Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 4

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OFFICIAL. PAPER 0OF LAKE COUNTY es eiiooe Nu'. . £ntira SMleoe Teepibone No. 1141. Libertyville Etehan'es ~Ilred et lb. 1PoWice e t Llhrtyvile. fil., as Secoud.Ciesu atter isuD VUNE«L?. auVi0Ucertimo RB&» AE KILWN ON APPLICATION. :$U800tIPTION PRICE 81.80 IsEÀ YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. .IUST ......................................... ....... ............... Editor ýJ. M. OeAI4NA ............... ............. 1,........................... City -Editor FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11:. L410. -BAD VS. 0000 REPUBICANISM. ichard FInnegan, demnocratic, candidate for conigres$ from this district, la a e. ey.ung man. -H4eaks republican votera who are diipleased with Con- Ise"nàan Fou. to suppoirt him November 8, ausuring them ho will oppose Unele .lou Cannon for Speaker, that ho approves the "Insurgent" movement, andwatet a lower tariff. Thot listons good, but what us dlag0runtlcd republîcaris want la a REPUB- LICAN congreasman who wili oppose Cannon, but stili vote for à republican for àpeaicer, who wili favor a lewer tariff and Insurge from time ta tîme as occasion May warrant. W. tried ln the primantès to accompliah this, and *fatied-and we stop thora. 1,lt hardly behooves republicans ln these critical times ta vote for Mr. FIm%*ga*. fH. la a democrat, would vote for every democratic measure, for a - demoaI'*tic Jpoakerand eAaalization, and such tariff tinkering as demoÔcrata - Thorse ladanr of u demnocratlc majorlty ln the next flouse, and Finna- gàm Inçemeeas liedanger. 1 We oppoaed Foua ln the epublican prîmaries, penhap4 will n the next, but t le' externe folly 10 aslàt s demodraý to hic &sat, unies. you are for demnocratie organlzation, approve demnocratic principies, and ln fact would heip wnreck.the nepublîcan party. Coengneesman Fos will ot vote for Canàon, aititer. Ht knows better now,ànd thae la aim chance of Mr. Cannon being a bandidate for Speaker ln an>' avent. Congreasman Fous wiil more truly represeut hie constituante ln tht next -A-*"» titan he ever has before, or ha siell neyer again receive the rppublican nomination. That la concoded. Congrïsaman Fous knowa now, better than evr before, tht truc senti- Mierit in h& district, and sa %vie enough la b. guied thtreby. If thia dose not proveo10 Pe the case, let us fight t out in ten ext repub- can prîmaries.- it wiI te unwlae for republicans te, elect a democratic congreuamn. .Every republican should suppoit Congroeaman Fou.. -Last Sad Rites. Th@ fuerai of J. J. Lancaster, the pzoninto Rondont citizen, wbo diede baturda>', wan fieldi et St. JoieepWs4 CatbolieC hurchinAuthis rit>' Tuesdayr momnlng. A sumemn m re'ui ligi uman waesRad, 1ev. Faflier Kinsýela h.Ang 'lb. celebrent. H» wee aelted b>' fPàther Sauon. former retîent patorr ber., aa dearon. Faf ler W. J. Duoran,.