Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 6

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&..uv ime la b. eahr am tomd tmif arstock of dainty i. n #iofriag. the- re sur, to e s oïm JIJST SUIT -YOU PWn or Stoue Ring., blgh grade, at iew et; " gua'anleed wortb tii. !iwe. A.a aiUon of Our stock THE JEWEIk .Keusaroho~h ,O Reft*éls John 9. BUSgger fr eaia principal otftthe Nortb cbool ln Waukegman sd for tbe pst ive Year4et Lb.eb..d et tiie central. or Gorton steeol of Lakei Forent, bu et lut dtacovermd bis or-' Iglu and for la arare tbat b. la lu Uin. for a titiet f Suad A portion of au Irelsuil. 1 Lait June be Vent ont a tour et Eu- rope wlt bbis ftud, Rev. B. W. Cbld-' Inter orthlie Preabyteriau cburcb, sud wblle ther e e loeked ap au uncle whe teid blm al about i ancestors.. Tbe stqry se. e toid Il wouid Weil lit s nevel ef Lb. iate cealury. it le the. conventions[ stery ot a pour bey Who ha touabt bis wny npwards aud wben b. attaînei tbe belgbts he sougbt tound LbBt b""s.tLb.des<feud- sut et 'a lord anmd vas entltled te a abare Hie lefi bis achool at Lakte Forest, wbere ho.bubas at.cbiug for the Pl ive years, sud visited ait Lthe points et Internat lu Rompe, sd ville ou that aide o e bibg pend Veut te lrelaud te fid tMers, If possible, any ot i relatives. Wblte i empuon was searchnlg among the gallerles et th ii. f aitht sud rmu swsy"tlotil country.,* Me marlod -bersý, and' e aOfi aé 1iras bom ras sengt te ive' Vitil Lb. l*0eds. 1 receý lItror no sckeolg, ail Lthe ducation that I bave i have glVe myseif. 1 tanibt lu lewa firatbpt tLb. iret BCÎIooI K ad ln, thi u ae waa the uchool w'eut what la Dow MuZitnIXy, celled tb. Sid. dl«ee s.ehooL. Ther.1 gout Lbe MOS otràgaY aàq the. bardeet daya ot My lite. ,Wby.,I lbave mm lte t.tMe *wbule lnu he l acool,tuaI I1aws re.j Quired te *Vas. svercoat aIl day te oever opthelb. ptches tu my troluers But 1 permevered aud-well, yon bee wbaL I1aam noV. UnoleWaicomed. "I foWid f17 unçl. far more teady 40 weicome me Lban 1 tbougbt I would. Hie MOde me te right at home aud extended io me as tordis! Invitation Io roturu le lreland uext summer and sPeâd MY vaeatlou Lbere. 1 thtuk that l vilI accept. New* Lbat 1 bave start- .4 1 waut te Lad out'ail that I ean about my relgative.., M3auY traits and eccentriclties ýwMch 1I bfave aWaY.. ben Aceorded casM b. Iracai, b.ak. My bair, whlch ki tisack, lugteed ut'tho tr&&diinal red efthIe trace of Norman blood ln my velais. Yen remember tbst my room at lthe Nortb achool et eue time won Dublnîr. Bigot, ai hicsusine aboutit lhe Oral Pr-ie, glveu by thi.Ladies* U<~4fIUIJN WS b. reunt te a"a u irti tord nos. Hoe, Journal, for the béat collection _____________________Dasie wu& se o %Dr 1k bis liat, he cf Pîcture$.. Well, Lb. valti ot the thiougt tLut hii, gho a-b ~relative bOiée etfiMY uncle are for mure.fulkv 'J!~ Dm.a~5.uE lua aqItervIew btodar Prof. Bsggett coIrcred wiLi Piclures than msine ever- - 2 told Lb. story ot bis aear-ch. re.. Ficers. tee, bave siraya P~m rLbryuoYo=g Tel#% et seaeim hfe a great hobby et mine. Tiié y lad WY1OS0o Lns An- "Yen kuow tuat il ls risky delvlug msale e nt eryl li m loto the aunaiso e tii.oden lime esmn bssuay tenants sud eacb lt- 1154 ,out vin yeur ancèstora er. le bouse bas a kardeu that ta kept Tleteritd dextr l whphthe["n 1Toe may1orr fotreugb to*tid ha fuii]o e t fairet fiorera et Ireiaud Ti~ îrrt.