INDE PENDENT WAUfKEGAN, WEEKLY SUN,, -VOL' XIX?-NO. 2. Coiwoeral -PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE, flL., FEIDÀY, OCTOBER 14, 1910O. M WeStore WIth Moto bat REVi MNQ TO Pýlained, by Niew League of G TOt'ýOBRCD AT ResortersatForl~g*,Lakes1 S~ lICG WiJI Demand MISO Tliat School Tax Money be$s*it on Mlakdng Gcood Roads AsaetThat They, Non Residents Ex-. cept in Sumnier, do' Not Use &hoo-01 (TPram Wednes sun.) Propcty awuiras truond Laie ct-la, Laie bMaria, ant. C>tenul BItaS Laies.. 41I Diat-Ataci, Ii.. have cont- Ploted Plans far à protactVe cSCS tion ai sommer esoat-trs. one of the feturis oai h ci iiha lic, atait- Ilsimaut ent- Autaci ofa a opera- iv ate, for mcmes.. atdît-s iront Shich in Iho dehivned iy tti ovîl menas af tue oue hst. Tic organisatimn la ta ha launcied tormalIy et a Jne.llng and banquet to ha hl lu Cicago et s date tu ha made kueun latîr. Among Chicago- ans lu this at-aric . W. Rlcit-ad- con,.BBaiduin ofi tandard 011, Heury Paulsan, Dr. Venu sud William and John Ayiig. Tiare are score ai eitar. Coulty Treasaurer Fred Amis af Laie cauuty, t-cidiug at Wauie- suI,« la a leder lu tic moenent. Deend Ouic Dllvery. Tie opertlve store la plana"i mally 'ta sfard summer risarters thesper rates on il kilds ai mer-1 elsaise sud .upplf«ansd la gu&riwý_ tac pronspt delvery. the kick belug .bal t es et tie laies cierge ptIci. tea bilaiaud at-e nt speedy cilaugi nI dellverug. Probeble Nom puageatal Tie langue viii pt-bably ha named tiheTaot- Laies Ptoprty Ouuers'Pro. tatîve Assaciation. sud wulîl molg1 otiar objecta stand for lie follovlng:' Wht Lague le to Demend. Goal ronds lintihevicinty af laie summîr resott. Tic dradgiug out and marking uthi ligiteansd signaisaifcianuala etuien tic lakis. Tie clesuiug aofshtore. The connectlou uti deepar sud vider citels ai the faut- laies nstad uth To akaisd tii'test ai tie chinl lu vestern Laie county. Batter train service betuein Chil- cagoansd tie laies, tie rallroat sta- tion ai uici la Atlccb. Tii application of sciool tai tnuy11 nov paitI LaIe couty by uon-reil- dints uicenummer tiers fat- gaod ronds. This le ta ha dernandeil an. tic Ples, tiat tie ragottara do not sentd thetr chillîdren ta tie Lake count>' achoaln't ail, belng et lie laies ouI>' fartheasummot- iontis. Tic fasterlng of bitter feeling of gand feloushit, betucin tii al-tii. yeer-rouvd Inhabitants ai the district adthe resoters. It la clalmed liat tbe 'natives' nov regard tic ragot- oateirut nalut-al fais, vien tie re- verse la thi case, Wil Marge Li. Longue. Tiare le au association conducted on a simlir plan t Fox Laie sud Il la bllaveil tua tic ucu anc viii taie aver tuis aile lut a mitgir after a lime. Itlelastated tnt eadiug inmehrs af the cammttea for organisation are nov gattîng an option on an ilasd balveen Channell Lasd Lake Cateinenlforat- club houae. Wood* Var>.Por. Tie roae about tha distrlct-vblci la orglzing e- am od tu ha axtramely hsd. 'It la claimail tiat tie scraper wasant tun aver ttien st al util lM est a, farthiienarent yrai,,and titet tic>' couldti ualha vrsa titan tiay nov ara. 2101cr sud yact cluba are ta ha orgéniuied. An attatupt viii ha midi ta mot-oai the entnti cordiale htuegutia Vl-. bagWotfAntioci sudlifs meatansd »Wopleansd lie ragort-trs. Ti, major- Il>' af*tic nisorters are Chilegoans ad tic dltiet ins aeond ouI> ta Taox laie altiaugi more exclusive. AfWciforty yycesof rallroedlng eobi over, dtar8arwvilci ito uns nuit- hurt, ?,OMM lW#t le llli ilIt Mllie. Gshy Desi'ye, titi