Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 2

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*ubdivistou afi lFait roiruds, Wauke-, gin, W. D., 0650. Blanche P. Newcomh and husband ýo R. H. Ryckofr, lots 23 end 24, block 4, Lakte Bluff, W. D., $2200. Albert livanson aud vite ta W. F. Staben lot 22, Washington Pari, Wau- itegan W. D., $250. .Louis Larsen and vile te Florence M. Rowltng. 70 acres ln northeaet quarter section 2, Avon township, W. D., $4,100. W. C. Parker Îto MaÎrgaret Little, lot 1, blocke 1, Parkera subdivision Wau. kegan, W. D., $500. John ' ouney aud vIte ta A. J. bloouey, 38 acres iu southeast quar- ter section 28, Deerlleld township, and lot 4 Moouey's subdivision Deerfleid, 'W. D., $1. John MOoney aud vifs te Mary 117' npWISob* t Umme 1 acères l ou oaat quarter 1Wt &lm saktu *U ection 27, Deerfieid township, W. D., digtiaà. It ih a $1. 0" t Issisifer Chi1. Jobn Moaey and vue to J. R. Mooney. 1 Oscres la seutheast quar. Of en 840&. Tlm" ter section 27, Doerfleld township, W. [y aW ret and D. $1. W m ns»Ud&men. John Moone>' and vite ta Thomas Luxs.-4, D »vc<Te Pelere, 19 acres lu soutbeast quarter - - ... section 27, DeerfieldI tovnship, W. ,auusetpuoesdibl id.for D. $1. iaiksu lite. .John NMooaey aud vite ta Margaret on K.i Garrlty, 10 acres lu seutheait quar- k*lB. VssdIL. . ~, ton section 27, Deerfleld township, W. mb erda y J eiec. $ Cont Titie & Truet Ca. Ateacsof Title. Tilles Guaranteed Maoale Temp le Bldg. Waniu , il]i. Loute J. URE.Sec-y.1 J. , Wiufild antI vite et ai tg M#iy Gllmn, 2 lots in the village o! -Wàuoonda, Q. C. D., $1. lisrnance Wbiteler sud vite 10 J. IR. Taylor. 60 acres in sections 8 sud 9,De«eiîdtownship, W. D., $19,500. Mary Q. Merrili and htisband le. J. Ili *. Augbein, lot 6 blockt 1, Marins *subdiioFe Lakte, W. D., $250.C A, C. Worth sud vite lu A. C. Mil-1 »r asud vue, lot 4, Assessors subtIl- = oto !te ehbequarter of sec-i il. DWskgsW . 3600. INgat. cf . E. Warlng, Jr., le A. F. --,IunUtpa sud vifs, uorthbhait of lot 3 Sla Mc Ii 2 W unS addition te Higb. Imil Park, dç s $650. K à-.eluixnugs sud vite te Frankt O#5ega. lot 8 blockt 11, Waukegau SMtifd.W. 1D., $400. Hleren n luer sud vite tu Ilermsn Ilmts',Jr. 11%acres in sectiqus 28. a" $ Set8 Frenont township, W, D., *«W tf Joseph H. Sunileiti de- 'M ,tu jMahala V. Eddy, 87 acres ~'l *oetio 18, Nevwpavl township, Q. Kam atiKtnadie to W., R. &E. hIiaotl.bCo., strip 100 lest qdde tIrugh e h iotthveet quarter of lbe »tlwemt quarter of sectien 177, Eis 1$i.gelip, W. D., $1. Herya, Nidiosdu snd vite te C. G. Tesuransd vite, 10 a cres lu tb. no*etjvt quarter of section 17, Waa- kaffl tovnship, W. D, 1,500. MXary E. Brand sud bueband 10 ljý Rudolpb sud vite, nortb est hélt et lot il block 29, Highand Park, Q. isanie H. 2s&yler and husaud te J. C. Wtronàg, lots 7 and 8 blockt 11, Waih- *bili Park, Nrth Chicago, W. D., -Oaki Kuîzier sud vite ta John jpiléd ast partof etsle4, 5 sud 6 - iscci 4, Wantogau Highlande, W. D., $780.' M. LWovls sud vite te Tboo. 