Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 4

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ewsýle o. t. Utsrs heu*tco.. tel"bestea.o. tit. 4bertyrmtt. xcbàue u s6.1the pmaB" a% ulemyVlue. lu. ess eculond 0" atter Sugmmt*N PRlOg 0.0 P<R -YAR 8TRIOTL.Y IN AoV#%Nci ýNN . .................................T...1.... .. . £dltor ........... 1 ... .............,..N....... ...... C ty filer tise Iaest tqrg àatrea ifflt man. caile aresaui..lail billet.. Ilsat lit. Dem ~ h. -~ r1e tei gowOmoordktie. m ii governuta i lbdtlos. Wh« 1 Iget M pporI ofparti'ogel Ipa tihat fevor oy If e 'nt toesvtain MAnufatgrlng e iucflth à #e4t e, thse tarit? aiuld be ooutreiled èCmy bi pi tO relais, tissecindUerleon ti ide of lte Atiantio qag boen bul up aI, vis.e belleve Il wige Some s dicant some t ink that an o.celonmla PPeerence ln te 0 ve4iusg qsoumsieslu enosigis le W heI t térout oft tie'publie - Tite uearoisfer lte bou, value I. neot iegun on tlit teel by looklng ln a- tic shout Windows. Thse trot more ofthlie prudent hIouueWîfe, tesn dite*hma Piutchaoeste moa, la ta atady te nisvof te ratitatoe, -a copisalnedlln * . te vpep"a avertitine, te ue*wluole videat avake, Wvit. mata e gi91. la inste mmUfor the dollar...1 * f*gu Op te flng e tis prlitmlnar'y mercit fer lafaris ltions, le jut as :taqa aslau ttu the doore of your tors ln businssaebhure.Cuftomere core ai0e . tnthIà aPuMbachaiaf me"..Thier Brut vieItlai.paîdte te mer. toilent vis. rupesici te thaer deani for Inforsmtion Uirougitlte nevapaper "toemltTaie the'e talcSlte tleavhdgm. * Tise nevee'ageradvortlacft asconiing liéta thecocreal tori'. The elver e&starau 4at prtata peint of '1ev ln routîhbulait. Wanen soe- nletedasti tnd th It um U a.48reglary ta certain advertiueentu as tbhes toe utea geitloe or te stocki or preduce nsawoces.> Tiese msanItelhe areima terffl by a fate cdvertisoments asti tthon wltiudrawe, 14ssdit iles e surlet lory ewt itto seold ai m eday louve -hi% pubier ltlsoiut »Opy. Nie reedeu euld conclude tisaIhoha htrois et liofewq ilataie -Mueet thsemaobatltise eaier cancludetittho has Inde inlJde. sore vetby et puble enspbmele, 1if the phblil elaiste Ide* tIlucA oncertain daya a certain raiiroad trai do«. 00t um.IN t l.a 80 te met eU6te h abil t ftaklng Iton eny day. il th* buYlmg Pubic 1011gela'bs inetb1 thurta a eretain part ot thse peau a cor. -tain oecpeuist e is teorthi taikhiu about, It wilîgneveu get lb. ide& tétaitg Il la vail te look over hie c«" , efoe buyn. --ooS?" DON'? KNOCI<. Ilf .. tant yeur hem isety te reitin 8atatiâtaj r rte foau ln-geptafalon~ 0« o-t %b". e .blp totard lta MW sle la~aoJi n AgoelOO elatitude is 006*Inge 0veu'hoe* itii.s.If pe« bave a t rieni vlalng yeu, o Wb" Ye ffl ceOOMere#lt vIlstravelingme% b. sureastd malte n csear lta yow j oeeff i bu tte aisIe eof1hu Place lus Thbve4b *Y t v ittgeueelvthAît Y" are*aPO.aun aOfiigi social and tisai- luge sanerds, ef teaonand oréttal pepetlesuelonei a move freely 8Mee lthe see0JUMlb Ofglth,141LY. Té'itt 0110 t tIYen condescend le mis. île, itklai n te geegle PPI. a4t tisaI ois bsent youiesef re..tise vor's o reglelt epewéulas Osr runsuey frein aeue na creetisglwy eoeetrw viin. &A altlul o u May meuaeoeed a scld s l mpreoeiost.peur reelsu. -talé t' our buihses vl t tluereésy h lreaeed. VnYeuWit Utiseob)s aidsyýtls e tlIe réputation poceceu bp pour lo-amaà aogd pl&ate u Ond de ie wlu, ieuureputatian