Pst-sn1 dancar uboee chattus faor Manuel IL ut Portugal nre aupposeedla ohi the partial cause ai ils dovufali, déendu ber part of thc acquatutauci. Thé cht-ry groeu credence cîcryviere lu Parla la liaz discantent vlth tiiet-uic of Manuel bsahein riciutiy intenifiel lt-rougi bis apen iufatuatian for lhe actress. It la said tiat ahi needil nDo urglug ta accept bilsInvitation ta go ta Lisboa, wiere ho gav-e ber evîr>' attention. It la billet-id tiat ha wcs fat-ced ha escape front Lsbon witiout tInte t a a Suer-aitic daner, and ber irieudsa santt litoie ans lasI beard front ln Manuel'c capital. Tic net of Mle. I)clys la one of the mail daring ever put an in Engliind and made evia Lotîdoners gasît. ltîtttd as tut- aire aétir NatI Alian's seusationaludraped vtiioq pf, SalanJe, ta !cenes oai Hie char- acter. CH-ARGIE PLOT IN LAKE BUSINESS TO MAKE IlS, RU IN Many Raiiroads are Accùsed of being in Schepe, ExpIained by Chicago Men, to Control, Lake Lines and Coanm«Mton and ThusStrifie Lo wer Lake Rates on Business Washington, - Oct. 12-Ciarslug s consplacy b>' railroadi ta luprilre vestern grain shilipers oaithei aie- tagis of oiîapwaster rates, officlsluàa tie Cicago board o trade Sud a PI! titlon viti tie ltertste i ommugre commislsiou assltlg an IuvestigtloL Vhe petitlan assît tat ha etic.r t-aidse at-ctying ta drive titi grain transportation business iromntheti kes Tiet'aiplalnt Is drecteil agalua thé Pcnneyit-anta, thei Balimore sud Ohio, thc Ney York Centrai, aud ev- euty-four alter iInýs oprsting ost af Chicago sud othîr Lake Mihigaa ai LUk Superior points. ' Tt tu represintedthiat "by nîsaou cf conaplraey on tii part eftiih defend- ant carriers, aubstantlallv alil mians of transportation Via tie triat laies front Chicago and otior lakts Ponte ta, I)ufalo sud front Buffalo ta Nalv York and otier Atantic soaboard points, at-e ovued andI controllel hi thte dîfeudaut carriers-". Reintly li feimgit char-gs on grain receit-ed at Buffalo ironthte lake-calicd c-lae-viera jAcreaaeid tram Buff alo ta Atantic seahoard points. ,kT la alleged ln the pitition Iiatie rates at-a ujust; tint tii>' are diactm- Inatar>'. because tiey are muci iighar titan te ail-rail proportion fron tu. falo taeaBtirntdestnation%, andth at1 liai daprive thc grainu shîppers on Lek Michigan sud Laie Buperotf a tila bouief icheap vateu t reapo tallen to amatit-nPointa. Tb* Chielsottnd aoft-ad o argea. txW obalais do.. j ý4r#4%arne, marim ema ! *any I.peuftat Changes Mde fi thé Pastorales of Min- Itu fCuufermnce Lishai o Which WilI Af- foot Wuhgaa and Other Polots tu County vOl2 PAGERs lIUL -FLMi DOWN ATION CITY ýj ANOER ROUSED lPeflets emfWaukegan and Lake Couuity thge Rigid In- vwtlgation Ogacon -Sloa's Reaidence Soins Whws Amercoan Flig Was Haulied Down $1.50 PER VEAR IN ADVAN rc ~ER - oe~ ýChccks Were Drawn on, First National M And Signed by J. K. OrvWo 'Man Gave Name of J.A. Murray ami Said Mie Llved at 522 Marion Street (PomWeuidas un) Frntteneda1sSu. (Front Wednesday's Sun.) asked about the inatter tadaY Rai: Rai.. H. L. Ciendeting of the Fit-t Due to two Incidents atiZMon City. Another clever check forgerv TicMray 0, io a oCi hateRoi. Methadiat chutrehotEgiulisu-one on the nigit of October 1 and theh nsac f tu f~~7trra off t uadcl1ty stiat un ceed R. LC. Buring as pastor of' other on the nigit of Octaber 3. the nlght. On that evenlng a man ste9Pe L 1 k w themanguard. iboughttbrt here. Ret-. ilood of patriotlu Lake county la boil-' t1 oclMoingsoeatI55i turray ail my lfe. H4e usa a man Cendenning la ai preet iator of îng ad a rigid Investigation is be png torook lu t e sutoraseTepo bu 5yasc g.vl rae t.he Fit-st siethodist chiir.h at Elgint. demanded lu regard to two cases ofpito a u i toeaoetaI le'short aud uelghing about 160 poadis. III. 1 alleged lusuit ta the Amercan flat. tinte and he ctepped to lie pili etofHe a s iooth shaven sud vas tic Rev. Burllug vili go ta, West Chi Sii!det:cases and showed the manl nearly al mont Innocent-iooklug crook 1 evt cago. Ruy. C. W. Tiornton. a tortu.