Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Sep 1910, p. 9

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JNTYý IND, EPENDENT. WMUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Lt~RYVILE, ILL., 1FRDÀY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. POUX AE $1.50 PElit YEAR IN .&DVAIS in Bonne coeuuty, and Sonator 0180q IlODaires' roaldetice areeipdt Treasurer-Mrs. Mary Mtcaif. la aretden ofXclenr conty 1 UDITifqa'FOR E 1 * A ITYResolutions outlibing the plan et w h Mc h lo v e L a e c o u a t y o u t i n t h e l ¶ vt h M ie n t u le r , a n d w t h e r eW r o h e y a e e a d p o t unllodlu arlg. t n.rone on derlaratlon of principles w l1 Liecut e omnyrpre The young Couple are now living on 1LAW, as followR: B sute i 21 lulan tret, rturiWi derlare that cur prlnel.pieu t0. ta tle Cty aterthe arrlge ]stmain unchanged. and that u-e staad uP vtesforthe*'vndictio" o th AT CM T OVS lgt I leundestod tât hefor total ahmtinence for the lndividual, _________brides parents bave telegraphed for- prohibition for the state, a &in gie stan- Many- Thinga hlay Mappon. gîvenessanad that ail lis forgiven ,~, dard of purlty, a blgher Chrèstiar cit- Mr. Ohurtlef vwan asked hy a r& Young and Cpany Starti f mdtgnCahogauatos OO ~ristian Tomp'50j letaishp: p tfo h Tribn aes Teeau i u d County tpUn i n Effeot Deoures And for equalty Iu law anmi gVera- TW Ld A o t " n Eeel çl*lo A eTh arrtwof Mxo.Foj a Sfrg ment." TwoI* s lipt çq sim EOV~ Y rs4> "I< 1avent hoard about t," h Il@ ,CI*rk OWfils Toda y Wbat the wild pgon oFrcquwlnSuffage Bn Mary Sedgwick willi rprseaê Lenvç tleg, te Go tôêsébool oui (i. to a mut reply. point o unierg ruthie United states th iiconty at the state Coit rento0n t W 0I enauswer 'ye' or 'no"' he tige parrot. of varytg gas o oo Was aakod Threo M t Now anJob and thvatiaigas .l.luul M lco iituCounty Convention Kold Et Hoopaton and Mrs. C. J« Juat th« ,T nt-t uneOm W 1k ,&ith ra skd TrolMtw 'dOh-an il»FA% i uIl Waukegan union. Other unioue là Way Home et îNighi el.lI tiMo. h toy osaré t.FolIow as uinldday Sun 10 lb. bottheuntry. anti WBondînteresa grow ont of a taik we had before th1e idlBointehtcuryadWt Iees pmalsthat each of the three engin. Noodtho Report they becorue mulame arouud the campe (Tr: Wodnesday: SUN.) ore i i adtidta persuade bv rpr1uaivi oma;i~aronndiduelnsandsougbeor: FonWdnsl nDALTON CASEIN1 Tw Bestaidt ad bottontor iifrontrm i îabl'oge u y hasthe senatorshlp, and 1now theret Young 'opn ti onngrlrpts TIMEh arts e Fon en»ia' u. elve gvethirmotirsauaiiiu3are two nominees for the bonne in began their taak"of andlting th1e Lake socteeoet sud utlgbton be ulvo gvethlrmohes n uxoalnd ho wonld go home àlone Il h'ti ony. Boecut a theCluyboa grouud In th1e open spacsftleun The Waukegan W. C. T. u. vili hoil nlght lent ulght. About 1 o'Clock YOI- other would fot accompany hlm. tmln oîy reprenaîe anty athe wll uitok. h atvsrecoguize tbelr achlou a membership raily ut Temnoranc<a imlort'yreresnttie ad hatwii AdiorSmilyl Incharge of the a. sure waruing of an lmpeudlug Temple Frlday afternoon or Ibis Dboete.Over Une 'Feng* rffril tertiay afternoon thoy left their homes Tire older boy tefnslng ta go wth, leave IAce counnty out In 1the colti." work here for. the litai aesu )uae.Areeau eUglueers lu- 1woek. It là; the atmit0 have ovor fo uge tjaeFrs ovPaeng camen a no eei.t Wheu hlm ho stantedti alone andi by 1 ý e ilrosîgu inlu vrofa I IbHer ndWaenaeors isWbee!and assert Ibat st, I member present. emat-o -A d w evnn aeadte eenthome walkng ail nlght h11 reached