Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Sep 1910, p. 1

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* .4,~.z OUNTY, lu aIbIÀAY, R! . At th. snd et eu*et t be hugiet M mo ezcllg priuéraste vet ld le M teceoaly or le fie setiatortai Mud anapeesonsl 4itrbts e ~ t v l maa put ,Tlsrday theIe Solielsi e. SWad:toi ba.ue ret le e poWl »Mbwamaftt»fOr lb $mm, Fees , by ajeeAIa.01-1,11116 ove. Fer Leghitur.-4hllrtieff an~d Vickèes, bo* « 4fMl4enry eeunty. Th* peepie slgnlle their deelro fer a reprs.u.atlve for La"t eeMty by eing . T. Hey'dwee as"majorlty et M n,1-S, 'Thei Seflend miMelIenrycoeufty votes deprived hlm ofthle noMInation. Fer oounty lrk--Lleveiyn A. Nonde., son et the prenant celnt>. Clark, A. L. Mndeo4 by a majerty et 97. Fer counI>. tromuret-CarI P. WeterPÀW ofetWmaken b>. s majert flt>lem104oser PFioe, Fer ouftty jude 1-t..Par-- --«-% , nOoppeeltic. Fer mhrW411% eosn hi a eJorit>. OflmS over 'George Psse«.botSof W~*gs, Fe o smat> sperntendet of acheet-Thinse àAulhaur ISimpeon &r a aJOirty 0 10m ove.' John The largoat majerlty vas liat of Siapson over Hodge for the c-tt .uper-lutendeucy of -schooim. Simupson '&Miset lie langeml vote outio et the jeisiative candidates for viior Uhree ver. plurupeutet a Umie. Waukegan gaItihe major share of 110 couat>. houons, cimlng conli ewà, couty tressuror, inue. aoif, and oceuuty superorneot.ii. nDOM- taces. tor coffutp 0Cilie aul rae ohm la tact. Ton Per Cent Voeo ncisas.. itla iedt by aid sud oxperlencl poillictans 1h11 thore vas about a 105 par ceutt icreso luthe coanty vot pricilunb>.procinclt bt Ibis la bellv- 04 te b. erageratou t alhhohelI vote poiied vs. a torrifl on sud la belleved ta hold siructet flea. luaunerace ail tolu thters veno 5775 repullica votes poiied. The ful streugli sa clalued ut ta ho oul 6600. l4owRtuins Came In. Due ta th iiindues.sud ondint -laborse orls fri-ends, Mtten or tvoatY lu nuei-.the. SUN getlansd complets returus on evsy precilidt le theo cunt., an ithe sonatarlal district. and on the. congrasI"s district. The big testue o f the SUN r». turns wss a glant bulietIn hoard,' the ofsi-gaver srectud hy a neuspeper ln thus Cilty, the vor et . Il. Uphans, weiiknown end preninent eitizen. On the big hoard, viiii-sowS>. grew n faut an the returne ceaie In, every change ln the poliitm4"1«1«lO ofthle cotant>.wle nstiy en. The vort ef keepifft;this board up te date and sen jaie4 va splendid and i-cll'ed specIa CerMendatlen front theeese fli- ln@ refui-lia. lit-eut rakîne Jr., prehtded at a deait bulletin. Tva mon vîithhosi goard8 te vllch telphaoereclve wI ere et- tached attonded lolophoiies. Thua lihe people rocelveut SUN t,- tui-us ls tva vsys: ever the talephone and by masusfa liibulletin hoard. aaddition thoao vs. suadutional bulletin servce ln. the nori vindov of lie SUN ofieiro econgreaslon- i aud senoarial ditrict celui-nu vere reovela egroupa et procluots sud hufletinout. *Wvii atch Roatures. crovdls vatobe the raturasaas hp> came lu et bot a "pr offices and at Uime& hroffl venu' ovo frtra vbore bulltus conId ha ren