Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 3

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IDAYI OC DR. 0. F. BUTTERRI LD, VETERINARY SURGEON. &hhIIOT S TATE VETEINIqA. Libertyville. Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. libiirtyTllle, 11110o19 emotru sa DR, C. RL GALLOWAY, 0f FIC% OVEZ LovzLL'S Balle STOI11. aoun-froin 1 to 8 and 6 ta 8 P. M LibertYtle. 1IllinOIs. £ K.STEARNS LAWYEI[ 218 Washington stresS Waukegan 'Phone 2761 DI. GOLDING DENTIST' Bours tuo12 a.xu.-1 te5 P.M. J. Ml Tri 0Building with lDr. J. aL. 19 tisu. Plione 1092 D.E. H, SMITH, I>ENTIST. 1141[b AK( OIrSTV!NATIONAL BANK. Ovsm-j t'i 2a. rm. and 1 ta 5 P. nâ. LiAI LT. DR, 1. L TAYLOR. OFFICE OVES J. ELI. TW',l'ig ~.,i *onm:-7 t-) 10 a. un,. 2 ta 4 %rid 54%t amidei.z( mi Broadway. opposite Park MARTIN C. DECKER rmeý Opp. lStIl st. Ewetrie statiotn (thue" Phone 5314 Ses. lPhone 3#102 ,>:tTIl CLUICA<jO, ILLISOIS W. H.STUDER C SUR 'EVOR Sî.vdîo.Far") %V(rk and Plrainige !.IBERTYVILLE. 1ILL.. DR. L. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE hlore 10to 11. 2 w 4 and . t. m , u lle nver 1Lynch lom. store. SPEIAL ATTENTION< TO THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE. ILUNOIS Hlenry Sine's Sale Barn rh< ELIQ-HA AVE.. MON CIT, ILL. R0idýiîce 26> Yl.a Aec. AIU Eilhd o1 Hori;.. 113---e.Wftg0u' sud Bug Ie for Sle or Exhlehnt o al limez AUCTIONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opostz q. Paul i'reîglil Upot Libertyville, Illinois Machine Sho P RUPAIR WORK AUTOMOBILE WORK A SPECIALTY Eîîgiiiem (Overhaiilet. A Full Lile of sîrrîdries. 'Tires Re- paired. W h e î iii Trouble ~TELEPIIONE 661orl262 John Murria. <rf Freinant, vlsiting relatives biers. Z.B. Young, o! Hebron, Di., sud W.T. Waddeli, Wadsworth, viiiited frieuds there laet Wednesdav. Ilent McDouald, aofCChicago, vitlted relatives hers the lirst of tlhe week. John Williamseon, a! Russll, was acre .yn business Munday. ilititévera Meteai sas home front Rtussell over iSunday. Arthur Harvey bas gone ta Calilurnia for the wointer. lira. Spouenburg eun rday [rom a toto wesks viit wlth relati Vil Cattuda. The base baIl teamu gi e a dances here Friday night. Tihe milk éthippers o! this viclity 's li hold a meeting neat weck at the hall. The date bas not been delded at preseut. H. E. Flood aud son were lu Chcago las! naturday atteudiug adairy meeting. The Warren Csruetery Association wili give au oid !aahioned social aud oyster supper attiurnee Hall, Nov. 11. EvrrV- body camns and bave a gond turne. The Young Ladies BibleClabawiliI gire là llallowe'eu social at tise home ofiiss Mamie Haine@, monday eveulug, oct. 81. Everybody cons ued hslplus break ,tbe wSitcet jil. Supper 20Jc. Miss mary HaWxius was home fi-oni ..ake Foreatt over Sunday. lira. Iunharu enterlaiued relatives iroii aukegan Saturday. Miss (lady S .tewart visited Mis [abiarlionner at Millîburn (oue lay last week. àtir. and Mlie. Timp1etoi ront !rr,rî lHenry ~ottty tlhs ae. Irene and Leitoy Nottinghsam. o! Chicago, mitent lbt week aithi their auut. lire. Lake. VOLO lire. Burt Lowell was a MeýHenr.i ealler ýSaturday a!teruroon. Ilils Alice Wtneban, o! Fort Hill, wam here Friday. .fobu Etinger mitent Saturday and Sîi. day wit mbhiemotiier ut MeHptàry. Mir. aud lire. Harry Nieliolas-,iteiit, Wodueeday o! last week at Crystal Lake MissTessie suri tarrie Wortz otere guetisA of relatives at î3.giza lest Tbure. da1s ani Friday. 