Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 4

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1:-OUMTYINDEPU1 FCtOIAPPtU 0FPLAk£ COUNTY 4* CtelOI 1<. i &iIil'C idlac.Telepitonia lu14. lberîprlile Emehai Memda u.itemacmoe et 4Lberlyflle. niI.. as Seond Cams Nater IUlW WXT. UVUBI11O KIisMA£)£ Knowix 0«APPLICATION. 'USS CRIPTION PRICE 01.50 PER VEAR STti1CTLY IN ADVAN, $FRANK K. JUST. ........................................... ................. Edi 00ft.DAHNA.................................................................. Clîvt Edi KRUYAY, OO"JR ý1, lelo. IMPORTANT WORK FOR SUPREME COURT. èCE1 lier liter Thte SuPreme Court Ofth*it-Unied StatsPut On lilsfunereal gewns and segl It Is mirk this week. As business man are itanglng en te ragged *dot walthg fer te big corporatien doclsiona, anme of our people will fiel 03 If lhty- cOuld- #lave buirkWs-on.lba brnesthe day. fet Labor Day. But no0 deubt tht tflln ,ahoW evéidenceef te lack ef a legal mmid. No bigîer proposiion hia been put up te te Supremne Court snce he day of Dred Unt, Ibaon lbe greal trutsicaus If tb. mlliners or dresamakara gît together and dîcide that t4~ir living weiale aitoud Inchude ça tam more trips ta Europe, pricea eaelly go up 25 Per cint. There wouid te ferainlo iloquence a i te 5 'cîock tes, but I wouîd net ocor le anymeite Invoki ltee wsagaînst cenibination on witire titey 45M, tehave i efiO1od. Singlisrty àfsw t roimages;gît logiltr et titi Waldort-Aatoria, and te p.>' tesr t e prééd and otitsresenel*î of titi simple life, decîde on à more levatli scale for seel and 011. Instend et going heme and wrillng newtellg for has and gowna, a long ngmarlie of md tape le unwound, dummy boards if directore go titrougi t teir itay foot slraw foot. Actually Itllea&bout titi 4tim ting. Witere la tite King Solomon tat shah ftell mici lete motitîr eoflthe liv. iitil, whcitles ithin andwhicit without te aw? If dissolution et corporations le erdirid, a forciet printîre and tranir clîrks mill have thi new e rtîficuýte eut in a viola. but te saie me" mitI ominthttiebhree in titi split compenies. Il may bi mîll questioed wiethetirhere le any may te centrl i te trueta, except titi metitod applied le the raliroadi under te lnterstate commerce Iam, taI of an inquiry te dîtirmîne mitther price..cre juil. 5 DANGER 0F TH4E TROLLEY. Ul. .. e 4 ta dgle tu the L<sglaatunnera imonîli, Late COity wiBlli bewltliuut repremstios t Springfield, end amy lota tbln&ing voter knowe ltâI the lnt.leeleofthla coontl pot ouly require but demand proper reproientallon le the law.nîaking rbody 81 SptngO:d. There are enougit votera linUliertyville Townshtip ta nid rver>' màtelil1in helping tMr. Eger to win, and tuer pide h.ould li noentivit gufficlent t> e attat Ii thele c at for bhzm. It should lie underotood ltai racit voter Il e flttleil 10cast 1hz-e votea fur repremtative, and lu order 10 dput Mr,. Ffger la Ibis offie, ltuaglving our county a voirei the makiig oftour lawa, It la anl>' neceaar>' for 4000 voler@m tu eusIthelr tbree vote@ranit fotrIMr. tEger. This la Lakeûountys oni>' OPPOrlilit>' 8to elmyet one of lier Iamding