Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 7

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kmswy re bc t'.T sSme boa TS onklem . CHICAO. I tAm»e.d 1 i m I WANTED NONE RECEl VEO FOR LESS TH-AN 25 CENTS eu, hi te vollea.wité jterip ië Il tail alidfour wa bats t. Aswers tu t.hp fn,, t irt rsiadWIleu . v. hof e oll ar d wi te 'R d vrii. Ial , i,.I a r-os<avoliî p. LOTS FOR SALE-lit t1a'w .B. li-îaie gI,' on Mlaskw- n ith o! li, i@ ý LiIýt viyi-I. .ou1th -of on éttreelt. Wcdn,'sdas- alr"-mon. Flcdér- a, 'mi lîlaauikc an-lîa. H.ý . ;l.ase retaîrnu tMiss ,Sharmun. p--l-.1 J. b e.n e na nntM a .Iàtt _____________ GIRLS WANTED-int , '.f-kI~igi <" ORSA routa isrival.o'jf ant ;-Jean airk alar'i xl lais(r. unaotns yne.M wCl living in the coutry eau ohaun houard Mr-il -t! iA et a,-.îaear.nîvoaî,uaacHous f FOR SALE-Saifl bout, fai5. huilit tbs MONEY TrO LOAN-On iînproredl ye-ar. Cbsap if taken at o-.Iîur aie Wnud&Asi 0t WANTED-isveril goud nmen aidboy@ !tbhs ilJiÀSMF.PAitAN (40t1 u t thar ud lcr,, ators.--4ppiy FOR SALE-Aere lots un f vînond MONEY TO LOAN-gin iiarove r anfasubdiv ~ ision, (fioue tutotbon andr1s.trie farine a! 7)per cent. 1h .iOI\)&-'a cars. Iec*lo.4.litiNi&A'TI, WANTE-For housek.sping, 3 or 4 0t furnished roomas with bath no eode Add,-est *'Hurry' c-o Independent. SLEhUitbI>noda M CLAN S c41 Arnn ubdivieion. 5 -x140- 4t.0LW.ach; NSELALDU Brw185 down. #5 per ilontb. 1h MoNta & MEN WANTED-f'he Ilirler t-n40-tf GOLO FILLED SPECTACLES-witb Co-Ilpge ut Clcago. Ili.. wantsm in tu ... arefuf test ineluded for $1.00 and np. iern barber trade' Flic, 'uSer sjîfendiiFOR SALE--Cboics-iotsa i I rakHave p u uîeqt esecagdo ituay-raa.nt aa a hor teu ii iiplecs rigts ddiioî,01150:i. for $200.040 bave nusa- rama-,, fur ytur prpsent Ilent*@. 'Fly ut~nail fi-e a tisautiful catalogue and 250.00 and #300.00. 11 isOuu, & AUSbTiNI; russes that hold ait!,roinfort, fron,, puit aU (ur readSrs tua esnd for it .up42. 40-tf *1.00 and utu. llai-kersase' drulr store I _______________the efstaîfDrug mtore, corner flenesse FARMS-% o bave a large f1Nt o sak t - an'! Madieonu Wauta-gan, Ill. r29-t 4.. e~~~~iountY farmeto sel], alsohrouses. and lots -_____________ Fus SALE (n villagf.-îou& T%. 41-tf INDEPENDENT "Want Ad@" brlng il - resulte. 25 cents an Insertion and FOR SALE CHEAP-mix -roai oiIungo,- FOR SALE-Or willi traite for a light Yeu reach 3000 readers. low new, lot 'jUIM17; by oaucr. 1). A. driver, an M yuear ,aId work lions,, weigb- é4 'I'Tr. Easet Park Avenue'. 4-2-t fnir 127,0. H. J. WHtt rua a, (iraymlakp. jîl.e-33 Notice. FOR SALE-WuflseIf about 3) white'.1 f ubi lu- Ou is lereby given txt uta wiandott hFARM FOR SALE OR RENT-A stoc-k . enanot s if calta-l fur gonr. H. %pd diary latin, .154'acres gool moi] 41.1-161 ,îaietUg of the totckbolders of BulI-Iey, Libartyvilfe. P-2-11 luproveiiiente; tiret clams. Tsi-,,niîeý Th, Sbefdon Frliool, hpld at its principal ~%veut cof Rocke-ffele-r t Ivanima.. Inqiure otlip. lin the :30tiJi day of June, 1910, FOR SALE-I art-e muodem smes-en roopj Mrs-E. A.fleani. ltoakefelker. p--3 pursulant tu fijc statut,. in suc,1cases houaes and barn (in Firit. St. Alinot '- ~ iaeaa uoie. h aia tc ,tew. lu a vary deiratifs loct'on.ýd n rvd& h aia tc I'ricefow.