home l.ake county man?" ho was asked. ruiesHay u hlnar .44.n% accidents whleb nigbgt bave bocu A number of new memrbers are ta therS< the parents set out ta lokfor thora thi mornlng. a satdoer anda wlaer well, as t to 1 ca'î ey Mnyrigwhlie other audîtors p 10' yteavertoti bave reswuited wbeu the wain, bo recelved sud oficers Inalalleti. bu otrc f hmweefuriad o.thîngs are 11811e ta happen between the number o! ton may tie thrown o n o!o the birds wos uoted, but u-' .rs. Sedgwick wlll give a report of j the mothers wore uoarly frantic vith The other stayed there 'ail nlgbl but now sud eloction day," ho replieti. ta the work a.u eeded. Audîtor Banil hedOt _______th_ 1e county convention helti et Giirneof tP'iueiWednes?.aai IN.) geft Stheb.1l8esof their boys. About muat bave loft theo I n 1the early lyl Iwr u11 out rau-AL .~~yesterday. A land i dspute caifletiAttoragys 10 o'clock tis morniug une of lie.mornlng as Ibis morning when bIs' tesI h 1dutse o *g vrt e Teana ogeto fth aePraegadHyt boys rturne ta bils horu. and rald parents- veut Io brlug hlm back hode FIVE BLIND PIGGERS fil'e of esth o îwo otera lu 11r1cne " outagnn hw itu eve oyr 10 g" ot un ul CoT.ventwon o ho Lai o ur- aeeg4"0y ckr o ai U hie story. 111.7 fourntithe tout aud ail that te FINED, COIJNTY -CT. tenir la a monumental one. valloti the littlo wldovwtt 11 . I n etrdiay. A bus. Inar of ladies m. Devine aavtJmsDalt uu It seemed that th other boy had a boy bar! wlth hlm but Che boy won Not oven 'the supervisons who ap. 1son. -Tho other dey a mun I1 l10 'f rom Waukegan atteiided andi other arose over 111e'buIglding of a e".. test la 1the junglos arounti Gurnee gone. Doubîless, dlsappolntod Ihat povd kmew that theo Braiwould start! awfnlly veli akotime boy aid liii'unions of the county. sent gooti dole- M r. Devine abouttwIo veek anm Init he i tle 11ono ta go with thoro vere no ludlan a bu houn.1el uof Liquor'Without Lic- work moo so. It la sald that t. 11 wn1e'itenetom h aios x retd one o b tentab s tuad spgend 1the nlghl there nor any vîlti beans ta 1lead i hm em iteSii a1 I uliu opn.rtbe îut lhboy spote up vil haut g41119 me aglon.taagoeeracte& af fhnce o. th te wlt h hlm romtsiug bhlm many fore adventure 1ho bas sanglât freaber i is omr chmnthr, e ance.ta ult l ust w od o n 10 11e lîn Sea ofbetevie,-Dlton 1101w- atien lbg- Io*nfais* sharp batils vlth vîlt bata sud -filelds a t0h1e West sud ail sanog the iMN« le Profiable B snu!î oe ramn oe îl e 0 ~ uo' uvjs o lii e, et ir.Lus hiad h Ic atnpoedt abnS ou b Inldiens. Wi1ISail 1the credulity of a lineo pllOe ae edta look out for - Hteeter hoent om f hig slh cSb au osemal n t vramuanInoprty oI»-N.pI'Ositedt . Htl lbrttou% wahOr. i e a geon vitlt moi- test year old boy ho glsdiy accepted i hm. monYorkor. casm a v Thnea "No roateots fteifcr n u ug tUetvleedwetu th ni atinad Insteati of going The lttle one vho returued ta bis (rem'5fWedneday'SUN.> York edent>esa«mot - Oua mng I acio ativa Ile bte' tam obis homtok a isd dre w agb, omeItnofaimen ad u as her! hlm " trnofOe l d ig UE"" D NA WORtD 0F APPRECIATION. andth 1e outlool for 1the year's vork Scon after the, Brut trial ins.D& frn i oeadde h le uto i detr&» i oug - were rinlto 1the ceunty court room MO E E U D D-vory brlght. Vine genectedthe 1.feuce. agala aei4 a ge'l il the way taWthe tout. walk homo alone In11e dank. The'- yesterday and vere IOuedi. M N Y U D D Ta the Votera of Laite CoutY.