31 ru. Bec Rosing entertsined Ler oistter igra. S. Ileiulein, of Lilrrtyvvlle. a few diays lest week. MNlýissesItîîh. Cook and ik.seie Cîringl. of wer, lu trwitWednPsrlay eveoning. 1l4is Lillian Elinger. o! %teHenry, was the guet o!flins. P. L. .tadfield last Weduesday. lire. Mary 'otter. o! Ci iirago. 'sue a iitor at the Thomaes Fildher nome Sa!- urday auid uuday. There willirbe services lu the Volo NI. E. Churrb Sundtaý, Nov. litli, at 2 P. m. ()or neot pastor, Ile. Daniel H. Fiee!, will have <bharge. Everyone le ceordially nvitei t,,attend. Tiiore 'sili b.. a diase sWial a!it he Vola MI . Erhurch Wednepsda. vevniîig. 'tuviîii.r 2iîd. Evervionve ordialljy invited. RUSSELL Tihe Ladie' Aid Saciety wilI meet with lirq. Allen Dixion 'rhursiiiy îroruing, Nov. 3. Everyotîe welcome. i'reachling service esery Sunday inorn- ing aîîd .vëuing, Everylrodyislen% ted tu colie. %Vill Boîuer, oflIilllurii. Rol.ert lin-, o! Witlinop Harboîr, and Mîsit Me Guire, o!fAiliburu. sîrelît $îiîday e ith A. C. Crrne and family. The O)ak Dhale .oiet sorialle was very oseli attended ciusidevîîîg the ilu- clemeucy o! the weatlier. tir. Lewin and AsaCrrisert,îeKeno.«hu vleîtchrs Saturday. iil Melville and tamily acre Keuîresia -_-_-_-- 1 ilsitore Saturday. E. W. COLItY AttorneY for Laestrla Adjudication Notice. Puhlil..Noti.c IR here.he i,, ýtuat teîurSh -rOber Executrix *,,f . ,hn i.,ow 1ie,. reea'.ed. ai attendrlthe Coutyt Court of LakeL tCinty. ai a tenu thercoftut,,ire holen l ethîe ('curt 110,1lu, Raid Couto. on thee rsi Ilonday nf ecemhcr next. 1910. o Ici, aind) cerc il persons laving dalins agaliîsrt Raid etate amc nuotIfetid tequester) to treent tilt saine ta Raid Court fdotadjudication. CATHERINEI GOSWIILLER. Escerutrix. Wankeffau. VuL. October IL. 1910. 3- PAUL MAGOUFFIIN. Attorey et Liot. Adjudication Notice. ll'uhlic Notce la hcreby given thât tac SurI scribet Admnsttatom ofuthtec ctais of Matida .1oraisoin, deceaset. wil attend thie Couty Cor on Lake Cousift aisrmlbereo[iobebold ut tac Court Houas lu Wsnteffau ald C onn tac fIto iîdar ol December nex, 1910. Wbla aund clerc a9111Persons bavin asagaingt Raid Estats are notlted and requesisd tu reseni îhe saine te Raid Court for adjudication. GEORGE B AlttSGHj1Adminlaratoro Wankerau. Ilii.. aduer 10. 1910 c-3-3 A Reiabia Medcine-Mot a Narcotlc Os! the genuine Palay's Blonsy sud Tan lu the .ellow package l. swae snd effective. Cotalua no apates. Reuse subattutaa. F. B. LoVELL OMPANY. Thome who liv. ou the rural routese ca fiscure th Lake Couty IrUsEPB5IsET sud 0@. Dly Inter Ocean for 04.00 a yeat ad tho Weekly Inter Omean »Id ISDPEEIT or4.8 ayear. C. Chase spent Suîîday at home. Mir. and N". B. Young, o! Hebroli. have Ieen viqiting tîjeir rlatives. the $i versi. Ira Hostord le entertaiuiug abhrotiier [rani New York state. R. G. Murrie was a Kenosha viaitar Friday. B E F RUSSELL blimber Yard Foi Figures au' BUILDING MATERIAL My pricea are rlght aud grade@ good. Whether you buy or uot get My igires.. PREPARED WHITEWASH: IF. S. IHem, Prop. 2s, .t910. - I M r RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI F. J. DRI'CE. Editor Plion No. 11 Oidvms Taken for Job Work Advertielng Rates On ApplicationJ Leon Johuson apent8unday at Prairie le about completed and It i.4 reported View., that schbô wili open Nov. -0til. Ed Doolittle bas purchased an auto- Several [rom here attele .d the base n oble. ball dance at Round Lake Wednes. lire. Hendricîs8, o! Ingleside, Vîsîted dai' evening and report a î une tinie. liere Tuesdiay. Mr. and Mnm. Wma. Moore entertalned lir. and lire. John 11elburg mpent Mr. and lirs. Graves and IlI. and [Mr». llonday [n Chi.