Ou isut lUtiemili 4istu lu hlotily b 1119, mima Wae. pesai te beustau).lmi g5*u et w bu iaI ud bandY buWamkugal. mas s kW" 1sa» . as uueba is tus. tirce 3.5953. IMu Auler 1700 u uoldi e Ii teig u ton ausrl a oialuryvu7 *uer«. The Urx ladin »Mver en roua, Mmd readuneti O*0 bol" ns ca ameu rte er usmury veymgor c« lMier. Dmbuitu< bmewvasmuci peselma te unita, but Dettot bueme tb. Sm«l.,an te Oun"lslppl gai !ttlolm ere blel ree4i y-Ouh4 sort1 ma,. tuWéu~ mi<Ie Omlo taueïâ 1-à i-Wlumomla, Mmd OblcsiS. Untiiluroiusvoe novwIltte msei liaUmt gru oet Indisasmigraei te Ou o otieset Ieavins antYauI tubme niOus mnulis tevsut,'ofree wuu mue »ou -es.ad lma" tortIle.,"L -We aU a» rm181ule. tbenfK0 th" Oue vend lwàumm si tbOunmd tet ftuba t i t meei LIWs ie re1 . h* the t uulsuued te-va um * lum"bi Peut1 ba eltber aum lU ldlia tuiaom * a ', ouscf ldt4te dàolads; iaI ub Vveacb bai ne peut Wwaubum, mi ou xl lu »V v<* Isp"euu elieo a vbat -ite mu Orivisi t basMte et y9uwrleva. *lmWy. Ibal um tan ge. Oue reme Am !t. la u ite*riel tia- tue,( d Tady aMdi is aff vme Ou retmeaimum via irMIi a«Mmu Ou ite et WakeaauilatOu umly spnluet lm. -0 E-S - m szl,0 ~130%~jO m. -, lU?'g4> r«eU an, S se ......o..... u kpllgC. & N. W ... SOC." 879091427? lasi latafugt teout 080. - otA «RW liosr. Aldn it lml ati saisi 0mew 14p.oé mwowe uPark &Vécue PVmvlua utSflab. U1Opabtumt0#et K. 'ma Mr "U Md M& otmar àn a.voul no lu93009811 b4ow le 1K 1 0ft thé « tum e roursMlhga.MInOuElii 'l erri1:11917. Su Othésm OfthéOu-vm" the *Oe ,O% a-» 5* a okpoueuulou (hu 1761> il vas mmmi IL. HWAfUS <Pur a. a)> boumreha. à lesuummam - ~ ~ Pl «»in0 i <bumes. - PoatIaces, coaphiscla Sec. m"iUl Bq& "Mmbg aM i su ppeelaus iy - ~ mm 'o 5ve<sr O untre elm.i tve near utro .i bi*jfar amvron jaci. tbrue yrarg utane wsay vEaue ace- 1*,mom h li 1eeoft tiIs dult0ltAfer 1766 the fur trade lisanses 0.. am mevsusMsd Insstina c. lm- tb*,.owoumm matm i me"rivios ro me "fer and etfamore lm »aéerlance,"h o ýth and traders botb froin Mackluac amaipbul m is~ udsrc m ~~~. ~ R anéveý tue Illinos t.vnu once mlors bema iuilou ny Eo= of ~piitO aiae ee. i quet vieil;ttiu reglon. Sw1iaatyiimmblu point Mmd the eev- fé«nlm ooy, rom theIrmoh '» «d erWli Wla t ut ce. Joseph Cornîsi *P Iy fu*Mmet Fsoitlt lThe. st attutielomentien vu bave SUi f1 , de~~<pt#E~ pgii.<~ bea tbe toAndai f\li ste et W»m- acufid *ft -m «»dboe.fer Maniy VMbuna by, a itlMme, luame q map W1 aiff egr LOtIA ,aimuayo Beek eouetfa mumber. . W. imqv tuat Huocila. lulld toreet the 1meetina a *eo &goethe Mayor me nethe ob»ffl r4l a n 1(one WLts. It. <olta. p . 13>.andn i m deulib. btaie la l i 1. vau kuen te lut tue cotaà t lia lafmulmilnuotly frontue by ft0t&WU 'WOrk. mm e t, Hoe uad mtbla* lu rot- %1sý and Nfý" w . ermne te this lut mlaht ani lu be- ý« bbu w W~ so u.limpmorutOumie R-Bvai te bava sien that lho use ~~. ut ~ ~ MM < oualee vede, -Riviera du PVis u»wicuuItl urebaese dea eitu Wh* m e *4re VeFrt or Waavse (River o e i014i th m~ e bd 0»esonteu m e. md n et 1, , , " - f0 0 llent on Wkaiamal.auIse. ime.