cillanto lu a poaitionl whartepararnounlintereete of thie section cia bu properly z-opte- eed inte law.mabing body, and the r elfare of lte touet>'requirreu bat ldr. 1Eger bho aiven the aolid support ofour volera. Ajoure hlmu of yoez- personal endorseflent and orge Voùr frIeude 10 1pro mi"ae their supporit t the end -khlat a ie milI bu el.eid la Noremuber. A Xusiàcal Treat. qie a number of Liliertyville peopl attended lb. reiibl ite Motiodbe Clilreli nt Lake Bnff on IMcndsv n ght- I TPle progMlltm wS 00e 0funuusl intores -tI, central figure babying Itrau Burrde, i ,iolinuît, assletpd b>' Mim aBernmos Slow- arpianit. Allen Wearvt, tenur, andi Ile a Erano, whitior. Il mas in a5k rerpeeter a MOat enjoyable enlertlinftfl - rani andI every nueiher indicatinit a tseil &. sop rior onde, ortie, of talent uPon te dom la y- part of te [*noraatists. Mai ceeus lYr. Burnidg Bsjlte osecnd son tif BH.C. t. Plk,e.t-yilaes.,, man. It L >4 Fol.? Hôpe' aîî 'Parha. ieen' 8'Ii#oII Mytifarta. 1 Wl! »Il ait FOIR14 àp*yendTarbas eeca gbe auétioq. two mulets outb et Gray- boushld t fvorte for coube. o, odes'adced <. a Mifla. artliof Ivaabos alhlimts01 the ibroal, ciraI and longs@ on'eWday' Octomsr 25, Mûi, ne- Coolauge naoplale«s.* OOS. n$44 ltue. the followlng 2 oemi le . eavyaprlnger, 2-yer aid baller srtngtlng, gray bouse, 10> pra TUÂT NEIT NEW OOWN my aid, 4%; fr ty here. 12 peara old, the.aleant Mnt rholce. 0mou ecoi-mIl 0, Inipolier magnsnd double box, log one yoiu have ever owned-iW youa exra aet woodehtrurk.miheelo 3Y* hurt devole a i11e tioje Lto z-edlng the tire, art wagon sprlagu 2M 0-capicrti good milk wagon, top buoggi bob éeegk store ada. bere yau decîde ppon the sonder, Deere vitlng plase. net mater&W t be ued. -section -beroamesulky rulîlvator, matelalste b usat. .bay rais, boy rock. Ile rock, sel grva planks, alameboat, frod cutter,,8 barrIl stel ater tank, double miork bornsa. Âdvertiised letters. anàgle tain, u bo<t leather By net*, 40) -Fitlei*inu la a Iibeolo t te itrain nem i once pos, cable chalir, apode,] uqeallfor ulla h ime rii, pti$Ilatpplng eau., scythe, etaIz aislf. offies ou Oct. 17, 1910: ribuggyi po or, tin basket. 7 tons timotby Ed W. Denderuon Miss Dala> f' oserwin stock, 8 acres good cr*r Bill Terry lunahock, 200 bushtel irood hatley cle Partie» calling for ittutre aiIl lea&lfoni sul ernd. eay "adrertl*4t.d îdgive date. PÂNXEeTItermero. C. W. TAYLoR, Po@,tmaater. Anpmicw WÂ&u'oe. Auctloneer. weu 4 à* =o ofe le lm M am" ili butviled ix 4~ in O A ~ ~ s 0 I-sa e< Q z = Lc> a U~ Tii ri&y itorror on C trolley ut $tonton, 111, mitt 37 pople enuffed btBo e uie - ~"*~"---.c w-s8s'--- e-.t---- 1. lifre a candi. and 25 etitirs payînq hospItal and opîralion bille, sugges ttieanti aithougit a Young manbsceeai sismy Ide of trolleylssg. Tberi le soieting peullierly jocund and fetive attainoti moci prominénoe as a vlclinint -F.x about a loaded o"en air trolley of happy people, bowling aîong minus mny>Cranvhsrnîii Ilt rea dlecomsfoiluet train travil. AatlaIy titi akuli and croiehenis are oftàn ofieriVy lu Monde.v niglt's programbaLU quit* as neer an on blgIfer seieded trains. stanpeil