le thse only thlng tisaI rawe nevooolers * We lv fe noflettis fe tiuit 91 pride viittehici popie la à gretelng *it clissaitc1 et bsplace tiey hîve in. TbOy tlItof, thîngo isn a large ay. Theyg c811 thiWÀ1eiO lt s'stsutng trougI1lte lovna criver, the pond la a lako, Uic bi ll aiunmwe. Jt tg 000 f OOuWMfor "fle t lst e .su.u...i.....about sutigei 1hiliSien bOàà"bceW&Y. But an enliUslcUtc ven of oui'. surroatsdluga " ff et noe1crlly nake Ioeif rldicsulo% TIIe h.labi 09 yla nthueluen ilunet lte effect ofi -rotlt, but a cause and the prinelpet cause. utas ae a nsaccoatpllasea in liftise dgoo ie. elice ioshobolses ho con accomipli@§%, co a cily accmplieshea in urne degrco th Iliepstelits pple belle',. Il cennuten. MARY AND MARRIAOL. Mmiy hâdi a vtry ulroag opinion te lte effeot that, in ga fcr as te qultîy ff iser ciildren cmui be affectei by tlelr itorpe tral.âg, it'Se W»glai mite hai apent a fawte peur crtng iber living. ýyery *eni," poli Mary, "aougitt te have aure ittIlatinte for devolop. le lu110.3an indlvldual.- Homte von't do il aitogther. Net nowedoye. Theo 4e01«Welhomae i, bolsugpart of the, vorlclngwori. Mut wt a uthe modern brait in la a0no4,an oddy, a *boit, aàstock, It'a somcthlng &art fromnlte warle il a eoste lMging 10 prepare ber aun for aàitnowleige ofStlese al 'Z15 aIse. eMing ote lie e 1ulve hlm a traisting vhich hm.linlan Ur, 00*11ffine and an apgelclaîlos cf lte réal vend, If aies golng tebe b.ale *0t ducaft him ite rWWai lvng, *citet o iaays asdtltrealtlpili te *104e'c. have »ene expenlenceOn iter otes»U Mo n nlte realori ieforei a ie eseme a nielueu. A rea oipooponeutnt o e ht lbriod 11icith hilou "Os e omosea sonigfllet Indivduel la a gui tis.- '11ise lidui. W"bout ht" muctJohn, "1*1 fl il nalues pou tIco idegend. bit M& su Veutpropmem esla te tatis n"Ieamm pour living tilt. yo're OF$ adet ait I. T10t4 you teOaint alarry me, tilt pout vere mre'Yen ýwl»4il ba het rle but It ha t .nsidareu, te.- idiMt lIe, aller 2Il, ubssehlng relier pteauM lféé John la keovlng, VOOM*14ý hâtMarin't oteeving unfte Itus emply beceisMe o ant mift ~~~m~isemélsg *qglitcly grstltylanain@h.msgesilaînCERTAIN, tm* a N um reeetty oUal kéepelier' c hbéie l'iiii t *ief,4 *e 8V.A" tisvingls vi.l' aiWiussli vent m tise duor 41t* o» aa Widé*% WlitmMy mail. futterlusg aticIglul iy Il very bar , ~t a 10me %bat. If te vent oeuth@ eU oiu l>. 0Io 1ietelea"ec«W Mary "I wailodllbtatriWta omkniwn vine B-Wii ard iitla tie October 8veu'ybmyài utyls tlln[ il[& alitent aipaa-t e»" r ('leaga Ya pbyeicianm. PO a-t *g"urt r' -~t - "cYa roes etm luInla is umacer;, Taie - u pti or l iabout lte Ieit Or a mlii bottie; place a mncer on thie bottolaof thle oil; zlaca tihebot- ~t m lOnkPs titcer Ila th. pail; lmi taie pail PlUt vater uv» tahiegat of milk lu bottie; looev. the cap on tie hottie; place peul ovur tare; nmsoOn aO Pater mome« t a bail remotomi, tir,; lot bottlee tsâi lni the bot teater for vt min-lutes, tu- thi e aurme t'palgM ce101e; thon ~plaue iu~ ~~t iretorc 0ck èd-etnroau4 courA, - and au. thet robp0t a.Un i hudovwî li.4the. outiut'.got dito v hile, t icliLte or th t ma tîtrreoldcna IZUUi~3I~Sf5t1V. lttié.eUv bl uh of aithte pbY wept, - lI~g g éî, ldtliatiug etrfe. iiy w. baove ti t'te or Dami, W.te, tii.FIle ajth lrai l Du u.z ùutId b. noue tulong *ta 4 ']$peadudtetiadCayn %melg the. Faititi lac'tIbo Ilix KoNii.,tt. etters te woode &edraply1 