Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Sep 1910, p. 7

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. "' 1 Semonby CHARLE.S T. RUSSEL.L. Paer« Broo&ys Tabernacle. IMM"& 'Wo 0 .ag .ulab&-Md mmtlny daak lhe Pl. $Md me oi I. .1aiONANO J. IE. TRIÔGOS E. E.ELLSWORTHI WM. WALROND -lud"ai hean1 IIARVEST TIME COMING FIX Up YOUR GRAIN BINS, -" 4Y SUEDS BARN-ROOF AND GET'YOIJR INDIANA BLOCK GOAL, MIG1TY (001)TIME TO BUY NOWý P0I~:~; IoO JUST PRICE RI,11fl wewàIëUVMMG 5Ôme CLUE AROt~~ P1QN47, ÎRýY OUR 'IANTIAD" OLI!R-1 IT IS EFFEÉCTIVE. 1Co. Cicasogo, 111. Dove.and Coronatiens. At the alicietit ceremonles of coro- Iliton of the French ktinga afterL the anoIntlng bail beaui performe nmre lihite daves wre lot loue lu the churcli. This rais uppo9edte bsymbel- la the. pawer of the Holy Glicet In di- rectlng the king's actions. A sirnîlar Ide, omemate have lesplred ail early, kJkg@, for arnong the Lua.i areciteU le tliq roi of equity or the. scepter r:th the. loe. This ie sirnply a golden r.u. ruab a inound et tbe top. whlch sup- porte a cross. On thie4 croqln a do' e fashioreof white enaniel, rlli cx- pondait!rings. Borne fine diemonds or- zmrnentthe roti la vroua place.. Gonaer of Garlie. "Why la garile >masculine genlerr" oshuti lhe man wbo rmarkets. 1*11: muet ,bo mascullne b ecause the greengrocers 1 buy trom exil Il ie' They are ment- ly Italiens andi ought ta kuow the. ses of galit auybody dccii. 0f ailt the ,regetables and aroatlc berbe 1 bus .garlie le the aniy eue te rhlch maa- euline ,'lnues are eeerlbed. avecr'- thlng eIsqi. lecter. To cuit garllc tV wrould be an Insult. The garllc, ho ln tmol.b, ele ine, be e I;cbeap. ho la. doir. Puner. Isn't tr - Nor Vorli Description of a Meutain. "Jily." mthe Ia oner. "riAl le a cape?" «A. cape ls land exteading -Into thie *torîrt. William. Delco a suif."1 "A guif le rater extendieg tututhie IenlY" ' "Gooti: Cbristopber-," ta a %malit es- ver iooklng boy. "-wbct la a moueanP" Ohristopher eliat up from bis eat so eUddoaIy as ta tartie the. tesclior andi ,prosptiy reepoeded. "A mouInta nla bcad ettending loto the. atr."-Dundo Adv«tiner. Buss.IieftoililtabrDace pret- ed twice hon s.4ay te the. local bramai.hoet tbe MaloaelBible glu- 4éeistaAsseloe. ë& le Unadiuceexcl- loin leasing amg iege ant Iintelligent atienei.0"p etrece ras entifle "Tbo Criait OrE" r." The alher r. »wr report ne stuaker Ksel:- Onr text lias nt 'yet been fuilillel lut ne bcilev t14 beglening of lie fulafl ette blu ne. lipîctures Me&- statoKIRgOni, fet rhicb Chrietlan people bave »eU licouwalting cund pftylna. "Ii yKingun camne; tir nUi lue derne n u rtli ýc le iecen"-the «Me lnglemfor fpbhlth' iaJensse Long wafte#*ae aréuul,.le.wont it "tes, mat le lac spIritual part oi tiiX luaalos, nhl the Gospeli durci la C&aille, ta lare, ut t cthc ecrtbîr Port ai hie agelu, whbb telongs ta hI. enatüraleti ed'f Abrabham. A' plat rotairkbb en matie by many or us la lie Ptetfil that ne bave net liacoret anti acnuowleigedth tion *isieels pirituel anti naturàl. and lb. seperat e rswrds and biesainge appr- liàned te hes. by the Divine prornls oft he Uclpture&. fotu are ta ho usel oi Goa fuaiing tle tpromise matie tel Abraa-in blcsslug cli tihe fait- lies et the .nrtb. * Attis ce ompieteui of Mcssiab, Headi andi Meunhers, on thce plane of gior. te New Covenntrt lbe Iiaugurated. nItli lamel, as the ScrIpturea distinct- * I teacî <Jeramleh xxxi. 31-34). 