LA~E JNTY INDEPNDEN-T. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VJOL. XIX.-NO. 2. is -APINTEI) MASTER TObAI Wli Succssd Attorney EIam L. aoksfMaster la Chanc- tPy by Court Apoltnt Weil kuowgi Attornsy and Poil- "oan, Formir.Clty Attorney, Suoeeda te H Igli Honors PARIT TWO LIBERTYVILE, ILL.,, FRIDAY, 0< "rOBER 7,1910. cio Atfnneyitdwrd . Hedecer < '~ When,' today at the .inquest at Attorey rward . Flydeckr ofAntioch, Coroner Taylor held out i the lew tic-mnt Heydecker li Partia- towarde Elmer ftentnier, aged 9, ait lee, waca iode> aicîccîlteciicaier the flettened bulat Itaien trom th la chinoery for- lslu-e ocnty. hy the the dend body ofaieMa mterait a M IlIa Charles H. Donneily, jucige oi pot-mortein, th. boy brake cown chi the crcuit court of L.ake county,,iII, and confeased tOut he had acci- loa ucceeci Attorncey Elamn L. <atkl .. 'dentelly kllled to. girl with a chat va Wh a s haliid hie licportaqt position rin r à atwenty-two revolver lbe- h for the luat neveu yeac-s. longiiig ta hie father. - r.Heydecker wasa bora la- New- TO. confession cieured a mnys- c- prLake coicty, Ill. haaisent hi* Attorney da d eeker. et the Firsu of tlydecker *toruy twelve hera aid. as physi- i 'abhoie Ilie la hi% homne couty.- andi -% '>m', Lawyers. clans, parantsanmd aIl wcre alie te known by everybody -as a cacit- Ipuzled as tahoaw the 5 year aid oe«tlou», honot and able iawyec-. Mle -..j girl lied camne te 0cr death, until ~ada'lh i ely t7< e. e- oyspoke. ose trentt hlm city. H-e 'aie adnlt-_____________________________________ He sald thai n gettlng hi@ 0fd bi ste a S94the Billiiccourtl-The appointient of Mr iieydec-kec- sied for relceving the court of teklng srlthmetic out ai a drawer 0f.a of ths stte t 189, andwas ail'd- stand Ila arooca In which the giri *ltted ta <actwe l th<le United!cuels 'a<h ulverg~ca' iciro ai anîd jof <c-'<iflon) h cac>' ass a a stood wl<h hlm ie puilld, ancd the Otatea courts la 190,. sd bas conc- enire satifaction. Thot he wiIi nill conieicteci <attera lu chancery are re- revolver fait ta the floar. It ex-i tlaued la constacnt, ative practice ofthciii Important position wil t s the-e t lecaee oh e<e the a sînce hbcisadinfclocî to theblotito tîce attornceyes adlitlgants te jroofescnd report t thle caurt hls ploded' and te<hoat .ntered the bar and han heen aaeocleIied la esomie coîccedeci by ail 'abo Lao' im. as aI conctlusioucc of iaw and fact. the mas-,gr' ay anatuag c n «i the mont imîportanît cases la the large najority of tbe active meniers ter ic reality beucs an assistant judge. kiling 0cr aiment lnstantly. o! liyoftiscucy fte Ilake county bar jetitlotied thle Aterwau-de he hid the gun. Icourt for hie appolîtaneat, as ale. did cTbeeecdct will proabhy bc- oce of la poitice lM. lîcydecher bas ai-c theboard of .uperî'îsorii of Lake - -iaccIdentai death. The case e ouce of Wla affligted i ath the republican roay h outaiypeae n the strangest lan<lie couni', as tlie' party snd han iee a apromnilacat focoucîtyOF AN.otwoaluaiarlly pu-epareci md Ily forla he aliicl heioy a Lke ucanimacocsy slgned e petitioic aeking i DT FMN W cae ar gdraetvt comaay, and hae ai'aae orkecl for h is aiciointient te tluis office. IlTe cluiy o iman u ne a wikler- nci 9. Theý girla namne was Eveln lt- bet ateest Tao Oam ea M-) Mc- Eaînh. 'lche 'llalim lc-i rso î Saes.îhough The boy sturdily retuseil to iaik nold7eeker tormeci a aw ialtnashlp 1titis important position for nier neveuî ,hkhche is luaul ps by tic"e<sfront andi gave out faise etories riglit uic, -ttaaoy lndImi ssM t » 4w4, e othejaeIl in Plain and te tathe tImie 'ahea te<l clet, dug trom, FWM near the iegrl'@seplîce. 'aae irustInlto lwknian. wha le con- eveuyone la litss ~W'fqd-cscnÀkandcicohtSbut of lwo bsfc hnlegv p<i rii acî 1riIlat,'aiîes of hie office. and ci -Ud kýovn; onshsdu aCu hc * i#iyn tinanado ega l e ies Jaa n abloche, oblging and efficint of- eewr,îîman ustjeeka'aii t~ ~ <he curt, espec <o is Deigbbo. 