Staley Unio.n Suits Stale * unionî suifs are eut to be perfect fit- t iig toumcii. Tlîev have set flic style. for al meni's aunionî suif s, Stalev s designer heing flic first mîan fo eut a safisfaeforuý- garnîclît. Par- ticalar mrn take pride in §talev goods -for if is- so safisfaefory in fit Anîd comforf. Satisfaction insured because eare is faken fo have ecdi gar- iment perfect in every way. GOct one and sce. Staley Singe-Geicrments - Tlu L.iî ares 1 tulîci anîd longer thanî miî*y oflier iander-car. If is knit te fit, not stî'efeled to euver.- The garients are ail knit- fe<-not w-oi-ea. 2lah' flic sanie as our grand-- iuithers made t lt-rn wlîcî doue bhaîîd. -That is wh-v te shape is aiwau-s fhiere f(s insure last- iîîg eonîfort. I oiar'e theý)aitieîilar kiuîd voîî ivi.l1 like Etalev ITifflrwear-and if pays to be paut iei la r. Belng amonq the oldest agents fer Staley, we buy direct from the factory. They- regulâte the retail price, and makc use te VOU et wholesalc. I 'i Staley Knitted Ail Staiey gonds are Knitted, flot woven. Made wlthout a seam, 'Iliere ia no iu'bbing or extra heft. 114 viilo nt draw or Jase shape. SirigIe Garmfents coÔlor-, flat, and can be had in any size for ..>$ 0 Nauin ber 104 shirt and drawers are of îîatural .0 Nunmier 119 shirt and (lrawers, inataral eolor, fat, eau te had with single or dloublle hreasted Mi shirt for...................................ej Shirts and drawvers number 219 are ail wool and of -.r'od weiglît, flat, of iiixed )lrtiwiI <ohui, an.%, ' g~le garinci'ts, rilibe<I, of a liglit gray color, SinlébrestdNo. W'45 for $1.25; doublé lircas-. No. W 67 of ail wool anîd gray Ihrovn color is , .5; one of fthc saine' eut No. W74, ail.w ai gray, aîiy N,,. WV84 ,ff#est silk àiMl wool garmient,......3.2 t'tlor, sonIie stripeil, any sizefo.........32 -No ()() t,1ai woOl shirts and dliawers of gray. flt weJ) a veri* fine garînent for liard wear,, speeial ... 00 \No. 127, al wool. flat wvch, with double hreasted shirt for $2.OO); single breasted shirt, sanie nan-, bei, for............................. 1.75 OVERSHIRTS FOR MEN 'se OUR ÀN L E>NN4At Begins Saturday, October 29th, and continues through- SaturdayNoveber5th Iiere's Proôf of Good Underwear M~nen want conîfortable ii derwear, underwear- fh.rt ivili wear, and fliaf is flot too higli priced. The Staley 'Manufacturing Comn- pany decided fo make their underw-ear Mca 's lJnderwear, to have if îîîeet everi- mie 6f fthe tlree req1uirelfl('tfs. The qualify is flic hest for fthe îoney fo be fouaiid, and ail inca nwlîo have worn Sfaley îîiîdrý'ear have foutît a frienît. eI(ýit'tof flic garniieîts is jasf riglit for a man's figure, there is no slidiîîg or wrinkling. Always tighit and-perfect fitting, because fliere are lio scanîs. 3staley UnIon SUitS* for Men $ ,5 fr uie 872,' rnen's union suit in any i, $250orNuxnribbed and of a& Iglt gray eolor. for Number 905, better material, wool luit. ribbed aud a light gray color. for Naîîber 880, ail ah w-ool union suif, f Jus is a very dependable garîntu, liglît gray in coloî'. for Nuinher 923, thle best ail wool union suit foi- meîn, very heavv, or i inmedium weight. for Number 927, a veny fine garaient of silk antd wool, as perfeet as cau lie made. OVERSHIRTS FOR MEN for overshirt Nunîber 624, a very hieavý nmater- - l anid tflkind f lut wears, hhîie, sinîgle breasf. for oî-ershii't Niiîier 512 of a uixed gi-ai- oloî-, - * ulainî Singlehvsfdad very strong. for oi-rsliit'f Niiiir- 225, black wifh sînal i ~5 whitec(dots, iade good anîd full. 2.75 for ovcî-shirt No 11, this shirt is of (likoeai ie afnav. foi- Nainer 1411, iii plainî hhuek, e î-cry Ilîavy. We Holve Sizes On Iland To Fit Any Man Thiis stor-elhas a largeî- stock of uinder- weai-fhiami aiy ini Waukegaîî, every size ap4j (Ie-rs- huii of gai-ment, andt he- are ail Stal - eY. Not once siîîee we liav-e eîî-îieil tiese finie gar-ints lias there been a couiplaint as frr qualifv. Tlîat is one olf 'ue cSolWrîe SfaleY. Staley Uîîdcrwear arc goods wc are p)ioiid ttr scîl and w-e kiîrruî-iouw-ould he pleased ta wear them.