Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 1

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L" W~CUNTY, ILLINOIS,,F*It>AY. (XM'OBI£R 14. 1q.10- 12 Pages 81.50 PER YBAR 2? -ADVi OUT on tom00»N Ua~ AisrisA~aul 't0ik- do~ M~ sd %gogo k> en ConuIsb>' lb.LA" teuwssaIsgrn Jury' on-a ebargeof oubqleUt o! proprtLy sud tule of the. Elgin. Jo- lot & Esatem mrilro. lu Wauitcaan, end the former at of tic rond. cme le Wnukegau Tbursday on the 11:50 train. lHe vus met et the depot by ýa SUN reporter. Mir, Cul- ver waunccm3ialei b>' e monhb.. llevei te b. ble atterney'. "I mev notbng of the charges sai tu ho mde ugalnat me," b. sali. "seo, 1 nu nat reaiy ta gve an interview ltler It vas learned it h e came bore to aurrender himelf If lie1 barges varrnnted Itot arrange bond. asu esy matter wlti tue number et fledi he bas bere, and Io dae"audan lmmedLsýe trial, or on@ sa moon u pae- Bie. Ur. Clver dii net app«e t ail uni.led by tie imdetment, reuned @«Wnl iohl, and wavii llnganad ased *ntrsi as of yore. ta.ueunaui positivel>' by a SUNi oeportar n In lst Tburay tint Jo. Outer le proiably an lnmate cf a ORtiplle inttution Ia Detraît.. MIs-i. Celver in Intervew. Mr. Culver atielpatei the service ,Ot pesWb" i vuv Dot >et ie.ued. b>' aqpearingaelaretheasitant ntlatt aorney' à"sd applrhng $3,00@ bonds. frleda. orf vii e b a.mai>' ber*.e, geinshile bo"i wiougIy. i e*» lafromed tiot bis ase wilU op *0 lie ki edetla *eemier ire s x 133 Dayte street, wbere bis vit ud tan am' r tsytsa. f The ebargesagaint me are ai *uakeydooie," ho saliln aau Intel- *v. *t Ian t lime for me te sa>' anythinsyet. Wsatoutl ilater." ne deeisred tint iho bai Sot de- immai s Im nmetitate triai. Hie Mo'lnde gtiered about hlm here la auxuberu leday. On Elèven Cments. C. m. C1lver, former agent of the llgin, Joliet & Eatern ratlrond St Waukegan. nov a resident of Chi-i coowas Wedneedn>' indtci on elev- en ceunta before lie Lake ceunt>' grand jury ln sesion et Waukegan on chargea cf thé allegéd embezzle- ment or 87.000 worth o! praperty and mono>' belongîn>' toe eElgin, Joliet & Ecaterxirallroad. At the sane lime Joseph Connor. forme r cashler of the smi. raliroad at Waukegan. va. nictei on four coonta or alileed embezzl*nent ini lie sum of $5,000. - ' Cheik, Mentioned. in tic indlctincnt agaînst ('ulver, basides the nileged tieft cf goodé and moue>' belopging to tie rilîr.oat. tie followilsg checksa, sai neyer tu have been lurici aver bti e rond but to ier bs ndorement. are mentioned: Vulean-Louleville OmehllnaCompUny af North Chicago. check for $100.31. D. T. Webb & Comhpany,. Wauitoaan. check on Pirut National Bank cf Wou- itogan for $16Î.88, dated Januar>- 2 sud saili to have ben iypothecated Jan. 19, 1909. Checck o! Mode! Launnir> Compnny, Waukegsn. for $38.70, dated Jul>' 8, 1909, and ait made ual tu bhlm persotially as agent. Htiorto At had been believed that Connar vas the anly mai vanted n connection viti the Bell Line short- cge st Waukega»,4 but the, tva n- dctmnents seenu 10 place Culver n thse llmeligbt a principal n alleged tieftz f rm the rond. *Tiie tbeftc are sali ta have extoni. ed over a poricd a! about live years. Cennor Accusei Culver. 