U.S.A. ligw.e Fsek m, e.! WotW.. 91 lb"- a- . ak ~xr~ >1e4 liii ulisi W*y Swxm Poe Nuil Cb6mi iTvamenO w-., ftrtablS. Ney Ir. l cam atmer k IL. u.J. Cea16 amii SJrJfb 9Bum. 4 E. ~U-LoY.ai- H.RV* John ~D Gev. Ulcmle. a Uit D. MES talCL . Uty " - %o , f ý Wtc. Jobn Aceý LA W. Try, C. 0. S.Kjebior, 3@qw, I.4 .o, 30"ohnCar Vemia, I I iwai4i. insmii~îTO lb. - T- juan, I Eaccrdcr~u ~ e~gri~e4 Up- ba~iqrd ai Q~aiIiDe. 0< tIC Bk, w~ 'Brooks. Wre. Ea ivs Wu. 'ibs, Pmred«m», ,.. *Scl- mmi Grevelr. Prauml emmoosiu . ET 8111C. C. VuS. h"i . ager FPeter, Douft. tB 4l-"- D , Sp.Sth:ni or i1evowmi L I mevai lIai tue ami adeplal.' oehaiAlg0<t5g b* lImant mis 85W *01 ~o~emh~ -r LSIc. i qS le" tii mai.wIb veuN hog have ha g.t lbeonêlm ennt ciM .0m. « f i&" bc reipeeciu niem. a M., U',vhmoe flaidi mevl te mm> aul. sb aga M nic Up.sm. 4Jegsimmbas0@ t~d «iSarmom M Ob aip tu asdb mi .hae te r.pSt III- W. tseaio. . S inv cf ike . way d« lb. Coý mm& 6534 miSO;le .ni ID~ »W ieit Z =e ,00;niMt bs. d ti e M Stil,1910. 00 Wo frtior reoqmm 08Lp metier or tn 5.iiaiai i 111eutli m OIMChaisb. 1 Z r-P thie Deeulier Bme«tingOUO Au torie. la T. M. Ckm4 b SprmomS >Muwdmamai s. sa x0pSt lie = A" mil P »Mme:vmoe a dmuie .f folno iolution sud mcii s Ma on vi. vii - mli tic foilevb suamila 45. N a Cm L n - .- lasf4. lin.85eaui* jt - (ht ti h CIi. l e hbue un rccf la (e veaiureb *et c omy..^ 9@tp- * 15 SOiMWBOULEl UPSip-Ur"nhei u i .ydLZklsec _ liti d 1 1. syt ut au emi v*àoirf& hi mmâuâ i i..aiunmelin su .er1" As a luse mai et uibu.', :rm elmqBm, d iy the DgUdla oiim w a ,eu cur lam nitiuta , t1 "i -u<hrtal& m 1.?=,lm tu dwo twneft 4 Itel smiS brUît lo e i te D»ou SUcorna bg voe t sf atd Scaid. .. . . BI. C. BIvrdi. li«ner.ff, = u*flt:h &Il d forau gtedfc l t gr- DCoi, Sb .-e CanwIV, M *eCbd caisaut ipf~Is.of i e cf 85 mebei t 19Sie iitiwsl W. ltlt eprnel te. ,PM*s expet u lly say Mfyae aOu «te »- n.on larrd lb ond trit* loig ,c = ti m TeiNS. ù 4. citt PU» mW V 1 b=y U5 andmoy over i ifr om'a féàa ç.tt&c ont. plama M th for.nmt hlokm lae .Ptdiysw rude. rn A egaowlattii.. vWho iwd dov. tvc Mg pdg. reegatly end 41.1 oti.? me- Whh'lc tic preiiusxy bogsalia o. d» ta!eedte cuneci ticewliotl.rs v185tIhesix Joba et van4llmnlà the clty the police bave Dot yet given cp Tho. j"meoacnsd vbat tlisy ore > AUL VA5ENEV.- said te' bave lirdkilobto bous ad shlen salb« cf aq$.. 904, th baeebit Veicn More. ovuer etfsiplefl, oGrs led MAROI0 ORAI85M, .ald te have LOUIS Si4$SI.GSsalIto have beau Aui pirty sice. lutnot errestai sho, vIs am . il Maie homlme. JOHN *#BNMEV, srreited for al- leSel liurniug of haysteck ln 511101 Park. r Clarence Poole, aise irrected vith r Horney. wvas cneratcd e& thc charge of haing asaited etthîe huystack litaluJob. Ray. another loy. vas beld as.&,. vItneca.but net connccted v ith the.ailair. "Jtw m! lir. çvMur cf 4&ru* ftmsnMd awpIescoftait ptlomd .1 ulq4mg 85e ortb ishore. tmoud tat lie lied thi vroog dealer "liv the ear' *Iblqýàu*d D. P. Sob anmct Uigwi' lied Park terseu slluged mtal lil. ÀA COUDy court jury deelgt#4(hi q Mora. la tbatSbehbae <54 not ate e b li ami imomid the cos staeVilatntie.It mceuthat Bliobie lied eold bis dairy St fflbl*ud Par.k te Je', Ziqier. Then Ziegler dled sud during Iii.eoetusion et ffie demtS Bleais. 