0cr lent. therefore. rails for ls acomn- - iliUeit unti) tbeilast iember ai lie uleet Clurdl of Christ 'duail bhe ppsa- Wberoalthe vaL * leruol the Rerthly Reprcentalive. lu the mymbeile langnuste of thre Beriptures a mauntelu flaers ar- boncau ai a KiugdonL tenne the mountele of bbc Lord's bouse mens tic Kiegdarni fod andti tit royal bouse or farnly r.ognized by hlm. -For inaece. nve rendth tat Davîidmat open the thbrae oithe Kingtiom af tbe Lord anti that Çod miade a Cov- enet nltii hlm, 'evcn the cure mer- cies f aiDvId*"-vlL, thet none btintbis Beeti. is posberity. non id cier tic rcc- agnîzeti as the Divin eir artildrcp- resentatlres of lodtInl kiîîlly aublior- lty anti paner. lua oher wornts. Mes- siahiwent stahlofspring of Davîi. the great antitypînsi Davidi (Beiovcd), nha must I"relgu mrollisec ta sea anti tram tic river ta tic eoda ai the ert." Tic Mealah-Klnig ou bbcspirit place. bbc Bon af God (ancuti ke (lotiInvisible to men, ns are aia lite ergelsi. tg thc antitypinci Davidiandtihte; cntitvpicai Sohomon. the o-lac. tbe great. the ricb. tn the dayi o! is flecti aur Lord ras the Bon of Davidi accordln eg the> flesh. tugh tiegotten ai a divine Ilue ,Dot leint 'eti ho-any buman Imperic- dion. He ina. tiierefore, bair. harmn- legs, undeilei itsepurate frorflsin- ncre. Hua taitutuinîiss te tbe nill af lhe Fatier madeie him cobject ta ail of bbc exlperiences of sufferiuig anti deutih. as extres.ed lai bis onu nords. Tiecucp wnieh m ry Pathoinekthpour- eti for me. qdiu1Irefuse ta d4rink II? Hie ohedieuce une de ath, erOn the decti o! the cross, demoestraecd Ide lorauirta he lest doarce andi ie recelvetithe blgb reyrart aPPraPriclei. "*Hlm bath .ot i ase blgily ezalted ant gis-on a name tbal la abovo overy cernne, blet at the nams aifJJeans evoi'7 knee shoulti bon. boai titings la even anti tbungp lae arti." Exaltedteihoeicriglît baud ai Divine favor le neilts oniv for lic Palier's lime ta take ta Ilins.eif hie giest power anti relgu (îReveiallon i, 17). Meantimo, lu barmoor rlbb the Divine nIl?, pur- poseti hofore 'the foundatlon of lie wrnd, ho acte as adoaae fer cueli as have tlehec ering car andtihîe abo@- emt beart ati irll non respondt thîe speclel invitation of the Gospel A. Tbat - aii ta t leeve the wrnd, lts mina,les pheasures acdtiale pe. anti te raul r feitbln tiheieeffling glet anti preclaus promisaes ai Cod-the thingu rbiuI eehath un e anon ear heard. cellier bath entoel l ata lie bean of man. Tiiose ame ie ay- enliy linge prornlaedliteuâ us lie Bride andi joint-hein niti lhir Bedeeu- er la Ile gloriaus Kînglon te coe"ld ls blesseti rork of npUIftling Ur"e anti the norid. laIn thTop of thé Meuttas. We lavebefare aur mInIs the cclI- typical bouge o ai ldit. MOUsela'.kiag- ly bausololti.the royal prladlioe Di- vlely prepareti. Ai e Klugdorn l liti he ai 1h. top, aboî-e cit the kunglme, af eartb. Nat nniy nU ltia le Ine et lbe spIritual Klngdom (làvtiicl te m as the angeis are unvisible). but It wrlS inctoie aie an eartbt$ Klugdorn coacpoaeotai"israellles, cileel" t thoir leati as princes lena11ithe erti ilt &taudth ie recurractet Aocleut