<te~ e i er umta5 Aiderons Mrlin, -atiattirvarie :t tmfy " àê*bepgeet, - 438418. realy ashi@ oratm ,an~sd fua. ieatx. soeaithi egianeerngadalLat- MW, 1o a euin de4p ,MW he euvilu, my tm rPrenchinen lu& t le appurn, Iethe Ors mn ton afiour'u von anose eut- *PtiS sTom îYiribalu t. pées Maousa lits .0 hmbav eua ufuu àM N1 d e eibd lmtala donnetlen viti tue 6'X eutli ~mire --le .W.wthSIonfur traders@ami Coureur dm. buiO u ithe fer sts 0r. mroponuai eWUcIl»ale extension et to, Lob. té, c uwt todhetscleti.. bois, J«a nd aiou-r thes, bub"04oyIm isa pes. tii ravine muer outsie lihe City te * Y *"» * . nMwa. oelemlst. aud Commandmiat&. lme m r.Ti.-uàyv 0 m althe Wbmioslma tneet. Enalmeer iaben »M rt.,a,r "Mpe u t purs D vet biy e ft hie Pax-Wlsco.ult. simw bw pis f hebadta i o i C boo niapwm Cuesis rIver *andetwed uels u s 4.1 l .. WaainuSpnug lti icbu n aOut l - d on th uP" er MW isffa.t. assistmensMdIbm. aDhattvu.cun"on-t-u l *»Mm. "ot MuM tf.. la lookig Aulina otind'vuVU tuOi UOi or etjutlng ibu m. ait IfU -ey er Foreet aidel4sSier. Miqusuy ut"ci ns relue, on iURab, a brief socouat et "ubu ln*uniN n imu ty Wons lem Alderman Merwvbroueit up the làm imbu le.rm inuuylbu Braitu.Jeauait 0401and a&amis~fartisi leue mate1t e uproposigblanorenlii ,*it lM le utwite u - toM t, P9.. 141-IOLme.sd mn Mlrl iaO ~"lU fl 0 Lai immeienitevati ti clos J i ,te.iamaisi. g wmek, *u2 ortamidsou e r. Mmd tie es- ý'b1»0é euWdbaibe. pas. mevatenitb utr a Compay et the beund muta am ual v tel a useideprtment vas lstrqeted .545 tut Ci jouat and Me. milarlus Caflaithe aEn trp' but w. te pu@ p gIood 0 <s b« aiu m itredy tan it, la - Sols «u am the 4wb udPi trth o ntearental -d . tes i al umetbIlaeuhi#sentL 'rtbtt'a m~oeLkT, lu tomai a mm"u la l tiluols amas- mue r M inusu Mdu au psluJ"I ob l the lite et ce mtp ua oe st, J asiUe u a S.- .smeiu r eui uly b nZit tCi-smU l.orutvsalloml a ult e leipl emu - fmm 1 ýquldhstOu ait. . u jiai summ,«utbia syvu% lua alttr 904end, tnmusARWMuu4s.C@w- enotmw, wlem uMîVMM -0 118) trouOu i atfn-t MW nr o e"% eus We il in-l ». ylnw-uomtet " eda t Obus e(Ocrmals. Amatms- ameuebopge.- alom o tur u. ud a ltue j o m"), viici vu btb a nseisd paet- ns~e ri lu naety un xleuute S@11111181 (b etb&OaIDlaJ. -Ob"hue (OC) Ucriy VoySSESgive tOu peupléetOu rlit klai et a Them, le me BIlait.belle thal the e1bim) Dz, . M 1*4. k istvnY -iathe MiassuPPI (AliMM, 1811>). PP. 1d"u rt n*0 mon"y admis sbuta» Tbom«eBranssaun iIre. Cempany vîlI mAl~bes n aUnio s aMy « S&t. C"ume stoppie bye 4518Mtheponecy, lai doua by Allurme. rebdl litla Wukega. n%"*wm*0 ua. 1 vmeWtbe-boos.d, t Klptiimievl(B--Dver. CranmdtU as auplum., tatact, the quiet Up Sa ta the egiect -hi % M Yt XbtUnalhe at aI i Th*eunuetYsear88am11e01Robertson. tiat If bieamareDot esonable, on Ift liathli TieuesBransandami touCoin-, q1mi ie MM 5route.M iargnsvval.Wo U atlg aream Laie Micil- tir, 1mak ikhe a preuvorngumauat tuy Peur. fer sixtee« ysas à a eilng lu- âmâ bInPulbi Ibd. ps. 147173. IZan a u a elup, elntcUg nma- vUliebureeclsi o t,,tey Coins riit iuutjy of tOu Cty, lua athings et the xè mutsias i Masomttilliae. tenals