& tuiste l vichli. ,lnoen ucele of thein wusa baned for ail the tine. tenant that 0f lb e ue, 'ao as detio>'.d horse stealing or .oeehiug 1ke that neglects lhe firore b.d. et hîs lord Aad mai>' lire« lest. en danvrsetsd tien go no tarther. ont lu my- la sent off sud anotiier- laite bis borner te .weep ever the Ctr- O itty.aac1 wvispartleuiarly tortunate. jplace. lu tii. ru»CÛaOn. tb'Lu.lowebg letter for 1 fonnd that ail my relatives lu Eleven Bachebors. f-IG- Ms.Geflis.. aloi-mr Ubery- lime oid vonld ere far better .e- '-The.tact tht 1 amn lu a & iti. Yeung lad>. son r-MingawiluL-. ated th" 1 id as.tve me iu even! nnvedded bilas lsase 'blamed ente .Aaueaesviiibef inlemot uY. Tbe irst min1 usaito. was au.i ,'ancealers. There are eleven et X&ter kt. iay uL- ef min, by lbe uame et Henr-y 1lhiusas cnr ai 1 could iud eut that Omw M- ?bhàmll en magit be tn Baet He'le an liab lord. .ad lun- er inilTtd.* Ueessd te bur bhdi-c ion cuecdlon nt bi titi, h. bas viat:, This rai the tale tiat ras teld te eo Sea#t iii, easl..ina Le>'cal!as manor. dheslaiirge à SUN reporter Meudsy. There b 0tIVS 0a lst-sii.. s maay a Cil>' bere. bas awas~ been more or tees uiystery 55*. apr asm ebai....5ubend "Afler lbe Iutroductions ver-e over I1jAblitthte lite etfMNI, Bagot. He ras sat downu o «Il th. ikeleteutiat know-i te bave made bis arn vay lu *~&Wia>. Ot. Iîe t 0. ock in t s, igt b. hIldeinI.the closet. +Tis Lb. vorld sud le bave rlsen fr-ouithe. "O nLm l.Ap" sD&U, luneslatgether>ST'tm y bîr-L sud snce.lrs-iguorance et a poor fariner boy te tie IMOdadtu Mn lasa. .*&tom sud eport- senear-A a m euremember It Psiton oetprincipal of lie Central *P4.aso e , t4a *oeto ncre.eis. i'ne. scbool at Lake For-est. For several WM ' s 55epsaltLithe mmnrie '-Go vay 'bacit halo your huston>'a s U :e wàà .Principal of tite Northi oue MM ae.. comivsit. a&M Lie jYon v 6in l Llthetuer par te i,» chenil lu tha City'. reslguing that po- - ab Imetat ett.sin use1 Ottlle te lte th*. iigier oeeiluLaite A* ««&'W lI jwtb* dvea" k., L6 etofhet tii. nrtmwvForest abouttour- er flv.yeur-s ago. *0 WSweâw«.Lb, IkW* fth rit1lb ktugdeinb>'Oliver-- - 0( ansl ->M.onZ detro.d iCremeIeL Ai that time lu the sorti- sm Clee tna grputy auo.uthg Iobat AiMioq -Cari t, tirée. Le oesfrbmerr-u-y du"&Iish lords b>' LieDame of Baget. U M osy ulgqit. we te>'rl 1ls'~ hm aruoot 1r uigs iWheu Oliver- Cromwrell cbasued the "MM",- MD"aybeacht- artytley mmdg m» religion of the itiidom tramCatb- Sot homte fanabahpryta -. a mi ier t oImm iciOne" te Pf-oemsim. tre efthieDnt bappen, they hui te go te a ~~ ~ ~ ~ bnmii accepted the change andir-e- clothealin.esanduniplutheir ng- 0" n. mnb lâ&MqlatboUCgbte htaied their lasud titles. * hueaamingbtofl:s t1w ok g mm.b- erh e e oe, f re wo froin Ferry Hall. Then theyteond hme < l.tbkd o erenhos J esAn ud&ascast out o e NtilIe freahmeu of Laite For-est col- umei. imrââtie t ti. r.oivig'la"d sud lest*b1ils preperty sud bis L-gever. aay te atteud a beach par- s huffl. o tetheyat Lkie Bluff Monda>', at vilch ~ avsg. en. '~Heveutte erms>dy imdstiyd jby the va>' lhe sopiemores. accord Ve ~~ies tliatssdbat -He tIa ette Xorsa r'dar et a- d lug te tie anaual ei, "stele Lhe bai-au lartm- an a i..ur ie b rb~sd broke up the party. a sec- Thb. lime as a dbwerd tva btes lssly eouadered IL Dat lereturu be emd contingeut of septiomores'ogi j . - be And s IM w r e- houed- the roomu. et the fresimucu lu ist bo, ï, pistt atou ma pQettur-ued te hlm. but i lout titi. , thei luttées absence sud tbey r.