alitude. Twvainlle@ outi re For tÀfre Thoan Titre. -decmd..s 0 vlew tieiKleIr lJctof 1 Fofr'e f locey sud Tur bai*ena mb-lt., et PNt* M ' liotleubtld fàvorit, fur teotîgllo, cuidei and l,çnqrr ane lautisape palat*Ï lmnnthe thtirit. rt. t and lutîge ocoanva.. Aller letivil tbeCouîailis nuto piatvm. ýi Irier thi tarrote 8palng Criek lA' E . I'<ipA'%y %iti, lisdemcely voaýded ý t ldg plepis 1tiit, TUÂT NE-XT NLIV GOWN mai bel Pate pescd tbrough icreto. [ni une 'Yol 'have ever ovumi-ityui Me xelQsveiYely 2o 4m, lae t idevaita ltti, tigueta breadin; the Iy muerodMi by rtal JmntiiOC tre adu, butors you deidl uont1 of aul ceillronus greenthe ce pnt* aàuttce, and by Ibo vIùiteor Siteitala ta b. usel .At iéaiate, sasnaltitude - eet. W@et'ome i.ceutiment*1 '" 'i$ lily eovered Pond nse"V 6.wters tathe t lsutie, ard the Partt 00., u~ alf kecremer 1111t wol# ek l a& a < iie traëci cthei A the a m eor are, Ta rediidd-btwà dirtin f lx UP YOUR d il of j'Our d"ver Who tatas ue ii6.dmded awitb inchee mie and fear that be vlut ARe-ýÈ-, cloe eluad agi ur remlise, if» BA NR O below. AI th an footheticbill Lielaoey Jree. &an&WUlieut.NA A t mmi agaln..Arnilie. furgheu t etIND A A u clearig, iber. ie a hli . . poiu ntiudthé. volderful viots VI iIlI wue go yaur t'apte un lsgww. M I ' 'JY G abelote you eIv o nisb- ia long, narrow valies, deumrly ih tir aud opuc and pin. ýTO sU N ng eunliglit achop u nb.i ______________ nao the western elope wbls m de le black lu thi.e betlua. POIJLTRY FOOD JL the. turqula.akv' la esLctei th back groond arethe My W A ffI~ 1 aà& oft Tlb Te Têtu» wili vy crowua gi"anlS damalos OA ercrominx the. dlvidé. a mcoud ___________ get a uuoreiary glimpse a m laite boudreds îebeleov wv,,1 uceh station et ie. Wet end tiU iL et. reacietibulot* nooc, ani vlC LJ1i mmoreth tliouries teot-Ig;th se tie lake ta thie neit camp. MION~ at about sudt;e eaile un ____________ tdhbeng lahutly tlerofomea. Icoutued au, jaurney pur cer, are nan"%eouspaint note, doued bot mprlugs end sarne 7»m boe. r.. Ti1shintcolle, tiocI ut the dteoiL.Toutft a i dlàin he cla"ea ui that rp it la thie omm.ead bail Il. Johu Bridger Improved upa. 'her. le a bot sprlng dOm. ta d le overflow, covera a amalli ih loyers of but vatlrtin enoua@ Juhn duoppcd hie -er atirongai the bot vater la otrta beaw, canbt lhie lIai lisst ou the va.y ont. Tl'W bws the *bore lUne for about ieCaI» anti tien entais lte voade AsI buAw àp und op tit *the hormc eaun1010o*W Ithe eipty rige euT more, a mà«o mut 1500ltlt i oe tuice. * mfor th. inlerv.nlng Ire..yoa bt»iit w a gei coamegrand views af the m ad' dm l our down 4bW drive vou wvIi aour loft va>nun s alu. esm w tlmy vatar 1lait an Irmnete. ,dom the creci. formng tii itee.rybody Ugom la qucea "tle,& aeber. latii. paradia. n. Thea las mmpl oaile lIA. am"ineetutinustet re Yilkuvmatome river lhave. O abars iii. troul prcenometbefir ittice«. Havlng ne sport. = . me n1 painurny tirte, eiing id aeery. Aitermupper roal rd wentta lth e bHotel &0 qbed aomiep emnnnelu tins camp nd gasview aofte àcurroaidîtiai tm ilil h. a cmorj for many a day tu ýglote af the eau" w te.W C resesrmi Wood@, a soit lui. r u utila over dis foretgraMun. 