for sumilying tOu , Bltlmb and tuai If loaetMe, CanenaIbld rlgit- put froyer. -CAbb utt O eume0tMlwukebe, troopuet Mcacm, iys (Nov. 2. ty outsiders vltt baye te Corne uin n lbTheanneuncemeut rlabt alternthe -»«*00109iftdg mien rtvlce 171): - stIII kopt Close npan tueijtgel li e t afigure lust t te us pl5nt0va lite .efethat the brasah tipis amiCili. (vilibe Colu ls d daleered N. W. W.».at Z p . -people. Plairt at buthebuet tt thedansi ~'rtm e Oupuelea". ft tire u v as lb 1ma abai.At slmil v Wh lIt miis 5r ditbioplace.l upan It no tIaît.heplant ne Sm et fiebmltsy dte WUi vsabout 4 mîtes from lbtehre 1lb.ebidders and the figures tbat vouli Operate tote bMsanestrengtt viore ha iaduti. an ubtier the site uhlch supposed teho lie ptet font." are &PapmaealY se ctose tegelien venu: us Su the targer building tiat vas ofWsbuu vàw m smpnssed by hise1lent (Wia. Hilut].et. xl.. pp. M0, 310.) Lamyen & Mlofrd ........$1,376.47 burnud. 01110r misalasunlus feflved Man- l'ils expression, PettFpot, asa àH .Hatt.......9 793 Wiht Net Evan Do Thist *MWW W baq , li *bilerAllo«ýMus11e font.Manedoubt heu neter- H. .Ptes*......1, .0 ?Ww uIt la reportai liaI the coin- C. &ttr»O .. -...... 1,72-80DU tbacici maily hu. MonilaWei -40 ttbeOlSUeliiy Ou@laie route once t u esite ot Wmnieasu. A map' Johnsan & Thamson ...... 19.812.90 of Chtcmo, uho bau M»tly q0bred 1»'M147. butve bave na record of by J. Russell (17 99) heu the lnscrlp. tWbert Noe« ............ 19901.87 mveral beavy. tosues. nlcuding tva bIs )Coeur. tIen 0d Part River," und ittle tt vîllhben tiat thon. la but by Ore. It lu sald i. u otatrebuli ai s7nmIltSu tOI. clty orai>place etl«. ba 10 Llalle and i bs iarty up- pt,ert uts t. h. .. Utte -aven 8$500 idiffurence btuecu alThe stl~d~~rl t h l siunà u Lie lclam. teavpg lbquetio a, What vas the fant the tovest and hîbilut i. amithis have hen uol for Jouir. The land 1551 -MtgVu".ulthe *"Gn fin,"' tram v hciline Ua vstaliou; !cm>uhM a t rnya large snd lipor rentma lb.heproporty of the stock imuer Gres Bay, liey paumai lu ca- uhen ani by vbem vas It bult' fittant Jab. eIt. heroTlu notsla et ryutu s IMMu mp tlientul iboneOftLakte Z.lch. Mar bave boum amas. obscure trading Whet Boad$nitan. Teelao igu ohtfoeur ltleu-s 'OR, b&%« Bunmeroue aventures pat, Of vblcb vo bave ne record. The hori asembens geei that tie 1Waukegau. Kenauba. Raclno uniCi.- vii die taim anmd the tenmy ltute. But vu are ual inclIned te liat tieory.,,blds voe uusplluuty close ami caeilgte-varo afttur lute g ut Il lu pouible tiat a very curoful stniy Ifl Illied been a fert of gunUclent lm-; ought te ho reioti. Tbey aime tot>k ocexitenee mte r uert lmlys ef dg$ narrative mght enable oue portance to louve a naine upon lie: Inte couuierdtion the idlhluty efthte about »rilng auythSnederfite aserot. .m.nà iuinltetY tu deturastue tie map, t vouti, lu My Judgasent, have! job. the tact tiat tue sever muet ho The old planttvas tocatei ut lbe 1"4109 Pla-e; but lia results vouli been asontoed tuthefielalrecordsu1 I&taln l 2evet groumi, and otier tac-.Ilt, front. le méroly cenJectursi. lie