- s* IbrunebstoffiTiie dsll.y edilsslund efcesscn f aocta ri neu. ot ieu 10 thedescendants for many tre efc cn fhvcta - ~ th"1a thb *ols U >.va Teghe-re gietmade a Kansas cyclone.,tfl l sain Mis__ -' m, » w@ b teuige t buP, lit1'e a »sectIof Boston eu oltd tiongit l vte~o fgrandtfather- ot uy Uifle Henr-y. The prayer uieetiog sgti. 705$ Pa ler, l tin of r radrs,t,' «c4' Dow li.a astr-eng Csîholle. sud EeiTiIang hLn t reabmeua r-ouams est.d te besitin Orma&.lova'1 bw son. Patrick.. tg the same. He a s.liaI va.morabie vas lrauferred te to-brfrol*àpiTo " er »X« tht 1 boud acept tliO tecampua. Neekties of elaberate lu 4temunu>' land ut l lllve lma axin tetIabtyaeel patter-n sud mate rer-e carefuli>' lied -M e» our touriste, snd aimpl>' us>'the-1 aith. offering as enal lumient a g>o<d- and voven mlotothe b.d aprînga ..%lt-, il>'portion et bis good» ut- the Lime cf 1 -cituo ate" inde nt aumer, a fart Dot isdai u . a ureanosItrpiâ« eswre str-evu about lie cain- -gsiubisy itnovuButltbouwh@iLola quit.'s vasa lu lkno. idlt b. day, inîle eveen than tat. tuat I ahould #Pen my îpu..'The rueri et a freshinen uarnd ^waw l te mddl o th de, bpo*4usinm e Fb y hilaIspelled. Sben j Oret va. vater- soaked. Tbe bpd bru one. up ut 3p. m.sud Lb.e"ils e t 'banihd lord came hbit -te Ire- of Ben BclrvaMt, Waukegau. vas gra- -arsdslgbttolîy el.'luaru>-year M simdalnd ttwo Potsan *boherg veut tilouslvy distrtttld ami ever Lie "an.- hifresieitc bor-e, 1 bave oul n!'ownj L . tst ssan la- t oi.uacmltort&bi¶uW- "h and sud pessed requir-Ing tbe (atbitlce lord te 1 The dainty land vari-colored pajam- 'vas uth4oemi rete mreguistier I hpi. ba memdifféreut fr-oui hein, s.seIft h. freairuen ver, takeu, a pair- I1 lu lssummm ' Si , ý6ear-iy ever. .B o e b. sded nee g 'sud te ochers frein eaei r mu, sud bun ou a lin, on. iaa-dweLWermt ftiie viOler- vere »and.But even îiougti1 ambefore Ferr-y Hall. egrls' ~qu*rters. and i sot kuor abat ,oiet. a protestant. Uncle Heur-y vas aux- lu tact viten lhe ft'eshmen returieti "ote sid neotOre sud open uiudows, toua tint 1 spel mine as the. oim tain- At 9 O'clock te10 Ihir quarter-s, they àauêthers alfiruied iaIt h. furuaS lOre ,îy spell thoiu, *-g>', thougbtt b.>'b.d Insteslianded lun Vasjeoeer3r te Sorrt. Lest rlutpr Fortue l*'ightsou, verd abantYtovu. am Lb. eldeet knaw lu Clttoruia. "l bave ai-a>-s apeled my naine At ciapo el sertmrins Preeldeat Miag Simd eviiung a ire 'l"tMt d,-Baffltt. ecanse ts ta hea. b. are.ttu nSebe oi oleofetthe collage de- 1iî wLluaGo's nahine no hetter LIat 1 could core te il. Ton ses.1elared that Lie mpiomore. ould ebrt Io adeairsd. ______ as bornisud rasdinlu iti.countr-y, have te settie âa ilsii. ncnrr-ed b.- - ii homv eldaa wver>' snusbelag given avru-a'a t t ie ofMYcasse at dansas doua. Tib*mophe la___ ý li*blirb te à a tEnU' cfgoalScotebbfrm,-Arevsltlug fer tic bile Tiiere wIi ,t51g r-e t ers lnluaite euutf b>' the na. 0f lvnosi.. meoid OU .f...%tale- Red. 1 b-w tiat My nuais vas--1 Bup00t117, aemethlng Ut. aaw, no I apelisi It Card o01Tbanku à»# M, Oinfitaci. Loos Aplse,.W. the.but va>' 1 couldL" W li ,lei eee "Wel.i wlth th Pr«Peect Of a for- LUb.ftVM, Wor stU'boop us Mekug eut »mo ioW«ýnlune lua sgit mas Weil sa atie, yO e *ag. Some cI 8ou mofb ot viii ebst e - mal eumie, vii apema re rs.t~i toims MAY'Chaaise Marnerffl . esuauOt tiaiys malta1 ~t~ ~2 nov, e aad. "IL vili mesu 1hat1 iVo am gi-sdut. go tiremita preceaaOt LAW, sMd i<1- 1'yet -have ail uy papera moade ont te ssue m ý#X J. Jem-nso p u £Akkoh Thehe. 