100k 0eue otthe Zeigler aal. ,,t vas St tieatime.*it lu claincd, thât mookes sldppod thie ndllk. aterva*rds hlinlg Bobalan il- la tie case et Aez mn,to va. Con. ri &Woiie, a Jury gare verdict for plaluufinu-ticsuis o 4« ansd the dctendsets ailoece, ssked fer a ev Tlie suit as. over à reil eitet* cem- ision. MARRIAGE UCEMBES. Actait Krwinrey. Oraylke ...23 Gertrude B3revor . ........... .. ý mwlard bMitaca, Chicago........ 24 Florenceadtb ................20 the DellyI SUN- Herm rim1~er sud w1fm p *8W rilmer, Jr., lit luaoetiwý rgi'oc oetlomavîem$rt 14k. rsetnt uvetyte M qL. Qjuayle, l«t45la. uiIla clc m,3 leko Tcremt,. S.W., SM Cbrittlu &Dte« aa viftoti C. Auo et ai, lot i hiock i, Deee0.l, W. D., $1. fEstate of Jolhn Bregen (em#qI to H. J. Fearmer, lot 4. Pearson. LIt- tg@ &>Brogaem's subdivision, Wauogsn. B. . Sayler and vite te Evae qe- vszy asnd vite, lot 39 blockt 4, DMe. er's subdivision, North i bca.c W. D., 11150. Marthe, A. Whitney and liuebend to F. P. Dymed, aoutli 66ft etflot i block 1, liortyvîlle. W. 1>..82,00(l. W. 1H. Dyuend snd vite te r. P. l»)y moud. -6% acres ln section 20, Ulicrty- ville township, Q. C. D.. $i. F., P. yncnd lem vif. te W. «i' Dyfud. undlvided % of lW& 3, 4.,11. And 9, Dymnds lut subdivihion, lII>- otyville. Q. C. D.,. ' Am&a E. Pic. 10 W. H. Dymond. loti 3 aud 4, Dymond's lieu îtbdivim. Ion. UÀbertyvilie. Q. C.D. $I. L. R,. Tel> te B. H. Kr.ca. lots 1 te 7 blor.1 18, Deerileld Parki. W. D.. 1490. . J, J. Swobeds snd vite te V. B. Cer- ýveuy aed vite, lot i section 2. Grant tovnsip. W. D., $200. >TQWI' NO LOW IN PIRICÉ At these special prices itWil pay to be early. Omr regular 10è towels that are 31 inches by 16 inhee, red border at eaech. end, good grade of materiali,,Bpecial for 15C Towelà This is an unuoual price f or such towels as these. Thip regular 15e towel, red border at each end, size 40 inches by 19 in- ches, special lor. staley Underwegr for men is t1ý »Ost qotortblje underwear niade., The. boat zoterxals are uswd it is knitted *it1woit a seani iw- 4 'sdo. IDmen,& sizes. Our] qee jei the qly pue you cau get tdûs best iunderwear, so order ~tnsuldonn uits, ail woo4l, "est materials, 15 OU for ................ M'on'?s unioni' suits, al W004 gr. or brwn, for 3è25, diO .............. ""' mn suits, very beO, il eo, ental wol It Base ment- Creain wbip, whips creain çyith- out splashing, whips creani that will not whip in a bowl, has4#r attachjnent, quart size...... Glass globes, for drop lightsý tomns frosted, e 1~ special for .... Large lunch baskets, made ,of beavy oil rpaer, handie, 7 ; 15e kind for ............Ç Lamp cbinineys, most any size a»d nearly every .. Q shape, for....... Lfflge beavy tin 8po9ns, thât is need ini every M kitcben ........... icing bowls, the old f" twilfor ................ This towel is 45 inches longand 9-0iniches wide, bas a red border at each' end, good niaterial, and well worth 19c, this sale. for 1i54: It "Iler 1