- Octobîr .-VendaIs sawed off tii liai he had lu stock. Tic purchaset- aw or Waukegan pastor. goes ta the Fli-1fiag poli over the Bryant ciurch On, flnally accepted. a fine oue. the prie Proceedlng nit the Street tlc.fat-up. ton Struet churci, (Chicago; Rev. H. the college campus and sent the paie of which vas $5.50- and 1lupsYmint' decl ded thet uhile i. viab«,»:pe U. Lawiîr. foruîeriy Of l..llertyvllle. and Ils starry emblem shattîred in teudered the dealer a checin for $15.50 Imght as..eli maie a larges, banil. sud «ces to Iouner'o Grave. lie grouud, tien fied. on the it-st National Bani of Watt- thei uit place ha setopei at 'W*'@tic Many changes eitiih patbrai of th.e October 3.-MNiscreants wio siauld kîgan aud ordered the sulteaaseen Central drug store. o u tic nt oflà i largst fetiadiat Episcopal chut-cnes I In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b CicgbnIvcnx eemd randed traitors bauled daun the 10 a bouse at 522 Marlon att-eet viere Madison andI Genaeft strea4q. Attin Yesterday 'uben Bsbop Earl Crkiaîon. Stars andI Stripes froin a fiag pole an, he claimed oiq Ue, fplace hé falloued, nearly;tic apff ln ritglg ii îvnîyflat nnalthe resideuce of Daniel Bloan. The amount o! the check wasa 15.60 iltne, purchnn ome, toIlaI ariSal session of the Rock River confercnce Oficers of Battît-y C, offilcers at snd theestarekeepir. gave hial hti1 tth te value et about tva ý4o»«r». ta aL close, rîa d thc appoint nienîs of Fort Shetidan, and every patit-iUc cît- 'dollars ln change. No doubt ILS to the i.At Ibis place ba tendit-ad s&çcheck the pýstars ta the 400 ciirches of thi lien are ail worked Op over lie tua valldity o! the check entered th i md sase oh aI n iJ r coufîrence. Incidents, th ie tctra uîie bas bi. of the dealer until- ycsterday aftr. ,via on tii National Bask fcr Ma Tahedcnreuines tsl sessi fofare been réferred ta lu tic noon whîn a clerk at the store tried 1lthe articles wvan taben by theio~ Vise ecouiene Indcrsing the Inter: ust about another lndlvtity 'to tic ta delivîr the case. He Went to tiec ciner. At tisl place tihe, i*ê 5» Ocian for publsilug cicr> tionday iflag twillumensummary messures, it addt-es aitext but vIse taid that no inouiidge. af the woftieffuupap of nioruing a set-mon suppieniet devot- 1 13ltlmated. a fe ithe naune of :%irray lit-id tiere. the check unttl tiey uit-e toUi of, 18 id tO te set-tons fronithte leadlng Tiechceck fat- 815.îï0 usa made ta by tic cther vîctîn. puipts c Cilaga ud llinos. a adit riIsasMAY RD. J. A. 'Murray and a s gnet! by At- Tihejpolce versntfelo i as eleuhîri. Kazmis Soumalci, North Chicago. .28 torney J. K. Ovi. It uas ar the cnt-- inle dieaniomcerg lu cIcreulmosaw Oni af tii mttImportant changes IMarysuis Sopetka,.......... .....26 teut tortin lunue at tic Natina1 RBank cmtiei ootnte~r tihe man., ",c aw sud oni wie ici t the icconfireficiILeitoy Neally, Racine, Wls .... 2q snd the.signature on tie bottant of Yet- Who*JO sUP~oaita e, »" oaed for more tian forty-elghî haut-s, wasa liel Bennuett ................... 