accouaI af the, tIne. It vus net an ailoil taorm. but tbey aIesAgnd liat $1.40 ommte hil dety CmOuisI? W v alinluPunkua. LaSulie and Pant. crtainiy, aid a amatî trading et 81.30 a front fe ettn e m ach tence, as It latlci. ,the site Ia Ibe Mousvery ofthte Great West (Bou- pont vouli bave been unliely te liane frreuldente of thla or amy ather ceesidered valuabl o tovossos.. tee, 5981 W- 44-14. utt l o formidable a naine. What la mare, district te pauor s. muer for tuelr The ai lal as a factoni' site Ibut 1h. p@ o n S R.e»s Tivalte'. loi...Hon- Antone Le Care, uba tîvoti ai Mil- pnePuntY, uni tuat the rate vas lu Cily>'or the comsmercilAssocatien 123'-N,13c6. y Ihîao uue u10e el r t 1Drapier eorct Outragens.nueOof a Posible taie front pui. The 1005, PL 13-15. lat tuere sasthone»0 lilu. villagu 1Aienma ilven vas lie frs1 t. cy uiltinover bave u geai achauce 1bé bu fiteu l nlele's ftall- betueeun z3lwuuee and Chicago'hînt at tbe e sectipool, and Ader' egniu t. bu>' land se Wei qtluated, it U 5Ittmmt. Heurt de Tout>, mud'e (Wls. ililst. CatIe., xi., p. 241). Wltb. mcm MarinIa Crape aid .. l a use. * o'toet f10ili bs Peon u noje. uI& utentemens, there veuli etailytatO bdSvn mupcos t cMue 1The BoIt Lino Maiee l 2aid aven certb"yth*tthehl" 0re8»PiiOuy CI ' lbth emoia nydmithe site lu ounei ttI b» .IL MUete aiOf the 'us- bho netraders. 1'eltbènb>' occdent an deulan. 'br'the Tiemas tooiioldemg t**I iroguOIS. lHe follauui q»the Wo thing tue ltee -ltlUfort" andi The>'. lie bourt membsere. helleve !Sut Cilty Pruturs Plant UB0s1%ami 'Dom Ptaes. aid tien "aId fot, probably reor. t. noe 'e bat adveflelug la autulde peperu andi1 la $ritelofil epoit>e ta ti Ui _IB th* rete b>' lie lake shoe o n maund-bulîors' earthvenis, sucb au Settlng othen Cenlractorg te bld, viii bave t nubui '.d rentait ee,aid lïï 9a vr toSt»e Memd sonore havi boum toui md are Yel to e h 'elp mtters sema uani break up as citieuWUl e Id leItl i J00toi. lMe Prababty, iti bie feu lsu Suin o man>' ptacmel e nto inbn mîe1 f heereil'lutlvima etniiu t a o- t 9. kpesieYtheyOusitae ofWautte- Illinois and southemni Wscensin. or; Finsl FulIttenouRavne s~ 1 . t the laduutnv, wvbel a va)uablo 0u0. T!'be elua p hemeOumsei.oe %N. omeaud mm au ccouat et thlais SSl to no eme later laldua tanttaor lTh, final ustimate os lie big ravine the ThoinaU plant bha ulli lai. beli 418arimy19Pauma. Laflalte, PP. 219, màn>' trîbes di oret .qultteennrili- ever bdlît by Contracter FIttl ofthe Waukegaa Bgrase Contpumd ahI, pmlsiei troagioi. <IbtheIro- fixesa tbeactuet uenk ou the umver gb (th"te succes. Ths etiar L004110 SUMU pausai Iis vmy lu queoisespecillty). ."Vl5ui toit.vas Ituelt at $79,914.37, ubii e lCe'upea>'Clupanyi e»n iasait the City Muhfor more mont. ami Ibis qrouettlen eps p lm%. lie @hor.more than nover, te My ineuledge, usei b>' tie lover than ltier mnelme e timate lu hlnein mde"ravry t faeulp ,.e t l as lt otourtier record Freuci te doscrlbe a postenh0-eticcte Imc. Mie bI iuliluluxs S mp. ie voti en mmmaiouei IHallet, uhen lhe uppuariMotIfthie camera boine, te "le tu e 1181,14 roUien, 3cm Cavelier, vlth ponl tert gane." 