Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 12

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Crepe fm i Wonien 's long kimonas, eut. lextra fuil and madlt,-O crepe inred, blue, pink aàd laveÜder, trininied mith Per- siait banids; reglular priée $1.50, this sale À Abig lotof w&dBWw ýo flgtred fIanftelfttes piid-per- eales in attractive s"Irip valu.tîc t saeprice. *d tClose -to WIë, and 1's:% One of thebiggcst NewYçrkigatmm1t makers over-esthnated the volume of business he would do this fali. H_ didn't plan on the lo1s[l fwr we atherw hv ee a i for had it I*cn colder and more iseason able he1 would easly have dispoied of, $is entire 'Production, as bis gafrments are much in demarid1byal firet,çclasretailers. He decidd, howeverthat-K ie. mightas welI tàtêeý is loss'fIWà*>as Iast, so offered'us the entire surpli stock at close to b'ne-hali the regt*fr prices. -Now that, the weather b as changed and that you require yèrmer apparel you'II ffrnd this sale the. opportune event at suoplJy your .cold' weather, nieds at record- breiinkprices. the^ SSon, Spedal 89e Youi euulduý't begin to buy the nliaterialaud inings for the priee we are asking foiè thege, coats; it 's only through the ternis of our prîrchase that we caui offer thexu to you at such a saving. They are mMurniingly tlailor- ed of ail wool broadeloths and attractive novelties; some plain tailored effe ets, others more extrenie in style. The tailoring is of an exeeptionally high eclass fiature and thiey are lined throughout withi a splendid qttaI- ity of satin; $15.00 values at 14M ~ 5foi 2500 tOat Thetie are eharming coats, elegantly mnade of the finest grades of chiffonR broadeloth fi black and c9lors, alon novelties and Imitation broadtali. Tii. tglloring 1. of a superb nature; 54 loches j long, 7-8 fittlng. ebawl or notched collar. 4 -Jjf 12à.00 garmenta ati.........................e T hese Suits are a farve1 At thi s Loýw Pt Ie 10.95 La~dies wlo are ket~ tu recognlc a gelluine baiégaiîî will 1proujounee this the inost UnuUB- tial (>ffer tlînt's coiuictieir way for înany a, uîooîî. The #wker iîîteuded these garuaclîts should seli for '*J8.00;- whule inany retailers would mark thein $20. The itiateria1s are al wool broadcloths, din- gonal serges.. plain- serges and striped suit- iug4_iu blaek and f very fashionable shade. The moat - are lined NWith a guaranteed satin, %vhie the skirts are of the ngwest plaited designs, sale price 1 1575 fr200ks 'i'lîre is -elass to. every. one of these suits. Tlv are garmients that should bring $25.00 and are moade, froni fine broa<iloths. noveltieis, bakqt weaves, diagonale., serges, etc., In black and au colore; the. teloring in of the very best, and -1 couts are liIed with guaranteed satin .......15 JZ7~ 201.75 à 5*ê~ Here are represented the clevrSwtidesaof the best suit deysers and worlunanship et t5 ie et tadlors. Tha e Came41 exdelivk om uW tilored efféeoi, Othons cfam* edaaliagM0o. 1,- m t r l - b o mw «y, e ke e« ,~ 'hmsunW=teOdm n eiesa.e pri 2 Tht*k of Payîag Oaly,5.00 for. a,Dress That Usually Selbs for î0:00 YOU'rc getting, w lien you huy one ot these dresses u t $5.00, a garment that under ordinarv ireumstaxiees sliould sedi for $10.00. They arç ade An.-a uinher of thenost fashionabk and effective styles of ail wool serge, ini black, bro wu, green, iaV, etc., mome ver>' attractivel>' eràliroider-ed. Take youir ehoice of the lot for this sale t .......... Obldro'. gownis. Çhldren's g 0w ils made of a goodheavy quality of pink and ine striped Outing Ia=uei; t1ueýy are the kW'i tbat regularly ..à o 0e -29é Women's gown.. Regular 50e sellers. made froni a splendid grade of outing flani- nel in puAi and bine, stripes, exceptionall>' low priced l at ........ O c This collelen p ilt1t r, tions of the most talnted'designens They are cOpiée fthebCM$ ed Paris and New York models, modified by our own mliUin.rt suit the fancy 01 our customen.s Ther. is a bewildering varlety t froni, thus'insuring yot>of a becowîlgmoe.Ty are satin au.i hand made ishapes,'elegantly üimm nge Persin silk, and faney brad, $6.» altest........... Woxnen 's housie dresses' eut M4l,and mae of 'ggam and percale in neat figures and *stripes; regular prices ane i20 nd *0.50; tlis sale ]1 value, -il an~d Saie. 4.49 for 8.00 Cuats )isse' amir women's coats. of the newest stylemdofbakTbt and gray and btowaixuce, 78 fttlg, 4 Ich~long, sbawl or notch. arilY WIl fer 88.00; sale price'....... 4.49 WAU#CgëAm 1 . - 1 1

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