coy rLAKE INDEPENDENT L-AIE OUNTY PAIR EDITION. WAUKEGAN WEE-KLY SUN LAKE COUNTY PAIR: VOL. XVI.-NO. 50. PAETTWO LIBERTYV1tLE, ILL., FRIDAY, 8EPTEMBER e, 1910. EIGET'PAGECS $1.50 P1ER YEAR' IN ALfl J-ackson, Ind. Chicago&P To a SaIoi (Prote TuiedayaSun.) The. political death knell of David H. Jackson au fer a» the rare fôr-rep- rosontatlve in concern.d In uounded today. when facto heemepublic fiat place hi. apparently in the. ligbt af betig Insincero with the '*dry*' and local option peoble In makln6 pledges ta laver ther cause. whiic at the snneUneie epolitical I,îdoraemcenta of Secretary Tiomai4 Quayle. the Lake Coudty Law and Order League, «ad the local Aiiti-galE,. Ii'ague are sIlown to be insinrere asddflot depen*ê able. Investigation hue ahawn fiat David H, Jackson, candidate for represontative and wouid b. favorite of the, "dry*", who hue pladged himmoif te càunty option and a complets dry platforni, e the .ewnor of Property that la bain@ uaed for saloon purpoca. and lien bsno ucd pracrlaly aIl thértMm cMime1891, wion If cone lt. hie Possession. Tl'h property referred to IR loatedl at the corner of Leavitt and1 Madison etreets, lIn(Chicago, and la oecupled by the saloon of Argdo and Demar- chi. two Italiens. They are nnw and have b... operating a saloon on the prornicu owned by the "dry" candi. date. Ir ashow how much the "dry" Indersemsnts may be trusted and how muGi fhi leders whn maie tient are toe. reditéd *for sincority, if sinlcnown fiat Sec- retin, Quayle Sf leait knows fiai Jlackson owns the property fiat ca .oupied by a saloon. 'He bu explained It ail to me and 1 do net require any furtiier explan- atUons," aayaQuayle lu palliation. Facta About Proporty. lier. are the facto about the, Precotbeoswbich the dry pledge cen. didafe. ever weeningly anxiauu ta break Inta lca law practleo 6R M N E 0F LAKE, uuVuLflîiuPARK 1DR. KNIGIT MAR- l<)rttýrgaM a. Rbiva Iorsed by Drys", Rents R PMOONLIGHT! RIED IN CI1Y TOD&Y The weddlng was a us SCEME OF NEWwith onîy close relatives I roperty w-ned ByFamil 1Health Commission«r United Rei . ohe .J hp -Yerty O nedByFanily HORSE ROUBERIES -irem4 va m.i-scher. At [' gte ervmn.Immid onf; NNhere Us C ngoal ? S.e'Jestuldav Marz,,ks Clmax" c_____gte srvicf bridet t 01 Lové Stoty September 20th incluidu <Colorado- and Utah on th hc ld r o te tile L ke ln o o n thngfr he- rylT r o. Horses Tak n Front Ra- T dy tai Le e I- noîlig oqers. Tley iii hot 1 fr inete ( rom Tued ys un) To ay aitw lvu. non. autteei. t 9 iiorth eneee tret, coujt ti.soepru cftive, ret t, "ae lgf d Afig o i 'dyrom tlesay's un.> lloings vinià Stock Farmi in 4 Days jdence of the bride, 28-50 Warren ave. gan. alter September Zth. 3-How muci . th. "dry" on- p & oraiasnewudz- Cause Awakening i nue, Chicago, Dr. P'reuuont C. Kulgt' The bride bas been residi aaloou: ' dorsemou et trepid ire ou slrtabp s nvauld iename f Waukegan, hualth commisloner! an aunt. Ir. and lira. Hery 1-i. lOUft WUV r i. anAf-aon petf0 odeivavn omrI-sd a leadîng physicien, vaas nnted of 2850 Warren avenue, Chlem t preporty are Mary, Aleanader Longw., teWoukogan contin- skies, amolight lake tripe, uand ail lESyst SmaaglWi'kingten- Se'____________________ f Andr.w, David H, Williamn anA gent of tihé dry@, or of "SeS.'ather neceaary accesuorieu, terminat.- 1 Mary Jacksou, on. John J. Jack- tory" Thomas Quayle and the ed whenU Leut. Charles 9. Sevursan, 1".H44-caly or4- 1n-............. 