7Wben commilted a. Insane 'ta El- gin, Cannor characi liat CdIiver canait hlm peculating hefore h iad beffl at It long. and tint thercafler vhalever he sMule hobohi ta odivtde witi Culver. The star>' at htitme -vn tait,. as the ravlng af an insane au man pparentl3', hutfletectlve.PhlUp Reft oianad auditors of the Boit Lin. tooit t serieusl>' and the evidence presented before the grand jury Wed- necia>'. One o! the foatures o! the Canner caie Us the disappearace 10 loin Con- nor or Misa Caroine Shea a! Wnuke. gan, ta? yhom Coînoa uisl Inte h _- egagsd. She lUs Connor'.s tauici de 'leader, aud viien turet. wee maie t,6 tersoti. na an: tWoie"7sMa"Ue stad puai camse ont wth a letter ta Att$wneyWaYOU of Cook I lu wbtch meelergailthe Boit Urne wlth #Al.e»d r.bottfg la cocase donm witb the Auesiiesu Steel & Wire Compsny at Wisuiieg. i. Ue Dow b.1U.vod ta b. wltb Coneorts Minh. ilgsn.'1 Polllowlug la the. lAt of hndîctuienta as returmed by the jury : itam.s Bojkawikt, wlf. abandon- 'Manuel Caino, Prancea Todaro, ThouxcaTerres, borne steslîna. Lamie. OD3rIu, lares»>'. Michae.l lii.., samuit wltii latent te 11411, IA"kBlma ftmuk InuilsJai me iuel.w. Jau eWaloemk, James Bwhiowilt, Oshui Gideci, Joint Kodon. burm- Mike Roull. burglary. lame. 0blrien. burglay. Frank J. UmiLi, wtt. nbabdomment. Jose<ubua. Skewagr& Harold waters, herse steslig. Roert Murphy. laa-emy, George W. lirmumn, uulawtul sal. of llquor.,on two coumte. Lulgi Ainei. aait wltb latent ta Frank Claybrook.ales Frank WiI- lisiai, arreny. Pfiquale Violettl, tacons mis- chie!. Lewis Hunon, mallctous miachief. Charliesbgerrltt..sellng lquor wlîh- out licence. Joseph Caner. embezlemelit. *Charles B. Culver. etabezzlement. Vaientine Rosnic, larcon>. "lMuef Payne. aemuit uith latent to kill. et Zion City; Frank hnyder vlctim. Stata VaIr EOSrd. The new aMate fair honni, *which will spend tie nest leglalature'. ap- piroprlatbon. slaiufoilowu: 1-11*rtn Conrai, Chicago. 2-Robert 01Dwyer. Chicago. 3-Geekrge B. Cooper, Mliensti. 4-AhberL WsIlàerqtehn iàlesua. 6-AuguatW. MMer, 4hieg. S-Dr. Job. 1M11 Iberta.ncii 7-j. J. MoComb, mle. 8-Louis Wlk, Cicago. S-Jaob Rebm, Cicgo. 10--W. IL HavIs. làbertyvîlle. 1 i-Ciisrle. P. Bue. North Crystal Laske. 12-G-eorge H. Ilaiden. Miendiota. 13-J. 8. Taggart, Bidaît. 14-B. B. David, Aledo. là-W. F. At(. Ray. 16-James B. Hopkins, Princeton. 17-H. B. Taylor, FaIrbury. 18-B. M. Davison, Marahall. 19-J. T. Nlontgomery. ('banleton. 20--l- 0. SkIles, Virginie. 21-C. N. Woods, Sprlngfleld. 22-Join 9. ('olp, Bethalto. 23-TmniB. Marshall, Nietropo- lis. 24-John W. Shaw, Harrisburg. 2i--Ja Goodall. Marion. DRATE tui AUTO Chicago Woman Fatally In-ý jurod Near Lake Villa. M - -egry Paulsoeu, vîfe o! erHe """ "s assistentpUSiosetr - aîîd den certain classes of pont.- Poily 8hilsale jeweler, 106 M'Aoffices nto lie classifier! service, .Us baas avenue. Chicago, vas fatal' ibeng generali>' commended. il la 1 jured ln an automobile accident near prett>' general>' underatoad tint Pres- L-aie Villa. Saturiay aftetiuûon. 