'Wts, 3 lots lu village et Vola, W. 1Dý I*1. Trohle Jensen sud vile et ý,ait t J. a. moelsn, lots 15 sud 16 blockt 3, Webb & Jeuseu'e North ide subdis- fou Waukogau. W. D., $1,050. Ale C. Hayues sud hushsnd to Mas- tilda Dressel, s lat, on- LaeMaria lu sction 24. West Anliecb townshlip, W. D.. 2,750, $ .C. M. MictehsesntIbdvite et ai to D. T. Webb sud Tablai Jeason, lot lb blockt 15, Waihbbor Springe, \aute- gan, W. D., $4500. Minnie Erskie andI buahand, ta Willa R, Wattersou, lot on the eat aide of Sheidan road, Waukegan, '%. lx,, *.625. * Thtmas Auderlo and vite te Enili 4d e su part of lot 12, Cedar Pas*in ecton 4,Antiecl township, W. D,$100. Savaht A. Higgius te T. B. Sleeioan »Md vile. lot 1 blockt 3, Exmoor addi- C. J htuimansud itete Cather- lue »Cunnlngham'as u hand, lot 15 and veat hait of lot 16 block 6, Wrigills addition le Lihotyville, W. D., $1,500. Tonale D. Mill and hushand te Fr ances D. Burrili. cast 50 fototfutlet 5 biecit 1l, Exrneor addition tg High- land Park, W. P., $2.300. Tille F'lcke te W., R. & E. Traction Ce., 8 lots ln Oakt Park subldivieion, L.ake Zurich sud tract et land adJein- lng, W. D.. $1. Harrlet A. Wilson te H. E. Smith, lot 82, Wllson's second subdivision at Long Laite, W. D., $275. G. A. Wing sud vite ta J. W. Ho- gan. 5 acres lu the soutbwest quarter of sectionf 36, Vernon township, W. D., $200. J. K. Orvis and vite te Oscar Ssn. tden, lot 18 blockt 1, Orvis subdivision, Wsukegau. W. D., $250.0 F . P. Dymend sud vite ta Martbs A, Whitney, 6% acres lu section 20, bibertyvlle lavushia, W. D., $2,000. M. J. Stewart sud vite te Charlis Weat'ail4 vite, tract of land ln sec- tion 15, Beuton tewnship, W. D., $600. G. R. Lyon and vite te A. C. Kaclu. lot 74, Lyeu'a subdivision of the ]Fait Grounds, Waukegmn. W. D., $750. Retate ot C. D. Hillard (deceassd) ta Kate Hiliard, lot 3 blockt 2, Brt- tsiu's subdivision, Waukegau, Q. C., MARRIAGE LICENOES. Aiferd Boges,.................. 24 Mahel Klny ..................... 18 Harrison Bennett, ZMon City...22 Mary Oould ý.................... 25 Vicent Jakaktiî, North Chicago . ..25 Doniscellîs Zembuekite.......... 18 Edwn Mann, Miivaukeq ...... .21 Eloie Struck.................... 21 Thoneas Noe, Kankakee ........... 23 Mdary Meuce, Racine ............. 18 John Vilker, Milwauke.......... 27 Olga Koopsal .................... 24 Wtnet JakaJtle, North Chicago ... 28 Irom Jembusklte................8s Harrison M. Bennett, MIon City..22 Mary A. Gould.................. 25 Ben Berntoou, Milwaukcee ......... 30 Moue Seldickk ..................28 Ben BerutiÇu, Miwaukee ......... 30 Minule Uderbaek ...............28 Gardner McDeçXMid, -Highland Park ............ .........,...23 Louise Jubrend .................8l WI1liam Alle, Zion City .......... 30 I£is Meyers............... ...24 Jease Flowers, Chicagoe.......... 29 Mary, Brenner ................... 22 Otto Baumhacb, Milwaukee...26 Mollie Winkelmanu .............. 21 Hlenry Hertel, Frernut Ceter .... 26 iatherine Obenauf .............. 22 Paul Duba, Lihertyville ...........20 îCatherine e Carraol...............19 Harry L. Davis, Libertyvîlle...26 Mabel E. lester ................. 21 >Archie J. Murphy, Racie......... 