Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 16

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(n this departîneut N't i 'wil flnd a seleetion thai WHntoniy surpirise yo n ;n size and style but aýz> in price. Bearskin coats in al colora, I 7 sizes up to 6 vears 1 e51 Children's bearskin. philîîi and eloth coats wtVith quilt- .4 Uiningý, worth ý$.0,for .. ... .9%8 Fine chinchilla auid'broadt( :cloth coats. endles.-van ëty to seleet froint. ili ilni > beautiful mater- jais, worth $8..4 anilre ssd girls(coats. s ime up to 14 ycars. mix- tures or plain voloi s, foi' this great sale.«.9 Special. a ...19 Genaine $5.00) coats, f r' girls un t-o 14 years, for f his.a29 ý.àI-wool mixtures, broad- e~ohchinchilla,' plush, smre iined wit-h.. laîunel throughout, --r 98 worth $10 for... P*FJ SInal eoafs for t-he lttle ones,-a beautiful hune te select from. 'Worth u ere's a lot' of, tailu,'ed yvaistg that the înost par- ticular dresser MiII apîpre- dat-e. They are inade of fufeaWhite inaterial with various styles of pessoxue are perfeetly plain white, otheî ai" slightly fniînîuîied. w ortli. $3.00, for ........... 1,75 ,-NVe invite sl>e<ial 1>- spection of our line o<f beautiful afternyot),îiaîîd evening waists, miader of' fine*-nets ami silks, n ost. worth-votf note intt' i ik wajsts ini exqttisite uiew Persian desigits. TIhese waigt are ptii l o f new Fali <esigîîs il, pret-ty lawn waists ~j trinune'ith laev ail « mhroidery, W01411 111)tt fpr..........98C li pîîge quantity <of ilk pet- t ie0at s, seure<1 .Ibet-iallfor this sa l ig-11 qullit'v* tafl'eta SIlit vr e s i ' an l ck ...... 2,48 pettirtiats. 1luth lV.i izkete.. for ............. 44c $ blitek pti<ttfine and $4>vilule, iludilng t.he -eertd Alila lleld' bIrqm.iîtded sud dtb%- qered silk 39 at.......... Our Coat- Depart-ment is wit-hout- a -doubt t-h. biggest and most complete ever showzi. We have ail t-he Istest sijies in mixureébickbrwns bleslufac evrytinimaghiable, i military and other new e1 oct-s. Junior and Misse' coats in mixtures, plain and militi4ry of- fMots. What others aak $10»0 for weare solng düring t-is sale at.............49 Juniorecoat, aie upto16 years, good, 34 substantial mate .la................34 CARACUL O ATS-Beautiful jloay efeIfll length, lUned t-bic got, specialfor tofset, .u.i1175 W<iesfu ort ngtlioats, mde cf Al quality 39 Thibt, wrth$8, for tlia great ceut sale .........>.9 SMPLS COAT#>8SALZ. - M0 beautiful c2at-s bugt- ai lois t-ban cost of inaterials. Rach garent "ttE ai t.iorod Uroughout sud'lpntly linied wtmMceai lnn.Th ntriala are of thée finest al wool broadclotha, kersoys, serges, diagouals, worstods, plaids, covertsa, mixtures, cheioVIt, etc.' Every fabric l~inable. Siues t-ofit every figure from W t-o 4inch bust aun all misses3 and junior aise. - No mgt-t-r *bat your taate you wIU sureiy find some t-o suit you in t-in great- assortment of haudome coats; - $15.00, $18.00 and $2000 9 .09 5 values at................. ........ Women's ful M4in. coats in beautiful mixtures, smre wort-h nt lesu t-han $10 ........ 5,98 Rihs lu tkinr-in lnodcoats and mixtures .....-..... 18.75 Bear skia, Melton aud sorge coats, aises 2 t-o 6years, in rod, bIneý.1Q and brown, $3 value, sale prie.88 IEIN'S Beautifulll ue of trixniued Waulmuau andi eoloriiigs. !xifilinet f th ei-siat>w'ei*s rtc.. u- _____________ *eludiiig the p i<ilar ma<1- ait] Iîer-V liats. -MuSt he seeti t lie apprt'ciiitd. For this stale, $15 " $10» $5,$*3.98 .... 1 -lm French Plumes - Unusu-, ally low priced.* These are ail lst grade plumes of au exeellent quality,e three (ifferent lengths in both hlaek anid white (kffered at bis finieat considorable t.aving freinusuel pricee. New Frail suit-s $9.88. This select-ion in a beautiful aasort-. ment of new Fahl suit-s, mado of serges, broadcloths and dlag- onais, sone' lined with satin, others with tailored serges, skirts full plaited at knee. Colors black, blue, brown, green, gra.y, sizes 16 t-o 48. Don't misa this opportunity of buying a $15 suit during this sale P9 0 0 Our patrons know that is these suit-s weren't splendid values they would not be a part of our stock. Therefore, our offering should meet with great favor, especially as it lias t-o do wtt-h only the newest of Fail modela. There in a broad rangb of' patterns and colors. There's anex - celent assortinent of styles. I F Your choice of r these et ..................... Eeysuit refleets the remarkable care that- was used in ifs making and every one wiIl b. found as serviceable as it in attractive. There are broadcloth, worsted and cheviot suit-a in semi-fitted modela. Jackets lined wtth guaranteed satin;, skirts plaited and circular modela. Ladies' suit-s made up in dark mixtures and plaïin colora, all lined with good linint-¶ and worth not 79 Suits made up in ail imaginable beau- tiful mixtures, ev.ery onq made t-o be sold for $1800 to $20-00, for t-issmale............. 