Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 11

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OCOB I14, 19 10. ~t'¶ it~Carra. t*c*ih,., iUene ini efl~0ic leui, coavigtwO4erly. bav ýnorthemt q<aer of0< Ict- ,. i noth Iitimilel wth thp west linc cf ngfa ead4îac of 2:4.2 feet, lic a pjicî-li!)4 irh raUP(. il ;- -;i idatter ef *thi 6ivey âlougth ad a.elue 331,3htAuithoriy huna ivhch . lit'he oîitb, fluecof tlrc: iiicerdianla. ail td ip ic r. .ý7 a g c - î . i t i r ê t ~ J W w « 'i th e E .. J . ' ~. : o r b t. U o h u or t s r o f % a d s 'w î io s i t . -ý o u r . î 'î ct o n C i e a o i Nrt . y u i i e Mlpornon, r ng, n prle n t bo iv*0ertiV oiai6 i tt84$ 8 &WcE tbefs qftrétyci#..'elO t..liý ,y t h'n aal'hes'ij'$4 tu a ftpùmt - .îler cf éli td s. ciîa,,..-olrv zud tOuîlteri l.c l tic1i flt.iirOid R. Wsrner, David1 N. 125tatqee ad' ai ttcetwft iline tro t Ui actDOes..tct~ acssr ioda'ic. don. Robt-ri ikoley. flamant in. caid sectlii 21-. ueijie noeli tothe A.ccîip iuhlruu f 1#O tl.cI, th',foliova: *- tréinilig .aI a c.inî tt orestt F.-sturib.Arthcur ieienrfi 49W téf ic,. ri*hg r o ff iihge cntir lhue of which l aIo t a..feei %oc-s t jfnu-tit'ne saloI nIl ir-mtngham, 1tieriuan Aitrecict. E.. , E . 1)tIe~lcjcç<' (t liiy. îî-ffol UinU8 t ta poit W11liî ec t Iaî--tîi 7 f et lcortlc c iý. W. Wells, Carence F ii. iBid l iti1 ai i line to Ithe, li î~la onh cf thé f111iordc.a.,r Foil.T1; v ic. ad noith'agt cnîc" U6ý- . Wells. JortiicW. WOJii, eePl i51o.desi4ld .jl --ou tt-enhx- Çicat(rUC of ecf:o Sc. twiicti,) 4; tIc 7 dege -«,55i lek it Libkeinann. ter UeLtBc-tic aona aaui wet aine ut aein i noth granité il t ai fthe tcr ch - i .,o twrly line or - cg ton,. ber'hshàlg6. WllJang N31ortbh higf ai ilie !Ici tic hall of the. [the o.-l quart-er <-orslê o ?0:< 0cît!<î; ad tof QI iltla il tlie -ccr et, apporge, F. MtCbq41l.Wiliam I northeint qîucrtr ciofsetion,22, W*n. 18, tlîviws sbil 2ttttf 2e( e10 loui h ligie- or sailt cha.-cccii hlc,.ldanA., rulI assi,; shl i alixte lest atTaeè;aid. twl-~a luige rlirvillae ttoit r5. eu eBIX t. Et'; 15- c-rt- icorN or Is. Miisn. IIibet cAtr WaterWOIrI on l'ii oinicUne of cocU nurthstri.henni a r*QilW ai394.2 ftt-t, . fLîdnr~ u -lti bliffr * b 11Itahainui ç)i«a thi -sf hefe.e ggd eos rpp hait 0f the ius rth half of the ortisat tenee aoiuth cw3%, (il7 itut n- theiMinneeploiteA. St. 1ic ad' wrd tpi na'bgjand, qiigrfer te thce placeo f bCî;cn In sang *X.9 féel, tisesce, 3ottieasterý, cclit sietre jiway (iccci aite 'laT erO" re '*er lherLake, Locînty'VTliuiole.44. fi-t along a lie eîrvinh'to tIc - -ncilItc on thse nortlerI'and - i *.iisbaut Hi~* .o~ipats. 'ricat 'ii wýork eallieaffecte fle fo- loft. <-nnex weteriy, hiLvîs a dicvc., ~ote, aelowinglitd 10114eh li5 re daîniagecl In or<2#;.l fot. tierce &oiutis leti54 -~ uni), ifllilüot, H1i5wAe Çiroilgis5:i w15015 Vor15it )Jt', ythe mata i ct1'8îimnutcesc eat 161.4 fett. a l(iii- ncra u; %be l4'rawnstfvernoîsi. Lf*lce k55itwo l "tS tOC dti,oî Ia! ulîltet lic A tise ath Uise of lthe oortic hîcif i stt, Ul~ôZZlif»JbJe Alfg~.sitýllr0d tla the lu .i'tlaine Re- 'lice aoiiesstquarter of asald <rtioti ell RaIi C.