-ago. Geo. Huson, of Libertyvîli.., Sunda. 9Kelly Kimbali, ofluglesirle, tranFacted business here Monday. Mr. sud Mira. C. B. MarCleiand spent Saturday ln Chicago. Mayor White, of Round Lake, ral .1 on fienda here Tuesday. Wm. Roing, a! Round Lake, trais. sasted business bers lirday. lira. John Bulard iq spending a fsot days with friende [ln Milwaukee. Mr@. C. C.Mrarill aud danghter, Ariette o! Foi Lake, speut liouday bers. .A. L. Burge left for Kansas, Wedues. day othere be otili trausa':! bus4iness. lIns. Lec, Heu4lee otas the guost o! lin. and lins. Eagene Hendes. Snnday. llilas larcia Wheeler mpeut Satunday sud Snndav otithi her mister ln Chicagro, ltoý'Stnitli aud DHowardIliurnep-epent Siuuday and part o!flianday at Wauke. xan. Mins. Florence Daubner, r)! Chicago, la the sgueat o! lier mdater, lilas Marcha Wheeier. . The youug ipeoprle o! Freinant Ceter. whhl givo a daure ut Auàiwane Hall, Nov, U.tli. ()ru-et let" er>cd tatrets otili cure that cold. it neyer [ails. (iraysiake Pharuar. (;Pro. los[ug of the tirru of Roshng Brop. at Round Lake le able [o l'e out ater a serions iekueso. lire. >1. F. Ceveand visited lMn. and lire. (iso. Cleveand and fansii.s at Rollinus, Snnday. Geo. Eloiman, of Fariner City, payed his nîau)y [insineuthis elciity a visit the tiret o! the week. Mirsud lire. irvinir PÛ.ye, o! Rock(, [..ler, weré, sgueste ot Mrs. James May ni., itr01ithe, E A number a! the [rien,, ~o! li. nsd lire. (Uns Krummery, whîo were îeceutiy married, gave theru a merenade Monday eveuing. John Bulard wii entertain twoo0f bis nepheots Frlday o! thig w,-ek. They are [nam in neapolis enroute ta the big foot bail game. The oteli diggera otho arr- working on the otail for the Coudensing iatory are nîucb eucouraged hy éstriking s uew soil an red gravelainsd 8ud wlh i îrley terru as' agood amen. Campalgu meetings are camiug !ast thon day.. Richard J. Fin negan speak- ing hern Tuesday svening sud Gea. Edmoud Fose, Weduesday. The Peso- crat sud Repullican candidates [or Cou msa T: ~Royal Neiirblrors leId their second card party Tussday everncîg, othile the crowd otas not as large aus the fins! ans ail bail a gaod tin,. ir. and lira. Batterahbaliwoniret pvixer:MiesaMande Turner resived ladys cumsolation prire sud geut'aiaucosolation prize stood botweeu Wu. Kahler atid EariL oitus. lit. Kahler wiuuing the prize lu the cnt, Richard J. Finnegan, candidate for Congre»a on the l)eznrrerath.c ticket dlilnersd au addrees here Tue8day eena jng to a large aud apprrriative audience. Mn. Finnegan. othile be does nt cdaim ta ho an onatar, la a very brilliant speaker sud beld the attention rf!bii audience throughont bis tai. Mri. Finuegan thîle runnîng on the ieuroeratic ticket stand@ an ths piat!orinî afAnseicani ltizf.uship. Belba mtrnug personality sud mmpressensas being lianes! sud upriglit. A large