Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 5

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)AT, OOTOBER 21, - 1910 I NOTI CE * WE HAVE NOT ADVANCED THE PRICE O F OUR COFFEE Nor have we lowered the * quality. If you Coffee man iniforme you.that he muet now charge you a higher price DONT 0 PAY Il. But corne and try one of our grades 0* you will find that you wilI get a much better * Coffee and SAVE MONEY. 0 OUR 25 CENT COFFEE IS EQUAL TO *MOST ANY 35 CENT GRADE SOLD BY 0 OUR COMPETITORS., TRY IT. * fOR SALE BY J. ELI TRIGGS * Phone 25 Phone 3 IWe have taken seve. ral orders'for suits and overcoats TH4E LAST TWO WEEKS. WAS ONE 0F THEM FOR YOU' IF NOT, COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR LARGE LUNE 0F SAMPLES. THOSE ORAVENETTES ARE GOING FAST AT $9 To 018. A G000 ASSORTMENT 0F UNDERWEAR FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM, 60 CENTS TO $200. DO YOU NEEO A GOOO SHEEP-LINEB COAT THIS WIN- TER WE HAVE THEM FROM $7 UP. CHEAPER ONES FROM $200 TO $500. MIGHCUT bHOES UN BOYS' ANO MENS FROM $3 TO $7. JUST RECEIVEO A SUIPMENT 0F BRADLEY MUFFLERS AND SWEATERS. L ~J. B. MORSE & CO. I Everythlng for Plen LIBERTYVILLE J CO NO BAUKACHES THIS5 FALLi 0> For those who bave electric current in their 0>homes. Uet me help you with your : FALI IIOUSE CLEANINGO s. I have a mighty fine HOOVER BLECTRIC SUC- e: TION SWEEPER., whicb I arn going to rent for the 0>next month or so-an electrie sweeper that will* tboroughly beat, sweep and suck 'up ail the dust 0 *from your rugs witbout moving tbem from the 0> <~floor. It will flot only clean your rtfgs but bas ail 0> i> the attachments for every kind of cleaning0 '~ It takos but a moment to put it Wto operation 0> and after that any child can operate it. Pullintr- 0> ~.struotions will be given on delivery. You pres the C'- b&tton and the sweeper does the rest. 0> You can clean ail rugs, mattresses, draperies, 0 <~mouldings and furniture in OINE PAY. And when 0 f: tbe day is over you wili KNOW that you bave a * CLEAN HOME. 0 Make yourreservaticnsNOW. Pbone283î any 0 <~time after six o'clock in the evening or before eight 0 C-: in the morning. 0 0> RENTAL $2.00 PER DAY. 0 EDWARD DREIE~R Tue Actaican Stars of Eqîity gave aI Facture films eatd iiiestrated soeRs et very y ajovala card party and daee a t te LYnia-. 3t! tL.' M.vstla- Wonkers hall on Wednesdey (G. H .Nelson, who ruiaîts emî,îen et eeieg ced like ail avents condaicted iay resotat et rass Lake vase rnesteti b thiit orden. the occasiuin vas an ucîjucli- Mardhai Linaberny on Fridcy, annaigneti lla., success. before Justice Besvick on a charge of Town Clenk Myer@, of Napervillie. vio disaordp.rly i'oedu-t, plecti guilty anti le o)n the execulion comeittee of th@ vas flned elf) ced caste, aggnegetieg State Ast.oiation of Highway Coin. $12. Nelson had int the new nissianene aed Tovnship Clanks. vas depot vbile Agent Mferedith ves on lare Mondcy fon tht' purpose of Interest. dut,îlancd vas uieg the telephone' lu ng lier local aiicicle in thaevanor o the communication with Jitdge Smith n aý«ocition wbich helti ce cdnual ieet- NîcHenry coutny. Hie leeguage vais a! licE eatly ai Bloomingtoe. The no vulgar a nature as ta evokeac rebuke jaimàny rîbjeet of the association Us ta front Mi. Mredth and as Neison efused digssemîttters pertaielez ta roui mai- ta etodify bs langeage, ho aoas ejedt ing anti other ieîpavemeels o! public fron tlie building. Later ha returned, beneit, sugeRt amandmeets- Cut prOeee cursad 1fr. Mferedith and viten the latter lai on these subjecte, ced bave their Iied ta put blet ont agele. ha treck ideas brouglît