Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Oct 1910, p. 9

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1LARE COXJNTY INDEPENDEN'T. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. IK. 3. PAXT TWO LIB'ERTYV1LLE, TLL., FRIDAY. 0X1OBER '21, 1910.. EIGHT PAGES. '150PFR VE 'R INADVAýM,.-- MRIN AT LAIEi Lake Couals Cholce for Itepresetalive !MORE MEN ýWOULD EZRA P. PRENTICE MONilT LIGilTS suppOr .1 th Vi8flrs BEl WIVE IF Chirmanof the New YorklSECLLSO FOREST FOR LE& ____________IFh______ _CAUSECOLLISION ISLATIVE REFORE !No NEWSPA:PERS!~t omte ON WASDINfiT( Iisprusentative Norman uuitln Speech Cives Unique De- fliiof eLqtator' Cllfford W. larmes of Lgsi tive Votr' Loque Niais NewSOëdy <Prom Woduesda's $un»)- "The couumon conception of a leglalator sI that. to aid te pick pookots, ond too fat ta cimb perche&, -ho notsa te the isatoum 'State's Attorn.y Wayman De. cMares ?hWtMapr Sheuld Print WIIMO Trulli Deolaros Offiiais Have nol RIght te Ask Piper flot ta Print ail the Facts <From Wedneaday's Sun.) 0 0ý0 00 0 00i0 00 00 0 0f a03 o WAYtMANI&IAS ON JOUR- 0f ooPALISM. ot there bhas heen no action ont theti. la nvarly every other city ln tthe' auite the electrie Uines are required tofflace a seref-n over the lights wbicb. wbill t bey gise. a elear view of the tracha )N abead. do flot biind the pedestriens. The liitbt also give the pesisstria aN fais(- idea of distance. Under the. brighi £iare or lthe arcs the car an. pears b he arther away tban Tt. reei Farmor. 9l.ded by Bright »Light iy la. ani nîany accidents fram tuas 0f West End Car Iluns Ii- 5-eTChave' been îiarrowiy averted. , ta Auto at Qémrer done aiong thiaiHue. Petittoàz bave been presented to the couneili a t have been raad there but there bas Patltions Have Sean Prosentedi b"fn Do action on thein. Ail tomts To CoUncil But no Ation aloeig the north shore have an ardi- nace. requiring the use of 'ho seresu Has faon Takan on the ligbîs or the cars and Wauks- gan shouid rail lnn une. (From Wedneadays-Sun.) many emmesna, wom bWre ko"fi wbý he 1h. t>. doenet.t nièee Ch,- àmo &%itiwau... aias4tsii. Ua VON PASKEY TO WALL SAYS ýTRIBUNE te muke a iving.'-From speech.- 00000000 DO010.ibihthaqIý of Norton Hul. republican leaderT it liiet plain sphrstition, or la i of thei housAt Springfildw, s-- "~r aiîa rte ui thetrgihaiiti hntrm enaa u. LkFoettu ih.subscrible ta "the doctrine that WVat airnght have been a serions col- a roinnidence that floor *Zo. 13'* of Lab Frea at nglt.crime end scandaitsitouid flot bie lision vas causcd by the brIght head- the Maestie building was cbanged.r.. *With gond gosurumufnt as its sole - pubihed. in tit newepapers.lilghi of thi. west end car or that fine cently tu2A says tbe Tribune. abJect. the Cîlîzens' Association, a "Th. honteat néopaper do:eatuih ATrmrhaoesstuuch ange tailow: tbe falinre of more t rvntciethan ainiu-largephtiA femiandagoemostual braoch af the Leffisetive Vote' Igth ootnelrgaccuii n h eoa f» the agenoieaf goverfiment. igtecrner of Wyaahlngton ert!oh capyng offiesn on the. boodde. Leage, wsa organized et the (lorton "No publie ofliailias te rigit 1 aud (ounty struet going «ast Isat fluor. Wbatever tbe cause, thei. tacts achool In Lake rore4t lant aigbht. te bog newspapers flot tu pubiliaitlest nlght. and when bu faced the èâ~t: speil an InterestIfi story. Olte facta. iLaeenthtume tilOpts Themai spagu. Rpreuntllv "h. liglit turned ion 9rattanid Ihe was ln a direct Une wibh tbe strong j atn ee ntîi ameteeyg oo.way Naeton Bull. republican leader of tus criolle by the noepapea la lte light on the weà~ end car.