3irs. tident Taft Utends te do ail he cou to Paulon led undy et3. ut evotyhai>' servias thse public Paîsion dci Soda>'at througi tise iustoffice department lue- Tise Paulsons bave a sumiior homeîoîîd lise reaci of politiclies. at Laite Kathorine near Lakte Villa.. Tie exluectatli s latiat ise viii, te- Saturday MUt. PauIson, hils vît,, a fore tho end oft ts year. Issue an Or- nîcce. Aliss Katierine Dehert>'. aid dor itinging tie fourti case pat- Edwi Bidwel, abroher f Nrs.mastera not Inclueciln the original Pauin, Biriv orl. an auher o le. order vîthin tie ciassified service. He1 Paulun. vot forsu auamohbias alrondy annouîîce, tirat ho vilt drive. Wien neat Lakte Villa MIr. recammend to congres, iegisiatian Pauison, vie vasaIetishe steerig vilc -vIIlI put postmaators of tho sec-1 vicel, turned eut'toasllev a team te aid aid thîrd case niiet civils»r- paso, Tie rear wieel, cf the machine Uc.. If ise puts al hie faîîrlh class sidded. îactmasters ln lb. classifier! service Tic Paulson automobile voit ever by execulive crier, and gels leausla-, an ernbankment. lits. Paulson vais îîoî placing second aid thîri clans tbnovi tramthie car, strikung on ber potmnastets vithilitise classibiedserv- heai. Si. vas unconscieus visen Ucq, ail>' firat lcns postma.ters villi picked up and dled vilieut «Reglning ho iett as asiiofhett. seluators aid coisclousness. Others in tie parI>' tepre.entnlsves. ver, merel>' brulced. Tii, scolie of tise atîmlnstrtiai lIa ala a atnl i.G .prograrnucan iho seen u vnIt lapoint- Itaizer home alter tho accident and ,d out tisat of the 60.144 posîmastoru physiciens veto summoned. Sho lin- of ail classes. 52.942 are ln the. tourti gered untiP Sunda>'. The PaulSOUs close, 5,097 Anutise third coses, 1,707 ln isame ln Ciago la. t 3751 Irving Park Lie second cios,.and aily 3198 le lie boulevard. Mrs. Paulson vals 43 u'ar, iraI cias,,tle tastIincluding Wauite- aId. Si. leuves noc cilliton. Het gai. Of tise 52942 fourti cIaoeiuant- boiS' ylarrive ln Chiicago et 10 mnsters, 24,000 are sîreadyln h the ociock totda>. classifiai service. Tins t vîli b. see n t lite adiistaton's pro- WEEKLV REALTV REVIEW. gram centemplates îakîng about 35,- -4 Tie Lait. CenI>', Tille & Trust 000 mare potmasters out1 of polîtica. Camparl>'s report of i-on! estatte traie. la atber yards. If the prograiit feafr tue week: Taft bas ln mIni con be put lrouga No. or Instrumntafiled..,.. 120 oaS>' 38Uof tbe sitythousani paaî. Sosie----------------- i autena vili remannthe pre>'Ofethtu ftsform Leagu. eefiedt. .The National CWvIlSoece Reform Longue would ut get st the evîl ln juat the way the. Préstdent la getthns at lt, but melfber of Othatorganlz.e tion do Blot haBtat. to say that the. president's plan deserves commande- tion. The.- lefgue, 52 t Is t meeting, recommnended: 1. The. exteuuioe by the presldent 10 tLer parta of the country 0f tla, cmomuttive claasion of lourth c"a POe4»utemll n view of the site- ceamui *erstol. of the. rui.. during the. lut year, Up states Butb of the. Ohio asud emat ef the MAaUssppl. . .The. .zta.Joebytha ptldent or ithe cogup.tiv e lga#&%flptlo n e- alitnt oetaai0i~sud alo> tu clerks' lu non-free, d.llver y ocetoce. 