1muo . "Prector, 3 mtiles under th. otd naine. But Iina>'stoBsaOpaa 1000 , W jvW1in a Frsunt twnu. Une tait. rte.old ancetal Dam .__________________ èm âào* detry.d b>' ire On and thus be luasuccesionlete itl. WedspUi.lleDweoD. No h Itber par 1î neref egpolte eL IL.'sMYasmyncie PIN M.H ApPt 1qsau obtainahls at pr-sent, ex- has s sou vho je uet As 014 ai 1. sud, «M ý*bat noe Wrbatlage ver-e uaturally hl ivli hothe Oral ut sa-, elle- cession. b. l -uuci. Ho v84 aîvays conso.ted aIU i blacit abeeh, bedanotlesatist agte - ..0 uai a a 12 »'POINTRD I '-- -. files uaastsd ovi6in Qourt. Omo .a uy. Sufr Peck ban beeim appointait - receiver of, Lb. Magueela Produets Mabel .C n-lto- Carte C. Cea- Comapany «- maine aud Illinois, Vlth neil. Wo #.!=2e 3, le0.& 6Dougles' a plant at Chidago Hlgbaudo, onthe aubdtvleta Wue7W, .,.$1. Lt euyfu n aruth u H. P, Prie. »d wtet. . 0Tilti.. ny leer àMgtb n part lot 0e Rwood, W. D., $10. tockboiders arm ulamuoiug fer a iet- d . <oinaWtt. oW.A. T&Y- tleiuent oethobir oc latior-der te gol :1er and "10., »rt lots Bad8'Wr bd fceior h aviet ner & P91VOUS re-snbdlvlal«of etpt.the' fceios h ae1he bloctît 10 ' r<ves addition Wagike-.esied to elVýy ou the effects et tbe gan. W. b ., 4 500.plant, F. ,Frtd sud rtta 19. V. lia,- Tihepetlllior afersrcelverchip vas q'e>'. eue-liait mc lot lu southeut ilIed lu tie Lakte ceuuty circuit court qualter section 27, Aven township, W. OI<A l. Mou."sud tii. petitloners are Errett 0e.. Iuber sud ,lf. te H. 0. Huin., .,iuigbes Margart, M. Hutton, ad- ber Wet 40 feet et lot 2 block Il1 miastrstrifth et b.ateto! tii. Iste Hhlnd Park, W. D., Ji. Gerge W. Hutton, sud U(rsuaI Leo Dohhave sud vif. te DenasRuOie. Peeft gave $1,000 bond as Liuaberry, Ilorthlihait et Iota 9 sud 10 r.eer. hiod-It 16, Wrlgts addition 1'to Liber- Charges Liat are dlrectei aglaient tyvlle. W. à3., $1. Lb. comm"iy are that Hughes, ensui Mater lu Cbanter-y te Emiua M. of Ku433 le due and unpsld. sud Ibat Hodge. lot ï.71, Couuty cderkt'. enbdil. tb. other twe ýpettoner bave a vlslou. , Anoe iDI>.e4. p.oo. CleM for $3625 due5»d4 mipald. Tbey> Deimiel Xiasd wut LeA. W. Ku 10 baffel bat thie tocitbolders et lte sud wt . S acr re. mlbof eaîn115e Oe titiio, wblch la captal section -11, Llbertyvîlle townsbip, W. Ied fer $11,U0,000, uever pald fer D., $1.250.. thèir common stock anmd are fiable A. W, Kooan sd wtt. te Barba;&a for debta et the Ilinoies corporation. Lammer-lug, lot 7 block 19, Wrgt@ Tbey sssert liaIvwhie the two con- addition te Lh4bertyvillie,. wD1., $1.700. Paules Vere orgsulaed te deui lu as- James Gibbons te T. R. Gibbons, be.tos sud liruestone qu&rries sud Jr-.. 1 acre lot lu section 23, Liberty. niagesla sud thelr produets, the plant ville township, W. D.. $1.2e. lu Lske Count>' bas neyer been even J. K. Dernug as imd atol F. Carlsonfl ait COMPleted and bas never turned lot lu northeast quarter section 36. a ViieeI. The. Maue corporation ah- West Axitlch towusblp, W. D.. $1. aor-ed the Illinuois corporation yesr-s C. S. Richards sud vife t6 Frank 5go, tiie latter-belug nmereiy for- the C'arlson,. tre lots lu. sectIon :26. West pur-pose et acqui-ng lanid In Lake Antloch township, W. D. $2. counftY. l le alleedl that acqnlrtug R.