#inauoj0clg fueont bo se bous et Springfield. declarea thst te boat protector eoftthe public h _____- 'goi e nWingngto *te't bano cupying oailes.onithe Voo Pas&*y& legilabure la tihe most artsnt andl icrale POwOrndsa with the ight li uotewgnhir h amrC. ulr netbnsc~U ReiaHt% nmanei. couial stop bis tesm. The formier ".id 1in suite 1306, sent lainto inIN ifmet, egiacodpfla l. ae 0- a a riso&ter osatita I kr.p ,,it 1i*tttbumi a ~aiaarcuvr .JVo seh firumnt mcbinry. ad asa reedy oode r ison lterblonet itocum nowen inWaukegaa front formes, sOU> for the. conitaios. tu aitelbetter arien 1csl nwppi frctos in aturIsîPa ii.. isf curious as lte light bindua hlmn. nectian .witb a local .raaiitaad estr. ilba the Id uncandidates. le urxe.i "Moresmncwould bétl riteïr he d9rear et :li lre bbc iume,îse rrelu Whun lhe auto struck bis team aths prise. LISSitTYVILLE wivoa, If it Wsrs met for the nelaS ON, l,,Wifl bivthe.' furuîiýr.4 nires white horses reared ut) sud triud tau n rown g l i pDtitis tiCialE reaitthei.salaries tram 8$2,000 a yuar 1-. B. EGER0F L ETVLEpapers." Iwrigl , .ed uth iemn>aabtsr tppa hnssrlle apurions affies of the. WieOM Va te U,.600. Whese Eloction te theto Lgisiture Lake Counby Ha@ Agreed Upon. 1- 'kn ",'i, udsiinilerainy anien rant weir hpead ban ier ey Land & Water ComPeay sure Va. savora Gond TsingeoThesenare men ranthtu shlut deadd and qutetei al d. Bath aitlthe«.suites mstiiu Teeaesmofteiitd a re lii :1- 31.« î ais s.'veiît Iur an hemn. noccupled. thé sole buinesa methe trvr odTig.forcible tacts gîven by Staes Attor- ain.' fi-, t.., Iîd nuaiit rîiieet Ii. esrl oapant bout helihtsior heiitg transacted ID lth e IU Riesion arid n a oernuofntaahe **.* .~*.*.*nuy John E. W. Wayian iii aspeech '.li tqj. -iey is iy ,umbrelilshave been registereal sith tlee ay but dse sttg. ta O E IE EEIL iLUUF8 M5IJ hetore lhe members of te Iland: miso ot fgvrietadtePress Association lu the Hotel La- __________________________________________________ shor peples belotsbib lb SU ~ '~" IhI MAlE TIIZE Sle Yesterday. Tbe speaker sas dis-, *loue a aet e nly papers bas VYJLL BlIii li ONVIDU E À IitELi cuaing the "NesapaPer Influence lun urged, and in ending asrted thal the ('onijuct af the Scandai Ineubtiga- thie papular conception af a lugisiatar T E S U I IEO OAnASOtinaagubii "ta allas oamato ltuPie ck ONachets ÀidO "ie h public id wililuî ,grattera and t.'rr',iîiuruufsts t~io ccîPY te fat te climb porches. sha go. tau_______I-office, te puiblic ougliata n ie fom""il Upringfleld te make it edaotI l h eippr ai.'.