3. LugIsistioa gtvlns tii. appoint- ment of firI eco«m nd dthirid ee po.tmofteru Uptg thepostmast.r-peer or tg tii. pri4dent aient,,Cithout co. olrmtio bythesente. te tii.eni tint the. postoalce d.partment--ti grent bulsIness d.pdrment cf the gev. eroment--muavhb.absolutely *lvorced' from Politien. It'probable that cet.l s good.deqU more Uukeiy to fn4rtA prograsuuggul. by the psestwml thau uhat propomei by the Mtluoob civi sorvict IteOrm League, b't 1 la, bi No meens certan tbnt Mr. Taft eau peruade congre.. to put teed sud titri lm poatmasterg Un the> clnaified servIm. A goci sun> 'o~f the, utUli want te holi n to the postoflce patrogue. The senate. one may retats.ured, la not lhkely t g ave up the right of eonfirmlng WresldMUSIipostmaaters. Wile there are obetacelul the way of lifting the. departuient abovo poil- tics,' 12 dos e o.tbat It mny b. sc- complisb.d. Pcetmter-generaî ltlteh. coch deserv«ea em for whet hbu a disdou "il daing e take the depsrt. Ment out ei-iUINIU D.zÉimom t om Parumua To tik. the. postofile Out Of Poil- tics a faer as possIble, Preient Taft la soon tu issue n new orier placung potosters o! secon And third clam. officesunader civil service rul. Mebas. alrsady luaued an order wth hit. Intent Iu regard tuasistants. Thie double ordor vttally affecta Lauke eouniy postnasters, ai tallowu: PltaiOSNTIAL OFFICES. Vos, C4N-4.eeme Weidmnrn end assistant. Wmaen-Chariee 6. Wtrous1 a ni ansieant; fara clams oMfic. t1 Nor* h Cheae-C. W. Veider1 andi asnt .1 Lakte Forest-Mary MeLoughUîn 0 and assistant.1 Fort Shrdn-Jenni. DeRuse9 end assistent. Hl@hweed-#4 poetuxater for 1 preent, faiiewln* requatei tes. ignation ef poetmesterCumimingue. Girl assistant la acting peetmis- trose. ighlnd Park-A, W. Fletcher Lertyvl. - Charges Taylor andiasietnt. Onyslke-Or. Shaffer and os- saient.m Thns am L.;viE Tclam ..uogla. et # tentyý . fë, ro saues %vieaisaboUi aa&Iymusail peut- sees, eri0n4t0i0~ nlaboe maty and three Uin $*mlnm4Cook coant>', whlch coesr ports of Laite. If lresldent Taft succeeda In carry ng ont bit progrnm, tii postafilcede. Pertinent vifl b. aImait ont of poil- tics before tie next premldential elec- tlon Us bold, and mai>' aie count>' Pastmasters and oaiciale wiU bhave1 cause for rejolcIng. Undoubtedl>' th. pubielcwaita totme. thiigreat bout-, nec, dePartment absalutely iivorced front polîtîca. Tuis la indlcatei clear. ly b>' the fact tint ever>' stop talien n the direction of ellminating pliltica has been heartil>' appraved b> thse It vas supposed tiat thi executive order cf 1908 brlnging the fourti claie potmasters of fourteei% stages vitiu claaaled serviceo w7,îld brlng eut huoiadverse criticiant but t *lld not. Even mombers of congreas approved the order. Qrder Generally Cqmmended. The lateat executive order, that , &4"1.Ë Short and Tal Man Rob~ DrtVIr of 025. Elo *lt~.UiOhBYA regular wild West holdup with all!Ve OwnewýA4x!