8a do as Inear Antiocli, twenty miles coriliwest ese.~h le i county, as <lie Office 'as cc-e- I atternoon. The chilci la sald <o have been alone l ine tac-icibouse 'atl lier brother, Elmer. 8 îearc aId. aeth<le <Uace. The lad denic-s ail know lecge aif<liemanner of his sister eti Authorities of Lake cauaty. citer v e ry W « m talilg wlth c he pacrents of <lie chl-1 dren. sald <lie circccnislaceces sur-j roundîng t<lie ciclîde eatliwere soi L a k e C u mysterlous a onucfleteinetgio Kpows that Friedman's store is the - vIII împaneî a jury for tbe taquent. Bath tlie father sudi îother of <lie right place t b y we ifg pp 'el Ilîttie unes 'ure i the lcids near <le bouse 'ahep tp girl received t<le of every description becams, t la vaund :lieh caiccci br death-appar.Î a reliable store. carrVling oîly -the , P t-..rogh e.richior <lie bouse, c beat goode of the highest quality, fatled -<o d clcose lice weapon 'hicli and the prices are the same to &I -.wh a.smmnewa nal ta state wltli cercaluty wlether or flot a knlte liad niade <lie'aound. - , IBoy Gives <hc Aisrm. McCor. mn, alod' >wu1 thst plan% ta bavlng a at thie ra. He 4, t0 the xrk dtpne hae arc> g out his cancep- , »d lie 'aben cie tact mü- be bus ch i lit ad theric- new air- igea. woii 'k early ex- etruel.4 es. They f the rr- :perin.-ct a cir twe ment Wall Mad a"rrl t aa r-W athari'ed à e*ipýr! 1 Alnd rie the tactt mea te. tud. ae a f the lni- .rincipa'!y elter a c-e la tp ag toc'z. e lIcAI!- haai fr the e:1ii esideurt presidsccî. treasurer. lght thrcee chà, secaud 'Id, Nllch., td, S. D Chicaga, Cbicaz9ý Negaunee, liw;ukele, firat year e basital d a tbre. achoal le ki Mnd thea- y the, elty la ni by tbathi the a, liear <fie lt that ha a gaine la IUtOrmsngý tslng,. If It c the city Mir1 undee- gacbllng 's« t Iboth clag a new moel If 06.00.- Your The tirât <lie parents knew aif<lie trcgedy vas wlieu the boy rail ccream- Ing tram <lie bouse toward hie tather, ,aying bic elc<er was hurt and blecit- "r wag perbapa ltfty ode irans the bouse, lnthe corn field," <lie father afld in <the eventng. ",Ny 'alto 'aaala -ho potîLto fieldt,andth<le twa eilidrea vere la the bouse together. 1 beard Iumer ecreamlaz. and rcau my toama <a thie bouse as tast as 1 coîld. When 1 got there <lie chilciwee lylag bidal. Ing an <the ledc-oom floor. 811 'aea net< qulte deaci. but ciet in a ie'a min- ltes 'athout cegaintug conacloueos. "My vife aiea heard <lie boy's icereamead rau <o <lie bouse. Ne summinned a doctor andîci <-ed ta leara tram Eiser how his sister 'as. hurt. Re cauld't <ell us. Brother'. tory af Trage dy. "'Weil, papa,' lie seii, 'stster 'au runaing ail arouadth<le houtean d -eansa lnto <lie pantry and thli itchen ta get sometlilng ta eat. Thon .the ran Into <lie other c-oms. payIM. I va. ln <lie kîtchen. andi after a'bit I vent inta<lie liedrorn, .and aho 'au 'on <lie fnac-cryItcg and al hieeding. 1 daiPt know 1mw sue, burt herseif. 1 pever ea'a f< et ail.' k'My 'aite and It,and <lie doctar, fao, have gone avec- the bouse fc-am end to end tg <cy ta Sit any 'aopn 'ahlch lflbth'm brasat. Tt oue more lIMaa m#4uthm aaany<blng ete. ,The POUR PAem $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. JI have rfreted .Mod- ln this n heie, John IL. lorntck là to ln- Prencti ,WorM si rko per- fortleb k ta' la S a few Look f ôrUtneN taâble Co mpany on EV,« 1 Piano You Buiy When you sec thciéame of Che Ccible Covpýpçny on the frontk-màààmta ia o ,. you can bc su that It is thz kind of. an i*strWfnent you want. The Gable Company is one of the <ld estahlished institutionm in h i <wpano lmsinesm, anîd lias hîîilt its reîuutation on the mer- itŽ' <of its prodcîtions. 1Cgive(ýs its <ritten guaraîitee with cerf one of its pianos., thîts assiurinug huyers of absolute satisfaetion. rUie prîdîuetions of the Couupatîy are in use ini every encommun- it ' % of the Unîited States, and arýe pxaised by tlheIMost pronîi- netît iîîîsivians andti nusival eolleges. The Cable Company is a responsible institution. It is in a poîsit ion ttc fulfili its guarautees, and always bas for its aim the 1satisfac-tioîi of the Ihui.