baumre the lagielature by a Meredith ie the face. A etixup !olavwed cummittee f rl:ithie association. WhilOlen vhich Nalsan vas somawbat pem- bars %n.. Meyer@ consultad witb E. L. meiied. Ha vcndered up love. attract- Davis, oneaoftlbehighiwcy cometîssioners iog the attention a! tbe c 'obonicildrsn and Town Clrk Hubbard. and as a by bUe cnseemly condect, and vas then recuit of hi@ viil itlei probable thal aur arresteti hy the marebel. townsbip viilho rspresented at the next animal meetng o! the association wblch Try en Independent Want Ad. tatel w!li convene le Decalun next October. or excitange 'mast any aId thing. ILIBERTYVILLE BRI-EFSI LOCA LAND FPE.RSONAL MENTION To insu,. publication in the Indepen- 'I tan s pofli at tbe -Lyrie eaeb dont, copy muet ho in the office no 1ator-Tuenday. 3tf titan Tuosdav of ach week. Adver- tisers, espociàffy. are sked to take particular notice to this effect. Nlu COac" Croker vas vîiting in Chi- eago on Wedndsdey. 31r. and Uri. J. T. Robertson opeet Bunday sin Waukegan. Attorney Paul Macluli tracsacted busines in Chicago on Tue..dwy. *~~~~~~ lie.H . rda euedieg tbii, * eevi berdaugbtern leant. lire. C. A. lfcDoealsd udrM. Johut Barbon @peut Teesday te Waukegan. Miles Ruth Taylor j, naw cocvaleacing af ter a serons iiînas ofo!evenai weeks. Wnt. B. (jether, acheil o! Kenasha coaty, vas bers on butiness. Monday. Mmir. 8. . Ford le! t on Tieday for a viuît With relative aILudiegton, Mich. àirs;. A. P. Howse, o! Blair, Nebr., lis a m" gueet (if ber oster, Mrs. E. E. Ellswortb. ' Ir, and ins . A. A. Gnendy retureed Sueday tram ia visil ti) fieuidi in Wis. conteje.1 If youe oasie hae ecy sliae eput ile socle -al frontLaar.ii a. VVLiai ElllEi MisZiminer, of IMaanae. Ïia-b.,ist. ing ber brother. Jolie /.iueter, <ueLie- cala Avenue. MUne Jâtieg Crawford. of Roseau. vas a gecet a! ber cosin, Mti. lGeorge Vow-1 Ian. lest week. I The regeler emeeting cf te W. C. T. U.i viii beý held et te home af tMrs. Edith1 Herrick (Jet. %25. Ilembens im fthe arden ,of Ectteru Star vili give a halloween teaaty Thursday1 evenicg. Oct. 27. MIre. L» H. Wniteey vas eailed tu, Waukegee the tir et of the veek hy tbe aeth ai a relative. Mn. anti rs. Gxeorge Ecton ced grand- eau rete rced Sctnnîiey troa visit iu New' Yorak state. Louis Dietz, fornterly of Libertyville, vas etcrried le Chicago Wednesday ta Miss Kathenine Caseoidy.' Tiia bapter ai the West-eiiter Guild yleteet nezi Tuesdav eveelng, Oct. 25, with %Miss@licai ftedolph. Richard J. Finneagan, detocralic eeu- didate fan Congre»s, vas bers Saturday, gettieg accaîainted with the people. The ladies of lSt. Joseph@ Church yl giva a vard pcrty Wedceeday elternetin (Jet. 24;. et 2:30. Everybody ievited. lieu Simon bas retunned train a two weks ivacation speet lenAMontana aed lias reuiited hi@ dutieà et the new. depot. liant forget the card party et the tawn hall neet Wednesday attercoon et 2:30. <iveu, by the ladies of St. Josephs Chia naî. MUsaig rn ite haut retunned on Sunday tui lie.r haote et Racine, Wis., afler c visit lier,' iitit lier- cuel. Mrs. John Hoitgheti. Fayette' Iiaiterliald %vas olaeratetilîii le tie weukeizan hospithilesat week. He te gattieg ading i'ery nicely et last eccoutits. Mn. anal trs.i JCiartis have e a aby girl eit tteir borne fau Lake etreptt. he fitIle 01 un ils ctappuanae l1i0t Thuunsday. W'.,F. iritit. ai Haiiiatd. hîtti., con. tracta n iicharge oailthe sec-en itaîpnove- filient, waîe liene lest wcck look-ing otan the cark. .1. E Mecreditth n huaing uaddition blu ahis greeni bouse iau Fir8t etreet wliah viii trnîg the ,.uilding out la tbe sialewali lina. .lns. 1'. Ifoivard iud lthe v.ieeicg taomîber et lta' Lyriu Theatre, Friaa ciglit cnd vas pres4enteal villi six baud. Moaute silven st.aans. Mir. and lire. A. W. MeKeuzie and soan, itn1,of Itidgewev, Wis-., epeet caverai dacvl of lest week here iiththit aindugh.