_%1 l<S L its trlmmung tuait place on on. Of i h uou Ouihoson. the main Street comner in HgiLandOIRO>W s SB T WÀS CO Park eut 1:10 Thuruis>', a uea.gong HA> SOT 0» ow#jMug nîgUn haci seing .botle for the. tradîtousagose eii snd a Moder* JfOdrNed4k i e='@Md Oo0n0" &lter LOÙg cabi>' for the driver. To aid ti heCourt POterty Iffe futa -atb ROnofetPesYltSft 8si- dlnie-novelly aspect of the. afféir, a tl] del op B ivuIL Imm s 8 to Bho otiiig and a short Man didt!ie job. und theLae]Bu Itlme RSier. ged , so of 0 5B7 rude Jar tint tradition geail A wrlt of dlîposaeeslons ta galn con, fler a ilseutr f Aged 9, on.o!lathathey were both unmssked. trol oa!hil.own boune, and <aawrtt 0* 14kecouty.&fir atweve-oursi- Of coutrse t wasn't a big holdup, inljunetion tu heep lthe pence vw&&ithe letre rsgaring the mystery of thegae rail ru gelling oni>' $25, but tic'stuln t t arome Kturia>'. Idethofhi 6yeaol sstr velngae iltic 'trlmmlngs and trlsAcrigta the factoet forth. braite down when a balletprurbdile mîbo'fvoIe>llei le oLke luowds removed tram the body of the girl edn- bouge and lot lu hhat ten, uni on 'Wasashow hlm, and contesueuî that HOld Up Carr-ige Driver. Decomber nf luit ygar b. sou ail hi. bce bal accîdentaîlly shot aud kilUed R. uder, vWho came to Highland holdings Un the pluce ta Willln B.u> ber. Zosed 01 z aChicago, the. pehai.>tu bave pol, Up la the, lIme tbe boy spake, the d"t et ighland Part sud i iinta Un bf tof Joue. Mystery 'bau ..noe eftihedeelst the. oityand vUchllt. .w, i.dytnl.taie m wlth whlch'lb. Lake count>' autiiori- RIe Met the 1:04, train that morulsnhngh a frtetr"ecm tics hud ever coped, The boy wun ."0 WMal undi bs carniage oii.i witii11In1u retumed ta given over lhe con-. the. onU> peruan lu the. honie at the tares for lie' atetOcatic Mloraine ho- trol of the placé for no appasrenît es. tel, where ho loItbem. uon excePt that'h. wlahei le utay tune the. îttî.girl wua *hoti, I mr. Bandiîts Heu ld tm Jp. there. séveral attemptawatts made ena bains lu thse tiUld and tireç'otb- on bi vey backt. wit the. currIese ta aehmgo n'fwitioda en'ebildren being et achool. The. boy, emnpîîed of hit$ farci, at about 1:390e nt hetii. sbai0fthie Il1w r.ltLobb w»gave the. alaRTIDhat tiis BuLl. ,-the corner of Vine Street andi$béhort- lf. t Us sali, for whb ou ahi~~~~~~ wadngfo da 01anitu roi5brs, crouing vole ilines Ua nov faclne trWla the mair- etuci to tthe tory tuat hbcaidd ot oomnanded hlm-ta hait. cuitt court. satorda" boevrthé uuOw hoy abo mot death; tint he At the mae tintithehors. eio, aNnus si.t cuaan ts w;« in auother roumi; the.girl beig l ea laost tatheir hancies &U4 ë vept'beforeJustice Neqiepa etNootii & bodroom vith the. door cloted wben! banudit deernbw lDot til anid tJî1<ý t'~crmd obtatuec,th~e wilt o~Pra., h. boar-d ber lau, mand tliat ho en- *tsod at their besdi. ssin nUîngs- the pw1le.forcé, toA fni blood comdag front ber At th.sanme instant aSshort Ua 1cber.0te ieins lm oue I 1 moutb 'aud a wounjqi On ber chott- poItd tWo revolver. et Calder and A lIVel>'bettle va. *à~ wiie Ststes Attorney Dsdy, Coronert NY -omnnded hlm la tisrav îp bisi thie I retiedt0,serve, the . W*.but 1cr and anuoncle tokthtei.boy salie.hands., whet.Idineg