- A gai n of it members vas reportoti. agala X>tontore il down. -'The os'. Whou they reacheti the tent about usai.. of the boy* are vlhhheld ou ac-j Tbey voie Engoue Hmo f rox t 1 wls a h ank you one and ail for The Gurnevomen entertained at ond timne ho va. arred iand *Wa £o'ciack in the oveuing tbe owuer 0f1count of parental vîshes but bothh1 Lake, Jouepb Hladevoc of Long Lake, !tîr n W eI uttemgiietspotgvnm tWoia alI hi se opt rnb aIk ýj dtwge the. tent va. surprised n hta famile.11 are vell knovu and live 'i Andrev w Wooadsan iu ei Si1 1emanocefsupr gvn ea Womu al utoî oaihapt rogt ae 1o'e eltIl i bis Compauglor vas afroiddtW stay 1te reglon 0of1theWest s5hooi. BtsadM ame uota ei Fut$32477 àAgainat Inde- th1e îrlmaries yoterday. If eloctoti able manner. fore a justice thora Satuaday. Iba ir s foandM ain 11ettoat letIa11eocofserif ofLake county 1The oflicera voie ail ro.eiectod and Thoe.wena- mtruq e lisbheg bu- taray noe pin he ma0f11 eCncli ts n I*n 'te R oserf V.ted î1-1 shali endoavon ta juatlfy 1the con-: are as foliows: tveou 1the lavyo go s.t. tlgg *ùp*. torney olle possed any offidieuce whlchr you evldeutly had lu' President -Mrs. Louis-.e Shepard. o!fithe case, eCh point *boib&40 0 toncondition that bey pleati me wben yen voteti. Vic rsdui.HtIe t-Conlt t by bath'miO s It' tiel' TO CUT CUNTI S RTLEMF NOT g-uity tthe charges. (lirom Weduesdar'a BSUN.) fineeî1onerstîe. Judas -rs HtleWiba oot.netmhsut T AY I Ç'VY 1618- TAilIMflIS IUorau asSomte ligne ago au IndopnentCi-t' It EMi!R iJ. REN. n'tur-ilM ary dJlori -the,* i ýnta n . m,. Tex Payers. WIliIRjolcoe at Oood News ln Regard te Couaty Finance -Lovy Irbis Year %*111 be Only About $135,000 ln '09 (From Weduesdayli Sun.) No Publie Statement Yet ou What Marengo man ln- tends te Do Chicago ibupo Revives SON Story of Last fridsy Wfthout Rosufts <3'nom Wedneday's Sun.) Due ta favorable chabges la the rer.' A report vas heàrtilu Marengo anti ena, lava aof1the tate lest yesr, justChicago Yeterday aflernoan thal Bd.- Kt a lie vhen Labo county ueeded yard 1)X Sburtleff, speaker of the "Ni- IL. causlug the county tW b. able ta Partisan" bouse, voulti net ho a car, take up its indebtedueoasIlutbe farm ditiate at'tee Noyenerelection for of varrants hy reason cf-au increaset reelection W , the leglalatune. Twc money raislng power, of h ie close frientsin lubis home îonu The annuel Labo county appro I of Marengo, sld 1fr. fiburtleff hati priation, te ha pataud tem r to d 1thom .ho voulti not mako 1the wil bc about *7,000 or 5SM,0a,5 race. eut of $60,000.Luat yeur ths ap. The speaker blSelf vaas ued ro- pnliton callod for was &bout garding lbe report. Ho voulti ual 5118000 but th. revenue iaw iconflrm i, nother voulti ho dny It. changes wore so favorable to The report vas Ibat M. fihurtleif Lait.county antienabled se much hai matie a promise ta hie Wife anti te ho dons that the rodution le other members of is famlly vhen 11e mide, vent into the campaiga for renommna. Reports of county officers vere Ihat ho voulti vitbdrav from the fgbî rndaet1the superviora' moeting ta- once ho vas nomînateti. It vas sais day. Il vas shovu Ébat the connty thal ho fot 11e must figbt for a "«vin ciork's otfiedoses a business of $14.