'Thoternui lan- nlght. itIsa about ovon Oue dodne- umy ln the bonne, suI t-S-or aix- s"D art técî~e.rvors of tue 111- alegous te thut useti fer m fanodn Of lîcu e Ipe leaiti vi oensoe ii t for uo*ntiig bavla a mev *010181. rje &» ntiat ibstorîcat ultu on ths Mournaiela, 'cieeput lu, but the boaerd duciietanti. truhInbteruet.'A Cemmra luai-k <un s Umel rIvr, md iehbuse long inoun as Ruistene ltl lits$tan" as O. KL mi pu theb' ~~gau hq psuui tmuiglai.Oti Pont. seel>'ecase OetOu Iniuen tiSntate o ntetn, e s vultius y ~ suloses ilione os t o mnai. aid fortificatiouns tuere o i. adluelmout ilu retard t. vatet main lsIDPIOM remesui ~ ifu e. vas oembu U W-InaMichilan Ploneor andMitiola u eunetios ul t ob. Te nhissdlM EUhae 0 Io MnlslO 28M& luP5*ues, LIMIte1, PP. Catlecton$, xxx, p. 573, an ehlla a tial u S bs, tlîu là ais oeuut Canidas.OM 1e A. àl. Stevens, Cilty collectai-. on Mouimy nunucoi hlmsett a candi- date fat City treasunei- ai lie uprîng tectîen. te uccesi Westerlletd. Chanles 0. Ai-mes, nli te eunI>' ti-emurr'moffice, ma i e ume lIme mn- naneil tiat ho vili ho a candidate for Cil>' Ireasunot. Iln lureportai lItaI John O. Laux ultI aIs e ba Candidate aidthal tuaon posuihi>' tbree mono nia>'enter -lh. i-c. belon, Ouefinli. ,Tbhe cil>' ceapignthuu open@ eaitly, balai-e lb. genenat eteclion la oner viti. *aev. Gerse s poe last *Soaday ml o -ne «m cie Ot~l, rsonalatbu ctainte of the Stte MloSlgsaY uooety. lgo. 4s, for bis flent mt.le~3: «As vu ars tàur fSe OplIwtuaty -let us do Mmd atot Me &aMd la pmrt "101l a a ar" thtemo, nearly 400 e SlU & tma,0OV 9 m ilus ide, as h bi n su bveusMdis duepMas desth. k (efa restime tarintia the bWluos OMWtrycfPaetle, vbo eaeJus diiibls àJgbty wvenu. It bas, over 100 oumutes sMM or t»M lager tisa the %tt etr"ode Island. sud ovin1,M000 mtaltlu. k naubs or« la Il» *ffoinctiot cem ad second ai Ils Production eorcmai. It ba DWtactoees reouu aina Veluuet f 00,000,000,vhles era ont aMW ous.at billnomars uauy. !*t bée aven 1&000 ini*ie or road and mveut1,800 mile" et utggtnl,red, Talmud at, o u reblle. dollars. On la tins rn m id te Oat lais. Ibus asm ommerm. '1'lmu atta 'ute mentiesIl&aaret. aaricmtujai. MQMi MW lud ue steck reducese. Illinois la triple plalsi. oWe bleIe, coud msoitas MW vbeat, cenm ai omals vnnatuntheair, la matérials tiliw t te unuuaéltud by ,éalé -lla ID be Union. But tllisi bus flitea loto evit ayu and lto bai tmois. Tbe pollUe. ot Illinois mmuet o retorerid. Tb@ béat voy te referin pelitie le utertrs umun atureand the but way te retor.n buman nature la tu evangsîlme the popelatim 1et Ouh Urae turlaudI oliera la 3.uw ftau ii ret Ouguaioamy te.Wit: The 4M tin Dlou, ctu.a. od, 8M.a lOti, bilitoujTomSa; Ilât OMa gMet» 330, MiltIss: " D*»esr bot"$; Oth t ro f tOu Peuse lui; 41h uwbanmsters; ti immteb rgiiegt; *b. Celeaul Moateommur, otebwuvtheOu8* th di 3* cavae r@Owmmt&. Tis e maities ln ev- «IMa «lhm'rgneasvr mr Tins 'une luthe notobborbocd et Vie Umbs imeo ubwsila aItL a feu lh Usveral tiur ommmads. Thoe vriter'sa atention, vbtc& bau c9ffl lortt he *"ab remans. vwu «M« i u *bnseuèla stienet a bts dotactivu Ila éfls )Co*a aialtOetober. 