* Wc cauî fit yGu in lust a few mioments satisfactorily.- Order at once., N.12double liieasted, brow- î5;----.25e)g N.9,single breasfed-... $2....75; mý. We Have Sizes On IIand To Fit Any Man Beginoing Saturday, October 29th 'and'continuîng through ýaturday, November 5, We -Cefebrate Oùur Annual Harvest Salé o» yov oumrvs vhie,, 1 Ia.~ ie aimmeiiateiy enhese, Leper tol timsse ve -mmde te im biy tbemiv.-su *" flem Mteda u i a u t or tk*ue. Thse uokaee an diffeeut rousuitive la no less dangerous ta aur coinnunity, and tise sane liv that *andies tise leper could h. îpplIei tg tht. Clas.. You may say tisaitise arguments Mnay b latabie for a City - 1k . cago or Nov York, but tisai nus sueis conditions exlst la tise unaller ciii. and villages. lu tht. 1 beg té differ. Under my ovan persons\i observation lu a cty of soin. 16.000 camne one ceue of à. man visa deciared ho did nfot have tubercuiosis snd tisai If iso did have it ho wanted ta eolofI to"e. Ho usssd 5noprecautions. and utten requested la-do ao saidlhe vauhi fot use tissu, la tisai City tiser. vue ho ordînauce tb handie suris cases. - Dur- lag Mny vimit heosot on tise Ioor three monthe later. Tise vite had veil de- times aud a baise crept tisrough thie velopel WCipieat tubercusiosie, as diii aPittie to his aide. The vite, emaci- tise 9-7ear-ohd boa ris.he uttle girl of sted and tlit, Uved ln tht, environ- 2 and tise littie boy of 7 reted ta tise msent, witie a itlte boy of 9 and au- tubercuWa tut. Otiser o!.? vere torcedtta ilve la this a tmaot« ise'oty of 3,&M0iniabitants isome viltiste remilta tisa on exant- a tatier vs. 50ud la tise lait stage "ution tse ma vas fouad ta bo a o! loberauo.ho, bs lv boombn litise far-advaaced caee.and died a few honte wvitistvao hildren aai bis vite More Proof of Good Underwear For the last 1 5 years we have had the sole agency' for the STALEY UNDERWEAR. Thousands upon thpusands of gar- ment s have gone ouf froîn here to thle rneîî ail over this - county. The remarkable thing is that miot one of these mnen bas coine back ;D2 wif h a eorplaint-They Always Corne Baek foir MORE. In al 11w xears of making, tlie qualitv lias not ehauged, if von had a suit fiaf w-as j ist riglit ive or ten years a go, order it again now, and_ *on v iifiid if the.sane. The quali y is the betitan be made. irîil f--r vourseif by seeiîg fthe Staley goods. for nomete io yemr., Biace that Se bau dled, tise vite bas been a patient lu aur Institution, tise baise vils tu- bercuis, glands la nov ln thse Lake Bluff:orpisanage, aud tise littho girl et 0 ta being treated at tise lvauston isospitai for curvaisure a! tisea£Pis. Dr. .ulius B. itansous, pisyictan o! tise Clintan iprison, New York, reminds Un of another Phase et this Q"etii. He clamtbsetat la the United t"a there le snnualiy 100,000 prisoners dischsrged front penalIinstitutions, and that of thegie 26 lier.cent have nome degree dl! tuhercular Infection. ln other varda, 25,000, tubercular ex- criminals are thrown amnn the pub. lie annuaiiy and are scattered throughout the country, a large par. cent of which live. ln unoanitary con- ditions regardies5- of their personai neeis and olten hoarding a feeling of hostiiity te society. This ennuel hast of isifected Individuels has lnalie pow- er to propagate and spread thse di#- ease ta an Incalculable degree, hiding as ihey Oftens do frrnm the offiers af the lav, living lnsecetions of large eities where health conditions are fa-, varahie ta the deveiopment of tuher- cuIDOis. They coustitute a menace ta thse social order tnnequaiied hy BIXy oDther clas. Such patients lu my opinion shouid he put on parole, and If they viii net carry out proper pre- cautions ta prevent thse siîread of their disease they should be transferred ta a sanitarlum or Isoiating tarin where tbey can be und6r close observation, taking from them as Ilttie liberty as possible but aet the same time