(o!t Claugo, ausnbL-deactn, and Fether johen ffla. of Northu Cicgo, noted, as tîne of maoaet eloqueut prieseSiluthce rti diocese of Ebieffo, wio delivered the sermon. .The chunch waé taxed to its; capacit>' to ébSemodcle the man>' frîcîlds wbo vibed ta pas their respects t0 the mieeor of the decesaed, w ho teas aman of sterlineg wortb, positive charatter, &a e itAse of murhiInfluence ln the <upmmual&y. -. b. lose o! tht service, tht funerai olage pnocsded 10 Wankeàraîi the pr*sW aneompanylng tht remaîns, sund luaormint Was miade in the cthoir esmeter>' at tbat place. The floral offer-f las.- were mcny and beautiful, tht de- mawed betng connected b>' tie. of relation-. *lp *W friendshile with many plromin.( *et famillie In thîs section, &Il of wihom tetifisllilutue manner f0 their regard frhlm. Card cf Tlunks. -We wish tu tenider itur bearfet thauks ts the man>' iienià aieîti utgbtîree who teedered aid dunlng tie ilînes and deelb 01 Our daughter. MIr. and Misi Chias. BUlletin reportsn b>' iîinîgé;of tAie e wll ue abtn "WraI the lIo«iII's.x i' u'r(t- Siàsten! H.Il. tEger ilin îakiîîg a ftorouglî eans'eseofuthebe c)ity iiithie iîterect of hic candidaey for theue itiaiure. assit1A meeting, wiiii mutiîtbencouragemesnt. Man>' o01ttie vîters retai" tuaitIr. lgers candiilaey Iînînt lt he olir opportuniuy to gise Lake,-rot>'t proper" represniatiOu Inliele hgitlaturp, andu the>' twill give blni tit-ir support.uil, shîtulit rust-etil sthe9'lit] vote iflitierty- ville Te*nfI'siip, au) etldoropeîclintu ters tee>' uîritt-îl.andtt heft- ther vtesi neceesar>' to i trhitît tiitud lie Ii.l-h' the, eqiuty 0tifrircllilstalirts. It ssboulie ttc enîtierli tat emcli voter ls entitled to cent three votet- fuir Eger, and it will require ulîls 4o1<1 voîtra of tht riglît midtsi ulet Illikt. Libetyville tuwntnhill catigise hbitaa baoost wbiehwill alit i mure Ili. electloncidthfeitbaiauce of Lakt counity cao inch tht assuranlce. tiers heing te#eral tiîouoand more RiepuhIpeatn votes Iu thie c-îinny thaît are ueccniiary tu elettaeLake counitymtait. Tbe caunt>' tisede a reprees-illtise f Mr. Eger'etauncli bionett>'and efeiin& ciaeter. Ht' s a uman uof tue eitle antd inevery way wortiiy ot reîîg thent. ilssure iutif "itur etinal suppmort unit urze sutir frins-t u vtn teti for himi. BiEN Il. MILLER. Affrney Adjudication Noticî. Public Notice 1, hut-elt, grili tat tuit-ui,. lierlIer lixertittrof n te laRt WiliIandîîl ianieiîi oi Eniel limiter, deecae'. wiîli alfnt te CnnntY Court nf Lake Coutaianterlcn i teruf hileS houdelitutte Couirtlif une Ilit Wutkeirî. fili Ra1d Countil. onthe first bMuidas'iltif euttîti uext. t9i0, isheti snd u iere a so r.iiîn havitt tiilatla nit id sata Ote are îî,,titîed aitît rcqneRtcd Incitrlt-ent te satir n enlitRailutin for adjudlc:ato. WILLIAM tilA]il-'. Wiiuke&lt. Otîtilier 17,Iilti4- That. Cold Rooni- on tbe side of tbe bouse wbere winter btasts strike bardest alw ayS bas a lower temperature tban tbe - rest of the house. There are times when It Is necessary go aise the - - .temperature'quicikly or to keep the temperature u1p for a long period. That can't be done by the regular rnetbod of beating witbout great trouble and overbeating the test of tbe, bouse., Tbe onl retiabte metbod of beatlng sucb a room atonie by other means ii touse a w" «hcaj4 kept et fuîl or low heet for asbsort or long time. P~our quar où i viti give'a glowlng beat for aine hours, Wllkout uiok. or ssil. 1Au l"dlotor atways shows the mmoun of oitl l the font., PMer-*p 4 ont scrcv on; but is put ln like a cork ra a boule, té # ýIfyiÇi1iild cannog g.etloit. Â~U 4O~uu i w mwealew areventa the onnmea 1lan an Instant. ndf n iuscee The town bail bao been trnsformed week, th. artlstic blendiug of colora used n decoratind for thbe Catholie Churcb bazaar addiug inatetielly f0 th. @Ucme@s Et Othe occasion. Festîitunof red. sebite an sd bine le the motif ofithe c-oloiw eta. 