4 so hainqsol hi Inèrel; ome Luko County Law and Order. U. S. A., a son of Olaf P. Severson,! tire District Around Hors sonue hvnsohiitoetcreworth in the light of U56 Lagan boulevard, Chicago, vas__- Tnie pro0. tIand thtactsfernarrled'tf0 Misu< Ationette C. Elllott,] îFrom Tuesday*ti Sun.) I ntem re o tei-.hepopert uhe w wItree 4-lt Jackson can ront prop. 4107 Vncennles avenue, daugitercaf TeRvnssokfr a a? to hepeOlewfi uw on f. ie erty to a saalon for almost nine- Mr. and lira. Albert j. llott, se1e-Thre brsea ba sokefr bithl the Jackson@, or*. descrlbed lu book teen yoarc and sf111 ho agalnà to r !the sadEllt ama ace1 reos e ou r day. Frday ighitthe Chicago. .-The Jsçk»ns having 'what exactly le a "dry" mon, and cerexuony vas performed lu Wauke-44,pg 8,e i eod ! cbnsdfrcut oa pin 23L al id hcg . Tielirai borse waui taite andti ant nightP i n acqire th prpery n 191. to c dy uetonemorly s.twn animais were utoen. Ail tiie Thuled tp'oport athe n 1551. ta edr mu st one-.lry lyas Ea. orers are valtuatuleandi their lune la Tii poprt sti. oui aîf set ia. ncludr wtiout b.- The firot Intimation of th(. wuddinj kelyIc, of bock levin In thc canal truc- iqunder tie necessity of PRACi camen %l a Nlll, edeenly feu.lo tel.sbiiino eto ao, TCNG tedytaAi atroftebiercl addle cas fouud ln the od cou] ed the llo I. utharvu t th tirstober r nd feen, oet of tie- third principal f ofira of fie nome kind u.uociat- I"Married truday ln Wau1icdltn. Nov bl atges(o sohe labe h r tar moridian, ln Chicago, Cook coun- 1,1WwIth hlm Indorse am..who ln lilwaukee." ihiîtryi rgcîely to mdpen. or e (beoy joranthng inth ty, Illinois, ut the. north eat cor.i" thoir knowlodg entoufe prop- Lieut. Sevenson latlla) ntte cago. hdeu rsn it raytigi h nr 0f Madison und Leavift ryt aa Chicago saloon? fi>I et St. John's %filtary scademy at: c i. labelleveul that a aYstemaui<- ser- ui Ln c aires". @6-Are Quayle and the rest like Dulafield, Wls. He met Miisell tlestbagtfei Ibinwrîr: If a tia.atry rik hil- ilm sincere in Any spot or place? et Rond Lake. Ili., about aix %cekuuiv aB gang of expertq' ail Lihrough thi3 in wf fe oreraran.dasa 7-Do Quayle anA tie rest'1k. 88ago. i-sSuit saad (bu weddlng district, as the roburlus have be ' stors and two flafa. Tii. store la him really wicii "dry" territory or vas a surprise b iber aud iîat t îere vcy frequeut of laie. be t , At il ccupie4t asý a SALOON having "dry" Ioa or are fiey playn y en asnuoobJection tu Suveuson and no heru'l nyasih het i "Arado and Demarcil." tîemcw4eio, fiegame Of thie gang vas avare.HgiatPrk olers.a o- Teagents wiio manage tieC that la ouf agoinsf fhe gang fiat ' viase description thbu uiotje have Tho ar Whifcide ad c I? - 'baviug heen Reru ,hortly butore. the, U t proparty areWhiiaiefadlultl T h street. cviole truth about Quayle. WAIiKFCAN TWfl--- Jac'kson soayschbas heen "trylng Mure i8 fie viol, truhtb~oit Mie TSENVWD l s cF îo erv il iueret"-he nteu-i' o LeIrsety afa lipan I "l'auilsDetellcd Score of the Base Bail iW. K. Griffith, Elgin .............32, hoa had for 19 yearc. Pôi4fy Oa ij hS eii8llu. audFlorence Skenaug. Lakê Fores 1' The. tact tbat Jackson. whom thu ih nevrtieles s "4'boOl'fildatu1 Came Whikh Waukegan Lost Jsp ae ai 'iao. 2~ » ".dry." luIderse for represecutitve, laJoehZkNrhCia.". C C)e r ufae u(b're o ak ________________ wssBdysfrgs ntemnlr «trdft at EIectric okJolie Treta.....................2'________________ renfd 'meJohn Bacima ..................... ta a saloon and hau been one of the sentative. I »r o botnntnyero,1iAuna Regal.......................f auuea orabutuuese yar, rThe foliaWing la the. dutalled score 1 Waler Bird, Milvauke.......... 21 They have the ftnest line ever evèr since the Jackaons acqulrud tO0 h ekga-eob ehale!Slm esinz..d cri n Lake county. and the praperty lu 1891, cuggests thu foi- WonauIluie.- game yeBtefdaY lat vhlcb Weukegan 1Charlea s Ve .dic .....30 prke icn vUsus-r#".you. lavlng queetioi:- 'jveoola lovo cre generallyifOS' lest:'. Antouutfs Elllatf. Chcag......... 1+ 1-Can àan drbfau lbesouse a4 porocuttn&" Sucb la Lbà,j Waun"Aton eyevk.