Worliloe, perfecteti as monatiuai- pie. ai rbot ailtnienkînti. iy obedi- once te the laws o! bbc Kilnm, mc! attaie ta, rîbi eternai ilfo. TliegeAn- clont Worthies rire enumerete tu l 0~ Scriptures-Abruiîam. Isaac, Jacob, l29 propiots, Pe.. anti describeti by $t. Paul lu HeIn-ns xl,.840. Taelie.. iteiaug tb. earhhly praolm is« of.heO()I Testament. Tley ocrer ireastiofethé hoavenir or spIrItual promise. Tb*i "Oyalty wmli find. lIs renard ln hltc PULPIT66. The Lord'à House là the, Top of the. Mountains. "l h CorneI.pelueia 1 aidy,u" t6uisoaufta .1 iiioLuafclo e nil ha.- tahdin àom .top eofIr"nmuiu.ssian " llle esd.Irev. "lii. be Mde; u sas.. nous. am, am iàel"(luist à. 2>. blet thoy wrUt como forth freinlie tqmh uo longer blemisiiet ced Imper- faut, but ur, .campielcly restopoti te the perftiîon orlglally enjoyeti by istier Adan. Adtllonaily Ibese mlii have lie spocle gulinece niin- attentiof i eleih(Headi anti mem- ben)l lea althbi ffaire oi manhinti. Thesé as lhe Master saiti. suicaking ai that lime. "Teo@chit sec Abrahami, Isaac. Jacob andtirlie proplete in tle Kugdmu' (Luko ilil. 28). God'a Klngdom wnu b. represcutoti le the eanth ylelraei-e.pecii>- y these mantiy mn uOf Isrnei. reeurrect- ad perfect, c'o wnu e hoe u pecici ap- poiuteeo anti represeulatlves ai 1he glorili l.lesieb's rota. As Il la nnlb- toit. Insteati af tIr faîhers <bu, an. doent sclntiy aon ere tyleti "tle fathert," as Jieas w as styleti the son ai Agrahani endi Derîd4 shaW- hothy chIlânon. wnon thon inaveet uahe princes In ail'tice erth (Psalm xlv. l6i. 'l'eiue Prnces. acting under anti çaCbnincclir In contant ntth hespirit- Ual Klngdam anti ruionsstcyletiilethie Senlpture "tic rayai, prlcatbooti.- nl, ai course, bc go uperlor In their ris- dam anti power as ta commandl the abetilence ai ibe wmaie earth. The ns- tlouo ai leac. nîit won tbey are ce- label. noul ait :turaliy resuu)uint mare quehiY tice otiers ha the New rdcio of lbInge. rh-b hi ho e ut that for rhir lier haro been ncltieg anti pncrleg for mare lice thîrîr centuries. ^Il Nationso Flowe Unie t. te thoce wrde the Lord tbroagi lia prophet assures ne ai the wncterful succeec nilîchlanl tendl tie. estabi- lishmient ai thc Nen Empire af cartl. the dominilon of the Prince ai ligît. nîlcI rlii sopersetie the tiomlnln ai the Prince of darkness. nlîee Satan sah ho b bounti for a thaceanti yennu thet h. nier decelve the peoples no mare. 3Messlah's Klngdom in nu h ilgI above ail otier Klngtioms. cal oniy le Iis grandeur. mjcsty anti e- lbanlty. btail aIe In ticioftly principles nblcl lb clliirepreserît. Tins It la nrltten. "Ile shah 1er rlghteoucneas ta thcie eandljustice t hte piramnet andthle bal [Trulhl chah csw-ecp anar the refuge nt lies" (Isalih xxviii. 17). Nevertbhees. as the nanti mii camne ta appreclate tbe rien ortier of tiings ail nations cial Sow' unoIa, ut. (lu p ta lt-conltrury ta the iownarrens of fehien irîman natu-e. I1h onu make menifent scci soonderini renarde for rlgbtconsness anti oledience taoti anti lb miii go malie miniîtethîe strilpes tbat mtaîrat tend ail su-liltil dis4obedl- ecie ta tic Divine arranigemenit tint rie Scrlpture ciii hue farilhici irici declarea thutl oier the judtgmenls of tic Lord anr' abroad lI the ccrlh. bhe inliabitants otfthewrnd c-ii learn righlcousîios <tsitiabxxvl. 