* 0. Kaudler- sud wlte to John lthélland freitr-oceedaetfpart eortiie Neumann. loti i. 2, 3 sud 4, block 8, préterred stock andi buylng smre na- Rockianti, Lake Bluff, W.,1., .81200. chiner-y Ilauaifar as lthe entérprîse C. C'. Carpeuter sud vite to W. fi ever weut. Harrisou, Ire lots In village of Liii- .Tbey sali a recelver because. they erîyvile,. ., .. asser-t, that one James Vulneyot Chi- V. A. Parions et al. le Allia Btick -goela about te levy agatuat the. plant C.. part southi onehsalf sont hwest for a delit et $570, sud that otiiers are quarter section 33. Deenfield town- lîk.ty le do the saine. Tiieretere tiiey ship, W. D., $7.200. si a recelver, the. payment or daims. Hanni T. Croit sud husantait j. and fer- M'atins that canant be mnet 0. Griffis, lot 46 Green Bay additionI frein the plaiit and property demand Lakte Forest. W. D. $10. that the holders ot unpald for coin- Edward Neye sud v;te te John mon sud preferred stock be called O'Lear>. north 15 test aotub 100 tee upon te maire gond. Tiien tbey de- ef lot 327, Lakte Forest, W. D., $330. mand theilssolutien of lte couhpany. J. K. Or-vis sud wtt. te Paui Soder- The alleged stpckiiolders and riat qulut. lots 19 and 20, blockt È Orvîs tbey are cîîmnedti tehave: subdtvisien. Waukegau. W. D.. $600. listaI 0. W. Huttoe-$425,000 pre- F. E. M>ayer sud vite te, William ferreti sud $12,500 cemmon- stock. Ituhn. 15 acres in the. southeast quar- A. S. Dodge-$,00> pretsrred and >ter of section 25, Vernon townsitp, $25.000 cOmmen. Q D.., $1 J. F. Hiukley-$l5,000 preferred and E. Pri- 'i snd wr . N. Mac- 1 25,000 cammen. ka'zle t47. aih!gton Par!-,.%Vau.1 L. H. Mason-$1,lOt preferred aud W.a . D.1. $450. 1 5.000 cemmon. Aflert SwanFon aud wvîfe tr. .1F'-N. G. Edwards-$IT 000 )preterreil planurîten. nerth 4? &,-t f t i ., !md $5.000 ecomuln. block 17. Nnr-tlr West addition « <r G. Schuh-$iOO prefer-red sud Wangr.W. 1D.. i12.064H. Çe200commin. \t <r-y L. Richards te Frank Iasinus- W« H. EIddtieId--T,000ý prefer-red st:î. lot. Iblockt 1, Iuena Park lu sce.-and $5,M0 commuln. tir I :M- tAntloch tovmrshi. ,W. I).. $sý5. .1WHEN CHICAGO BURNED lTairv E.DowelltenA. H. DuPuy anti - lil e. et 5 Woedlrlue Park ilu sezi1 i Hj Iberfio1d 'an Reed of 11 West Antlocb towu.,hip. NW. L." %trtar t'cey sud httsiiid tu IFtw lh. read lhe ser-y et the ban- MIlazie . wlar eit -75.41 feet eat 17,f)t etall 1 lcage lu au- estra edtlon et ff' tt ofte,'3. Wpotern addition etoiheJournal. tweuty miles froua the ,LrPke i'oest. Q. C. D 1). PI.ity. St 10 O'ciocitat lgiit hy the. R. J. 'loàan and wlfe le J. S. Fr-a- grae 01the . r-sggitames, wustoits bçr. uertii lait of lot 1. Qululun & by Depaty Uuited SLates Marshal 'W. ior-a s glbdivi«;fon. Waukegan, W. if. Wllmot et Wauttegan.aselie sud 1D. $1.10o abers lis the mar-sial'a offce gatber-ed Mary- L. Richards 10 E. H. SIteuer. sr-ound the. desit ef Chier Deputy John lots ', sud 4 block< 1, Bm-na Park. l11 P., Wolft1te reclte their receli.ctlous et eftion 16. West Antiechi tewushi. the 1botocanît whlcb destroy.d Lie W. D.. $17f',- .rty liirtyslue yesre age Suuday. ilary I. Richards td 0. I9. fitanto)rtLsasys the. Chicago Journual. lot7 htork i.,lRueus Park. lu sectkej.