osit i th tlè. Thon. vs.AU mhIi kofda t@ctmeut viien fSI vs. flot board fat lhe Tri- hune and HOCOI'-ROi'lIdb« 001111104d lie ..d.feat of Posbut Ibis tUrueu ont te be a stateintt1hàt 5PII04 tu the - Coo cotr, .Cilosgo vans, ame, endroe mad up Or If b> gtting Ilvanstan 1y 700. Giteio, Du lauWs home, hy 186, nuhand's Mv procucl hp a substantiel UUUWi'tY. ad Lateoceuuty aud the nori Cook pléIta by over 1,800. Itettru, reeiveut tram Woodstock, McHuory counI>., shîow liaITinora 'F. Batmascg Deivider ta namInsteu b>. lhe, deru*ocato thelie ate logl"ltml ûw sdistrit, ars the DeltIder 1 Te voe t u MJtery Moatir sa ho. Ftveen Borna sud' Hiyom stand. sat Rk-us.......................5675 eHayes---------------------...863 îThat la the 01110Wlal et* Thbe 1051ceutnI le moe uftyF shows the tollovlng: Burnsa....................54W% Hfayes ......... ;............ 47% la the tvo conutttis a oeu ho a total of: But . ..................... 1135%1 Hayes ...................... 900%1 'lh, vote on the five Repubican legislaiveî candidates b>. caunties li; s fofiows: Sbuntleff..1424 10636 3276 15,3?6 Stearus ...5255 721 658 6634 lieydecker ... .6081 292 202 657 7 Jackson ...5781 1.304 1995 9.000 iickers ...642 6,705 2602 9,950') Shurti.ff le Trlumphant. filvas lu Laite counI>. viere the1 speaker encauniereut the hothout of ie Legllative Votera' LeAague and the "muilonslre coiouy" of Chicago business mon vbo psy taxes inLýaie county. lu this county Mr. a huri-r ieff recelveut a total o! 1,417. votes,r viii Steann, bis ruuulng mate. roll. ed.up 5,130 aud Heydecker, the Inde-a pendent, sot 5,871. i Apparenti> al l the teaEus mon ilu Lakte county voteu t tra. votes fort hum and guoreut Siurtleff. As It vas.. Shuitle«, viti betveen .000 sud 7.000 ote egond lu Doome sud McHeury counties, aventaps lie uvut Deneen band i pciteutcandidates- Vickers and Jacknon-b>. severai thousand.f Speaklug about "piimping" for Shurtieff. Shurtlefvas more than far la Lakd connty, tellilug R ta take came of Its ovu rmsn vay before itie pri- mary, m'bll as a malter of fart even vitb the figures as nov given had onlyc hait of the, men -votlng for Shurtiefa wiith er tire. he vouid sil havej led the district for- leglitai-.t luI the tva Marengo priçîncts wherec Doneen lunpersan sppeaned aud i viiere tiie Tribune sav great inroatis. Shurteif lnded 1231 votes sud Vck- F ors 386, ville ln Rtley. whieh us Prac.t tilir l 91o Shurtleff's home iovn. 1rr Sburi-leff got 370 sud Vîciters 37.E What Foes Says. "I feel uratified ovor lie resuit sudt vIii continue ta represent tie district ta th, bet 9f ny abilit>," soit! Cou- gresanian Poea oarly Pruda>. mornlng.: "I appreciate lie ioyaity of My> fiends. I1ruade no cmmpaigu. flot as single speech, hailut a esquarters sud stoW o oWyupon my record. I bave reproented the. district a god masu> years snd the. resuit shows thats tie peope ai-e s.tisfied viti me. "I defoated bath opponentu lu' leut-c avu districts. J vas neyer i-aly lug daubt about lie onîcomo. Tii. votei vas somewhat mmlier tiiougii than il expectoed." Keeps lose te