£ý Mayer Buck te Kesp' Promise Littie Girl Offert PaStbaard' Mr. Waymen deelared. Thetolainaffces erseîct~: To OFarrei and Donate For Transportation of SumoWouid ImtNws prmient-liffM W.Barns. AFeunalo o'Somua persans wouid lumit thc pub- Presden-Cliior W. anis. Feutai T.dy -barlisiing ai a murder ta the niere tact Vice preIdent-Joba E. Fritzgeralal. that 'Browsa hot and kililed Jones,' Secreary-C. T. Gant, but wonil sieh lie motive or bbe rud Treasiurer-Elton 0. Ries. Giazod Tii. Walls for Elght Bluff Conductor Graveiy tell. 1believe thu newsapeprs hv Officitai bard-J. J. Haine>'. John 1tergtt al h niet tr Griffth,IH. t'. Smith, P. h. Moore, Foot up a Featigro of Down Punchas it and Makes ad1he' rigbît m fal ideta storhit George FPIndia>', John J. Spelimen. Stairs Room An Indorsament sucb a storv niight tel! other crookdi Walter r. Brewster. Jahn V.. Farweil, bas a aimlar crime nilgit bu commit- Edwin L. Baker. George Banchard. (rn tdedyg tn)dFo einga' Bi. rl o h u far ilf-ondcteuta 0. Kraft and Emul Bllinger. Arf Fet ra WdusflOdaySdn) i'ru Wen1aa-' ;ii,The priuting of newsata serve a pri- - io. l comletug psusfor ieiuen the uitile girl and ber motiier vate ar politeai p'frpoeaf the nws- U P aid pe ti st a so th sl b iI fo om ,sa p u iWia .îe paper Iself sa,, cndmn d iiy the 501th sd iesain c illejf o onwyu nMcia.tespeaker. The ruai persanaiity of lie WIFE RING UP an arnameut au the city sien (.0i1- genial. whoiu-soulud doctor relati -'e edItor divomcud theruirom. OR A F. CHARGES pîeteui. vstrsl nertoMAi-accmPa nidd thum to tie local North- According to the: tatuso attorne. w tt o refa dt o rfm l o h v tabu ietck~ ut:i bat the lr officis ta report ta them for' con-d c&- tur avenue front Intoa ahalisay shich t dytepoct. an singt cm ieaideraton farta dIscoverea b>'liîs., owpitaono.uhrself n ta yource fan e ta hv Asks Divorce end Files Five stl lnturn 1usd tu the rooni for thebu> îtejaacria ne ed nrgr a rf rcie udhJ , in .i n te ore o DiferntChage Aalnt erapparatus. onu large ron ut itbrîwîu 11bear lu ber arma, bu gravely arderOal iree ta pubiish aueh revelations. le ntrann nt frnrn uhich vuuand ~puu. Prncplslate lest uptaides. Then lb::: wiltbc -The agent. Thomas Newnism ii Case ore'!rmsik end MathId 1 drivesay and great double doors foi-,buowu for bis Qulck wit. and -it" MARRIED AT NOON AT Hlddiesoi lhe departuient tu lusse b>'. tp.tairs lever a suille he acceuated Inlaglua sutbeanotte, spenidlageli .money for the Teddy's ticker.tich a CONG L. PARSONAGE i Iing roumi, andl tie mode! dormitorles. île niald wstcbing hlm sîih ide open Iprai Wedesda's SU.) thei. hole building Ielg a daylight layes, sud passual out a ruputual ticket Miss Gertrude Brewer Uilted ta Anotier suit for divorce ss iled affaîr rumarkablu for ltght andl Sdi- for lihe Teddy's ride home. whlch bbyo If ilaton.Threwil b plesfo thegraseiy salal sas gond for onu dol! Auust Krumry v ev. wîth tbe cout>' recorder toda>'. tlto. Teie1i u aesfrui ToasH glht ait the charge6 st aiare imadu aensa i iremen at ltier end of the abrti-' aso.ThmsHglbto Te the. buabanal cati bu provuf thure la tories. Each fireman wîlI aito haseI The lttle girl gave the Tedlys tlck dey 0$nugb ta givu h site a dozen dl- a Iocker. There Wl!)bu moderia cou-, et ti ber mothur, carufully. sud theu varces. Ilia