env tit, X04>'wv , The ballot badi beenfound n téLii. f m eko a b o* ye n gIlsl body, and the. revolver frM jCalter di as 1014, and wbîle tihe Coabukorehb. vet ceut paapiity amd, whbtiesthtbai bee- fird ha'tailiMan bIed teros, i.sot i oi s etiirovaa ftler Mm beeqi found luna bureau tu thée-rIooni mnearcied Cui»der. clothee e meott-I@sue v etn aeui w!bqr. Lhe ie rJwas touud dylag. Tie tractng Pi., Th" itbe tva hel«tg& My n» pUta t '~ sr Ol4p et athe 69g#t or the £afat the dakma ma ~ --. beoit froun Une -druver be bai ,UfledJ TiliUsk~eseçongai-L&~, a su-canner revoîven eut or Il. uflesîn Prida>' nigit s. c. aicià~~jj gettug lgge evr>' ay.itis4IL. t ttwhen be pcit.d tic Fearusupenntendeien o thi pave People lu Laite Zurich ver. Un part evolved tram the. loon "t maite naet Highlansd Pti r leNotv.e for a 1ev mutIes Monda>' aternaon, 21forudbs îtr oL hthe nuntckivii Northcb 0 u onYs lue Wsuconia Leader; vhen -W ied belote telilng vial bai happcned engn.ue î,roionihum a ni pyclane vblcb iad lUt. a ,t u'Id- ber, his hesdirvu eut, ceverel>' vti nome laite, raising a coguan r9et rs ' m enRrUsOg> . h blinI ol>oct. Probably a brick! The. in thse air wiich viied W u la Don penalty wbatever fol- bis deei. tileves got notitug. a".u "ariTise eiroer's Jury retnnned a verdict The robbery Tliuruciay morpîig bobk 1 anmtat eatligu re !à ! eletldai. Place tire, blacits tram tihe main bu#- gantlc aize snd dURci tise yards o!f Moin Laite caunt>' oBInis arii>' credit nes0 sîroct and belveen the Moralpa. Fcite. Herman Helfer. Pbilip Youn the boyis star>', ove. as tali naw, but batel and! tic Nortbvetern depot. Charles Kohl, William Blchnasc uni aire snhflued ta ix the responibilit>'----- oter o heeataie f h litan lie>' bave. Tiey icîleve thi , TUAL TR T oter n i o ad o iclitYoung Reîttuer vus "*playing Inian " M A UPI vîti veai lu ail aIne., or nome borîsi gime, aid tiat -ho The village isll vas faroed aven shot biasie4ter Un play' alter standing ! Palatne PapffS aver con- mopre tis a sfoot out of plumb and iber up aaist the valU asuîpart etf lbo0tion With W'aukregan. the tce bouse was îartiall>' uiroofed. the game. I The Stormu drove iiortieant aflerclean-___________Aa reports of the Interest bellua lug he own trces f i» .fur beng :eat byAed enshow. in mDatter. Laite cont>'ovor Ient. o mlo. .sO t ur'ben ct yAcdn. tie lectrîc roail are beUog. tecelveil SupervIsor Emil l7icke' say lie Aîuirew Kînsello. 8an nmr ie.iPatn, YofOreplae celouis vicis gave nuse ta lise cyclone w aa t and accldentally klled b; beoming iteretedIAn tiat country',t corn toethr. aw he olun o th dichage rai bi oN shtguIY"thie Palatine EntOrprtse. Mai>' cometogtie. 5W ti connu cftisediniare fonu is itnshoaunWlho ave pald litile or no attention w terite sud thse water recedin uingadth ntevod er10uaur norîhern nelgisiors are Just h. froit tbe shore showlng tbe bottent of hi. brother-in-av's fan> near MlcHen- gllnnlng ta realize tial Waukegan Us3 tie lake for several roils out liret, and ry lenat veeit Thursday, bUnt va. îlot te mal)koulaIsi a thon ssv tise wav-es rush ahorovard missed, untîl Saîurday. wiseil tise body igravfng itlte cIl>', but It 1; lyu ci'teo U n etorni. Suci was the violence o! vas ttmbled upen visere il lay, bail- 1 ctvzen, l iaI lat]eceocamfe daei ne the starni tisaI Mîr. Flcite fui!