Censtituentse. "1f>. vicai-y Sli e primai-y is ver>. gr*ttfylng te me,"' CoagreommMan ssld, when h. besrd liat b. bai von over hils tvaopponeuts. "Hovever, the resuit Su justt yul i oxpecteit. i bai beltoveut that I voulut ho nminal- hy a. vole equalitta lie CMuubiaou vote of My>.oppoenuts. "t am gladt tases liaI lie people o! ru> district have shovu lie coat- douce lu me whtcb, I hope la oltmis- piaceut. "In spte of the cazupaigu ruade against me, the. people siovoi t lat tii.>.trieted me sud t,55 deeplY Pissa- iug ta nme. I presume liaIthiere te no malu cangrais. hevever, vho keeps edoser ta ils constituentsud I have vai-keut bard lu liecammPatgn. Vote Was Net a Surprise. "The vote lu na.part of th. district haut anythîug or a surprise lSuISt for aie. I vis haudicappeit t> havies lie usame of aitetru>. appaonluon lie ballot above mine, I'Another Suighton ru>.banda vas the enmtt.of lie Ilinois Central ratiroad bat 1 puiled t trough ail rlghl sud 1 have lbhe 'Pope'atofu>. district te tiauk for their confidnce" eu fts10 t, n'ait. otThors- The Rejrnioàa4 buaty central 001W- "ate PÊ»intle V ie Saoter ibitter ritto. Wmiay pefism a resointion xot n lw OP làthe lieutlogis- St..Tme Aatt'ooe 14egtîo sud rglug R*MobIisa 10 stand hy the me. 11itli istlo voçted tron. noruluee iethfe D4lOMMes. foI ite0ampeigata secs.'. nov Thé ew osl.t rerisfor the. domig fichit. The vweto',ae lu atteru he rpe0 0 seeoro t» 11oc1100 PUion 18V, as tioy neriy Reeuiv@ tbut ti mrouler noruios sucosed la dins giathteilut5 session of th . Eepob1lldn ýparty et the prlru- su1d the '4rys" have SBUnlncoS tha ariese hou BePt. 16., 1910, ho Aud areo a e00oloti option bill I ie olntroduoed. soeIOUn :wsacoutietyes«ray dtd h by evontin to ho the n ated ta repelthe localoptIon R.puMkéa orte *d tited t: "The- 'Uiuted Socioties aro mare support et taopà ut the enenslo tlban satiglied witi the renits," he tu ho hOll la W#*s"ubOr. sud theb. Mid. *rrom tho incomplte returus, mitteadIre55 ltWgSCteta voit for more tban 10 Per cent o et i nub or ther it suc etaithe polo. Of men w. recOuunenied haVe re >Th, ~oRophlliu douty central comi- nominatod and most of the othera t bs-I tisn marked acoptablé by us. lu mtrte.'net ept. 19, 1910, et ti0 the tow exceptions v. are ta ruaie Court houa.. Waükogan, sud ai-gaula- determiaed 6fu slu the. electlons d: Igainat the norulumes., "We are confident v. have enougii W. 'S. Buliocit .as elected Chair- men tO rePeai the..locai option laW. Man. 1 T'h. "dry" wil net ho planning s E. W. Coiby, vas eiected Becro. caunty option bil Dow. but viii ho tary. busy, tblnking about lhe promeut lav. tloîacniae esl w. ýviii slart the. election campalgu Thie oig addts eesl st once. We kuov aur frienda nov ected la go to the State Convention and il eii t once mati recommend. at Sprilnfod : alons ta al Our members." olegtes tb enatoriai Convention. 'Dry@" Dispure the Clairu. 3. Sciiartt. James K. Shields, secretary of tii. Anti-Saloon League. disputed Ce.'