Çicg.. menint and opinion and .tillîjaeu. poredopinlân of M. WUil Fag.t a RH Anna jakewlmChiiao....~~ lilI!ii!IIjlI::t.: hi~p5opft f acaee? id If a Trench crIfi dome Dot un- Wlonge,> .............o i )1 2-Can ho e îop on leasing If detafak ndi.amuJe et -otu chTef- Willam................. 0 3 Ernte ....................O f0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P a.....big"rycdwii etI ra...................o . Let our experience help you to make sure of getting a really good Piano W Ewant to help you for we know that when we have given you a full.y sat- isfactoiry instrument our reputation among your friends will be assured. Yîou an buy any piano and take vour chanee on getting the riglit one-but -wouldn"t it he better judgmentto consuit >.ith abouse w hose interest lies in seeing that von get your fulliiioney~'s orth t Our experience is at your serviée. We. 1 know what kind of a piano you should have to meet your spécial needs and we will gladly Cooovor Plamo-Style 66 give you the benefit of our adviee. We want to seli you an instrumient only when %ve have proved that it is the best yoîî can buy for the amount we ask you to invest in it. Our pianos are here in your city ready for you. to examine. Let us show them to you and explain> their nierîts. You can gain much help- fui information by hearing what we bave »to say about theni. We will show you varions styes ini the Coffover Cable Kingsbury Wellington & Inner=Player Pianos They are on -exhibition at the stores of C. Fa INGALIS & »RO. WAUICEGAN, ILL. or LYr4CH BROS., IIETVLE Asic about Our easy payment plan. ~~r"'~wExpert TunIg-If you now bave a piano let -~ aur tuner look it over. He is in town every lKl.gabry Pian-style T xnonth. Leave an order for him to cail. cabIe Pianoo chicajo Ansarrom ................. O O Lundqutt................ I 2 Lutter .......... .0o Byron ....................t 1 a Kenosha- Cleary ...................i 1 2 0 Hennesy .................. 0 O0 o W. Whyte ......... ....... 1 i11 Mock ....................O0 2 1 R ht..............i...0 4 0 R. Sage.... .............i i0 H. Sage .................. 0 i1 o 4 13 3 Kenosha;... 10 00 00 0 03-4 ýWaukegaut... 00 0 00ô0 02-- Strike out-PuIse 10; Sage, 4. Ba.s on balle, by Puluel; Sage 2. SI4EEP RBAiSR 800 S. 8 FAI îR Show Fermiers Advstages of! uta.- est lu Stite Exhibifa Marion, md., Sept. 6&-John IL 'l'hompson af O0" City, Republican eominee for congrles. luthu Biovontb jdistrict, bas faund (1.0 'c-horevor lho bas gane tna apak a gond word fer the. Indiana Stato Pair. Mr. Thomp- m on knawg a fermer gains much by attendîng the. Stete Fair sud ho nover mnlsesanau ppotuntgte urge lm tof visit ther. anda t'the ,t&I lu lis own Caunty. He ha, been a ùhe1bber of the Ia' dina State Board et ArÜiculturo for tixtuen yeara and Wl» b. fer a twehtth fimo supurlnteudeut f et tihe epde- pertment at the State Pair. He lu alma presldent of the Grand Counfy Fair Asiaciatiou. DYNAMITERS WUCK FACTORY Blow Up Iron Plant, Wrock six Houtin and Tw. Cora of Sf501, Pearia, Ill., Sept. .-TWo dyna 'ýif1ug ajtrages liore. reeolted lu the destructian of the Luicas Bridge and Iron compauy'a plant, six nearhy buildings, aud (vo car Ioads of struc- turai Iran vhich were standinig luflhe svltch yards of Basf Peeria. Oue man vas lnjured uertoiasiy by the bîgat vhlcb destroyod the. Lucas plant. The dyuamltIug c-sa the sec- ond succeteful attempt to dentroy structural tran Work lu Peoria Wthlu the lest few Wooki. lit la supposeil fiiet labor troublaec-asthe. cause of en outragea. puiPlican Candae F .wilI speak at Lake Forest, HUihwpod U~IWd Park Wed sày t ru .At Liheit if * *- At Autioch, Lobe Villa a$ G%'zraysab lake Saturday Eve*hig Kee~r Min! I