îvsjvu uDelet tti 3r1. We-ît totwnîtnIp. M'. D,. tinate et t1h. re." nmid Willuot. "The. 1 PCI.Jour-nal got eut an extra editte». but T F. l'or-esud wt. te James Jo'bu-i r dld net gel out as frrase our home. soiu, thrre acres lt n orth.ast quarte@r td-v bm t tb1 aksd ,nor-theas, quarter section 7. Derfi,id vttrcbased s copy of lthe paper. t'esohnson.". 13 T Y. Mroe "il as 10 oelocit St ngit when 1 Jame Jouso teT. . ,ore m1 retun-ud te Deerield. but sîthougi 1, acre lu non-beasa quarter northeést 'us. îweuty mîles froua Chicago tb. quarter- section 7, Deer-ield towuship, glare efthLe Étames vas go brigbt that . .,. $1. 1 t as able le r-ead the, stery of tth. Maude M. Collns 10 A. L.Gel?, weit tr-e as I drove aloug the rond." 55ee uenr-tii 150 teet lot 9, blbek 42, Subunbe Car-ed for Refugee.. Hilghland Park, W. D,'$10. __Wiinet aise 1014 of ho, thé' r-sel- aisne L~. Brovu et ai to J. P. uSpic- zat, lot 4, ManIle & Couveuse subti- vision Fox Laite, W. D.,, 1200. B. A. Wlten aud wvi Jaes eM- Fsadden. letlha neeLlivest quarter- uorthaat quarter section 4, Avon townsip, W,.1D., $110- Master lu Chaucery>' LeJames O'iiar. part norLivust quarter uer-ti- west quarter setigi 28, Newport town- ship, deed, $2975. W. H. Holdrldge in Ciaalm UGriff et al, 40 acres lu ýýnertitest qmWLev section 18, Wsutegaatownship, Q. C. -_ W -&- " -1tO P AIL i." iart "as thLe voé hil ~sllgvn: vas colS 54 have tins - flehude, aat baS diai bs'vjeet*ii dents ef the subnr-bs cared fcr- the retugees, man>' of ahoin e.caped trou the cîty vittb ittîle clotblng. The fugi- tive. v.rp vear>', teelsore sud bin- sm-y, ite saad. sud ever>' houe luile section Vas Ibrovu open to ent.ul Deput>' Marhal E. C. Ceok ld tuat he sud ils vite ver. sllendlug Tniû- l>' ciureb, on te pre.eul'sIle ot-the Illiflots tiester, vheu Mmrla, 'Lsy's cou- ttcked even the. laup. "We ua a.,ligit over on tLi est fi",e but theugfil vothing -fe tIl MMai coi .. "w alitbotépe si 'vptt dW ,ê5 po1ere 'pil Id.av a> Tb cu51a>'the Jeiflial isf * ed- iem isthaL i remember v«?, )Y. 31 ras net as mpplg, ocine1 -' o "liasn, but rau a pies -40, ILh6a,, le tape tpe eglsaty u > WIê f6t Al sud te beginthe vont er upbutldt botoie th*u-aheeof t tiêld ectlt ve -40V op soi vs the muole ces the I1mlyWho br ou cold Win- 11081 baby oea gt 2 n.o hitater, sud lie Thme bta Suscre.dfori ,W.e, bltfo 9< flVS etwck udeUa àwbtcblî prevei anS fl>'leremore saS irp a 0 et,, uod Cur-ah PR14-wy - Ii. ktoiI durab IN OLDEN DAYS. tlftt, -Lttle Fore became t he ceunIs' r "Tuheecounny seit helus hua prar- Much Hw »-i Ery lamently establime, the rousty becaine tory o rz etiOrl ___,pt oee undreti and suxt>'acres et goverument land ai th. place et tocs- lion, sud Blse> BuaderlIi. oeeoe Tiere ta a great deal etfuîyalery tie pioneers et Little Fort. loancti surr-oultding lte earllesi histor>' ofthle coouly the. amounI t ofîeney nec- Waukcgau suad Laite c.ouut>'. eaar-y te make the purebuse. Thiis Bamy befor-. 1835. anti for- tract et land vansau iided luto iots Rome tlme.past lte SUSN bas been try- 1and bleeka. a por-lieu et vilci-were lug to iud eut lu- a sYstemsîlc vs>' i soiti sud the neminder turneti over- tie tacts lu regard to aid -Lttle Fort.',lin comtitrcter-s in psymnt forer-l.con- Oneofthle most ibureugi respouses atructiOn Oethle tir-st court icuse anti reesei thus far la Liat ef Jesai. 