. IU. 0. Bf15.. maks intr as. He nild: John A. Taylor. -riie returne are no mlxed we cau't Q. A. Sivers. tell so very much about IL..But ve E. C. Sabin. have beid aur owu lu the hoyaijitii Wm. S. Rinear. aPParenXly s slight gaiu. We have font lu anme district.sud galned tu Ceo. Keti. atirers, but the. total 1 belle. le a Allan A. %IcMulien. gain. . L P. Foulon. "J am confident the, 'vota' have not Arthur Langion. enough nominees tu repes] the local option 1mw. 1 can't say tint 1i se.suc- W. T. Wedge. coma for a county option bill. Isum C. IF. ingalis. *froid vo viii not have enough rep- Matt Hoff, gr. reautatives. And 1 can cause thei. -- D .wî> Enies have heen clame, but i amn cou- .T eb rident t viii flot b.e repeajoi. iE. P. DeWoif. "I dont tiiink tiie bipartima n.l E. V. Orvis. suce viii te ahi. tu contrai the. 11011Chas. Wright. legilature lu the, ay or 0r55a1z- Theodore BMeyers. te, Ujnited Socleties vili iid m'it. HogiiSmithi. Inus ta plan for the. oOmIng lection J. G. BOes. within a fev days. The former wiii R. S. GriceD mnt Maday ar Tueeday s@d the lat- Alton G. Rice. ter aloo lu theotiret psrt of the, veek. C .Drn' The L«Uladve Votera' egue Hwrt Mnn vrbbl iii aPPeal to <> otiier r IRay Paddock. foru organisations liaI are nov vark E. W. Riiey. Ing on difeérent angles of cd goveru- E. A. inte. meut support ta rally bhihnd the, lu- Ei i depoadents and pui thern thraugii by Ei ls United effort. D). J. Brady. Sam.. "Shooced" Thos. Morton. "Tiie reenls of thi. primuary election1 Frei Converse. caw bc descrubed ouly ms schocklng," Cniae aCnrsoa ovn sald Presîdeut Cliffori W. Barmnsfi addtst ogesoa ovn the Legisiative Votera' League s lion, Jacksion man, lent nit. "The futli-e- I Mr. Wthersieln. turna show such proportion or kuovu corruptianoss nomlnated tor office as John C'. Hale. muat sicken taoeho vere hapeful Samîuel Biackler. betare the primai-les. ('has. W. Taylor. "Our- hope le that the siiock may E. . oly prove honefictal. i do flot admit tb.*t A.E iwn tiieso routas how tiat the direct A.EKran primai-y la a fellure. Tiiey do show F. L. Tice. that tiie people bave flot as yet leanu- K. H. Mason. eti iiov 10use t. Tii. mhock of 1look- 9. P. Hutchison. firg over these eloction returns may Fred Schaeffer. be the Most effective possible esson ta the public." Fr-ank 1May. Lonsgue a Faiiure. B. J. Stevenw Wittà the nomnaes befaro theu, lte E. E. Pears(m. elocutîve cammItte. 0of thi.e4L 4 Q.dlFarlev. atlve Voler-s' longuei ll t Onee e-t du 021 lWa viv their records, wlth a vlov to James Reeves. making recommoendations for the No- vomber electian, viien a forger vote Lincoluk T. itowling. viii be had sud viien experieuce Henry Gimlm. shows the. iecomiedaions, 0f lie John G. Brown. league viii recelvo more conadoer- Dr. E. F. Schaeffer. atlan. The ievised resuits show tuat out Wm. Vickery. of eleven candidates recornrended hy L. W. Bi-acher. the league for the Repuhllcapi noruin- James G. Welch. ation for the. stato sonate eluht vere D. A. Hutton. naminatei, and out of ton l.i.uo* ci-sfic candidaes recomznende1, six Chas. G. Watrous. ver. nonslnated. Cari Martin. Inulit recammondatiaus for