>'expecî- la>' decomiuased. ot aît uegi avo lre a o h la àme ed thnt bis ,home whîcb vas the tirst The youîng mai vas on bUs vay bo- 0fheWukai'sgro eaits@,rborti la tu the îîatb o! the cyclone ta crumble Iveon his brother-ii-law', feaim aid cf Chicago, tint vo ibave renacili at befoe h.forc. bu lieîeus Is a taof l'armer VhIng. near NIcHen- vo have îIiaied a groal des1 b>'not ver>' suistanilî structuire, and vien r>'. He sai tint ho wouîd huit on bosing morecw ey'rlld ala the tiret rush of waler und i vnilie va>'. and toe it vîti ni is 22- h h abralane vti lie passoal. tood secure on lis foundatîan. rifle, vilciho ebai iad-ebutfour felait IucsbiltIen of! ho nov rend l',ira. Fîcite vas In lie bous. alone at monls. in Junmping the dilci ho fel1. menudollars and cent. to us. Mer the lIme, as Enuli via vas serons the the gui exploaîod, and lie disciarge hathor Us tllirt>'-live miles noarer lie street couli îlot Join ber îiîî the starm toto tirougi lbe rIigt breast. He atr laits margets tici Cicago, pa»e ovr. iedwithut ld.andIrAt roluer connectlincouli b. paisi eer. ledvîthut id.maie ta handle lie frelght liere la Ono lasa to Lake Zurich Ula alnt The Inquest vas helil aud hurlai ne just rossai vhy a gaond ebare of I Ire. on Mîr. Fickes shore, lrobsil>' took place Sonda>' trom McHenry gouascouli not be houait tistaugi aver a iundred years aid. Ail fool Catholic ciorci. The parente. tht,. Wankegan.1 gratofflthat lise>' areil ne verse aid brothers ad a sater of Kînsello ne- * Tien tild enuaIs sih ent po ouIr bepe neyer ta viluess anetiern uch1 sd, at 209 L.incoln avenueiis cit>'. taxpayors. ChIcAgs ha.s*'for a long1 Storm.lIme desired te goveru entîre Cok slcm. ant>Y.- Our taxes are noceasarily Armour Employes Pre. high en account cf lhe loti vo are County Court New&. sollevIng reîîoatea i îhfereiuces an be cil>' peoplo ta carry. Tbero to hve risn oer teirreupecio e a tUrne souteday vison lhe The case cf tise State aainst Nes1 aeaisnoe î esetl Chicagoanad Cook count>' gaver.- Jensen and Eddie Habiaciter for the rnits as s-illloyeesanad theiît engîr monts vîi li e joineci Palatie.and lliogod condîîcting ef a public bo . j eas for preference, the iseade of fluer- surraundiiîg tovnship viii b. coin- exhibition etrlrize fiaiât, vas Nlion- 1]y ail 4çpartmecls ai J. Ogdênt Ar- peiled ta shift for themselveu or joi day, at lhe Instance cf State's Atton- mours estale vent of TLakte ioroot at er countlo.. We cato natbing for lie country' districts la lb, boutiierî ne>' DadI>.in lie calit>' court stnîcit- bave leen duiciarged, It is reportai, part ofthle count>'. et the vilage« on fronu lise courts docitet ami vili tie aulep dating front Octoher lst. narth et thicago, but v. do have not camle te triai. Amontics. via veeodîsobargeil. mai>' thinga In cammon îti lie Mai .Jensen bieemu wanîeî. ho aldeî niost of tienu leavUng lie rit>' et once. !armîng