12.98 Chbild<lren's Coats Yugladies' coato made in a variety Of ue tls tho w ~39 collars, wrht- 80 WOOLTEX SUITS-An endless var- iety t-o select from, special 1- i ial during t-bis sale for ...8 9 E.oery lady kyotu.r tfer me '.r. Girls' school coats, aises 6 t-o 14 yoars, includng plain and t-ho uow j ( niixed mât-rals, values o$.-d _ M - W4. an. illaking t-be great-- est effouit i lis su'aswiîa îu oit I. "kirtori îu':jt ll-lt tg# muakv il i lut. , ggisuie 4.ýs of lii- * vi' . E e fit, Iiv .sttisaré. feîtirel v iîew aud i liue uîpîI.iàalléar gitrat- o wear.,al Voil SkrtsLiadî(es'al woof 1voile akirts Ïb$Qtti- ;1i1uilv tiiiumied. Somne of tilt-Ili strict lv tajlored ski rtm that voit will re.-og- liuxe, at- <mu'e as $8.0)0 and *14 .00 values, 48 foi, ......4 #ue"N Skirtc, made in, very' fine the highest class wool Freiieli serge ii fi 'I î- eat- aaa, 98 ed or strietir tailored e fo lr........ fe4.- wtrtlî $10.() anud StrivtW all-wool Panama $1112.00, , 6*75 and serge skirts beught- to foir...................SOI a t- $3.00 and $3.50, ai- $15.(x)snd $lS.0() Voile apecialî -skirts, iiuItditg sonue -of reduction ....... Our assortfuent of dresses (eOnt-aixi an exesSive-var.' ietjy suitable for ail occa- siions, Silks, Voiles, Mar- quigette, 8atinti, Broad-. elot-h and Panama, etc. 8~cll -Ladies' BIaek anid White Checked dress- es in wcrsted niaterialm, 'with neativ tucked yoke,~ !!egular value $10,. for this sale ... r9 .AI-wool'panama dresses,, a specialI feature-d,ringý thig sale. Mse and lad- jegs'sîzes. You will reeog- nize these et once as $10 andc$12 vaitiem .98 Beaut.ifîit-effets siik anîd nîcasaline dresses, ilivItd- ing sone fie Serges ini triuinnîed. In titis Elle voit will sec tnoue worthu less t-han $18. F>r 10.00 this great sale Other niagiiiieent dresses to ..........50 0 All-wooi ehîldren's and girls' sweaters98 at ........... 8 Ladies' sweaters~, worth $.3.00 19 at ........... Ladies' sweaters, absol- utely $5.209 Ladies' sweaters, extra heavy9c quIaity ......99 New Faîl tailored waists, mnade of varieus whit-e ma- terials, aise silk st-riped batiste, wtt-h rannish col- lar and cuffa, wort-h $1,50, at- this 9 salifor ... 9 The goods of the-great ' prchase which5we ma dedast week have now arrived. Cases and cases ôf mercharudise have b een brought up from theý depot containing the greatest variety of coats and suits ever shown ,in this, city. Eyery lady knows thec grade of gooÔds we carry. The, tailori ng, the lnlog of our gar eots are of the first quality.. Ouralteration department whlch cônsist.of 14 tailosaad dressmakers -are eonstantly on the alert to 'maintain one hlgh standiàrdo of excellence. U n tek grnt purchase sale you cao also avii yourself of the opportunlty of selectlng ole garments at rldiculously low prices. vc Appelli i ACTU. Judges OUD Tlîat vii against Vt lîey Plilii and that apîîealed t coutit. Jui appî e lIate inaliditng t -Vie coi, kn<i,wîî las 1No ýiî l'hil11 W. For, VSý îfiffIii O1>liouj Plairtif! oIe-rseer a lion of a the Ch'ti t hureh ini Lak.* Coun tiffendai reslding Ir îlot il iCIti îlaltîtii Il oif ainc chi bo.r t a fa * oand Ziot! City z:oiî lar q Plain)tif! IMied aloi cernl,îg tii fiandat J which deft, a 1ii suit ln the ty to rce him by ra declaratton There was a verdict i1.iflde oitn was itlco li lîheîe cion *erviI îon dec-laration o'f $10101P rde'lf arit tiiý iit. ah Q l'ar i1 unitIn cil- folloivs. th iig al I A1 fi t oi OEC4 Repirsenitî gîtsflig M more disgi t,, Ziotî C "Let all prepared th the Traita City. "B3e toci onte mnan. ally, Coltin "Dr. Bril lat InZVon "In refer firattese.C then direc Have nothi Democrate pippe off tl "Bay 110 nounicemen 'Mion wi Anybody, a Hlgh Gad, the littie anari at n the cunnin hind ciasec their Mast than of Zia l'Let aIl run by H ,berth. ZII her ovhl ai 'Importk row., "Let Zie Ically evet Plaintif! p)art of di suit la bro .The de, àfelaratiom andi l nnwq latent andi words. ÇM pat0f t) -----Tý, ý ML - ýillýIl11-ý---7-,-âF Ymer

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