body o! men foliowed is tathe train bath Reirublicans aud Pemocrats sud proni$erd hiru their support. tir, aud lMre. M. B. Atoteit sud itel FOX LAKE Ient tise puet week witb thîsin souln, sundlira. Robt. ililunabau, of I. B. Atoneli at Chicago. Ci am r puigafo aswt Milas Nons ier oili etunu [rom ber relatives bers. acation Friday sud resuse lben woark John B. Converse, a! Staughtau, Wis., t the Heurv Kuebker mtore. calsaI ou [ieuds bers huuday. Miss Mandla Wioeplen eutertaiued the Mr@. ManaI Kitchen returned haineBat- ard Club at the hanse o! l ie. John lurdsy alter epeuding a [son oeeka oitb Bullard'a, Tnursday evsuiug. ber mother at Lihontyvilie. White Pins Cough Syrup wilîl bel[) that C. M. $priag calsaI on bih. brother, F., .ough. l>un't deisy get s bottle todai' G. Sprng. at Hickory, Tuesday. it te Gayalke bammcy.Colon Otrauden otas a Chicago visiton The uew school hanse at RoÀund Lake 1îTueaday. Mrs Herbert Nlatbewosintertained berb cousins frein Pontiae lest week. C.W tusseil transacted business in Iowa this w.cs. Mis@ Agues Bonner visited several days with relatives in Lake Forest. à IBorntoeMr. and Mr@s. James Thoms,-af Nebraska, formerly o! Milîburu, a son.d Bornito Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hook, a dauglîter, Sunday, Oct. 23.t lire. Mary )'nie oilI spend thle wiuter with ber daughter. Aliie, in Dakota. Mr. and NMrs. Frank Cremins and baby fi (irayslake, mpent Sunday with the home flîks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Banner, 01 Chiiago, visitêd relatives Saturday and Sunday. A. El. Stewart entertaiusd, Mir. and lire. Bates tram Beiioyn, Ili., Satnrday and Sunday. The manv friends ai R. L. Strang willl be siorry te learu that b5. bas typhoid1 lever.p C. E. Topie, Oct. 30, "Miy Denomina- tion at Work in Other Lus' Ps. 2:1.81 Carnie Dater, leader.1 The C. E. b)usiness meeting will ho lîeld at the home of C. E. Deuman Friday eveuing, Oct. 28. Ail interested camïe. The Ladies' Aid Society wlll bold tbeirt annual bazaar at the cbuicb Nov. B. S9upper wlll be served [rom 6 p. mu. until allare serve. Sale hegins at 7p. ru. Notice. Partemdesiiing i)utchbbnlbsaandshruhs shade and fruit Irees are lnvlted to u- 'WEST FREMONT. Miss lisyme lMeyer spent Buuday at homne. Frank Ahmrt entert;îined relatives trami Chicago oor'r Scinday. Fred Norduityer bas rentai the Enager farin o!frhicri lie oili takre posseecion Match lUt. Miss Mayme Alkoter iesapending a [con days at b.ibertyville. The !irare Lake base bail team pilayerd the Forrt Hill tearu bore Suuday aud otoro deteatcd hy n score ai 2 ta 9. F'rank tistler epetiàt Buuday oith hie parents lhere. Evert Stan.. lomt a valuahie hanse ane day last wPeel. Mliss Biurlie Gardner lesoat the sick lias. Auna Biuuî,el airent a teon days lun Chicago laet oeel. WARRENl lire. Allen is speudlng the oteel niaIt- lug fietîde lu Litrertyvillie and Wauke. gan. MisesLyda 1Edwarda, a ofuolis, suent Tueaday nt Alfred Reed'a, it belug ber finît visit to u is lMarlou RasaI. Born ta Mn. sud lin.L J.Patter a daughtét, Oct. 17. P Mm es.Sryver sud mother bave ceturu- ed [tom a trip ta Newt York. Misa Enîîna Studen, oWho la attendiug achool lu Ds Kalh; s pent Satnrday sud Buuday aI home.,, The Warren temtary Asaoclation wil tuée! with. lies. Elaie Hool Wednesday, Nov. 2. Mmira. lud i Vddicombe le vlsitlng la Chcago $biasoteel. boit Gardons, Dymond Avenue, Li'b.y- ville, Phone 10211, H. C. Burrldge &S,4 $ I1have thnee corn cibe bar amie, gond Prop. p-12-4 tone@. C. C. Copelsud.p.l il lIra. ESa iii ,,!, .i Ij-l,.. Ema . Cming attractions a! theSchonarts DeGroif, cshied - ,, f., i- , -t ruikTheatre at Wanksgan, lit. dinuer oitb lire r, i, n ,, t Snnday. Oct. 3Oth, "The'ReaI Mil" Buuday. 