- dîcation" before ho nretidta private 249.60 moneY takon lu ou an expeuse lite anti for Ibat reasanh ns11etuailt on of $9,149.08. wlilch shows the great runuing at the prlmarles. volume of businessa litI passes Mr, Shurtleir wuva.vndicaled lait thnough 1the oMfce, Thursauy 117 the vote ho recevet at The-migp change thal vilI enable the prinaary electln andi having prov- 211. couuty board 10 save 1the tax psy- oti that 1e. .1111 stands voll llb.h ers $50.000 on tbe county - tas la the0 ropublican voter. of the eleventh disu. change from on9-fIfth tW one-thinti as IricI. hl14nov ready tW acquleece la the standiardi lot the asseasmeuts. lbteIqa 0 f bis fainily. No Public Sontlmeet Vet. SEC'Y. MFYER AT STATION OCT. 1ST Sumso« Gemaera.1Novy t. vb <3'nom Wetinosdsy's Sun.) Seretary Moyer o!f11e usvy de 'pBlOOtSt in expectet i Stho .uaval Mils sebool at North Chicago ou or *bout Oetober 1.1 aud Surgéon Ose" taùke% la expecledtu taviil the ei'ea sehool an or about Seplont- 60! P, The. chool autborities h*vii -t nottee ofa niportetivisit from 1the ýýç " prtnee Who la nov tonrlng ï4âwit1 e gpsav orite, Thal la the subaInce. of vat he 15 Mli to bave tld bis f niend, B. D. Putb rlck of Marengo, andt 0ouinear twe aIliers. No public announcemoat of bis vlttidrawal bas been mate and probably vii l ha bfor nome tine Ris friends, bovover, expeet Mr. Shurtleff vwUl inousce publicir bis Inention lu tie te permit some. i orcandidate vbom ho wyul support t. file is petitlon anti mabe 1the race. Il wu telb151before 1the primaries tbaî It vonld only ho far te have a repreaonlsîlvo from mch of tb. Ibro. Meuntion, Lake, MeHonry anti "en, "',te tho district. The prlmary tunnel ont diffenontly. boy ever, and the Ivo - republican nouA-- nee, . .D. Rhurtier and, J. a. -lksrs' tirée of f-<fMlteury v tua,. : Hladvoc125 nticoo., Wlf 35 uonucil quorum lu Zion City voteti'IJ!- 'cool, Bates $80 sud coits anti 1Av. Ibat th1e cil7 treasury psy j$3247?] - âb ie vbo, l la cilmed, operateti a dis.-'tdamages lu au Inunuutlon suit hegunu.È orderiy bouse In connection, was fln' by ludependenîs against Voivaus of eti $240 anti mata. Zion City 10 keep th1e Vlivaus off cor., The flues vero ail palti aud 1he men, tain unuameti premises. the luJunc. releaseti on their promise te, cut the lIon being afterwards dismiaseti antiH ojvyy Y O U e t Mali eý- ilîlîit slling of 1bouse.1the damages assesselth 1e IndependPut. t On t1e dockot there are about tven- 1origlnator. The councîl Ibal samiti ty cases of a like kînti that vill conte ilgbt votedt b pay aud badth 1e cashil before the county court at 1111e ses- gîven IDo a commuittee vhich came o w n M- i sion. Mauy of those flned yesterdaY bore near ulue thirty lu an automo-. bail a large number of cout agaînst bile it la charged sud setledth 1e e.-I tbem, but 111e stato'a attorney, thiuk- ecullon wltb Sherîl? Grîflin, Attorney 31i wpte t iug that1the tesson voniti 1e enongh bI ed, anti others Iuvolved, Attorney -__1_ E yar1go oupay' nole prosed mauy of the rout- ledilalezd wn nata. 5lnA 1 A - hpI 4k.. n .,... xvi 1..t. i v" 4.L.+f% DOCTORS IN GÎOOD TIME AT WAUCONDA Hui, 4F4sI, 1 BagiHaveefresh- - meatis, Heur Paipersmwhave Generai Cracking Good'Time (From Wodnaday's un.) Doctors of Wankegau and Labo couuîy vere entertalueti hy Dr. Ful- ler of Waucouda lu that village yes- terday anti rarely hbas1the fralernity 1154 sncb a vhole souleti good lIme, vhat vllh papers rend, boallug, flsb- ing. hunning, refrosimeuts sud a gen- oral ail round cracking goodti ime. Many shat muti houe andi brought the birds home as trophles. The program: Papers by Dr. Fuller an pelvie dis' eass, Dr. Ames cf Antlucb on Impro. visas lu medîcine andi surgery, Dr. M.4 J. Kalowske' 0f Waukogan on "Wbat Mall we Do to have Orders Carrioti ont?" and Dr. V. C. Arthur Weich- dit of Barrington on "Itemuneration." Proving a Statement. A certain minister. who la an am- pbstie prsacber, la at timesg aia lms te give bis utteranes proper veight. 