Styliali dresses from our own faetorir. Also nuynv hported costumes at exeep- tionalir low prîces. $15 PinumIand Serge Druhh.for $S. Hfigli'grade one-piece dresses mnade of al wool panama and serge elottîs, ini a ueatlv triînmed style, with frilis and strappingpi of taffeta silk. 0d $15.00,values for .............9Y5 Taffeta silk and aeoliau silk dresses in a wide range of styles, colors and sîzes. Sonie in the deeided hobble effect, others fuit plaited.* . ]Eaeh worth $22.5o .....125 A: Chiffon Panama, broadeloth, * 'S serge, diagonal and silk dre8s- ' es, plain, also àaborateljy trimmed models, I â-àI worth $25, for ...... I .*W Costumes of crepe de ehene, niessaline and handsonie juar- uisette gowns, for street, aft- ernoon or evening A e wear .... .. VleuO Orskirt section shows the largest as- oertments of skirts for everý cain fiee them. lAdbà' and misses' w"oc Panama skirts, froull orth *3.5ac,0lu o fuilwn plait'e , lakne 0 1.... . . . . . . . . . Skrts& of 'chiffoin. panama and flue mix- tures, ail sizes, $6 values ....................3095 French Voile*tki-t, plain and.J trimmed effe-ts wortIi $8 ....... 4.95 Fancy serge panamna andi voile skirts, of bighest grades, 75 at ,................... ......5 T T SiIk ]Potticoats-A newv lot M'- al volors, $7.50 values.,. .7 Corsets-New long or short Corsets........... 39C Regular $3.50 W. B. Cor- ><f sets, with abdominal stra7P4vU Ladies' and children ' 9 Stockings .............. ..._9 Striped heavy ginghauu 4Y 'ettieoats .............. $3.50 natural liair wavv t . Ilumau Switehes .........9& 12-hutton Lisle Long .7 Gll4ves ............ .. o In o<rder tw prove our superioritv in vallue giving. "'e place on sale Hatiîrda ,v, 3410 landaniielv Tailored Fail Suits ini air ladlies' and misses' sizes, 16 to 46. Pioad- elothe, serges, worsteds and fanev mixture nmaterials. Coats are liÏed - throughout -witlî guaranteed satin. The4e are 25.0) Suits foir.......... Blaek Law~n, hlaek safeeui, ai- se white lingerie and striped, tailored Waists. 39 worth $1.00 .......Jy Two large tables of swmell new FaIl Waisits, beautifulv înaOe and trihnmcid, values to- $2.50 ...9 Taffeta silk and met, also hand embroidered w aists, worth $3.50,19 fo)r..... 4.......19 New Ahipment of Fisher andl Swawaith's exeliv m es- saline silk waistg, -n ail col- ors8, regular waîsts for..... *9 Waista for $500, $7.50, $10 and Up. Ail silk Persian Sc-arfs ...9.......Q Elastic Beits,dm worth to 75c, for ..... Large JIair Rolis19 Long ginghani Aproni;, with hib& ......... 2&c RamU Cot-Satin and silk striped ail eolors, rubberized $1-5 values .......99 al si .......... 22c 125guaranteed kid eloves 9 . . . ... ... .. LAs an extra feature in 11unlr suit seetion, we ofTcr 27) Saniple Suits, sizes 34 t<o 42, inade in plain and-faney tailored styles, ofail wool serge and broad- eloth, good assortinent of 9~ $10 PulLeng.t $ oaaat $5.00. We made a speeial phrichame of ladies' fill lengtl tailorcd hlaek kersey (eoats, ide to sedi at $10. Our saving pernuit4 us to) seil theim at the low prie Ladies> Tbre Quarter Length Cuot, 7.95 These beautifuil mats wiil reatè another 0Y 1 sensation in valuegiving. The inaterialIV are of the finest wide wales, faney broa cloth and eovert. fuit stin lined, iýlues up to$2,a... Long eoats for misses and saal womqpi the new. plain, fanev and ~ militarv effeets ... ........... ..7.7 Women's $25 Coats for $14.50.q ' Complete assortment of full iength eoats of extra high grades. Space will not per- 4 mit a justifiable deseription of thes;eoag- nifleent $25 garments at ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. 1 .5 Other Coate at $17-50, $25, $35, Up to $65.";$,! Flannelette Gowns, al izeK .................... Flannelette GoNwus, Persian ,style$ s '............ ..........a Flaninelette Skirt.s, AIl 49c 8 izes8.......................... ýv% Short Flânnelette Kimonas ........ 4ft Long, Flannelette Kimonas'......... 79e Onie-Pie e buse Dresses .......... 79c Extra quaiity ribbed Vestm 5 MUBLIN UNDERWEAR SpECIAL Womcn l's fine Underskirts, Clowns, Coni- binations and Chemise, Chiidten's, ýnmses' aud litt el wonien s sweaters in Our, Rmaa -fandsom~e large or aIl eoiors .. small hats, styvllhly.trimmed4 WNith Laà!g --ariet of ladies' wool genuine ostrkIcI p 1e, WePîf er'4 nsweater coath, ornatuents, etc.l Real $10 ' worth to $3.O0 hats for for ............. Rats at $7.50, $10% $15, $25,4 tQ $MI Newest effects in plain #n4 and up. - fane v sweatergs $2.50, $0.95, M isses'1 fur ferit bats, Persian sdand Up. i civet truumned, > f for ....... ........... 2l7 Very pretty turban lbatz of ?ayvo - Al 7 ýda lie velvet, satin, also large silk bats , I with entire wreath of ostrich lea- - ~ Ç thers; eaeh hat worth,*7.50............ Ladies' nobbv trininied 'hsa niany new eets at ....... ......... L Our Children 's Dress Section offers the Best sel- eetion for sehool, hoine andi other wear. A large lot of eilîdren 's wool school dresses iu plaids, checks sud mxturesl, aise percale aud gingharn dresses, lu ail sizés, fromn 6 te 1479 yeùrs. Bach i#vrtb $1.50 for'.).......... .0& Children',s Rompers,19c Night' ws .... Flannelette Pajauîas, made. with O(irl' andý boys' heàvy ribdSeh »nes1 to4 Gils' Muslilu9 Waists ......9 Miss*s' good uahity FerrIS R Corsets ...... Girls' wool top Coqati, sizes '2 to 6 ivears, 1lag worth $2.96 . 0- Girls', ,Schobl -*Coats. sizps 6 to 14 yeard $MA1 values....4~ (IA*SaA for' F'rovldcs fori Md Color ol a -broadeloth, diagonals, Freneli set gpes aid thîe new ixtikure fabries, veri*v he't taý,loing, Skiuner's satin lined coats, anil newest mnodel skirts, ili a e~iii raneof colorings. VaJiue uf each'suit $M. for.. $35 suIs ATs$2. FEIEDMAN'S SPECIAL $25 SUIT 70E $15. 75OUTAT $9.5o. that b ot bi. thethe th bu am bi tilt dà m lu boy Jà &W the ,f «0 thee l that à% "if" wbt beau gIve y brais Tbe" la., du ..vol lu lu "Dei "1 0 h et thq end" s -Iy rie -1 1 Fvi-d-Ilpit