Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 3

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Prefessomi Cards VETEI1INARY SURGEON. i AeIWMTANT STATU ,ETeUmiuAàLA. LbetvivU.. ilnafu. PAUL. MAC GUpRl. ATTORNET AT LAW'. tUbertystilo, Illinole DR. C. IL GALLOWAY. c,-ytc ovsLOLoriL 5 Dne nmsT. 1.rse-trel 1 te 8 sud 6 te 8 P. m Llbertyvtlle. Minute. AY . STEARNS LAWYER Waukegan 'Phone 2761 DR. GOLDING DENTMS Heours8teo12 om.-l te 5P.U. j.'El! Tiggs Building t;itb Dr- J. L. Taylor-Plîune 19 lie. Phone 1092 Llbertyville. Illieul DR. EL H. SMITH, DF.NTIRT. DIE5 LimES. ûUT-ovvv AT19IJSAb. BANK. * ctu-8 tÀ:12 a. m. and 1te 5p. M. i)AlLY. LibertyvUle Ilir-oiq DR, 1. L TAYL&R FrVsEvgaJ. CI. TW"1atiori. toa :-t) 10 a. m. 2 te 4 andi 6 le' bp. nm. -,n Broadwa.. pposite Park LlOîeryçiilO. ,hninl. MARTIN C. DECKER f r- Optj. lti'St. Electric Stationra li iPlions 5334 iem..Phonetl(103 -1J,:tTH CCHICAGO. ILIî.uIî W, H. STUDER SURVEVOR Suoaîr!iviuiîg, l-armîî 'A nk aund Çrinagr. 1.1IEIITY Vll,[F,.1-LL. DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAIL PRACTICE m lfo' v,.O 12 2tr,4 ld -, t mcp .1 (s' or,.,Lvuclî urne Store. ~'YCI AL ATrYTI'ON 71) THYElEi IERTYVILLE. ILUNOIS HIenry Sine's Sale Barn ri jF I.IISHA AVE . ION CITY.ILL. uesldp-Wce 2>i ell 1. ,~ A E x!yde ofet ln,. Hsn»wsagons sd ud ie. ate, 1or gale or £%chage si, i Ines AUCT0NEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opoeilt St. Paul fi-iglilDepot a Libertyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE ~ WORK A SPECIALTY Engien (verhiauhtad. A Fu Lie of Suntianes. 'lires Rie- pairei. W h enîîiniTroulel TE LE P-ON E Lîbontyville Exciango 66lorl262 E. W, COLBY Ateorney for Esecoîri. Adjudication Nodtice. Public Notice Io ierel'y iven tiat lie Sub -enlier Exectrix 01 Johatiosilier. leceaseil.vil attemndlte Conut Court of(akeiti Ceuty. at a terin tereof to e loden at the Cjourt-Bous lu Wskegan.lumiad Cou.1v. on the fiâet Modar utf ecejutier me, 1910. irlim and wre i amersone havin rtatmns affart 'ciii scate are notified anraecqueted te ereemai iegme te alId Court f t siecailo. Wankeffau. LU.. Oclober Il. t91i. it i PAUL MAC OiFIN, Attoreiy aS Lsw. Adjudication Notice. Publie Notice le hereby r iven tliailie lob ,criier Adiâtnlators of tlime saIe ofi Mtilida .anilson. deceseil. yUl attendl the County Court ti Lake Couty. ai a term ntiereu te liebolden ai LL K~OoUNlTY JNDICPB»fflinTIIDAY, OCTOBER 2Ï, 1910 YORKC HOUSE. lin, anti Mrs. Charles Heldidîtge @peutn RAY S LA KE D EPARTNXE NT Sunday ai Keneeba. 7 W. W. Nervis, et Chicagov iteti ut F. J., ÔRitCE, Editor pfifom No. Il .W.llmHla and amy otd r Orders riken for Job Work Adv5nlialflg Rates On Application (>Har atI unra., SuntiAY _____________________________ Dlavidi Adams bal the mientune te get kct'-d by a herse ibis week. Citere Allenumetft Toceha> for lie ranch 1'here was anothsr railrad meting at .il.asers peauetito have 1ev. In . uTexas. the Toasn Ral l onduav evening. ira H ollauti rtura fer anather yeax. Chas. Senensogi bas putrehapei the heWtlf e b.aie elecr-nnid. Alonzo D r. Thoms,. et Waukegan, vi@iteti tstJ. Ptannenatill fi tî. eenatAdre tIi.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emefJuHrcsm ndy EalWdeetAîaltîltonthomie aho iook stock an tliii- ua ed. th hm o jsBrcko, uta. nientie ers odau>'. ýald n The Wame'e Club umI i.t ela Mon.Il. Charles Hawkins tli buiiling a5 m iendCiurciboreurda NlonudaThy.r bous onhie amîi usr ti. rlîrat. Mise. Lydma Edasarde, etfiRollins, calmeti hait heur eftihe club ir-'ting le tevoest Omar Carmans mother aslilî. risîtinu Oufn I os reFrida>'. 