22 théccheck bas ialtih appiarsuce of tiechciclis has na aeiat,,tbeçp im* tie tt-asfitence of tic Ri-. NI. B. Frank Wtight, Libit-tyvllle ...24 Sig genune. Williams ai the lrat-t chut-ci cf OakI lt-na Tt-ggia ................... 24 Tie propretor cf thc store v Çsot th ibIsait ,VMý ~Parti tao ia i *Ureh t-~o f lumnj .j , * -. a oduction l sInt-ry aineary $1,000. , ,. Tii Placlug af tic Rit-, ir. Wlliiams lu a sultable pastorale uecessitated aun ail nigit session of the bilhops cati- net. ].ake county appolulmints at-e' je faiiows: Antloci and Hickory-A. O. Stix- rxd. » Barrngton-O. F. Mattison. Dlmoud Lake-Johu Austiu. Gagea ai-H C. Tauuiey.à Grayalake sud Warrte-NI. A. Gable. Highlantd Park-M, D. Tremtaine. kae lff-J, C. Vanker.TH OV E tLe*kîVila-W. J. At-ld. rlÀhettyvile-W. Li.Wbppli. N rli Ciicago-A. F. Dachlet-. -The C n p e sa Pa ot a o o l e r u NrhPtaiti--A. Bryans. C n> 'rI in htyuw u4b ru O fan-H . Cady. to have In your homeprud to show' to your à Rosecrans--G. E. Msngum. 1 Wsukegan-H. L. Clendanuiug. ZlYrkou City-G . W. HWDaud. If you wilisu ee Ucplenid case ded"ig!sI h iIt lama& 'and lItuteataits supeI _- rkito- - --...T. .H. .a. 1. KILLED IN ACCIDENT ON STEAM SIOVIEL James Murray, 40, of Nemi Ub- eityvllle, la Victm of Dishress. Ing Accident Up« la Wlacon. &ln (Train Wednoesdayi OSUN.) JameMut-tay', 40,.son af Mn,. Jo- seph Murray of near St. Msry's cross- log au tie i Lbiryvillli branei ci tii eleclric t-aad, vas ililil ou astemIsn siovîl lu an accident lu Wisconsin yeahirday, Fîts. Mutra le a wdov andI tiereare twoua hlera oi the vîctînt, in sd Jai. Tii rimaina uit-e brougit ta St. Mari's-toda>'. BREAKS TIH N Freddie Offenbock lusqoMao- net la Pushed whiét nlddg FIy Bail and la Se*lWUly ln- jured (Tram Wednedis &mSu.) Vbilsmorniug uil, T"eile (Sfin- look, tic son of Mr. snd Mra. John Offenlck ai McAlistit Avinae soif Elgti street, wuapayiuns sebal au thc MeAlistit- scica oI edond.l resching ta catch a il>' 1>!hi vag FPsshèlu ate manDer, fX le balayai tuidfe.hrslgisutiaufop ~*flf'be inthù*laic over this instrument au everyone im la who has <vt We want every lover of imusic and evMry ane who wants ta have a fine plana ta know the CONO VER. Here ia an in- strument that satisfical the very critical musician, and gives evidence of the good judgment af the anc who buys It. Made by expert, worlcmen ln the mostcom- pletely equlpped fàctory in the couatryi tested for yasb oepanlats and gua.. antedby ahoua t e , - est reapona. blity, ft la a piano iliat makes yau surecof getting'sworth. 'fou can get complet. information about the CONOVER If you vA11 cal! ta 'mec those we have at the store of C. F. InUoIIsl« and Bro., -Woa4çan or Lynch Bros., Libertii4e It would be agoad deafbr yo taInvestgate th merts 01the CONOVER b.- for yo dcid tapuchae ny élg grade piano. It lias many points cf excelle=c that wl inteteat you. OTHER PAN&ý* -al* invite you ta sce oui CABLE, )CINGS- BURY, WELL TON and INNER-PLAYER Plaas--ail instru. mentswhich give buycrs the fuil measure cf valus lfor the money ln- vested ln theni. PIANOS TO RBNT..If you are not quite ready ta buy ucIa vent a good In5tPf$ ment from us. If you purcbase wlthin a year, what yo z h4'. - i i rental inil appied on the price. EXPERT TUNING --- D yau now have a piano, let our.e xpert tuner and rer *labf look It over. He la ln town nearly every month. Leave y0Ws order at theaduii above. Cble Pilioo Copàpny .1 OEIAGO. T. P. DUamiai bpX% - '5 CE