-(ongpady,',biipcapola, -.prt lItaS'qs-fie InluIs tais- sd ai-, , and 4912 test west of thce uoiltieast, t.PauCI& 8 aîsi$t e. marie Ral-vn'el cythé Co.îr.('rt'of'iLake cortiei- of thie nortlS hall af lice octl- *ai Com#*anyl. gcbàii vy? (oîsts.iitid làttu ÎuicGth 19 dY lf eat qiOrter af sali ct iet9t. tint cuit- Taise ndit glil hcouîisonrAgual.'A. 1. 1910, l-wt' taInna 34 acrei4. the tl4wRsiv -làtloiiwhb 0aiîage Dis. A ltr;p o ilnd101feet Wi. hne AÀ itrlit; cf land 110 ifeetiv tliOtt, Viril, lîma'fie Ilisthir **'tàorlslontseri ete-r î:ntidi wicich le8cescrilcidtasconter Uise of whicii he deccniilc--îIL, 1l 0f Aamnetsî', f Ae latilu rlîow:- liegpnjawuz ait a oiptit Inthe fait tvi:-Ilegitilicg ai an uii sLit thé, * mages" wit th'. lice lelu5l ei - n' i up 01 une igt t hweiiî qisarti'>'ofi lirticlinteoratlhe socth liaiftaortue eOssrtai tis Calssty .1a<9,I 4 o10I . tOwh15i434nomnb rani Il ýoltielft qularte, of eeî-îtii l o~ te of lliinois. Tisat uld te « 1asnbirds rtaýpil ine idat.Ïll 4«1' aOrth range iIl cati-Of tige ru Rail of Agse"Mesn, en- h li U 49D .yg. -er 1tô>t <of the 1hird principal steridiaii. andi 4912 fo and Demites" afettaevery p1115 soîh wpi corerb! maid sortcwest Weset Of tise nsrthleaat crne-ur of tit- pasrloif ilandl contaiped I thse; 5ihiClor efieu-loinlethosîco tçrthîa. suh icif Of ttis autho-iI t quarler o! lvey iogic Drainage Diett, a; toniy i1 51, are og a lne crc-tg ute)s;nisection 8.-lhice sc aist 5 dgues - ploatio n zd and itinalg 1111- tie tort. nvxPastel, bavIng a 1 intr" ee 42 feel ta a pinst In* SALE ar lhe <'asi-'çlion, r'iaîtiouîand t o f a tlie wo -t une of thse. Of Rali auctoi M, si42' 1.-ct îh oe @ýtprsion af drusns. uitchuc and l e- nul thi'<îce5 quarter cf ald icrt1 tise nosllicLlSct corner 61cfhe ociicîlle î laer .cit-ics elando of aile,-*e for csg- heu si, norlic1:,:t tegreex 4, 0f tig,-e suticicat qucarterofaIalt 1sc- eu.itsrai. sSlltary, and iîniselier- minîsîriaqs-ssCI 18.fet. heture torh Il l.n9. tonlatnhs>tt 1.47 facres. i fose a nsd ta poviuis for the aOrganisa- 2 s"- !1:4 34 Etîsc-l @W4 es 1714.9 fieh., A sîri of lar:d i5511 foc--' wtte, thie on0f'drainsagte u mrccc pnîurov4cc 1il jaintiss li the northc lnuetrotheuicatpoule ofaiwhlihle tuii-.critici îas e n d il r f a y 2 1, 79. n i ait fl(21 uo r slw e ma u a re r o f sa l dt ctio ts .4 I l oiitit - 1 ,e g ln ln fg nt a jio ilit l it h ét eC l n . e s S IlMer.lit rri , tiserfif. tuxi-I ios- wlth *ils-b cai ta. :117 g.? fengt oIf théise4'slit- or thee suthi al cî.artiir of, tbe lands e len for to nl e tiîi f the, neithsw-s c-rner s-i licenorîhwest sec-îlonsIN. townsahipc 43 north range IluaE lr ibala diteh l) lie contractcscl î.îsaisi.qeater of salit section ;C. <osalninct en iS(if tice- hirti prsincpalî i,riJiaii. ,n sE ir district. '111,51 aid Sene'ivOiRi &S urs.