candi- Win. A. Dean. dates seoking unomin.ation for tato F. R. Eddiy. repiesentatives the, longue di net hlMamn tare la voil. Out of tvonty-uine roc. Maa. ommended for tiie Repnbican amnie. Mat Walsh. ation sevenîmen ver. uomlnatei sud Mat Waiut. outt of orty DomocratlocanmdIdates IE . ETurpa. recommended tvonty-tour ver. noni- J. N. Rectenvalti. loated. Fared Worao ln Attemite te Defot. John O'Lesry. laulitsattompta in defest crtain lXecUtive commîttîco appointed by candidates thi e esue aofeéred vorsel thé chai-man for ensulng ysr: defeat than wtltieIlsr«OMMnnenatioa Out of msevon Repuhuicani opposed for 0.' W. Farley. Bentan. the sonate, anly tva ver. defeale<lB. J. Stevens, Deerfield. f)or nomination and ont of eloves A. N. Tiffany, Autioch. Dmocrats aneno er, defested. UP«, 9. P. Hutchuson. W. Deerflold. state representatlvo ti.heen. coq- Carl Martin, Waukegau. domued stateen RoPuhUcao nda foit L»mnocrats, and tour Re»uhuloans sd *fred Kirchner, Cuba. lwonty-four Democratewvr» deotlL E H. M~ason, Vernon. Su the, race for the nomindtiO. t0. W. Farley tram lot andt Sud Bon- Thoughte for hMr. e& on When the, hair on tba heaut of Cou' John D. Thomas tram Brut Bouton. greauman Posa liten once more *aiog Co.BStvn mNw r;ad Uns scalp and bis heart beait rêtâras o.BStvntrmN potsu ta lilsusuel rather iieavy one it je Aftloch. toi'. hopeu t tit h vii fi te thtoogit W. P. clow tram Grant, Avon, sud for the mri-a. .Warren. Mfr. Pose la the bottella"TUtbfln J. F. Eldînger, W. F. Weiss, Dan- fortune. He la a nouilaee hy oUuana tie. H i.natindrsut.R, s ace m n a aivais, John Recteuvsid, Wou- ilio. acW Tbis he viii b. vise nual ta h * .James King, martîn C. Dockter, let 'for apiL n. u lehcantrives te Tf lBM, sud Ird Shields. vélap a Épine and afa d oetbis Ii o HMler ,8.vuWMU baisas iioocornes ouI t r W poltuic il.H ueA . opa bry es&ansd laites a luttle intellgent lii, 'tlllo, Froront, asud Waucoada. toroat 4l the questions upS wMviilc A. G. Schverman, Mles T. Z1mey, pniilohpttY mon ano-4Ufflu8& ho vi Cuba, Eta, aud Vernon. be ôpposeut ucceustly Ivo ,yean o hn.,Candon, Fred gSe ifp ist b -" bi a mn l.i nuix, and Ird Deorfielu, The omty ,tutit-"te pproedad brodubit te a climax Monday bhi the outY oard fofsupervisera. Br th* erma Off1ab Mtt.taken laie le t4* aftpuaoàou ong Mad coo, pmy et Obioaviii b. iastrct.d bW OU.P«Srts ioris. of Iiahland Park and »lakier of Lake. ftret. te Set buay la the 14k. oouaty books aà ecmnS théy poUsbly, cmn gupefliU@r Çiittend.n of Warren 99-04 e opltios Ifoudy te the effeot fat bau &"aioompuy bould ho I*trUote4 te go ab"s Thiis r«e. olution cammdudiy lu support of the, daims et' supervisersaDanrs, Carke -and Biackeg that Young and coufflny have the auditlng contract, alaol soitdo the vork. An atteinpt va, rmade to red a hall dogon otiier bide frot tiier fi-me and ln defauit efthis a motion vas muade ta adJoura. The, motion te adJourn vas lest, aid thon the' Chittenden Iresoiution wmu carrled.