half..teaspoonI Lyear-old baby jicr- y a iiàu1, aïd fourbot- ýs t _e er three months, àdn will make -the baby ftrodgaiid wefl and wilI 4ay the, foundation for a Itly, robust boy ior girl. OSbLEMV AI i> &LoOp I"bk --If$ a n UÉ Lm*~ TW »ilwmud LI*eLadies Ald vI * ft sut eulmm Annis Roums on Ilum- du aikomooOct. 20... "ftsn .1 Win asocialtemh. M.IL * bw rhtidu aintslu, the 218t, Phas emmd eai ome. K J. W"hof rturus hoS» Snmy. àun attsiatmbSte Fai t ai prmg. da& Oe kt. 6t rWvl!bu a Rably apro-1 gpa n ta 4 adtbml. BDr Obepau ~isaut.. WR in élathe uabr- sues. Leu i e eodlila' taO m"sd tlem ea Omix oolat Ber. J~ ~ss, a doit. ta lb s lb-ta. Daube i otttsonb ,abo it entir stock am atmineD ta aud:grettre rom a frmlng. Th sbades o! Lake Forest ha@ afIna Nota-son andai!woare 1Dbô Intende to inîke that: boautiful bis future homne. The best wieb entire coDmiDUity go.viti hlm. Jameu àNeGoireou oD f the apettors empoed in the yard E. 3. & E. lU i Wla nce Win: ail7 rItu .oro bumdlu Budiy biock in a liv day.. Anaa "Dmn Capi" bas com midtandmi!by ls uneralagi broniht tohbis fst one oio mal!. lu tbé, pwoon of Vie CaeogU, nièe o0f i.andi N 13ofis ieplan. Jazoes Lancaster wbo for thes Month4 hb oom azlal stragé mmd ie ahI. goloemou *. hope 1h. buprovement wttl and permanent Neootu tbedeath of Jamesil lb. faant sn 0 l. F. D9aahu tMt AliteJ30M a bw., fS ibi pimubas lmt bn rmm âhil ~. sboltaiteba in 1 of bisgraadmotbo,wmva. lntimr la a charitable inuit St. LoUis, N)o., vbsrs sbortly1 chli cotanelsi th. mess]"s a aber of otho, chUla u ton put boume vi.,b ied. J. J. Motour k"hiig mmt mmaaer of lthe toWalbase bol Maliig rTaaom esurlàot i tub itetothe smembersmof1 Whmo 00 s.cemifoly dadmi ii of ont boter bwee. *9.&» i vos boys. Timo lova te yon tcma promise YOD fort b. ltut ozflt froa th. - 'dotel bm "wu in theb.pasi. Tl'h. et temauty qoin taont&t acibi-Mttainthii. vaY opru lhiri açwocaton aif onso muet h»M ah.vibu F AV U ao moulte 992 lu fe.iCtan b l esif bom la, m i iae. ~ ~ lueq kvIl tuli «ienM off V.1IuhUr -W te*l put Md in~ -.5ý o 'tdua hét. - cfCiamet Bulig- n.le dmppaisntsa. W-sYacW biscuits, Ummae demiis. Most Srm mi n i Auconom al. MUl Mipublie snuttion conthe . muossasl9»Gorge Da" fmi miesuhu0ryslm milsu l o L-aMtvlson~ Oct. 18, aI 10 Doluta.%ahle tex properiy: 18 hi60l wu, cavmbsiah, 6 epulugeme. xlnlng mlii; boit 2 yu ocli brou 7 yu id, st1200, 'ith [oai, Feus OId. st 1200, colt 8 yeata 120083colts2 Yusrold. sucli divlugbnraef6 yemreul, st1 brod sos, 25 abot.,24 arim émecota la aboel, 500 buahd n tons of bat llmoty a"m cloner blader nearly » ac" msrmof nov. mlBk vmOu nearly nec W oaanbay tué". G- plot noveho.diD. tilnto., was cushion tire top buggy uarly m double huimsIng. au mev, gaianlat 'atai tuai do m"Iuait n,set 4000 Me wagom eid Soolr. har lotI, 60 fit r pou ; 72 cb vat=Aro e ou ana te mntion. Luuch ai noon JouisAa.