- ter, M rs. R. B. Cale. J. R. llulliolland bas beegi eppiitet foremnan le charge o! the eeweri iprave- iceit worvan lelaceeo! John Hoffman, who resilgetlest week. L H. Whitney bas ppnchased qaverai cnes af land ounltaheiyetold farm ced ciii bave c modern l'Ouse coeetructed thereon lu the cean future. IV. are makilDg a apeciel jînice on post anld Tile for 30 dys. (jet lelines. Lt. BERTYVELLE LUMBER Coî. c-4-2 J. 1). Fenton, of Freepaîrc, supreme vice presîdeet Of tbe American stars of Equity, vlaied wltb merin4rm of tbe local rder bere Tnssdav eveuing.' Another redection le the farce et the local plant of the Anteican Wire Fecce Co)mpanY on Saturday leeves anly about if tee Mecat vork le the factory. Chas. H. B. BOY@@, Oscar Wood and D)r. L. E. Golng le! t an Tueeday for a 'riP tbrougb the west, thein objective Poine being Montana antd tyoiig. ' W. E. Miller 1.11, on Tuesday for Uva, WYOMlng. ta look over sanie land le tbat vielty wilb a view tii epreeting the land company fnexploitieg tha tract. B.d Coznb Ponltry Food bas increased the flow of efgs and the Uesb of every flock Oa ecbickens vhereln it le fed. Try It Sald by Losicrvvii,î.E La csBEitCO.1 C4-2 Be ser@ and attend the card party given by the ladies afSt.Josep)h*@Chureb at the love hall next Welnesday cUler. eoac, Oct. 26, at 2:30. Evenybody in- vited. A featueashow vitî ilu.îrated sangs and a becutiful souveiali for the ladies, ctli for an ordinarv pria-e of admission. maires the Lyni.' a plae,'of attractive intere#t. aft Chas. H. Srniti left Tuesdcy eight for Los Vegas, New bfexico. on a prospect. iug trip. Ha wee accoiniaaiet by thrss people front Cook and ber froin NMcHenry Couety. flegular senviees viii 1,e. beld at St. Lawrence Mission ceat Suehîay ai 2:*30 p. et., coeducted by 1ev. IL. G. Richard», o! Lake Forsot. Aillare corilially invited ta attend. B. 0. Baweer, vho vag holding dove -te offIce at tbe nev depot duieg Ben Simn'& absence, vient tii iondout on Manday ta reileve F. E. Buirroughs vho le on c Vacation. Paul Wiekier retured on Monday1 front hie tnp to Bertie, lGermany, and was accaetpeeied by bis mother, lirs. Arustina Cynde, vbo wliI make ber future honte bers vjth lMr. anti Mrn. Winkler. Tue9dey vas registratione day for voter. leLibert.vvilleTawvnship. At the1 Town Hall 352 camnes wers registered and! 420 were enolled et (lotIs stores; a total afI47-1 which is abtout the normtal vote. Andraw Effiegen, sui.ineamdettt of the Hawtbone Furet, an Tueeday sbipped sevea hbead of Brawne fis cattle to Chiago. vhere they viii ha exhihited et the National Dairy Show wbicb opened1 tun thé, Coliseumtyesterday. Eacci lady vlisiieg tee Lynic theatre ou Tuesday nîglît is Presenled witb a iliver spaau. Otenlaaday aed Frlday eights a hall dozoe spoons are pre8enled ta the bolder of the iucky number, vaepgns leing giveceechievening. ;ltf .ack Treptow lias etereed Iront St.1 Aitbony, Wyo.. ta wuich place ha. wentj on e prosîaeclieg trip severâl veeke ega.1 Whie thera' lie biled a location elai on 16,0 acres of giavertuent land acd yl reternu l aiiat s"tion eext sprng. Qjuite ac.Iiamg., iii the veather wa@ i uehered ini wit]î tha' legleufcg of thie week, the irt et u ' v@ybeing clooelyi akita ta siîniier. At tii rate tbe lllieg af coal hi and oa aveniaeuiiag of winear iii thiing illlie j aaatiaaed fan cyhile. .tibert Kiýrtia received bis new 