*and 1427 er aauth of ls îttc »rainatte IIlJt te ihosudotiau fl- i A l a ftnd ftitsfe<-lt cti'.ihie s-arsi-rof thet norh bal ,clf theSiouthi- ,oc,, la-a-lit <-lser litno<f whiî-ic Ic iluerscd li dclait!of iaitisectioni 'i. th«oni'.' ('ommeurc- tsi Ilie '01uosîcwscî f tc etlgh ev.aluis ,sst Ja ifleth,liecýen e cost1 Iiicoetsrly l et - ais. iif *er of tise nort i f halflie norti noireiser o h iha.wibpit14fllec iitolre1 15fe aii n of tise norieasi qulartes- of sectin-3.41 foet veau .ofrie s.t fini- or ti- îong a lino curelsîtsIoLice rigit cr<t- A L. 'm township il nortic range 11 iel- egt: Wbt*acuquarter oaflioIt.itwn. N'u- ex aiterl-y.bac-ing a radiisc of 54.7Diafieoli 'tiu n9 tise tlsid pintcipal nertdimn. Usjepc lls <7 nom aVlig ls 5eafit of thice[settea p ioint 125 feel est ofthuie - ot~£d~q 80 *Usuah tolice scullswef lCorner or ibs lwWd principal sîerluian andi'.97? test emitisse of lice .oîshiweisl quarter cf sOrilâi afi Ilie so-itliq bIho! 'tilrtlisof ficte, llisutiIneoroftlie s'orb' section 19. township 43 norh sange il pa4 'paice.. ri bert 0e.ul < I: ofu'-"tiogs 1,.là 1toast Ocuarter ofrssaiti ecîftoss,58 ticeciet ofrlice Ird irlicedi nmertiiass <id tawnatchi,: lsos. - asu aaitt satcW'teret ab41 e tie ni71 ie o th ie south iUe o! Lac%$ éléd misses s ue mred roda lilO ft.î West atori iue l:' .7feet along a înlie esocsîiclest quarter of "tidi section -0 ci'ta, plain tile étaiel seof sai secton ". Itlssuc- c -r-ingo el riehf.convxia oaerlv. I. coucnt'ssfg 46/liê) cf auu acre. loustic tato s'he ic t ine 01 J ha% inl a racllca of 2.9 fiel ta a.1point A strli of landi 1001 feet wie. tise vi~~~ >ad -ssi section .32. * [lenr ue st cluntise pantlineo f the nortl:t retcenter-ine af whicicfas cietriboti es osc* l-tb apoint orteen lai ta-tw - cilîsrlet- of sai sectionî8. "iichalaI ontfoiiac:-ti-llnlilt tai a5 IOiIt 125' llicî -buiadredtbi c cair-s 4942-48 ft-> fi 1121'foi-I uorth of- the c'couîhmeat rc- r1 test eass of thet Unlse of thce aoltb- - ei8-- ii iors . . .. o t Pts norti ctarier o!ftlt-c-- ser aoflice norigeat quarter of Rali West quarter dl ýsecÇtIcs 9. towshsIlp 1Ji Ise, township 43 nortis rangoil î section 8I. cosîîitiing l'il ai-ros. 43 iortic range 11 es.-t ai thce rd riaLdw-jklInt et "-i iire principial niprtuilaus. A %trip i land 100sefeet cî, ice ciai sairidian anti-461 feet nos-ticv tsfiileg nse-sostit tth a tist anti wee c-nter linoe of wlte in ledestbed falice Notasitfine of lice sostisceal suar' retcoa crisaer section lUne cisaisi sectIon 5.1 follaws: -i1;egisss$g t XBîull,.it on tise erofal citisection If,,,licence %soit u t sue e cjftgo lice West liste of thce eaaiiriy Une of thsé n it ci way of easteriv 776 fi-et aong a limsse ur~ ll- U stric iSai setion 5. 