1511. Tie new ceîîuly seal rai not a Palmer Web.r, stute lirartap andprettuil Place lu 184LI.asd nuin secrelary oethle litale Hictorical BO--licreti 1111e mretian a haif-doen cilty. vie laya. <meting aimagaine hablitious." artile: The BUN' would lb. lhaukf<tl fer ur- Ord Little Fort-Modern Woukegarn. tier lit oun te sebjeet of Wsutik [Howard Leijvs Cour-ad In the, Nation- taris 9ear-itthistorir. sud ansaitcor- al Magazine. Vol. 16. No. 2, t>t'ceu- reaîîedents le gt'.e ibook refereuces ber-, 1892.] lor usines vbeu lb.>'mnii tateusemîts "~if lier-e la a aounty liitie Unted ' 80 Fiat reapenatbillty <an b. fixeti State. appr-oprlatety natned. It la tue and tie windup oftthli luiry wil b. oun. îyîug next norti et that lunvitici reaonably beyond a deubt- Chicago lis locateti_________ "Bepldes iaviug Lakte Nlilgau fen, Ils eabtr- bouudary IF bas vîthin ils To Insure Baggae. lmits ne ess tian forly saisit 15kes.. toes oet lat Part oethle travelinq 'inon et whlch are exceedtugly pbicet. cainsl'loe t traetÏre bodies et vater snd iluhePulie sagage ee iecreaieti for-g neighbbood of vhlch are minsu un , àîirge sjs arle msuîug t putlfur mer freines et Chicago cilizela. tefet rasateipetansninit ba nag "Wsutsgau lu the. capitat lt. se<iça tinoe haung8100 tree cemuty. sud, lutie cari>' yeers o et Ils. tntmoeta l reo bluter-y vas ituovuna Little Fort, t charge sud fer a amailte-' If ver-lb ~Traditio ou eu thle effeet liaI more thon $100. Ibis vas eue et ti, points vistd b>' Thassleueneofthle fealures et a set Cavalier- Latialle and rallber Heimu.- et r-nIes prepareti at Chicago Mieu pin lu 1679, aud a fer yesrs sînce In, daY vlth a viev tovard unîfor-ni hagl- mastiug au excavatiîon fer oeef et , gage regulatteus. Tii. Joint commit- lsr-ge Mnufatcîr-ng plant. of teiict>', tee u-blch wrr-ed out thé r-uicnl noritien rouud a number of t lta iieeeut thein 10 mai Passemer asise. besring French Inscriptions, wbiei tintious for- adopUenu. confirathe. vien tiat the explorera, Th, Buringlon in Raid te hsve been paselug uorthvard &long thie abere oftthefir-at te admocate *baggagu. Insur-- Lake Mchigan, iaited betr-e fer- a lime anc.. O aud penhaps ceuatructed the tort lu order te Isite' atvantage of the iluntu aer yeara gave le tthe propose l nuance the paisenger vîli streaimnear b>' tii.naine ot OltiFort lhe requtr-edtitedeclare the valuetf bi river. baggasse betoro stsrtlug ou hia jour- 'lis treauî-nev caii.d Litle Dey. lu the eenuI et value ahove $100 Fort river--vas desiguated as 01(t lthe Passenger vili b. re.quired te psy Fort river, on sauiap sî lu a spproxlmnately 16 per cent ef Lh. es- bltoiy oethte Unied BLates puilis.i e<mssa agage rate. Iu London lu 1795,.uand Chicago sud c Are *umeed on Fane.. Little Port Ver-e lie onl!' points on The exc4'55 baggage rate@ are bssed lb. restern shore of Laite Micigan ou tic ea«çger rates. ieng a cer. noed en liaI inmi. tain per-cenffage O et .arneunut spair- "Altiough net clearI>' csalaiulied, songer han leulia>'for- lita ovutrans- ît la probable Ihal Fhe site et tii.ppres- portatien. eut cil>' et Waukegan vasaet eue lu perceutage 1h. new nul. li tfig- tita alemporary>'French radiug peat. ure ouI about 1.6 per- cent of passen- sud Lthe reuseofthte Ilte fort' wvIlciger- rates fer- ever>' 1100 et value de-, gave lie tewnuIls ouse rer-e visible ciar-,t. Thei amount, of exce.. n ey as ile as 1835.,ith Ir-st settlement ai over lie regular pasacuger rates that Little Port wnu made lu 1835, sud Il wnu <'0n1 îe travel, siiouîd the. uew four years hater-. vhen Laite couty r-ies lie adopted.. vll depend et vas detacheti fr-oui