4 cylin- der Popp.Toleaii automotbile on Sater- day aed lia.s ureedy demonstrated the all-arouid aaa4aaln,'e, of the aecine. Hie aId ailla is fhan sale. aed his friands sey thtat laceaili lake matît cny aid pnice for it. JuddlAne reseiited thatie iNaT with a tranit. h iiatite aspberry bush au viilithere air'ecant tveety bernies the majaaitv of wliicl are red ripe. It je very unueialto lisec these bennies this laIe je the seeiac(>, so the sample le@nanali ofa curiosity. k lire. E. IL. Parker lias ratunned ta bier home ie Cheyeue. Wells, Coi., efler c pleaunt visit with lier shiter, lirte. Gea. l'ovler. LaLe Couuty l irem. Parkea's childhood hbatetîe iiformanly being Anna E. Coibie, caîd for thet resac ber viit vas espetially eiijîyalla. MWOOAS1N REAL ESTATE We negetiate loans on im- pnoved Fanm and Village Pro- psrty for privata Investors, funnishing supenior seCurity ta lendens and reasonable terms te, borrowers. W. invite te inquiry of pro- spective borrowers or those seeking safe and desirable investments. ) You will find aur services prmtadsatisfactory. [h. Firs! Nation! DBank of Liliertyville Next Door to the Poat Off ice Open Satnnday Xveelegs H. B. EGER. PRESIDENT 0F THE VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE. 13 MAKING A STRONG RACE AS AN INDEPENDEr4T CANDIDATE FOR THE LEGISLATYRE. HE WILL NEED ABOUT t2,000 VOTES TO WIN. IF 4000 MEN WILL EACH CAST FOR HlM THE THREE VOTES TO WHICH EVERY VOTER US EN. TITLED UN VOTING FOR TII OFFICE. HE WILL BE ELECTED. IF EVERY MALE READER 0F THE INDEPENOENT WILL CAST THREE VOTES FOR H. B. EGER HE WILL. BE ELECTED. BE SURE AND VOTE. An evening of solid pleasure l" assured thoee attendieg the Lyrie. . ltf We bave on track the Cleanest Hard Goal ever unioaded le any bin. Bcýtter fliiup low. Li[ECnTVtiLii: Ltiî.iiî G-o. -4-2 The Royal Neighbors are making arrangements for tfteir second annuai bazaar to ha beid on December 15, ln the Town Hall, a portionot the proceeds of whicb wili be donated to tbe Wood. fiee'a sanitajium at C2olorado Springs. Alore detaji notiee of the bazaar will be given tâter. Friendao o Mr. and Mns. As& Kelsey, tormerly of thîs Section, but now at Newberg, O)regon, are arranging to give thein a post card "sbawer je n rlr of tbeir golden wedding auniversary, whicb faite on Ott. 31. Tbey will undoubtedly receive manY tekees of remembrance froin Lake County friendson the occasion Mrs. U. L. Howe wae taken tu Ohicago tant Thursday wbere @ee cderwent an aperatian. Reports fraye ber bed@ide etate that she bas rallied fron the shoek of tbe operation and le sio>viy getting etronger, althongh Ut wil libe several weeko before @lhe Ue able ta reture bhnms. Mfr. Bt>we boa ma" sêe4rai trips taO the ?hospital $ince bis ville vas taken there. 1Tbat mlgbt bave been a most disas- trous lire was avoided by the prompt action of employes at tbe plant or tbe Home Lumber Companv lasI Friday, when it was discavered that a quantlty of gluten stored je the elevator bad ignited froc, spontaneoum comtbustion. Fortueately tbe lire vàs located before It attaieed any b.adwv and vas Pet out witbout aey etaterlal damage. Paul Deba and Miss Catberine Carroll were married at St. Josephes Catbolle churcb at thboer of salema hîgli mass Wednesday mornlng, Rev. Fatber Kiesella performng the ceremony. Paul LeBeau olffciated as bient mac and MUise Elizabeth ýEdwcrds wae brides. maid. The youeg couple are of veit known familles je the vicinity of St. Mary's and bave macy friends tii wîsh tbemi praeperity and happinees. Thje Libertyvilie Higb %ehool foot hall iteant went to Higbland Park: on Sater. day, accouipanied by nunteroue support- ers aud "rooters," and cacteted honore rou tbe gridiron with tbe Deertleld Towe- rabiletRigh8School eleven. The score was 47-O with Libertyvîlie ini the dueiipo. Then Iieerfield went down ie defeat before the 4trong Weedell Phillips H. S. ateant je au ietereeticggamewlîiiheored H. L. Daîvisi, chief Lîook.keeper a t the Foulde Mflling Comtpanty, and Miss Mabel Lester, daugbter of Mr. and %Ir@. 