1totereadlng nsele1ethlir lîlîular noveis et himi huit the mistertme te eprainlier Mr. %loeyer, et Chicago, tramîsacerl tdie day. The club tatet Thuratay ankie. business hans, Tieda>'. svening wlth hiantaîl Itanighi new book, lin. and lira. .lîdoi Maeen, et1IPrairie MW. D.l.6. White auîti latiglîtu-r. Mena, "Kelhrth tle Barder." Vew. @poent Suntia>' vit M. anti Mrs. viited ut Libortyvillu- Mondas. The Grayalakse Atitir-. erceeci bats [;flot Bacon, lins. Molv Clevelandi las ntîture. with the AIl. -Starqusiat Suntiay anti Mns. Harrever, Ot Waukegau, i@ troua ber riait in Citamnute, Kans. defeatedtissus in a scre o et t 5. @peuding a feasdiave aith ber îlaugbter, l'une C&atmla oap, twrî Iii- <akes ton There ailI W another gaiene Det Sun- M ie. Marin Olseni. 1 5e ai t te rayelake Pharmue'. <a>'. The Ail Stars wiml bave a timieret .% nti dlire. Ha>' (buotldatte ndu-J I lire. Cihajs. Baudin. et Lake- Villa, ins up andti iere crwi rnobabi>' W a thie (ould-Bonuslt wetiding fast Fritiiy transacieti businessce es Monda>'. pures for th vinnu-res. eveing ai North Prairie, ir. andNtiire. C. 1B. %WcCliand vers Many ot the farmu-rm ina. lb e inity lin, anti Uns. Onin Hawkins are lb. gne9t#s et Mise L.llliauarby t Wilmet n"W lhe balean that pacasti over liera lneuti parents ot an eight pont baby Suntia>'. at'Tuesta>' merning aboumt 5 o'ciock. Mn. girl hemMeua>. ct. 7. aneen a larmer whilc iriving hie cows gilin. uanî r. nnO let. a7. eu. l' î,îîand îtt annoid up wlth hie tiog, beanti a psucy remark lira. stant. eiliSa ieurda rnd @n1is- ite, tlubi lae(litilue Nut arrenton that lbe lae a 11pretty fine dag tuere,' tutrphomted alifria o ter udy. anti boklng abon, li ta he saas the big futrehom i Clifrna.Mrs. Wn. li"eIrand*on. of Liltmrty- bileenand ti s ecniani ant ildiia . lPilîmpe ai peut batîrday in iville. G- jannuei home covernatiôn vitm titrai. I'liî-go, ansa e w isw tianlulIigititêîii Tmîodav. ________ Gerko re euts veeho t]. Suead XsNora limIer. the olilar sales- FREMONT. Geore lpautiig. he ailhieb ad * vj>' Henr>' Krelîkr-îstrrià taking a mut aIN)lail wtb a hnzz e'Aw two imenthii vacation. lin, anti lre. Wm. Se ofaile, tCit- la atIo i-e Wwpnk agaln. i1 igu pu viSlt;. ihtelte ilire. IcUnatti an.i¶aigbt.-r retunietice.sntvri'iy atislter Mira. H. L. Wilson uutansd rs. tia tfron mChitago Ilenilay-%% hirr- tc>'have parente. Itaamiuseenattendeti the- sunda>'sero r l.ecnViaitin),( relatiVes. U d ntMlrs. l-G 1,aa.-rpnluna r-onvu-tlon at Zion CtyThunsdav m ijatd Iugleshde. Fitasy- Mr. anti Une. F. 1). BItîicnliall *nter-1ai Fniia>. Eîcaeil ani Rse-Glrain, of tainedtirelatie anti.tnraiedai i-md Mi@salîymie Wirt/. i..entertaining Mbriseeiatha unaaudo!WaMki -paty Saturdar uvering. compan>' trem Chicagto. gan. r-îitpd over Suntia> wtt Mn., sud ln.EiWagnier anti soun ia ieiem.a îwuel inît4. George Unahai. spent Saturda>' anti Sonda>' vltli lI. epeutiiDF a ew ves ewitlm lier parente, lins. Holmna>', ot Chiagîr, Mis mWagne-r'@ parents at (eneva. 111. Ur. anti Mn.