1 (Sunday night.) A Kitehen siîoter wa.r ,. i , Tueday'. Nov. let, "'The Lion sud the bameoa! lra. Mary Hawkins a la,. .* ou"es. dey eveuiug lunlinor of IMis@ lo,. attxrday lMatineesud nlglit, 'ide Flnuel. 8h. onsgratiy surpriffedwoi,.,ý Tracked" oith 8 vaudeville turn.. about- thirty a! ber youug f[insda ru,, Sunday Nov. (ith, Matines and night, lu laden onithisal kinda of packages. "The~ Bell Boy." The eveuiug 'sas enjoyabli' spent lu Tburgday Nov. lOtb, "Bis Eiopkins" ganses alter whicb a lunch otas senved. wîth Rose Mielville. Mira. George Grahamu and lira Ed Saturday Nov. 12th, Boeruard Daly, Straug visited lest oteel oith lir@. Ed "In 0QId Limerick Townu." Clark St Gurues. S nndsy Nov. 135h, "The Flirtlng Princese" oith Banry Bulger. Misa Md Hawkins was homeoans Moudayi Nov. l4tb, The Allen Stock dey lest week ou a visit aud atteuded Ca., fan one oteek sud Matinees. the finuel-blurpby otodding. SundaY, Nov. 20th. "Miss Nobody At the home o!flit, sud lis. Winired froru Star Land." Finuel last Wednesday, Ort. l11), was the Nov. 24t1i, "Seven By. acene of a vsry pretty home wsdding; Suuday, Nov. 27th, 'uin lun. the occasion hing the marriage ai their Matines and evoniug. dangbter, Florence ta Archie Murphy, Cars for Libertyville isave Waffkeorau o! Racine, %tis.. Ber.iR. T. Holland every cvening includiug Huday..t M.20 offiiating. Ouly relatives and near p. ni. conueeting a% baks Bluff oitb the friende otere preaont. Alter partakîng 11:42 for Lihertyville. af a hounteous dinuer the young couple departe-d fun their hase lu Racine whleh ÂAdvertised Lietters had hesu îrreviously prepareci ion thern Foilawiug 18sa l"t o! lettoe@remainiag by tlien.idegroom. Tbey received sauy pucaiied [orA.n the Lihentyville hloat lreautiful sud use! il Ireseuts inciudiug ksiecuon Oît. -14, 1910: *10)0 in mnuey. Tue best wîshes of ahi Lucien Anteliue Mr. Eusriu go winlî thons as theY etant ou liie'sq Euicrali (iui8efrpe James timy the jouruey. Mrs. Sadie Murray. Parties caling [or above wtil pisast saý '*advertie'-d" sud give date. GA SL.AM -7 C. W. TtYLoit, Poattruster. Re. .C r .on...,, ,,...,...-j Co gresensan -F rsonhladdreas -the E. Chîîreiî, onli preaeh tue second sermon ou [acte of religion thre subjeet beiug, 'The Fact o! Man' ou Sunday marniu g at il a. ni. Music by chnir. Special Youug ieople's service of sangat 7:3(1. Everylborly le condially invited. lir. and lin. Frank Clani,' o! Wauke- gan, spent Sunday 's-ih' Mn. sud lir. Evau Lawrence. The Ladies' Aid wiii hoeutettalned St the horme of Mmr. F. Griesbauns ou Thura day, Nov. 3. A full attendance le deaîned as there lasapeciai work ta ho doue.