êa,, O-ieî In. uction. -Haviadoced to quit baIt Day on milivalu eAne.. IN& Oct. 20, comasucla, aiI1:80) Fina borem, 8 raetnier stock, ]i gireon sda o!fsale; 2sate ti WMW almosi 20 tanqes sisdmlo -utof SoIn ;lu e u " 'fa , * ai, rdilng taitinato,i a Simoaplanton. lrono land roller, bob àia,2 roriomet sev. braisksIdouable matï touabout, trop harmees, nu bl Wallosn gamuas2 turalul thoi posplb lvUc t.ole -horlele z uOnmacie Ilsawu :=ta f a J, W. IaUTTR5WLL, l J. Bimvîp. AucUlea. Seil Il through a Wauf Ai. il. L i sub aab vt le$ Of tho1H. OoliIpg suidF. 1 i. tuWC.bwW.. -Bi"t J.leréang the fillsudIt i on buainess, là W&Ukqgmm Wedneeis. veulOtume tunniag from msl ifreetioBornte lMr. and Mm es ~-d HawgIe s car ta- NI. mMd Mm .J. TombkY, o!Che <kg> heti re wulla tbjyg 4 Wbbby boy. e of the squt a.ia v <. L ir oiu*eeo 'ro& su. a Mar ! A PUnT Yl i lr i ai ir. 1MOT*lahieatuny. 44 tataIbm lir E~~ PaitrelIW ~ se saSg l enluesudtii ote~ h.of lr. L.C. Ri. 1Uvl itne oenlu ur liifIltý Mameertfel im e b. of 11vi wth mia ha. lira, damxsbrlair bumiont belorte ll h)= 1 *teIs hoDoelij i as M i iai"nn lr.JhmWl*l la atls l ap lm t ubi ur fmeai 1o HaleamiPa&*, vIellaifroIR 'W»uept oatiburabnouaSsoaïmigratis vhlc K . m Zget, of tlilso, spent 1a sa Kîtdbe dayiml laita maIH imiai, pm"iib er dimgr. Wdei4wi o mluM.Ml s. Jamesi us LealeGii wltbho umbaru>o i li ub4rrogjlMr&.ilîy oreheeit .0 r el Ua.tiveives bleiisbel%, bIlliuayo!R d drg le now employei bv I a~ ~ ~ ~ "WI MutIOridsbn mo dma 8""iaY' l]Mt*esé viiiPrecient Em n luthe h.C. M. & SU Pa00V. 1 "ba , 41 insOn.. M"u lure boC. obaaâigd mesubles, presai, Bllaas Mi aista. eflW.dane*hW mise sg&miuga IF 0esbi . K' by theflamms lb.1 day ltlé it, mli re M . N. (eatmai omatUs.won mlovei mndmdrinerinue ut. Dosale al y 4 ýPM& . toli a&LResnie i mmv Rimamè linaeu gareonewsemarotC ,ed th -lis o rkuf 8I a ai&ag 0161010a-'s abi. Usnortill Mlow ut uet vasia*WIO 5Uý. MeNYwti. Mg. I&8P rumly o of *0 Ahi nga -wus stabdtTomseiale mbâ itm fr p» 8a&Mi IN&100. èh'tuou et tbeoimaitoq a .1-" te gttalls lie*toMl bgim by, loiuceptuil illb houri. -A pubid teOf" 0Mll bas* jqrat lbotvholo0 ciao home nd mw em pm y btamthe rt imbi.ew a oi up WM 'tll et e tae t e corla b Dl a Desfis i. e01«i at" r, Au ri I id by the on "tie oiNe squar. 80 ouis ai il j-. o;»Nupoery raipromesiitai Panons aysr ot to belotisele. as Ku" At eu51 b b pet la vimicle ain, m &M g éveetl igien. PreolisiKnt accord, bom om a@eitu, Dasieliosto tb. laim I neSithe in" aprovmeuî and ai a vurysma 0iugy subutfl ti h. maltOr ta tib oWoin th .e oush or bot home aidlag ai! vlth a 009L aiaitsntutng 3i5titll npubie m aprovemient aid MW Ove" !botberbrother, Chas. l rcenai]Ab utoPary ofttmterlgmm&&Wthmtuloo Ovlm hepetition But sehenber tatbet' va.celle! I>nk ramon! A ~and report tlb, r comusaaat*4 on th omt on btaeln mber patenta bota veut IrcaWaubgmm