(. fieOibrîlr. ilullagu-, motWaukr-îtagi anmlre. Dunia, tir. .1.SIl. Palamer oldthe tarm inebuMr@. e. Hentip %weut te Ciicae mot (frange. Hall, riais-cri it Tlîîrsmay recenti>' purmhampti OftWm. Kapplu- o Weduetiay te caîl riralier sister. whe with Mlre. Nary Hakins.1 the Heldendale Ce., Iset wsmsk. undtirwent an oueratioi Mhr. anti lns. Les- anti daghtt-r. Clins. Bettylitb, rot Ivanhoe, tm.n- lire. A. Behin ha on t1je siek ist. Lillia sand Miss Catherine ltleteen. ot sacteri bueiness ira town Nionday. Be Mn. antiM@.linskbe Wagner spent a tew Lake Foeraiesni Saborda>' ndi aru-ovr in hie new Fend automobile. dayc Ilut week at Long Gmore. .Sonda>' vith Ir*ns George Lore. Tite- (raypiake Ceuîetery Saciety' wilh Andreas Aman anti sister. Carry, anti Little Nathaile lîlsen ahihu- phiyiug itmuact witb lire. Merub Fonvon, Thure-Florenes Meyer sperat aat urtiayanti Sun- the lastore baüikof ti lionese ai day attcrnoon. I pit. Viitons a-el- day ai Hall Day. .-atunday tounti a riolet. litis ver>'rimu.Mn. anti lra. Syluesten Sagner, ot roru-mOn cccses ioleteiranthetaili. tlien -ofttus leares tthas&t et ibis veek Vole, anti chiltiren apemt Sonda>' boe. Mr. n.duMmr. J. G. NelFmîn s-tertaiied;.,tir Kilnu-r. WIN., whcn eus yl viit hies lin. ant I lre. Andrew Stabi, et Aring- about thirti>f' etiîir iiends fast Tues farnaianti ship a panhoati et peistriep teton Heights. @pett unlarvilitteir îlay eveniug in hoor of Mn. anti Mns. (b rayaolaku- in the nean fu)ture-.tiaughter, lins. Frank IWagner. MerrliNelsomn rho vihi ceeanaîtrve te James Siterman iatthe. cemirarŽt tonr linanti lr@. Je- iannetill @peti Chula Vita. Caltonola. During thé building te cellar for the new Smih Sonda>' at Libertyr'ilii-. preoing Eliot ias-eu. in beiait et thosu- home on the f'romton fartai. Partise gatheredt hene, pr.-snted Un. anid lIrs. treni litentynillu- are norimtg the bouse EAST FOX LAKE Seeancitli a smit ofcolid selîen icit- b k n tte etten etreet. hec eneamlanti ake was srreti. TIChe'IVmgbr iîratnan Ti East Fox Lake Cemetar>' Society and plesanteveing aq*ment TheRoya Neihbos wil euerti ii meet wiih Une. Elien Ruesell Thons. antia psasnt renig aas-pen. .thein tiients ai s public carrl part>' day. Oct. 27. Picritdiîîmeservsti, vtit- -Tiieday evsning, 0e-t. 2). >AIl Royal on, welcoaîe. A Pretty Home -NightIora arc nsqueoteti te bring reresb-________ Thenianlae t Me. a>'tinitte ncos.Evenybudy Inritodt titend. Try our Want ad columui. hîarrison iBennett. et Ziora City i>' rr r-lebratpd ai ?s 'a'ock. Fida>' eventm.g, )tober 14., 11ev. Or. Shephard. ot chicapa , .îtbciatiug. The iiridesmaibe eere Miss Frances (Guulti andi Miss. G 3crtrude Bennett; Willur Bennetit beiîîg bestmama and little Elizaletia lBennet andi Id. Gîrîmii tbwen girls. The tbride was prettily attired ira white chiffona laver creumi mîeesaline anti worm- a tulle vuil r'augli wtb orange blemseris and earricti na eower ot roec. Sur, was given awa>' by lier fttusr. 'Te bridés- nînide wore whilte ingerie gowne evel gre-en andi carricti wbitc arm hoquets et cltry@anth,,vmîlma. Tietc bower girle werc îrrttily attiru-tinirawhIite and carris-ti isbasket îj wildhi ow-rs wbieh the>' etnewed afong bbche ay. The boue wasebuautittll>' dcmorat-M In lu rcu-i sud white. Mîr. aund Ire. llpinctt werc thîe reipient etfmiany p1retty urpescte. The eeraenaywae tellowed by' a mccppticîn alter wîicb the bride and igrottm deIarted ttn thuir liîtnmmit j MWLBURNI Mn. anti Mre. Wm. Thoem. ot Lberty'- ville. viit rom Wednestiayutil Sut- urtia.v wlti their @son, W. Gi. Thîom. Mise Laura Gilbert, af Fort M11i.1,lu-mt Sonda>' vitti Mile. labol Bonner. lins. I. L. Hitesrelunratihome t:- n day troua Indiana. ashereshsicbas, lien viaiing for twur vesks. It il, umonsti ttC. W. Russel bac solti hie trnî, known eas he Fahnm-ry Farin. te a liant>'freinleva. Mesdames CJ. B. Cumminga. Jamne Pollock, Join Fulton antiBetsa Cen>' et Waokegara, aise Mica Minnis Carnne> irerai