tovnships et Lakte count>'. Ua the. patng and de.coratîng o! lie and remov Ina elseviere. vere-Super- Thelctiîs he lven imenudaclnaeru court biouse ail aummeur. Intendent Bushneil of the conétruc- aur nteresta bocame more andiamr The aiieged Illegal liquor sales lion deluartnuent. tho coacisman, the Atervoven. thhorO yl lie that muci cases agaliel W. W. Watson aidcisauffeur aid Pari. Suîierintendent more f a possîbUlil>' 0f Lake county adoptina us vieu Cookt count>' I. Wayler Long were nolle prossea. Steele. uplît OP. Jîîdgment agaînat Paul Sîricitr and Un fayot o! Wolf,.-Rayer & Holo r CLABSIWIED advertisnag 9Ve. Auctian sale notioes publisiUnl vs. retiirned for $262.26. ever>' aivertîper a "pneterrsi position" tue Inidepenint vil reseliraz lire I ___________a1 a sarI o! "IPUBLICITT ROUND nuaiergULMn. aMy etier paperltu tb. YeudetrepIesfro> IDEPNO.TABLE;'Il and tat e round table county.WnveLetruau; u je repTes rwsnNtpuN "thereWs ne dispute about place.,v» ist i beu1u J#49000 tea ma" Cee'ta 5th* Wlace.Il vas not hiioue tih# U"es- vould 41ve di: an "Ilillyad -»04hr adtempt tu gala, pomselM Ia*. Mns.. lainaiy, motie-Or *lee LacudrYa inarber o e Eesit. iii., *a 6eriornal> burn.d about tbl flam ai nrme and hesi laIe Sstficyat 4ter-ý taoOn vie. a gaoiAn. stve over vichaie vui couklug aa leu 'ex- piadei unidi*ho vu. Wrappedt4 1h. I]ames. - ls, la betweej-45sMd, go. and aet the bons. next day lit vu uid tint the Wiin surel>' recover. plu" Por 'Boom eaiu . Wiiam J. Welebý imanger et lie Casino et Rartala Park. BUT eg DIab IL., vas faut voek bof"r.-the «k. caunt1- onr1 t fid $150 aid centsou tire. counts for lhe aliege j lega sale of! lquor at ltheanttoecnc ortb sisare musical conter and isont. Welch came Into court and entened & pion Of gulit>', paing hic fine. Tii.-- Is the second er the srlaîaeralcnort share reOsorlavire Convictions have lie. for allegedblIni p%,- gIng. b>' fecrelar>' Thomas E& Quayle and aldes ot the Laite Count>' iav snd Ordor Lengue c! L[Aite P'oreetTi firat vas the fine Umpo.ed on th, The raine Htel bar at Highlad trk, Michael Lavîn boîns the bariteeper. Collego Girl Stutite. Precbimai girls o! Lakte Foreet coi- lege were ail requAred te vear glag- hain aprons and let thcin baïn bas day. thelr bacits Tiionedèansd RIt~ moruing. it vas tue efcab»ae! tie annuel haning of thle gril Sth*Lie-u loge ani na puits ne, rata lowed tô b. vorn ln tie bain. An theugh tis were iDca enqoh, ut chape! lime St 10 o'eak WrlV~ytlom'- ing, tue freehman girla anIllOed ito the meeting Un a bai>' chsesttg i. SilosBernice Bonad ef Wauu@M - l sali te bave carrsi à cat a te baie held t dunîng seFvite. I#"Ms> Mavlinaof Wgukegans v1909-WY> cheved Celer>'. it lu replortei. Opei are waukegan girls nttendill; thie oege. At 14As. Durani Hall ThusnsdcY o~ curea thse hasing proper. viien ucpér- daas drrloifatcbei a boiUma mttai, has, hall gâmaid otber sU$ O»ýW girl "vreitled l btomeiS~ snd another viti som*i**110w île as ihougi t wyen&y 00 Try our Want W î10l -dw 1 R--RPMFFW 1-Tint cyeloue ut [iL;%W ZurIeh 1.

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