Isolat- Ing them for tise sai<e of public safety. Throughout the United States we. ail know of tathers anti mothers giv- lng nip the privileges of their homes, of young men andwomen giving ni) thclr lpositions and entering sanitpri- Oms as murs for thse sakie of lrevent- Ing athers of their fanîliiy f rom con- tracting the diseuse ans for tise salin of cure, If su-h eacrifl'-e lanmade hy the careful tubercuier are we amking tue muci te enfarce surhit solation upont the careless ad indifferent tui- berr-uiar? 1!is lo t alone for-thesake of tihe aiti af the home star for thse caminunty. but it ta' for the whole population that we pieai for govern- mental controi of the consum;>tii-e where sanitary measures cannot lie carried out without suris control. As Il weii known. the disease le generaiiy founti amang tiée îoorer rias. Wouid It lot be vise for ail of aur anti-iuberculoels sanitarfumi ln Illinois te have a departotent for handiing surht cases on espectlliy charitable lines? it han been our ririvilege et the Lake Caunty Tuber- culosis Institute to carry on same ex- leriments ln the isandiing o! tbis clans snd vlth gondi satisfaction. i ainstructed by our directors te say that. shouid further experirnents be desired. we viii co-perate ta the ex- tent of aur Mnssln furtiser expert- ment& or plans ili order that we may. at the itroirer tire., more practicaiiy Introduce. surisMthilode ln other in. sntitutions. Te sm uren, i wouiti say the aide ta tise contrai a!ft-areiesiq and indifferent consumptit-es are as Important as that ta rontrol the murderer, the sui. ride, or tise thief. Tisat tise means of contrai are: (1) Comîînisory 1ev for reports and registration of cases of tuhercuiosîs. (2) Thse careful folio,,- u1p Meihod hy s visiting nurse under the contrai of tise boardi of heaith for tise salie of protection of thse people farced ta assoriate witis ihese con- etiniptivesq. (3) Conspulsory siegrega- tien in <case inspertiou sudinvestiga- tions shows the rOnumptîve ta beiong te tise cias referreti tu inib tis paper. (4) The place of IsolainMus! be as health-producing as possible. (5) The 25.000 tubercuiar ex-Irisqoners an- nuaiiy set alloat ln the United States shouid he kept underobservation, and in case they vilii flt use iraver measures ta prevent tise spread of tiseir digstse theY, ton, .sould ho Iso- iated at anc-h an Institution. (6) This class is flot soiei,- founf ln thse great cities, but may he found ln any hamiet or fannd ln a country homne. (7) We are flot asking ioo mucis ta dtcmand isolation of this chas. (S) The establisment of experiment sta- tiens aupporte,i by the state. With- Out sucb fressures aur battie line against the great wvhite piague la he- Ing fianked te suris au exWent tisa!we cannat hope for victory. Red C('nb POutrYFood lius Inrreased the flow ot eggm and tise fiesti of ci-Pcv fiat-k O!f<hickens vherein it I9 ted. Try l;t. Soid by LiirItîTyVîrLî.E LVAîsEiu Ce. e-4-2 Capi. *Bogardus Again is the Bull'a Eye Tihis vorid remous ritle sua! Whro hoide tise rhampic.usup record of lo00 pigeons ta 100 ronstecutive . hots is liviga"'Lineoin, Ili. Recentiy inter. viswed, Se @a@: », suffered a long tinte with kidiey and hiatider trouble and usent several Weil knawu kiney- Medicines ail uf wviic gave me yorle natl i1 starts.d takiug Foiey lçiduey Pis. liefure I -Mient Foey Kidney Pille 1 had severs hackacheu aud pains in uay kidueys vitit aupprmeion sud a danudy voidlug. 0 n rsiug9 in the. norniug i vOuintgel duli iseadachise. Nov i[have taken ibree hotties of Foisy Kiriuey Pil and fel lion ppr cent Setter. i an, nover hothored« vitS My kiducys or biadder and egain festel ie My awn Uaâerwear'fr o MostSatsfactoi yKind M ade d*STALEY) WESTERN MADE" WOOL UNDERwEA1. OVERSIIRTS m.~Q - 1t40. Staley Overshirts Staley overshirts are of a very u perior quallty. One cannot buy the materiais of which these shirts are made for the price Of thse made ujp shirt. 3.00 3.25 .6*00 1.00 r« ge l" 77 . 1 -1 - 1