claimual. venieuces thranghout. tetoli o unsa hr hy (Prom tVednecsulay's Sun.) The suit la that of Matilda Hidalle- Mayor Bnck 5111 aouate a foiltaili eanigbî a train norti. On Ibis train the sonx againal Frank Hîdaleson. bathi for lie tatIoný, the faunlain not bcbug conututor sas a big-iuartud Irlaîman, This5 oobi ai the parsonage o! the parties living ln titis city. . ncluded li thle cOst of tie satiîon t< bluf sd hale of manner, sud when Fi'rst Cougregalloual church Rus. The bll explains that the couple the cîty. bu sais the malal clinglng ta the Teddy Thomas t.iizliibotham unîted lnl mar- were marrlud ln February. 1908, andal. Thu mayor made a plualge efgîut he gruffly grasped the Tedal>'b>'thie nage Miss Gertrude Brewer of Grasys. lived together tli Novemier. 1909. yesrs ago. io said Ibis mornlug. wbera'car sud salal: "Tcddy su! issuvelogo lake tu Mr. Augusl Krumruy of tbe when itleI aliegual that Frank deet- the aouth aide station sas iraI agI-ý to the baargagu car If you bave no sani e ctylhe marriage hulng a quiet sal bis spouse for the silea ai anather! taled. that shen Itlla built be soutal ticket for hlm.' onulebidatnelbybrbth, soman. This la lhe iraI cause for'danale the iaunlaiu, anal Chier O'Far. "Oh, but wu have a ticket,"* 'rled John Bruwur. Theicsli kitwasusd complaint Iliat the sus niabea againat rell bas uatlîet hlm targutitI. Miss Anxiety. ber face expressinq popular youug' couiple, w1db)>' ac- ber usbad. igreat coucuru. "Mamma, gIse lbe quaittea lin Waubcgait. su) 'makei 1 bh ter osossband. ivg or' NEW I SS IUESGV N an Tedys ticket" thuir future homie aI rsyalake. he ctonhe rasna e g isdies r CNU IGRSGVN Tieutother iahual lie ticket tront The ceremony ob place 'ut il ber ctin ae ifideit> slh dver Population of CIles Nted Showsas ber haudbag sud gave Ilta the con. 'lc hsmrtg h oll anal ucnnsnomen prlar 10 lie lime ocokii onn.Tecul @ie sas desurleal, ceuelty, ctalmlng f Material Incrosse. ductor. "Il's ail rigit,' bu said, "but arase in fron, Grayalake anal suie se- liaI he huaI anal chokeal hem anal hber - - gt .il needa ixiîî g." campauleal y he of thu eblld. dtunkunneesansd non-support, Wh niOct. 19.-Tii.e anons So bu ludorsed ou il: "Pass one bride. With this array of charges algainist i~bureau announices the population of Tudd.v sud one dolly."Thbrdlan co lie lcu hlm the fte ai lb. home loaka dark Omaha, Nèb., 124.096. againa 102e- Tien i. baudual tie ticket iiack, tianial, isving wou the graud dia- la lie hushanal, shose sherebaut at f665 in 1900; South Omaha, Neb., 260- punceu ansd it lobks as lbougb Teddy manal medal lu lie W. C. T. U. con- lie prissent lime are flot banian. The 259, agauat 25001 in 1900; Naahvlil, gaI borne safuiy on lieetsrungth Oai-tests beresesrai years ega. case slilI came up at the next session Tenu., 110364, againel 80,865 la 1900; the pastuboard, beause a ltter tram This the auventi sedding IDlhia af the court. - - Zaitesvillo., 282, againat 23,5381 Sin the aiotbur tld aIl about SIl. iaMly efrdbyR . Higgin. - - 1~.1à0 lat 1900; Rock Rapide.,la.. 2,005, ferbePnihs ~ bvn mrla i il r a i Mi ' laLslest et. eaanal 1,766 i. 1900; Ciay' ouitly, Ne. Bs A Taruibl en yursmaid a nal e theaGraslaemanta: T#reflectionts upon bhe valu. 0£ bruita, 15,729, eaatu 15,735 in 1900; Se aiaottn er l n p bride, BelletuaGyl bffltà. write. a correspondent, riculiOnk Park. III., 19,444 ln 1910. stth no ppmenly ver>' uuiappy. A swoileia face hie home twG ycar2 ago. à n el rid ai, ic i skeal hat l wu Population rep rte lnlit1900, being or. 5ffl é I la dagmoethe. case et a g aince. 