Thureta>'in Ililîhura. C. E. Topie Oct. 23, t"The Chance We Mise." UGal. (1:1-10. Rani Crawford, leader. ILOUISJ. YEOMANI THE JEWELER I~ e a Mrire N-l l Peips il spiendilag atew days riih 'tIr, and tiire. Kllc. There cviii beiar hllieeen Litiàl at tthe homof elMr. anti Mn,. fvenettt' Manet on Mentis>'eru-uing, Oct. 31. An cujoyable tiis le a@esou-iandti rnbtti>'inritedtiut atte-nd. lIer. H' C. Toernie>'. titins-w paston et tbe i. E. Citurcla viii begin a senies et sermons on -Fart etfteligion." Nexiî Sonda>' merairg lthe tiret ofthe genies will bu- preaciteti. ub1eet. "The Fact et (,od.* One et tht. teatures et the service w ilI bu- the 1;- minute sermenette te the î-hiltinen. Ever>'bndy wuletins. Frorm Special No. 2. Miss Carne>'. of Waukegan, la olewlng aithlb Amos tome. Mn. anti lre@. Evane Lawrerace speni Sonda>' ai Mn. Proctonia. nl. Taylor, et Wankegan, ie espentiing a temw dtiewtb ler daughter. lins. Eh Harrie anti chiltirsu are eperat- iug ttc wcek with relatives lu lb. citY. lin, antd Mne. Freemian Clow -visiteti Mcas. Ira Wmlrti inAniioch lacintia>. WVu are gladti t repecl er>. Kapîmie raiI mnmros-ninefroua hie recu-ral aci- ta i fi-i ondAy f )ut lbemnnext. 11, wieo Ttc Ladie'Aid Boliet>'by bui etam aret i ntnlaan and rbers ail pornons baimcara meegaietb"bgtadotndbl earu gi. ai Estâe.ans noiblisilasudrequesteil te presesulvacuin ceanen anti anyoue vantlug to lieMtîieaugtserceetrmî the sauce Irasal Court ton afiudiratlon. oas it can flot il aislire. A. K Bain' GEORGE B. .AM65ON1 Âdmnîsgrators usehen repent ratiera anti y.lK.penti a HOIIER E. JAMBSON IilSrn eundgonnrbr e eetoeainadwl pn Waukewaen.Jll.. Ocstaber t10tae9-1 - Wils ns ent rinuonlherntsv cc-u-.ks witlilien sisten, lins. Will ______________WI.conan Moda>. lnyder. E Z Y ~ Z J Card of Thanka Ja;ics BeBak dtieti Weimaeday uîonnlng at the hoamueof hie aou, Walter. lin. Mra. Jas. Crayterd vialtei frlsutia lu t esire la expressaaur meet shucere Beat iaâseeri iis uoetit irtits>' ast Libortyvifltelai vweet. Ihanka toeoaci eue 'yhe cantnhhutei for Februan>'. lb. apiodit dolataien sent te lie Lake mns. Wilih Oliver epeut part aftiastaseek Bluff Orphanage by tii. peoplae01thlb.ÀA antr iof rine ladies anti gentemnen vli frienda bu Annora., - Gilmer neigibonheati, en Oct. 18. liay'tram Lake Forest came eut ta lie Rimer Faulkuer bac solt i@lsfana sud the IHuavenl>' Faliar ravard yen for Gagemere Satordian Ouherseback anti bas moed te zMon C04Y.-wiat yen bais dans ton Rile onu litte reurnsd Suda>'. WarrenWtliiamiou apent Sudqy lha ones. SlaceioIy yeurs,. -1 lin. Baursanti the tva boys anti hie WaukogaJ. JLsscv . seretan', lin. Lethen vwerseout te lb. tarin Saturda>'. Mn. Carnii,-bas lise reratei the Sm-s ar mi. a. j.. Sigirt ua,. rtenvti> he gucet îr Mvl. O ris an an automobtile trip te watuonnta itai Palatine- rit-ring tho rcork rof the- sue railreari. f VOLO Nlire. Joaihnewn le sntertaining lien brotiîcaN. Mv.iake. nuof Texas. lins. Fred Dunilil anti taughten. Beagle spent lart Tteerla>' anti Weduestiay ina Chicago. Mrn, andi Mre.Fettier, et howa, ans spendirag a tu-c v--ee vitb ithe latteras aurai, lIs. EIsse Fishier. lins. Jennie Ceseman anti taugitter. liniel, et Round L.ake, caileti on relative bers Sunia>- aiterneen.. Mir. anti lre. Sylvester Wagner rielteti relatives at Freiont Ceter Sonda>'. RUSSELL Banrara anti Fugene Chasee@peut Sin ta>- vititMynuir, andi Wm. Connes. Julic eorne, etf Waukegan, sîrent Sonda>' aitit bu-nbretter. Uerg-. lis. N.H. anti 8. B. Welth et cihi- cage, veri