hlm asuam anlego<f mceptloniim elant tra mh e. A ig itr standa rd o f w ag en prevail e on t iti as n roade , an ti I e p o a l0uI t r B r l g iî ~ - m - lheu tmues of posiins aie proluably longer. Itlas mitan air et ratitîr eraelo ccitlbr i iener~O > siliuan reaponsibil ita ttieavrage esgneman puila i lever, but ail et us future, lu mhicit event ont peoplee mli) - Wo smm *.. d.".ba un 22 aigai moan .any trolley moomIen wmite rcelved and transmittid ordere b intihaeamr enentoprunt U-CIa se ,ecund asprit of thte clamntte. bercing hiut. ' H ' C togedi mntby blgbir range" ef pair. Bulttiebusinesseaua s wbeconfronta , . ~ uem ht-fceratt rle opni budclelmr emnn oce tII - lte tact Iht tl itevr building of trollys lin yeure age dîvilepeti a itoet ofetheei atiguf htyu finuancillIy maak traction comilenieg. Trolley joy riding mac an popllar i ea TSACE, a mUnI a& WMlii Sd i __________________________________ lte .arly day4, litwloms qraamed Ibat unirold rond fremn' eimihurttte aonme ptivaIi PUiUth flt di t e 1?_ 4 Galdared Cernerq mould pay. laccSui. <, ~ .. . . . One 01 the chut experesaof trolley operatien lete meeting oethlie lspetes laffmrwhoseare fin baud wth Ibeit ofira et ltagal assistanc on a o porecodiuse basi, biefr. titi lat satretcewrs havi Ukien away tb. gronningo vithel.. WbVgn a mnwmtit a dlelocated ankle gela aivea i toieands ouI t fo, -O E 7i à oe* .ltbIc jury, teora la a jderad aaduof t rlumpli over bloated ase o grfgàu&Met ifcapital. ActuMly t lente plin people taIpay thith iromagiL 1 Bo lies tlgbarates and onlinuasca of unsafé conditions. E R T YTL~I II IL L E-i BUoie or lalar svety o.aeIP ton load gale a Isdey in ceurt, and ate.a o quiffote atise boilasu et ne borrowng capaclty... -TIere moeld hi mort WV V soc W fqmt for tse dreétotrs mere týe money put in advanci ittebitter wagon andio .L I i Z1 sufttyapifancesU.13 R 4W e REPUBLICAN PARTY l BEST. 0)'nb ~eOdD pto Titîre a a period0ef about fittin yiare privieus le 1892, whitIlcould 1> o etastb gaelhid t.t titi courseofthtie Dimocratic party on finance and bist-- Inuag wae fuîrly coneistent. Under Grover Cleveland, te parly t toast APRCAE RSNT tooti for an tonnet dollar, and for an application te srre Cegree et buns a PRGAI RE NT About tat lime titi devil lempted te Demecs-acy, mitite Ide&a lit you aur stock of daints aztirled. ID unrD A > W SID A U coulti maki people twicsasa ricit by cutting titeir dolars in lvi. fer eighî goek of rings there are cure tti iernc.1 tOtiNi U C EA#OAà yare o împty pelticat lardîra, te oppsiti oxîremi mas trid. They nom- that millI> S E S ot.G U L AN C A , ' nastiti an ultra censervative andi seunti moey judge, and afler butng titi JUST SUIT YOU -t THIE hE.ST. - ixtrtme ttteft" etftthi Republican party. as woulti bce id ini Europian politîce, thiy trid le min support on tite 'îgitI." Loing again, te> went backitol Plain or Stone Ringp, lilgî grade. ut ow o,>o, lb. "Lit" ortradical ing. Lroal: every on la gitaranteed ti <si te ÏC - 0------------- ThteIndications tiis fall, miti thtitiappeal te Wall alreel anti the nommna- uIIprkýe AnexamnatiOtt afglrft iŽko , tien ln NewaVor-k et a man ef meait, mitite prominence as a preidential milI lie a delght ta on U Ed ANoWE T FE D et dt o r oro fOhio, wmite la oometi b> corprate inlereets, is P Rt* ON WE T FE D titt titîy aregoing le appeal te whalever Repullican disaffeclion may bcIIVE F ME E C M , 'Aprnl orhfo neghtenys la eing mitieci. 