fonaitf ville Pru@etcill ter»dr mdr&io sru u d vblleiley vers «iU Ibore limera sgUMdaodeihkmoithelsWanbegàa, ociord Mura a lliai ofthe Commines Oldi e chl Ri wu arnt. Tbeyi leyo" fl ain Siilrc OekAiais. *B Our eportai ctita h. peiton va. mat slarlb' rturasito Dreli un! bere WOW w, vfflM 11oclek &. lst Fdaycompiete in liescttptjon or te p:eh.lealtber cbillhood aidrematasi lot, o ad «therii spectio ! theoeng poeiV trut exteusion -aMd tliai bqvlthboterParnt@is ecepitilg vethe h. homof,1 p'@- *Alerpa",«laa u"vers nabe.lui stalle imelbra mg va. wuatbmdnoe mbool untillieomarilai tai a the Aller30 tUmrms ucisenlUSCia !l ptyl ie.vtorpasuei COelSLB-aSou, .01 Baid Dmon I e ilb lag eeli. No te ure lu theas poion mnd vouldtd uab.le.JueOIl, 1867.t visin ie, Ina .brmva eai ort isanata tg ins a favorable report vithout mûre lb! latissuattai for thoinsiseaunc ficow« 1 " " WD t rp e âldefalla niatbtoan. herepo to fa*im-mie ha. alvaye lIvei. During va, b",v tbns.Tht.le tle Brut l h a am, ~ci onaiibs' 08 , itI acetalsiber--Wrrie! le hm aiove childrea, go1 you tm bai ev e u to ourv lJ And an i psidénti Inarued thei m itie font boys Mdi oas 0erl. oay wo ofa woeiermd boy nc b aprtty »po t im totile sehbaiIntuber action the-vbich romai; taie elmdesRln P. ai! be uison ouafime milvn$amp foi so usset. Tbg&cSeptaaSeoftbý a. faiia-ai1h. oangebAlbert. Tho othe tchien mMY ZM As bw i. * Aong1he ruât..byE.L D. 1Wyau va.prsaetail ha'109 lirs! ta gfruws n ai thon r"hi.oI.vaof tais MWseraimunMd @haWama megisiMaiorieted place! on M&potal. -4 1111) by iii sorI vasainanesy vesime easqtaion t10lb. coulieiesiv.8. wmv bobr, hs n àIdm4bi, Md i MWtécy bai sunt, beevilprehi y Préssint K-$onivo ttad lPhilijiPan08-Onai )Pland piou. qniq t a dbl &0bav M"M"b,4w&, tiat emâiusehscomplétat bai tome l ulter, Hatti.sChriteuui, 01 Cicgo massmu taaoaleg b bi . a ta illard t t hé Ib OM ro nion md ie nugrand c IIu IUst, basie. anM y mino"a aMMs.el*ntbut noW th Oras mon SusAnamd gmlllug ta minons mort rsiai dear teand mai ilo e SU fi* dubua so»0mi 6.1 mu aiatellbet o - b eih I Ime sé tBsta n n<> ibm u soebath hnvlngk M d M"t.taeo Mditau " Co>ai ua.. s a a o m Mou i the e uwtê r m ti nui ahommes1ot imir o vuon t1h. Lae, Wliét lis tb amauto ai. a, lb Oud omS Ssi ela lmb sa A, 0th.y bave alwopes yseî a. S. IL P" u! U I&.1 seo tga am.ato ^l a Ai t h. 15v paL e nfo u sM M Othe t and n verh b u eparat o. faian - MA, Md." ils Opnion, litlbboui0» 100 " > Aelàirlibotrimimbani, CliMO.»M @--àa.AilmoAAsi isu. t - - ans. Bu~ t« iistefi oaa tokeof m àale lloiSl'--5> aseVtamm m b*0 ssnavaemse.ry masiesthé 11181 ami00cethv ie M nda.mbnat m Moé Im sm Mvin %iibm bàlamehé empoqlbauliuta4 slai bfts. 0fbordm fur11b. maint hutwm - iluv m.ltehesulr.r amua W&Idiw& elleta ai sslvè er lr t 1 iom l ait ma W» uo~v. ijuae. e~~bfin apr1an jou ltit f vimam tu, esa b oaI. Tienla lI A*0e am"ov puagne hW mns usoi s faloetea aumbo min eles, alle »liq0& t b mmi u isua stme ho l s ribu ulgb oih uta the ooitaera ii ebur sto liaie - relatives m'a gal ti va. n ibe lut of luimber th"y ati-emai!d October 3.! the n Inaaaypasm seay. Card olThank&, W. vlah tô «tend ourheartiltjanle f lat.ue. .. * te>&il the relatives an! Irleais vhovr îair« lait TiC t* 00lin! aid aîplalaa ont b enent. 