26 Forence Fnlet.................2 Mies EnmaRadie la visitti' la C tbi; vsk. - tIrs. Adain Titue entertaine tram Wilumtte ThurKday. j4ow to Highland Park, W. D., $400. lire. R. Rihsrdsan Spet a -tU BlHat of Laite Foret te Eni- at veet witb Mms. Frank a. Atteridge, lot 44, Green Bay sddi Chicago. tio to *e aie Foenet, 9. W. D., $10.0 Rallie Paulson, Whoe lu IQAGlouardon be W. .3. WYnIaD, vest scbootlunChicago, @pet Satui 40 <gteà at 102 teet ot lot 333, Lakte Suudeay sI boni.. P*051,, W D., $4,(#00. 1 Mms J. B. Famauworth and lit 4CW.ueJi. Norman sud buehand to sou, of lisymîr, visitsd aI b 001w C*bé,ý a, oSa50ldest 0f lot 80, J. L. bainberlalurecently. $î*Ioel i$ ,W.B,$400.Mran r.Mri e#ri T, . I~Gesdee" antI vite taoOscar M.adlr.IaîiDce »q4*'qgust, e 10 block t 1,,Wssbhun rea, o! Nortb Chicago, and Wl] I~d.g, Wuesmnw. D.*30 ofutlibrtvlile were Bandayi X, ~ Orvie ail Vite te, Oscar Soder. bsviilî qubt, ld4e 4M d1, bock2, sud lots Bey. G. T. Beanna bas amie 24 Ad 27, blo* t1,, Orvia'subdivision, (o the iiapievaod ong $#aateffaa. lx .,,000. Chun b lu Chicgo. Mr. Rani Zot.e ofN.LJ. leanst, deceased, vifs bave mmd. niany i fn to oesé. Cosd, 10 *CMasin novtb- Ibeir etsy hqe, Who are veri Méat qurtr ecoIost8,ut AIioâl-»@theni lesve.' IL 1,4q r« a"Vilate Poar Mer- The Indepisudeit <vois 7 4MA on4 t .. àlot 34 O.L 14'ful oe is of aulihé bm - Ig trieudi ie frieude ae o dais tMiller lu attending nrday sud ,ttiegrand- he borne et suad chiltI. MI Docker, visiter. hi epied sa I gregational ma sud bie tds during Sy surry ta IWAUCONUA ID Coespondst a nd Agent Alvin Kinihali vas a Ch icage visitora ioudmy and Tadmy.1 Mr. and lira. M. B. Ford, o! Liberty-1 ville. vere calieru lu our village Meudsy. Wtll Reed. of Utlescge, caiied un frieuda in our village and viinity aurdai and1 Banday. Mie@5 Nettis lMurray, et Cicago, . speut Baturday andI Bnnday ai borne lu our village. 1ev. Father FolsyÎ, ut Milibur». vas th. guest af aur paster, Bey. Father Burke, on Tncsedsy. E. J. Meosun, vile bas a fiue miii business lu Chicago la spendlng à 1 days vacation vitithil parents, Mr. aud1 Mfr«. Jas. Monsitan. Mises liMay Mainmu aud ladge 1 Bheuderi,, bo are ttending achool at St. Loret's Aeadmny, Chiticao aet Saturdey sud Bane$ ai home. Joe. Frear and aiter, Mise ElIiabeth Frear left for Idaho laut wveit they viii niaise tieir future bonis taking u p bornessadi sud althongb vs vere surry 10 ses theni leave vo vieb hem succes lu the vestern country. John iteardon veut 10 Chicago Wednesday vibreho udervent another opevation lor cancer. We trust the 0peration viii b. auccesan sd bepe le DEFJ ILEdd Willmau le vlsiting in Iowa. Miss Isabel Biederetadt, ut Higbland Park, spent llnndîy at home. àNIre. Hole aud daugbter, Katie, leit for Missouri Monday to hé gone a month. lir. Mike Boreuberger le vieltingiln (lencoe wlth ber daugblev, lire. Beberue Hugo Llndig, who formerly made his borne in Deerfield, was a viuitor bere Sunday.'1 Mfr. and Mrs. Zochier, ot Waukegsn, vieted with tlîelr dauizhter, 1fre. S. P. Butchison sunday. While working on a uew houes vhich John Vetter le building, C.