Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 11

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v .. ..- . . . di. din First w., The 'old weathçr is at boigigL t Isn't wlse to walt tili the Iët Voue heavy fait wearlng affl.reI, especially wben we offer, ",ow, ànd at Hfn's--where -your , ny gees the farthest. p 15* ee# f»tAq o09tir. Dl x l6 occipy the.gubes fteft Imm Doapologeeaforiooo, lui n fmthe eoloael. Helagd eqatfrou Ur. Dx,,6t W"oiom'for lbip ifme'f.t4I tsWo& luljied 10 oab~â fora* th. colsoîl hkept mo«la muirt mhi T fr ffld fula ,1 U~veS uh abit 0«thé'mâ ýoutý#Alu 4prlen edi ta lb . @ rifl« stfuoldupon the primé tu the torif betrbi ne e. la lie metbod Of makin I rlsd it. Ros.evelt l5p d~~5te lthe put.m s"$PM lethutft Up Ioda. lad Ulg44.l hw e emont et tb-tia atw as et peau Tas ' loeodî>- as, thé ' ad tyrtuae lutÏ9d 1J6 14mai op lbe day ee- Îofomqs&-bt audleqee la tU -0 b$.fl1. iam ounhytac bsg flinie Fout elfe, but ai> tatb > e*Dt chat bas Four falthr99 49 fbfttb? Tour isthme aa't 0 à mibae. -j1-N ylýrr. but lPem Wk IM tg lr e ltltber. ion kaoe.-Bone eirsuit 'Çert et La Cu4tp. C *ïrderieh rafotf 'la. Nathun P$oîs LdiarteUi, <hles A. Pgri ~l6.Blioee .aaer -Oros 0ramlî Mâte In tii. ln luC4ca d ht lh. I. ahve n*éd de!7 5IIla t4e cnc SotIce la ther tbe sai Orihb (*Olandefeud tioaboven I totor lo ift lSsl eg>,aie 1 eiions lgi " aatr~a itle tlho wO.idU tâ -han t. av W utmail f Coats aeme ti~*s ~'.ThBé offert art obarerl is4I of Nié siu. As à %melifeture va offîr ladie' oeer toye ask *S» for couts no biter ... Junior and Misses'Coaul imixtures, plein an i litary efle. 6Wltosei ers sac. *LOO for we are «eloing dur ing tuisale i Mim up tle 14 yesrs.goei aubetantial mt*rtels, à CARACUL .COATS - etiugls *y affect, full isnath, llgmgd out, specil lduring thissalie Women'a fui laigth cents, amail O AI qtqaity.Thibut, for thi. Otet cot :4 sale............... 1 SAIRPLE COAT SALE-Cia beautiful Colseeugilt et les thomatiof. nIa- erihîs. Eaclm garmeat strtlojy moni tailored tilloughorut ideleganti>, ln- ei wth rich sastiilinirbu. Tý, Mater. lais are cf the, finet al.wool brouet cioths, hersa>,, arges, dialonals, %woist*ds, plaids, cevei't, mixtures, cheviots, etc. Lvery fabric Imainable sites te ft ever>, figure from 32to 44 Inctr bust mend al itmles and junior sizes. No matter wla, yovurtat you wil m suiiy find something toenu isant amrtmneat of iiieat OImSkIlinner «satin taed Wome'a fuit 54 inchcte sais iii aul coatm ln bro 0aoehs fui mitturtt, sonenae i 5 krss umxue wetl5 o esat ................... w00I.TEX Co>éIlg-meautI l eî. Moutbeauful lins cf contse*va eolm t«2î ý eat.Yu wili roc% Roular 03500 and nime ihw nt sa vague*..... - *2 * Vagise» ..... .... et ....... . Gîrl' Dresees. lft ai-a up-to 14 y ir, mmd of fine percalesanad7 , aigiame, Worth $2.00, for......... * ~~Girls graes e a le t up to 14 year, - .eMoq 01 flooreneh ginghams, ln prtty plam< lad fipp oa pserns, Worth 2-..... Girla' Dremseesin laes up te 14 years, maie o1 fine heavy MydégSfds tittes cioth, Worthl $540,.for torIorIZ..........19 girls' anmd mlssas fIbhrlaed ftaioats, lnaille pteoW4ve"ww - -98 ln luwntaaàsi i>, orth ... Mi roi fLOWERS FÀPi Ficwers and Fane>' F94themel S41aideeeriptfons, coque pémpoais, hackle pompons, breasts, %wlngs, &Igre ttes. pheasait talso.. etc, li three iota; . Value .......... -...... 1.............. Loir "i4.00 te $1.75 1,.f "-U5asto $2.50 TOUUE"-tillsh Toques, trinmmai wth IRMmeieC oSgoior i'ian. >1115 makt" or oie n exoiut isd n. with plumes and novitiesa, %orth $10..7 NC kpwct lu Hase *,for 'i fr.n-1-" 1 uaIs, non* Worthl lasthan bargaîn for thie rimmtment. ofé ef ildren'a i stmqn, good beath.' Suit : ....t.fu............ phn"x akej t~ee. LII - 1. oui Wu are makinq the pte mike it tie bli OumSis gurintieite wssr. VOILE %RSLde trimmed.. Sou'. cf hl cil recognize t ono,.ý SkIrts maie lai very fi lu full ploi Or s let'., cëM ig 100 l Simd $12.00, fer ............. .... 100andIII18.00vo#Nq, 'îns semne of tir itil1 vio .................. Every suit reflicta thé emaarkabls care that was used'li Its maklng. ahi svîry one wlll b. found as. servîceable as it la attractive. Thore are broad- cloth, worsted and chevipt Suitts in semi-fitted Modela. Jackets lined with guaranteeisastin; Skii'te plalted and CtfrtJularmodela. Ladies' Suite made up in dark mix- ture4.and.plaini colore, ail linsi wlth goci linings, and worth 7 -1 net ls*s than $13.00, for.,................ 