9). lumiauity for six tbousanti rears bas bIeu ieîîrntng "the exneetiing sini- uness of sic.",Itis downrretitenden- cy le ever3- ceose ai the orord. Evcry aim of garerument bas btiecridInt i ce entienîor ta secure tic greatest aniaunt ai biessig. But the unltorm resuhîs bave been thaa"tbse exaltedt t place anti Influence anti porer bore proveti thenceives onequaila othe op- portunitles anti temptations ai the po- sitions anti lare abusodt im celtishly. Wboever la acquateeti itb bielany rcalilzelie truthbicnesof ail thls. If smornfa us bave boped ftiat the gen- oral edunatIan ai tle masses sud lte generel oeiighteument ai lie race roulul abolîsti sin anti selllahieasanti tiemonstrate the truthinleesa ai lbe Pnoverb. "Honccty la the beel polinr." ne ancenlilaig ta confesa tbet thie han boen c mîstake. We percelve tintthle grenter the îstin anIntlligence granteti ta a seifieh mind anti heurt tbe grenier iii hoIls opportunîties for evii andti etement tiierèto. Every Mon Agist H-ie N.ighbor. A. a noncequienccthie rorîti le acing caufidence le Itseh. Ail. whetber poil ticlans or jutige. or gorercors. great on zmmcli. ai one panty or nototer, ai anc uetioeclly or anotber-all are nre cusel of belng tarraci rlib lie same stick ai selfisianes. Tic Bible cteariy Indilcates tutItus tilebruet lauant i-h out resan andt tat the grent rime ai trouble soon ta came upon evary nation (Daniel xli. 1) nîi lie the direct nesait of ta slacs ai coufidience. The Bible's deoscription oi tIc matter brlefly suni- mcd cp la, Every rman's bandi ual? h. againat bis ncighbon <Zecharlah vul! 10: xlv. 13). It wnu ho niter lIat great turne of troubla shail bave thorongly slckeeed liomantî as respecte lîscli nant acy lapes I lbmglil have laaio bnnglng about a Millennînin yIr Il orc efforts-bbal (lot i mlimenifest bis. Klngtiom le the top af tba mounlins- ailgber than ai otbon ktngdoms overy ooey. anti al peuple aeil Son tonart il. As 1h la wrtten, "The deefreoaiacli proe shali came" (Haggai Il. 7r. This la tiesîribedtu letle verso folar-. log aur toit w chcrndats, "Anti mcny, people shahl go anti say. Coma ye, lot anud pnmhlg JtiettyJ. and 0 boîte maey people; andl tley si their mrortis ia epiorOlicresa spoars Ijeapruirnàg book. $bal[ Bot lifi up crord againel neither shall tbey iccru rwar au: Ali Cbrietlans agree Ibat lbee appJIrto tie Moasiab'a Kitagda tell us Ctearly and tiistinctiî tle 3ndgmfentc.- of tbe Lord abri le tbe ccrtb.eusung cesse cati the keonictige oft ta 011 the aboie cartb ne the cuver the great deep (Isalab il 0, Nous. of Jsab, C.c, W. have. alrccty nate il propbecybelong9 e t airal 19 not ta spirituel Israel. As, verse decieres, it concerna Ju Jerusaletm. Br Ibe time tbis1 nul have begunt e ta ho fo itua l iret l nu hobeyoed1 Itle la ufuit harmony nitl:., nre resti lu the.911$h verse, "0 Jacib, Came y. and ]et us r. iglil af the Lord." This la Pl iy the lIme when thli messe. oral Imfrsoi shouisi go lbrt. drtandti tI Seriptures ta te guring the colt fer years1 *111 bae. peclel declinga wi le conetlon wltb tuis ccii. peint outt t lern the wreroai mms anti the greet prIvileges Ibeirs as c people. becauseo iuromilisee ta their fatiiors,A Iemm anti Jacob., etc. But oi nlio respacti by turning: ta af ffIodsWord ta naîtle nI Iu the praper condition ofh obetilénce ta promptiy get thl et the hoglnnlng of Meisiab Those mont prompt te respond the greeter blescing. Versos 0-10 portray corne of sons nby Goasferor bas t> dranfor c urne fram neter -aIde tramu the fact tbct hbi favar ras for the lime ta be Spirituali Irael. Then fauto scrlptian of the lime of tIl rbhlebpresent Institutionsc cemb, la ho foitawed by Mess pire. Let us read came of lb. ced cnote tlreir cppllcablllty te andoibe correspondence betwE eataternts and iveny aini nauncernents ln tbe Boak of lion, applicable aise te the nblnb ire arc living. We w cnd parapbrase tramx verso end aithe chapler.- What the Trouble Wii Acc The lpfty looks of mac becihied saud the bangbtlness ssial b. bowetl dore; cndt aianesliniitieexnltediintbeldav the griealeot obsta -es in'thc of bamanily. bluîdering apiv trutlî anti rightcousness. lu pr Âliglîty Goti ls nfot 0cfitil erenceil. The 'ery icarneti m aur Colleges si-m more and doubt that lucre la a (loti the affcirc of eartb are guliji allier regulatlons then Ibaseo except ns tlc.' icarrîdCRUce tbcm. The lime of troublei varions tljeorles o an cii n ced'founti wantlng will den Most tboraughly tIbathe irisd ahave la ceglecteilni faxeorei nision. Tihe Lord egays lu place, The %wlsdorn ut tbclrv ibali perish cAndthenderi Ibeir prudent men abal dlset For lthe day af the Lord( chai] be hcavy arn evauery oui protid.anti iotty.îand upon ei tht 13le îteti up, andi ho bronght iow, anti upo nil, h, of Lebanon titareccc bgh ac up [the cclesiccticaliy gre upan ail tbe oaks o aisain iitlcaily clrong]; UPOn ailt Mountains [the hlngdoms of th sud UPOn ail tbc billethata up [the smaiier princedotu uon ercry iiigh torer anti o feced rall [reprementleg bh ganizations for slrenctb and tion] anti upon ail the shps calai[labor organizatlons]a RU tiesireble prospecte an41 oal'thiy ambition. the atmaof1 nui ho hoavy. The resnît wnI the loftiuiee shall ha humbled hcugbtlneae abal ho matie low Lord aoe @hahl beexaltait daY; andtil dole shah be abollsbcti. (oti mnet be lSu the ner order of thînge. Noj blesslng nu ltherrîse reeuit. Hi4ding ln Itecksmend Ce% TIcs. le dtimressanti perple: ln that time af trouble fe e t and lbe rocks anti the cave. for foar. As Revelatian (vi, preses tel.they shail cmitla I '*Faîllan us anti bide osntrain of hlm bliat sltbtbt upon the. W. are net la cedensanad tt llterclly Ihan îltscontext il slgnlfy thet people wnu ho as as te lileraily pray for rocks open then, rien hey coui eailly dostroy - their Uivos le nay. The tboughtý la bie i trary eft tus-blet tliey tiestre 'tion, iling. hlding, caverh the trouble of bhe coigdae Lord.Thece aiciters ai the ru caves of thoe erth mymbolical maut the attempleti protection man orgenlzatiocs-ngucace aies, seret soctetles, etc. i of these nil l e aile te prote lie troubla rhch la co.ming nul b horantide andtinlvolv eatly tling anti lntcrest. anti secular tinancliianti polit This nîil take plane rien Il aillae Lord and i, maeety i festeti le connection wnUl lisà Nation t nation. A Diind' eso ordsBy Nt QVAD y of bor COPiYIght, 1910, by AscociateO Lit-. 1 u Wli e a> re rare toi the. LOrd 1Peter HOU had been boruioai oerk44 be waters folkse. rc bd workëd on a fa e'zi i, 9). 