&ý D euide O.K'ing th, audit the board comsideref vhether or flot it shonid Issu, a deed to swamp lpnd,,foloving a resolution a year ago last Joune that Tt vauid not Issu, more deeds until a u rveY of the land iiad boon made.The audit taouie Interrubfed action ln thé matter. REM'SE TO ISIJ TTCATITU Tuesday the. hoard of supervlsors7 adJourned te meet again et 10 o'colck noit moruing, altter having voted to iay en thie table a resolutian offer.d that L.Ake county with ton others ap- .bropriate 1300 to make i4D enough te buy a carload of caotle from. the stock yards for a test as ta the eficlency of the. tuborculin test. Au wiii b. recalled. at the Instance of Speaker Shurtieff sud the nslk pro- ducers and formera of ti district Lake county vitii teu otiiers appoint- ed a cammitto. of tiiree. Thon- the vallous couuty commIttees met lu El- gin and talked over the, tuberculilutet antd pasterisatian. Nav the aciieme la ta buy a carloaaiet cattie et the. stock yagds. give tieu'tie tuberculin test an behalf of the farmors sud tige malitkproduççrs af the. leven couutlee. tiien slaughter tbier and have the meat lnapected te aoe If theo test ie Iu- tallible. If It la net t wyul be at- taeced an behalt of the milk pradue- ers snd farmers sud pasteurisation urgeti. The matter vas laid lu the table because sonie of the supervisera could neot see why Lake county mupey ahoulil be speut ta guarate, the peo- pie pure mlk fi-e, tram tubercuioses danger. INDr!PMCN!7T ,MAY '131tIN TMi RACE a té It @Il déeonds uépen Shurtiiff and Viokte o f McHenry, par. ticuimriy the latter. SA f.w dsys befor. the primai-les «,! yastrday E. 0. Shurtleif, yess torday mécrded the blageot vote a candidate for nomination for repreo.ntative ever got ln this dis- trict, asierted that ln the.avant that SMURTLUF AND VIC- ERS CAPTURED THE NOMIN. ATIONS AT THE PUIMARIS lME, WITI4 VSOKERS, WAS WýILLINQ.. TO RETIRE PROM THEFIELD. Thon, according te hi* pian, with himeoif end Viekera out ef tho@Ifid, thé motter' *ould b. ln th. bandaetfthee»nstorIai cer- mi#te@, which would proceed te choose a .eproaentostive m«Ch front Doon* end Laike eeunties, Mo- Henry oounty noir hâving the son- storshlp with OlsenK N4ov that thie primartes are aud Lake couuty la Iboeed vIthout a represeutative tie statoment la hein. recalied with a'great deal of lnterest.I Propose Independant. 1 Another sciiemo fiat olalgurged le that Lakte caucty be o,-ganizod Ilb every precinct sud a ruasmeeting cf the. precinct beade ho called at wblcit an Independent candidatesaoli- b selected ta maotith rua agailat Vicit- ers and Shurtleff and for Iaite connu. Tt ia ciained that Buck a caidate wouid have ta ho a mu who had net takem part or votod lu the primarios or yestorday. ,"WKUdy vater-vOnt do toc a mI.'