0H -POULTe<Y SUPPLIES o, truet c parly mitose course i ereTHaE -JE'WELER ormes No Nepart> itoide goeriment in sny ceuntry unies* il stands for cseoin .Lbehvli.l 1 a-s-en- p...y..r.e o . ,ncc any use.*ora..~-ysf k- sou .f s.if, Lbr-r .-l. - - - - - - - - - **ant*. Witîn a parby shiftst ita course.ove, anti ever again, te pubia. eume Ïbiti baaed on ne particuîcr convictions, but is merîly an aggrega- lienof thlie diaçnenteti, and titat il mwill adopt any kind ef a paffr i tat can catch heedieme votea. The onîy way a party can win office ie te convince thei votera that il ln gins te do certain thinga that te people wanl done. The Demcratie par- tya pat hitory han bien ao veerlng, that ne mail living can 1telltehat it W@lld de If it gt mb peower. Them FamousJ -î Dogs Not St rai n the Eyes Don': use a smal, concentrated ligbt over one shoulder. Jt pus an unequal airain on your eyes. Use adiffused, soft, mellow lighthat canne: flcker, cha equal- izes the work cfthe eyes, suthas the emo Lam pglves, and avold eye straln. The Rayo is déssgned t. glve the best light, and it does. It has a umrng, durable shade-holder ttiat la held film and truc. A new burner gves added ssrength. Made of solid braus and flnluhcd In nickel. Easy to keep polished. The~ Raye Is 1ev prlced, but no other lamp gives a better 1gb: a: any prîce. Orno a Ra"e Use, Mways Ou*. FALL 'AND WiNTER MIWNERY LADIES, SWEATERS'IN ALL A fulli ine of -Parisiana Corsets" Cati to su ow Po&d M. A. PROTIE -Uegr1TvNLIIL W. IH. APPLEY Auctionoer FARfl SALAS 0<48PU CE?« Libertyville, II1. OHOIIE lui. STEWART STO VES AREGOOI) A complete stock of Base Burners, IMot Blasts, Oak tle&tefs. Stoyes end Ranges. COMBINATION OAS AND COAL, RANGES LET US SHOW YOU IF IT'S FROM *SlAU SCHANCKS IT's wVht wetw.antee; by tiiÀ prope, use ooumr Sharpkes Separator in ' your dairy, is as follows: Ma. If compoarenti wib énu0010, rmalm ofevirator. te gain l luaid 01 b~Merin laver. of ait Sitrpes Separator win e tbe a 101 uaincent te par 10 ber cenithilare.;oDulihe abOle tir*% tout 1 of lte eperaor ec ati C, anti lte gain over .051 ether ceparator, ahil nemuet moto - Id. If yon, a&tlthe ple»Mntlire, use one of lite be#t gravty creamere. under te mont favoT ablecoudllion. pour galjt in plel ofabuller bp iteémis-f lite Barplais miblar SeParalor wlIl We in scese elea pounda for evevy bitlndfed poundgpreylonaly madte. If Tou are uMave e e lta graivilw creme.e ntier favorable conditionse. taI la. teckt 09 vert01 colti valCrIe, pour Ogain ivb auanexcuesaof laCoît peutida. Il toit useoan Infeilor traîanter orPans, pour gain aIg u roueomtwency-llvelo fils, pounda, depeudlng on boa Inwiror Ibat are. bd. On lihe Point 01 Oailîrof ,weam ou bue, islehmore dik4ulIno maire a tiellole gVI&t. u itardlr1ant:iWo dairyne@ setee M onn al of rare abot Iheir naine.or