1coheurecoutil on saIsi Sainte Marie, Rall*ay Coinpény. whicci ng a radikra cf 524.7 réel. licence 96 osîthre tin théceSouthi ni'or saIt isc'îtin tnotitla .5sIff es caIof tlice ausu iq egree.c :35 minutesiastt ?94.4 fe-t' ot.. . . . B.ilîsace esat on heotic .011linaoof cutneoraithe s,~leist qssur of a sec- licence dsutiiaterly 197 test aot #sellions 5 andi 4 tictowship 43 nortis ion 8l.townshrtê'42' nos-Visrange Ila3lUne surving tulthlie rigicî. cnvez es-s-Iesege ~neil esut of lise ti-d principal eotas- tiîie pr incipal mérisal ef,i. iattitg aratius of 1250 <set Ldesteu ere Inslitî. t10aspits338* ts fel c-tilof anti C131.) TN os-t h ie -coîîir Ue 59siohll lichéenuatIc lino cf Raid ci6i and nôve#y mixtu, ltis eui lîof ai sttsection 4. tent- of sati d 1tcst qgrter at sets> se-- thon il. cilei i tnt a 261flest east.oi large veàâ ty, fuil Il Ertls paralel wth tc eIIie ftlo ,thencWuestIs 4 tsglPe t1 ce s ss Irntr of -isitisectoni - y tiorged laid "reci" 44 la aisint, 944.461 fret misuites oceat 1216 feet bta a entlu .cntniinttg 1.77 acres.1 autb 61 thse orth Une o aid atit o n-tciîcaer- of the highwav. chic-h pont lm A trIp of land I 111fiet maie,. ttc2G5.00 coats, * .îise9ec '"at îarsijel witic Rid nortis t397 ffes'c u>Icitisê >îtic11e aitiêcso-ntes-Un for atch ta descrilcetlsfr........ ltae.sP.ctLon 4 go tics est1Vpe o(rAle s1rthe- ra s-ofnid sction S. rlow:-egIaing ai a pointlin t lfo. »boiwe.i quarter at thie nosthétuit cotl ass 2/1 fe.nos-unlse or lice norticwest qaarter of c -Citer sfud section 4, tisenCet nortisi A strp of îI-&t 100 fice widthe. iesection l6. townsuhip 4,1 nortic rantge 1h à a£nidie-t lite of!salti narIIwest !contsser ire of -isicl la tiescri.sectusm -ca4so»e rd psincipal nierliiantc cc plargr - ~ o'tice noi'iiCist qusartierte ol otwc'1-- eglssting i a iois".n thce 2i5 tiret esISIof thce norllsseicorner: Lustrousebiack' co li b. rl inosor , nid sectionu 4. wegtîeriy ligne6f lice 'lst 0 f cu>- b! f ctice norticcest quarter tif maal sec'_ 1hesuac west te a pilnt 2075.04 fi-et eass Ici- Minnîeapotlis. Si, Paul & Saenltia lit . thence soutifteterl .-187.5 i lii fii l ingth the soMinbwi-at crner of iec-,tion 33 Sainte Marie Raiway Company. wbtCja feeltbas a linoe csrvtng go the' riglit.t - m dl,.e 00 bawnasIjIl 44nsrt!s' range il iast îf, iaoisi l'c4542 fs-t eh ci-sth ie easîtei-i styi tlrti.av'ing a ratiacsif 'l e nti P . NM . t ie p c e n o rth ic2 06 S .8 f - t lle a I l h e as t s q u a r te r ai i - c- 1 2 511 f o t . t sen c s u t s & iet r e s .011 - v a l u e s a t . . . . . point soi ths 88 i rees epast to .lw hp4 ol ag 1ntîîawest 449.S <set ta Irsihan ___________ il18felfoi iscic T(ofsu a,(-i a ti i l p riniple iscriutîn.. ('roc-I. contaitalng 1.46armes. eon :0. >nid cle u'ntoreipointand _14i-5.1< e.'nort,. e the ostiî ne A tiaii atttiacrus ie ct uiec n au 's is em 11. et0 aIicîeatqi-e-a at 1-- 'iclihcay et a point eastîeriynai ths" hl of the soticast cornes- pf said ti liis8. t. liee sotW 47 ciCres 315 Minneapolis. St. Peti & Seiî Sainte ma Iw neti 71. th.nce ots 88tegTerci asminutes, test 251.8 feet, tiece »a Outic- JMaris Raicay Coaîsaa>"scontrego ta.tu -- x L .~ -c- - -..Newali wôol S eat- - - I #1-(Sa PuestwuIbn ever. Gbanteet0 a illeil me to s ave' 40 Ver centL on -f eçq.<e Upucasmade Ià -py8 »towlrSO. y~t'for r I r 1;1 o Wf Steak .1l......I »d plk reribs b P"kê kicleHams ... cl- 5Ibo. Lard ..........73e OOu"tr'y Roll Buttermne ...121,2C, ~4çW XLK ED EAL. Fore È tr-. . .............. 