Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 12

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= tage Blankets Plaids of tan and Pink, dark Mlue, lightiie anîd white, red lmd white, sky blue and white, and bla(ck-ira( and White, in a quality that is as fine as a v47 wool blanket, strongly finished ....... 47 SPUCIAL- 10-4 blanl<ets of whiter -gWy or tan, ail hav~- ing the lightblue or Pink border and plain 9 white one, are speciall%- prieed for .... ......59 Gray blankets, 10-4 size, goodI weigbt,% fer .....................5c 10-4 ofakes gray with bine, pînk. or brouwn 5 border, extra heavy, crochet finished edge. for.. Tim blanketa, 11-4 sime, with piiik and wite 13 or bhueandwhite borderavery fine, for ... wÎth light bine and whit.e boidefr. l4-ine4 biuding, 72 by 84 înekes- .f-îIl size, for onuy. ...... Be*eon blauets, 66 inehesbw 80 inches of bIne. purple, t«n;ý pink, and gray with white, are the pret- tiet plaida imaginable 3$ "oUr 'hoice for only .... T~an or Wiie Beuonblankets, the tan one with blue and whIjte or pink u whité border, the wbhite wiýth pink or blue . border, 72 by64 .......2 66 by 80 inch Beacon blanket ini a pretty plaid effect of -liglit bliîîta white or pink and- 30 white for ... ..........3 . B3eae-oinblanket, 66 by 80 inches, 2 ineh silk binding, the blankets ini the Prettiest plaids 39 for.................... 39 e evkn that he wiU à.lthcéolors and desligus are ail neat, gray and white, green and red, Mlue and whbite, tan and Pink, etc. A neek cord.. frogs, and, beit cord to matelý blanket is included 34 Coaforters Full sized comfortcrs of goodI heft, Persian or Japanese patterns of red or Mue, fori ....0 Comforters that are full size, in red, pink, or green, are specially priced- for on],...........e~I Ail WoIBhkMets Plaids of bray or red in 12-4 sizeý, every thread 5) aulwoot for....................... Plaids of tan or bine, smre with the border, full 12-4 ise, ail wëol blankets, for .......... White ail wool blankets with pink or bine 95 borders, gray one witb white border, for ... sM fems wu Jadient Ilum fer,»u bave befflgo- mug very fast, but there ame *tiia fesu'lef t on of thon large Bno poI1tptted m iajuimqýer "C .M& féai ote n ileT.lm4a gOSpêexiSJfroin the de=nL 011regalar 2-7- ofe h ,awapoo, the kind that às mootsatiafaetory. on sale for lmi than hilf. Everv bouse mnerd a bottie on han& and at this priee there is nu exc»e for Dot having it. Oct a bottie wbile they ]Mt for lOc The u"- âh c th, ~'about ten inches, square, the kind that wîll wear and -wash well, soût t5 finish, for only ...5 Cards Steaniboat playing cards. goo4 durable -finish, as good asyou xeed ecicrlise, Ou- specialdÈafor only, a paek ... o Rb.Sets .Bath robe met, neck cord, frog, and beit eord, a chisof desurahile eolors, at the art depart-~i, ment, for onfly.... C Mfererized table linen, a ine kind for eNýerv day, aÎâd One that :%vll waah Iolat the linen count- t'ri- a yard, 0*d ......Sosç MÂISUI COMfOlRTERS The Ma ish eonforters are very light, but very warn. The hatting in then isl the best. and it neyer gets clotted. These eoniforters are fimished with a good iliko- line, and tied extra weILl In every part the workmansbip is perfeet.. You will ho glad of getting out of xnaking eumforters s0 easy, and atmf getting good ones. Pat- terne of Nue, pink, green and yellow,with wbite grounds, fuil sized* eoniforte for only............3.57 LE aop's fahtè blankets for the littie one are the kinds that are enjo*ved the lnost. Trhey corne in pink and w-hite,and bine and whitc.. with piettires of rabbits, doge, flowers, cats, birds, and pretty littie. designe on thcm. 30 inehes by c 40 inehes, for ........ .......W 36 moe b50jches for.... ..... î............. ý 36 taches by 50 juches, heavy, for ........ Plain white wihpkàodr for... ...............1.75> This eoki weatber makes one feel that the- titfor Wfur% le here. If you wuld bW mure and bave the set you like, it mllwIi tst', sec tl<em nuw. The aJmavrtwùet le very conplete on Pension tau L,4e, plow mut!,au ,extra triglé X hwl lar for only........ . » Fox met of a beautifuil dark, bra", fotor, barrei muff andl Wde collat, for.... Frenoh 'oey set speianiv prieed,- the pillow muü for $6.00, and 4h widët5olarfor #8»0 S "tl fur set,-piilow tinjQe $12MGj. met fo. 1 i~-j1/ An SpecIaIfy Prlccd Caraeu1 coats with a large. shawl collar, full 52 inch coat, serni-fitted, in black only, is on special120 PLU8H COATS-In black lined ail through1 -8.,00 and beautffully made, special for only,.. PJush Coat that is lined ail through mith the, gueran- teed Skinner satin lining, ini the prettiest22 0 style shown this fail, ,for only .........2 ,Pretty coat made of double faced cloth, ail wool, the clotb is square checlçed inside and plain gray outside, .-eery neat street coat thât t 8auely ft' ~ worth *15.00 for, thia sale, only ,...... <pealon Printzess suitsansd others -plain, ch.1ictly *ulrdstyles, lined throuùghout witli satin' 18.00b gray, blaek,ý green "nd tpi, for only ....... rThe prettiest Printzéss îuit iu a heavy cloth, * uiîture, velvet coller and prett '7 U utton4or .....£.......... O - - A - w' r Bnement t Spedaels Cnt glase bowla that sbld for $3.00,. are now 19 only ................19 Jardineres with fern pot ineide, ter. pretty design3 c for ...... 1............ 3 5 Tumblere,*octagon bottom and4 bell shaped top, each ....... 4 Jell glasnes, a fitted tin19 cuver, a dosen only . ... , Large sl glaises without >1 fl'er for, eaeh ............l Celery tray that is about 12 iniçhes long, 50c kind, 39C for.................... Regular set of six plates that were, $2.00, now 13 only..................1a' Japanese plates,with a very prétty design, speciai t for each ............... 7 Six Haviland plates that hgve »ol4 for $3.90, now -211- only..................24m Cup and saucer that is or rfn1ar 35e kind, now, a set, 1~ only ............ 25e cup and saucer, in a ve ry neat T>-,attern, for onlY................. YeUwinxin~b 4l the k4xo q now only ......o., EArtheu tea pots, prettfly designed, foronly ..... Sweaters s3 ail wool sweater coat for lad- O.t aa8VrY neat ,2-98 ISorne speclals May -be s out but otherS tek* their plac made 10 fit, pcrecê: wlhno extra déIWJes Pins. Think of it-a hum4red Of nice sioo4CJtbqPis aro9 OUIcw mlt q~aes *Now is the tu-ne fr the stove. The oilcloth square muât be on band 10none in, or phone vour erder Suare, 1. yard 7 5 inches, for .... Square, ad 18 I >ý inches, for .... *25. Thrd igsqare found03 T he bu5m1t M 'sUnderwear Stalev underwear for men in separ- ate garmentz, ail wool, in.. 175 ani- size for ............le > An ail wool' union suit that ia in good proportion, any 30 desired mixe for ......... Ovierghirtaq for the- eoid weatber,' extra heavy weight, (et À» one for ouly -...... ,2 66% 9* Fer "Munalngn Ail wool -union su its in this bept #tting underwear 1.50 for, a suit ............1ea Cotton fleeced union suits in gray or white, beautifuly &d% nmade for only..........%W Fleeeedý separate garmients, sizes upto siX3 c for Onlv ............M Sizes from six to eight for ...............5O Ladies,- Ufdenwear Shirts or drawers in silk and. wool, as fine a garment as one 10 eau find for ....... Union suit, pure white, any desired size, fit insured in eery size, for..!.. . . . . . Fleeced separate garmentis, pure white, for eaeh ...... Union SURte in Bises 5 and c 6, -special, at'oaly ........ the The i h wa, or o held 1 ch ild Mir. ofIDE, of tha Saturc on wi He ed ai a Ber Intend had p the w nianni standi the gr feet. Tho other theyi lorlun 'incon déîîcE and. !batt the f1 wals It woldi flext thougi a chau 70 y t.0111 fatal Bets Af1 tracks about which twent tbrow atatto fallen train paoaE next There tîne; CLi every -Il: 1 TABI "-thon

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