1bis lit0and et thoe ge of lotty rag 1 811l1 a farrner's blred man. Peler ruer isl flnot stupîi., but he ras slow. l. hb" that thisutille education, but he gai aromad. te ercel and things If giron tdîne. Belng sloW SMa tbe. Brut good tempereti cnd witliout argument. udeli and Peter was tcken b7 nmie foikue a propbecy reak ln the top atory. Ilied. spir- One dcy Peter hal te culte a Jpor-. the vol. ey by rail It ras hWl iret M ~On this thet the cars, but lie made Uoi**s ibouse 01 He gave the conduetor l@ .ck~ alk lu the on to bis seatntiwtiib bath 6an. prticular- rbenever the train etopjael et a ste. ke to Bct-' tion lie stoppot i wth IL .It tickl.l SW. nu- hlm ta findtiat ho couti catch on so ccclh that ecsfly. By snd by lie liet a seat the. Lord mate. Tt wac c sarrorfel joug ma. vlit Taraelntah kepi one eye on the conductor mué Hie wili ropt rlth the other. HI& niother. n*ho rîghteoius liveti ln Chicago. ras dting. cnd ho s that are bcd no money ta go ta lier ad rece". et Divlqe lier dying bleaeleg. Abrahami As the young rnan continuel tu<; niy tboeo wmep ho aroneeui Peter's sympalthiest- the lîglit andlie, finally got &roundti ta ay go. lb null be Tien lie yonng men explained tcst hecrt and5 tiere ras a rsy, andi one ray outly. ie blesoleg open for bien ta roacli Chicago bofore b's relgu. tihe spIrit of bis dear motbar took Ias [d nul get Illght. Ho boid a dlcg2ond ring nl hlm-on. that balt been preeented te )f he reg- hlm by Mir. Rockefeller for nal clmb. Len wlth-i. ng Mount McKinley adt erlâg bis ,rai Tarant clothes. Il ras a ouenir that -ho, lis spechal hatedti tapart niti. but rlien * young lgivon ta man's mother la dyiag wrut would ows a de- you bave? He shoned tlie Jewel. but oublc e, n siiored I lb Try narofuliy. Il ras nil ue sm- rapped ln moyen foldaetf-tisane poper. osilbs eem- The dlamond ltbeii ras not quitte se es verses large as a raleut, but blase thinge% to Ou, cinnt aimer. b. rnm te ritlita 'cen tbeeerIe carat or tro. 'thie valuetras $W4i. iliar pro- Under the clrcuimstenceho not tf Revel«. part with It for $25. The sacrie fcei e ime ln $275 eboret aho eloveti hWi.stier wiii quoto -bow anxious ho ras ta tires lutber wrlkW ondforthtii.]est tine. ilto tbe Ptro iha .d tl Thé nii)Î "' ireelaUt of bls poche.oi lmplish. the ring rent ln, anti for an haut 110î %hall ho trembieti for fear tie yoans m 83 Of mon ronitibackeu. '*l,~, the Lord AS a tarmer's hirod mmi Pèter s 1ý One of slam meti arounti aur aid way. ant i tt D nltbwaY tnytbîng u-cs ecnucdevetigonl Onouxhli ,roach ta for lr. Wlîeu horetiiotd i ntth tt ride. The rinig he lenro to reof huMcu nature lently rer- lu tee minue ban la ail bis lis, ho. men tait cfore. A speelal cupper ras placd eSh. d more ta foýre bim. andi ho Wai tlid tbtiho andl Ibat neetiot milk lb. cors tbst ulgiat. ct ta any -'fry-ao~iaterbreakfastlhe iaroý of chance. ero rîIff began »milu t Petm . 81 1reýuIato aiso eseti nords of gattery.'