7 'WVOOLTrEX SUiTS-An andîes var- lsty te select fram, specil during tisae for .................. suite mât keup li *il Imaginable beau- tiful mixture,4evofy ciii ma"e te l. »eId for $11 te 0$0, for this geat 1 a maie oaiy .....:...... <Ever>, lady lanoc wiat tille al offe" m"ea., * Womiea'a Mo oat aite sualnablacko blue and fano>, colora, 1indwit thfie finest Skinner satin, And finest Muai taliorsi garmennt*, wOttilas hîgl as 040.00 snd 11110.00 Ibs asie othiet beautiful sute up te $50.00 of Newest Fb4,l tÇr*1 Oui' assotmîflt cf.Draeeontaine an extensive varlety suitabie for ail occasions. Silks, voiles, maiqulsetti, satins, broacicloth and Panama, etc. A $4.98 Barga&in SPECIAL-Ladies' black and,ilte cieked Dresses@lI wormtei mateiaim with nesti>, tlcked yOke r.QuiAr velue $10S0, fer this aaite......... feature dUwlnO til,@ale. fMIfts. mSd Ladies' izes.YOU Wlil uIééPqSl thre set once ai $10 end $12 velues. seautiful taffet* ulik anid moeèilti Dr*ees, neludinq aome fin* serge l'a tailored effecta or fancy trlmiméd>lit this alin yU W111.800 ceIIq gOel'ý 5 ta4&M For til Faeh io nab le Furs SILICTIED FUR-^ Véry eholce- VAflety of hasosome fui,$at popuiay prices. It Witt psY yev te buy 0w While the asmrtmenit ileemplots. Coata, collais, boas, *tois, mufles and &eus. Spil pricesduing tisasaie. MIfr Qods An excllent showlng cfal 'the latest and the mont attractive thinge lni hoir goode at the very lowest pricea. The aisw Lluatin Puffe, very latent,' ln ail colora, the cluster of 2) pulls% aleh" "O0tomorrow only ......... Real human hair aswltcheg, n*turàIýteavy, Made ini the hast metter, aIl colora, et a full third lots 1thon usuel prises. effort thil season in oui' shirt dePartment te.ý r the, vear. Every sirt you bu>, fram us la ab- .styles are entirel>, nec and tue inaterîis are uooi voile shirts beautifuli>, Ml> taliored sirts tiat >ou 4 . onWd *10.00 values, for........4 0 eh a. ie.Stricti> al -wool Panama andserge shirta bougit ta oeiliSt $4. a4Ond$5.00, SAt spOZial ...... [educti28.... Skite n1Pma88o EXTRA-NiW rail Tai Made gr ver. loua white matiale, at 11 rpd Dtes with mannlsh collair end ouRs, Wrh $1.50, at ti sale 9 for .................. ............... NEW I.AWN WAi#S'".A lot of new rail De. @loga1inpretty Lawn Waits eatly trýmjwt lace and evg". 98 Worth up ta 82M0 for ..... l.............. Mraes a lot of Tallored Wale tta the nios par- ticular dresser wIR aSpfedIéieý They are Mmie cf faultiese White M ie*-eltalth various. ut$ms of platé, tmre are pretypen othem' eat sllghtly trmud z $3.00 fer .......... ..... STREET HMTS-LadIse aud Miesffl li Mats, stylishly trimn* with winqe and drapid with ilîka, many 3 9 pretty design&, woith *?W fer.... -Extra sp.éial!l Fur SonaiCîs cf genuins 1.69 skiais, duing this CORSETIS-OC and 75c C Corsets, during this bas Mt.................................... $1.00 Corsts during spelset .................................. y Ail our $1.50 Corseti durhng ti l se et................................ AIl oui' $2.00Corsets. speciliduring this, sale et....................................... SPECIAL-The graniast bargaîn *er offered. La*o' ail lenther Mmiii gags, values as hiîgi as $2.5q. Compltaitwith aIl 9 ki neetuary fftt1nga, ýfor this sale ................. FN' GLOVES-We prement a grade of Kild Giovee that il Mot te be~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e e eqas ftepl.c s.11 binbla ick, whte aend b cd - olo ra . ine, oft, durable sains,q Id idolovesO Speial....... Fancy LadIes'Union Jabots .......... c L= ..... 4dm refflie0to 4ilto cusIOM wftýiJn a-ra4lu8 If *uoIhson puro* Sweater Coats Attractive designe, lnai aternating wide and rarroW stitches, popular i'ollIng shaWl coller, two deep P Irh pock- ets, double-breacted effet wlth two rows of per tbuttons. The very latesl sweater cogita in od colora only, in whte cardinal, oxford, resada add tan; better in everï way tilan the usuel $4.00 sweater coats and lhe most faslmlonably made coata of the tsson too. Vary spécial at............... .......... WgM.a's wool leeveless vente, double-breaut- md. li gray and white, spsolal for tomorrow at................... ...... A-

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