12o La r iw .................100 Pork Sausage .............. 10e ers for ladies bçid Msses"sjJ~ extra quaiity slk, s vet In aliithe Idiesi shades; 6.00 value .... . ChIidren's Tams lni colors, special Ic '2. - lt-- tlutet 511 .,Et lia ptli î e.!4pc a.1 tcI aIi tlli.Y- e-nd tc tt -o1pd tik- .i ,i accutc ~ i~crc-( Y Ulcch-ci-<s1-1etC( o ' - wiciccc 11r i1 c rt-tic . cti c c ii i : c. cii-i. I h , i ti Wu t 'oc tîce ché wiciild.ô ic iMlPua- u i !îic orcIluc tî i c c- cc or'h.' oic'c 1 t 1 tlIStato po-c--uîwcitk ias not tiesa cbtatüed, 1fil- k cïît.c ii .¶cc ucIt PIJ i n fo - Z ~tÎ:u.cîr tcIIf c0 1"" , Wt lavînua niililig I . , t lc.c ittch-iinoee4l~- - i c i ci1ii U-Ic:ii lii oft- J!ry Itîî!I_ 4 i l. ýûi!2ncc r f, c~witli ets d ituc c l, w oler Inla Parti»' dcci l tc.rh l tici- O i -t(f - i-îitjtc--l -A~n aetitlu, :-îcvhlc- for lthe X:c.c c h ,ict A*, he ,etut1 oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ian tIoc-. io 1 -sc .i --- iiît cicccocu l tidllt tc. 1972. anti in :tu-c ,Il,-ii- cccil lt-n tr ht- ilipaneiing - tac i c. t- i. .cî le- - -c îri. ii- h-tt . and cIfoi- the ti-ýa- ccf c1 ji c ;,il i îîs l peet- -isctuil ctt-ct ~~ - jili'ywiil tcrococ-d Z. ,-setîi ilcccc at-ne nil:r' onrtes lands. rsusis-iacl-. cito- - ,c antI 'ni i.siiiccc.ol -Si l c--ci. dtcccitiwsNi c, , c-- c yc:d:n tP.... L AVIS, Illoi-glt: ti-aloage icistîl it i.I acîil riauotohIci e-t 1i c-r ccBYi-RON COIMY. l-f'oie tise Cair y tiit c iCourt-o! ,isihjicigiient t lb,- t c-îcoic t i ch ltwiîh (iiii --icic- ltise Seavey Uricn- t ' vc.ti Illîinois cl the- tilli ciu:: of cil t crule tb tiselaîccit. t-citiaad ihe tsc, a cI- -ciiic Nu .îiibci-.A. 1). 191t;l t : - i. tial ysantiplitc t sgliwaa:..a ta lie ai- Ptct c Oc t c-Atiomney. 's s 1)LEF rai y'aid Cou- Nexi Week i FOR 8.88 ture full icngth blck ior trfmme&wlth iso 8 095 54 Inch black or ats lined through- Ict.0 aiso f ancy blback 'es. Coats ln a e kgh ecllent. ats., jýith qui Ited satin or vel- Ali s n ailS jem Coun»uencèsSld Y a iid con- lines Ent»t Neef Weeli 25.00 SUýITS FOR 13.76 Ladles' hlgb" grade. serge çhev'iot à nd the new w'e*v saitS, llned With go:ar.I auteed satin'$25 ,Val; Chiffon broadcloth fuil lend'tIicoafs- Iined throýthot wth s&itàms satin, handsome man- -1 tallored 30.00' Z coats......... .. High class fail and winter coats made of. bcst quaiity materis, plain or elaborate modeis, specially griced at ..... Plain or beaver trlmmed coilar and cufs lined wth bcst broçaded satin exr1er thîs In the new satin-stwipeî uwbbeu-izd water proof germent, regu- 1er 15.00 velue 0,at Pfoualb sdt aa1 oity tm tval, satin& veivet ta'lmmed wlth leS, gibbons,- 10.00 value, stitched, - shades .~......... t c -M Very stuanthireffeb ",h la Wiilow-Phaà,e84, t speclal v.élfes.up ,'i ý,Chlldren's bear ski. and feu boapnt,, ribbon trinnnei.... ONP 0Fo .Woit 0 Natcyiv~1e Pot Rout.............:......................8c and 6c .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . ic . aQýý ý« 1 ,ý 1 "ON ýPl 'OeF

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