- cor*-,any botter tiapaper of a suaIt Ortg!ati«n will do for avaut ad. moi- pimet tWn et 0174111) FIréil2, lIIt.'4upnff edpnd- #ne lnvueltiétns 11ss5pb 1, loW-a4nilimd hy oscrt Fwic >9f ff qsj#mphlp ehorg- ^ou. and .A.e,.imlifera.. illy ebarMd w" pthef't; heu ilai 8Soq9bondi. Sept 4ý tOS-Reom et gevera,. mont ta Pe~Itemployas ta testlfy hi-seulite n dlmhl o f À Sept. 14, 19l0-.Res.remtod, on té-h bot-y charge. Ge-rge W. Fitzgerald. former, as. foltîng toiler of the subtreesury of1 Chtec, via vauarresteut more than tva Years ago felloving the myster- tous risstp«rnce fi-om thie moj tressur> o! iair notes. marutlug te 11.88W .5ami1.4,, I'5IOaeubecoso or itla cleut evidotice, waàsoaianaor- rested lut veek b>. foderal otcera. F d'geau arrte uscae s a a abseinlo surprse ta hlm. lne Wva taiten Irumeilsatelytote eoffice tcf 'Unitedt Statu bial aiLumau T. Meo1y wiiert he vas Iinformil fiat ho voulutc have ta o e arebod.- 1 -l'il flot stand for liaI! -'bouste1 the. pisouer, and ho @truckt a Yvîdo" blôw aetIleput>. Mordu] lWalvrSght. The prisoner eaususbdueql onI> sit a tierce stroggalamsud, atkn bh.. fora Judge Lendit, viere bis boud Was fxed t Bt$60,000. lu the absence ef bis atlai-usy, Bdvard R.. Utstner, he was imable taturnisbelà al Sud vms combultteut ta tii culat>.-Jafi at 4 0. ciock. ih, pt-liae? wass gIon lie priviloge ut givia es c" ltit> e 4 during lihe tlght alme lpstiee ruesseuger Je fund Ms aterner.. Geverument secret. agonie have been ke.plag Flt.sseraid iuder ca-î veiliance stuce bis, rejeteaso y tlq Mhate tva years ago. The lndictmnt1 agslnst Fitigerali vas ruaie oft onà Foi. 17 tvo deys betore tieMstelt of lilntalons expireut but vwu sup.-I Pregaded. On Feb. 19 the sMatuite oft litmitations vas suppoaed te have se- SPi-et e n ils ci"e sud the malter vas NjIdely heraMd by thie prose.> Ever>. uovo hy Fllagermid. aller liaI vas vatcheu t hle fedoeautior- Ies«. He engigol In openotions* on lie Board og Ti-ade. ho moveut trams a ciieap flot on IPulon street 10 s ceai. douce le Rogers Park vi tclscoit hums $9m-.0;ho orgslzsd tlb.Illinois Car ltlnufacturtug Comupany, vili a #50e' <00 plant et Hammend. tId.; ho or. gansed t hie Illinois Nul, boit & PoiU- lng Company aut apent mono>. freol>.. Tue Charges. The tudlctruent charges Fitzgeraid maney tram te8iiià yon 9 19, 1907. On.ehEindreut 'bill ver. conlalned lu the. package,0f lie van-. oua denominations. $10,000, 85.000 sudt $1,000. Theiidctinent vasbaseut on reportaeruade tlathoeoenry mdepart- ment l>y specl agents who for the lust ten moulus have been at vont trsdjiag the. disposal of tiese ,blUis.- Trace tite Since Robbory. Foliawtng lie anrest *ttmoets verttynade lu coanection vt th lie dimposition Fitzgerald la ullegeu tote have maie ofthle contensaof lie piacktageofo! ank noe.gince the o.i bei-y a dozen or more theortea bavei beexitven currency. Several of Ibe goverument ofiala dat" ley have1 substasltild dou hlus Intorumain vll ho biu"thtie piesu for a convIo. lion of Ftzgerald. Tbseehave 10 do vith ishlMpurci of a $9,000 realdenée aut etrua s-1 tale lu Laite Foreat, demia lu pliutuce ou South Water tset, atteipts te FUnitedt States tank notes, th1e argshis- a nn fsacar maauuatsurilig cou- pan>. and thoerecllan of a, 150,M0 pîlant at Hammonut, lad., sud dan coucernlug the higi living enloyeut byiilm andis faml aimce lie rab- bei-y. Accordiug toau an formuant Su close tauci vit lie Investigation lie former subtreaaury telle.' bas passout severai $1,000 bilme vithin lihelut tire. veeks. la eat aok It alto vas s 5 t51 dmi I tok have been mode b y Fltsgorslulrocont- iy, 1 ndicating liaI heovau poeagsu of sailarge asoupt ot moitey., invetI gatara vbo Mtoaeut bItaon, ighto viion ho vus ava> rom homtlu,:- 'eut tacts vhli vsrrantsd tie bellcf lit &a a spu l niera than is im.cicu taac« vouldtSN If hie ouly incarne vas fromthlmebhum.