lîre Sîntiay. . E. A. hîepew u-stildiing an addition on hic bara. Mn. Clisse1,le aittingert-.nshiinlpneve. ineratson bis bouse. A large nuunben troni ihie place attend-1 .1 tte S. S. Convention at Zbon Citlasi veet. Notice. Partie de@iinDg Duic bublîbe anti abruba saae anti fruit trees are tuvitedti ta lu- apect the assorniîent on haut aIt Fair- ioim Garderas, Dymouti Avenue, Liberty- ville. Phone 10218. H. C. Bunrîige & Son, Prep. p-24 ý 9 Nothing Domng. Tom Murray, the enterpriting Chicago cething men, pase t ireugh towu Sun- day aitennoeu; it net the genial Tom. ai leasi hie press agent vas bn the autoi part>', for M.e .autoe vize ialang, .Milwauktee Avenue a lady mn ths tan toesseiout hantifula et abuminuin checks eboving the back ot Murray's§ heati, anti on thes reverse site the statement thai the chteck vas rsijesmable at 50 cents on s ten dollar pitrelase. Tom la s prince et gooti tellovs anti a persistent ativenti- cen but We cannet cencieteatl>' expecitet tnaw mrate tram the Libertyvilie secioan even witb tseait ot hie preti>' lit île check@, as the home msrehante carry an up-to-date linsetofail cleting anti fur- nmahlng <oe, anti their prit-es are abvaya nilht. Frenchman on Trial. Lou Lu Place reas arraguei betore Juatge Besyhck hast Thuraday afterneun ton an sxamining trial on the charge et asasuhi aiti a deadi>' veapon as men- tionet Inlulasi Week'e INIErENDENT. Assistaut Statea' Attorney Rnyari vas bere trena Waukegante contictithe proscuion anti aill tWetatea witaeaaea wene on haut, but ths defeudant astet ton a continuane, exbibiing a telegrni tram bic lawyen in Chicago aiating that he vas unable te Ire presut. Jutige Besylek thereupon continneth e bear- hng until Tbîiretsy nigbt. La Place tas been helt imn jail ai Waokegan in tietauli et $1000 bond. Football Gaine Saturday. The Libentyville Bigh Sehool eleven wii play' lb. second teamît et Hightlandi Park, at the Fair Grounds ee auonSat- orda>' aftrncon, Oct.'22; game cnhieri at 2:30 oýchoek. A nominal -fou- efto re ente ruill bu changeti toe lîjde- tra>' the i ncidentai exmpennes. It le bopeti tlint - c.Iming,- attentiauce wilI b. present. as the beys du-servéener- cagement ira their efforts ira the wsy rofat iletice; a trainaing net as essemntiel as ihiatoi tuhemnc. irE. Church Services. 101:00 a. i. Cls Meetimng, leader, hier. J. 8l. Mîcclullin. 10:30 Prsacbing la>'the Pastor. Sîîb- jet. '(loti lwellingia Humnanit>'.' 12 ru., Bible Si-hool. Sutj., hIteviewc.' (;:4.-, pwerti League, Ieadrilies' lazeri Butler. Subj. '-Tue t'nirera Kingtom.'* 7:30 'Tlie Sinnere Evolution.' Finnegan to Speak. hi ..Finnegan, tlemocratie candidate for Cîtngrpsfronmt this ditic-tnill epeak in the Towna Hall bers ou next Saturdan>rigbt ai .8 Mr. Pk. in.Fpue tgam isl a yeung newtepapen man otf~n bng enonti. a gm-niaI gentleman anti i good speaker, se lie citouiti have a large aîîdie-tle. lIaeh lady visiting the Lynmc blasatre oz TuPEsta>' nîglît la presenteti vil a aili sîtoon. On Manda>'suanti ntiy ulghti abhalt dozsn epeons are pronetth l holden eft be lui-k>' rumber coupons beinl gi ven uach eisniiig. 