- W. Pettis feil of[ of a scaffoid aud vas serionsly injured internally. White piayiug near a bon lire little Clara Wieueêki was fatelfy burued Bat- urday. Dr. Davie was calied immediate- Iy and did ail thatconîd b. dne ta, relieve the littie sufferer. libe dled at 11:30 o'ciock Saturday nigbt. Funevai services were beid Monday mrninq lu the Cathalic Cburcb. Intermerment took place lu Everett. Mru. Wlmneeki had ber bande and arme serionuiy bnrned in try- ing ta extiagiiieitthéeldames. Win. Bickonsan sd Emnia Seip ver. Meclesry callere Tuesday. - Ernest Thomias mnd famlii have moved lu lb. Ficie Cottgge for the vinler. Hernian Relier le huiyi« *4 h isebWWI ings aud cottages onu the laite shore vired for electrieiih. George Spunuer, Ernil Ficke and James Suetainger atteunded business ai tle Couuty Sent ast Monday. Ernil Frank antI H. L. Prehrn wsnt lu Bpaldiug %Tasedai llok for soine goel materlai for the village rade. Chas. Andrews bas conirned puttiug lu thé foundation for bis uew boas. la the Goodw in Bah-ivision on thé laite shore. Mv, Blet and faniuhy, oi Hanimeriug, near Elgin, vielted witb bis brother-lu- liv, Wni. Buesong sud famity 8tr- day and Bandai. Hori Fermer, the chisi engineer ou the Electrie R.B. , lof t ast vesion bis weddiug trip sud a varn recepîila awaltug hlm on bis celuru. e W reeide ln tbe Philip Young Cottage vlth ibis bride. ELO ZIJLr E. T. Baràody, a native cfDelnt- Syrie. and at prosent a %tudept at the Mecdirrnjck Theolegical InstItuts, viii give a lecture on the people wbo nový inhabit the country and cilles deecrlhsd in thé bible at the Long Orove Churchaet 10 o'ciock a. mi. on Su.sday, Oct, 23. lMr. Baroody'e information wu *jiatbered by perbonal visite tota basm e si aud viii b. very lntereetlug. ijvervbd Invited. A collection viii b. held to de. fray expenses. Notice Mise B. M1. BnrdickwiWlie&tN@hrick'e1 store, Rocktefeller, for a tew asée om-n- mencine Wedneaday', Oct. 19, with a lins ai0 mlliasry. WiiI do maitlng Mmd trim- log. Prkcee eon&bie. 4ti LRTMENTl Ml. L. AIMAN aus hlm ratunra complstely cuied. Bey.- Fither Burks ccaepauied hlm ta the bespiwa. -1 R. D. Wynm. Mnager of -the Waukfe- gan, RockMord & tlgin Traction Co. val lu aur vilIlage, ,Tnsday and Wednesday lîestntlb.. grading on this cund 0f te linsprprmtory 10 rmkig the pay- ipent ta tb. cantractor un lb. 2th ot th. meuli, t. B8eys the vork le progressina flue and more headvmy bas hés niade wvibhln the lait twa ves than at gay previous lime sud the paymaitet tI bis lime vilii héabout $10000. Iflbhe eathar continues gond bemmys the gradtng sbould bc tlnisbed hi Deceniber iüt. The. evanlt fte eason viii b. a grand hall given hi the yuung People af lramNsfgmton churcb at Oakland Hall ou PK46lY eveaieg, Oct. 28. Musc viii bu furoidwbod i Hpke'e fulorchest ra et Lertyville' and no painq viii b. epared 10 niakit iis eveang au ut enjoî- ment fer aIl viteattend sud a mont cordial Invitation le extended. Buppfer viii hé served hi (ths ladiesofuthîe parlsh whoss reputation as caterers is wtl kuovu hi ail. Baggage viii b. checed at the bail sud horslat elhed st the Oakland barn. 1Dance tickets 7.,c. Bupper 85ec per plate. Dont mise it or yen vii b. sorvy ever alter. PALATINE Mtr. Fair, a former resideut of Palatine died recently at bis hume ini Ubicago. C. W. Shaddle bas reeuvered froin bis severe ilineua and bas returu.'d to bis boume in Chicago. Mr@. Eldo~dge, of Phoenix, Ariz, a Irlend ot f ra. Wmn. Morse, vas