0 a neey C. B EÀ*tmii4,îD CuîlDbEYi. i e~D du l oui knoseflithatIl'.easy b buta ML------- sert co", (if l' gond coul), setiboul thb. anoyance of ot uni! mnoke. Justi SgIns IL. fit. a ,ery itîtie aIr ou-top. t BK1Wi i, FMDon't chock t. Bm,. pipe i!amper too cloaoiY.UfesPYrolite Wa.hed Nut. Yon . al Mmine-Ira. Re-b. $rUiotmW*!ber Fred impie has nuoved teRoceeelet. eau get It final tb. Home Lpmber Con..- sa , Part .1.eftlr.ôm*thîuni othbrsistoStanley Nelson, of Mudison, Wl,., Pan07. litbei!.closely, but ltghtly, undil pas vaI #ai.bfrgocaiîei ou reu!s bere f3udaYe 1 elveanough air @puce i le tirfae to1 a, 2 visai t Mataled. llia%phaa M.Prdelîho b~ lis. EIII'nEtchaufflaniattit>g relatves maie ootdgamtai oke. 6-t!wme balan c Lo 19. Keller, Tuday, Oct. 4th. AmalueBcuontuagda! ChlcagoIbIs veet >lid si;e hoB. W.teridNofaorltaUmberynIli.. n autos vîtia Yauiegsiabutinoss INDEPENDENT'.WmIt Ais" brlng ci oh.setH. . iele. o ltimamhognov mes came fiers lest Tbnrsi!ay ta nse1 uitfi& 96 ceaml mn Inaertion ati l 1n0ieo lt noccuptu hbi.home on Pîna Gm,. Anve, th entI kon th e otîrle line, tuai . jeumach__SM____________ 1058.4 ~K. rls 100k ihan tO lb. lila es! mta, gl0 Bora tu Mr. and MmlireGeage Pr.luheg RoteI for lunch. Thr.mer about 60 u ~ 1 0 BN r, ga" aasonliondiay, Ot.3. inali. d si Ltti. e#lue Baillis uhmoen quilt. Ela Township bighseay commisetone la our 1 M Eu lHoua uusly id b pai vo esome.tte! cdh. Blute Fuir ln a body last:cido .lamom rPinase, MissgRbeec Adamne, aiter eaading a yulk. Swest iaisont ilMonemr, reiunni!l tober Arthut Briggs, ouIs Rliman an! us h oue ifaBioearm Augmnetlmdmon tbo& lu the late Fuir Tlh. erla *Lmogus shpp@ abarrai et Springfield ltIastsul adVtcua Ceo a- Of ~a masusifruit ta h l OhPoopies Home To.v o acsbr iti a Clama., TuUMCl.ema j 1 stc, uEo san101Staa.Shore Pavnllion Ma.011 ro lmraYomunh.for ber gost et *We vint tô eup. PMsatglis. inYWiteo-bOtChklg. Nanty Hîlinaunrm.clevi!&a crioad Of plyome lady in evey cava. ikoe rW i 0*brh.-uMai!stock hullast 8ulurday uni atighhorhcoel with a Pro. w L.Hi. mili--m bi 70h b-ta.dupsio! dof tti.m la t t", &II ps. ailorlSme>P""Vacum day wM a9mCiemnea-Moudfor adner oeadayvt aml eaouMnavals mies. ilng puapes. Tho mut.sehat beua lsi Ma~ 19Ifjour- chiliren are lunue! nrei hool Writé ted.