î>LI&'IfThe- Sla-Mon Swholil was inerea*ed VIEEEa, ibrtvie. c -52-f OR RENT fror, one liundred fifty thousaud WerLE, ibrtvile 0-t r1Sll000 0uoars t(I two fiandredl FOR SALE-Cfaeap on accotait oldeatît FOR RE'NT-6 routnalMat. C. J. Fisliertloîsand <($200,000.00) dollars. Mlore evprything comploe to furnishel f- rocitu Libertyvilfui, 111. j t. Ian eighty lier cent of the capital stock Onat or cottage, iicfiiding a *250 Brad- fsi colwë ersne bei ford piano. Every article almost as gond FOR RENT-ljottags on Lake Street .aidSbo a ersne is as new. Apply a! this office. j)-4-1 Inquiru of ]dru. E. u3. Warren. c-4-1- meeting and s'oted unanimousfly in favor - e-. ....o! ,aid iiurease of the capital stock. FOR SALE-Horae, wagon and barneas. FOR ENT-Fuirnisheri roouaisitluA .SIELO Horâe will weiglî 1300.('ail or addresmbhuard for two Young ladies,.l'ail a! C . f)UuANm, (irayalake Creamery. a'- I-tf tbf. office. 2-tf C. B.H. errior-. FOR SAt.E-3 cbeiap work torses. i1 FOR SALE OR RENT-Modern boaise, fietr oTîeSilnShol * black mare about 1400 I bo., 2 geldings, aIl imîrovemente. ljsntrally focated. C.c33 about IWO0 Ibo. North Sbore Fuel & B. Boyes, Liberty ville. 111. c-28-tf * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- Ilpl Cmpnaakd oeso ' Muddy water won't do for a mir- c41 FOR RENT-A bonuse, barn ane n acre o! land. Inqiuire of Dymond & ior" any btter than paper of a onmaii FOR SALE-Lot 10 block 11) C. 1'. Austin or Robt. Elfie, Lberty ville.. circulation wffl do for a want ad. med- Wrigt's addition ta Libertyvifla-. For C-52-tI paricluars write E. Il. Woofridge, Itor- loi. cheter, Nebr. c-4-4 FOR RENT-fi rouai cottage on New- 4 - ~berrv Avse., city v.ater and foumcebeat. FOR SALE-A number o! brood snws, W. F. Pfis. 1 ,, Chester Wbite or Pofand Cina. Apply -------- ala al Cek t the f NnEPIF(NENT. p-4-1 FOR RtNI -«e bave a few goodmod- ala M i kk _____________________________er-'î iouse and tinte to rent also fur- ou of tioi=Wantea. * FOR SALE-A uwbro good hunes n isbed roomq, witb steani beat, Witlr or lîratters, drivers and punies. Hansoti wilaout board. Dfimu& Ars.___ Stock Farna. Prairie View, 111. c-4-24-t The Gosernmént paya Railway Mali FOR SALE-A range cook tovegood Cek 80f 10.m te as new and gas lplate. Inquire a! thîs OS Md FOUND employeos un 50 82600 annually. office. _ L T - SAE-1iO areson OST-fuie Agorarat ~o Unela- Sain, wilf hold spring exami- FORSAE10arso Grand Av., Wnght's Lodge. Phbone 2718. ti7tostrubautb'ontyfr al tbree miles weeit of Gurnua; black soifo**o way Ilail Cferke, ('ustoîn Hoase(1erks, 41 ame panture. Inquire F. E. 11ooz FOUND-Best medfum to oupply IlI 8tenoÎtapbers, Bookkeepers, Depart- (Inos, fIl. P-1-6 needîf wne-NiE'NIETWant ads. mental Crke and other liover-ulment Po. LOTS FOR SALE!f yoCeapandfruttu ofreondt, sions. Thousands of appointînents wfi blgb building lot lu a tietcanotigon b a.e Any mani or woman over 18, firt-las lcatonLOST-Between St. Paul de pOut, Grays- i ber ls yous' opportuiy to gsi fi. We Ialte and Rzckfefler a featger Battuicse In City or'counitry i-an gel Instruction baye the most deelrale ones in town. wfth thse initial. A. (4. S. on the aide. and liresInformation by wrltfng ut once St3tNAEaEi.,E A WIIEiEER. Libertyvf le. Lîbenaf rsward offered. Miess alen to the Bureau of Instruction, 4teiC Ham. - c-524tf Tle rnan, Graysfake, Ifl. c-4-1 In Building, Rochiester, N. Y. OCTOBER 21. i1910 t=M ditlftbox a"befer s - a heitela e t ud eau yg «Msse mrnt rafflees are barvnsted sud drISI la tho tr.ploe, tiien tod A" bleudl under our ovra spodal; r co ý-Bonano-*Jemade fat@ a drink lut&A sdly As - Mme or tesla ma&.. «i l tet-a delidous, omapw rnkwtkafui arro tlrly that In ebobsu ud nsurWblng tla .vsy li. be