3.'4lerntsg a mu i' the ameut ?Suohivw( bste , Theembisot ut lae uéticte, a reek dut et Maryland. iben aàcivilUa, C&Me tbe Orutenideacof thOu plot teausauulaapuPrésient LmeU* o8 bis arrivai aetBsflmon is atrip te Wasifnem te bu -saqamrahudla 1861, lu rutallu tus sort au kl ap tpue".SU tia"rp ins a Wakega ti l'y b ,cluely ommectd ulti atethur delie eto trmous Allai. Pinkur. ta. fonce Pueluluw. Webster, ut a Wonrdateqgue emt«bts uxcursiens t.ý OuhrebutCapital vau taie, leet- 'Ir 1%1, Md ané dmm foitv reeuvie ora tomg Unie. Lavis mai amotber istuctivu vine ment eut fon latormatia. irnu me sbli effcals Gazn erai llcClum amiChier Plnkum nteIt.mmraWebuturu fate. [dvii and is aide bai no trouble ln rumblua tbe bedulde tot. Webster at ttonnibut Iboîr appearmcu-ut the bedst4,cof Webster cmuue4 spasu suumikiITiu hsmindu etsonte ofthe Richmsond feecri. Tbey vere Close ty *âtcbei atiRonly arreotei. trisi endfieenvlcted as iiés.Webster, a.1111 Slcb; vas bW. PuycesIws sud Scutey uoruyuaiaui ln 4~ stfor a Iens tinte. H. bai a narrow escape trou thu trap. Il requtrei the Inter. veon of etuUnited iStatuesgovera, mont te. surs hlmn ieIsaussclate. Scidty, the u.vurnment pleaing ne. tatliqon. St elavi»g ptenty ot muterial Of Uk. Qualty.' t butome; volt acqualntei vltb, Mr. Leiris atter the var cleuci. bu asaklng fregnoat nodkdW visite te, Wauku. gu. Have n«t beard et hlm fer sev. iral yeurs. Thuetaider cittuens muy remouber, hbu. EL. S OTSFO1D. W.t Eaflait Aboard. Peter Tueus»a. vie tojuther with bis mate, £mitlimant, both Flns, as ot salen on boutd the vesW t Prai 1. Vance. vbtci burnasitvonty miles off Ludlnaton 'la Laie Miibgan re- cently got &board tee mach luterlor --Wt' auni bai to e h tltervl~ei ut the City Jai Suaday merning. Hoemya that the Vanee ire utartei lu tbe en- glue mont and that befaye Il Set ta thi inklag point the vessetl Naggle Miarshall came utong aide and teck off thoeoficeru uni crew of the Vauce. imHani unidblrnisetf helng of the lt. ter. - Nien of l ati rtO. Stabbed Over WoMm. One ta ho lu tanguage, One 10 o i lmni As a nesuît ot a quanret oven a ,<> Grant liaI oeeIlu pIl man lu Nati Chicago Bulurda> lue W, may. mu>' pralao lb>'naine. mon ver staiheil In a fisht ublch Charu-- tollavai. Qed'. boume lu ,ac bhamlet, Mary t>uvevaki lu lie maim oner Truti In enen>' hoai., uboas lie tue tialgils crassea-su- Fi-rn lbecrovilng tellenu ans. Shu bai heu gaSpig vltb a tan rnad*hmdert * nammil John Valant far a long timu ieng nund uae dterant aid tien ftanona-apparent rncau sud- STaiou vao ain btens, doul>' tranuturrei ber Sli-ng atne Inticd mîtelloi ami Thi-ongi lie Master', gaspel, mailes leamentiiel nassi Jasper- UnI- Brlng us liberty'. Tiere bai heen bai blani betvpounChn. tue lue men balaye. and vion Mary, vha la easptoyei as a dievuher ut XM .J. LMe". lie Washhui-n Hetet, apperei ut a Mne..