'rlitance. be'l My: Z"Tustlement leauastruc as Iosho DaO$ hi b bvI follov day." or "U tmqu as taI 11te es viibadlnl %Ou-ornes a happens that the dec- lo osttemeutshain ho bai IllusbatIOna to ivethaem v.lght. On on 0 pcb occasion b. emafrlged,%MTu la ain tru, as 11e"- gaeothe tiOctr balt'qg. Ho peusoti a tov mommmba ant tt bIs face liliunined-*r" struc as la lbe. tatement that nome member la ypt on - iWor her vay 10 cbnrch." A ftv moments inter a lady entereti the edte andi avopt grndiy up 1the e.. 1*.doctoes face assucai an '1 tolti you so" appearance.' The cou- gaiieeon began te $Mle, lieu ta langh. Syh»patby for 1the embermnsed lod~ urW~~ en sumbti" t1tbe op. of boy 1the money was voted th 1e time. Today la 111e circnit court sunîtia entereti by Stearue ant iMFelti, attor- neya for 1. .J. Thurston anti other tas Payera of ZIon C'ity egaintk George A. Mitchell sud ludependtte ho dîi 111e trick Wo gel the money refundeti and the malter cleareti np. STATE CONVENTIO1NS COMES ON FRIUAV (Front Wednesiday's Sun.) The republlcau snd democratte state conventions vîlilibe helti. the former t Springfield sud the latter a Easat Et. Louis, on P1rday. There la no neeti fora congregint aI conveullon under 1the uew lav. go thon. vîli 11e noue. AUTOMOBILE USED FOR AN ELOPIEME14T Théondore KalischmM iteIed Trod issAlice Stuhlp et Cleveland, ln Chlcaofdlutw Iag Elopement F" Ohm. (From Wetinesday's Sun.) Ther. lu quite a pretty romancel bublndth te marriage of Theodare I. W. Kallschmidt, scion of a vosiby fsmily of North Germauy, tuMies Ailîe stuhler of Cevelaund la Chicago Sunday. Kalbcmlt occuples an Important Position vllh 1the Astinler vrapper faclany lu thîs city. Before 1111e ho reaidet Inl Clevelandi on bis arriva hors from Germany. andi vhlle thon. vas employet i BtIhe wrapper factory o! the brde's father. - Tbere lu the Clevelandi factory lhe yonl&g couple developeti a case oetlove Kt fln.t sighlt, sud flnally Kaltscettiit travotied front bore ltg1the égatarncl LUO piaoiiUyou wouUAi't ve nIto ULtke lessons and spend long hours in praco- ktice to learnl how to finger the keys. Today, you r-an lie saved thîe ie and excpense1J simply by having one of our INNUE-PLAYER PI1ANOS. Our wonderful Inner-ýPla.yer rnechanisai la the key to sur,~ cessfiil playing frs anyone. You may not know anything about the techuical points of nmusic and yet this simple, eaisily operated deviee inakes voît a îîîaster of musie. If you -have îîot seen our Inner- Player Pianos, <'ail soîtie day and let us denioxstrate the facilitv- with whiehî you can play any î-omposition on one of these instruments. 8eleet sonie of the pieces you like hest anîd we ivili place an Inuer-Player Piano at your disposai. You will find that yoîî ean inîînediately produce bet- ter' effects thauyy many inusicians oh- w tain whose playiîîg you haveý often ad- mired. When you -onsider wlîat an adývant- tige stîcl an instrument as this gives to anyone who has not had the time and upportunity to become proficient on the piano, you eau realize what a very re-. inarkable piano it is-one well worth seeing. The Inner-Player Pianos are 5)11 sale at the stores of C. F. IngaIls Bro., WauIIogau Lynch Bros.,- LibertyvgIIe Easy terns arranged for buyers. Pianos taken in exehange as part pay- ment. Yoîî înay also be interested ini seeing our Conover, Cable, Kingsbury and Wellington Pianos. Expert Tunng-If you 110w have a piano let our tuiner look it over. Re ia in town every inonth. Leave an'order for hit to cal Gable Piano Com~nr f

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