid places tonUIn a My- gond pesition, but bas un oIganlaation eapéclalt for asslstift ad- you ta botter positions us you r*. andt And beu* of ail this, laeshu cne-hew, -Chue nlour- ro ante., thes reputatios, Ch* oharuoter, d<puossl M Cet ie the teachers wlio have madu the studentse o the Wuuk.gun BusinessCollag, seaucceuatuil te We are In ChU. worU< ta stu>. Ail Our men"e, .11 our. rour friendsail oui esergies, &Il, 00W iverything, are, In It WIiI us.. Uon And'could you .ae, us lar-out s w. u., 'tito pertuffL- li tiese 91O utoi tdsa ogra. p&elaufe uiil other sudants dwviin au he v roys.usafifthk tors cdii :FOU aIway bu ena.thng lacking If- you do nt.get eur oeukea * tion halp. And oery word vs s.>, w. prove. Ocnd fer Our- jour- auta nul I Onurutnew heataifutl ll4ùnstatd Qakue-.t centalne 4- the ~r. , It r4oet- he ias op*Wes$ Vi'40tudf ltpit i ns. you cdilid peung non *undomn ofto oe cic* ethan Cho you; eofuno mrs brainie thun Yeti; of aiemors pluckaoi -dopa- mon ssamth.ai you. Itvetil how whay çnobwi Clii> have dom-- -e enc i >wit ~ . DO Ket!sipn awcentract or scoopt a acholeao-hip'until'-yeuÏ lsnd eut whut w. oms do fer ycu.- We. ht, fmau Or iii. rft ethuad à' w g Ml' Ideal School of Shorthond pf4 d Typewriting or fl usbu