m*ke te Mm* onallt 01 botier., oater tlt binga rIeeqoal. w# Samenute se a nte brs aiaryman aIl Oud au ImPrOvemneut lu lte qWalY of bis bolter equlvalemi 1treracemis t Oveents anmr Pound by te use of on, sepaator, white lte avevagelmi carefol daiymnn ili »eure a bolter wort frons 50 Pet cent go10D0Der cent1 more lathawitoO te C40 of lte ebular Separalor. Théo ,tkm-milk. bine varu Colt <est, allte MuCt more vainable for stock foodi. Il alil ne worlil <om tlwenly-llve tente te folip*ltve cent* par tmndred poonda for stock feedîng., dettending largely on te aue ftte stock t,, wltrb itle l et.Sourcela mllk la vorgt about one-llftb of Ibla 41t. Tite canne fla boUdltio!0ite ruIt.tia aiig lte eparatloic malte rîgiti beade te 0w stable, andth ie eblin-tole iet t c r th e te orkwite ItID awatts. te avlnq t u fltpo*,Pale etc., andth ie wasblpg and c ari for salie, addt a bondreti andi one otber littie îadtcga. eed mot bc estlnWaelt, aith jogittitey amoual go a eai dea]in10tlie augmerate. Rhb. Titere aIl libc a vlg oftIce. fi cny lm ocei.andthie lime asud ex prose of iandllng te let. It m t. oert OOIY 1go otno miiSe mxuteed Inarease lu lte plo f boIter andth ieuaât- aneffl oproveneut tulu itallitlu me pi4 ou tu ae tnw lsaolir nereeaarv lea aproperd»Par- lor w0 a dairymaît. scolt . ilter mîo0lenutaccreauca e bc » a. .eeusdlî nihout une as ait one Sold by liaB. EGER, Libertyville -l 'I *Good Coffee Won't hurt You. Il Cofffe dures voithall thi l t euile-ftrîd otu a lt it i.. ma labeit l i fltprolteri, imale * Mùetw it firiff îlit (uffft tu tcatwih. W . M yeit triaàtou, 'eap-atd 1o eheimît Ccff*-Ite t latl dnr i li &Day peretîn ver dvak.o But don't llauw A A.L C.ffm. * We have severmi of Chose là$knhorn't. lîylt «rade hedio * Priv-e Irmni20 tb 40 cenl per Ib. * Glad te, hava you teat il. o g Corlett & FredelcksL ETYVLNo IL.0 ME'rEDITII'S GD&'rE-EN flOUSE Lt me have gour order for cboi ce Iresh cut Carnaions delivered at 35 cents lier douan THIS W!!K. We have a full Une olf Ieras, Rubber, Chinese Primrose, Corn Plants. Begonians and everything nice to beautifg thathome tis i..nter. DECORAT IONS For Weddinqs or rimnerais pro mptig furnished a Telephone nie gour wants. TELUPIONE 221 or 1272 SWEATER COATS- Il We are ahowing a fine aaeertment ef Men's, Womens and Childrer's Sweater Coats and would be pleased to have you ale thora. Men'li Helv Coati lit large sizes, tan and$I2 Brown,bi value for...........$12 MisseS ail wool Coats in Oxford, Cardial and White, very styliali garment at- .... $2.50 36 inch Danlsh Cloth, a very popular dremi 5 fb iyard.. ............ ...2 5 Handeome new Persian 1311k,75 per yard .................... 5 JesyGROCERIES Sa c ersy weet Potatol ,lb.****""*........ ... ........4 Florida Brighit 0railnut, ecl 8c, or 4 for ............O.........3 c Large Spanicli Orions. pop lb ...............................:.4e Monarch Poînpkine, lthe finest ever, large eon. ..................12c Menareth Olive salad, the new ReIIeh, per baille ..................Ioc ,W. W. Carroll & Son Try oui WAT¶T AD COLUMM it le effective. .1 «Mm

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