> Pou'! largoS the Halween Social at EverotMarshe's ulionday aveningt Ocet. 3lst. A good tise bas been tlanned far ail otho coule. li. nsd lir. Fred Croker, o! Liberty. ville, speut Auudsy a! the home o! John Craker. For More Than Three decades Foieyv'o Houey sud Tar bas beau a hauebald tdyorlts ton coughe, colda sud alimenta oihe throat, chietns u nge. Coutm o' ite@. F.B. LOVELL CompA.Ny Try our Wa* ad oolumn. publie- a! a Ropubican rally ta beheleldi in the Townu Hall nex! liouday night. CoutY ofilcials wsiii aiea speak, and the uoted Ric'ard'Uogan otili aiug and teil fuuny atanies. The liîe are especlaly invited. A. G. Wiiîigton, tormerly principal o! the Rocl-e!eller sebool le ssklng a short Yvisit oitb [ienda ln Libertyvilia aud Rocàceiler. MnI. Wiimiugsuu bas taken up a 3120)at-es hansatead near Mlles City, liontana. F. J. Wright aud otite have naturued tram Sheir sasteru tnIp viiting pointe o1 lntereit aucli as Naara Falla. Hie neot resideneonhich le belng couatructed by cantractor B. G. Woalrldge la uearng compietian. Mes. E. A. Cran. gave a miscallausrous shooter et ber neJdence on Sonth park Ans., Tuasday sveuiug in honor of Mms [rne Wright, Dr. Crans sud a few of hi, friands oten touud 'towed away' in thse attlc. Thoa. H. Kern u s tartedoueavaUss for a moder n eideuce on Milotales Aye. uear Lincoln, Ave. Hundred8 of the Lit Rteaders Know'1 It Me=&s Libertqville INews * New Ice Company. !otuated by a desirs ta spply Libe!rty- ville pe')ple with leof superior qualîty and lu a mauuer consistent with tîjeir need8, a ly!ati[ce and cold sitorage caluPauv lins been organized lu aur citjy. Work le 10w unuder way on the founda. tlion o!1îthe bluildinîg, wbich will be Iocated au tlhe Eaton proporty between t.he C., MI & st. Paul railroad and the Fouldo Milliug uompany's plant. The new plant will bave a capaity o! 20001 tons, ample to eîîpply thé, nee& of. Libertyvîlle and adjacent territory. The les supply will crne f rom two acres of pure water, flitered through gravel Ilusuring a bountiful yield o! une.qualled purity. Officers o! the new conîpauy are: (G. A. Eatcin, presîdeut; 9). A. Newsom. secretary-treaislrer; and Albert Kilel,- man, manager. These gentlemen wltti E. A. Bishop and Stanley Eatan, com- pose the board o! dîreetors. [t le naDt the intention of the new Compauy to eîîdeavor ta monopolize the les business in this section, but they willl guarantée the prompt dolivery o! pure les in such quantitles and at, snob tinse as local patrons will requirs. Thie mon composlng the Dow organisation la auffllent evidence o! it gucceas and as a home enterprie it will undoubtedly recelve the suîpport ineriped, M. E. Churoli Service&. 10:'00) a. r'. Clairs Meeting, leader, Rev. J. B. Muclluffin. 10:30 a. in. Rally tlay prdgraul, iollow. ed hi' I.ssou Stîîdy at tbe uenai bour. G6-; Epwortlî I5lauue, leader, Perey Follett. Snt'j. "Toto Aspects o! the Gaverument of God." 7:30 1).ni. "Tbei;ureaeonable Chriset."1 ItALY DAYPiOIA. VolnntarY ...................... Ml,@ Clark Hyun-~68t................................ Scripture Reading-Deut. Il: 18.21.. Frayer ...........I..........1.........Pa@tor Primary Exorcises .........i re. Weleh Song-"The Bible Farever',.....bool Itecitation-1,Thro' Another Year .. ..................Fred L. Protins '.Hero o! the Midnight Cbarge .... .~Della Croker Hymn........v..................... Recittion-"Giveus Men"'.Perey Follett Violirt,,Sao................Lloyd Taylor "A CannihaliIsland Hero ........... .~Ada McLaughlin Rymn-415. v 1.3........................ "Christ the Hero o! HerosaI........ ...................Laura Hawk Hymn-376, v 1.4 ...................... Addrem .............................. Paator Collection and Voluntary .............. Amerlc-702 ............................. Cloing prayer and benlediction ...... The Nfonth at the Schwartz. . !" O PUNR andi G. T, moNuVDcwim 5 61, A>ty. [fer Btai. Adjudication Notice. publie Notice ià hereby siven seat ithé S#t> ieriber Executeix on Oie .J W5 AniT«wiuma of Joaeli St'uner, deceaseti, wuu aW tie'o ut or f Lake County. at àaternuihl- 010 b.11Ccula tut bseCW u ri9 Htouu s inW %aahM5r lu aald jsuuty on the orsi lloady 1J110 usai, 1911. wlieun sd where aIl pensons b55= claimsaaat maid eate are, notifiad a reotaeti lu prerettthe ains wo safin cour. for_ aludieepOon. ELIZA ANN SPCNNER. Execui;riK. WmlkeEiîn. Ill. actober 17. 1910. PERRi' L. PERSONS Attoraey. Adjudication Notice. Public Notice là berety given iiattha 81*- scriber Adnitifitragnr of Che en" of'e reeiiottuffnan. deceassil. wtll aMM" S Cimunt u f Lake toucty, ei a tear esuO lo bs huldci, at ths Court = . eluWas tu,5 Cit Counir un ie rs oudt .o0, eal n551, 1910. wben a.nd otiere ail perst bv= lafins. anoît said escaaisare Mtie reuée uprest the sam ete sald(Josaitfe M RCS OFfMÂN. dmn.rl. Waukcsain. Otiober 10. 1910. 0+1 L0W ROUND-TRIP FARtS TO Tit, NORTIIWEST Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Peut Railwey. Take advantage o! the ot touud-býîr home-seekere' fare nleist on the sud thrd Tueadaysateach monthdua- the reinsinder af 1910 adsud vCW W the wondertul oppartunitlsa la ail -MW o! buetissa aloug the nov Mlvaike. & Puget Sondnaoiw tb. Dakotas, MouSstus. Ida1* Waohlngtu. Thome ticket.shbéat retoru unit a! 25 day. [rom doms in4 permit a! libensi stoponors. tive Uterature sud [Nl d Irm any Chijtago, MuluaS Paujllent or r eetai.<e MILLES, (honorai l as~ esgo H. B. EGER, PRESIDENT 0F THE VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE, IS MAKINO A STRONG RACE AS AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR THE LEOISLATURE. HE WILL NEED ABOUT 12,000 VOTES TO WIN. IF 4000 MEN WILL EACM CAST FOR HIM THE THREE VOTES TO WMICH EVERY VOTER IS EN- TITLED IN VOTING FOR THIS OFFICE, ME WILL BE ELECTED. IF EVERY MALE READER OF THE INDEPENDENT WILL CAST THREE VOTES FOR M. B. EGER ME WILL BE ELEOTED. BE SURE AND VOTE. YORK HOUSE. itricb Supt. Dr. Shepard wili prealis at York Bous e t Sunday inorniug. Alcame ontsud bearbini. Comsmuniron ser'vices ollbhofheld. lira. tillas Philllps sud son, Cory, [tutu Duluthî, Minneota, callad ou J. G. Nelson sud David Adanîs sud familles lasi Thuneday. K. liarganian maveri ta Waukegau !nom the Miler tarimlist Weduemdsy.' Emeny Shaislavisitiug lu Paon Paw and Kaiamatsaa, Mfichigan. Will Ityan spent s day lu Chicago las! Mr.insd lire. Harrison, Bennett @peut Weduesday and Thurodisv ait the haine o! Harty Gauid. litsud lira. Arthur Nelson, oLÉ Roaacrana. visited river tiuuday with Wiii Rysu. li. nsd lira. JasPunning speut f3un- day with ber parents, Mir. sud "lins. OHare, of Guruce. Mlise Estelia Bacon visited Saturday with lira. WIII Burris aud family lu Wankegan. li. nsdlira. Alfred Day caiied an tiende bers Suuday. lir@. Christeusaii and lira. Ferry, ai Zion City', viei. c ifo Fred Heluoldao Sunday. LOUIS J. YEOMAN. THE JEWELER Tite