kt i dld mo1,1rlng, nAm u git-tbe muretiey drink the ckIt kY*tàkmeif, whsgyou set up in thborus& f1r a char heal 4Frhn beon Ansu Ia" sdeoro retldlng te lueur a moa healtbw l eep, the know. --------- BoflooumId e a heseehold word wltii you 10NAL & froi tody on-a wd fiait uÇgnds fer ckaireyes, rosy COMPmNY, cheks sad vigorous he&Ut.. JKLINM 1 Get a cas, et you rpocer'. today-a 25 cent can da of DONANO vii make 75 cupo of a deoUdous bot drink, wlth the a nmhleof thetreploul tw 4P, Il yourrocor hacunt t,uoend lmthiecouponanud _________ ei mail you a sample Package and A bookiet. ---~~~Z~J ForSaleby J. E. TRIGGOS E. E. ELLSWORTHI WM. WALROND Isternatiocal Bnana FOGIV CiaoII Furniture. A BigSalilsOn The, Globe gives you more advantages than any store in the city when it cornes to buying furniture and rugs. Lt offers you a large and weII seleéted stock to choose from-furniture of beauty and stability. We haven't haif a dozen price.s on an article, but ask one price to ail, and that -figure is always lower than - the - frie article can be' duplicatedfo' esewhere. hsr of policy insures a square and- equal cleaIl to everyone. We mâke the mhost, liberal credit terms, allowing you to pay according to your own 'convenience. This Table 10.75 A liaîdsonuîu,î. -ohîuijal ibrarY~ table, genuirlc uîihogPan'a-ve- neer, alsi i fuill quîarterc'd )Vi t41î. 51s1 îputeîl 1hv twuî liarg-e dImtop a ud sheif. a pos- itive -i.75 seller ait 10e75 .4.25 for this Rocher . If von 'awant a ehiait' that is ctînîfor- table invest il! this rocker whlik the sale is on; it s sttieuncl.v coi- strueted, of full quaîtered oak, large and irootiNîy, fit cpera seat and high back; the i-eguflar pri-e $6.75 spîetia1 .............. This Rocker 2.45 Thle abo e ieut illstrates the mfassive oak roeker we are offering at $2.45; it is fiish- ed inii.iSin id of ivond- er-ifull stroîîg eonstriîction, imitation leather seat, ivide axims, a t'oifortable rocker and wortlh $5,00, sale price A Combination Offer of a Bed, Mattress and Spring 'i hî, >. tur t nUti> 'mistng oftlied, matti ess and 'spring fs offered forti ek oil%-at the I w priee of $9.75. ThéWlied eouues in -o i huî bit litte11(1greeî n ndXVernis Martin i t! loal I i -t hesprîng liasiextra heAy angle inon. sidslievYwoven_ AAiretop ad tlree îois of copper coil sup- ports the IiaAIss ls a îl i ,ffl 1(1 lo landl go d 1197 5 Terms:$1.50 down and 50e a week. The -Big Rug Sale of the Season Wilten Velvet Rugs At a Prica Tou Can Nol Equal C Ieluîine Wilton 'ielvt't î-îg'- inthe v,î~ vîewest L3rsiau aand alI-over patîters t'-i oloiîigs tf -rIe heaîîty, si-ze! 1) *v 1*2, $39.50 vaitî' at $-1--)À' 3 2.50 Rug Special 2î b3- 54 inc'h B3ine' -ibion Wiltoti ruîgi <'hîdet' floral and.. Or-iental pat-- at $1.95, spe, ......a.1% Tapestry Drusseb Lgs A Dariaan ou'Il Neyer Vorget <I Is 12, extra heavv t a estry bris- sels rug ini a wonuderfîîlly attrae- in-g Orientais'aîîîl orals, the eolor- iîîgs are of rare lteautv, size 9 hi' 12,17.--)O ine at 113.75 Oü cloth-A heavy grade of -lo ei lotlî ixtwo îînustually pre-ttty patterns, 1 yard and iý' ', yards wide, regular price 30,speeial 23.... sqîuare yard...... Stair carpet - A thloi-oîîglv tlcpendtal)le grade of Jugrain ste~ earI)Ct, retty desigis, '-2 inches ide, re.-gular price 35e yard, speciai, ....27c yard ......... o hWa"î .-M M.M-ý 0111-Selvet plan hîriîitn -e WAUKEGAN'S DEST AND IGGEST STORE. Thlis is the Time for Buying

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