-Augnta Mceo, ite of Dr. J. dance Im cempan'- uti Japer, John IL. lcKee. iied ut lie home 423 Mai-- prompti>' dryw a kicultoani maie a lon sînoot, Flia>' morning about 8 longe ut isrivat. l'he lue men o'clock ef pulmenun> tiibercuosis, ciSncici and uhea lihe umoke clored from. uhici she bas boon a sunferer fer mway Il vas feund liaI hoti men nmre momîbu. vere bail>' cul and liaI Mary, au Oie va. bai-nlu Cerman>' In 1867 veli, bai a bai ceul on anc et ber aid camne te Ibis contry about Stteeq bauds. years ugo. Oh. usemarrliedte Dr. T'he poice of Nat Chicago ver. Mattue Ifiteen years go andIoleunr- caltei t. Ibm hall ai lbe cerner et vinai b>'henhubami aid Ibrue ebili- Meenth ami MeAlluler avenues.»md ren, atîammmli. h bdlvei la Ibiu the tii-e. ver. placet!uder urrest. cIl>' about elgit yeasa. Bepteabu tis m W ilite mal Itu markluaOuheo-cet muma-exception- ai MAmmLi #fWesteuRupont fer uptember. Wurmuit day, 83. ou tbe 111h. CoNsl&Woîsi. em 38». Alarage teuperaturu ni. ToWalreltafit. 3.80 Inobus. Wauusl day, Si. on 30th. C*eluday. 8Sa.cm 2d. *Ym vnae eperare, 0i.24. Tot a rinalt, 8.62 luches. Wsrmut d&y, 100, on Ilth. Coldeut day, $2. an SMt. AVerme tumperaturs, 67.76. Total ratutati. 1ilneb. Warmuat day, 939 en lut CSoNsulddu, 36, on suit, Avouas tuimpraturs, 6238. Total raini. 5.48 luobue Warunmsudey, $4, ou BIh. Cetsut 4day, 44, on 5tb., Average toperuture, 47.40. Total ralatalt, . 5.talches. wumtut day, go, on 28th. Coti day, 43, on Sdtb. Averate teasperature. 44.69. Total rainfaît, 3.80 luches. Warast'day, Bgo nl n 1*md lOth Caldest day, 36, on lOti. Average teaspuraturu, 0.5 Total rainfaît, 4. U5 inchus. Wannteut day. 85, on 7tb. tb. 14th Cetdest day,, on 351h. Average tempteritare. 41-74. Total ranfétt,8.U8 luches. ~ -Warment day, sa, on Stb. Ooldet day, 34. ou 14*h. Average lemapurature. 57.44. Totat raIntsll, 7.15 luches. 1901- Warntest day. 89. an tth. Coldeet day. 30, on lti. Averug. lempenuanre. 61. Total ralmfmll. 1.97 Saches. Tic year l008ilath* Meut noti" mble la extreeseandisaubanina lbh, lésait reat«ai. J. C. JAMEt Laie Conaty Observr. Autiock, Il, GMeSyMu MM Us Ine a be wWjl alklaa the tour on cest violer aabta ulit y -atieut'sec viec bu- vas a buiy," sali J. Mon: iamuI-iOubhln of Orayslake mer' da y. in'boa" wvet out te Othe tthursunuuergolng imîlar pontai meut, go t Inventai a machine Iba umes lie ci-y et a baby te stop th > bmby' front cnylmg. "This machinîe consistset a soua4 log hoari, a leva plane vines anivi eu. sprinte, tevers aud drums. At lIa- foot ot the babys critea la apont ti t bas sevenal Mjeciaras.. Thann ai-m.- ,are connectai bY .vires amoiuîdîn% rodu viti tie machine 1 bave d" scnlbeis. 'lh. .aundlug board hang: ftrmtle celllng uni la dînectt>' ove lbe ci-aile. Sound maies the machine wer- For lnutancei If lie baby Su bungi', l cries lna certain uay; the volsb' of lie sound sets certain anas. Pt work. On, rock» the crailo; aupîbe' hoîdu a boulîe ot varas asilkta te baby, mauîh. IftheIi baby cries h- caune a pin ls stlcklng in'i. muoli-. kînd ot a cry la heard. Thon sath- arin. bmvlng a muaguet In lie end, j- moveu lie pin. 