a gu1egt at Henry Knigge's over Sunday. .T. Kimbail la now very pieaanily ait- uated in bis new borne W*blhhlhe recently purchaeed ot Mr@..Henry Langboret. A. Lobes, of Biue IsiaWn, having pur- cbaeed the residence formerix owned hy Mr. Downing. viii be at borne to his frisida at that place next week. Medames M. R. Reynolds, 80. B. Pobi. man, G. N. Arp.sud Miss Efuova Arps attended the W. R. C;district convention lu Chicago Weduesdai'. trs. hrpe va@ eiscted preident for the comlng year. Palatine people are pleased to kuow that the vishes of the M. E. Churcb vers granted by tbe Blshop St tbe Rock River Cdrnforence and lbhellev, Cady and hi@ tamily itili b.e et home witb us tbhe coring jeur. Dr. El. W. Aibernan ba@ been chosen intructor at RushblMed"caiCollee.. Eis diagnostic ability end bis methoda or ixarnining patients bas attracted the 5*tentionofmanyo0ftheleadingeurgelo and physicians wba have nrged hhn tu accept the position. ANTIOCH. been ernpioyed"âas aigbt watemàn et the Otting $3ros. les bouse at Antioci,, vas found dea4 about 8 'ciock Sunday evening hIthe viiity ofta @mal ebset wberein he iived afone. Coroner Taylor vas uotiflsd 4nd heid an inquesn ai Antocb Mondav toreâoon, thé verdict of te jury heing that Heavu carne tu bis deatb from naturai causes, tbe exact natuje ot vhicb vasunkuown. Hevam unrnarried and bad no relatives go tar s known. A certificate 6f deppait for $20 was tound amoing bis personal effecte. [ZZ DZ3 The Ladies Ysernon Csmetery Associa- tI ion vi eet with Mmra Wm. Achuier at Lihértyvîlie ou Thuraday mrnring, Oct. Ospt. Bogardus ^gain Hits bile Bul'$ Eye This wonitI fanions ridle @bot vho hoide tbe championehip record ot 100 P I ns in .1001 coumectiv.e@bute le. à ugAt Lincohit, 111. Resull Iinter. vived. ils suis: "Il siaeved e long tirne vith kiduey and biadder trouble and uged s.véral veD kuowu kiney mediciueeaal ut vbich gave nme ureie! util 1 elartai talluaVolu Kldnsey Pille. Beor. 1 usai Fole Kdasi Pille I hid severe \baekacbea andI pains luni>. venld gel duhl beadlacits.. Nov I bave taten ltres bottis. of Foie>. Kidnsi Pillean suéfel 100'pet- cent botter. i ami lasver holbsred vttb ml ildiys or bladder éantIagail 1.1 lis my avu F. R. LovmtL OONpàANy. Try an Independent Want Ad. de gos a 1 f.odia a~dSbahi ptie Uueau1 pamphlet 1 ltC lteI~ The Motoristi' Association ot Rock-.è o o -cHol tord have compiked frram the Illinois e i. e "eutéapestWiy snd distinctii underotiond tts AIWSt'01* Vwgordoseu ot alf4d the cote tifithe aéreven te thimam*us etate lave and the Chicago city - derea.. Persmew» te iwitest or tithiieetMd uMont ddk=e ulatioa" andid ssued theni lu pain- hod sratuIfeI tbt avgtup.d siMdfl phiet termi, vith Illustrations, the toi-, lowîng raies of cou=t. lin.the roe.d aud rpgulation 'cf traffic ln the city of Siasu tti. fomula te ye doctoir. A* b ia uba be Maillae0(I§L Recittord, vhtch ebould hé rendadnsd -J., I Ca iOWV eva..i . l renienbered hy every vehicle drive* The ord"vehele inlude eqeu.bldder for cash, ail of the. right, titis, Four (4) lu Blockt Number Seven (7) trians, led homes sud everything Onflâlterest aud estde aof théesait! ophia lu the Village et West Mceury, Me- vhees or