~ ne"s. clm Proof ot Altempts te Cash Çt18 , POMters0offciais expresudsolot epuiune. tilt orise u thé, lb. Of thq e » rtic- dçpartumom 1 wI seest te oeurs the dole>of ru1t4s4Id. Wltaeeees -ViU iion gà. -rW agents have haut repentei wou' terecea viii ho dopoudoutlapon te- ftestlfy as to Fltzgeral attompta te cash 'bilse of large deuornnallon. AMaug tii,.,are «M 1to be H. O Gsa. vtIrpvhm ru tgeràUt haut dea., Suis vile speculla upro""., bat lie Gordon troliemta unLaite Forest tbi-augh viioruFltagertlutla hellev ta have purebued norli ahoro reait, <.eOrge W. PilsEotajd.US, o r, s mütting teiler oifie Unlld Sato ubtreasury srromted flday for tii. tholt et 8173000 on nF oi.3,1907, e a bond Stui-day ln the mm « cf g,. 000 vlti a'relative s. suzoty. liIàs gewa1ftiensii 1h0t t et laIm ey.% W~bm cames Ivii mak sensw VIillOM e . Id tlSg- ort". Om bbr, aid 1 iietmeto q nov, blif Judje L""fawtù0eI 551 flotls sothe xamY t e »amISoIhaà S ieSn ',130q1aâ IDY, ilipac, but ni acqutttai la gp. tak& ,di have been sobjectt *o ssi perctc secret»«« orv tct silice the iey di -d-ei4c a sata ne r» C y ftaui to relatsf- 'titespes'. t e ca'i sem.o -i'il Zz=ni ~o or more, a*.nov le Lakte eowlp, "ê pocllit Lake Forsel, umoqveml* evon>. mevoent of thoflrgeFlqwmot sUspected te e 179,000 subtreésury. thoft three peas m go lu CIcs, tueup the lime c01lthe tieft downu leopmceý sent. M . Thoy une isoa idevlugns Bffi"hds and acQualtnmeu;audthle laterir Se getling n unuy a>. thle Consat sur-veillâmne- iBI-lie>. icige Atshad. ows, anut bar aigstueaen. lrema Ihat hlows. plred' O the e Sieuti Satut-day, pthfe Gordon Breliesm store thlu ý invaded lie store, sud hegante crega questIon Sa regard ota h, Gardons' connoction e-tIi the ptzgersbl case, "Taumre atlUn atar, sud not lu issr aime ait iUen't yon?ýI saj'Sty *de iaudel Grdo.. "Tual'. vhat 1&au," malSithle. ln- aaue puat,"i vas sent ont bor-,' 'Yok Mt out ut ber nit Swar, ss e-ti net sasvor for you, tin etti' or. uOal, sooteutGardon,adtleIe Ua iqft. il la 0s54tet ever>. ame vhori5uý gei-sf. iisev evon aligiti le - o ahadciedu, and liatI I.ek Part .kelli te drame et h U. vuglnU iii inr beboW,, ary> crigitnal cOmiedr aa&-Ult#â expmflte Mrlie eobr0< au** *w sl y ho nel fer O *mûv tas *àâdayr. usthe u*.5 so taho redy W tMé&4 IBtvtçt Attorney Ssi= awaoL%4tp - itggorate iiaê'UptmMotb« s.emlg adiltmentu la eOMWsIhUBWM. lb.«w aeverai the gr pad etoth defb'fat lie>. b" disadtheb m Iat tdrectIr or bail meutlobe tb, er 0aumin eoaettot the 'e-la gsvernmen atorneys "W'e balefsence vmwwh tb 4la tepedose nol drouet, sut ëb vili Mm n a ssurprise tt bSm wélae hoQuoinsZ , -12 P XARIN fo* , , - "i :

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