0e vantma a". #ocied deo fee bhelaw u a, elaie2 t. « ~Manure S borcom t um aà 0" SIAlg The Orea.test1 a 0-&aàw o kqs- Farm pcaie Mes 'b . SEE US ABOU âe tAvauowoks oq& pwo, wer mure th"aie *lde moltÏkieyd ait lemefrUa ia ~ Sft*TWAI$TS "PARISIANAcoRSeT M., A. PROT114E ~stnAnd ;entury iprçade r Labor Saver Ou, JTTBrEi Sha&pt Seu ra in byour dàiy, 1, as follows: tal. ut omperdtu r yogmoitetaof utasersionr.te sa it l d 09 butter lu fév., ni lIt 8hrglsSeprclr Wjtb. ai e« uffailleint ilu» uPr restl lertu on me taie iot 1. efft 111 lb. asparclar euh ,,,"enu sd tb.gala 0,cr muet ateer sekatras limDe mach moio 291. lt yau, mavàIbe et m, m ee»a0on. boatus lest g ai pfec,. tutaer lb. mouai ror obWi rObmdllt- ous. 011411etu l 01tiaiballietby Mlanue of lb. ir Oband tubuiar 8epcrator '15 bw hi ex-*",ofulie o p e r s or ev.t n u.sir5j aoed pm"va.y mde. ifYo ra re vaio. e e butbei ravcr br.undez fsvoreblo condions. t a. laeketE Vor wu O W oPlerise. von tu ala ib.e e lm sievacl Pantis. if rau 0s. e. a lue.4o, cirefOrPans, rouer gela wulruau trou tPesl-llyc tea lOIr bauc* ntsdedlonauonboa laerla, tmer are. d. Ouithlb.Paot ut qultr ai eeus,or baller i1(la more t lstealtglu mba edellulle gMnart, n bOrdîr meY t»idaryM» o ns. lais sat otuai 0t cari eabout louïr eIrles o a b e ielme% tlaetlt of buttler. bat. Otaier (tte bilageqaal. .va eulce lies esin ii.est telgymmewun lad a mivsewla lb. qfftfa ie 0fbuttaler eqalfvaeim lu Vures ente luov* eums Ver poasm by lte »0 ai Our seuselr. uwh ie éavteaee taIdatryrnu ill seçrraàabotler wu* fMmot urpecnt lu40 M Peu meut9more $helà Pîltiaut lathea&ioflb.u'Tubular Seneralur. Ttéiseklm-nt. bains Pwaut resa. i.ul e rnorhmore vaàl sfor stock food. Il clU b. wOrm tImm tue 7-lvRe ruin a orlt-Ove osasler b"ia rdpounts for msk Isedin. dsusdlua larasu, un se smemuof lue stock te dit IfilaI r1. Sour. coud 1511k la Prlai about one-eflai of aisé 4115, Tb$ serIns luallndliag ett h i'u, Otir b àgts.he e . a uartlmoe te 151bealthe(eaume atbe.asnd.theskiailIi tMd lim tothelukliek ,1whUe itlut.warm.tbe svinslu in mik pan. Pliu ie., cend the waehlng xand @asonnefor 5Mme. ail e a udusit andou. Otaier lltUs e rnga. w05.n b. scdmM* te lmus Mer aumut tu agreal deol ln thea cgres. Ru, aboe uI te aàsMinl* of l". Il MTr la usd. Manth laércnteee Md ut ofbaaag lt la nmcerrpunir $0 OMM saI he b. m tcred lues.. ne la th stà ttler "MWthébescur- âaleed lmprevenéfl ne ulu anIrlenable rau ta sec ha. cbauiul.y aeeM"r laa spiu eer- tor te k durymuai ta b. ader »0 lrtcuites, .c»ao beb. -asitrassit l loam ssMa lCIta Our. Some money saving Items pi1cked ai random. Ladies* I'lnuel Pettlcoats uuAle of good ch.: ted Outlng and vol Bfllsbed, each ........................................... o LdleWhite Cauubrlc Initial flaudkerchefm, plainor rose4r eaeh.. ................................ ........................ C OptFlal value lu Mem»uettced Towels, tmeat Yred -border, eci....... ......... ..................................... Extra Rmav.y unbleacedCaoton Flamuel, per yard., ........I Zc bin'à S*eater Conte, good heavy grrntm ln t«e lth' bAtwa mrîpe, eaeh Si1.f*i6and otheri ap t ................... 4adlea'(Permlan Delta, the vsgry latent, saçh ............ .... Ceonut Butter lali <quatJar ......... . ....e............. ..........ea, holoaantoo Peaberry Çoffu mata.e old qualitY, ane nid price lb... 20e ýipIe fltter. Probeo braud Jar . .l...........i................fc la i, lfa"nle Lernons. dusse ................... ............-28c Ilg 00 WANVT AD COtLWmiA k I.effrcwe. i e * e e e e e e e e e e e e e i e e o e e e e e Ou r $ 1

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