'randit ti varied shadep u-ued in iecturafing thte eraI booths lt-udt au air of iîright. nets, lthe enaintlle tiring inîeiied hs the îîîrriaq o1 riectrir lights througlîont th ttp uildinig. eafetoon of thue tlu varie. g ated clr terligaiisMilw'aukee Avenueset thte sutrance to the' bail. ..tigted hT severai experîeîîctddecora- titre front the Mareial PFItite@tehlsit81- lMent. the 'laditegoft he elinreithave acranIgei the dectrations iîî a nianuer :vhic plic-ifs expretsiouut of admuiiratioun frot nil wbrî have visited thbezear. Tihe îarishbottîleisa golden suntuiret 1. f surpa@glng beaut,. the .sotîugJadies,' nbotîtîinlubine andt white fAs a lfting msett- 9ing fuir tht cbarmiîîg îîistee s ho proside Ctlereiu. n-bite thé, aluron boufti,lu pink and white, fhb' Inr-l u-tunter, cautiY hootb and grab bug ail adit a bit of rbriglîl uolorng la tht attroetiveinterltîr aTiie bazear opeît-rI Mrnday evening and bau been tht ceuter pf in toet dur- eing the seeek, lb. laditeoo!ftte parilsh ýying wltb euIb 0f er in'frieudly rival>' tit increase the' sales of articles and est- Sable-m. whlle the igeneral publi- bat given pthti event th, ir aplîrorfel 1(1 a large attuidai-e. Music tarîteveuiugfnrnish- re- anîile inctuît lvi.for danciîtg. andttht' s everal botîths are reuters of uufeiling intereot. ýtSamuel I usuil andi L. S. Keeiey were ndîstingueiîmed veitoir,4 at the huzear Tuestia> eveniung, the formuer iurehasiung itht- iaintiidouated hv Mn@. Tait. The bOrear wiul close Saturdai niglît on. wilth cveniniz tht'raille lfor everal vitlutelle articlea e wll e heid. There wil hi a granîdrian-e tonight (Irtday> anîd an oy@ter muhîper wili Le sers-ci, DO you know that it's enry' to humn suIt ruai, (if ite, goud cmali, esthout the aunuo.yaue of noof anîd sîtokie. Jutel give lie ire a very lutIle air un top Do't u-lec-k the stove pipe damper to riosel>'. lse P.roliie Waehed Nul. Ton enu get if front the Home Luinher Coun. paur. It bedseclosuil>, lbut igltly, and eaises euougliîair sutaece luthe ire t bumn ail tue gaines that svould otherwise mahe noot anti moke. 11 -If If thera leaenything useful that yon cau TEACE, a waut ad. telli find you tome prîvata pupils ta add to your, lucome. APPRECIATIED PRESENTS at any tiir in the sear are found nri ong our stock of tiainity articles, lu Our s4tock oif rings lter- are @rire tuî lie morne titut wiii JUST SUIT YOU Plain or Stone Rings, bigli grade. et low rosI; every one' As guaranteed worth the fu prieet. An exaîtinetion rot oui @tock 55l hIra lligt to Voir A,. HUSS T+IE JE.WELER Libertyvilie. MI. The Most Beautifut FAIL AND WINTER MILLINERY Now on Dlspiay 18 INCI 0OSIWCH PIML $200 up. Rut argins LADIES' SWEATERS IN ALL COLORS A ful Une of "Parisiana Corsets"p Cati to su. our good M. A. PROTINE UBERTMYUE.. IL W. Hl. AppI43Y Auctionur I1 PARIS SALUS ONB PER CENT LU The baniLa or Indiana townu -have