>' for 0 Uséîth Mises Vllauis m esieléir boulk@au! cool OUPPlies, calfaetlImi the. miout ibetai of. ' inrsa fenrIleof eoutilaCm jrakssor.made. p*. a e.; W o qd idm4b ]POe' as bum bdg hi. su, Va. GibeI. Rav. Tb@ receatly organidsa chool girls . The "Sisapierx' tanthy Glebel vasaàpantoir ber. lvant.0yenyechoir selil alng forth@ firiiet i Bta'gueranteed ta do imyago.PetesChuchnetfund, Oet. m6. a.ecric machines M l ing.rads!teaWhsborne luThe principal of Out athol, lir. Lam. eouing $100.0D and,** ___ ai, imt r BgpmSt u aM tlà .lt hin' ber be ralMeoa i.Bgg iligsn eto i vtaiiostan patente Wight'(oaylbm) et. boytels ne~EngIaa. - meting, 'mihebal! 1.1 place 11Fr1. "'ns txtreiuely es paatr hietwiBi lait ltait. btday.evenlng, Oct. 14, AtOnotihon iand ca b.eralem, i t .f.PIl tie Mn f1.1 Wilm BernJ. J. Bilhrmma aslîl beain the OY f Usd7n _CW. Shadie erhse hm$vebu IDlMillonsa Iasrncl of hie confirmation W da ui;acU ImPovlâ.iii saor .de« Mt iloua, Oct. 17. Cr ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ oInm Vole Juu la. uel ot flesté Fuet n ,pi. 'o0fRlir_______ almlifetme Ti- tnosmalng Worl Koas*e Strma gmati lIOaIl. Ail the bloco t he >o!ype. tbroimh lthe liduouonce enely inres uIes, O'4The fiter th. blond, Tho. vork uIÇbt &Mudedy. *Whea haalthy cb.y rsmovs about 500 grain. of Impur. matter dq11y.'evbeu un. bealtby anme Port of ltieismutemat. te-1 laolft la time bio!. Tis bringe on mnuy disee m ai! sysptoss- PaiU1 l theboct. bmeaels,: nevome. nom, bol, dry àélu, ieiabb, oitS gmveol, irnr&t of eyoegt - and bmswlu, diasinseIrragliarhonr%, ieblllty,, rovsiesa, idrop«y, depositu laache urine, et. But if yon kuep the lier@a lbt ion vili hane no trouble seîch ou- ku!neys. lIMre. 8. C. Failz, BiatI & James Bt, 6oneval, MI., fmaya.-'l kaov rboreof1 epeaitseheni1 racomnienil Doaia Kldnsy Pille. 1 suifer.! fom lliney complaitit au! l ia attendant dymptame. 1 linally pa-ocure! Doua'. Kiuey M11 aud aincs eng tibm 1 have tmpton.i lu eveay 'ray. 1 bans but lubtie pain in MY hek > MY kIidneys are nortmil ani! lui betea-. Doua'@ Kiiney, Pillearts sorthy of griot paula." Pot mieby mii ieaecl.>Prlce .W0 ent. iosterliilburu Co.. Buffalo, Newe York, solie agent for the Unit.! Bcabee. Remembe- thoenana-Doana--an! take no other. 2-2 Poiiion 10 soi Rel Estais. &&tte ofllinois, County of Lak. Mi. In the County Court of Li, eCous, ty. la ch. matter 0fi the mpplicaeoo f Cotait H. Ostimaier. Guardilt« Cia, ence Otrunder, a Mina,, flot bave te Bell Réailistai. 0; sub Mntr. Te Ail Persons Whoni st May cont. NoU-taelahereby gives tlitith.e i. erstgne!. Colan Ostimuiet. iunilan 01 Clareace Oitranda., a miaS, vl mas PPIimcllata theConuitCourt at Lak. Counly et a etguiai. ltsM lth~atoa ho edti thlIe Cout RSMa lu the City ofWakeganla maui Voua tY on the Ut! iouiay of Octobes A. . 1910, iiig lM iii da &Wtieruai fo- aM Orier of saliCout dilthsm hlm, as ah gnarin, 1t el!