'h, i-st lime I t-led lhe niehre alter pei'tectlug It,mn i>'vIe vas lu au othorrui-an.Sie hourd anec ciy vher S tuck: a piIn luthe baby; tien slence. lu aie rumhed uni aukeil vhat vs 1 the trouble. When 1 explalned It ait te ion, site bell on my neci, lie ual site vas glai, as 1 vauld out get ai' mare tecks lu my leted atilug lIhe ileer viti aur ilttlo danSaig. 111 bave another macmhine bulît oc' sulît Untnes by uhîci 1 use asy ou" unate ta tart tbe kettte.bellng fi., aur mornSng coltee." Lake Frorait Improvementa. -Laku Forest bas mnmyneu bemo., ich are belnig completei Ibis tait and failes are asovln&g Su fer 1h"ý winttt. Mrs. Roert Pmtterson, utua bougit "Cr&tree ou ase" rtrmhIe Scott -Durandu When lie>' mqved te lhiritefans nti of ten, te haviug it rémoei u ni rasuing man>' changs. Mi-. arti Mrs. John Ciamaan haie- med naijta heirne ioeuonauthe Greea Bay roni, noan lie Onwentula Club. Tic Russell Rilleu have cowa- pleted thlInuev hanse. bilît au the site of the Henry S. Rebhlns boume. uhich vas bornai. Phlllp James ha,, Purciaseis the Chai-te Norton Hanse. Thomas Dannotty ban is nov home nemi>' empleted. If thora lua mytbti ne efu tta yen una TEACIt a vaut ai. uttd yns sema prlvate pupils te sdu te tour lacoe. w pi 1~ Mtst. "The taîe eofUncoln mmd ldma wlaOrut bu heame tbm stete of ShurtimfaidBrovue and lâcrimer. WbilI lie peuple bave homo bu.>' uti Oulr oua affaire viciai ani des.- lmg mna ave put a btat upm thebu tin emtneboon of Oui- stt.'- "1fis go.put muaicone te ticéi-ns- eue aidmars Our sMate tram lils In- deservei mtlita. *140i fanetanensce u teOur stale 1,0 mie theïr homnesaid buîp devel. OP Our naturel reeeuncou aidbuSh uj the cqmmonumplWtu l a lb"qanmga. AH' ucliar ensu ouer ta Our areaI state. "Tiere are othore uho coule brng- Int supesttion uni Ignorance, the, Sabbatb bre nd.klg milkîabills ofet l oerts. Tbume mnutho ted 10 the cross and laugtir andmmibet- ter umym of lite, betane aur stee au hu ridiemod. "tW.BOlulu Su the heuyt et the as- Uem.iLitheliehla eimpure lieelRe- public ulIt ho btlgbted. Illinois la the pivoaI Kate, tus stretugfle point of lis nation. -*M tu lie cuesof eOur Vonat couutry and liftue cere St notten whut enu ve expee- 0f lie reul ef lie tend? "Paul bai Ponrmateriul at Cornth eut ofvbc th e 0meuh citizen& tor lie kingiant et Qed. But tienly>. Pa- ttentl>' ad ierolcmlty 'bu runeoht. knoulmg filet Ia lie courseofetlIme thsl pour cli>' vouli hoecetea beau. tiul veasel lStftanthie table ofthle King. 'Se vo mut lahen on, kuouiug that Iu Gad'u gani lime cdayuder tue banduetflie patter vîtl maie a nes- sel meet ion lie Ilameri nue and pi-epri untoevoery good vol4." Tic choir suiag lie' tottovlug bymu. vilîen by Dr. Seai-,.ofethéic l'- nersil>' of Chicago: ILLINOIS HYMN. (Tun."Ouvari. Christian Soldlers') Ged, výô flxei aur dvelitug Mi li e tertile fieldu, Wiere lie conn-rlcb priml-e Golden bai-vomI yilds, Wiore emitb's tilden bounty Open& te Our ttîli, And a bondi-ai cilles Builbthecommouveut, Chorus- Hetp Ibat i» oui- bardera Je,uu_ e confesuoi, And witi tby slnulon tlinois he blessai. Thens hast brougit arr people Fi-rnmaitamsand f ertb. Celad l tiandaiToton ,