kiduséyo are over tensd; Have ton munclita do. Thev tell about it lu mans aches u pains- [iacknclî,s, isideache. beâd&ise. Eari.v symptoma io fkidney 111e. ' 1 rinary troubles, diahetes, rgljte The starebarrut beloot shows yon t erancure. Il '.Kucker, Fair view CurtW»ko ica ii.. euys: 1"i began tasufer !ym,, y rc.3 , eoîîlaiutt iiteen yeare ago.' I olften had a duil pain acrose my k-oùe. aud liinîbsanad was aise subject to boue aches rand dilzev pelhro. ,The kid", seccretions otere veryunatural at twLnss I ued a great îuany remediea buW reelved little relief untit about twê> muthe agao lien 1 procured Doso"#2, Kiduey Pille. Sine taking tîemi, 1 ha"e beeu iu much botter health."1 1 Foc alebyaldeiie.r.Prices 5 sente. Foster-MîIllhuru Co.. Buifalr6, New York. moie agent for the Unitedi States.,~ Remtember thé a.eIun'-.4 taire ue other. 49 DENI. . MILLER. Slidimr. Chancery Notice. $tâte o! Ililnois, i Uounty o!Lake:j"se Cercuit Court ut Lake Coulity, Decein. ber Toru A. 1). 1910. Henry Knopf vs L'Unknowu owners oi or perous luterestird iu lot 32 in sectilot, 141; iu Tow.n@iiip 43, Narth, Range 1l ita o! tbe'l'hfrd&Principal Meridâns tW Lake Couuty. Illinois.. liatle!aetarv affidavit that the defra. dants, "'unkînota owners o! or peno*ffr1 luterested lu lot 32 in section 18, W'a Towtnship 43, Narth Range il1RaEt f the Third Principal lierîdian lu Lake County, Ilinlois," cannot be finad that upon diligent inqulry rnade for~ that purpose their placesof roeldom cannat lhe aacertalned, se that prome cannat 'b. served upon thosan_ or sîther'o! thea, hauiug beaufilIed! lu tlss office o! the Clerk of saad Court. Nati'e ha therefora hersby gliven to tus sald unknootu defoudanta thalithe above mnés] Complaînant heretolove [lIed bis Bill of Complalut lu saidi Ceut on the Chanery aide tharean udNS a entmins thereupon iasusd ont of."ai Court againtit the ahane namied doene4 anta. returnable on the [irat day' of th terni a! the CIrcuit Courtof Lake Gofly,~ tri b.boid! at the Court ionne la Waaks. gamn u aid .Lake Conbty, on th#frtt Mauduy, a! Deemrber A. D. 1910j sla. hy laot requirad and whieh suis Ao -* pendlng. LEwis O. BROCKWAY, Cerk. Wankegan, Ili., Otober 17, A. D. 1910. BEi H. MILLER, COMPlInaDnt Solicitait. 44 E. WAYNE COLBY, Souise Ohano.ry Notice Stat of Illinois,1 County o! Lake.l. Crcuit iourt of Lake Couuty, Due.b ber Term A. D. 1910. AmuDieKuehl vs Barman Ku" la[s Cuoweny No. 4909. '1 atla!actory affidavit, that th. 4àv ,, ant, Bermau Kuebi, on due= ,~t cannot b. !ound and thas upon dlà' Inqnlny bis place of reeldence cmann o .,, ancertaiusd go that Prose. cameo' served upon bila, havlng hasu lI&d tg tuse office o!the Clerk of sa" Court. Notice la thenefore bereby givai totbe, sud Harman Kuebi, de!eudang aatog. said that the above nanisd Com tia~ hantotore Ilied her BiUIo!fo J'hm = 51 Wad Court, ou thie Chancery aid.,= and that a sumnmolàe thr.uponleê ont o!f»III Court aggin t tihe sbovg* nauaed deteudant, retufuéable on the Orgâ da !tisernis oftise Circuit Court oif Laie ouutyto b. held aetithe tDanri Bouse lunWaukegan" sla «MLb Cçnnty, on the tirat àondayo! Demmebé A. D. 1910, as la by [sw otrqulred ad wbleh suit ia stili pending. LEwis O0. BRaVE wàV, Clerk. Waukolcau, 111. Oct. A. D. 1910.

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