been warned by special circulars sent out b>' thé. treiery deparîment to watch ail $10 bank noles.of the striesi of 1902-09 wfth a MlICnley portrat. A large number of thest bille are 1. circulation. tbroughoultbe country. The counterfelt is alda ito ho nue of the clevereal attenîpted lu msny yeura. Tht circuler, atatea that the-inalurs are a dangerous gang, and are work- lng syslematically. itA laeleved tie gang bas the names af hanka ln vari- out sections If te country, meklng t eaaY for cîrculators or dttrlbuting agents ta put the bills lu general cAr- cuîlation. The iret cotînterfeit waa dlacovered ln, a nlote ltasaed onithte Pasadena National iaîk. Try an Independent Want Ad. f0 seli or exchange 'mont any aid thiug. Accordlng f0 pI'eett plan@. weatber Permilttlng. there will bo'a ball gamme next Aunday et the pair grounde between the Itamblera and îbheItondont ni.. J. J à4oore, manager of the Rondout ftam. Sean bere Munday and euipeated a gain e tte'en th..e îinps tu close the season. The ]oeul players Sere con. eulted And it in decided that the gamne eau be arrangpd for. If the weatber le good a large rrowd wili b. on lîand- bu root for their favorites. 'the geaie wPli h. eqlIed at 2 p. m. General admisision 20 cent@, ladies and kide 10 centts. Presbyterlan Church Services. Servlt-e nest Sunday at regular hurm. àlornlngserviee at 10:80; subjeet, "Bonne Questions About Future Punlebonent."1 At the eveuing service the pautor wil tieliver a sermon ou this tbemne. "Ont %vyet a Tboupand Years, a Thouaand 1, a@a Ont l>av." Ail are cordlally invifed to attend. 5-i u et et - t; E'o ~ t; I.. et' et tes ha n .- ut S s-. ..ri~ ~ t; et z ~I0 .~ - t; ~ et .eti*o~ ~ ci z - t., o ~.) t;znz 4.4 ---- t;~ - ,~ ~ set ~'i.' ut net ,~YJ:2 et :1 <- LU OOOOO PIIO<ONE 47iO@OOOOOOO «-l RYTILL % BE CO.'Le â,va y the OId Depot ALL KINDS 0F COAL C.. FORKED 'AND VVASIiED AT OUW- *SHEFDS NOTHINU BUT CLEAN COAL, 0 0 THE BEST.0 -o PURE, CLEAN, SWEET FEEDS * ~ HM tOP'A0FTH-E RED COMB O* POL'LTI<Y SUPPLIES ,, STEWART STO VES ARE GOOD ACOmPlete stock ol Base Burners, Ilot Blasts Oak ileaters, Stoves end Ranlges. COMBINATION GAS AND COAL RANGES LET UiS SHOW yOU IF ITr'S SCSUHANUK wmviLWC 3uarrnILct Dy .uu uuw M 01 our Sharples Separator Wi your' dairy, is as follows: lot. If eroasarel Seiit unr otier malle of epargitor. the gatin luylqId of litter lu fov»r of the bbhjpleaa Separatoir *111lie at lebqt tlntMiteolt 1tpay litiper cent iuterest tinu the wltole tir"i cotait oi the separstior ench yesr. n ut egain over ansi PIlier sepsritora Sell te nîitaMore tien liais. r. i iou, etibe prenengtlim e otculen ite Liens RrgsltY ertamera. ulileitthe mont lavoir able enarihion,. pour gain i p1lir01nbutter hi oienUe of tit he 1rlIles Tubui Sietîrator Sellie- ln exeegsa of fera pouii for erery huuîlred poutri preylougly malle. Il ion cre taiir even the lient gravfty creamner onder favorable cooditlîora. lIa iah. lact nf vey e ld Sater or Ice. yOuiurvain teil i coenecens of twenirtutttin. If port Ue &"' hlf.ii creamter or pans. your gain weul run f ront lweuty-live to tifty pomnas depeudhis: on itoselulerlor tlley are. S4. (hi the Poing ni1ttuality of rrean or butter i lnltoe diicuittlu macte a deillute ilusionai,. an