0. E. rLester, were iearrieditnlChicago, an hTuesday. They wvilliimalle tîeir honte 1;ei the Archer resideuce oin Milwaukee tA venue aed Fair streets. The groom le sa voing man of sterling wortlî, destlced Ita itake hie nîark le the business world, wltile the bride le a youcg lady whose 'chan of inatncet aed attractive persan. aality lias gained a hiot olf fiendé, >.Thiecterprisier espirit of aur local agroeery dealer@ i.aumply evidenced ie the %feul page ad publi8hed je this issue of tbe tINDITNEENT, eiaking a speeial offer on soap at reduced pricee. Tîte quality of the Fairbank's praducte le toa veli knowe tu retîcîre epecial eulogy and ou, macv rentiers iu Liberùvville ahd Lake' Couety iltauld not; failtu take advan. tage of au ueprecedented apportnity ta secure a supplY of these useful soaps et a greatly reduced price. The ditching ntachiee ou thte sewer work je nowv e\cavatieg <te High street, tbe sîeciicatlonm calling for a sewer aiong that tjtoroughlare ta a junctlon wltlî Milwaukee avenue, and tbe con- tractai was requested to complete Ibis portion of the work ietnediately je order ta nalle counection witb the sani- tary sy.4teik aof the sdnool building. lVork on nther por tions of tte intprove. ment Io progreeelng rapidly, due advan. tage b,-Iug taken of the present gond westher. I Try an ludependent Want Ad. OUR POLICY The very best goods obtainable for the pnice had always heen our motto. No shoddy goode. Ne second palraed ofor fimti but the very beet of its c"as for the price asked. This dmce fot mearq h4h prices. but that -wber you pay us 50çé $1.00 or $5.00 for any ar6c IT IS WORTHI THE ,MONEY. When we offer Bargains, they are REAL BARC1N& We solicit your patronage and guarantee to maire gooc all otir caims. We are makIng very low price oniChildrens Suit* and Men's Pants to close. It will pay you to investigatei Stamps given on ail purcbasW, Cafli for them. THER RiGHI TO KNOW People wbo ù'truat: their irno>ney to a bmik wet to know uomething of ita finanoial, trengll We fuliyrecognlae this right, and giadly ftirni*i depositors with a lit of our directers and stock- boiders Then, ',from 'time to tUmne,"( we pubifsh reports uhowing the condition of the bank. Copies of these reports are kept on hand for those who wish to see tbern. CAke £.wuW lyaUoifulU Capital 1501000.'00 - Surplus and Profite 80,000.00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000.00 Total $130,000.00 39C Have you seen and examined that special offeriug of Ladr-es Union Suits we are makinge They are mad bytheOneta atetbu tton gauge, well fleeced, full roomy sizes, you generally pay 65o for iiuch agarinent. Any other store would consider it a big bargain 3 A at 50c, but we, have no charge custonters and no0 losses, Our ~ oey is net tied Up and we can afford to sell them with a satis. factory profit for .............. WE WITE PURE, TORNADO, 'LIFE, ACCIUENT., EALTm', AUTOMOBILI INSURANCIE We represent good reliabl. comomnis. and are in a good p"ý%« ta give prompt attention to aIl butinéess you may have in the lnstts$s i. Gives us a call. SCIINAEBELE & Wi1EELER~, JI3AL ESTATEZ ISU1AE 09ANS Phone U8 IL 9c

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