2 Tic' ompiste officiaI repent -of ih Septu-aiber meeting o! the Lake Ceuniý Bearrîof 'Supervinons lo publishet in %lb Bulletin repoat b>' nningaeoftheb.bam bail gaines fer the werld'a champienshi wiîli Wsho @oasubt te INnut'ENCENT 0 fie eacit aflrneen. Liertqpille News St. Josephm Church Bazaa. The panibhners et St. Josepb s Churcit are mîaking extensive preparatiana tor the bazaar te ho beld St the teasrahal ln Libertyvilie for the lieudit ot their cburch. The b-aar reili be lt Monda>', Tules- day, Wodneatia. Titureay>, Frîda>' anti Saturday 0f next week. cemrmenciog do. the. 241h and eodlng on the 2iihî. One et tb. main teaturse etthe bazaar yl bc a grand dalles on Frida>' evening at asblcb an oyster supper wili be serveti. The kilehen asili bcira charge oetIdns. P. bloasere, assistts!b>' Mrs. H. Elfering, Sn Mr@. Tlmethy Gibbons andi the ladies et tb. parieh. The yommug ladies et tb. parlah asili actaes waitresees. Tbe dance ou this eveniug wiil bc 50 cents. ABOther teatune wyul a card party te ho given Wedneeday aftîrneen, (Ici. 261, 2:30Oby tiie ladiese et,thc parisb. Il. wili aise bW Lady Forrpester Day. The ladies lu charge are Mrm. I. Scott, Uns. S. Deinlei. lira. Il. Pritchard, lire. A. Faulxnor, lir. J. liant . ia.lement Hamel, ir. C. Rapte, Une. Lawsrence anti Miea Bush. The ladies in charge et the dear willI WcUns. Rd Lvnch anti Mmr. Tîmothy Gibbons. Admiselon 2.- cents. The caraty bootb wil Wbcira charge ot M ise Bush, Mies Etta Cane>', Miss Uary Muldee0n antiMie saelesosBradley. The do]] beotb wiliibc ln charge et Mas lIait> Engiebrecit,NlilasMiller, lias Ledoski, lias . Bradley, Mies Gertrudie loyers anti Une. Dentier. Ounliontiay, Tneseay Wstneaday, Thurcday anti Sattîrd' there wililbW dancing for iwhîjnhî ibere will bo a nominal charge ot 10 cePnt;. on Saturday svening thte grand ratfle wil tats placesat 10:31 P. mi. ' Another et the cpemiaiteaturu-c wili bo, an entertainmeut gbven b>' tbe. yoong ladies ofeltit iwn lienday, Tiesta>', Wedmesday anti Thurada>' svsnbng. YELLOWSTONE PARK VRAI y Max Kohner Continus His Hunclreils of the Interesting Narrative. edr Xno p'ron] the elake te the Flls id only a itteen miles drive, the rond either toliews the bank8 of the Yellowstone The kidneys are over taxed; ' rivel' or l8 pretty ciose te it. The river Have too much te do. ; le 8bout'25> teet wide and do (!eur that hyti bu ti araû« Yeu eau eee every pebble on the bottom as et I. Afer aeaig trong a ew mles Bac kaplies, sideache, headaýýhe. e1 rather oapen timber, a @to>p Io made' at Earl.v aymptomns of kidner Ille- the Ùnd Volcan9. A boîling ma@@eoft1rinary troubles, diabetee, alg greylab îmîd je tbrewn every leor dis uge e ll,>W@. minutes againat the aide o1 a cit teo a Th~e, tatemeut below shows f height ef about 40 te 50 feet and ceates ral ue ail the treeIn tbe vicinity wlth a H. A. Kucker, Fairview Court,Waq Urey @lime. A tew @tep@ away le the ga.I, maya: -i began tO sufer (ireenfGrotte, a boiiing apring which lna dueycomrlaint fitteen yeare &Vo. J1ý canopieil onder a perfect Gothic arch oft au a, adul ailaroa e O rock and wbee water li.aseciear anid limbe andl wa@aiase aubject te las.4 crystai. The treee d.apear, and a wide BOhYuidzi'aila. Tekdp expansé of ricb meadowe, Esyden deng were veii unnaturai etthund.~ Vally, extends ta witbia a mile of the 1 md a great many remees W 1 'ýppr all. Tiele he avrit fed-receoived little relief outil abeat tîU, ing xround et game, and you Can se Kidney 690fle.ine1taking tedI hWs horda of deer and e1k very treqnently. iuyPlm iie aigte,1bv ituddeuly the vailey narrows, hugseaForiglenchbotaerdeuig.*Pi, 0 mssges of rock arias on bath bauka of o aeb i elr.Pie -% 4. nour bitherto ao qulstly flewlng river, Il. ' ater-MMlburu Ca., Bufalo, New y01ki' flacomn» a rearing terrant; Immens ntememgentfr tb Unte-Uazm'e bowldera in lits bed add their share lu Rmetr h formlng aeething rapide. thera in a sharp take Do obher. 