rnmuers, excel etreet cars A. Woolf, Insane, h1 .aud te theý fol- Henry Couuty, Illinois. and aby arriges.lovlug descvlhsd real astate, stuigted Dated tile Ith of September, A. 1). su Ab ehcarnaelges, ervilu lnthe Couuty of Lake sud Blate of 191. A vhîismetig neho v îlllinois, to-fvit: COLON OSTRANDER. shall pane on the rlght. The soutb eeventy (70) acres of the a naals,,a ot Clarence Ostrader. a Neyer pans ta tbe night ot a vebicle veut hall at the southeaut quarter of inor goîug- lu lb. saune direction. It you section ffteen (15), lu townehip forty,-__nor._ do yu doIl o yor ov resoushi-bres (43), novth or range ton (10), do eudoit ityor on esonsbl- enat of the third prnc»al mieridian.1 BEN M. PMLLER. Attassy Itl and your have no recours. lu case Dated tbis ôtb day aI 'ôctoher, 1910. A #dpdlcation Notice. of au accident canseid hy the driver DENIBON HIJNTING'TON, i Public Notice le beroby frivec test te Sot afithe.aliter vebicle turning lon, Coneervator of Sophia A. Woolf, lu- swulber Eretor of use lest viii sud Testment cur. Awao ps t te lftandbe un. fraiEut OrabIer. decsised. wutl atieithe curh Alvye pis t (h.leItand o tSO. touty Court eoftLake llouuty. at à teni thereot te te toiden ut the courtsHEL«selu Waukega. le sure yoa are veil ahead hefore at- A Reliable Medicte-Nol a Narcotic sdCunr ntheetiretMonder 0fai eceutier teniptlig goswing hackIt lto youri H.ttgnuu oiye ue sd 5O.-Retu ad wostuevensons basons Origital lins. Tir in the .vellow, pacage. hit is s Mais e rebet ff l'me o olcourt for Ou a higbway divIded lougitudiuaiiy and electivo. fontains nu opiate. de o.vL.&ttiiFEtxctr hy a pankvay, viaduet, vaut or car Refus.e ùb.titnltes. Wautegsn. Otober 17. 1510 4- track, vebticos gshait keep ta the rigbt F t. B. LovELL utt-AN. of sncb division. A veýhicie ln, turaling to the riaht Peltiton teaSsi RealEEstate. tt another Street shahl keep as near 2ftate ofIlilinois, County of0 Lakte. Se. I BEE ta the curb as possible. lu the County Court ut Lakte Couu.! ty. IRUSSEL A vehtiche turnlag ta the loft t lto lu thefmatter oft(he application or another street shahl cirie arotind thle Colan h-. Ostrauder, Gîardian of Clar- center of the Street Intersection. once Otraider. a Mîintr, for leave te A vehîcle crossiag one aide of the Sell Real Estateofetiafd Min.I im b r Y d stett tealr hhl 0dlgs To Ail Perions Whom UIt May Con- u ' er Y r Steet tathelerht. n ong9 c5Ffl kel t hergh.Notice la hereby given that the uud.-F i-o gures o Neyer stop aithte curb wltb tbe car mrigud, Colan, Ontrauder, guardian BUILDING MATERIAL facing ln the wrong direction. Teof Clitrence Ostrauder. a minor. viii ruies of the rond eall for a machinemase application ta the County Court orveice topig it te igt id f 1Lake Couuty et a régular terni !