«Mli icd time rtgmititie undinlterest of lhe .Uli Mluor. Ci-msae Ourasifnimte the. ftworlugdeeribai ruadI state, t10 wIl: Loit Nuabai, TIice(Il)ai Pour- (M)lua McciNumber I.n.a u(7) la lte Villaen of West licfenry. Xe, HennieConaty. mios. Date! Ual. 291h of SBagember A. D. 19 10. COLON O8TIIAN[IMB, Guatimu o! Clnrence Oaliunier, a minor. Auclion BSio. I 'rilI sII ut publie auccion on lb. faim kun me as eSam Conneli farta 1% mi"es e. o a!out, % mlle .outb o! c-reey. :à% mil" esta ofaiLake Blluff on Baigda>, Oct. 15, lhe follose. !Dg propert>': 2b milkimg cova m&B comtng ln anon, 8 2-yeai.oli holfers. Hlolseinl bull, brovu i!riving marp, 7 yeare aI!; ; hetrfhief bts.! colt coaning 3 yearm ohd; 8 pige 2 montha oui!, brood asew, 950 Obumbeia white Qate, quaîty turrée ha> in bai-n. quanily upluni! hay ln barn, quaalty o! to-n In ebock, stock strue, 2hbaY forts kd!robe, béav>'yiope ai! tackling block, naimerous logebatue, big vooden valtrtank, gavanised vate- tank. milsK coolng tank, alk aeaor bout 40 iclîl.en, a horsel oulneeglue upa-ight, tai ajck.I buiz case and table comploe, ast bob aloigb, sulky plow, soi lose, soi plov e sulky rulinatorm, Dlamond looth ;uIll.tor, col. pîator, l>aeraag tor bander. Deering grnan bini!ea, moder, Rock Ialand hay loader, huy i-aek, on. meheel ocruper, 2 luanher 'ragons, nailk wagon, sua-tsi, puiveaizer, 2 Deortng novers, forge, sngle ha-nesa, @etl gbt driving hamnes, 2 uet. heavy, coud rack an! many other thinge Ion alimetoue ta mention. flouai terme. E. (G. 8AVVVM',tcsPtop. J. M. ORtiES, Auctioneet. yeu reach 3000 rsadsre. a 70 cra oeav Iun aili, vtula 4 milles 09 a City o1 8.000 lnbobitaate. ia NorýwwestqiWonain. end on!yiki mueoftommuiomon dis C. & N. -W. Ratlroud. Uoiy rond ad raitrod çtums th t ract Load Io 4 ilI roti muni ory produclvo. Tmere l. a«nmer 'mort reglon, sud laye on4, M ou& lm tin vnul ie o, vbms tbm la ibepbieuau d"bix foilqik-rlaei *"**aoie.s . FR *5ICK SALE, Pniai 46.00. WriIe ai once, GRIMMER LAND COMPANY MARINETTE, WIS, BAMftBRstiOP a Lese PlsggProprietor 7Jut aroand the <'nnet on Spte.wu Il 11trest, Dort 10 thi e Bhm butld. y ng and opposite tii Peer blackemith #hop. LIERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigare and Tobacc», dLaudry Ag.ncy Rmzors Monra 1a Bele Park Divide! mnto oettonsa of630 arre4 and subdtvided int 20 acre tracte t SoutiersLad aMd lnvutmsa bymONO &AIN LMSRTYVILLE,. ILL&. Lilifber Yard For Figu rs on BUILDING MATERIAL, Ny prion, are rigbt and grad.. good. Wbetiéer you buy or Dot KM Mny tIOcuree. -PREI'AREI VVHITEWASII Y.S 1AD. Prop. J. M. Graves AUCTFO 'EER Se. Me Befote Makumg Your Datr. Satisfaction <tuerunteed Ofice 208 N. OiMesee St. Relence Phone 4&12 1Re@. 144 KjssiAve. WAUKEOAN., LL,.1 INDEPENDIENT "Want Ado"' bring reaslits. 25 conte en Insertion and IArn now lacated on 'Milwauke cloor north of, Rus Shoe Shop. Aiao prompt attention. I IIOWARW)W. B( ILM .B a a a a a a ~.. a aaa~ O wwvwvvv~vvvwvwvvw"..,,,,,,,,.,~ TY ee Avenue, next )rders will receive 0 OYoO, mois v "eue"=