4 turn te the rigbt, and the pett MILLER. Sollfer. flood& buri themeselvea, a dsrliîng white C.bancery Notice. in-e, I110 feet ever the rocky Wall. State e1 Illinois, The road in a wide âweep Dow turne Cont>'0e Lake, 1Is a way froua the river and radtîally Circuit Court of t.ake County. Dessin- climba theoetep emninence. A ruarIllke ber Terni A. D. 1910. Henry Kuapt vs "Unknown ower of muffed thunder or ratler lîke the coD- et persens interestedin i lot 32 la sectioa tilnons dineharge et heavy artillar>', 16, ln Township 48, North Range, il mllsa away, le in the air. 7 The reverberfrEat ot the Thîrd Principal Meridi al. tienceem teshak thegrend. he attatactoryaffidavit that thei.dl".- dýee woods @hut eut the view, bot Jou dante, 'uuknown owneretofer poua..: realize that yen are uear te tbe Great, iuterestedlu lot 82 lunemotion 16; la' the Lower Fals. Ater reachiug tihe Townahip 43, North Range il1RFmEof the Tblrd Principal Meridian i la , summit aif te bill, the read Deans the Cuuty, Illinala," cannai Wbe fu" " brink oet he canyon and 7011 Rat tualupon' diligent lnquiry. B" fur iDtermittent glimpaea oi the upper part that purpoes their pla 69na. cf -, ot tbe colored canyon walla. A drive of Cafilt be Seetaiued, se tat pome two miles bringoyou taInipiration point caulnnaIb. aerved upou %shsda or_ elther of them, havlug beraled t To the north are the Caetie Ruine,, office et1 the Clark et nild Court, hundreda of corrofed rock@, crumbllug Notice la therefoeshuroby <ieu ta s*' walse and towers and pinnaclea. A said nnknowo delgudant. that tt breail landing isads way eut ou a @pur iiiod he DIIIet Cemplaliai I. id eujoM et rock tbat jutealot the Canyon. and on the Choaueery aIde uoreof, and V& taariuiiy yen grétop the atout railingu as a nommoens thereupes linaI outetwk yen look bte the abys that yawns Court agaînet tbe abaie nanfed d* anta returuable on lb. I&Mtdey of"' 1500 tet bsiaw, and then yon glanes termi'oftheb Circuit CourtetLaekocbotr straigbi abead and yen atand lu awe ta be Wheat the Court idona ln a and admiration. Ufreat wrltsrs fllkegSan lun il Laïcs Counlj', u tbe firel Talmage aud Kipîlig have trbed doecr*p-Mday ot December A. D. '1910, tat l by Law reqnirsd and which suit la &Mi tien, but their weaith et lmagery and pouding.1 word painting @seina like a chlldbsh Lxwmg 0. Bitocawi ., CI.* effort; a great painter bas put the îiew Waukegaa, lit., OCobr1,.D.». on eanvae andi given tu tth. world a iN.MIECoplnaîShla great artistie effort, but h. could net__________ 4 rivai nature. Let us hope that aitaulme E. WAYNE COL Y,. Soitor future day a'greal American Dante or Ciancery Noýtiz , Miilton wîlI arise wbo wlth the lire oft a îIllnois, divine inspiration will do justice te la Conuty ot Lake. f~ aubjeet that bas ever bafled hum.n Circuit Court of ak Cunir, Uscua., effort, ber Teripaà- D. 1910 The barýat outlila, a tew mere streku e A c e bl N aa. 4909.l of anu nnkiiied peu, il aIl 1 wil danteate atlibtcîry affidavit, thatt he Miea. attempt. Two Immnense torsat-tringsd &nt, Rerma.u Kuahi, oa du. wallset rock and earîb, about baff a canançt lW ot!n and t a uff mile apart, elantîng cdown towarda 94liuqnryied uplaet rsoe liiti other t1ili alutoat 2000 fret Wew a mare s ta--qea aso ure pen bina, bavint heale &W la iribbou et water separate thena. Hors office efthe Clark etfaa" Co"rt. 1 ud there vertical lcdgea and lsolaited Notice la theretors el1list . towerg ot rock forcesmany windluga "nid tha tii.bieealue