McHenry couity cours. upon the value ot Lie passen- b>' sel et tht gener-at auinet fIll- ger*siiaggage. Siienld the, pesseuger- inois, lie settlemeut bail grown sut- carry, fer example,1.,000 vertu ef ficleutl>' te warrant tiechcerlilug etfiiaggage au adtiîtnal charge ot 16 au suubltipu le become couuty lest of per- cent et tb. passeuget- ratevi hi. the uer cont>'. Ferthie turne b.lng, made. however-, the laite short stîlers rere The nievemnul ovard unîfor-ni bag- disappeluted, tieceunty "st belug gage negulatloos bas been lu progreas iocaled at Ll6er-lyx-ile, a vlUage sev- fer a gond minu> >esr-s. it vus mcel- er-al mlles flland. Il ras net their erated l'y lthe recenit lrequiriug tie pur-po.e, lidwver, te aller ilte rt- railroads te checkt ample trunte ai, main Lier-e, suri uotlug wrî ti nt s- bsggsge.but per-mIttiug hein te mate ien Lie tact that Lie fertile lands reasouable r-uies sud regulallesa me- nr the. late shoer-erer-e beig rap- gardlng limir tranmperlstiou. The 141>' taken Op b>' selliers, sud th Lb. u rnulez. rll appi> te aliiagme Population In the easteru portion etfviiether sample cases or- net. Lia. couuty va. lucreasling a sr-te ______ vhlcb rouid aeon give hbema major- Ity et voters, lii.> qulely 'btded Iheir CONSPERVATOR'a SALE. Ime. "Nelson London, s ubrerd sud caps. Stte.of li11100î1, County of Lake, as. bit- mmn, Vbo hecame oeef e teirât mIn lthe Gounty Cernt of Lake Couat>'. ceu> emiuisaloes. succeeded tu Otobr Terun, A . D.1010. h e leareeteon oet ent>'build- InuthLi 5tt.of ttha appllcsllen of loge et LIber-ville poetpoue te avait -Deul5da MntUtM .loCoservatlor an lmpreved condition ot Lie coumit> et Sophia A. Woolf. lusac for- -usucesan sd luJuue et 1840 lhe ba lee'e te s si olestate. Captain Morris Robinacu AppolnLeilte Br' Virtlie of su erder made sud eu- taire a cenun. et the ceunt>'. Whle teied et recOrlu Inte abovio entitledI tmpg Lie connsa. uhsheedsaou04 a mte ourt uhie lfhiiday pepulallea et 2,905, Captsa le blusam t ctbr, A. IX19.110»,Iahal on q'pa iL a poinut o ascertaluabot iirda' L ath i t44MY of ovetube-, hor mans' vote. 'vent e b.coeilsl fr 2»10,Btlitabum - et ns O'eloola the semovai et the ceint>' senLte to affi feW n et Mididay on lie pneu- er-t, and put la ctreulatioia petitions lmub-elunatter deecried. oeil at pub. fer- the remeval, vilci ver, nuner- lie vendue to the igiest sud but 'Uid spe.bldder forera lo thLe niglittille., " ýWhen Li lggllatmm-e conveuied Lie ute uiad ;utai; or th*aalit ophia fOllewlag Deember. <aptain Rebtm Ài . Woolf, intime, lu sud te the tel- 'veut ta $~ *agIed us the accr-edlld lowlog demcbd ros-ngtête, .aituated ereqetalîve ef-thé-ieclîsens oelt. t- héieConai>ofetake and State ce hie Fmort, dMorins the jonre>' on foo111Wt, lI t11 preset tiee petitioi- an* coR. e Tii. math i.e-vsut>'(70) acreis oet the. pousm.etfausetdealgatlsg Lt. 'West haiot e eoubamat quarter et tge Fort as tiecount? seatoetLaie0 qetfeu Sti$" (15),. t vusblp ort>'- couall'. DecultirsteMauxe f0.11, r.- thre6 (48). sertt of ralis s te10),e a= bilietfolocatieof 0Ù n ft flIh e! MerIis.- - legsltre» dthe »P - - Dts&e 110. > rtalea et lie question ramercia] te U b2ihN mK sue efthLe people,. md sa-Ie r-ut oeuaS etSpaA.Wol Of su electim bheM la tbe spriug M»al - vit Gi et li 51 FC FC loi F( foi bel FC wl Bu bc ns Pl w 7 ,- 1 - . 1 1 ýý ý ý ý f,-

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