1 1___ _ t8h51aie mon slçbed ta laito and neoi salsoal frouapart ai another towit. au ant atvaucetstage ai toothaci.. Eternsi Lampa. M» i sbeal ta gise up. Tii anaser su1. Over tie door lie>' entereal sss a aiga A cOinon .i 4b'rtltJou t ithle anm. 'Ma, b let bmatb. Charles Lamb silci being interpretedal. aslDocbor clents possa'aci s ed balti uîajking hMa bèrndor ocrisAtogetb.r Wrong. Ofa Dental Surger>'." The mother lad 'lam1Pa ,vhie-b uiuldial lair forever foras 0"akWban deshie on bcetnighie1 "P* s,"5liithebiaomlag dangitèer f bar ta h, aperaaing chair anda mooti. long lime Oiutluiia,'îl. hAI l an-sr-liilied' M t * i c urh o e a n s i l o f tki t i t o n u a br ýlifi ) a uI i t is d ls r - av e r e d la eva ait reat. ba ai ut. 1the iiouseboli- 1 ssiyou wouidi't l .4beaikber toualealbhir uasello laid thelaii î îtiieiumaIeî ofas. ni. emashometa mny a us.Ma-Cal! Young Mr.8e. tisgi a~. n3tuay"'ber beadlIn the liti. most. akn ie.hah'a stbi.b'ubar5 Cs4 bierd hlm expressa b l hae -And wby not?" be1aragh0bhe' yetwtbOn er. iiieb t~'ibls bli -es ~ > Wiit ras l Inttîmu0 a B-j u5g la Ia .a d 00PO9sd fon umplasis. lie-wbhhsZ alid. ei îuai,,i bîiui'b~i'lhi doawt «em o -auy ho" of bi <0V W Iif Yom: cry l'il novrta 4î% they can- get so- much benefit. Vour home iis really _not complete wvithout music, and you should, lose no more time in heshtation about buying a good instrument. We have mlade it easy for vonî bv bringing a stock of our pianos where yoi (,aut 'îînvenientlv sce tiheîîî. Yoit eouldn't bu3' to better advantage inî*vw-lîcîe fhiaîîvoiî ('ait îîow in vour' home eity. lîu'se ai-elig-ls pianlos, niade 1)v The Gable CaMpany, anîd guaran- tied i rt iiîg 1w the niaîuîfaetiîire'. They are thintî'îîuiiienti tused bY pro'niiu;iît insieians anîd îîieigal collegesin ail partà of thet"ointry, St) fIi;ît wt-îivi'vot îptî'elîase one, vonî tilI get a piano of establislied nierit and Oîîetlleg tioxi iitîchîdes niaîîy desigùs .iii the Conover, Cable, Kingsbury, Wellington and Inner-Player Pianos The priî'es are the lowest at whicli good instruments eau be sold, and our teu'tns give you a long tinie iii whielî to niake paym ent. Yoiî eaîî see these pianos at the stor'e of C. F. IngalIs and Bro.. Woubegan or Lynch Bros.. LibMrgOi1IC. Pianos to ]lent-If voit are not quit e î'eady to bu y you ean rent a good instr'ument froîn us. If yon ppurchas e 'vithin a year, what voit have paidý in î'eîîtal w~i11 he appliéd on thec priee. Expert Tunlng- If yoîî nowv have a pianîo, let, aur experît ftinter and regul- ator look it over.lHe isiin town negrI ev'erv month. Leaýve our order at- thte address above. Ca"e--Piano omany- ~wiblsair, as i ni.exliaugsli& t

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