- 81Wisé> wtnsi tbe bitedti iat as heolied no use for a I le c tid iamnonti ring ho present It ta lir. it mon0strato would lie sacietblng for ber teo rem-~ sdomn frorn ber 1dm as long ams@ho lired. PoW of eartlIY caÇd e'd thînit It 0,cr. i enotber The fermer boi a ugb ter nemen, ýN'icc men Bet4sey. Tbat ras tht esson 4htLw îudlng Of calieti berseif Adele. Peter liS t ttl* pear. to fait ln love ribli ber., but eh. lit', of Hosts informel hlm thet tii.souf letron ne, that la them 'e-as sasride as tie Atlantic everY One ocean. Non îla shoroti a diaopItlatn sboa b ho tanarror the juif, otaelii. idil of, le eedars tbc Trie canai. nd litteul Ncxt day the fermer took Peter ont ,'t] and ta the barn andi toltibloc ha lus I«eh a [the po,- a driver of rork that bis rsg. fl. t tbc bigli ho raleti. lie aiea naid biat Prter ne. te wrnd] sarper than a racar andti tat tbeft are Ilfted rcsui ae lgbtnlag roui s"ntle li ms]; and state arsobo aild holas eetitête bla. ipol every Be -bcd bcd tarIr hirel mon leahbu "n ' o- ime, but lik« Peter ÎKoit 'd Prote- Tb he arud 'up by ofoiemg PoteS' la of Tir- a tbre. dollar catiflor hue $200rio& sed upon Peteraked for aszin outlW tine le ideals ai rfh ite usie op lIs sld.Thora the. Lord wsaWdi lao b mtr Hl ho thatraaWla-leno e etai. xl cnt lteriWhlie bcd tionglt t aort. Wa w and the lie bean tatelaofbis loveho.aras. i in thnt lunstieouot of doors.Asuliewrasosing e t li te rider Smong citer hile: euirr "WiY, yorn t kme rat under nu tcoal e Ir" j' pouuce orelerlc lorir.. Yieeo eu thini Pm'Sgoing tate eIoa*- 114a for a buaband?' 'luvo ' v the diemon tuwiars szlty nUI brougw tU w idow caSaI to the hale. Peter alo ecorne dore 16) ex- and 6 se rIF.r ~~rnlOn the rocks, cf ber lieus. Pel a. l iat 2 the, face cears andtinoi ot 9tbroee." pre<lcel that le roiften ad- thiB more corne daly; Il ras rnn dom. net nife. rien ho came te 00 fOOllshbob a prond roman. L tâ te fal wre.rerarked ccandO il moreabout I4 doclare a te,9v1:> aoir li sh e *0for bthe rMngMus0 votY. coS- enebin c idor 10 'e~~ ~~ Krlc a ety rears al li ngr freim muWd taie It as ope et the Ry Of th* mneetioltbingmov«w do»ue $ hW% rckm ad pete 'Mlnt leare the eoyal tir ropre- limetOe bini about &t.- )n Of lu-, Thontheo wliet et itettrom acompa-.dora the riron wnheltele ireiPetS' But jione ariy iem bis emplot neH.buI a ccl from rite n1 dtire. dauciatoais alW '*&.> g-rbh'led'titt - ring. Nocee aiilie i oi il Iv very. Tieq It 'as suggegtel thet ho ie mn religions Itte &- churcli and ti ltt I ettitfflS ýical. lte lonoet thle buatte., P«W the gTory didnlttn for itl. Ho rus«liilaS Lr mlani- bus où anti enaylng lie situalloa rIl«' standing la rire bace man came caog au* pro- ýheori n ouzecedtheIl ilamondti nlg but a rrIbiy the pince nf gias. It ras taken ta to*is. ing con- sol l he Jeer Baid th. sasU tdg halinos "Viliain! Deceiver! snln4fe ià vnn. S ut ot illh siiteth ftI t 4b BuOmUo A.I ie 4q buebsM vgi d hym cbdwaydw.e. b.o af ut ogr tgomg toay-4b 25 c«eun Zm ko75 cap et a déalolm bdrlak, 'vuIthie r . BpOW homIt n'ft,e.d mthe couffm-ed, wvhlai ye um"p pacMdgea abooMeqt. Fer" ~by Blooded Stock fore saleat prices and on ternis to suit A Inspectio n is invited of a quantity of pedigrecd breedin gstock wbtch is in excess of the !equirements of Hawthorn Farm. The stock is registered and consiste of Brown Swiss bull calves, Brown Swuse year- Iine, bulis, Sborthorn yearling bulls and Berkshire and Duroc boaru. Hawth orn Farm" Libertyville, Illinois Tépho..LlbetyvlD.2733 Pot office: P. F. D. No. 1, Prairie View, DL.

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