%er-faiets pro)ved by more than thirt *y years- of îiîaking and selliîig piano,;. Ask votîr banker about 'olii il Vpa. These aînd iîaiîv othîci- îeasonisiake it tt) viar ad%-autage to purcehase au tiîstruîtîeit on w~hieh The Gable Cornpany's naine appears. You cýatisee thiese pianois at the stores of C. F. IngaiIs and Bro., Waukegan or Lynch Bros., Llbertyvile We have mtore thaut 70 designts inu woods anîd finîsheS for you to choose rin in 11the Cono'ver,.Cable, Kingsbur>y,WeBlungton, and'Inner-Player Pia hos Pianos to Rent-If yoîî ar-e tot quite ready to bîmy you eau relit a good ini- striument from us. If youî j>îîehase withiîî a year, what yo'u have paid ini rentai will be appli ed on the price. Expert Tuning-If voit now have a piano~, let ourexpert tunter and regu Iatccr look il no-er. He h;in ii own e%-er.v uîiuth. LeaVe vuu(îr order at te- addresses above. Cable- Piano Comaffny aien belag lndlcted. Cuclver, il tu ai- mente, truc- bills returned. 1leh. ua WILVER OO ISieged, lis now being eought lit Chi- report on the excellent condition of cae heLVERjl ndteserr a canteglo cage thteale e ont jilswan i escIfewTh INDCT D W T embezzlement 'inemBina ounte ni euInspection was made. nt'g~nu t'flLlIflfl <c102.8tram th Dt uie. Iond Court ta End Tay. Juorr wmaiiItic und litd thasCuiverl ye : or nowroal edtda ISUN yesterday. 'ulver's connectIon i;lt B oule time la November between Iwltb the case outriglit leaà new sec. <lie, let and 8th, wicen tlie petit jury ther Sensation of Grand Jury cnation. - fIL wIîî begin Its wor anmi the prisoners Reports lis Fallure te in. Story ai Meyer Cas.. wilI pirobabiy lie arraigned. diot Mat loyers - Mat 'eyer. who- was e 0ldicteci Many Divorce* Today. aad wboI. releaacd, elow with a ehot. The Folliïgare the divorces <bat William Gallaglier of Wadeworth, aft- e Ian Who Shot aud KIled His er the latter with a gang of others cme up land 'are granted today, tô- had It Icocage.precectya-gether with the causes given: noYe %lyer wh wa nely arr , ýJohn T. Marc-ili va. Mary 61. Morrîli, Goes Scot Free snd :fter Meyer lied .appealel Mr f v.Jh e1a icka taabou_________ Iandcounty of- MearE.v.Jh esdukn tirer wlthln reach 0<et sop the chari- s. (Froic Wedueccday'e Scia.) varylng Charges of aîegeut izabeth M. Kebior va. James HoW- The enrtio of he ran 'Juy r- cickn thft ereliivlve lntheard Kohier, aliesed lafideiity la city oThe eensere ti Il:c3of th grnd jry re-cagcen ieaeeiise.led 'aofe Lon~don. Three chldren in tany. tfres rnerei e t 11:30 IbIf ornicg ase aies a M e nite. ! ary Baumgartaer vs. joseph; 'ter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ no ui w asc okws MnsSl aB niic. drucci(%nens. he tact that the jccry falieci<o Iccdlct 1< le eaid that Michael lne8 w&m 1Aima E, va. John E. oison. druakea- %att iieîc-rs of Wadccwortic on the ac, 'Indictëci for <the ' hoottccg 0f 1Mar, I ns :arge ofmnirer. ;hal Waino Petereocia lu the ieg on- tueý A.* W. ve. Mena B. Wilton, aiieged T h e e n a t on c e x t ic i m pci o rta c e O c c ac io n f th e c ce rv in g or a w rit. d e s rt o . ce Elgicc. Joliet & Eastern road at pIcIci bail. Waukegac, was infficteid for aliegPd , Th e grand Jccry rendereci the niouai1 espiCne ab.ivdt .l ubezzeenent. Il la sald, la connectionr report that tweaty ceven cases lih at o»hliConntto la Mlévcbltea, 'in ith the Josephl Coanor case-, Connor been heard and tweatY-two Iniadlct exAcç.ly 'aer. h la.tin Mal b. laid.w ciW.n.c WI..deccdiy', Sun.) SKI RTS A140 MATS AT ,%ÀTùRDAY AMOMONDAY Our Store i- the Largle-ri And Our ?rices Ithe Ltes Eleïant Suitst Coats axnd)ress- Zïî for Womçn axnd Is.sesi $0$1..50 $15,-.00$17.50~ .$20ogOO-$25100 and up. ffChildrei Car Fare -mm" arin aGtieatVariety*9 EntireSat. Isfactlon