and sharp turne in tb. baser roches..hsrotofero flied ber BW oft ocre nt11l1 and oou iheee Immense walis are tlpted sald Court, on tIae Chsneuryai. ail the colora that human eye ever saw, ad Iat a soimmons ibousupmoa ý tbe grandeet mural deceratieus ai the ont et naid Court egahasilitte " . um daiendant, raturneble on * ý Univers@, The <round toue le a creamy dyn l.terni et the Circuit Oou#tQ Yeilow ebudiug down te gold and Lae =ty. ta be bsaItb U orange, yen cee tbe libtegt tau and Huesala Wauksgan la @&Md. Ceunty. on the rsi Mouday of ug» darkect brewn, pearly grays merginif A. D. 1910, as in by law requiroi mdil gradually lmise la andi blaek@, eBrlet@ whlcb guie la gilîl pouding. . runDing dewn te wnsec, creama and 1 LEwis 0. BuoCEwAy. Clark. Pinka and purjiles are palnted ludelibly M , 'it, l. c. .D 90 ., WAYN4E CeLer, CampliaU&às800cto tb>' natures@ brueb on these sat @pue@S. c."4 cnet lu an lncongfloi omixture. as you lght eîîciy suppose, but in tbhe Most aie W. .sptNNee sud c. -T. itavom artistje andi barniona us blelding h&SO04,Aty'a fer EsSate imaginable. There areaeares that leok Adjudication NIjptice. like ltme ineet pelilbed onyx wlth mint 'Public Notice le iereby igb4enu "'t» e St delicate traLinge ira ail the colora of the el ibup Exeenr tie itw aIlT=~ rainhow, and two .miuse away the son- the Culy Court ofLake Cuaty.aau s e -, beam ar reteceO 110be holden ai the Court Hous l eekoma beae arneieettifromi a gigantic insajd(uuuty untlieant ni udyoi!Jae5 columu etru,4hing whtite whlcb bridgces next. lait. wieu and wrer ail peesosa elsima axainssl sidestis are nomfe wltIî a never ending chtais the yawninu . t prereul lie Me e,0said courntt deep. Imagine a streaes 250 feet wide ELIZA ANtI 8PtTNNER.Exeesuttx. anti moderatel>' deep, eolopreca that Waukegan. Ili..Octrer 17,1910f. $4 volume loto 50 lest and buri tii rush- ing mage over rocks bighen than the PERRY L. PERSON. Attorney. Magonîr. Temple, 310 feet lu tact, andti Adjudication Notice. yen bve th Lowr Fale. an tie Publieotice.là lerby friven u à"ie o s Yu bvetheLowr all. ad dep crierAdinitilstratur uoflime salais 61 dewn beiow you cee a ribbou etfirredeicm.lofiuman. dessased. wli dM ii Oouty Court of Lake Counly. at a $eam peluccin green of the elor that thlt ulmeimolden as the Court Bouula W ware reBt sho as tey rsh a aabséd Couuty ou tihe fixaI Monda7 qf'Q Hare Peste how a the. rusba 110, .wîeu sud white ail frem lte mcan liuer'@ aides, the leens.=.iairinslit sald @salse are teamn>'white le tbere tee, andtisale the ud55115 liali dep ih renin the shady spaces. IARCUS L. IIOPFMÂN. AdiWalnellr' deeprimit geenWukermu. Ouiiober l110. & t-i4 How thât ibitumed-in river mut rush_________ :t andi roar anti foani and swliand lry LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES TO THE, te break ils narrow prison Wall? andi NORTHWEST ' we abo euro net a cound, hoe netblng a but a lowly ,mnevinÉ baud brsath eof îg, iwuke& St a le water. -Sec von oaoving dot below, hicag, lwae& si. lut looke like a8walîew. Thenexi oment, Take ativantage et the law round.ta ai tew laieastreng airollea of 5a t1w~k.e aesl It .l p iiniorae and the dut bas beemeaam o anti tblrn ts la eect on tbé ll rWho ira ever wldeuiug circl. .o M he umi isioe110 la l taetward thoeanu. That slafedrocky Me t aoti ,opportuohita uaï-(, âe twsr witeeetop le 500 test belcw jon, li _buoious. alng the. usas i g ~ ~ ~ - _upotaa ...c siye eabor 1 u-e& ugt -ondDa* ýj 1

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