hardis' boltwo ricirymenue thte gains amotînt it,0care about tliefr tiirirs ror magete line a QnalltY Of butter. but.,0Gafr thines iteluireqnal. W. «nitrmues th&# elevîn the lient dairYManwil fini an imroieaeîît lu oie itUilîuit h i butter equivaient to tlrstcents tu Ire ventafier poalina by the Unse0f1 Our seprîtr. white the averagle le.. r areful dairyrmgn sel seettre a butter wîlrUi ticent hi o Wper cent more tanaiitoui oie nid of lte Tubiiicr Setarator. ci" Tht nkim-niit. bl-g Warmn and freit. sel tecmatchimore raloahie for ostock f ood. fi l tlibe Weorth tfruotweriitve veufstu ffortylrIe centa fier lieied poulîttefor stèls rféeduit. rietendi largieir on1lte nue nitte, stock t. wivaitIt hi fort. Sour, rol mrtila eorth ablout;oae4ilfth of Ltit, amonut. 4thl. The' %avion: i haulimirto thrilmu .y hasiiithlie seiratiSm tie nuit le lte row stable. csud tte sim:milik led liitttuite stoict *filrleaIn aru th ie sainq Ira mu pans. mpali. etc., anid flcheatibutît sud rarlîoie for lnaine. adil a butîrd taitînt otiter lutile raritigs. necti sol lie estlmated, aithi)Uah il teramanuato ati rent led l Ite affresate. bila. Titere el lihe na sinot of Ie. If ata usetIncif, andme ciniad xetlaxte niha!id!Llne tile Ive. Il i t srary- unir lu rtaitu lite tarbuteeî lairrenne lu te ilioff ltteir aMI lte uai- aniteet Imlprovetieut ilu iuatityvatni blie tyoutu see'buseabsoluteil, nei-enlarrla s PrOper setier- taî tu a daîrymaît. ald oi ios uter O l irratne*, vanolhe hn e utr-cesfl ilitotit tile L ,tti tîtie. SoId 'by Hl. B. EGER, Libertyville Good Coffee Won't Hurt You. ' 11 <ofi e doten s oitliarin t t irt e'si ausî.-llni iout wse lati i W Maybe t imi lut lîrolterl- rmatde. O a.iybe il wasuit right t'îfi-u. f0 start wit.î rNlayble il 7a-ýt OU Ciealî-7tttd tont iliap Vfolie, tis fl ritiîlrîuk an aupersitît eer drank. léuit don't lîlante A LL <îtft- W. have et- trai tif ('baeir& S htf ierf tlii ara I tPnî- iv4 ii- rint 2) tii40 tcents jer Ili. O Giad 10 have you lisi if. ie Corlett & Fredericks LIBERTYVII LE. ILL ....... MEREDITII'S GREEN BOUSE Lt.ine have gour order for choi ce Iresh cut Carnatioos delivered at 35 cents per dozen THIS WEEK. We have a full lune of Feras, Rubber. Chinese Pr.mrose; Corn~ Plants. Begoniens end everything nice to beautitg that home this winter. D ECORAT IONS For *eddinqs or funerals promptly lurnished. Telephone me gour wants.s TELEPIIONE 221 or 1272. Big Blanket Tbrough an error of the jobblers we are overstocked with one style of 10e4 Cotton Blanket. Rather than returet these goods we will offer thern to aur customners at leas than wholeale price, The -7"u5ac price of these Blanketa is 75c per pir bu we will seli thia lot. Think of id! at ... A 10,4 Grey Cotton, double Blanket Pink or> blue border-, weUl fin"sed. Right fr-om the factory- ând juat wheft you need it- Can 8 you beat lt for ... ............ q GROCERIESý Prepacd' Buckwheat. new lot of the famous Oriolp,>Brand lj uiîP#g.................. 12c Fresh lot Noue Such Mince Meat. pkg ...............I1 Oc BEHCH NUT BEANS AND IPEANUT BUTTER ALL SIZES GOLD MEDAL FLOUI R Son Tri our WANT AD COLUMM it ls effective. I. 4 i 4 ~- 4 i 4 b 4 - 4 * 4 I f f I I f 'f f f ý t

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