é. h rae riglît andl tzca'i. or ehîle topuin eu th riht ide f te le h-Id et the Court Houe. gond. Wbeîb.r you buyor ta the curb. in tb. Cil>'Of Wattkegan lu eald Coun. î,,;î get Mylilgures. Blow moving vehiches shail keep as t y ou the Ird Mouday et October A. closely ase possible ta bile cîîrb on tlei D. 1910, hellng the 17th day thereoi, ------ right, sa as ta shlow fauter movîng for an order of said Court direcliDg:: PREPAItEI) WHITEWASII hhîn. aes;îtcilguardiati, ta oeil ail o0f ,>1,1c1.a trepassage on thele ltI. 1ltherigili. iie aud Intereut of the sid' Agood nuie la observe and une ihat miner, Carence Outrauder. lunsd ta; r .I!D rp wili prevent accidents la aiwaseta go the foliowtug descrlhed rend estate. t ta the inext corner beoré turnlug In vit: Lt. 1mer TIre. (3) sud.1 a Street. The titra sbouid fnot le at- tempted atîl the tanther corner le reachod, thon a vide swing shotîtd be mnade, cautfot being ohserved of course, la aveld rige gelngla both dl- nec tiens. Speed 'aiiewed by law ln ail cilles Q §efthîe state of illinois. coaditloa ut traeicepermlttdng: Tennmilies lper hotur ln businesse(-~lh one !b lion. wne o bk Fitteen miles perheur in inre.idenee odeuluiemsn secti8n. Wnefrn2t Tweaiy miles jper liaur la ceuniryý oes-i&uiori Six miles per heur In tunang rer- PIy *ners. vvenderful inl isieconomy, Pedeetrians sbauid remeinher that lu Cotta lest than the htgh-pricuo vile tb>' have the right tu cross thetrs anbui sWoh», street la eafet)V. the streets are pr'l- ihechesp su bîg an mr hindi * narily lntended forv~ehieeand tîeyth eaanbicnknd- ashould theretore cheerfuiiy coutorni it. sWorth more. But provcsfta ta ail the traffic ries ad tilereby con- nesi economny in the bakiag. tibute uanet ni>'to their owa safty use CALIMET.-eJt.Mods, ad conitort but fslliltate the move- BIif or ment uf trseil as weîl. -At i rees Pedestrtans shoîiid never siep trem ail Grd rs *thle eldewali{ta the street witbent WovdPr finit lookilng ln acrh direction for ap- Food proachiag vehiclos. Pedlestriane shouid acier cross the streets except at regular crossiags ______ snd at igbt angles. CONSERVATOR'S SALE. Thse Cozq Corm a B le P r Stt~tIllinoi, C:unty o ke, se B RB RS.O a ele P r ,t,,e y Curtof akeCouty.Colony. Otober Term, A. 0. 1910. .list arousid the corner on Sprague la the motter ot tbe application ut Street, udt lu the oebîn bîiid- l)ivided liMbsctions ,of 631)îî a r.-. Deulson Huntînglon, ~Coservator iîig aud opposite thé Pester su idiidm, 0aterat. of Sophia A. Woolt, insane, for biacksrnith @hop. adsfiiie n, 0ar rt leave ta oeil rosi estatê. exi»u, au order made sud en- . LISERTYVjILLE, ILLINOIS u Ludsdnyam t tored of record lu lb. ahove entitied _______________and_____________ cause lu said court on tle flittI dayCopn of Octeber, A. D. 1910, 1 shahl on Cigarsansd Tobacco isn rThuraday, tle tenth day ot November, Ji Laundry Agency Razors Moned- 190,a tehoretee 'i klle _________________ YMOND & AUSTIN, Agents, rafterneon et said day. on the prom ________________ LIBERTYVILLE. ILLS. Ies hereinatter described, oeiliat pub. - Ilic vendue te the hlghestad hest Ssil i il rough a Wani Ad. UUuUiiiUUiiMWg~. LOUIS, J, YEOM-AN THE OPTICIAN j Blooded Stockfo saleat pics-and on tr sto..suiteai Inspection cm îinvited of a quantity of pedigreed breedtngstock wbich le i excess of the requirements of Hawthorn Faimn. The stock i. rcgistercd and consises of Brown Swise bull calves, Brown Swi*ss year- ling bulle, Shorthorn yearling bujlle and Berkshire and Duroc boars. 'Hawthorn .Farmi Libértyville, Ill1,nois Tdpe. Libo«evUE.27330

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